Tfw don't know whether to side with the international capitalists against the fascists or side with the fascists...
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Why not neither?
Use the conflict between both to find space for leftism to grow. The conflict will leave many people desperate, poor and starving, and they will need something to fight for. Don't make them have to choose between those two.
Support neither, and use both to benefit our cause.
Baka desu senpai
International capitalism has no need for fascism just yet, but will "take its gloves off" when the need arises. You side against both of them.
For now most capitalists and world governments show the 'alt right' as wacky and dangerous, but it won't be too long before capitalism slips into using the fascists again.
The enemy of my enemies enemy is??
Pick a side you shitcunts.
Whether it's Trump or Clinton will have real world effects on people. Especially those people that happen to be in Iran and Syria.
Pick a side? Fascism is not the opposite of capitalism. Capitalism exists within any fascist government. Capitalism uses fascism at certain points, most notably to fight socialist elements.
What kind of stupidity is picking capitalism OR fascism?
Reality begs to differ user. Right now, if you ever look above Holla Forums you will notice the entire political and media establishment are shilling very hard for one candidate, and very hard against another. The candidate they shill for has a proven track record of being a neo-liberal stooge, happy to support war to expand the influence of the US, at the behest of those who stand to benefit. The other, not so much. Are you suggesting this entire election cycle is a plan? A conspiracy with controlled opposition?
Solid argument there.
What is stated without proof shall be discarded without proof.
The Master Race, ladies and gentlemen.
What, did you think that the two-party system stays in place because people want it? Or that there was legitimate public demand for Hillary Clinton to run for office? For all the retarded conspiracy theories you buy into, how can you miss something so ridiculously obvious?
You tell yourself this narrative often, don't you?
I really don't see this, they give him a lot of attention and could be doing a lot worse to him. Not to mention the heads of several major networks have come out in favor of Trump.
capitalism is fascism dawg
exactly this. my grandpa told me about all this 30 years ago, he said "people will not see it, they will hate and kill you rather than a realize they have been in a prison all their lives".
Why not flood the streets with the crimson ichor of both?
Just remember not all illegals are Hispanic, not all Hispanic are illegal, and not all Muslims are ISIS. Trump named his targets. Plus wouldn't government mandated schooling and healthcare (CC and Obamacare) be a bigger sign of fascism? Hillary is pushing both of those. Finally, remember that fascist leaders have total control of the entire state, and cannot be challenged. Hillary has yet to be investigated in a fair investigation and she plans on using executive orders even if congress says no. To me, Hillary is more if a fascist than Trump.
t. Hispanic
wew lad how old are you dog
American elections may be just a vote on which porky gets to subjugate you but that doesn't mean they actually aren't opposed to each other.
People seem to think that porkies all conspire together, and that does happen, but usually only when there is a significant threat to all of them (like when they're under threat of socialism). When their position is secure (like it is now) they are at each other's throats almost instantly.
It's not so much the Legion of Doom as it is a thousand different legions of doom all pursuing their own interests, competing or colluding whenever it's momentarily beneficial to do so.
why don't side with God?
One of the main differences between those that frequent pol and leftypol is the way they imagine the social world is constructed and perpetuated.
Generally whether it be jews or bankers there is an emphasis on explicit conspiracies involving particular people and a very high level of planning. If something happens is part of of larger hidden plan towards some obscured and particular end.
leftypol on the other hand takes a a the view that there are systemic characteristic to social systems and that these fundamental relations produce and encourage people with aligned interests to act toward similar ends, in this view is quite possible for the two party system and the media for that matter to perpetuate a false choice by virtue of shared general economic interest and aligned class, without the need for a hidden 'cosa nostra'
Trump is unique, but not because he represents some direct challenge to to system in any organized (or even fascistic) fashion but rather because he is so demonstrably unpredictable (and frankly, unstable) and presents the possibility of some upset to the aligned interests of upper class. This is why both republicans and democrats have come out against him.
The triumph of the capitalist class over the democratic moderating polices of the New Deal have thrown the working class back in to 'normal conditions' but the success of the new deal and the propaganda legacy of the cold war has completely disarmed the american people's capacity to organize in the way that led to the New deal in the first place. So we get Trump a man who consistently represents no coherent alternative.
In reality what i expect to be the fall out from this is actually an increased appetite from the capitalist class for real fascism. It is becoming clear that democracy is too unstable given the prevailing conditions.
name some
None of what you said has anything to do with capitalism not existing within a fascist government. Fascism isn't a new mode of production.
Some political elements within a capitalist society support trump, others support Hillary, and none of this has anything to do with fascism being at odds with capitalism. There are neo liberal capitalist governments, and fascist capitalist governments, and a million others in between. I'm not suggesting anything that you claim I am. You are very off topic.
Give it your best
Good post, comrade
… all of this, outside of the sphere of "democracy".
Spoken like a true suckdem
But we need to have a debate on the issues that are affecting the lives of young people.
You can't have such a debate in capitalism mate.
That's just negative energy.
What we need is someone who will take our demands to the people in charge and say "look, this needs to change". We've got to lay out a future where the economy works for everyone. We've got to fight off climate change and make a world our children will want to live in.
"The people in charge" don't care about your demands mate. Their interests are opposed to yours.
This is a foolish thing to say. There are many foolish people out there saying such things, and this needs to stop.
We're going to build a wall.
A wall?
Take a third option
Fascism is a FORM OF Capitalism