Get in here faggots
HashTag: #Shekels4GoodGoy
Dump everything you have on Mike the Kike Enoch and Tricky Dicky Spencer or any other namefags. Time to put the nail in their obligatory CIANigger Kike Loving Faggot Race Mixing coffins.
Bump because fuck TRS I don't use Twitter though also check
>>>/trs/ for more goodies
Drop dead. You cocksuckers ruined this place with what obviously began as a leftist shill campaign, now you're doing the Jew's work for him. I never gave a fuck about TRS, no idea what it even was. Came back here a month after election in early Dec. and it was every thread. With all the actual, malicious kikes worth fighting…you motherfuckers ruined this place with your TRS bullshit. no one even knew place existed or fucked cared, no one here fucking makes actual accounts for anything.
May you die violently and painfully in a ditch and may God damn your soul to hell.
Do it yourself, commie faggot.
What are you trying to distract people from now, Chaim?
Fuck off.
Literally posting fags Hi TRS
Fuck off, there's a time to blow TRSodomites and it's not now.
You some kind of faggot user?
1) you were led by a piece of shit that married a kike that pushes tranny rights and other marxist shit
2)he was a literal cuck
3)he was a liar
4)everyone else involved in content creation were just as bad as him
we were punching to the left and you fucking know it faggot
Have fun. I'm going to meme le pen into the office while you obsessed over the long dead TRS
Their info is public now, for everything else go to >>>/trs/
And don't come back.
you're either a retard or a fucking shill. I don't care. I've never been to the site, I sure as fuck don't make "accounts" for anything, they could all drop dead and throw your corpse in to boot.
as for spencer, he's a lisping faggot and not a good leader, he's sure as hell not rockwell or Dr. WLP. What the fuck purpose does harassing him serve? The Jews hate him, why do their work for them? As for TRS, I hadn't even heard of the place. i took a month off after here after election, came back n ad literally every thread was "fuck you TRS stuff goon." You ruined the place. So the one is married to a kike, he's been doxxed, he's over. Who wants to put more engrey into it? What purpose does it serve? Lay it out clearly.
What would Dr. Pierce do? I know he hated people like Duke who saw as frauds. Know what he did? He ignored them. You're either 12 years old of leftist shills. Fuck off back to cuckchan, you even have your own board here for it now. It's French election day. No one gives a fuck. Put it up your ass.
op on suicide watch
Jewish shills thought TRS was the leader of Holla Forums and wants Holla Forums to fight TRS to break up Holla Forums but it's all stemming from fundamental misconceptions about Holla Forums and the jews are just wasting their time. TRS threads are like a JIDF CIAnigger incubation chamber
If the election had involved Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton as it was intended….. or ANYONE else beside Trump I's be sitting on a stockpile of light infantry weapons. Call that ungovernable and paint me a Trump voter.
You kikes are so obvious.
like most people i dont give that much of a damn that so and so is 1/32 jew or has a nigger half brother. Hell i listen to hotep black say shit i like.
yeah id sit and listen to a bobby fisher jew rant about kikes.
you guys are not even purity spiraling - you just paid libshits trying to fuck with this type of speech by pretending.
True. All they can do is try to relive past victories and force shitty memes. They lucked into getting us to shit on TRS. If TRS weren't such insufferable faggots it probably never would have happened.
To any antifa faggots reading this: thanks for your help in outing the kikes over on TRS, but we've moved on and maybe you should too.
fair enough
Kek, the fucking thread absolutely backfired, natt and ironkikes btfo
Inb4 muh everyone is trsodomite
At this point I'm willing to bet it's more likely that you're the CIANigger.
oh boy oh boy, is it time to get called a TRS shill for not wanting to be someones personal army again?
Don't forget to DEMAND AN APOLOGY constantly.
there is nothing left to expose m8. anyone still on trs is either a hobbyist or the obsessive bo of /trs/.
Bump and reported for obvious slide raid.
Take this shit to baph. Everyone here already knows he's fat fag enabling kike.
you've done it again user
TRS has done more for white nationalism than any huwhite man on this board.
They've already been purged.
Go homo Chaim. TRS are dead and you damn well know it.
Flogging that dead horse is masturbation action at this late stage.
If only the niggers here put thisuch effort into memeing (((Kushner))) out of office instead of going after some irrelevant kike.
kys kike faggot
TRS has done more for white nationalism than any huwhite man on this board.
I don't like them but I'm not going out of my way to attack them because they piss off the kikes.
Attack Milo or Chuck Schumer or Brian Faggioli, commie faggot.
literally doesn't matter if you're serious or a shill - you're cancer. OUT! OUT! OUT!
>attack these other pro-whites because they attacked our site first, and continue to do so while giving money to their jewish leaders and pleading that they dindu nuffin
Bump and reported.
Pierce hated Trump too, most of neo/pol/ would call him a shill
Nevermind we still need to purge them.
Also purge this.
TRS denies white genocide
It's the truth he called out Trump all the way back in 99, sorry to upset you chesscuck
Nobody cares about TRS anymore.
Is he an e-celeb?
Their leaders (Spencer and company) also deny the Holodomor and believe in the Holocaust.
Source nigger
Pierce died in 2002. How could he comment on the 2016 election?
Jews are bumping their shill threads with smug anime pictures
I agree with this except for the part when it was discovered that Mike's wife was a kike.
By then I knew what TRS was because of all the stupid drama in the threads that were being spammed, and it was quite hilarious.
But unless they have something juicy like that again, then yes these threads a cancerous bullshit.
Richard Spencer's position is that the Holocaust happened. His only objection to the official narrative is the emphasis on jewish victims.
That's nice
Forgot to also ask when Dr. Pierce called Duke a shill because I've never heard him comment on Dr. Duke. I've heard KAS comment on him saying that he doesn't know what he's doing supporting Trump but I have never heard Pierce make any comment on Duke. Please link any ADV broadcast where he makes comment. I would love to hear it.
In spite of his claims of not being a career politician he's been running for president for a very long time
He ran for President in 2000, but dropped out during the primary for the Reform party. He has financed other's campaigns and has not hid that fact.
Not really. He cockteased for decades. People would ask him if he'd run and he'd say "maybe". But he'd never do any of the requisite paperwork, 2000 notwithstanding.
I watched his elaboration on that few hours ago. It's not that it didn't happen but that it is not one and the same with "Ukrainian" genocide since Ukraine (while being the first "beneficiary" of it) was not the only one counting millions of victims from that one event.
Tbh, he shouldn't have gone there at all. I think his game here is de-weaponizing Holodomor in it's anti-Russian function in which it is emerging today.
Why would he give a rats ass about that?
TRS aren't pro white, they're a bunch of civic nationalist led by a jew.
That's a half-assed walkback. (((The Soviets))) deliberately killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was real, full stop.
For decades jews have denied it. The New York Times claimed for the better part of the last century that it was all anti-bolshevik propaganda. Speaking against the Holodomor is typical tricks. Spencer unmasked himself when he did that.
Because he's shilling pan-europeanism.
I was tired of hearing about TRS after the first day of "fuck off TRS shill" spam in every thread, and I'm no less tired of hearing about it now.
The people who used TRS have all left and the people that didn't care about TRS still don't care about TRS. We're beating a dead horse to keep talking about it. Just put it in the /polarchive/ and shut up.
considering that the "alt right" controlled opposition group was being pushed pretty hard and forced (rather obviously) to be associated with Holla Forums and other forms of growing rise of nationalism, it stands within reason that Holla Forums would be incredibly skeptical of TRS. Besides, the jewish lawyer Milo stopped riding on GG's dick when he couldn't get anywhere else with it and eagerly slid his GRIDS induced asshole all over "alt right"'s dick at shit.
Sadly fags still use it and a new wave of cucks have joined. Source: signed up to troll. Now have 20+ alts on standby