A list of Kike agents

Hey Holla Forums here is a great idea. Let's create a list of everyone we believe are shills and are working directly for the Jewish system.

Based on my conversations here I already have a pretty large list of enemy agents pretending to be pro-White but are in reality agents working for the Jews and have had a DEBILITATING and HARMFUL effect upon White racial consciousness.

Anyway, here is my list so far, please help me add to it so everyone can be aware who the shills are.

Let's start with the alt right. Which has done absolutely nothing to help redpill people or steer anyone towards thinking about race in any way at all.

Andrew Anglin
Richard Spencer
David Duke
Basically everyone in Red Ice Radio
Everyone on Altright.com
Everyone on DailyStormer
TRS (obviously)
Murdoch Murdoch

Everyone in Identity Evropa
Michael Heimbach
Jared Taylor
Our mods
Jazzhands McFeels
Between 20% and 80% of the people on Holla Forums

Who else should I add to this list?


Other urls found in this thread:


you're shitposting but everyone you listed is absolutely anti-white faggots that should be distanced from

Iron March
American Vanguard

Based Stickman

Literally everyone on the internet except for Holla Forums Holla Forums is a kike agent

actually even Holla Forums is filled with kike agents

come to think of it I'm probably the only person on earth that isn't a kike agent

holy shit

am i



Yes. Good.

Also, I would like to add that 100% of every single woman who says she is anything other than a radical feminist is actually a Jewish agent trying to trick nationalist men into thinking that even a single White woman is worth more than a pile of shit. We should put all White women in Hijabs once we achieve White Sharia. Allahu Akbar.

proud boys too and TRS.

You faggots are terrible at false flagging. This entire thread probably came from some butthurt TRS discord.

And now it starts spouting sperglin's talking points to deflect. Good job TRShills, never learn.


What's funny is that there's evidence beyond any doubt that a few of those are actually shills.

Let's examine OP's list from a non-shitposting perspective:

Fag-enabler and Israel supporter. Connected to CIA through William Regenery.
CIA Asset that made a mockery of the klan
L*terally who
They went from dude nibiru lmao to alt-kike and interview jews, clearly in it for shekels
Alt-Right was coined by a kike - Paul Gottfried
Due to association with Anglin, yes
Due to association with Enoch, yes
Probably use proprietary software and are in it for shekels, overall not bad because they speak out against the alt-right regularly.
Clear honeypot that asks for identifying markings like scars and tats
FBI nigger
CIA nigger connected via Spencer
Anti-white faggots that suppress book threads and /seig/
Fag enablers
On cuckchan 100%, on here there's a lot of them too, including OP.

Well I mean, obviously those faggots aren't pretending to be pro-White. They go without saying.

Kyle "my mongrels will kill your kids if you keep advocating pro-white interests" Chapman is a clear-cut enemy.

Anglin might be a shill, but he's so fucking funny that I don't give a shit.ie. all of the DS headlines. Or this video with the late jew alan colmes:

also you forgot Juif "Hail Eris" internet-troll pro who's in it for the shekels and user-data.
Forgot Jim Watkins and his gimp son Ron Watkins too.

Forgot Stefan Moneyjew
Forgot the blanket "alt-right" moniker
Forgot NPI

OP is a kike.

I know. See, you get what this thread is about, but many people here believe that everyone who wasn't born with a Swastika on their forehead is a zionist shill.

So basically, our cause is already lost. There are only a few hundred people on earth who aren't shills. Go figure.

And now the TRShill reveals his true intentions. Getting whites to cuck out and promote blatantly anti-white alt-kike faggots.

Okay, I'll update my list
Everyone at NPI
Everyone who even associates with the alt right
Stefan Molyneux
Kyle Chapman
proud boys (would you like to Add Milo yeanopolpopupolopolis?)
Based Stickman
Oathkeepers (again, would you like to Add Milo yeanopolpopupolopolis? These are not exactly people who call themselves pro-White)
Iron March
American Vanguard
Andrew Anglin
Richard Spencer
David Duke
Basically everyone in Red Ice Radio
Everyone on Altright.com
Everyone on DailyStormer
TRS (obviously)
Murdoch Murdoch
Everyone in Identity Evropa
Michael Heimbach
Jared Taylor
Our mods
Jazzhands McFeels
100% of everyone on any social media not Holla Forums Holla Forums
Between 20% and 80% of the people on Holla Forums

Can I get an example of someone who isn't a kike shill. The problem here is that everyone is a kike shill until they come out and say gas the kikes, racewar now, but as soon as anyone says that they are labeled controlled opposition false flagging to make us look bad. By this definition, everyone is a kike shill

Gavin McCuck, obviously.

In fact, I think that everyone and anyone who has ever done anything IRL for White people is really just an agent. The only safe space for us is on Holla Forums

We're doomed. The Jews won. :-(

Hey OP, what's your name? It needs to go on the list.

You take that back about Based Stickman

My name and yours are already on that list.

He hit a communist IRL instead of just larped about it on Holla Forums So obviously he is really a Mossad agent. Don't you get it? is right. If you weren't born sig heiling with a swastika on your forehead, you're a Kike agent.

Correct, directly connected to the CIA via Regenery publishing
Correct, if they are associated with zionists then they might as well be
L*teral jew who advocates psychiatry and anti-family
I'd like you to add the faggot you clearly think is BASED
Kyle Chapman is "based"(niggerspeak) sticuck
Constitutionalist cucks
Fag-enabling honeypot ran by teenagers
Pro-fag pro-israel and directly connected to the CIA via NPI and William Regenery
CIA Asset and fraudster
L*terally who
Everyone there, because they're pure profiteers
Yep, if you associate with zionists you might as well be one
Guilty of association with racemixer sperglin
Mike Enuch the kike and his fag-hag wife are absolute infiltrators
Already covered
Already covered
Already covered
Already covered
Already covered
already went over this
social media means giving your meta-data up to the FBI, anyone on there is a good-goy who's spouting PC and therefore inert red pills
already went over this

You clearly don't think these people are shills, why? You have no retort when I tell you exactly why they're kikes. You just have shitposting. Kill yourself faggot OP

"based" stickman wants his hapa mongrels to kill white children that advocate pro-white interests and race mixes


also "based" is niggerspeak, why are you using it?
fuck OP you need to kill yourself ASAP

Could you please name me one person on earth besides you who is both alive and is not a kike shill?

Could you please tell me how or why any of the reasons to discount these proven shills are invalid? Fucking blow your brains out media-whore. You alt-kike freaks are in it for the sensationalism not to save your race from an ever-growing tide of mud.

I sincerely hope you all get killed.

Sage, no resolutive examples for comparisons..

Joseph Goebbels
Sam Hyde
Bashar Al-Assad

greentext them schlomo

Yeah, that used to be the case until they got sweet-talked with some backroom money deals or something. All their latest videos have eye-rollingly shoehorned shout-outs to faggots like Enoch and Anglin that serve zero purpose but to advertise for e-celebs

I am starting to think you're actually serious. That you are actually, literally autistic. That's sad. You are basically useless to the White race.


Kill yourself, TRSodomite.

I can't stand that gook-loving cocksucker. Especially how everyone at those rallies treats him like a celebrity and freaks out like a 12 year old girl at a boy band concert, even though he literally told everyone to BLANDA UPP or else their white children will get killed by the hordes of vibrant diversity.

Fuck off nigger.

Of course I'm serious. Alt-Right moniker was coined by Paul Gottfried, a kike. Anyone who uses it or associates with it is sympathetic to kikes and should not be trusted or enabled.
But people like Kyle Chapman who want their mongrel kids to murder whites in the streets just because said whites advocate for maintaining the integrity of their race contribute so much don't they?

I seriously hope some commie guts you next time you decide to go engage in muh white supremacist street fighting with all those based nonwhites who pretend they're on your side.

I only lie about lying

I'm just waiting people to start claiming Kmac is a kike lmao. This thread is fucking ridiculous.

Well, autistic people don't have very good people skills so you won't have children and you obviously don't interact with the real world so you aren't useful for fighting. But at least you can wish me death on the internet. You're truly Hitler's ideal of an Aryan Warrior!

Honestly, would tell us that GLR was a Kike agent if he was still alive

Post dox here >>>/thelist/

CAFEB5 you are 1/3 of this thread and not OP.

Thank you, for pointing out Richard Spencer is a shill.

Please enlighten us, WHO IS NOT A SHILL

Everyone associated with TRS, of course! As they are the greatest contributor to The Movement™.

Don't forget to donate. :^)

yeah no, doing lists of "kike agent" is begging for trouble, because then shills are gonna try to make EVERYONE fit in the list, no matter how useful someone is, why? because at one point in time someone somewhere associated with some dude said something positive about a kik,e or because someone refuse to go full 1488 for reasons out of their controls like… oh say
this is basically the same things the left do, attack a label to everyone you disagree with on some points. and then discredit everything because they are on DA LIST.

I will say it out loud, but I use Molyneux as my litmus test. why?
>hinted a few times that those controlling the world are not the whites can;t name the kikes in Canada
His crimes? has a mother born in Berlin to a "pretty jewish clan" not even saying the mom herself was Jewish, could be a jew Dad only who knows. but this taint EVERYTHING HE EVER DONE TO ADVANCE THE WHITE RACE.

and yet ya got people ITT trying to put him on the same level as the Milo faggot, Richard Spencer or else

Cybernazi is alright.

"based" stickman is a faggot who knows what's happening in South Africa and wants the same to happen here.

Nobody knows who Molyneux is.
Everyone on the fucking planet knows who Pepe is.

Nice try, ovenbait.

This is why you faggots will never remove kike. You dick around with ecelebs, instead of using this autistic energy to create a database with the name-address-pic of the top 3,000 kikes in burgerland, make it available it to all interested who can discreetly get an eyes-on of their lairs without retard stalking. Just a walk-by. That's all that is needed. The very existence of the DB would send the kike into piss-their-pants- mode. But, no; just go on screeching about etards.

Keep doubling down on muh autism, I have better people skills than bumbling retards like Spencer who can't even get through an interview with some dumb media nigger without fixating his dick to the back of his throat.

So because I won't associate myself with known yids and yid-accessories I'm some basement dwelling autist. Fucking ebin, your forum-tier tactics don't work here Schmuley. Keep doubling down, what's next? I'm a virgin, or fat? Get fucking real.

Not even close lad, I reject German Idealism because it relies too heavily on esoteric concepts that can't be applied to America. I also reject multiculturalism which the alt-right wishes to continue, I also reject the presence of nonwhites in white nations which the alt-kike wishes to enable, I also reject Israel's right to exist which is a core-tenant of alt-kikeism.

Nah, GLR was a bit of a sperg for using hollywood tactics and pandering to defectives but overall he openly advocated for a Whiter America and I would have supported him. Same with WLP, WLP is just GLR with less autism and better composure.
I had the same complaints about Gex but he wasn't a shill.

Anyone who rejects alt-right and doesn't pander to deviants isn't a shill. That simple.
for instance Varg, his wife, and certain members of MDE like the qt who moderates their subreddit and charles

And yet, Varg has to deal with some of the strictest anti-hate laws and still names the jew in his videos, still advocates pro-white interests, and never compromises for nonwhites.
Anyone who associates with alt-kike is discredited. They put themselves on that list lad.

Incorrect, he routinely advocates for "defoo"ing which is the psychiatric process of distancing onesself from an "abusive" family
It's a classic cult tactic and helps his freedomain cult.
Basic science
Basic shit anyone could find from FBI statistics and cross-referencing black areas with crime rates
Because it doesn't fit in with his ancap worldview and "violates the NAP"
Which they are, inert and entry-level redpill
Not nearly as much as rural white America, I doubt fucking anyone living in the Rust Belt knows who that kike is
He is a kike himself and will therefore never turn on the tribe
Destroys them with AnCap faggotry, more inert red pills
Which is retarded 4cuck memes that do nothing to promote white-interests
More entry-level shit
he's a jew

also I don't think Styx is a shill even though I disagree with him on almost everything: and here's why

He's practically a lolberg but he's authentic - can't say the same about any of these alt-kike retards who constantly lie and use pro-white ideology as a way of lining their pockets all the while being scared shitless to delve too deep into anything(ie holocaust, 9/11, or jewish control-grid) because it might be bad PR and therefore diminish their capacity to farm shekels

No, but if GLR were alive today, Aut-Righters would be kvetching about how he's a "LARPer" who keeps "punching right".

Those guys don't make any money from their jewtube. It's satire and its a hobby. They trigger everyone. It's comedy and it does redpill the youth. They intentionally tried to trigger Holla Forums in their last vid (like I said satire) but I find them entertaining. In the same fashion as Alex Jonestein, who we know is either CIA or Zog controlled. Still entertaining meme

It's a classic cult tactic and helps his freedomain cult.
when was the last time he did that? a lot of his recent videos he keep pushing for couples to have babies, also you're assuming all the times he argues for someone about defooing the family was not actually abusive, which I would require proof on, if someone tell me their dads beat them I too would advise for them to avoid contacts.
soa good thing then! the more peeps talkign about this the better
so a good thing then! helping normies understand this shit in a easily view-able format, making people hungry for more advanced stuff
which is not not the worst ideology ever, as long you recognize ya can indirrectly violate NPA with migrants and shit, eroding our cultuse is vilolating the NAP, not on a personnal level but on a societal one
Which they are, inert and entry-level redpill
so again! a good thing, considering how many sheeps still call themselves libertarians, the more they get exposed and the more people are shamed for it, the better.
Not nearly as much as rural white America, I doubt fucking anyone living in the Rust Belt knows who that kike is
that's a big "not an argument", mainly because ya got 0 data to support that claim, dunno where ya been but I seen a lot of his material re-used in more normie-centric platforms, also memes and ideas spread from one to another, you are the last person I wanna heard about how limited the power of a single person is, ya still need e-celebs to some degree, his material is then re-used by otehrs etc. do you even know about memes?
well he ranted about his abusive mother so…also for someone refusing to rat out his own tribe… he sure has hinted a lot lately about the jews, also everythign he advocates for goes against the globalists jews interests, the Same way Trump keep loving Israel, while putting in place policies that fuck them in the ass
generalisation, simplification, and he is not using only "ancap faggotry", he is also using social cohesion, in-group preferences, statistics, crime rates, etc, you're simplistic rebutal is not even up to par, but more effort
exposing the hypocresy of the left, and how there is nothing wrong with white pride and favoring in-group preferences says otherwise.
More normies baby redpills, never got too much of those.

I fail to see what you really bitching about, all I see is nitpicking, and semantics.
in fact your only sensible argument, to weight against all the good he does is muh jew (debatable). To be fair, that is a heavy weight on one side of the scale, but damn if he wanted to offset it and go against everything the kikes usually stand for, in recent years he could not have done it any better. He don't act like a kike in any regards, so the only thing left is genetics… and genetics are not set in stone traits, even if ya could provide the genetic make-up of his mother, who could be half-jew herself (genetic-wise) for all you know, do you have history tree? what if it was only 25% jew? 12,5% jew? would you take 12,5% jew that promote white identity or a pureblood Aryan blue-eyed that promote multiculturalism. but I guess that's too mcuh for you, so riddle me this then.
what's that skippy? both his parents must have had a blue eyed gene? so where did the blue gene on the mothers side come from then?
sorry but trying to reduce anyone to labels and then forcing labels on people that don;t fit it exaclty, like how the left view everying as a Nazi, is the exact same type of shilling peeps are doing in this thread. EVERYONE IS A JEW AGENT. fuck off

Has anyone actually read david dukes work? I can't find the vid I'm looking for, but I believe it's 60 minutes from around 30 years ago. Anyways it says somewhere in the beginning how he was majorly redpilled by Rockwell and Pierce and at ten years old he was in his garage playing with mice, and he was obsessed with monitoring the white lab mice and one was impregnated by a wild nigger mouse. Can't make this up, wish I had the vid but it's pretty interesting tbh.

Kyle Chapman is 100% controlled opposition. There's over 100k on his WeSearchr defense fund. He's being financed to keep us fighting. For the fags that don't get it, antifags and the alt fags are both controlled opposition. It took me a bit to accept the reality but let me run it down in a simple phrase:
It's a brilliant zog plan

He's also trying to make shekels. Fact. Whether or not he believes more is another debate, but he's in it for the coin

"Psychology is a Jewish Invention"- Dylan Roof

Does it matter when it's part of his ideology? Nope. Freak even has a page on defoo.org found here
Which makes you an anti-family pro-psychiatry kike as well. Good job outing yourself

Go listen to thunderfoot too then, faggot.
And that's where I discarded your post entirely, you're clearly from some cucked site that censors the -fag suffix and should be discounted entirely.
Keep outing yourself.
Wanna know how I know you're a cultist

Kikes are good at looking white, haven't you figured that one out yet you goddamn bluepilled cultist freak?

Shills, shills, go away, come again

Get over yourself. If you think IronMarch is anything other than a definitive Fascist site, than you are utterly fooling yourself.


Their sysadmin is nonwhite and works for the FSB

Nigger shitting their pants about Molyneux have never contributed 1/10th as much as he has.

The admin does not work for FSB. And he is uzbek, however, he is no leader (like many retarded nogs say) he is just a curator of the site that harbors many Fascist groups and has helped them grow. Not to mention contributed better to our side as a whole than you have you retard.

Oh yeah, I forgot about his non-white kids. Gotcha. Fuck off.

If they associate with nonwhites they're not to be trusted. End of story.
As for sperglin he actively racemixes. Nice standards you have there faggot.

He is one of the main persons who runs the servers. Without him, there wouldn't be any. Frankly, servers like that are better out of the FBI niggers hands and safe in some hovel in Russia. That being said, he isn't non-white you stupid nigger, he is a slav uzbek.
On top of this, I would like to point out that Fascism isn't just limited to whites. Unless you're more happy with pure commie African, Oriental and Arabic nations.
No, fuck off, you have no good arguments. You're just a paranoid nigger who contributes absolutely nothing but these shit thread. End your life, you'd be doing the white race a favor.

As for anglin, race mixing would imply that you actually MAKE CHILDREN with another race, creating a child of mixed race hence "race mixing". And last I checked, he has no half nigger kids. Your standards are shit and you'd likely shit on Pierce if you knew him.

He fucks members of nonwhite races. That's more race mixing than I can tolerate. You're thinking of miscegenation. He will never have children because he is genetic refuse as well.

And I don't mind IM so much, all that shit about Slavros is 90% shitposting. Out of all of the "alt-right" splinter-groups IM or Rope Culture is probably the best.
As for WLP I enjoy his work, are you trying to call him a race-mixer for having sexual relations with eastern European women? That's a bit different than fleeing your homeland over some shit weev did and porking up asian ladyboys for kicks.

Now for Anglin's body of work It's 50/50 split between amazing and pure verbal vomit. The things he writes on the realities of race and white culture are decent but most of his social commentary and all that White Sharia talk reeks of faggotry of one form or another. He's probably fucking socially stunted which is why I dislike him, less of a fed more of a sperg - hence sperglin :^)

Oh, so now coalburners are okay so long as they're on birth control?

See, this person gets it. If more people here were as collected as you are, we'd be in control of local governments by now.

Lol. Saying you have better speaking skills than Spencer is like saying you're more repeatable than Hillary Clinton. Not a very high bar.

I can tell you don't have good people skills because you don't understand context. You're too autistic.

IRL, if GLR had existed today, you'd find some reason to say they were kike agents because everyone is a kike agent. You'd say they supported Israel and loved multiculturalism. I mean, if the alt right which doesn't support Israel and doesn't support multiculturalism actually does because YOU say so, so did GLR and WLP because YOU would say so. And YOU are the center of the universe.

So Varg is not a shill. Good to hear. Do you have any proof? But let's ignore that for now. So we have Varg. Wooo hoo! We're still doomed because Varg is one man and 99.99999% of everyone else is a kike agent. Anyone and everyone who ever does anything IRL is a kike agent except Varg (and honestly since his wife is a female woman that means she can't be a nationalist because all women not chained to toilets are really secret feminists who should be White Sharia-ed because Sharia law is a White invention and native to Europe.) So if the only person on earth besides YOU who is not a shill is Varg, our cause is doomed.

Also, based on the last rambling in your post, you know nothing about human psychology. So. Again, you are basically useless to the White race. That leaves Varg and Varg alone. We're fucking doomed. Varg leads no movement and while he has many subscribers, he is no threat at all to the System.

No, obviously if you weren't a Nazi at age 2, you can never be allowed to fight for the White race. Nope. If you EVER in your ENTIRE LIFE did ANYTHING that wasn't 150% 1488 every single day, you aren't really a Nazi, you're a shill kike.

What have YOU done for the White race today? Were you a White racialist at age 2?

I mean, obviously Slavs aren't White. So WLP wasn't one of us at all. Irish aren't White. Italians or Greeks aren't White
Only Germans are White.
Purity spiraling is good. It makes us stronger.
Notice how successful people who purity spiral as hard as you are? We already have overthrown the Jews.

fuck off, you manlet. Go suck TRS's cock for more shekels, you fucking sell-out.

Ah. So you fail the litmus test of the pure nazis. That makes you a shill. Anyone not a Nazi at age 2 is a shill for the kikes. How sad.

You should have purity spiraled by the age of 3.

You sodomites always make it so easy to identify yourselves.

Here's something for all you pure nazis out there to munch on; What if Hitler wasn't pure enough? He had Jewish associates, didn't exterminate Jews in Europe when he had the chance, his mother worked for a Jew, and he allowed non-Whites into the Wehrmacht. That's alt-right tire shilling. Holy fucking shit!

I mean, even Spencer and David Duke say that America and Europe are for Whites. If Hitler allowed non-Whites into the Wehrmacht, that makes him less of a nazi than the alt right.

As for purity spiraling, I am all for it. The best way to defeat the Jews is to only have 4 people on earth who are PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE enough to be allowed to fight them and all of them have no money or influence.

Truly, you are a military genius.

hur hur get last tee are sodamyte

It's sad to see how some people just can't handle the redpill. Instead of becoming enlightened they become paranoid schizophrenics.

KYS before you do something stupid. We don't need your psychological baggage.