Fuck, I believe it now. 4chan is indeed compromised, they are banning people who post Blepe memes now.
Blepe and 4chan bans
not when they banned 80% of Holla Forums for talking about the head of CRT?
not when countless logs of mods admitting to being leftists were leaked?
not when a kike known to sell personal information bought the site?
not when jewt abandoned ship only to instantly get hired at jewgle?
not when the moderation came to an all time crawl just as the site started to get spammed with cuckold porn and leftist propaganda?
not when they universally banned VPN usage so you couldn't prevent them from collecting user data?
fucking kill yourself faggot
Take your own advice.
And speaking of cuckchan, that's exactly where you and the faggot OP belong, either that or a fucking ditch.
Not from cuckchan, came along with the first exodus. But what's your opinion on this place? Not like the pigfarmer is any better or is their still a modicum of old school?
It's been fucked since 2014
Mods are going to ban you for being a faggot kike shill, and I hope you die
Jim only maintains the servers.
Ron is the admin and active site developer.
Shit OP, Shit message I do dig the blepe but you did such a shitty OP. Lurk the fuck moar and learn how things are done here
Lurk for 2 more years newfag. cuckchan has been compromised for a long time, and no one cares that you go b&
Ok shlomo. Thanks for the great warning you made there. Nothing of value but here's a reply so you can earn another shekel. Get a proper job and thank God for another day of opportunity instead of being an oxygen thief.
Thanks for clarifying. Only browse on occasions due to work commitments but everytime on return, it seems the place is more infected and there's been a myriad of changes and downgrades. Never heard of Ron but did see the IP leaks and the whole HW/Josh saga. ne.ws+ and bans, etc also made me wonder. The other places seem even more cucked and this place is dying. Thanks for answering the q though. Appreciate it.
He's not wrong. You are clearly cancer.
Lurk more.
Please develop an argument next time as to why you feel that way. You make no point whatsoever. Just because you got called a kike and the full word "God" was used, you got triggered. Stop being such a fucking jew and enjoy life for once. Learn to construct conversational skills so that you can apply it to your life in general instead of kvetching like an autist.
8ch exists only for Holla Forums and so it's hard to have an opinion on it. Mods banning for discussing anything negative about trump is pretty hilarious, but besides that it's fine I guess. 8ch sells user information to the government as well but also actively supports VPN's and TOR usage so it's hard to complain. I don't have that much interest in Holla Forums anyways but since this is the only barely active board on the entire website and the only place on the planet you can discuss controversial opinions without being profiled or having your thread spammed with cuckold porn it's better than nothing.
You'll have to adjust how you converse here. I've found most people on this imageboard aren't actually oldfag cuckchan users and are just half-decent neo-4chan users that got tired of the shitshow that was 4/pol/.
They aren't that bad but you'll have to get used to a very autistic niche culture of criticism towards the fact you aren't a nigger and can format your posts. They also unironically seem to think saging or slide threads are relevant on a board that gets 250 posts per hour.
When you think of it, 4chud is the only successful multicultural society the jews ever created
let's be honest, we're literally in the same shit
Kill yourself OP
Sure, but you can use VPN's and TOR here which makes data mining irrelevant to people with a 3-digit IQ.
That's a nice lie you've got there