So while creating a list of kike agents (people who only pretend to advocate for White interests but really aren't PURE...

So while creating a list of kike agents (people who only pretend to advocate for White interests but really aren't PURE enough because before they became "nationalists" they were something other than a PURE nazi like you) I discovered something very interesting. The best and brightest people of our race pointed out that anyone who even associated with a Jew in their entire life is actually not PURE enough to be counted among our ranks. This unfortunately includes every single person on earth who has ever (pretended) done anything IRL except Varg (though I'm sure if we looked into his history, we'd find something not PURE enough to satisfy our PURE standards.)

But what about Hitler? He associated with Jews and allowed non-Whites into the Wehrmacht and didn't wipe out European Jews when he had the chance. He didn't kill the Louis Rothschild when he could have and Hitler was related to Jews personally. Accepting Jews into the Wehrmact and associating with Jews makes Hitler tless of a Nazi than shills like Andrew Anglin and David Duke. So obviously it is time to toss him aside and become the PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE nazis that we really are.

Well, I of course men YOU yes you personally since every single person other than you is probably a kike agent including me, Hitler, Varg, and your own parents unless their entire family history is absolutely completely totally free from anyone who ever even met a Jew.

The less people who could even identify as one of us, the stronger we'll be.

You're a TRSodomite, we get it. Get killed.

TRSodomites are shills. Everyone is a shill.

I take it you're still asshurt about your gay podcasts?

Aww. You're really hurting my feelings by making wild claims. I've never been insulted on Holla Forums before, faggot. I'm really triggered rn

Call me a Jew instead. Or better yet just say I am a shill. Like you.

Hopefully the intelligent people here will understand.

I dunno. You seem pretty asshurt to me.

Hitler was a kike agent. Anyone 'popular' enough to make it mainstream is a Jewish operation. It's insane to think they'd ever let anyone remotely hostile to Jews ever grace their media.

I am crying right now.

See. Now that you're being honest we can get somewhere.

I love how butthurt you are. You're hilarious XD

See, the funny thing is you are in my thread whining and crying about nothing. What have you contributed to the preservation of our race? What in your entire life and I mean REAL LIFE, not Holla Forums have you done for our people? But please continue pretending that I care about your pathetic whining.

You don't even have to say anything, just point to where user Jimpacted you.

wew schlomo wew, calm down lad, have some kike assfuck, ok? Good.

no u

William Pierce is smiling at you from heaven. You are exactly what he had in mind when he though about the best of our people.

I know


You are not even trying you fucking sub-human.

I am crying so many tears it's amazing.

This is the vanguard of the White resistance.
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?

Of course. I am a kike shill like you and Hitler.

Most people probably get what this thread is about. You are here to virtue signal though.


You're kinda boring. The thread with that faggot whining about kampfy was more entertaining tbh.

This kind of reminds me of how niggers argue on Twitter. The make a dumb argument and then back it up with a gif of a nigger doing something.

William Pierce is smiling from heaven at you.




Oh no. My butt is so hurt right now that I am in tears


We know, you already told us earlier.

wft i love based jew now

Yeah, I already know that, you stupid kike faggot.

I know you know but what am I?

You are the best of our race. You are the best of our people.

Forgive my faggotry, I was troubled by the fact I am not a fat guy and I have never done a podcast to save the white race.

You are the best of our race. You are the best of our people.
You are the best of our race. You are the best of our people.
You are the best of our race. You are the best of our people.

And THIS is what our people have come to. Holla Forums will save the Hu-white race

lel, do you know what is funny?
That you're the best you kikes have to come with, literally just whining on your enemies because they're too mean.


I dunno you just said you were crying so probably that.

You can compliment me all you want but that's not gonna change how low energy you are.


You have already saved the Hu-White race by being a faggot on an anonymous board that is run by Jews anyway.


Keep saving the White race. You're better than Hitler by far.

Stay triggered Schlomo, the fact that you have nothing to come with except butthurt projection simply proves how pathetic you kikes really are.

So much projection.

Good thing you're saving the White race by being a faggot and pretending I give a shit about your problems.


And that my fellow Holla Forumsips is the best the kike has to come with, a "no u".

Don't get mad at me. You were the one that admitted to crying.

epic xDDD

That's because I really was crying and I am in awe of just how important and brave you are.

You're a laughingstock, you retarded shclomo.


I don't know what to say honestly. It just comes naturally to me.

Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew

Yeah, fuck purity God bless :DDDDDDD

Hey, check out this Schlomo, he's totally not triggerd at all!


You're an Aryan warrior of brilliant brilliance. In fact, the Jews have been defeated already. We win! Thank god we stayed in our basements and argued with people on Holla Forums

Is that HWDINDU?

If you say so

Sadly that picture is not far from the truth.

You're actually so great that the Jews have already been defeated. There are statues of you everywhere and if Hitler wasn't a kike shill, he'd smile at you too but unfortunately, Hitler wasn't as PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE as you are.

Truly the most shocking revelation of the decade.


in this thread: kike shills troll eachother

That's amazing tell me more.

Yes. And they all have something else in common, but it's a secret. They're all from Jew York

Nigger who're you calling a shill. I'm just shitposting.

You have been watching too much Murdoch Murdoch, you retard. Get some sleep and think deeply about everything you are writing.


You act like a schizo. There's no arguing with schizos.

What did you do to contribute to the preservation of the h'white race?

Why does this thread exists?

What's the thread about?