It's a classic cult tactic and helps his freedomain cult.
when was the last time he did that? a lot of his recent videos he keep pushing for couples to have babies, also you're assuming all the times he argues for someone about defooing the family was not actually abusive, which I would require proof on, if someone tell me their dads beat them I too would advise for them to avoid contacts.
soa good thing then! the more peeps talkign about this the better
so a good thing then! helping normies understand this shit in a easily view-able format, making people hungry for more advanced stuff
which is not not the worst ideology ever, as long you recognize ya can indirrectly violate NPA with migrants and shit, eroding our cultuse is vilolating the NAP, not on a personnal level but on a societal one
Which they are, inert and entry-level redpill
so again! a good thing, considering how many sheeps still call themselves libertarians, the more they get exposed and the more people are shamed for it, the better.
Not nearly as much as rural white America, I doubt fucking anyone living in the Rust Belt knows who that kike is
that's a big "not an argument", mainly because ya got 0 data to support that claim, dunno where ya been but I seen a lot of his material re-used in more normie-centric platforms, also memes and ideas spread from one to another, you are the last person I wanna heard about how limited the power of a single person is, ya still need e-celebs to some degree, his material is then re-used by otehrs etc. do you even know about memes?
well he ranted about his abusive mother so…also for someone refusing to rat out his own tribe… he sure has hinted a lot lately about the jews, also everythign he advocates for goes against the globalists jews interests, the Same way Trump keep loving Israel, while putting in place policies that fuck them in the ass
generalisation, simplification, and he is not using only "ancap faggotry", he is also using social cohesion, in-group preferences, statistics, crime rates, etc, you're simplistic rebutal is not even up to par, but more effort
exposing the hypocresy of the left, and how there is nothing wrong with white pride and favoring in-group preferences says otherwise.
More normies baby redpills, never got too much of those.
I fail to see what you really bitching about, all I see is nitpicking, and semantics.
in fact your only sensible argument, to weight against all the good he does is muh jew (debatable). To be fair, that is a heavy weight on one side of the scale, but damn if he wanted to offset it and go against everything the kikes usually stand for, in recent years he could not have done it any better. He don't act like a kike in any regards, so the only thing left is genetics… and genetics are not set in stone traits, even if ya could provide the genetic make-up of his mother, who could be half-jew herself (genetic-wise) for all you know, do you have history tree? what if it was only 25% jew? 12,5% jew? would you take 12,5% jew that promote white identity or a pureblood Aryan blue-eyed that promote multiculturalism. but I guess that's too mcuh for you, so riddle me this then.
what's that skippy? both his parents must have had a blue eyed gene? so where did the blue gene on the mothers side come from then?
sorry but trying to reduce anyone to labels and then forcing labels on people that don;t fit it exaclty, like how the left view everying as a Nazi, is the exact same type of shilling peeps are doing in this thread. EVERYONE IS A JEW AGENT. fuck off