Very Disturbing "Pedosexual" Tweets

Screenshots were posted on Reddit from a twitter account by someone claiming to live in Paragould, AR. The reddit post can be found here:

The tweet and account are now deleted. Fortunately they've been archived here:

Twitter account is archived here:

Note in the replies the same account tweets:

Another posting claiming to be from the same person can be found here:

Google Plus Account:

Hoax? Or is this person completely insane?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, but they're so insulated in their little bubble of leftism that to them this is acceptable behavior. Reminds me of that one butt-fucking crazy woman from Canada who was a raw vegan and had this strong incest vibe with her son.




Sic the authorities on them. Local cops, state cops, CPS, FBI, etc. Call them all.

This is egregious enough and the abuser isn't a politician / billionaire kike, it won't be ignored.


The abuser is a deformed retard, not a kike or a politician. This won't be ignored, send this information to all available authorities.

I guess its to be expected on a site founded by a crippled kike pedo.



Holy shit, thats my sub. I gave up on reddit a long time ago tho. Good to see the little queers going after pedos, gotta admit I'm a little proud. May just log back on and start banning marxists and anti whites again.

Don't act coy you dirty pedo.



Why are you shitposting your own thread?

I'm bumping the thread you fucking idiot. Just go away.

It's fake, that site they link too has pro Trump links page

You are trying to normalise paedophilia. Fucking furry trash.

That's strange. The main page is nothing but pro-progressive nonsense. I really don't know what to think.

Yawn, another pedo news.

Really tired of the killing and pedo stuff. I'm desensitize to this stuff now. Give me something that will actually make me react.

Well, there has been stuff about white girls dating niggers.

I don't normally say this but you should honestly consider suicide.

You're using this place wrong.


t. Podesta

What the fuck am I reading?

Natural selection at work


So it's a hoax?

thats Holla Forums stupid memes. i dont see anything wrong with a black man fucking some white chick.

It kinda looks like it's not


Poe's law.

"As long as dey ain't doin' it ta me, I don't care"
t. Lolbergs

Are you reacting in this manner because I mentioned reddit or that it's obviously fake?

No, it isn't a meme, you dirty nigger. You stay with your own, we stay with ours, and we have no problem. You can build your huts, pyramids or whatever, and that's not my fucking problem. Try to fuck us and you make it my problem. I don't care if you think yourself a "based nigger", you get the rope.

why are you here?

Spreading their own material on this subject is probably the best way to turn normies against them.



one eye on the streets one eye on the kids

No wonder he's a pedo.
Gas them.

This is what we need to make wasting all these freaks easier for the normies

Christ, he even looks inbred.

Posts are on twicopy. This one looks… interesting

Burgers, wallnuts? Someone familiar with these food codes?

no such thing kike, you just hate race realism

What a fucking weirdo, who says it like that? Strangely detached…

That site could be Holla Forums hate fuel for the next century

Literally pushing her daughter on disgusting invalid subhuman garbage even hookers wouldn't fuck.

That site is extremely unnerving and creepy

Fuck, it gets worse. They are having events pushing it to children.

more poz

google+ community with 75 members…

Not sure but Ernst Steiner might be a troll

Possible troll attracting real fellow travelers?

Even pizzagate symbols? This has to be shopped right?…. right?

They're not "pizzagate symbols" they're widely used paedophile symbols and have been for probably decades.


Wait… that's a real code? Are these tweets archived?

That is not enough, that meme must be wiped from the face of the earth, imagine how fun a white Africa would be.

They'd start becoming niggers after a few hundred years due to evolutionary conditions alone and we'd get ourselves into a constant cycle of conquest which would feed our own evolutionary pressure and make us the overman.

So what do you want? Niggers in mud huts, or white Africa every 300 years and becoming the Overman.

Honestly, most of the Podesta e-mails had a "normal" interpretation, but in your pic-related I don't even know what the fuck is going on in Mary's response.

This thread needs more attention. This shit is royally fucked up and potentially could red pill a shit ton of people into understanding that pizzagate was just the beginning.

They would only be darker if they selected for it, you retard. Nigs have a good percentage of archaic human DNA and their environment and lack of technology forced them to become darker. We build houses and have sunscreen now, there's no reason being black skinned is at all desirable.

LGBTQIAPK: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, Pansexual and Polygamous, and Kinkiness.

there is nobody advocating for pedophiles (except pedophiles, and they get blasted in tv interviews).

much like the rise of communism in the early 20th century, we are seeing the rise of all kinds of freaks and aberrant behavior, due to the general weakening of the anglo-american establishment, politically and culturally. opportunists, like the chinese, like the islamists, like the mongoloid-russians, like the latin-american immigrant block, like the african-american block.

do you not sense the wretched desperation in these bland superhero movies that are recycled over and over again for at least 10 years now? this perpetual reminder of some kind of heroism no longer extant in any of the population, which considers opportunity enough excuse to any behavior.

the only way you're turning this ship around is with a massive war. nothing short of intense male bonding, sacrifice and honour will create the type of bungee effect necessary to hem back and reverse the tide of unwashed primitives and overreaching misandrists. alternatively the male role in society will continue to diminish as these high iq low social iq men program, invent and redesign technology to obsolesce all masculine qualities, in some kind of ultimate pathological envy for what they lack, the machines they build will replace even themselves.

Someone should MSPaint the big symbol being crammed forcibly and painfully into the little symbol.

pick one

hello >>>Holla Forums

drown yourself in acid.

That isn't shooped. Those are old fucking symbols designed for one thing: plausible deniablity. Rings, pendants, shirt logos, and even store signs.
Hell, another one is a torpedo. Geddit? /Tor/pedo?

Crushed walnuts… Testicles?

This shit is disgusting.
Is somebody already working on a hit list?

The problem with reddit is only partially the userbase. The bigger problem is that all subs that align with us get deleted. They just need a single sock account to post a "dox" and a sub they don't agree with is gone.

This tweet shook me to my core.
I do not have a reaction image for this.
I just have horror, disgust and rage.

eat shit

It could be rewritten:

they are like the brother and sister that started the jewish race.

they the goyim Sarah and Abraham.

I wish people would stop with this type of shit meme. Too many country-cucks afraid someone might introduce ol' yeller to a bout of buggery.
Faggotry is MORE degenerate because for over a hundred years, academically verified by themselves, it has a direct line towards paedophilia!
basically unless they're fucking monkies or your own personal dog, those are the more harmless faggots and it's emotion ruling your veins.
Our history has been intentionally "covered" with instances of "based faggotry" to make us find a way to 'forgive it if they promise to just keep it in the bedroom'
except, it doesn't. They can't help themselves. It leaks out into the public and devolves into pure rampant degeneracy time and again. All these "Gay rights pioneers" the (((MSM))) promotes in our faces like Harry Hary had a bit of paedo action on the side.
You don't know someone is fucking your horse until he gets his face kicked off and breaks his neck on the bucket
There's a lot of bad unintentional things suggested by this 'slippery slope from faggotry' meme, such as admitting you could possibly tolerate it, to admitting society in general tolerates it, but pls let's just stop right here, to implying you're only against the 'flashy' ones that wear their shitty flag pins everywhere.
There's really only 2, maybe 3 'philias' to be concerned about society-wide. Faggotry (of any sort, even furry) eventually leads to paedophilia. And depending on just how literal of a dirty fag you're dealing with, coprophilia may also be a disease-spreading problem.
The bestiality push is nothing but a distraction that was authentically picked up by retarded collegiate virtue signaling furries. It gets normie bible thumpers to think 'well, maybe those gays aren't so bad after all'
If you do know of a mythical "based faggot" it's up to you to show them how their "community" came to be and where it always eventually leads.

also this is the exact kind of shit going on in Germany with its 6 gorillion paedo groups. We can't fucking stop having them wiped out all at once because they were found to be having these Comet-esque "pizza parties" and usually stupid enough to take pictures to share too.
In the past decade there's been more group arrests than solo arrests
Wherever you go, the trinity is always the same.
Feminism Paedophilies Faggots
Sure, they might throw an animal in to 'spice things up' but that's never the primary reason (as the weimar goose-humping shit shows)

I don't say this a lot especially ironically but kill yourself

tell me more about the bible you apparently know so much about

butthurt much? Jews are proud of their hillbilly behavior. cousin fucking and uncle niece fucking is permitted but chances are quite a few unions that are closer blood relations occur in their community in secret.

You sir, it would be an honor to serve with you

Nice shoop

Most definitely some kikery at play here. Although by it existing, true followers will inevitably come out of the woodwork.

what the fuck, I hope this is fake

walnuts are dark skinned lolis or shotas. Crushed im assuming means literally crushed. They smush them to death and serve them in a kabbala esque spirit cooking episode. Like the sauce in pic related.

What are you goys doing?
Let's promote this behavior to get it associated with LGBTQ+P to redpill normies

Maybe it's /ourguy/ trying to rile up normalfags?
