The title should be self-explanatory, but the general idea is to redpill normies on the aspects of diversity and associate the swastika with the pride flag and vice versa.
How far can we take this?
The title should be self-explanatory, but the general idea is to redpill normies on the aspects of diversity and associate the swastika with the pride flag and vice versa.
How far can we take this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Red is for our blood so pure.
Orange and Yellow are for our hairs.
Green and Blue are for our eyes.
Purple is for royalty, for we are the Master Race!
White light is made up of the rainbow-spectrum of colors. The White Race shines through the darkness of subhumans and mongrels.
Honestly, there's potential if the message conveyed is that a world of nationalist nations ensures actual diversity. So imagining it like a color palette where each nation on a map is a different color presents a clearer meaning. Then it's a matter of associating such a conveyed message to the rainbow flag and subvert it.
I'm thinking you could kill two birds with one stone with such a method, stop both globalism and multiculturalism.
Red is the blood flowing in our veins.
Orange and Yellow are the hair in our manes.
Green and Blue are the colors of our eyes
Purple for the majesty of all White Lives.
This is a cuckchan meme to push fag-acceptance. Get fucked.
Kill yourself
Hello Holla Forums.
How is it going with the cloppers and furries?
What's next, "take back sodomy from the shitlibs"? "Reclaim Metzitzah B'peh from the kikes"?
second thread i've seen about rainbows here
worth a webm?
The Metaphysics of Pepe with Jonathan Pageau
How is trying to subvert the rainbow flag a Holla Forums tactic?
Anyone have the original thread for this? Saw it begin last week here but can't find it. Great to see this meme progress further. I tested it on a normie before, works wonders.
As testament, Kek supports this effort - I just had fucking white nationalist Hackenkreuzejoas.
What the fuck is that? A cucumber?
explain this?
Like these. Delicious as fuck.
YES!! Great idea, they will lose their minds, hahahahaha
OP, FFS. I'm the user who proposed with go to the Rainbow Family gathering, and I even think this approach is faggy. Faggy as it is though, it must be reclaimed, and reclaimed thrpugh TRUTH! Please do better. Do not use he faggot propaganda methods of the enemy. Look back to the past. Use the Seven Rays (of which subhumans cannot advnce within and defines people by color), and the symbolosm of the bridge to Valhalla!
How do these taste? What climate zones do they grow in? They look quite tempting, user.
Apparently tropical but need a few months of cold weather to fruit properly, which is why they might not grow everywhere in USA. They are everywhere here in NZ.
Taste is sweet considering the lack of sugar, however it depends on how ripe. When less ripe it's more tart, but the texture is awesome gritty and more firm. When riper, even sweeter and soft, paste-like texture with some grit. Sweet and sour taste and hard to compare. E.g. Cucumber, lime and melon + tiny bit of plum together.
Enjoy and give them a shot!
Thanks. I'll give them a try. They'd probably make a great cash crop in the USA. The market is beyond prime for locally grown exotic fruits.
Anyone have more volkish rainbow memes? If we're going to do this, I'm of the opinion that we should use historical context for the win, rather than just manipulating the kike's own propaganda.
Mods have been shutting down these threads since the operation's inception because muh cuckchan. Yes, the origin is shit, but you are a fucking retard not to see the potential of it nor appreciate it's goal.
I'd have to examine the subject personally, for a few weeks or months - very closely, to give you an answer for that.
Oh yeah, I remember that a blind nigger guards that colourful path.
now this is what needs to be plastered all over campus
This is a clever thread by the way. Keep going volks. Back across the rainbow bridge to Asgard.
I have absolutely no idea what to make of your post about a blind nigger… but it gave me an idea! How do we hire blind niggers? We could march them in front of Antifa protests as bait! Imagine the media backlash that would result if they were to trample over a bunch of blind niggers!
If we take the bridge to valhalla angle and the Noah angle, we'll be acting from a position that is legally defendable due to anti-discrimination laws. Religions are protected, and when the enemy acts against it, they can be charged with the dreaded HATE CRIME. Can't guarantee that the charges will stick, but they can definitely be pressed.
Just don't fucking post it and we'll forget about the connection.
Enforcing the already forced meme through association is bad. Now go home Milo.
Leftists are paranoid of infiltration in their ranks. Someone showing aligeance to the rainbow will still be an Ultra Nationalist suspect.
Censorship will get reinforced inside their ranks.
The poster should have only whites on it and some Europa imagery like the outlines of the map of Europa. Don't bring other races into this, we don't care.
Did you get lost on your way to the christcuckoldry boards? Holla Forums is anti-Christian
they've been shilling this hard for a while.
The only thing good in that is the playdough meme.
This is fine.
Doesn't matter, if you are against subversion in leftist ranks you are not even Holla Forums
Free the rainbows
Diversity is fine, as long as your white.
when did we get a holier than thou attitude and become strict adherents to a moral standard?
we're supposed to be the internet hate machine, the Stand Alone Complex of shitposters
a ravenous horde of NEET orcs, demons and spooky skeletons
You fucks
This is hilarious and insain
We're going to do it again
We're going to steal their fucking redarded iconography and use it against them
This is the best thing in the world, lets make it happen, the goal
whoever thought of this is a genius
Add brown and black on top of the flag
some user or anons put a lot of really good design work into these. I like this.
All the colors of the rainbow come from white. Diversity is a white ibvention. Shiet
sounds pretty faggy if you ask me.
Think my way now!
It's already taking place, they are giving away the rainbow flag for us to retake
This will rustle some jimmies. Its been a while since I read Mein Kampf but didn't he say he picked red for the flag color to troll commies?
Keep them separated
That's beautiful.
What's amazing about this is that I actually can't tell if it's CTR propaganda or ours.
At first I thought it was ours but with the addition of Richard Spencer in a positive light, now I can't tell.
Look at me, look at me!
We own the rainbow now!
Everyone is special
Do you even know what a fucking rainbow is? GET THE FUCK OUT WITH THE KIKE 666 SYMBOLISM REEEEEE
Diversity is work
alright, you fuckstain millenialfaggots may not remember this, but before the pedokike mammon worshippers memed that "gay flag" abomination, the rainbow was always represented with 7 colors. not 6 you faggots, 7.
if we are dues vult'ing the rainbow, bring it back to 7.
This is an absolutely brilliant idea.
It triggers lefties and fags to no end, and the more triggered they are, the more they act out.
The more they act out, the more the normies see how redicolous they are.
Here's a chance for you to better yourself.
Why not turn the argument around? Immigration is a veiled attempt by white people to dilute noble colored races. Don't migrate to their countries, or your children will be tainted and cast aside your culture.
7 colors hope your happy
Also this.
this is one of the better ones, the ones with the swastikas are about as subtle as a sledgehammer. this one I could legit hang up in a college commons area and people wouldn't say shit.
bumping epic bread
Gay People, user Gay Fags are just nancy boys no body who mind there true buisness, you wish to see real Faggotry?
My contribution
checked and kekd
subverting is one thing, but that alone doesn't require the swastika literally embedded on the GAYNESS, you are a fucking faggot and you need to fuck off.
kek please accept my contribution
The swastika is too obvious.
real rainbows have 7 colors
the one in the third pic has 6, you or someone else imo should fix that
We need more without swastikas. Conditioning has made it so people will disregard anything with a swastika. Propaganda like this needs finesse.
See how powerful programming and propaganda is kids. The kikes managed to make you associate a natural godly phenomena(a rainbow) with ramming another dude in the ass.
This is a good tactic against the gay agenda and propaganda in general. If we pollute all their symbols so that they think of nazism whenever the kikes use their fag symbol then the brainwashing will fizzle.
Fuck off OP. Fourth thread you obvious faggot with this stupid shit that reaks for Reddit and Twitter leftist faggotry.
Yeah let's lie about the holocaust when we have facts… let's act like faggots with a flag that was made by faggots for faggots. Fucking pathetic bullshit. You stupid asshole.
song in webm? sounds like it's from a genesis game.
Nice pasta
I love this, it's hilarious.
why do you come here? Don't you hate all the fucking retards spewing garbage at you everywhere else?
so why do you have to come here and treat us like we're them? 99% of the users here are pro-white why the fuck do you contrarians have to make posts like this? Is it to snifff your own asshole smells?
You aren't special for making a contrarian post especially when you don't even provide good or well-reasoned arguments or at the VERY LEAST a funny quip
man i fucking hate you people. 8/pol/ users ruined 8/pol/
Godspeed, the rainbow must be reclaimed. We have far more claim to it than faggots do. The rainbow bridge of the Norse, the path of Iris in Greek mythology, the Promise in the bible to Noah and his family. We must fix the utter abdication of the cuckservatives who allowed the left to claim and corrupt all cultural symbols of our people.
I want to say either Crue Ball or Mutant League Football, but I'm pretty sure it's a different song by the same artist
Also "take back the X" never works
image is simply here to cause asshurt
Heil'd! We must use classical volkish imagery to create conflict and strife within the ranks of the enemy. Should they cry and scream agaist this, we can use their very methods and terminology to defeat them. Freedom of religion!
hell yeah, roll those meme machines
These are all gold OP. Pure gold.
Little things like this can product enormous butthurt among the left. Do it!
Das gay
Feed the golden normies.
Co-opting the rainbow flag will be the final straw that breaks the SJW's mind.
How's this OC?
All you cunts saying this faggot enabling seem to forget we're chaos frog worshipers living in the Kali Yuga.
It's our mission to spread chaos and break the enemy's mind. It won't draw fags into our movement because we're not saying
>come join us we like gays now
The white on yellow hurts. I have no idea what to replace it with other than alternating the flag colors maybe?
Disregard this, I'm clearly retarded.
black lettering maybe?
Thought the same but then there's no white.
This, what this thread is about is turning the weapons of an enemy back on themselves. Inverting their holy symbols and reshaping them into your tools.
Use white lettering with a black outline.
Desert Strike
KEK of the south
Next KEK
This is what I'm talking about.
Keep taking what they hold dear and turn it into something they will hate.
Just like that thread where user wanted to use kek to mean something, where it seems more effective to just take what normal/degenerate people use or are familiar with, and let the leftist faggots get angry so other people will see just how shit they really are
i like
I wonder if we can get them to unironically post swastikas?
thanks OP, now I have to drill out all of my hard drives……. ffs
rember happy day
Each continent should have their own colour there.
That first one. Brilliant.
Pepe's cousin had a hit with rainbows, back in the day.
Holla Forums is a Christian board you spiritually bankrupt asshole-worshipping kikes. Go tip yourselves back to Roosh's comment sections where you belong.
Subverting the rainbow back to where it belongs must be something the shills fear, if they're this mad about the idea. We definately need to push this.
"MICHIGAN OUTRAGE : First #Muslim City Council In U.S. ENFORCES #Sharia Law… and use Public Funds for Huge Mosque
Replying to @Co0ontje @AMike4761
i think you're in the wrong thread
NOW the uniforms make sense kek
Yo, fuck that guy he's a loser! Not as in have sex with him but cast him away for his stupidity
Holla Forums was historically an agnostic/atheist board in the past, and nowadays it is a Kekite board. Christianity never had a majority, not once - unless you're counting modern cuckchan "/pol" where plenty of /christian/s have been shilling/evangelizing the Reddit scum.
You have an identity based upon what imageboard/shithole you browse? Fucking loser.
I agree with the other user, this one has a clear message, has no flaws and it's even politically correct.
Fuck off, kike bootlick and take your sinful idol and Germanic cultural appropriation with you.
Damn burger. Only your kind embraces this kind of shit because you're away from home and the latest golems.
You boast about christianity but America could get vaporized by space aliens and not a SINGLE SIGNIFICANT IOTA OF CHRISTIAN HERITAGE WOULD BE LOST.
And, as usual:
Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.
Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.
Only in Christianity.
Now, again, fuck off with your McChurches and nigger priests, larper.
I bet you think there are "based black people" too
I mean, if you were trying to make me feel bad about calling Reddit cucks out for what they are, you kinda fucked up and now I'm left feeling like you might be a cuckchan user yourself.
You appear to be upset.
Try reading Mein Kampf and really consider what Hitler said about pagans.
Holla Forums is a white board. A fair few of us are Christians though.
This thread is so full of dense morons that I can't be fucked to read all the posts patiently to see if their idiocy was confronted. The radical left is willing, at this point, to capitulate entirely to symbols that we re-purpose. Milk is racist. Pepe is racist, etc. The test now is to see if we can take symbols from the radical left, redefine them, and see if they are willing to give up their own symbols for fear of feeling dirty now that we've touched them. Even if they don't give them up, There are still other things we can use to get their pants in a twist.
So, when we take a symbol, it is to give it an entire different meaning than the what the radical left would, not to directly associate the leftist meaning with our purposes. It will be more or less clear to everyone who isn't a radical leftist what we are doing, and it will further expose their insanity and denigrate their support if we can maintain an onslaught of their entire memetic complex for a good 2 or three months. All of their propaganda will decrease in it's effectiveness, if not because our counter-propaganda is effective in a persuasive sense, then it will decrease in effectiveness to to the sheer flood in the market, so to speak. This is why the constant use of swastikas is a bad idea. This shit needs to be facebook safe, drooling normie-tier subtle. If it isn't subtle, it won't get as extreme a response from the left. They will feel more threatened if we appear to be closer to them.
A meme to surpass metalgear