Pure German-American here. I feel like America is a sinking ship. Germany is still 90% White.
Can Germany be saved? Should I become German?
How does someone become culturally German? Just read a lot of Mein Kampf or what?
Pure German-American here. I feel like America is a sinking ship. Germany is still 90% White.
Can Germany be saved? Should I become German?
How does someone become culturally German? Just read a lot of Mein Kampf or what?
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would love some Deutschanons to comment on this, too.
would love some Deutschanons to comment on this, too.
If you can, you should.
You probably can't.
They've been kicking white American born Germans out of Germany for decades to make room for migrants. It's a coordinated replacement.
If you can find a way in, do so and fight the good fight. However, the plan has always been to destroy Germany.
The last phase of the plan, a dilution and destruction of Aryan purity by replacement / breeding with migrants, is what is under way.
It seems like the German people are still not aware of the ruthless fucks who want them dead, and are too demoralized to fight. Furthermore fighters they have no support from police or politicians. Provoking a backlash is what elites want to use as an example of violent German barbarism that is to be bred out Germany… and the world.
The US might be lower in the water but Germany is sinking faster; you're damned if you do and damned if you don't and probably going to die in the next world war anyway.
You can drink the tap water and not be poisoned immediately.
You can drink in public, if that's your thing.
You have to learn German.
You're moving to North Korea/China levels of free speech.
You're a fucking moron.
Well if you enjoy being distrusted for being American then sure but I see no reason for you to come here. If you say something that offends someone, you can easily face a court and pay a fine, if you attract the wrong kind of attention then possibly prison. If there was any place in the world that was doing fine and had no drawbacks whatsoever then people would probably be there already.
Where will you run next OP? Why would any nation want someone who won't stand and fight.
Thanks for the laugh, mate.
It is ironic how it was germanic descendants in America who were the only ones capable of winning against the germans.
You should think carefully about that, it seems many Americans have a romanticized view of Germany. Maybe take a trip here first and then decide.
We don't have the same mindset as you. If you want to live here you have to get health insurance. You'll have to pay for propaganda (TV/Radio) whether you consume it or not. There is no freedom of speech, 90y old grannies get locked up for denying the holohoax. There is no right to funs, it's a privilege that can and will be revoked if they find a reason to, like having the wrong opinion on things (not to mention it's expensive as fuck and time consuming to get it). Just a few examples.
Out "constitution" and political system were designed by the allies after WW2 for no other purpose than to make sure the citizens have as little power as possible. Now the EU is working towards creating a european state of mixed brown people.
A political solution for Germany is thus off the table. The only chances for a free Germany would be other "giver nation" leaving the EU and crashing it that way or outright civil war induced by a economic crisis stopping the gibs to flow, leading to mass chimpouts.
Exciting times are indeed ahead of us so if you want to be part of it, you're welcome to. But like I said think it through. Getting a residence permit is easy as fuck for an American, literally just 10min in an office, should be the same for work permit.
You either are or you aren't. Many years living among Germans might assimilate you but you will never be the same as the ones born and raised here. That's the same for every people though.
I'm as redpilled as the next Holla Forumsack but do you have some source for that? There are about 100k Americans living in Germany so it really doesn't make much sense.
Essientially correct. Also you can buy booze around the clock. Really makes you think.
I've been to germany many times, the cities are full of diversity, turks, pajeets, druggies and fucking weirdos.
If you want to go to germany - only live in a countryside. Anyway, It's not a good idea, you can't own guns so if rapefugees break into your house all you have is your kitchen knife. It rains often too. It's not the Germany it used to be
Yeah, fuck those Jews for punishing us with rain
We are geting infested with turks, niggers and arabs. If you want to see beautiful germany plan some vacation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg or Saxony first. Avoid Nordrhein-Westfalen and in general every big city in western germany.
In the next 5-10 years big changes may come as the useless migrants will push even more into germany and destroy our social systems. Currently germany is in a desolate condition with the most incompetend politicians and a system press fighting the rising opposition. The pain barrier of the people isn't reached yet so germany will go down further before (hopefully) a massive reaction starts.
Dont reduce germany to the Third Reich. A massive influence "how to be german" are the prussian virtues (Preußische Tugenden and Sekundärtugenden).
en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_virtues
Yea he should stay in the US where every can nigger run around with a 9mm without having to socialise with the local gun community.
I have a friend who came here as an exchange student from the US and decided to live here with his wife and kids some years later. His wife told me that for the first time in her life she felt comfortable going around the city alone and letting her kids roam around alone. She also told me that there's alot of paranoia about strangers in the us but that's maybe because she lived in a gated community and wasn't ever alone downtown without her parents or husband or brother her entire life.
Yea it is. There is a difference between 'non-whites' and 'people with migration background's in German statistics. The former is ignored. So yes Germany has around 20% foreigners / migration background citizens (anyone who's ancestors in the last 4 generations immigrated) but the majority of those are Yugoslavs, german-russians and italians. Those outweighs the Turks en mass.
Now we have more Syrians but they're still not legal and if we can swing the political game around there is nothing that stops us from deporting them since they don't have any right other than the most basic international refugee rights.
Yes you'd like it just make sure not to go to NRW. Try to go to east Germany (a bit poor tho) or Bavaria or northern germany and try to avoid big cities. We're a federation so every state has their own education system, their own levels of migration and pot and even in some cases tax and legal systems. Just like the US. Avoid the German California!
Yes you can. But it's either time consuming (gun club route) or expensive (hunting license route).
The purpose of these threads is to get you repeating the same tired shit about how everything is fucked in whatever the topic country is. It's a demoralization tactic, and you sub-niggers fall for it every time.
Might as well move to Israel OP, only places worse than Germoney at the moment are Belgium and Sweden.
You were either born German or born American. Stop running around like a fucking coward and stop sliding with your low effort traitor-tier threads.
You are the genius mastermind.
Germans have a mentality that you almost have to grow up with to be a part of imo.
This whole thing of moving there and "becoming German" is low-tier LARPing at best.
Didn't mean to sage tbh
Yes. Immigrate, pose as a liberal, get into the minor government and when the EU crashes, turn on them and become Hitler.
Actuall, Go to alpine Germany/Austria/Swiss it's the most stereotypical but also most völkish at the moment
Germany is only 40% German. The rest is mostly shitskins and niggers. You were deceived.
Currently 65M out of 82M German if I'm not mistaken. Fuck off shill.
commit suicide
kys, nigger.
I don't live in Germany but I do live in a neighbouring country, I'm sure that's good enough.
As you have seen from most threads on here about how fucked Germany/the UK/Sweden is, the EU doesn't really have free speech. Their definition of "free speech" is basically the same one that North Korea has; you can say whatever you want as long it as they aren't things that we don't want you to say. I know that even in the US there are a lot of liberals that will try to destroy your lives if you say something that goes against their narrative or some niggers are going to attack you but at least the government stays out of it. In Germany and most other western-European countries you will actually get arrested for merely saying that the holocaust didn't happen or that you want less immigrants coming into your country. So yeah, that's a part of living in Europe that's horrible, I think the taxes are also much higher than in the US since our countries are all run by socialists.
So yeah, there are a lot of downsides of living in Europe, there are still more whites here than in the US but if you simply want to live somewhere with lots of whites you can always just move to the countryside in your own country. Saging for obvious reasons.
Running away is a natural instinct, but you actually have the best opportunity to turn things around by either pushing the Trumpwagon in the right direction or prepping for a white rejection of DC in the event of deep state fuckery.
Your motivation to move to Germany is entirely negative, and you'd probably want to run away from there too. Mindset counts.
Mach dich nicht lächerlich.
Top Kek
not unless you're ethnically >%90 German or you will not understand them, even if you know their language and culture.
Better than having to deal with Turk dialects. If he wants to live somewhere with an easy language maybe try the UK
Ja ist so. Seh dir die Statistiken selber an. Ich besitze ne Waffe und das einzige das dich davon abhält sind paar Stunden zur Anmeldung beim Schützenverein oder anderen waffen- und Jagdvereinen. Gangster und ausländer sind dort nicht gehen gesehen da sie oft andere Motive haben. Die werden dann einfach nicht an Waffenscheinen von den Prüfern eingelassen wenn sie merken dass stimmt was nicht. Du stehst dir nur selber im weg
Central germany is pretty redpilled. This is where the future and renewal of Germania lies.
Western germany is pretty much a lost cause though.
OP if you do plan on moving here settle down in the rural part of Lower Silesia still controlled by the allied regime, this is also the region where the traditionalist eastern germanic sorbians reside incidentially.
by all means go and visit and date and reproduce but don't move.