Syrian refugee with no hope/opportunity literally tries to kill himself by being run over by a train

just a reminder that this world is a fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

just read those comments, truly a sad realization that the rhetoric of the right has crushed us. hopefully we will go out in a nuclear war at least and the world won't just become super facist

"I reckon he was just feigning the despair routine because his application for asylum got rejected and he thought the pathetic, bleeding heart traitorous liberals of Austria would be swayed by such a scene into lobbying the authorities on his behalf."

this is on a video of a dude trying to kill himself. trying to end his own life

"I don’t think FOR ONE SECOND that he actually tried to kill himself. They know that the tram drivers are pussies and just stop the tram. He just wanted to create an incident to get sympathies. That’s all it is, just like the Gypsies have their little charades to make people give them more money."

Yeah, it's pretty sick to be happy about refugees dying. They're right about them not belonging in Europe though. Refugees should take refugee in the nearest country not in war. Not in the country most comfortable for them.

these are people trying to escape a war to build a future for themselves. do you blame them for wanting to start new lives in germany/france/ect?
we are the ones who started the de-stabalization of ba'athist iraq and syria with our wars there anyway, it is entirely our fault we killed saddam hussein

half of /leftpol/ is alt-right + loose communist rhetoric so there won't be a lot of sympathy here.

And at least one suffers from massive retardation.

you people are fucking morons
they toss babies at the border guards, they have no honour and no fucking souls

Ive seen somalians walk in front of oncoming traffic and when the cars screech to stop and not kill them they laugh and swear and sometimes throw shit at the car that almost killed them
they dont care if they die they're thick
they're no different from the junkie injecting krokidil into their legs even though its rotting the flesh away
they just dont care

Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran

they dont want a new life
they want welfare and a legal system that lets them rape and steal and get away with it because they're 'refugees'
its Americas fault
it has fuck all to do with Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Slovakia, Serbia, Poland, Hungary or Bulgaria
but these are the countries where these parasites are flowing into and all they want is free money and pussy you can rape without having your hands cut off under sharia law or having to pay a fine

Are you serious? Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey are already crammed with refugees. The reason they're coming to Europe just now is because they ran out of place in the refugee camps over there.

I quite simply don't agree that the common population have any kind of responsibility for what the elite of a country does or has done. The common people of europe shouldn't have to suffer under all the negative consequences of islamic immigration (increased crime, islamisation, demands for the tolerance of backwards social norms, ghettos etc.) because of the stupid foreign policy of the western elites.


the other half is just bait from Holla Forums. This place could have been good without those.

Saudi Arabia has 3 million air conditioned tents for refugees sitting empty in their shithole
and why are they crammed with refugees anyway?
the middle east has no industry, barely enough agriculture to feed itself
why do the muslims breed so much when theres nothing to do but fight over scraps of resources?
they arent refugees they're just tired of eating rice and sultanas for every meal but they sure as shit arent going to bother learning a new language, abandoning the concept that women and children are property or adopting a new culture in order to integrate just because you give them money
when they got cold they gave them blankets, tents and coats
they burned the tents, coats and blankets as fuel for their fires then rioted because they were cold again
open your fucking eyes you close minded american cunt
you dont understand or see half the shit happening in Europe right now, its a fucking nightmare
the only safe spaces left in Europe are the ones reserved for the capitalist oligarch elites

You guys expected anything better from a gore site?

Dude those are from a fucking gore site, which is 90% edgelords, stormfags and Holla Forumstards. Of fucking course they're being shitheads about that, but it's not representative of anything.

1,265,000 refugees

1,500,000 refugees

420,000 refugees

You do have a point there

fuck off

It's pointless to blame Syrian refugees for not going to places like Israel or the Gulf states, because those countries don't accept refugees. If I'm a refugee and I'm thinking of where I can go, telling me "well Israel and Saudi Arabia don't have any refugees why don't you go there" is helping no one.

you're missing the point where 1 million of the refugees in Jordan and Lebanon are Palestinian
the Middle East and Africa are emptying into Europe all for socialised healthcare, welfare money and hedonistic pleasure
they bring with them record numbers of diseases especially HIV
some of them come from countries with no legal system and no judiciary or police like somalia
they have no concept of law and order
the vast majority of them are sunni islam, the most backwards, dark age and violent version of islam
they rape, they steal, they get drunk and assault people
this will not be solved with altruism or multiculturalism
Europe is weak and decadent and a few million angry savage men from third world shitholes with nothing to lose and no moral compass looking to take anything they get their hands on is bad
there are a few genuine refugees among the masses though
like the christians the islamic refugees throw out of their boats and drown in the Mediterranean
or the christians the islamic refugees reduce to the status of slaves in their camps and pass around the children like fuck toys


do you hear me lampooning immigration from China? from India? from Thailand? from Malaya? from Singapore?
you cant use the le racists meme on me friendo
even Stalin knew how to deal with people who cant integrate into his new society
you cant polish a turd and call it an eclair

fucking tram drivers amirite


( ° ʖ °)

Active participants in wars and propping up dictatorships all over the origin countries of those refugees
Leaders or subjects in unions and alliances of the most cancerous, imperialist flavour.

Regardless of their stance on the refugee issue, all those countries have been directly implicated or profited from spreading destruction and instability in those places.

You didn't mention Greece, which has been conveniently thrown under the bus, seeing as they're subhuman anyway, right?

thanks for bumping this shit thread, cunts


None of that is true, or you must water it down to include the entire third world aswell.

How many third world countries bombed Libya?

Nice bump, snowflake. We were all losing sleep without hearing your opinion.


they want welfare and a legal system that lets them rape and steal and get away with it because they're 'refugees'

Tbh only Holla Forums would be stupid enough to claim to know he motivations of millions of people they've never met.

what people on the internet think, and what people in the world think are totally different. These mongoloids are revealing their true identities, but in society the majority of people still conform to liberalism, or hide in it.

Well spooked friend.

The commies?

"Hitler will save europe from islam :D"



I don't see the problem here.

Why do you care about refugees who you don't even know? What do they do for you except inconvenience your life? Are you a christian or something?

damn I bet the guy in that video has seen some shit

But this is wrong. Majortiy of refugees are young men.

Just remember that YOU did this left/pol/. 20 years of shutting down and shouting down your opposition, happy to use the tools of the state and even siding with the worst elements of the new liberal left against anything you perceive as rightwing. The term you're looking for is backlash and it will only get worse.


Being this spooked.

Back to yer cage >>>Holla Forums

or even better take this one way ticket to Siberia. >>>/gulag/

Why are pirate posters so unfunny and repetive? Do you all suffer from brain damage?

Are you some 14 year old that still watches pirate cartoons?

And I do support harsher measures against the massive overflow of refugees.
If you think that absorbing millions of refugees into the EU economy will have no effect, it will overwhelm the social safety net, there will be less jobs for the locals, as corporations will love having desperate people accept lower wages for shit work.

Like in Canada, our idiot PM is obsessive about taking in as many refugees as possible, ignoring that our unemployment rate will skyrocket.


Not An argument.

Top kek.

Wew lad, either you are extremely stupid or the Refugees are constructing really large vessels.


Why do you care about workers who you don't even know? What do they do for you except inconvenience your life by competing with you on the market? Are you a christian or a commie or something?

The problem is that "silent majority" prefers their comfort above everything else (could even be said this is the reason why they're "silent") so they're not willing to do shit. They don't care as long as it doesn't affect them.

As much as I hate sounding like a liberal, do you literally lack any sort of empathy toward others? It is LITERALLY NO DIFFERENT from when rightcucks mock native citizens of the same race for being poor and suicidal.

If you are so apathetic toward others' plights, yet expect us to care about "social cohesion" or some other race fetish meme, you must be some kind of absolute narcissist that you think reality itself must bend to your convenience. If that's not a defect that needs to be chlorinated out of the gene pool, I don't know what is.

Half of Germany was part of the USSR until the nineties, you goalpost moving faggot.

No excuses.

This sounds like rational self-interest to me.

blindly clamoring for comfort until shit hits the fan isn't very rational

whereas inviting with open arms those who will take your jerb is?


exactly, in what fucking manner were you raised to see a nuclear war as "hopeful"
i bet you're a millean that hasn't put any effort on working your ass off, i bet you're so fucking lazy you wait for another sick fuck to do the dirty job of killing our human race.

literally a political ikea effect


How about that guy explains to me how it is more in the self interest of the majority of people not to try protect their job? If that's not what he was suggesting then perhaps he could clarify his position.

Because these same people ardently defend the same system that is making their labor fruitless to begin with. They are banking on long term suffering to abate short term inconvenience.

If they opposed the status quo entirely, nobody would be taking their job to begin with.


Okay, let me put it a different way: immigration is halted, they are fucked. Immigration is continued, they are fucked.


no. bullshit. I and many others would happily endure short term pain to halt this machine.

who is they here? And how are they fucked if the current trends continue, considering (If I follow) {{{they}}} are pushing for more of {{{it}}}

Opposing refugees, mass immigration and the islamization of Europe is not in conflict with opposing capitalism.


Don't go and fetch the Swedish ones from when they redefined rape and started a campaign to encourage reporting, either.

Is crime rates in general being much higher among refugees supposed to be a controversial thing.


if you love refugees so much why don't you get down on your knees and start sucking them off you bearded nu-male beta cuck

Nice tripdubs. I would actually like to hear about refugees killing, raping, eating or making clothes out of their hosts. I'm skeptical since muh sweden is normally thrown in when someone is having a bullshit.

Neat, I think I've got a folder for this

wow get a load of this alpha male



See that there rape and plundering of orderly european society? You wanted this leftcucks. Never forget that.

They will show your granmammy no empathy when their halal dick is all they way inside her bro

Firstly, newfag, we can upload five pics at a time here. Secondly, I clearly didn't want your vanilla as fuck everyday Daily Mail outrage porn. I want them committing necrophilia, cannibalism and wearing the skins of their victims to claim their social security cheques.


Jeez, talk about moving the goalposts/

I'm not though you silly faggot. I replied to someone talking about necrophilia and your underaged brain decided to truly shock me with some bland shit any adult would be unphazed by.

Huh and I thought the point you were (incorrectly) making was that the rapfugees tag was ill deserved. As you appear to accept this as the fact it is though, I apologise.


Kek exactly

The denial is strong in this one.

This is how a person who knows they're wrong argues. It happens a lot round these parts.

This is how a person who knows they're wrong argues. It happens a lot round these parts.

left/pol/ has truly mastered the art of 'drag uncomfortable topics onto more familiar talking points and rehash'. These talking points include

Really, these would make a more relevant FAQ.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Read the string of replies properly you pompous little cunt.

Yea I'm sure you care just as much about the thousands who commit suicide every year.

Oh wait, you don't, you just want to score some PC points to show how much better you are than everyone else.

I did. This guy
was the one who started spregging about necrophilia to deflect from the fact that refugees and migrants in general commit crime above national averages.

Read the string of replies properly you pompous little cunt.

yeah yeah whatever. Your tactic is painfully obvious. That I called you on it seems to have triggered you pretty hard.

Have you ever wondered that maybe when everyone is calling you a stupid faggot they may not be le trigger maymay'd, but you may just be a stupid faggot?

Yeah, stupid faggot with my probIamatic facts. sucks4u.

Make up your mind, user.

What is the news site?

I obviously don't defend rapes, I just don't like it when fascists use this to gain power.

Mostly right wing tabloids. There is a conspiracy of silence in the more liberal leaning papers. Here's RT and a French local reporting on the Calais one.

Do you think trying to brush the issue under the carpet is the correct, decent or sensible response?

Were we mentioned in a Sargon of Akkad vid or something?

Dunno what you think you've won on. That I couldn't find a news article about necropaedophilia? Congratulations I guess.

This so much. Leftists will stoop to any low to deflect and smudge the debate so that their precious halal sharia law pushers can rape and freely destroy any culture they get their hands on.

It's not like you don't deserve it

Do you seriously expect people who watch gore sites to have empathy?

Is it some kind of American school holiday this week?

Please, do explain how massive inmigration ISN'T helping raise the crime and rape levels in Europe. Maybe then you can be taken seriously.

Nobody in the thread has claimed that except you pretending others have, repeatedly.

You're making a complete fool of yourself, stop pretending to be retarded/being retarded.


That indy article though…

talk about playing fast and loose.

So that's what, under a million people at time of publishig, 1.2% or so comitting 3.6% of sex crimes? And somehow this is insignificant? And it gets better. Also from that article,

So working around all teh loose language and weasle words, lets assume the 'under 1 per cent' includes fugees and illegals too.

1688 sex crimes. under 1% total crimes. total crimes for 2015 by migrants, fugees and illegals at least 168,800. Under a million (at time of writing) fugees and migrants = offending rate of over 10%.

Then what's this guy?

That's that guy that repeatedly asked for a source on the necrophilia story with even the person who said it originally apologising to him for being wrong before you spent an hour trying to strawman something else from the convo, how autistic are you?

The other guy is a Trot and you deserve to be getting dragged into a debate with him tbh. If I was a vol I'd be banning you for being so obviously underage because of your tenuous grasp on the English language. You're probably going to have a bit of a cry and call me triggered for saying that and start replying to yourself when I don't give you another You, so have fun being dumb as dicks.

what an absolutely shit argument, whats the point of me using sources to back up my point if you're going to disregard evidence?