We need to have less children because of global warming!! Stop thinking about money and reproducing so much we need to...

has anyone else noticed this jewish self-contradiction? I have not seen much calling this out but I just realized this shit is everywhere

Also rate my new counter signal maymay I made for this reason

Other urls found in this thread:


Has anyone else noticed your thread is shit and you need to fuck off back to cuckchan?

Yeah it's pretty much baby's first redpill tier tbh. Even /r/t_d knows this one.

Also don't wall of text of your meme.

I've been here since copypaste created this site, been on /new/ since 4chon before Holla Forums was ever made though.

my thread isn't shit, it has a very cogent point

How the heck did you end up here newfag? Go back to cuckchan.

Just made this

Brevity is the soul of wit. You meme like a leftist.

Notice how all these (((concerned posters))) use the exact same "argument" to shut down the thread, yet none of them will be able to justify a single thing they say

I usually use the overpopulation thing when I hear people talking about how we have to feed/cure Africans.

this is both bad for the environment and economy.

Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation

National socialism is the only environmentally friendly option.

If we're gonna post OC here's a video I made and a flag for a Nationalist America.

It's called board quality faggot. These 4cuck tier OPs should absolutely not be tolerated here. Next well be seeing banal plebbit posts with no substance.

this is the first I've heard about any such thing.

You were the 1st one.

Actual environmental conservation is a completely redpilled stance.
Send the third world back to the stone age, form a naval blockade around China and halt all trade with them. Stop selling medicine to India. Stop sending aid to Africa. Invest in nuclear power.

The global warming problem has now sorted itself out.

Fucking Molyneux pointed it out repeatedly. Whatever you think of that old jew, he is rather good at spreading out propaganda.

Everything that comes out of the Jews mouth is hypocritical self contradictions.

Love these smuggie memes. Contribootin….

don't forget

Aint that the truth.

I have encountered the "voluntary extinction movement" back around 8+ years ago while browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's a bit of a looney thing in the same category as Flat Earth and Hollow Earth, but I think like Randi Harper and GamerGate, these old things will resurface.

On global warming and such, I got a mixed opinion.
Prehistory, the Earth was much warmer enough to support giant reptiles (if the dinosaurs were cold blooded). Naturally, emerging from an Ice Age, the Earth will gradually return to higher temperatures than in human history.

Indeed it is a contradiction, to advocate for voluntary population control, but then advocate for immigration from undeveloped nations whose citizens will reproduce much more given better living standards. OP has Holla Forums tier memes.

Literally everyone.

Has anyone noticed that jews don't argue in good faith?

If only someone were to write a book about it…

Yes OP, this has been MY go to argument against brown refugees for months now, it's effective.
Not bad OC, but we need to refine it, don't know if the cartoon there belongs with the statement (although it is meme worthy and belongs with a different smuggy)

Eat shit faggots

Not bad either, smuggy needs lots of work, but good effort.

try harder

OP provided OC, what have you provided? Nothing.


Dinosaurs were not reptiles, they were not cold blooded. For fuck's sake do a little research user before you base your theory on falsehoods.
wrong, it's called a smuggy. Switch tactics.

Get out.



Shitty OC thread?

where's your OC faggot? Your image is shit to and you should feel bad.

Only white people and half-Jews will feel guilty enough to not have children

The idea that there are people out there who would actually do this if they could sickens me to my core, good job user.

I think it's better with just this part.

==Migrant immigration, it's the Jew way of keeping a debt based economy chugging along while it's being embezzled as a matter of policy–


You were here all this time, yet still don't adhere to our formatting nor standards. You made a shit thread, you are a faggot, back to cuckchan!

WOW what a shocking revelation OP!

I am personally going to drive my Hummer for a minimum of 8 hours each day while emptying cans of hairspray and burning copies of "An inconvenient truth". That will show those libfags and Jews whose boss.

I mean if our enemies support something we should always take a reactionary stance against it because there's no such thing as a problem having different solutions. Everything exists as a binary YES or NO judgement.

Come my fellow Nazis let us post unsourced infographics from (((Big Oil))) that show climate change is just a phase.

It's still far more of a wall of text than a typical counterpart in the genre.

I'm not going to autistically count words, but at a glance it seems that OP should refactor it to be about half as long.


Yep, they talk about civilization creating more CO2 than Africa, then the faggot kikes want to tighten restrictions on Western CO2 and have no restrictions whatsoever on third world CO2 while increasing the population of the USA with a third world invasion. It's all fucked up and you know they're only interested in their Marxist redistribution of wealth from high IQ individuals to low IQ subhuman savages.


What's the source of that webm?

switch IPs again kike

Here's a higher res of your 5th image

thanks fam, I have actually been looking for that one, it's my favorite and I think it got fat fingered into some folder, had to save it from imgr hunting for it.

People like this make my blood boil. Jesus also wasn't afraid to kick out the merchants when they turned the temple into his words "A den of thieves". We should follow his example and purge the unclean from our holy place.

Why don't the shitskins that can't feed and support their kids stop having so many kids?

Only whites have to stop having kids?

"reddit spacing"
Holy fuck either kill yourself or go back to 4cuck newfag

checked, it's like shills found a playbook from September of last year like it was hot off the presses.










Full of text, nobody is going to read all that shit.

This can someone please make this but;
Change the top line with this or something like it

I'd do it myself but am mobile fag :'(

I'll bite. Here ya go mobile-user.

You're doing God's work user

You can have as many kids as you want as long as you exterminate 10 subhumans for every kid you have.

i dont know why i like these so much.



Is this your first time recognizing a doublethink?

Yes and it's a great way to start the redpill process. Calling out cognitive dissonance is literally the best way of cracking the subversion. It's effective enough in every field that they had to make up this 'privilege' nonsense as a patch.

this tbh. Less is more when you meme your dreams.




It's not a contradiction though, it's "ok" to import the shits because they will accept a lower standard of living, which is what that whole scam is all about.

We are overpopulated! Median house prices in Sydney are 1.2million! We can't afford kids!

We need to help the Syrian refugees please bring them over so they can settle in their own ethnic enclaves in Western Sydney.

It's all part of their plan.

Cheap labour to offset the potential of disenfranchised white workers joining the unions again (another reason why the Labor Party is flooded by Communist types).

We've been in a property bull market for years, it's at a point now where it's the only thing holding up the economy. After resource prices fell, high rise developments were approved to provide work for a lot of the tradesmen who were previously employed in the mines.

Also we have a massive banking, real estate and financial services industry which has ballooned off the back of property, not to mention cafes, restaurants, shops and all other sectors of the economy that have benefited second-hand.

I want to save it OP but it needs to be shortened and get straight to the punchline. Try to explain the dichotomy more concisely

When I was a kid there was this thing called "Zero Population Growth". It was because back in the 70s people thought that the earth had reached its limit of sustainability. Yes, Soylent Green was actually a terrifying look at the future and not the campy fun movie people see it as today.

The most active participants in the movement were White people.

However, I'm of the belief that this was not Jewish subversion to genocide White people. I believe these sort of movements are majorly a White thing because we are intelligent enough to actually give a damn about the planet. We care what happens to the environment and our impact on it. How many nigger environmentalists/conservationists do you see?

I realize, of course, that the "Zero Population Growth" movement was a bit silly at the time; but it was just yet another way to show that White people actually have the capacity to understand what could happen to the world if human growth is left unchecked. Instead now, however, it should be the systematic and mandatory sterilization of the mongrel races rather than the decision by us to not breed.