>A Massive, Pro-Le Pen Disinformation Campaign Hits Twitter, 4chan, and the Mainstream Media

>A Massive, Pro-Le Pen Disinformation Campaign Hits Twitter, 4chan, and the Mainstream Media

Fresh of the jew press: archive.is/9t9fv

Hey, faglord. At least paste the article text in the OP.

That picture shows how close the sun truly is and that the earth is flat.

Do a tl;dr or fuck off.
Sage for low effort OP.

Yeah we got those kikes managing this site also.
It started in earnest with the Trump jewish trick where we saw a massive worldwide effort to astroturf every medium with fake artificial pretend outrage and support, which the moved went onto Mossad agent Wilders now Le Pen.
All three the selected candidates of the freemasons and kikes to take us into the final stages of the JWO.

Every jew on here arguing that the left wing Marxists like one guy, yet omitting that the other guy is equally wanted by the isreali zionist Likudnic.
Essentially we're watching the old zionism Vs Bolshevism as written by the bringer of death to the West Winston Churchill. (Bolshevim vs Zionism 1920)

Only for some reason we're allowing jews to rope us into their game of divide and conquer arguing over which is the best zog-puppet to take the West to the edge and over the precipice.

There is no lesser evil when both sides are pure unadulterated satanic kike evil.


Full article.

Whistleblowing is apparently "shilling". The page makes many claims with little source.

So basically:

They're even trying to call pizzagate fake news.
They rely on people's inability to handle the truth. They're saying "do you really believe the world is that bad?" in order to hide the fact that it really is that bad.
This article pisses me off so fucking much.

This is the funniest part:

I hate kikes so fucking much.

Enough to decry them and oppose them at all times?

Only it seems people here are quite happy to cheer on kikes as long as they aren't left wing kikes.
Yet Likudnic kikes are quite okay somehow?

I'm starting to wonder about this movement lately.

Fuck off hasbarafag. No one loves you, you matter to no one, and no one will regret you.

Says the giga-kike, who spends his days pushing for every neocon kike in world politics

Who should they vote for then? Macron? It's not like you can convince all of France to not vote for either of them.

Why would any NatSoc hang his flag on a Likudnic zionist kike or a commie kike?

Your jewish question you've asked of me is literally

So what should France do then?

don't answer to this dishonest asshole
vote against globalism and to save the white race

So you just don't make deals with them at all?

That's very black and white thinking user.
A sign of autism.

I'm just interested in what sort of autistic plans he has to save the world. If I were in France I'd be voting Le pen. You know, seeing as she isn't a literal fucking globalist since birth bred cunt.

Hold up, still not finished:

This is how stupid this poster is.
You need to learn to swim.

You make deals, you play chess, you let your enemy make mistakes.

Something other than serving international jewry.
Did you know that people are able to do things that the jews doesn't instruct you to do?

What is the point of any organisation, that devotes its cause to waking up the normies with red-pills if all it does in the end is succumb to jewish manipulated propaganda and votes for kikes regardless?

It kinda makes of mockery of everything that those claiming to be red-pilled have ever done.

Le Pen and Macron, both work for the jews against our own interests, both are globalists, both are in bed with the jews and freemason, neither will assist white survival in any way.

Why is this being framed as a choice of any sort?

Pic related:
Go on goy, pick out your favourite poo

Exactly. He's like:

Meanwhile the other parties have a staggering jewish presence in comparison.

This is a sign of being a shill, or an autistic dumbass.

It doesn't matter who gets elected because the globalist policies will steamroll the country. People need to realize electoral politics are not a means of change.

How is voting for a NWO giga-kike funded kosher nationalist in any way in my interests?
Just like Trump… cough

So I'm stupid because I won't be peer-pressured into supporting zionist jews and fall into line as your jewish chivcery demands of me by odious kikes like you?

Oy vey goy, you must pick one satanic kike.

How does having national border protection and restriction of immigration "serve the international jewry"
If that is "serving international jewry" then by all means.

Next you'll be telling me "the jews don't want you to prep the bull, therefore we must prep the bull and shove dildos up our arse."

Can you please explain why any non-jewish organisation should support either jewish group?

Border protection.

There done.
If she doesn't do it - then complain.

Yet you jews are indeed TELLING us we must choose your favourite jew controlled freemasonic fraud.
Every day you flood these boards non-stop with pro-zionist kike filth.

This is Holla Forums, shouldn't you return to your Gates of Vienna wevsite considering this place is not overly welcoming of you kikes?

Because things aren't black and white you autist.

If the jews are doing something that:
Then why resist?
Hell, what if they offered to mass gas them selves, what would you say?

can not* woops

So we have to wait four more years and then get to choose between two other jewish groomed frauds?
That sounds great.
Is that what you jews call (((democracy)))

FN didn't do anything of the sort when they last had power back in the 80s, in fact like Thatcher's Britain, both pretended they were against mass immigration, both played the nationalist dumb goys during election, both lied and both let more Africans in during their terms then any previous government before them.

Projection. I'm not Jewish
As far as I can tell, the jewish controlled media is in panic about the rise of the right. They still call Trump and Le Pen a nazi even though they literally have no proof (which is proof that they think both are plotting against them).

They literally project about the parties with no evidence. Of course, there might be connections there, but the important fact is that they don't have it and still push that narrative to enforce their negatively conditioned "don't be nazi" rhetoric in order to stop people from voting them.

It looks like the Jews are still against them.
So if they are "controlled", they are either making a mistake, or completely unaware of it.

If a jew said "don't jump off a bridge" would you do it because you cannot agree with anything a jew does or say?
If so, you're a moron.

Le Pen is not going to win. The only reason Trump won is because of the Electoral College, an advantage she doesn't have. Look at these poll numbers, Clinton and Trump weren't this far apart. Explain to me how she is going to get votes from the far left and the moderate right.

Yet you then follow up with this jewish chicanery
If the only two people speaking are jews, then the advice is to ignore both and choose someone completely different not owned by kikes.

Anyone that posts on Holla Forums and makes it their stated ambition to push and promote the most devious zionist neocon kikes on here needs gassing full stop.

Two years ago, not one of you cunts would get away with any of this shit

Sage this thread.
You clearly are either new or a fucking shill.

The polls mean jack shit. They are biased MSM propaganda to enforce "momentum" to the election.
And it failed with the US election.
They had some polls with extreme clinton bias, like "90% clinton"

And Le pen will only lose, because you cucks are trying to impute that she'll lose.


You're a fucking idiot. I'm so done.

The point is the CONTENT of the election, the SUBJECT MATTER, is the importance.
Not abstract Jewish connections.
Only caution is required, but not to the point where you cannot breathe the same air as a Jew. That's called "not thinking". That's called ignoring the content about what the Jews are referring to because the Jews merely referred it.

That's called "autism"

Only 2 people.

Ok and even if the polls are fiddled with, there's no way She'll steal enough of Fillon's supporters. The far left certainly won't vote for her. Explain to me how she will do it.

You complete cunt
What is abstract about about Marion's isreali mossad biological father
What is abstract about FNs 7M loan from the Russian oligarch kike?
What is abstract in the freemasons and jews that run the party from top to bottom./

If cunts and kikes like you are allowed to push and promote zionist neocon kikes everyday on Holla Forums, it undermines every single user that has ever earnestly posted one word on here since Holla Forums ever began

Because it is a choice, we've been led down into a difficult slope now. It's either little jew or big globalist jew. I don't like jews so I'd rather not have either of them but France doesn't have a fucking choice.

Pretty much, democracy isn't really a democracy if you look behind the scenes. Brexit for example passed, it's now being dismantled by left wing groups and knowing the jews they'll have it completely forgotten about in the next few years.

top fucking lel

Marion didn't know that her father was not who it was legally until about 2 years ago.
And he worked for the Israeli secret service and even betrayed them.

So why is Holla Forums involved in any way with this rigged election?
If the choice the jews give you is two poisonous kikes that will send France and Europe to hell, why is any side being picked?

What is the fucking point of a single one of these so-called jew wise boards if all it takes is a little astroturfing by paid jewish hasbara and everyone falls into line and insists that one of the kikes must be ourguy, when both sides plan to have you killed?

This really ain't a game, and any non-jew talking like this needs gassing and is as dangerous to our cause as any left wing marxist

No you fucking retard kike, you don't.

Wew there Schlomo.

That's not true. Trump merely played the game by the rules of the game. If we used a popular vote, he still would've won, because he would've used a strategy that focused more on getting higher margins in red states than focusing on tipping over a few swing states

Post the sources then. And wait for "literally Hitler" you fucking retard.
Got a Hitler? Post him. Maybe he'll get influence.

Of course, the only thing that matters here is:
So why do you need to consider those other things.
When she starts giving israel blow jobs and bringing in more boats, then talk.


Ok then, what do you do?
Great job. Do it.
Oh wait it won't fucking happen. So you do the MOST PRAGMATIC thing that comes next.

But no, we must ignore it or we'll get kike aids or something by merely talking to them.

Oh great. More projection.
What if that deal is their extermination?
You'll just ignore it?
Not see where it goes?

How do you make your toast in the morning? Just imagine it exists and then POOF it's there?
That's your fucking solution you fucking idiot.

After the 6,000,000th time
Watch Video in this post,

then ask your jewish boss how much longer you've been tasked with sabotaging Holla Forums as it's getting beyond embarrassing watching this non-stop jewish spam to any non-jewish genuine user observer on here

Ok, still. How will she win when she couldn't even come in first place in the first round, like she was actually (((predicted))) to?

There's no video there. Well done you fucking imbecile.

Don't have to read a single word of your posf, only glance at your writing style you foreign fucking shil?. GO BACK TO PLEBBIT!
Amazing how they decry disinformation from fhe start due to support for the Pen. Also, didnt france block halfchan over the elections?

She barely lost.

My mistake, it was two posts up,
Video is here

Le Pen Exposed, freemasons and zionist kikes from top to bottom

How many genuine anons, don't already know this?
Why is the movement being pushed into being the least informed?

So you're against ethno-nationalist protection?

Report all shills. You cannot possibly be more obvious schlomo.

I actually agree there. I don't think she'll win, unfortunately. But I'm just saying it has nothing to do with the popular vote vs electoral college.

Yeah, but in the french elections, all the non-FN parties always gang up and pool together and back whoever is facing Le Pen. So the fact that she couldn't even pull ahead in a plurality isn't a good sign.


I once talked to a Jew, I must be jewish then.

Because only Jews lie amirite!

Original video is called le pen Exposed, this is a re-up
Every interview in the video is Le pen, her father or party member, telling you in their own words that they are not anti-establishment, not anti-globalist, have no ambitions to leave the EU, are run by freemasons and kikes and are in partnership with international jewry to bring about the JWO

Le Pen is nothing to do with ethno-nationalism, it is a jewish fraud
There is no debating this

yet here are kikes pretending there is nothing wrong with pushing and promoting neocon kikes


I don't want to be a defeatist and I'm not shilling. I genuinely want LePen to win.
I want to save anons the money of not betting for her for the elections. It's not like the USA. There's no electoral college to play chess on. All those votes that didn't go for her will go to macaroni.

Just don't heighten your expectations. I don't want french anons to commit suicide

All I am saying is that we have the chance to restrict borders with this party.
But all you do is say:

Meanwhile the only other choices are literally pro immigration.
I'd like a fuck hard right uprising, but that isn't occurring.

BUT, if Le Pen does not properly control borders, maybe that would be the catalyst we could use.

They're redefining the establishment, if you haven't worked that out.
Globalism is literally going to require nationalism ironically. We can't have turtle kingdoms or that will destroy the world, the productive needs of those countries.
Otherwise you end up with North Korea.

Le Pen is not a "cure all". It's a pragmatic solution to an imminent threat.
If you want full natsoc, then let the movement stew more - some anons will start to become active perhaps. I certainly see people becoming active for this front.

We will see.
If she is not. Then she might be sweating soon when people with pitchforks knock on her door.

The timing of this shit is directly before the election. I find that deeply suspicious and a hindrance to the attack going into it.
Leave it for fucking later.

If that happens then the french revolt.

I find it interesting that they use wording that suggests this is a targeted campaign aimed at 4chan with some shadowy person/organization in the background pulling the strings with ulterior motives. This in itself say a lot about the mindset of the MSM and these kies.

They are of the idea that everything has to lead back to someone at the top, someone in control who is doing all this for their own personal gain (because of course, that's what they do all the time with Western politics). Their minds just absolutely cannot grasp the idea that all of this has no one leading it, it's all grassroots and it all comes from our own minds. The minds of a bunch of nobodies, of regular people trying to shape their own future.

As long as they are stuck in this archaic backwards 20th century 'big organization/shadowy leader' mindset of theirs, they will never be able to properly understand us or what drives us and why, and as a result they will never be able to truly defeat us. The hivemind shall prevail.

You're right, they shouldn't. They'll be needed in the civil war which will break out in 2019 or 2020.

Why do you shills always use the same already debunked lie? Why not come up with something knew? Since everyone here already knows Marion's father was not a Jew nor a Mossad agent. A shill edited the wikipedia article momentarily, screencapped it and then has been using that as "proof" that Marion's father is a Jew. In reality he isn't.

Because, dumbass, Le Pen will help destroy the EU.

Nobody has yet explained how Le Pen will actually win, how she will get the votes. Yet you seem so sure of it. Why?

probably the same way trump won?
Just guessing.

for the most part, french people are wary of displaying their political opinions to strangers, and asking is considered rude
they have no problem revealing their ideas in transparent discussions with their friends, mostly through innuendos, but some random pollster gets usually told non-commiting platitudes, because the french are both quite strategically-minded about the forming of public opinion via polls, and quite conscious of the risk of being branded as having a non-popular opinion if the polling mechanism can be used to identify them to their surroundings
that's the heritage of a nation that made war to itself for random shit for most of its history
the lingering bad reputation of the FN is enough to cause most of their non-habitual voters to keep quiet in this election and say "undecided" in a poll, or avoid being polled altogether, because if they are overheard or IDed saying this opinion, it would cause them trouble with all the liberal normies in their workplace or family
MLP will do a score that will surprise all those who believe in polls

You know she can't win, right? This election was already stolen decades ago.

If (((they))) weren't worried about Le Pen, they wouldn't be sending out torn/mutilated ballots.


Just fuck off already you embarrassing fucking larpshit. Normal people have families and a stake in the world and have to actually worry about what happens to it. Your worldview is one of such paralyzing fear of kikes that it's actually just pathetic and you might as well not even breath anymore. No one wants to share in your blackpilled garbage. Just fuck off and kill yourself retard.

That sounds pretty silly, but I don't know French culture. I hope you're right. Sort of like the silent majority but on steroids I guess? It still doesn't really account for why she under performed in the first round, unless the French are A LOT more strategic than anything I can imagine.

Low quality shit

CPS should take your child away Sinead.

It does matter, because:

Consider these two scenarios:

I've been telling this to anons for weeks. They won't listen. Time will vindicate us both. Maybe then we can have a long hard discussion with Holla Forums about the difference between wishful thinking and earnest analysis. Denying reality won't alter the nature of reality. Holla Forums is at it's best when it engages in brutal analysis of the truth, not when it's trying to meme false truths into reality.

Fuck me the shills hit this thread hard. They really didn't like us discussing this article.

Thanks, this is really interesting to read.

Its as though the author comes from some sort of bizarre parallel universe, as they keep saying totally contradictory things ("Always search for the truth! Ignore Wikileaks!") - but actually, it's most likely that old familiar commie tactic - always accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing. Recently they've even applied that tactic to ITSELF, posting that quote with a picture of Goebbels.

But a more interesting question is, why? Why are they so invested in trying to convince the English-speaking world that Macron's scandals are "fake" and that Le Pen is only popular with bots? Non-French people can't vote (yet). It's also funny that they seem determined to push that Trump and Brexit were both cheating the system, and not the will of the people. And they have shills all over half/pol/, and even right here in this thread, insisting that EVERYONE is a freemason zionist and that nobody should bother voting or even hoping for change. Why?

Years of brainwashing have managed to turn the majority of people into sheep - sheep who only act if they believe that's what the majority of the herd is thinking. But the panicked desperation in trying to hide the truth in every corner, of not only trying to stop the people's choices from winning but claiming they cheated when they do, of screaming at people to stop looking at the truth and pay attention instead to their neatly manufactured "news", shows that they are oddly terrified of the direction the herd is moving.

Perhaps what the majority of the herd is thinking is, "who's been stealing our wool? Who's eating lamb chops every night?"

The rich elite can only think in terms of conspiracies because that is their world. None of them participate in stand alone complexes, all they do is top-down organization. They cannot even comprehend the existence of stand alone complexes. They cannot see anything they haven't been conditioned to see.

Because the legitimacy of a government is a function of perception. Voting has little to do with it.

I think there needs to be a purge. The shills are getting out of hand.

Shills in this thread.

Hitler should gass you Goldberg



The Earth is round and mesas are not tree stumps.

Not sure if the author is kike or just acting like one.

Basically he's blaming halfchan for Trump and Brexit, says they use bots to control the narrative. He's so embedded in his own narrative that he thinks he's the rebel fighting against the all powerful chans.

It's amazing they're still so assmangled over people talking about pizzagate.

Hahahahahahaha. Try harder Moishe.

Wow look at all these paid globalist shills ITT.
its like 80% jew in here. Oyyyy veeeey le pen is a durty jew plwease dont vot le pen.

They are pretty transparent. Too bad I already voted for Marine about 2800 times.
No of course I'm not a French citizen, what does it matter?

You sir are a faggot

If you filter 6fbf60 (16), the majority of it disappears. He's a turbo-autist and probable schizophrenic who thinks that literally everything is controlled by the jews Everywhere he looks, he sees controlled opposition, false flags, conspiracies, etc.
>Don't fight the jews, because that's what the jews want! If we fight the jews we'll lose, because the jews planned it that way, and if we lose the jews will oppress us even more! Be a good cuck and do nothing so that the jews ignore us!
That's his basic M.O.

He's been haunting every Le Pen related thread for a while now.


Have to admit, that level of jew-conspiracy autism drives me insane too. I hate the jew as much as the next user, but deifying kikes as unstoppable, omnipotent superbeings capable of micromanaging every minor detail our lives takes it way too far. I reckon people spouting that stuff are either deranged, or are themselves kikes trying to demoralise us.

We heard you the first time user.

A trend I might be late in noticing, is kikes (or maybe shills in general) have a tendency to either accuse people of being kikes on the first opportunity or to just rigorously accuse anons of being kikes in general. And often using the whole XYZ-is-kike argument to brush over the actual matter. Here an example.

Essentially summarized:

Thus brushing over

When people make this whole X-is-kiked argument, ask yourself one thing. If it is that simple, both are kiked and every possible result is the worst possible result, then why does user care so much whether you help getting the unapproved candidate voted in? It doesn't matter, right? Right? Here's a thought. Maybe it does matter. Maybe a civic nationalist approach both in terms of policies and their effect, as well as the spread of the outlook itself, help redpill people on race. Massively at that. One of the most commonly working redpills on race is reality itself. Start off not caring about race and simply trying to better the lives of everyone. Reduce crime, increase public goods and service balance of welfare (not welfare-welfare, welfare as an economic measure), security of the lives and the property of the people. If you do this with the best intentions and racially unaware, you will quickly notice that the people getting in your way are all non-whites. The only additional thing needed is to keep people aware that kikes are also non-whites.

Exactly. The jews aren't all powerful demigods. They only get away with what they do because most people aren't paying attention. I strongly suspect people like that user have built up emotional dependence on the idea of jews as invincible conspirators. That's how they anchor their outlook on life.

If we managed to defeat the jews, to gas every last one, anons like that one would be claiming that jews still exist, and in fact were still in control.

Isnt the election today? Where is the monitoring thread?

What's the point now? Macron just won.

Great source faggot.

Exit polling is forbidden in France. There isn't much to monitor yet. Everything is 0% - 0%


Good point. Thanks for the insight.

That would be the best possible outcome. French decline to vote and instead sharpen the National Razor.

Where were you when france became south africa?

jewish projection of their own crimes

pics barely related but its jews planting nano thermite bombs on the WTC on 9/11

Thermite isn't a bomb, it burns, not explodes. Nano-thermite is a meme, it just means good thermite That's just a nitpick, thermite certainly melts through structural steel.

sage for off topic
Think the Effiel Tower will become a mineret if Macron wins?

Probably. They'll decide that having security around the Eiffiel Tower is offensive to Muslims, and to apologize they'll create an open-air mosque below it. Social media will be flooded with pictures of thousands of muslims praying beneath it, claiming it as a symbolic victory for tolerance.

Don't know whether it's final or not but he's got 65%.

you are correct, here is the rest of the luciferian judaic kikery that occurred on that day

Holy shit… what if the media knows meme magic is real and they are trying to use it by declaring victory over and over. (They lose obv)

Think about it, every fucking (((outlet))) is written in such obvious pro-globalist language, like you can *taste* their fucking satisfaction everytime.

Just reas that NYT electio result page… its already written is if macron has won even though not one vote has been tallied yet.

These people are fucking cancer

Isn't it you jews insisting we have no option or capacity to fight the jews, so you insist instead we ally with jews.
I say we fight the jews, obviously you as jews will disagree.

Now Macron has won, can all you fucking filthy kikes fuck off from here, find another board to fill up with jewish poison.

The only question left is that after the last 3 elections Holla Forums has been seen to be dising with neocon kikes and freemasons, how will Holla Forums reclaim any diginity after this?

commies can fuck off


double chek'd
Ignore him. He went here and complained about getting banned for being a cuck.

Looks like Macroni won, mineret tower it is.

Does this mean the organised teams of astroturfing kikes insisting Holla Forums be used as a springboard for cheeleading for neocon kikes ends now?

That would be a relief however I feel you kikes simply wont go still

The kikes who sold the world…