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Didn't even see the shit skin assault her, 6/10 vid
still good for the cause
Spaghetti are by nature redpilled and most of the attempts at getting them to be otherwise are usually ridiculed. The biggest problem though is that they're also really apathetic towards the whole thing, since it's physically impossible to get a true change in the govt (even though Salvini is the one sane man in this whole thing, he'd only achieve some Northern regions because of some commie states always voting for the left leaning candidate and the South hating the Northern League party for obvious reasons).
By the way if there's any pizzaposters, >>>/ita/ is the go-to board for us (the /italia/ mod is a faggot left with a dead board because he only wants his own political opinions represented on it).
I bet that she's still going to continue to shill for diversity, only this time from safe location
holy shit lol!
If this shit happened on something like the (((BBC))) despite the reporters going far out of their way to cherrypick the one migrant that wouldn't attack them, they would instantly cover it up and go to something like some bullshit tabloid "news" section.
This is actually really good for us, Straight from the Spaghettis nonetheless.
fucking lol
sure, the last redpilled country despite of THE politicians. It will not last long, eventually in 10 years after all the propaganda we will end up like the others cucked 1st world countries, but it's not the time yet.
c'mon man , everything they churn out is edited to hell and back to make sure you see exactly what they want
That would be Eastern Europe. Your country is fucked
have you ever talked to an italian? I rally think you don't.
quoting myself
Actions speak louder than words. You literally allow rapefugees to fuck you and your country
Politicians allow this because they are the EU watchdogs. People doesn't give a shit about that and the right wing parties are starting to arise.
People throws stones at rapefugees, burn down gypsies camp and make barricates against new refugees camps. Go search youtube, i don't have time for this.
Are you sure, you aren't forgetting something. Might begin with a "H" or with a "P".
wew lad, despite NGOs and traitorous politicians importing a massive amount of subhumans news of rapes and assaults are nowhere near as common as the UK, Germany or Sweden most of the population resent the (((refugees))) despite full blown propaganda 24/7, we are in much better shape compared to the rest of western Europe but the situation is not good by any means
Too many anons have unironically believed (((hollywood propaganda))) about Sicily. It's disgusting. I'm grateful to see somebody spreading the truth.
All the north Italians I know call Sicilians niggers or Triarri? Or something like that? They say it means mud people. Italians dont think much of sicilians either.
Lol they are even worse then the frogs or krauts.
i bet she puts ketchup on pasta too
Are you sure about that? Just watch the normal italian tv networks. About 2 or 3 days a week there are tv programs at 9 pm, in the first 5 or 6 canals, where people and politicians talk about how much immigrations is a bad thing, with interviews at real people where even the white immigrants from eastern Europe are criticized.
Don't assume that real Italians are like american italians.
You mean Terroni, that means "people who work in the camps". It was used when in the 60's people from the south emigrated in the north to work in the industries. It's like when amercans call the southern rednecks.
No, Italian Americans are the least deracinated demographic of white people in America.
the choise is yours
Actually, it's debatable. What's "white" for you? It's a shitty term, in fact.
I'll post those two images and let you guys decide.
Arabs are the "Bedouins".
It's easy to bait you italians into the race myth. For countries with similar mixed ancestry like russia, hungary, finland, austria, romania, spain, france, czech republic, balts it's not that easy.
That cutie should be at home raising the bambinos not fucking patrolling for Niggers to interview at night.
Man at 1:19 looks pretty black to me fam.
Buh…buh… muh fuck havin' laws…
Hitler said they were white. That's all I need.
i don't think so. unless we have at least ten years of good economy ahead of us we don't, further unrealistic propaganda will only make our distrust toward the system (which was already monumental to begin with) greater.
well no,in fact the latest big diatribe is about people almost unanimously asking for stand your ground kind of laws (we had cases of people who had to refund thieves for injuries they received while robbing them, or people having to answer for kidnapping the thieves for locking them in a room while waiting for the police) and all the government came up with after two years of works was some ridiculous change about defending oneself "during night time".
if we could vote about it, niggers would be gone.
if we could vote about it, we could defend ourselves in our homes and businesses.
if there is proof of democracy being a sham is these two things. there is a clear, overwhelming popular consensus over these two issues and yet, our democratic governments persevere in doing the opposite in the name of (((our european values))).
On average, every regional Italian hates other regions' Italians, Terroni (the Southerners) are widely hated in the North, the South hates people coming from Lombardy and Piedmont specifically, the people from the Islands hate Romans and Romans hate everyone else. Everyone hates Tuscany and all the people in Tuscany hate each other so much annual horse races determine which town must be the most hated.
Normies aggressively ignore things like this. Fuck, look at what the fucking cucks in France just did. They could broadcast these assaults live every fucking day and 80% of the population would still just stare blankly and make #refugeeswelcome and #notallmuslims tags on twatter.
It's like some sort of mass hysteria or brainwashing, and whatever it is, it's highly effective. If blacks, illegal beaners, and muslims are being needlessly imported, and then proceed to rape and kill people by the thousands and they still can't be made to see reason, I don't know what else can be done to save decent civilization.
Here's an MP4, even better
Using the term "white" outside of the context of separating native Europeans and those who aren't is retarded because everybody has a different idea of what a true "white" is. I have heard people seriously has that redheads with green eyes aren't white. What standard are you setting for being white?
I should add that some of the best things about 8/pol/ is no flags so no one is flinging shit at each other for being in a certain country and the lack of "you're not white" D&C faggotry. The quality of this board is declining fast. I only wonder how long it's going to take for people to start posting cuck porn.
They try. Mods are pretty quick with finding ways to stop them but regardless most don't bother due to them being willing to temporarily ban proxies and tor.
It's lacking in low quality content, but not quality content. Perhaps not relevant, but you can help with that you know.
a small portion of the moors were saharan african. like 8-10%. most were berber or phoenician stock.
local copy of the video.
This is a dog bites man story. Do Italians even give a shit? If they do, instead of complaining about politics they need to start patrolling the streets with broomsticks. Put out some women with cameras to flush out the animals then beat them to death in self defense.
Direct action is the only solution now. The EU will not allow Italy to be the masters of their own destiny via political process.
Can you explain what statistic is being represented on these graphs? The unlabeled axes aren't helping.
always knew riker was a fag
It's a principal components analysis. The data are dived into orthogonal dimensions that represent the greatest signals is the data. Usually dimension 1 counts for the most variability in the data, followed by dimension 2 and so on. It's a good way to identify clustering within a dataset, as points that are near each other in ways that mater will tend to cluster together. This plot shows that the most important dimensions upon which these genetic data vary can be used to clear show clustering in line with racial grouping. The points are all calculated first, then they are colored using knowledge of each subjects race; the clustering does not explicitly take race into account, it just turns out this way because race is the most important signal in genetic data.
is there now enough footage for a gex : europe crumbles 2.mp4 ?
ya right
he ment Hungary and Poland, retard.
clearly haiti and panama
We've got a live one
You can both be mudblooded mongrels, don't worry.
Instead even the dumbest Mudslime can practice some sweet sweet taqiyya here. Is that really better?
The Bavarian phenotype is pure Aryan White.
Anecdotal, but had a college professor straight from Italy, and he was defenitely red pilled.
Would mention in class how "the minorites" (his words) are not capable of good work and he was extremely proud of the fact he was Italian. He was an art professor too nonetheless.
That hosts name is Nicola Porro. Does he trip anyone else's gaydar? Burger here, hard to tell with someone from other parts of the world.
it doesn't take much. watch some italian television, maybe something where large crowds are shown or people from the street are asked their two cents. that's what italians look like.
That has to be a sockpuppet account MSNBC made up just to take that screenshot. Actual Trump supporters don't give half a fuck about Russia.
Even without the edit, that looks like the jews assaulting the romans.
Please remake pic 3 with DeNiro removed. Awesome actor, but the election really showed what a huge pussy he is. I realize that one shouldn't listen to celebs about anything, but he was in your face about Trump. Fuck DeNiro. Heard he's a total prick on set too.
what in the fuck
Muslims did a number on them. Its no secret that the parts that managed to be within the Holy Roman Empire(Germania) are the only parts with Roman bloodline remaining.
The truth is thT it was Muslim territory for centuries, and most of the Christian population was abducted and raped into nonwhiteness.