Post examples of Jewish Selective Crypsis
and examples of Enforced Jewish Crypsis
Post examples of Jewish Selective Crypsis
and examples of Enforced Jewish Crypsis
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More where this came from.
If you're autismo about organization, JSC 01 and JSC 02's filenames need to be edited to put the handles and names of these (((Whites)))
I thought it only fair to give credit where it's due
Here's just Kasher. You could consider JSC 23 a separate example because of that Serch fag.
This is what I mean about Enforced Jewish Crypsis, btw.
Not Jews claiming to be white, but Jews claiming to be Arabs and the (((Saudi royal family))) who uses Wahhabism/Salafism to spread their kike ideology
Translated Iraqi intelligence document that gives a detailed summary about the origin of the Saudi royal family and Wahhabism "The Birth of Al-Wahabi Movement and Its Historical Roots", PDF document btw
These either need
I've heard about this before but only as a rumor.
(((white just like you)))
Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.
If anything the recent cooperation is even more proof that its not just a rumor
oyyyyyyyy veyyyyyy
I'm skimming through it, and I'm amazed how they are able to pack (((narratives))) within (((narratives))) in such a short article.
Interesting, will read.
I still find it weird that people don't take these maniacs seriously.
Nice. Tbh I also thought of making a compilation of such caps of kikes pretending to be White, but somebody already did it better than me.
The Kurds are another group that is an ally of the Jew and tries to hide their real origins
Kurds outside of Iran are a meme and a completely artificial group that only started to exist significantly in Syria/Iraq within the last 150 years, prior to 1917 and even during the forming of the Iraqi state Kurds were practically nonexistent and those in Iraq were transplants from Iran unrelated to the current Arabized shitskins, Kurds only came to Syria after the Armenian genocide and are still actively displacing Christians
ISIS was plan A and the Kurds are plan B on how to achieve neutralizing Syria for the benefit of Israel
Also an example of Kurd wewuzzery
Assyrian Christians specifically
Pic related, Kurds openly cooperating with the FSA/(((Free Syrian Army))) which is an Al-Nusra affiliate. The FSA contains mostly Islamist rebels that want full Sharia law and also contains Nour al-Din al-Zenki which was a US vetted "moderate rebel" group and one of the groups supplied with TOW missiles that beheaded a 9-12yo child that was suspected of being loyal to Assad
Kurdish flags, SDF and FSA flags are all clearly visible before they launched a joint operation, the SDF is a mostly Kurdish group btw
One of the former FSA commanders became a SDF advisor as well
dubs checked
saved everything, thanks
Danke. I am always looking for more examples.
Caught a fresh one.
Wait, that was meant to be JSC_32
This is JSC_33
JSC_04 improved
Thanks pahtnah.
Let them speak for themselves
This is one of my favorite videos, and not just for the neurotic enunciation and the Hebrew thrown in, or the unironic self-reference as Yids, or even the curious subject matter of properly Halachic haircuts, but it demonstrates Orthodox Jewish thought on the matter of Jews vs. Whites.
have a bump!
After work I would like to pore through this and find some gems
many thanks for keeping this thread alive.
Fresh one
Also if anyone mentions pohlease shootings, look at their own data, and ask them to use the "justified/unjustified" dichotomy as opposed to the "armed/unarmed" dichotomy.
50, and 51!
Have a classic
An mp4 version: MAGNIFIQUE!
They literally say "How do you do, fellow white people?" Memes are real.
Oh yeah, and these are just confirmed ones. There are some "fellow whites" that I would bet my lungs on being tribesmen, but I couldn't find anymore background information.
3-D and I posting these as we find them. Preferably, they would be done in groups of 5.
This thread is GOLD.
Thanks m8, hope it aided in your educational efforts.
64 and 65, with an updated 54.
Good point. These sorts of dump threads are extremely valuable as it really points shows the effects of this outgroup on our own. Whether liberals admit it or not, they're still driven by tribalism, showing how gleefully and purposefully their people are being coopted helps cut the jew out of internal discourse and wakes people up that we are indeed under threat.
I'm beginning to think these kikes want to get holocaust'd
ahhhh… howbout an archive for that pdf mmmkay???
Much appreciated and agreed.
Updated 67. Here's a fresh 68, 69, and 70 as well.
Here's 66 with an updated narrative/angle.
I went to check her FB to check the veracity of Fair's "my family is poor" angle, but it was a fruitless endeavor.
Properly crediting JSC_07 and Hello Fellow White Man.mp4
Also, added JSC_71.
For some reason I swore I had saved 72 before.
Bumping for visibility, great thread!