Holla Forums wants war

So I decided to visit Holla Forums to see the latest shenanigans they're up to. The paranoia there has gone out of control.

They're talking about civil war and putting together lists of local leftists to kill.

Now, Holla Forums has been all talk and no action so far, but if Hillary does shut down places like 4chan/Holla Forums and enact hate speech laws retroactively like she has promised, it will turn them into cornered animals who might feel they have nothing left to lose.

Are you prepared in case some Holla Forums sperg turns up in the middle of the night and sneaks through your window with a garrote wire? Will you organize to counter their guerrilla tactics?

I saw someone on /r/conspiracy calling for revolution against the government.

Shit's getting real.

Holla Forums is now all shill paranoia, trump and memes. they constantly talk about action yet see everything that isn't posting of problemati.c frogs on imageboards as a honeypot

They think that leftism opposes guns, and of them all we own none. In time, I hope they will find themselves surprised, or with a bloody gape in their skull.

That won't ever happen. This thread is stupid as fuck

This. Half of Holla Forums is shitposters who really do not care, and the other half is stormfags who will never do anything on their own.

Crawling through the window? Those fat fucks wouldn't fit. Besides, even if they did get me the cops would nail them pretty fast. Not hard to follow the trail of cheeto dust.

I've got an FAL for a reason. If shit gets nasty in the next couple of decades, which I think it probably will (I remember reading that around 30% of officers in the US military would support a right-wing insurrection) I want to be able to do something to try and keep true leftism alive.


Allow the right wing to damage infrastructure and leave the people angry at the lack of support from anybody, then swoop in and build community support for them and arm the populace against both their aggressors from the right and the corporatist oppressors. Pull some black panther shit.

They've talked out their assholes about this for months, I think if they had the balls they'd have done it by now. Let them come if they dare.

Friendly reminder that a lot of those people are probably Alphabet Soup playing their entrapment games.

i've been seeing that since 2012



lol those stupid faggots. we invented guerilla tactics. btw literally no one would support the right wing if a civil war between the left and right broke out.

noone invented guerilla tactics
hit and runs been standard since the days of Hattusa and Eridu
the models of terrorist cells were created by the British government though originally as a final end game scenario if Nazi Germany ever invaded Britain

Really? What about muh revolution?

you tard /pol has been deliriously fantasizing about death squads for years now, none of them are going to do anything other than the occasional ineffective spree killer

do you want this or somethng, it fucking sounds like it, anyhow its not gonna happen fucknuts, it doesnt work like that, censorship will be a lot more subtle and insidious mark my words

stop fucking roleplaying faggot, go do something useful


this. if i was the government id be scared of radleft not radright. radlefties read up on guerilla tactics for shits and giggles. fascists just look at charts and call brown people mean names.

Come to Canada and pick up an SKS for $200 to smuggle back to your country comrades, you may need it to fight off stormfag spergs.

don't you need to show IDs and stuff to buy guns in Canada?

and nationalists stockpile guns and make bombs
looking at shit online is useless
know where I learned how to make thermite and gelled gasoline?
know where I learned how to make a zip gun and chlorine gas?
not from fucking marxists thats for sure
most marxists I know are far too concerned with which pronouns their peers use or talking about the wonders of socialism to their 'comrades'
radleft is full of fat neckbeards in basements wearing berets and making long winded stammering speeches to the webcam

the KKK are retarded they're not gonna do shit
those white nationalist burgers there would be taken out in a week in an armed uprising
be more afraid of the police using their new plasma ray to neutralize you or the military dropping a barrel bomb of nerve gas on you tbh

i'm a florida fag, don't worry comrade. we got our guns covered for the inevitable proletariat revolution

Thanks for finishing what I started Holla Forums :^)

This, to be quite honest.

Osama succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.