Is it just me, or has TempleOS creator Terry A. Davis been unusually based lately? I don't just mean acts of public racism (vid 1) or embodying the /r9k/ dream (vid 2); more like, I feel the whole world is going through some kind of shift or awakening, and Terry is at the vanguard.
Is he /ourguy/?
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He's mentally ill user. He's more of a insane genius than a shit eating retard but he's still mentally ill. He's probably a legit example of somebody who got mindfucked beyond repair by spooks (the government kind, not the leftycuck meme).
You thought he was just being a schizo when he said he was commissioned by God to build the Third Temple?
Reminder that C++ is for niggers according to the word of God
Hes schizophrenic but a good lad.
Afterall he exposed the CIA niggers before any of us (;
I don't think he's jewish a freemason or a zionist
So he won't be getting Holla Forumss support anytime soon then…
Terry is a pure soul.
didn't know he was still living with his parents.
blackarch unix is my flavor
with that said
checked for truth
You stupid nigger of course he couldn't calculate it, he realized it was both zero and infinity and therefore a paradox, at that point he stopped himself, unlike you who wallows at a lower level of niggerdliness.
Sometimes I wonder if he is a psyop aimed at us
Go out more goyims, or you end like me
But then I realize I'm too paranoid, he is our guy.
Terry is incredibly intelligent, outside and above the spectrum most of us exist within. Terry also has a schizophrenia like condition, possibly inflicted upon him during his time working with the CIA. I don’t see any evidence that he concerns with our struggle although he is well aware of and has no problem talking about the inequalities of man.
Terry thinks on a different level, I’m not a sycophant and nor to I try and deny his obvious mental issues (I wish he was in a more stable state for his own happiness) but nonetheless I believe he thinks on the God level.
This is so fucking old time C coder, in the 90ies it was basically war. The old timers refused C++, even though how much it eased in part reuse x 6million already then+++
I haven't watched all his shit, but a lot. He actually have quite some good points here and there, but far apart lol.
Sometimes I wonder if he misses the
kek… anyhow misses the late 80ies early 90ies, and coding back then, when you basically did everything your self. Like he isn't even using VESA 2.0 for his display, he goes all
mov ax, 13h
int 10h
basically. Back then there were no such thing as CIA niggers on your computer and shit.
I'm basically a nigger huh, shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
C++ nigger yes indeed
Don't fucking celebrate people with mental illness, that's leftyscum's job. We need to go back to the days where people like this had no rights and we're locked in asylums for the rest of their life.
The nigger in the video came of as the rational one, he came off a schizophrenic freak yelling at strangers in the street. You know it's bad when a nigger has the high ground in a situation.
Dude he is funny as hell, I can't help it, also I'm a coder as many many here, so it's so damn hilarious and interesting
What does Terry think of Javascript if he thinks C++ is for niggers?
Kek, nah I think he's to paranoid for that, so would I be tbqh, js is cancer
Probably for double niggers. JS is a nightmare.
do you own an anonymous mask?
lit nigger arch
But it's the main programming language for web dev, especially so for AJAX. Node.JS grew on me for it's amazing modularity and simplicity.
Why would you use Node.js instead of Python ?
fucking CIAniggers
Terry isn't the sort to take any shit from any CIA niggas
He's perhaps the only e-celeb that should be celebrated here
I'm not even sure he's aware half the time that he's streaming
Because white space agnostic languages are for niggers, and causes serious headaches with tabbing and spacing.
white space dependent*
You're right, I had problems with that in the past.
kill your self pajeets, nobody wanted to read your street shitter code anyway
It's damn nice to work with as in java, js and c++/c nr uno error is related to fuckin g{}'s and indentation crap.
In functional programming you are forced to make your loops and ifs, switches etc noice.
I really hoped that c++17 would allow for functional programming an ditch the {}s, would love it… but sigh noes
I personally never used it as the main programming language for any site. I only use it for things the other languages can't handle like math or submitting form info.
he moved back when his schizophrenia got worse
Sure is pleb in here!
sigh amiga… I still have mine actually.. good times, brilliant machine, to bad it went to shit
What the fuck is Nodejs even doing? For something that has taken over the webdev it seems amazingly bad at it, is it my mistake for not copy pasting frameworks and actually trying to understand it?
What the fuck is that other stuff? You're telling me Node.JS is used as a dependency? node_modules can already be bloated enough.
LSD-induced hyper autism. He experiences dimensions of reality which most of us can only speculate about.
He warned us about networking.
Terry Davis is a modern prophet.
I remember laughing my ass off when I saw it.
Only CIA niggers use discord.
Offloading functions to Jquery to easily do DOM manipulation and html element selection, frankly I've never submitted a form without ajax in years.
Based on what?
Be a node in the cube for the jews?
No thankyou!
Here, this one is more accurate, F.A.M.
ajax is fucking cancer cia nigger
Don't be jealous, CIA nigger. Terry is smarter than you are.
He thinks and perceives in a different manner due to the mental illness and initially he comes off as an incoherent rambler. After watching him more and getting used to how he communicates I think he's more coherent than he first appears and is very intelligent and thinks very quickly. He communicates his assertions in a really fragmented manner that comes across as incoherent but the overall thought process is coherent just with a lot of the explanation behind it omitted. Maybe he infected me with his insanity but I don't think he's as crazy as he seems initially. He's an impressive guys in many ways beyond the novelty he provides and i'm glad disability lets him live rather than struggle for basic needs since he'd be homeless or dead and that feels like a waste. CIAniggers mkultra'd him
I'll be using that one from now on.
He's literally a schizophrenic so… maybe?
can't be too stupid if he coded his own fucking OS
NodeJS is one of the most cucked. Look at this guy, one of the big contributors.
>>>Holla Forums743005 (That entire thread is full of nightmares).
oh god
Hah! So true; nodekids are recipe-oriented to the max. Java on the serverside is still the best.
He looks like Daniel Day Lewis and David Byrne squished together.
No, /ourguy/ is a false meme. These fake ass nationalist coming out of the wood work are past failures that want to ride the Trump train to some sort of relevance. IE-Thernovith, No argument man and filter goy jones.
The difference being that Terry speaks straight from the heart.
You faggots ruined Terry. He's only doing this because YOU 4cuck faggots are e-mailing him and goading him into shit.
Dude's fucked in the head, him being a genius doesn't change that - it's wrong to fuck with a guy like that especially one who has the potential to be functional(pretty sure his condition is because of drug use and sexual abuse / possible MKULTRA)
He should be working in some autism-cave not mingling with subhumans because 4cucks think it's funny. They've already gotten his stream banned and now they're goading him into doing these fucking vlogs.
Cuckchan ruins everything good, these faggots can't appreciate a comfy stream where the streamer occasionally goes on insightful and profanity-laden rants and have to make it some kind of meme-laden shitfest.
Makes me fucking sick, 4cucks will hang on DOTR
/ourguy/ is still a cuckchan meme, you've already outed yourself.
Fucking hang yourself 4cuck cancer, give your mother what she really wants for mother's day.
This tbh. I wish he'd concentrate more on the OS and talking to God than acting insane in public.
Trips of truth. Like how you touched on acting too. He knows they want that kind of shit and gives it to them regardless of how it effects him.
He's getting played by a bunch of braindead 4cucks and he plays along because he likes the attention, it's fucking sad.
It seems to me his life has really improved recently. I was aware of this guy years before he got famous on halfchan, and he was not in a good situation at all.
The backwards baseball hat is a new thing.
He was fine you goddamn cuckchanner. He lived with his parents and worked on his OS in peace while doing constant offerings and occasionally making food.
His parents would also occasionally give him food they'd prepared for their own meals since his diet is basically yogurt and cereal.
He's a lot worse now that cuckchan has corrupted him, and I can tell you're one of them because you still call it halfchan.
Now he's stuck in this constant stream/email/make video loops and has massively deteriorated and even started dressing like a fucking sperg(backwards hat) to pander to these idiots - they think it's funny.
Suck my nigger cock you sperglord. He wasn't nearly as happy in the past as he seems now.
How typical, he seems happier but he's not doing what he wants. He's making a fool of himself so a bunch of 4cucks can giggle when he says nigger on camera.
Get fucking killed.
Did he get fucking raped by Jamal and the monkey brigade?
He's a closet pedophile that has used the last 10 years of his life to create a useless operating system as a coping mechanism. Fucking thing can't even run natively. Great job, Terry.
Instead of admitting he wants to have sex with children, he claims God wants it:
Of course, this is when he isn't stalking Physics Girl or some creepy shit.
Then why the fuck isn't he doing what he loves?
Maybe the loves the attention even more?
Fag. You're just butthurt people wouldnt want a livestream of you.
That's a outright lie, nice try CIA nigger
You're deliberately misrepresenting him. He says He wants artwork to be simple and innocent.
Sage because leave Terry alone.
Neither one of you watched the provided Youtube evidence. Blow me.
Does the backwards hat have anything to do with Physics Girl? Perhaps he ditched her and start wearing the totally rad cap?
How about fucking no? He's an "ebin meme" over the phrase "CIA Nigger", but that's it. This cancerous meme should have stayed on Holla Forums where the retards circlejerk over (((Richard Stallmeme))).
Why are you sliding the catalog with this garbage?
Just learn the basic C programming language. It's superior to any other language other than Assembly.
God tier
Sodomite CIA niggers need to leave
fuck niggers