Other urls found in this thread:
[email protected]
Forgot image
Holy shit!
Incoming update, verified address is in NorkLandia.
Tell gookanon thanks and that I hope his country doesn't put the psycho megalian chick in power.
With some french translation.
What does this mean?
The gook shill that keeps pretending Norks are "closest to NatSoc than anyone" must be on suicide watch
Can any anons give a "for dummies" explanation on what all this means to a non-computer person?
One of Macron's emails has a North Korean address with a bunch of names. That's sketch no matter what.
it may be genealogy?
Macron had a document in his emails containing a North Korean address. I dunno specifically why, but it's incredibly fucking shady considering France doesn't do any diplomatic shit with NK.
This. Those fucking threads have been nothing but cancer. All the best korea memes came out of the sleepover threads where we were watching with hopeful eyes whether or not the norks would be obliterated. We were never actually rooting for them any further than hoping they nuked the south koreans on their way down the drain.
Fuck communism in all its forms.
That's a family tree?
Under five or Oh, in french shortened is written "1er generation" (1st generation), "moi" (me)
Underline in red is "chef spirituel" (spiritual chief).
In the square in high cursive it could be "Leurre" (decoy) or "Jeune" (youth or young depending context)
The last one under the arrow is "faction clan" (which are the same in English)
Clean version here. Where did you screencap from?
Thank you anons
Dont forget about that elite cult that was unearthed in south korea.
Everyone at the top is connected and all foreign affairs are highly controlled.
Probably gamergate general, I know that's where gookanon hangs out.
Gookanon from the Holla Forums gamergate thread got cajoled into translating it.
Seems most the names are male
And the sentence is "pdt le royaume" "during the kingdom" (most likely "at the time of the kingdom", Korea had kings until the jap invasion, maybe even after?)
It can mean 'chief' broseidon, no sense jumping the gun. Same root.
Also the Nork connection is more concrete and already damning.
More context on the sender of the email.
Is this Cedric guy trying to prove he's a royal to Macron and his cronies?
Chef doesn't mean cook, spiritual doesn't mean spirit.
In that case it has 99% chance to mean "spiritual leader", you would not employ that to describe spirit cooking (you would employ "cuisiniez des esprits" or "chef d'esprit" or something like that. "Chef spirituel" is a quasi-idiom. It always mean "spiritual leader").
not north korea related but Vietnam was a french colony a long time ago.
What's France's opium problem like? If the rumors of him using bitcoin and campaign funds to buy drugs are true, could he was also have run drugs from Nork into France?
meme it
The underage retards from "It was my privilege" or the Holla Forums goybook group actually believe this.
Remember: victims of child abuse (like Macron) tend to abuse drugs in later life.
Norks are trying to manipulate our elections!
Someone trying to get into the organization by flashing their lineage? Proving that they're of royal blood instead of being just another pleb. If that's the case, maybe their organization discriminates in some way against "non-nobles" or people who aren't born into the elite. If I had to speculate I would say most likely non-royal blood members aren't permitted into the "inner circle," they're made into the fall-guy politicians and businessmen, still powerful and rich by pleb standards but they're not true-elite. Maybe this guy's trying to get his top-floor access and perks by linking himself to old royalty.
Not that long, it was a colony much more longer than it has been independent…
There is a small but old Anamese community in France. There is an even smaller one of Korean (from the Korean war).
Not really a thing. Save very specific areas and populations. Most of it is heroin and comes from the Afghanistan->Turkey->Naples pipeline, not from East Asia.
Cocaine and variants are much more a thing. Synthetics drugs are pretty easy to find (baltic countries main export).
You could be on to something there. Flooding france with opium certainly would turn the country into one big playground for a police state to seize whomever and whatever they want.
Why must you embarrass yourself?
Norks are big in meth production too.
Can't wait till it's finally revealed that NK is nothing but a malnourished attack dog puppet state.
It's where kikes like Rockefeller get their organs from
China killed 1.5 million political prisoners for their organs.
Top wew
I'm gonna need a copy of that scared loli gif, user. For reasons.
They must've been a pretty talented shill. Imagine if JIDF had shills that smart, we'd have some actual challenge.
So how do we even get this to the frogs at this point with how far France has gone shutitdown mode?
Golden Triangle 2.0
Flight to France can't be more than 10 hours long user.
Git creative.
I still wonder if other Macron cronies have royal ties since Cedric here just straight up says "here's the kingdom, here's me" in that napkin drawing.
Thank you, sir. Have a Tomoko.
So, JIDF doesn't want war with Israel's enemy North Korea, for some reason?
That pic is pure cancer and has both sides wrong.
Let me get this straight, Macron had a handwritten family tree from someone in North Korea tracing their lineage back to the old Royal Family?
This sounds like somebody's planning a coup against North Korea's glorious leader.
Do you think he and his family have already been executed or are they still torturing them?
They were stupid enough to think the "best korea" memes were unironic.
I don't have it handy as I'm on mobile but in the Clinton leaks there was an email basically showing that all the saber rattling against North Korea has been nothing but theatre and we've secretly been getting along up till the son got in power.
It's less that they were ironic and more that the joke was multilayered. North Korea is "best" because it seemed like the only Korea interested in wiping out Korea.
Found the original.
Post-ironic then. It certainly wasn't meant fully literally.
maybe Macaroni spirit-cooked his brain with drugs enough that he believes he's the reincarnation of some gook?
It' actually only confirms that the war with Norks is real.
This is a royal lineage of someone living in North Korea and "time of Kingdom is mentioned"
It is obvious they want to destroy Best Korea and unite it as a constitutional monarchy.
North Korea act like they dont trade with anyone but what if their only money maker was Opium?
I really dont know what the connection could be, other than we are entering the final episode of the season again, where things go weird.
No, that's ridiculous. Korean royal family is politically dead. If they were planning monarchy in North Korea, they'd be doing it in South Korea already.
This is almost certainly just some jackass gook trying to exploit his old family name for all it's worth, which is not much.
No, no. It MAKES SENSE. Now would you unite 2 vastly different cultures and societies in NoKo and SoKo? There is no way Norks would submit to corporate capitalism and there is no way Sorks would embrace Juche.
Constitutional monarchy and traditional culture is really the answer, everyone would be ok with it.
Image appears to be how Macron is financially connected to the drug trade in Asia. Possibly explain a major transaction occurring.
(12/01) |
(17/01) | 28e
- Either 'Fevme' is code for 'let me know' / 'tell me'.
- Or it's messed up french 'February' from 'février'
- It could also mean 'meeting'.
- 28E can be the military code word for financial irresponsibility.
- 28E Capital is a South African Money Broker on the SAFEX exchange.
If they are dealing with NK financially, it's the drug trade as the NK Bank is host to plenty of criminal accounts.
As bankers have already said before, boycotts, embargoes, war. It doesn't mean shit for the financial currency trades. Gotta make that money roll.
Korea is more likely to become an entirely communist state than a monarchist state, lol
No, it doesn't make sense. Monarchy has been dead in both Koreas for generations. It's been more than a century. Stick a fork in it, it's dead.
It doesn't matter which puppet sits in the government, as long as Shlomo is pulling the strings. I can really see it working. And Sork government will be spreading their ass cheeks and praising the king.
Race traitor here with Korean gf. She said it's basically a family tree, but the family name is North Korean.
Weird that Macron would have this.
Kill yourself.
That's the point, it's a third position and the monarchy respected both by the SoKo government and by the commies (in fact Kim family gains it's legitimacy because it's related to princess Deokhye).
Monarchy in Korea is dead and it's not coming back.
North Korea practically is a monarchy, complete with hereditary rule.
Well, m8, 10 years ago you could have sworn an Islamic Caliphate isn't coming back. We live in a time where everything can happen.
Wyatt had it all figured out
So French people are waking up soon to go vote, do we have any channels to them?
Not for this stuff but the whole Islam as a state sponsored religion stuff, and just the general idea of how many shady connections Macron has?
I feel like there is enough stuff here to change some minds.
That wasn't the joke. The joke was like that old "China #1" meme.
Shit-tier countries populated by insect-people unironically think they're the greatest nation ever. The meme is meant to mock that attitude.
identical play as US elections
looks like whoever is doing these leaking is sending a very strong message to the families that their shit aint flying anymore
I mean, if we take any of this with any grain of salt and hold it to be true - if it is true, are the elites not shitting bricks?
what if kek really is us getting our own old god and they realize that moloch is using them?
ignoring all the old god stuff - the political motifs being painted right now are fucking gold.
Norks are one of the largest heroin sellers in the world. Pretty obvious Macron uses overseas shell accounts to cover up the fact that he is involved in the international drug trade, cooperating with the norks.
Knowing he is a dopefiend he probably just ordered meth from NK
You want that fresh stuff directy from the Korean meth-tree if you can afford it.
NK still has an embassay in america, should we tip them off?
Is there a way to do so?
If an user does so they better have some very secure opsec because this feels like something that could be highly illegal.
I'm going to send it by carrier pigeon
This timeline is absolutely insane. Holy shit what the hell happened to reality?
This IS reality. We're just late to the party.
CERN tested their Hadron Collider at the highest energy level in Human History in late 2012.
Hey the fat fuck is paranoid enough that if he got the message he'd probably take the guy out just in case.
Sounds like a very ((Korean)) operation
You get a pass since Korean girls a cute but you better not have a kid with her.
War in the South China Sea now?
Anyone translate the other page of this document?
Nobody cares if you're banging a korean.
I guess what they are doing in NK. Of course related to Pizzagate and stuff.
Get it to gookanon.
Holy shit man where did you find the other page and also those high res versions
Is this why there's been some shit-flinging with the Norks all of a sudden?
checked and ready
Fuck me we have only had half the puzzle the whole time
The original Korean war was about minerals.
That war never ended, and those minerals only became more important.
I could understand succumbing to base impulses with a Japo or Chink – even certain Laotian, Viet, and Cambodian chicks look tolerable – but I've literally never seen a Korean who didn't seem strangely to possess all the negative qualities of Asian looks with none of the positive features.
>[email protected]/* */
Nice thx
Kim will burn the entire family tree with no survivors.
Half of a puzzle can be a clue to another one.
'chef spiritual' is French for 'spiritual leader.' I would assume an occult leader of some kind, and this is a diagram of an occult heirarchy. The names are either individuals of a single organization, or individual representatives of multiple organizations.
'genent' is French meaning something like 'hinder' or 'embarrass.' In other words, Macron's emails were leaked by Norks.
So whoever Oh is, that's the guy that leaked Macron's shit.
The other French word in the middle looks like 'Louvre,' meaning a meeting occurred on that date with the names listed nearby. It's French, so the dates are January 12 and January 17.
Finally, what looks like 'pdf du Payanm' would mean 'pdf of/from Payanm.' 'Payanm' is a name. It could also be 'Rayanm' but to me it looks like more of a 'P' for the first letter based on the way it's written.
So the Norks are trying to get back at the West for subverting the Koreans using the occult. This could also imply that the Norks were behind the recent shit going down in South Korea, so no wonder now everyone is agitating against them.
As pointed out here, it could be a family tree. That is perfectly congruent with my theory this is an occult hierarchy, as occult hierarchies tend to be very strongly nepotistic, occultism could literally be the family's entire function.
this shit is all fake, you're all getting jewed… again
K-Kim saves France?
This is interesting that Macron would have some random gook's family tree information. Time will tell whether this occultism has some sort of relationship with the former South Korean president Park being under the control of a strange Feminist cult. I have a feeling that we're going to get an answer very soon.
This would make sense considering what happened to Park, and her literally taking orders from a cult leader. Your guess is as good as mine in terms of what is actually going on, but that sounds likely.
Commies vs Witches we can get rid of them both
'mere de Halmoni' is both French and Korean. 'mere de' means 'mother of,' and 'Halmoni' means something like 'spiritual grandmother' or 'venerated ancestor goddess.'
Is it truly habbening? This site says Halmoni is just another name for grandmother, so mer de halmoni would just meat great-grandmother
halmoni means nothing in french
I need more proof
This feels like purposeful disinfo.
'Brigitte Macron' is occult for 'strength [of] my crone/witch.'
Brigitte = strength
Macron -> ma (French for "my") + cron(e)
Of course Crone also comes from corpse
I want to argue with you, but then, the official line I was taught in school is that it was for a political split, and then a reunification attempt.
So, sauce?
Has anyone noticed the strange pattern of dots on the bottom of the first image? Is it Korean, or a number, or what?
First pic related is just a clip from the document as-is. Second pic related is flipped horizontally and rotated 180º. Any ideas? Its not present on the second scanned page.
Park actually attacked North Korea though, with artillery. She has had a fiercely aggressive stance towards North Korea from day 1.
Also, her mother was assassinated by North Koreans and her father was assassinated by a North Korean sympathizer.
I find it difficult to believe she was somehow their puppet.
I noticed that but didn't take a close look, it's interesting for sure
And to clarify, I am assuming that the slash-type marks on either side of the dots are staples. So- unless Koreans staple on the bottom of the page- the document is upside down or was drawn on the backside of an already-stapled document. Hence my flipping/rotating of the image.
I'm going to run some contrast adjustments on the full page to see if there is any bleed-through from anything that might be on the other side. Will report back.
(Trips of obviousness)
You are right she is not an NK puppet but a cult puppet of the Goddesses
Good call, let us know if anything comes up, I agree with your guesses so far about those being staple marks and about the logo being on the 'other side' of the paper
Maybe the cultists are trying to remove Kim Jong Un
An important post from cuckchan on financial matters (pic related)
>The scans:
>The Nestlé deal:
Why would cult fags want to remove a commie.
Maybe he's not following orders or playing their game? I don't know, just throwing it out as a possibility.
wtf is that monstrosity.
fuck off, shill.
They are both following their (((leader))) and it seems to me that they don't want to off NK because they provide an excellent distraction.
Not impossible, but given the 'chef spiritual' it would seem to indicate we're looking at 8 Goddesses shit again.
The mother of Park Gyun-hye (the former South Korean president) was Yuk Young-soo, who was also the wife of former South Korean President Park Chung-hee. So there is a very good chance we're looking at occult shit.
If on the other hand it's a reference to Brigitte Macron, it would be about her mother. But I'm assuming it's a reference to the "Korean goddess" i.e. Park Gyun-hye.
On a separate note, this email is from April 9, 2016. Which means it is from BEFORE when Macron's emails were released. Does that mean it was staged? Does that mean Macron is actually trying to throw the election in Le Pen's favor?
Also, since it was from 2016 that means Park Gyun-hye was still in power and this was before the South Koreans had their own little PizzaGate. I'm not sure how these pieces fit together yet, but I get a bad feeling about this.
Damn…think you are totally right. I'm so sick of these fucking globalist slave trading pedophiles.
Its what you and 95% of kikechan poster are now. Dumb fucking kike doesn't even have comprehension skills.
Are they trying to show heritage, or eligibility as heir of the throne?
You need to familiarize yourself with The Bell Curve. No matter how much you berate people, they won't become any smarter.
Nobody cares.
March your ass right back to T_D.
Elites are not a monolithic entity, there are multiple globalist power blocs, and the recent trend seems to be other elite families who are slightly less insane and evil than the Rothschilds showing the Rothschilds that they are sick of their shit and trying to cut them down to size.
Chinks are liars, cheaters, and swindlers. Extermination isn't just necessary, it's a fucking ``given``.
The Korean symbol 신 also means 'God' as in 삼신 할머니 which means 'Samsin Halmoni,' the 'grandmother of three god(esses).' It has some other possible meanings, but in context it would seem to imply a supernatural meaning.
fresh oc
Recall that one of the things found out about Park's death cult was a plot for a coup in NK. They must have had someone in NK in mind to take over.
Evidently you do, since it bothers you so much you're creating OC.
you forgot to add in a starcraft poster/toy
Which is the OC?
I tried and came up empty. No bleedthrough at all. Pic related is boosted threshold with various other tweaks and gradiented for high visibility.
Does anyone still have gookanon's ear? I'd like to know if the dot pattern is Korean or not, and I don't feel like walking down to the noodle house and badgering the waiters.
One is vertically flipped from the other.
A date maybe.
LOL! Macron didn't fall in love with a old hag; he was brainwashed like the South Korean PM
I asked him he said it looks like typical document code
To me it looks like braille but I can't make heads or tails of hit.
He said it's definitely not korean language.
halmoni means "grandmother" in korean
Precisely. He was quite literally be-witched.
That means if we could figure out the counterspell, we could actually set him free of his bonds, even if only temporarily. But I don't know how to do that, I would have to consult with some more experienced magicians.
You misinterpreted this whole thread. He wants to replace Kim with some royal descendant.
Why Google points the cross symbolt to this guy?
This is fucking scary holy shit.
No idea but at least we have a lead now, I wasn't getting anywhere with these things
I traced over the pointed symbols.
m03 was only the cross one.
That gave that name.
Anyone gets the same name, or it was by IP range?
gookanon from Holla Forums here.
I've updated two translation 4U
항응 (Hang Eung) was actually 향응 (Hyang Eung). Now I saw the two lines at the first letter.
And Sin (신) at the second note, I think it means God, now new or last name. I was foolish, I thought it to be last name because there are too many names and these two notes are family tree notes, in most plausible theory.
Considering 'Spiritual Leader' in French in first note, and 'God' in Korean word in second note, I think it holds something spooky and big. Maybe cult related.
Okay I off now. Don't derail the thread with unrelated Muh Japs/Muh Chinks/Muh Gooks are Jews of Asia shit.
I hate my people but certainly we are not the Jews of the Asia. We ain't own any banks in Asia, Japs owns most of the bank system in here. Even I owe hundreds thousands of USD to Japanese mortgage company. Japs pretty much monopolized Korean mortgage/loaning business in Korea. There are no person in Korea who doesn't owes any money to Japanese Yakuza loaning company. When president Lee elected in 2008, who is known Japanese born, raised person, real name Yakihiro Tsukiyama (月山明䶈), he lifted all the regulation law on foreign loan banks, especially Japanese and since then Japan literally owns Korean bank system.
Okay, enough talk. Beware shills. And if some fake gook appears and claiming some bullshit while praising Park, Park's father or Lee, remind that they were all fucking commies and faithful slaves of Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission. The ILBE drones, known for praising Park's family and militarism, are Neo-con fuckers who merged with Socialism. ILBE drones are the goons of all goons in Korea, and they sometimes co-operation with Megalian, and the Megalian movement itself is derivated from ILBE. It's long story. Imagine Holla Forums unites with SJWs to 'remove traitors'. Don't listen to them and remind that both left and right sides in Korea are actually Socialists and Communists slapping fight and there are no good side in Korea. Only 6th dimensional political abyss mindfuck.
I'm too tired for this shit for now. I could talk about this fucking little hellhole for eternity but now I realized it's pointless and waste of my energy. Gook out.
I got something else
danish wiki has more info
Remember that Korean matriarchal cult who controls SK?
Maybe the conspiracy theory that the Queen of England is top Jew may be right.
Maybe it's just a religious site in NK?
What if (((They))) want to invade NK because of religious importance?
Thanks for the update
I'll keep everything you said in mind
Yeah the man was a social democrat politician in Denmark.
I feel he might be of more importance than thought of.
Thanks Gookanon
Godspeed, Gook user.
Why would Satanists/Jews want a Christian temple?
I mean't templar
Perhaps it's based on google gathering search history from certain IPs and displaying what would be most relative based on those results?
Trips confirmed
Pyongyang site of ancient temple that weirdo globo-homo elites want to use
It's possible that it's visual cryptography. Meaning you would have a transparent overlay with more dots arranged within the same 5x3 matrix. When you put that overlay over this, you would get distinct letters. Without that it would be very difficult to decrypt for the average user. We don't even know that the symbols might simply be substitutions for something else, e.g. there are more layers of cryptography than would immediately appear.
Without further input from an expert cryptanalyst, I reckon anons won't get very far with this. We'll get a lot further if we can figure out whose family tree this is.
We can also explore the dates written, which are January 12 and 17. These are dates probably in 2016. There is also what seems to be "Louvre," so I would assume that means something happened there on those dates.
Any anons know occult ceremonies which are meant to take place 5 days apart? Or if it possible to verify either a Macron agent or a Korean visiting on those dates?
To spawn dark archons so that they can better control the goyims.
Good thing I got 'Liberty' then
feels good to be a burger
I got cross
its cedric's family tree for sure
This is definitely related to Christianity and The Templars now.
What would they hide n NK though?
;_;7 thanks
Empty try
And my 2 cent is these notes are some Nork defector guy explaining his genealogy/background to Macron as he demanded. Also one big note is the name 오장환 (Oh JangHwan) from the first page seems to be the famous Korean literary man around 1930's~1940's. He's Hajue Oh clan and all of it pointing that it's actually him. He moved to North Korea at 1946 and died during the Korean war. This is the Korean wiki articles for him.
And also thinking about that North Korean burnt all the genealogy/lineage documents after the war to 'free the people', a North Korean defector man explaining his lineage in hand-written note is not unusual, I think.
But the one thing bothers me is that 'Spiritual Leader' and 'God' word in Korean. That ain't fits at all. I have no idea, these notes could means some shamanic cult family tree or cult itself. It look as innocent family tree note but can be actually some kind of heavy shit that encrypted to look as family tree. I ain't a code-cracker but the cult shit bothers me.
Or maybe it's related with EU-KOR Chamber of Commerce, I don't know.
It's either..
1. Just Family tree
2. Some important family clan in North Korea
3. Contact/spy agent member list disguised as simple family tree note
4. Something related with North Korean cult
5. A hostile/friendly family clan in North Korean to Macron or French government
6. It's all codenames and we will never know
I feel crawling through uncertainty. The information is too limited.
Jan 12 2017 Samsung chief questioned by prosecutors in South Korea political scandal
wtf does it mean?
It's not french, japanese, korean, or chinese so far as I can tell….
this tbh
Maybe the family is the ones (((they))) will put into power once they take over?
Thank you, user.
I was just now tracing it in photoshop. Good work, user.
I'm going to check common braille characters to see if anything matches. Its a long shot, but its worth a try.
Thank you for your help, gookanon. Stay safe out there.
Pic related
There's got to be something to it, hopefully we get something figured out
It's the build order for the 9 pool jaedong used against Flash during the fifth starleague tournament written in braille.
Looking a bit Korean there. The + is in korean skrit, also the 'c'
Apparently braille has some full words that are given special dot configurations too, it's not just letters that get added together, so be on the lookout for that.
Top fucking kek. This isn't it, but it's ironic.
Got another user trying to solve it using segmented morse
Ah user, it appears the BO has placed this for all to see! (check top of the page)
Old Jewish and Christian Legends claim the Demonic/Holy Spirit of Destruction, Abbadon, is sealed in a 'Mount Moriya'; far, far to the east.
There are three mount Moriyas from the time period of the legend.
Mount Moria in the middle east.
Mount Moriya in Japan.
Mount Moryia under Pyongyang.
All three of these mounts are sacred sites in Old Christianity, and unholy accursed sites in Judaism.
Mainly because Old Christians believed Abbadon would kill the Jews and Jews believed that… well, Abbadon would kill the Jews.
If this is actually connected or not, I have no idea. But that is a direct answer to your question.
I was under the assumption that this document would be originating in France since that is where Cedric was when it was uploaded but you never know, gookanon said that someone helped him make it (2 handwritings) so it could be korean documents
That is possible but if that is scenario I think Macron wouldn't have let fly that kind of serious informations in his fucking e-mail, as fully hand-written notes, not properly encrypted.
I think it's some guy explaining his background because owning a genealogy document in North Korea because they thinks it's some kind of oppression on people. It's the most plausible theory. But some thing aren't quiet right, like uncanny hints for twist in M. Night's movies. The 'God' shit is.. just not fitting and it's scary. There is no single reason it would be there. Like a fucking horror story, something is ain't right. Something is making those notes spooky and I don't know why. Or just I'm not getting it for now.
If it is braille, that's what it has to be. Apparently braille numbers and letters are on a 2x4 dot grid, with no diagonals.
So I can confirm it is NOT a simple alphanumeric braille code.
it's Korean braille.
It is language dependent.
Take the one second it takes to GIS korean braille before making a fool of yourself
Just wanted to say hi to all the DGSE and special DGSI taskforce agents posting in this thread or lurking. Vous avez bien travaillié. Les Rothschilds vont être très content.
What're we waiting for, unseal the mountain!
it's modern Korean braille. Look it up. It's used by programmers to memorize the build orders used in BW.
For some reason, I blanked on the idea that braille wasn't some universal standard. Holy shit that is inefficient.
Checking international braille libraries now. Maybe its kike braille.
J'ai fourré une Rothschild ce matin. Putin qu'elle est folle cette pute.
Only problem is that braille tends to be 2x3 grids, not 3x5.
Yea, it can't be braille because braille, even the ones I mentioned, all follow the 2x3 cell structure.
We need to find something that potentially follows a 3x5 cell structure (15 dots)
So i doubt it is braille
I posted those notes in Korean website and got noted that the word 향응 (Hyang Eung) is actually word for 'serving entertainment' in North Korean word. It's mostly dead word in South and rarely being used. It's being used mostly for 'sex services'.
It's getting more senses. I think the puzzles getting assembled one by one. I updated the first translation for the word 향응. Damn I thought it was name.
The game of LIFE netted nothing
Shh, goyim, make him sweat some delicious virgin tears.
So his grandmother was a whore and Macron thus had the hots for her. Got it
Damn this is getting interesting now
The entirety of Southeast Asia needs to be nuked.
They're serving them as sacrifices for the summoning of a Dark Archon.
Europe and America needs to be nuked.
Im posting this here because reeeee
Kek lives
Kek lives
Bell curve? "Define IQ as a self reflection and make your importance a self fulfilling. Prophecy…Einstein did not endorse IQ. He knew the importance of tackling an unpredictable problem with unpredictable random defense. AKA: crowdsourcing > forecast
Study evolutionary genetics until you understand why sickle cell anemia when latent prevented extinction when the plague hit. Please stop raping my sciences (a method, not a belief) for profit!!
Reminder that nestle was using child slaves for cocoa. Reminder that political prisenors may have ended up in human body exhibits that toured. Reminder that a train leads to that port town and it's a comfy harbor (best Korea region of topic). Reminder that email shows a scanner printer that copies a human face and that satanic art pic on kikechan is creepy real look. Reminder that #lunchbagPH is creepy orphan charity and live streams w/significant social connections. See image based social medias.
Look for financial analysis or photo journalism focusing a lot on 3rd world families with too may (children/some other category). Check for financial input pressures that would shift people into homelessness or other instability. Look for unfair manipulation of shit to buy in those places. End child rape/slavery, it's time to make that happen!
You have failed Kek.
The glyder is a rare sight.
Sometimes patterns aren´t patterns.
The torrent is still up. Happy Days.
Shoo shoo, nonwhite.
Einstein was a Jew, remember that.
For some reason the 'serving entertainment' along with the Nork address is reminding me of the Podesta emails, where John and a "movie producer" were 'scouting' locations close to where Justice Scalia passed away.
Almost twice Satan.
you haven't
I had read that Nestorian Christians had established a church in Japan long before the Portuguese had visited Japan or the far east, and I think they even established a temple there which was torn down later by Tokugawa. I don't know how relevant this is though.
All the more reason for the Jews to fear the samurai.
Did I
Korea is literally 朝鮮 "Chôsen" in Japanese.
Still no real luck but getting somewhere on the logo
That makes the most sense in context. So this guy is trying to prove his legitimacy as a royal descendant, in order that he can be installed as new leader of Korea following Western-imposed reunification.
This assumes the timeline as they had it in motion as of April 2016, before Park Gyun-hye - and her plot to unify with NK - was found out.
What other connections can we find out about this guy? Where does he get his money? Where did he go to school?
Yeah, because we're chosen to lead humanity. I mean look at this apm.
Well I think we just found another rabbit hole
cucks btfo as usual
They want to send Aryan women to NK as sacrifice so they can destroy the Jews.
I finally found something that goes 3 across
Why can't we cut the middleman and bomb them ourselves
It's nature and that's God path. The best lies are mostly given with truth. The media won't tell you that IQ is just one aspect of genius (indicator of possible truth). The media shill Einsteins IQ yet his theory fails to merge with quantum physics.
A plumber can outthink a nuclear physicist in many ways, and won't have their job shipped to India.
HEY ARE THOSE CIRCLES AN OLD PUNCH CARD COMPUTER OR BRAILE OR SOME SHIT!? I think IBM sold Hitler some punch card machines (~3,000) that were good for slave census. If work kills them, it's more efficient! Human capitol!
Because the Jews mind controlled the goyim after summoning a Dark Archon on mount Sinai. We need the NORK to summon their own Dark Archon on mount Moryia to counter theirs.
That is true, from what I have read.
As a matter of fact, it is said that Nestorianism managed to arrive in Japan before Shintoism became organized - it is also gone farther to say that Organized Shintoism based much of its structure on what fragments of Nestorianism made it to Japan.
True or not, I don't actually know, but there is evidence to support that conclusion.
The Suwa-Taisha (Great Suwa Shrine) is the one you are probably thinking of, but he didn't destroy it - he merely destroyed most of the Crosses that were left in the area.
Every year on April 15th they (still) hold a festival called 'Ontohsai', which is in commemoration of 'the Great God' sparing the life of 'Iisaku' (read: Issac).
According to their own records, they have been doing this since sometime roughly in the 400s AD.
Nestorians were found as far East as China in th 7th century. Nestorius, for whom the sect is named after, was a pretty interesting guy. For the most part he was an orthodox Christian monk, then he was selected by Emperor Theodosius II to be the Patriarch of Constantinople. This is back in the 5th century, giving at least 3 centuries for the Nestorian sect to make its way East.
They were driven East because of political skirmishes that broke out along doctrinal lines. Nestorius speculated that Jesus was an individual in whom there existed two persons, a divine and human person. This was declared heresy by the official Catholic Church, which proposed that Jesus was one person with two natures.
The significance of the heresy is this. If Jesus were, in fact, two persons, it suggests a split mind. A split mind suggests mind control. If Nestorius was evoking this, it suggests that the techniques were known and understood by the Nestorians, and is part of why they were driven off by the Catholics.
In other words, it does imply the possibility of a Nestorian or Nestorian-influenced temple in North Korea, which would also represent an esoteric tradition going back to the Church Fathers and back to Jesus.
This is all speculation based on ecclesiastical history and my theory that Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in order to take control of the knowledge it was dispensing about the pervasiveness of the very same occult conspiracy we are now fighting.
Why not meme the Dark Archon to death enough prayers to kek will smite this monster like how he made Hillary shit her pants or how he exposed the pizzagate.
That's 6-bit, the code is 5
France is a Muslim shithole. There's no saving it. Might as well ship all the aryans left in France to summon the Dark Archon we desperately need. We need the Dark Archon to mind control a drone and build a lair and produce advanced units to make the Jews fight their own.
I can't find anything that matches, it might be proprietary
+C computer code? I think [CSV] is a format for digital and punch, not computer goy though. [CSV] was the raw paste.
Pic was said to be taken in South Korea. Familiar…
don't encourage me up as savior tier, user im just a shitposter
i will translate further notes but right now i must rest
informations are too limited, we can claim anything with these simple notes despite there are some suspicious things
I meant we can't claim anything
why my posts are full of typos
They just want to snort cocaine so they want to send them sex material (probably CP) to one of the NORK drug ringleaders.
(satan kek'd)
Can we do it? We can enrage the gooks and galvanize them into action by reminding them of what happened to the StarCraft source code disc. (which clearly was the work of Mexican spirits interfering)
What kind of signs, symbols or digits would the dark archon require to materialize into this reality?
Let's do this.
Oh you're already here. Good stuff.
It's ok gookanon your shitposts helped us very much
He's going to bed after giving head to his megalian master.
Did they actually used to worship a frog God
Where could I read more about all of this, any sources or links? This is hella interesting to me.
We got a shill boys
Is Abbadon dare I say…..
Correlations are not causations faggots! That's lose everything kind of thinking bankcuck thinking!
Any gook computer experts? Korean War vets??
There was a demon lore where frogmen monsters would steal children and drown them. That region of topic
Have faith we can meme them to death. Make the gooks enraged at the jews or provoke NK into destroying the temple
That's pretty good. He's basically giving them ghetto card so he can obtain the coveted "Mah Nigga" status in the hood. Word.
There's lore where frogmen would go on land and pull your soul out of your ass too
He provided info for how SK is fucked up and showed us there's a feminist cult attempting to kill off all the men in his land.
Koreans are very big on blood type
It's not a punchcard
looks like a binary clock.
Probably because it has the same proportions: 1 unit length horizontally and two unit lengths vertically.
The catch is that seven segments can't display anything vertically down the center, like we see in the circled characters.
0/10 meme. then you shills wonder why you lost the meme war.
Sounds like a kappa.
they all match but it looks gibberish
tww you lose all power
That definitely says chef. As in Spirit Cooking.
What the fuck's going on here?
nice, you made?
I found similar called:
Zeichensatz 3x5
Page 2 slightly updated
I'm off to get some rest now. It's 2:30PM Sunday in here. I must doing something silly and lazy, not saving the world.
For now..
-There are signs that these are not just simple family tree notes
-At first page there is note about giving 'sex services' to Spiritual Leader
-At second page there is very meaningful word in the middle of the page 'God'
-The name 오장환 (Oh JangHwan) could be the famous litterateur who died during Korean war. He lived in North Korea during that time. Or maybe just namesake.
-Considering the note 'pdt le royaume 고려' in the first page, the whole family tree possibly can be from ancient times
-The North Korea address is mystery
-Could be related with EU-KOR Chamber of Commerce
-North Korea prohibits people from owning genealogical document because it's 'oppression against people'. They burnt all the genealogical documents after war so it's most likely a Nork defector guy tracing down his blood or explaining his background to Macron
-But that doesn't explain the odd 'sex services' and 'God' notes
-Could be something big, there are unusual signs in the notes
*-But also can be a fucking nothing
-Information is too limited to make this to media, for now we can't claim anything. It's just two notes with names and some spooky memo.
-We need more notes or significantly better info to decipher this
While it's not cancerous or meaningless but I didn't expect this. Can I post spider now?
Where the Asian sex slaves at? Give us something good.
Punch tape is missing a distinct line in the center between dots.
Sigh. This is the same way they tricked the lefties with global warming. Divide and conquer faggots.
—waste of time proof—
What were the methods? What was the confidence index? Were any outliers found and how were they explained? Could others repeat the results? Replicate selection how and what were potential bais? Independent and dependent variables were…? Positive or negative controls? Relevant technology or reason for the investigation being necessary? Were there conflicts of interest such as financial interest in the conclusion's implications? Were any challenges or alternative hypothesis put forward & did they hold? NAH DONT LOOK INTO IT GOY YELL AT THE 'RACE TRAITORS' AND FORGET ABOUT 'WE TAKEN YOUR CHILDREN AND MONEY cultKANGZ'
U monkeyrage you lose. Lift yourself up, you definitely can please focus on problem and geif back muh sighyance plox.
Judge the actions. Pre WWI African Americans had a much more stable and thriving culture with jazz and their own freaking banks. See NAACP magazines from the time if you still can't handle. Somebody fucked their culture (busing farmers into cities where they had no skills to employ). The they make well faked fake science and hijack your emotions.
Judge the actions only.
Look for destabilizing shit like bussing but financial input.
Stop being an argument for globalism please
Maybe this can help
Just did the circles, testing it.
Now added
the line is just the thing the cog uses to feed the tape.
Anyway, I don't think it's the same code due to the symmetry of the codes. For example for one alphabet I get:
vtt eue hrh aoa oaa ztj
Is that the chef spiritual shit? Jesus the kikes really are into some fucked up shit.
I tried sounding that out using korean letter chart it came out to something like:
Tum Chonr
The '2' is likely a 2, not a korean ㄹ
Could be an acronym of some sort.
Water is the alchemical sign for spirit. What it means is that we will be able to survive any struggle, provided we maintain our spirits. Things will only become more confusing and perplexing, but through it all we will triumph with love and joy.
yes and the square would be drawn as a square not a diamond, still its close
i think its unlikely but we dont have a better lead at this point
I think you're on the right track though.
Also the diamond isn't ㅁ or else it would be square
Gussing "the master of soul(s)" just not sure who's souls… Best Korea is said to have degenerate entertainment for their military elite….maybe the all female classic orchestra bands? They're taken from their parents early if I have my history right as they become wives at some point
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer:
Anons around these parts oft seem to forget that YHWH (also Yah Weh To El, 'Chief of Gods') had four 'lesser el' (Underling Gods) of Destruction.
Yejhovael (rough reconstruction of a lost word), the 'Deliverance of God', chief God of redemption, mercy, and noble causes - which is now assumed to have been referring to the Christ.
Zapael (rough), the 'Anger of God', Chief (demi-)god of Scorched-Earth Warfare - classically depicted as what basically amounted to a colossi and held as 'War'.
Kekoael (rough), the 'Plague of God', Chief (demi-)god of Plague, Pestilence, Decay, Diseases, Entropy, Chaos, and Repetition - classically depicted as a giant and stretched thin frog.
Samael, the 'Venom of God' (also known to the Sumerians as the 'Million Eyes God'), the Chief God of Death, Destruction, and Justice unbridled by Mercy - Samael is where the Grim Reaper comes from, so you can guess what he was depicted as - just set old Grim alight in crimson Hellfire and you have an idea.
Why did I mention all of this?
Abbadon, the realm, was placed underneath the dominion of Kekoael.
By the time of John the Revelationist, Kekoael had come to be known as Abbadon pure and simple.
Kekoael/Abbadon (who is a Giant Demon Frog) was also said to have been protecting the Nestorians in their journey east where they ended up at a Mount Moriya.
There is a legend related to all of this, but it's too long to get into here, but suffice to say the legend claims that the Khazar Juden and the 'Hata-clan' (Nestorians) entered into a great battle where the Juden and their demons ended up sealing Abbadon into the body of a young girl, who was later sealed into said Mount Moriya.
(Shit they come up with today is unoriginal, because that is Generic Anime plot #132189.)
So, to answer your question - yes, they basically did.
Unfortunately, the Jews have been destroying all internet sources and such for years now related to this.
Try to find any information on Samael, for instance, you will find he is some kind of super-high and powerful being, Arch-Angel of the Fifth Heaven, closest to the Throne of Glory, but everything outside of the Jews' point of view and the Modern Gnostics' is suspiciously missing. To explain this, the Four Gods of Destruction, also known as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, all supposedly venomously hate the Jews, so naturally in the Jew tales, all four of them are evil…
Anyway, I digress.
The Jews are trying to claim that all of the Nestorians-in-Japan proof are actually 'proof' that Japan is a lost tribe of Israel.
You could find information on that relatively easy, however, which would allow you to draw your own conclusions by filtering through the kikes' lies.
Would sage for off topic, but this is a sticky.
using the diamond as a period, and the 2 as a 2 we get:
Duh . Chon 2
Now sure if the 3rd letter is 쵸 or 죠
And, yes, before anyone asks, I am saying that even the Kikes' own (original) deity hates them.
They have circles too.
Shit! No, the dictator of Korea is their spiritual leader! It's been that way since they took control (his grandfather was dirtied or some shit)
I mean 츄 or 쥬
Yeah, I'm aware. Using this keyboard:
My guess: 드ㅇ츄ㅗㄴ2
or: "등촌2"
I will Be (exist/not exist/contradict) what I will: "Be!"
^God's one-ness name from Aramaic/Greek Christian sources I think.
Alright, one last thought before I have to go to work:
Could it be a binary timestamp or office number? Consumer printers use dot codes for serial number ID and timestamp recording purposes. It stands to reason that printer dot codes follow the same general format.
Pic related is how your inkjet printer at home encodes its own personal info into stuff you print. If our dot code is a timestamp or something, it will likely follow a similar format.
I don't want to derail though. Seems like some inroads are being made with the Korean angle. Just figured I'd toss this out there in case that doesn't pan out.
I think for a 5x3 the letters get split up. Type them into a korean keyboard they get concatenated
I'll admit your shitposting is at least funny
Dark Archon meme got a laugh and post out of me
Yup, when I type them into the keyboard I get
is this guy using official SK gov documents to trace out his heritage? some sort of spy?
hope we don't get him killed
Other possibility is:
since I don't know the 3rd character 100%
If so, those documents are publicly accessible (in archive form), so he'd be fine.
Those are the same Sendai
Found that too.
Maybe the original scans were drawings over an tracked ream of paper for internal (office) use.
Reminds me of agarose gel electrophoresis (genetic marker test). Doubt it but if you see an indicator as to the sought markers you could overly 1:1 scale with the known control (often commercial & free PDF or JPG downloads) to see how related….
Google images shows pics from some sort of elderly care place
Yeah, first link that comes up is this.
If I remember correctly, 'Yah Weh To El' roughly parses as the 'God of all that is'.
Basically the same thing.
Has anyone considered that it might not be South Korean? It could be North Korean. Which would explain why they're using a fucking 3x5 dot matrix printer to print their document headings.
There are quite a few differences between the languages, might change the translation a bit.
드 = de
ㅇ = ng
ㅊ = ch
ㅗ = o
ㄱ = g
ㄹ = r/l OR 2 = 2
military operation.
False trail, that location is just a place within 2동
등촌 is the country
2동 is the district
look at images related to see what i mean
so we are looking for something within 2동
Where did you get ㄱ from? it's ㄴ
Yes it could be, but if it is I wouldn't know where to start apart from google.
Uh… guys?
accidental sage
Not sure how you got that, looks cool though.
Deungchon 2(i)-dong/등촌2동
What if the dots are a marker of document origin for office use?
This isn't off-topic user. It gives a lot of context for understanding why a "spiritual leader" has an interest in, concurrently, North Korea and Macron.
It's interesting that the Plague God would be named Kekoael, as a torrent of frogs from the River Nile was one of the curses to fall on Egypt. The next curse after that was the spread of pestilence and disease among the Egyptians
I think this would imply that this is the location the document was transmitted from. So, a Nork spy?
A point that has been overlooked is that the code at the bottom is from another document. The handwritten stuff was either photocopied or a picture was taken, and then that was put in another document that had the code. We're looking at the handiwork of a spy transmitting this to a Nork intel agency, I reckon.
That's what I'm thinking. I'm right now looking for gov buildings in that area.
are there multiple papers with different dot patterns on them?
You could then design various matrices to come up with effective solutions for multiple papers.
Logcial conclusion I drew from this:
If Macron wins the irlmaier scenario is inevitable.
The documents were scanned using the iPhone app from what the email says so if anything it would imply that Macaroni's informant is a defector living in SK.
I think probably he is some SK government insider or something that drew something up on the back of official gov documents without really thinking about it.
I mean they could be something as innocent as internal papers for a campaign office over there or something idk.
Oh disregard the second and third images I realized I added a wrong character that changed the translation.
well then
We have other dimensions, here's their lead:
There was a case one year ago.
The founder of the Think-tank "Terra Nova" was attacked for being a pedo. The British were pressing charges against him, because he tried to pay a mother of two to let him take (((pictures))) of her children. The media barely spoke about it. They basically strangled the news.
Cedric O worked at the ministry of Finance, I guess he met Macron there, and they maybe slept together.
oh fuck whats this
let's see some data backing that up
I love you Holla Forums
A Buddhist Shrine, user.
That is a Manji.
And semen is how Abbadon is released? At least that's the way it works in hentai.
Assuming the original files are available, anybody check for metadata yet?
Oh yeah it is going the other way I see that now. Sounds comfy I want to check one out sometime.
Just thinking, it doesn't even have to be government. He could have ties to large international corporations like Samsung and Hyundai which could further complicate him in his money laundering schemes.
Rothchilds get their Korean child sex slaves/ fresh blood supplies/ organ donors from NK cult sect.
Communist doctrine does not allow for religion or cults. The supreme leader's role is to be the people's spiritual leader and example for Norks t o follow. The elites seem to be trying to subvert the Norks with cults similar to the ones that the elites follow (eg 8 Goddesses in SK, Hillary and her worship of Moloch)
It could also mean chosen for servitude (slaves).
It could also be from an official punch. Find out what government documents have similar punch notations.
hey kid, wanna make Gensokyo great again?
Royal bloodlines is CURRENTLY the higher-up south korean thing to do. You can only marry in, and they control all the big companies. Not korean myself, but was told about this by a korean. I forgot what their term for tthis is.
Korean, please confirm.
Perhaps the scanned documents were drawn in already dot punched paper (from the bin, in a rush), from that office/place.
What kind of office in that country punches holes to 'mark' their paper?
Also possible. Either way, we're looking at a document which is about another document, transmitted to a third party. Suggests we're looking at multiple levels of involvement.
A North Korean office.
So, rounding up this thing about the photos of drawings.
No metadata?
Cars often used for CP/trafficking laundering.
Holy punching like that, but more often "braille-like" dots are usually a code on some official documents, especially passports. This smells of government docs, and the really old technique (punching paper) smells soviet as hell.
What the fuck is YHWH anyway? Is he the same as Yahweh/YHVH/Jehova? The entity described by Jehova is effectively a god of ruin. This post is full on mindfucking me, what the fuck are kekfags worshipping?
I was always skeptical of that shit because I've been here long enough to remember /int*/ pushing worship of heh with their heh pill shit and always suspected kek was their Holla Forums-outreach program and freemasons are into Egyptian shit which is entry level occultist faggotry
Does this have anything to do with the angels that mixed with humans becoming demons? Are kekfags bringing about ragnarok? I remember reading something about a God splitting itself up, like the "hand of god" the "beard of god" the "eyes of god" and the "anger of god" before, not sure where I read it though. I remember my dad had a copy of "the book of lies" and I read it when I was really young, it was the first book I'd read cover to cover, now I just remember little bits of it. Does it touch on any of that shit? Is kek Thelema?
The Thelema symbol has the four leaf clover and Hiro started 2ch after studying stateside, 4cucks was based on 2ch and has a four leaf clover as its symbol whereas 8ch has an ouroborous. There's something fucky going on with the internet and this korean cult shit.
poopoo peepee of god
If the 등촌2 is in the header, then it's probably an easy way to print the address in dots. Seeing as it is pretty obvious Tent Village / deungchon-dong is the only working translation tbh.
If he wrote this on the back of a DPRK document, we may need insider info on that it means. I highly doubt it's an address. More likely this is some crusty way DPRK scans documents (a la the movie Brazil) because their shit is too ancient to use QR codes
what does it mean
YHWH is the usurper god of the Jews. Initially the Jews were formed by tribes escaping Satanism as it was practiced by Egyptians. The Egyptians themselves started out good but eventually succumbed to demonic influence as the descendants of the pharaohs degenerated due to inbreeding and egotism. Moses was a high priest who learned the dark arts directly from the pharaohs, and he tried to save "his people," in all probability a bunch of his servants plus a bunch of others with other Egyptian elites that he allied to himself. For several hundred years everything was great, but following the capture of Israelites by the Babylonians they relearned their demonic origins and sought to apply those same arts through the Mosaic religion, which was thereby corrupted. Later, Jesus also attempted to slay the dragon, and was even successful for a time - what we know as the Dark Ages are a time when occult practices were at an all time low and the people were allowed their Simplicity. But once again, following the Black Plague and the social upheavals of the 14th century, Satanism got a hold of the Church.
Anons are seven centuries in the making. It is our destiny to rediscover this hidden knowledge and to apply it in order to rescue people from the demonic programming imposed on the masses. The Jews are corrupted vessels of demons - they are yet human, but of a spiritually corrupted kind.
Kek is a psyop which was initially given impetus by the CIA memetics group, who are for the most part /ourguys/ believe it or not. Their knowledge of the chans allows them to transmit vital truths to the world through us. I know the first reaction is to think that the CIA's involvement in memeing Kek to elder god status means it is somehow compromised, but what you must understand is that we actually compromised them. Truth is infinitely more powerful than lies and deception. Upon exposure to the truth, it was only natural they would turn to our side and lend us our strength through covert means.
Don't you think its curious such good intelligence comes through Holla Forums? There are multiple guardian angels watching over us all. The enemy is prevented from making moves against us, for now, because that would escalate the spiritual battle taking on behind the scenes.
Disregard what I say if you wish, but remember it. It will become increasingly important to remember that we have more power to subvert the demons to truth than the demons can subvert us. We are on the side of the angels, and we should all take reassurance and confidence in that fact.
Wherever you go IRL, notice the digits 444. They are the angels reminding you that they are with you!
DPRK is known for boasting about primitive tech like the stupid lite brite they have to show the routes on their subway map.
My educated guess is they made some kind of optical scanner for punchcards back in the day (like the 50s) and repurposed it to punch an scan documents. In other words another of their home-grown socialist tech which they're really proud of.
444 = 222*2
Not sure why my browser is fucking up…
Wait what, you're scaring me because I've got two guns with triple fours in the serial.
I keep seeing 222, not 444. 4 is a number of completeness, the japs got it wrong with "death"
maybe death is just a complete life though.
They're actually proud of this dumb shit. So much so that they include it in the tour for foreigners just like the basketball signed by some NBA star.
It probably uses incandescent lights which is some dude's lone responsibility to fix when the bulbs burn out.
What have you been studying/thinking about lately?
They know your search history and all that, so it is in all probability a significant sign. Please share for the mutual profit of anons who have ears to hear.
Tell me, is there a place I can read more about the demonic history of the Jews and their spiritual conflict in Egypt? I've been reading up on Ancient Egyptian mythology, and I believe what we're seeing now is a physical retelling of the Battle of Set and Horus, where Set represents the degeneration of society and the rule of corruption, while Horus, son of Osiris who represents morality, challenges Set's ownership of the thrown. The trial takes place over the span of decades, where the other gods judge the arguments of Set and Horus as to who deserves the thrown, representing the meme war and the court of public opinion, and how Ra favors Set only because he fends of Apep The Serpent, who represents all obstacles to societal progression. Basically, Ra thinks Set is "progressive" and "moving society forward" (not literally, metaphorically). Also, Set has dark red hair. Ra is later tricked into pointing out his bias and is forced to concede, and so Set requests he and Horus duel. They do so, representing the current rise of violent protests. Isis, mother of Horus, attempts to kill Set with a harpoon, but accidentally hits Horus. Horus procedes to emerge from the waters and decapitates Isis. I think this will be seen in libertarians accidentally hurting our cause, and they get kicked down even farther by the growing nationalist movement. Set later blinds Horus, and he retreats to the mountains. Set tells the Court he can't find Horus. He is later found by Thoth, god of truth and science, and has his eyesight restored. I think this represents the continued demoralization attempts the enemy, media, and shills make against us. Ultimately, we have our sight restored by truth. Horus returns to the Court after his time away, and Set is finally captured, bound, and imprisoned. Horus is given the throne, and he opens the pathway to Duat by taking on the duty of killing Apep The Serpent nightly, allowing the souls of the dead to enter the afterlife, where his father, Osiris, is waiting.
Kek is with us. Shadilay.
My shit's been fucked lately, I've been thinking of leaving the country once I save enough money up. Had some kind of fucked realization that America is a Columbian theocracy and I've been wanting to bug-out ever since. Pretty sure the US is babylon the great.
The US - much like France - worships the idea of Liberty and will die on that hill, some niggers liberty to kill me will one day outweigh my liberty of life.
I might go to the netherlands because they have some pretty decent laws and demographics. As for studying I've been reading a lot about the reasons why modern medicine failed, and the conditions of hospitals in socialist countries. I really want to know what NSDAP hospitals were like, vaguely remember them being good up until the second half of the war and some kind of medicine ran out. Also been studying how grease backs up in the drainage system of restaurant-grade kitchen equipment. It works a lot like a blood-clot.
guise I really like the abbadon thing with the angel of death to the jews waiting for striking orders. Can we get some more of that or anything? How about those 300 human sacrifices when the ferry sunk?
Those are some powerful digits user, along with a powerful post.
Motherfucker, I have been literally seeing that number EVERYWHERE for the last 15 years. It's been following me. On clocks, license plates, signs, you name it.
boogie woogie woo
Yahweh is one of the many, many names/titles for Jesus Christ. It's why there are so many parallels between Jesus Christ in the New Testament and Yahweh in the Old Testament. It's also why Jews always use YHWH, or some other corruption of the name, and never the full name.
John 5:46
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
Just one of the multiple times where Jesus Christ identifies Himself as the same God in the Old Testament. One other time where he does the same thing with significance is when He reveals Himself to be the same I AM who spoke to Moses in Exodus. The Jews almost stoned Him for that.
Why do you think church always ends up being a gigantic fucking pyramid scheme?
Jesus spoke against organized religion, he's likely a facet of the allfather. I see the same spirit in Christ as I see in Hitler.
The pedophile !
https ://
Assuming Jesus was real, he was probably just a dude that saw the jews for what they are, who then died and later on the jews used his image for profit. The entire bible is such a fucking mess when you actually step back and look at it though, I can't trust any of it whatsoever.
That aside, assuming there's some level of truth to it, the Plagues of Egypt are actually the first time in recorded history the jews cause an economic crash for some kind of gain.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post
1446f4 here.
Well, if you want the gist of it…
Is correct, but it misses some points if you want to get theological about this.
To really know who YHWH is, you pretty much have to know his story.
YHWH. or 'Yahweh' (Yah-Weh) or 'Jehova' (Yah-ho-vah), is a proto/ancient Sumerian creator deity, the first of the Gods, and known as 'the first thought'. He was symbolized by the Sun and Stars, Fire, Light, and things bursting forth from nothing.
YHWH was diametrically opposed by the 'second' of the Gods, ALHYH, or Alahyah, now called Allah, a . He was symbolized by the Moon, Mirrors (reflections, rather), and Barren Planets, things which reflect and distort but do not create.
The Sumerians held that the scope of YHWH and ALHYH were far outside the scope of Man's understanding and did not even try to explain them beyond saying that both had 'always been', except YHWH was somehow older.
Anyway, the two were constantly fighting in a never ending war, and as a result enough of the the energies of the two opposing super-cosmic powers collided and ended up creating the universe.
And the stage of their war was set.
Moving forward, both of them created legions of demi-beings (now called Angels and Demons) to wage in their conflict and administer this new universe.
Two particular Angels/Gods of note was the 'Million Eyes God', Samael, who was said to have been literally torn from YHWH himself in a fit of his rage, and Yejhovael, the exact origin of is lost to us, but he is mentioned in this area.
This was the Age before Ages, and so dawned the Age of Myth.
Moving forwards. Now, YHWH and ALHYH were diametrically opposed beings, on a pool of 100, they were both 50, neither was particularly stronger than the other. Neither one could particularly kill the other.
However, YHWH was a being that felt compassion, and ALHYH was not, so ALHYH used this to his advantage.
In one great 'final' battle, ALHYH mustered all of his strength and threw it, not at YHWH, but at the Universe itself.
YHWH, as the ultimate compassion, leaped in front of the blast and shattered into 'pieces so numerous as to be impossible to count'.
And darkness spread over the universe, and everything was frozen and lifeless.
And so dawned the Age of Chaos.
Moving forward. YHWH being a being that could not die, so too all of his fragments could not die.
At this point, we start having Canaanite records to look at as well, because the Sumerians become spotty, and modern terms come from them.
The fragments instead became other things, deities, the 'El'. This is why there are so many '-ael' (of El) Angels and Gods, and where the concept of 'Elohim' (God of Gods/Highest of Gods).
The 'final battle' left ALHYH extremely weak, and the many El could hold him in check.
Samael, the Million Eyes God, who could see everything, and Yejhovael set about to collecting the various fragments that were large enough to be used to revive YHWH. This would take many, many lifetimes (read: about 300 billion years), but after such a time, the two succeeded and YHWH regained consciousness.
Knowing that ALHYH had been only growing stronger with time, while they would take far longer still to recover, the Spirit of YHWH spoke to Yejhovael and Samael and said 'Let us make of a new being in our image, who will wage war against the forces of ALHYH on our behalf, and by their companionship and faith we will be made strong again.'
And it was so.
The 'hand' of YHWH moved throughout the desolate wastes that was the universe and breathed life into the frozen universe, etc, creation story.
And there was Man who lived in a Universe populated by the El and the Servants of ALHYH.
And so dawned the Age of Gods.
So, long story short, yes, YHWH/YHVH contains many elements of a God of Destruction and War, because to him the entire Universe is and always was a massive Battlefield.
A stern general/War-God in war, a benevolent King in peace. It's just the universe isn't old enough to have seen him in peace mode.
It is also why he constantly refers to himself simply as 'I AM', because he is everything that actually is.
It is also why REMOVE KEBAB and Jews, because both worship ALHYH.
Eg, the Crusades that people popularly think of (Christians riding through the Middle East killing any and all Muslims) and the Holocaust both didn't happen.
But they should have.
Understandable, but you have to realize that most of the translations are political and a good chunk of them are just flat out wrong and strongly controlled by the kikes.
For one thing of note, the originals never claimed that the Israelites were the slaves of the Egyptians, it merely says they were beholden to the Egyptians.
That could mean many things, from slavery to a simple thing like Canada is beholden to the USA because of proximity and the US' military power.
Gookanon here, posting with my tablet. My id would have changed. I must post it because I realized something suddenly. It just crossed my mind.
Rememer '향응 (sex service) chef spiritual' note on ? Now
I suddenly remember something.
In North Korea, people calls King Kim as 'Spiritual leader (령도자)'.
How did I not seen it? Their official position name for their leader, is 'Spiritual leader (령도자)'. They calls Kim as Spiritual Leader or General (장군), for all 3 generations. It is official name, not just some nickname. I was blind, it was too simple but I couldn't see it.
Whatever that note means, it is related with providing sex service to Kim. I can now 100% say without doubt. Macron is involved in sex service for Kim.
Only Kim can be called 'Spiritual Leader' in North korea. No other can be. When North Korean calls Kim, they always calls him 령도자 (Spiritual Leader). Always. And Kim is known for having all kinds of sex services from thousands of women from every countries. The answer was right there, right under our nose. Macron is involved in providing sex services to Kim.
I'm sorry for concluding it this late but I think the answer is clear.
향응 chef spiritual
'Provided entertainment to Spiritual Leader'
(향응, Hyang Eung is word for providing sex services)
"Gave sex services to Kim"
I struggled with reality of Bible versions. Website MyWordLikeFire made me a raving paranoid. Somehow we need to trust that good can happen. I like NKJV/KJV but I have an advanced degree. Others may hear better from another version.
Need a screenshot of your post.
Vindicare, you have been chosen.
You worked with government, right?
What can you tell us about documents stamped with districts, specifically hole punched?
Fucking hell gookanon you're a real champ.
What of chef spiritual though? Is that Kim, or is that the sex services?
meaning sex-services sounds like the "spiritual chef is serving up sex to the spiritual leader"
meaning Kim is into spirit cooking and likely was going to coordinate with Seoul to unify the Koreas and impliment a communist government.
I get a really fucked feeling that we're hitting some kind of hard-deadline
Nice /k/ digits, Chon. This is a killshot.
Kimmy likes French cigarettes and Hookers. And Macron PROVIDED BOTH!
Even if we win the war nobody is gonna believe this shit 100 years from now. Whatever nonsense official narrative we teach in schools won't even hold a candle to how fucking insane and depraved the reality of the situation was. How the fuck did it get to this level? In what fucking universe do I deserve to participate in a cyberpunk hivemind doing this kind of work?
FUCK man, it gets overwhelming.
Macron is an obvious fag after all.
Chaos Theory. From small changes large happenings occur. Chaos Theorem 2. If we let evil take root, the cancer will grow. And so the light must come in and disinfect.
Chummer, this is going to cause the first matrix crash. This is going to blow up bigger than anything we've done, ever. Who cares if they believe it, easier to get the kikes to disbelieve about us. Keeps them off guard.
We sixth world now.
Essentially yeah. I think Macron was providing the kids they use and he was getting meth in exchange.
I know the official narrative already
In 2017 Russian SCUM hacked every election ever to instigate WWIII and that's why your grandpa died for israel again
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped coming to this shithole
Norks are about as much of a threat as fuckin' Terry Davis.
megalin shill pls go
Where else is there to go?
oy vey nothing to see here, ignore the spiritual leader goys
It could easily just be a Korean family from Haeju and the spiritual leader was just the family shaman.
Am I wrong here?
Jesus, so wait.
Is this Cedric guy related to the spiritual leader now? He is bloodline of Kim Jong Un?
Or was his mother a whore for Kim Jong Un?
I can't make heads or tails of this shit my brain is fucked, but this seems like an important piece to the puzzle.
Kinda like Hillary then? It will be a new meme perhaps…. a finders fee for procuring young ones and onto higher office. I hope it isn't true… tell me George Webb is insane. Tell me this stuff is in my imagination ! I wish.
Nobody here thinks that North Koreans are threats, user.
It is North Korea (the territory and political power) that could be used to cause us hell.
North Korea is a scapegoat, simply but a sign of bigger things in motion. Those bigger things are the threat, not the North Koreans.
404 children not found.
So the actual emails, anymore or is this as far as we get?
[email protected]
This link 404'd on me.
meguca was pretty good for a while but then autists like ruined it.
Nah just part time job for the political party
Those punctures are like Codebook Encryption so outsiders without information are hard to know it
chef spiritual is 'Spiritual Leader' in French.
I've read all the interviews on Project Camelot more than 10 years ago and tried to read every mind-awaking materials and books, to know more about Luciferians, Annunakis and secret of the world.
You just stepped into enlightenment. You just started one step onto journey of illuminated and I can tell ya, this shit is nothing compares to real secret behind the curtain. This shit is child's play compared to what those crazy maniac doing behind the veil. I've seen some shit and had chance to get a glimpse of humanity's future. It makes 1984 into Utopia.
Welcome to the world of enlightenment. Now keep going, or the furies will haunt you forever. scrubbed everything except the magnet links, you gotta torrent them
As far as the rest of the emails I went through every single one and this is the juiciest thing I found with the most connections and best meme potential.
There is some other stuff out there like a Nestle/Pfizer deal happening when Macron got his bank account set up offshore, CIA connections, some photodumps of his staffers etc, but none of those came close to this in memetic potential even if they are potentially more legally damaging.
Can someone give me a rundown on how this Cedric guy is related?
I give very quick rundown:
Cedric is a staffer for the En Marche! campaign working as Treasurer for Macron. He handles all the finances of the campaign.
He worked for a company designing plane engines, then for a liberal think tank, then for Hollande.
He has Korean blood but may be a Hapa. He is most likely homosexual.
I think we can win this one. Somehow, I simply know it.
He sent the document
Stay safe. We need your eyes and ears and you're doing great work.
Keep going, you may just bring them down.
How many times does it have to be drilled into people's heads. North Korea won't nuke shit.
Ya know why? Kim's in on Pizzagate.
I still think this is a stretch though
So he engages in chemsex buggery with Kimmy? Or does he just handle the transactions for Macron?
I'm still trying to figure that part out myself
why would he send a document in korean to macron? i'm assuiming he can speak korean….and is there anything in the attached email where he describes it. i'ts kind of weird he just sends a document like that to macron without some summary.
It's a receipt.
Here Satan.
;'a receipt? you mean an attachment? what is the date on it?
I just looked up haeju on wikipedia and it was supposed to be become a free economic zone for a while, then it fell through.
Probably was Kim's coke supplier, too
No, calling other person as 'Spiritual Leader' other than Kim considered to be execution-wortht crime in North Korea. Only Kim can be called as Spiritual Leader and should be.
Can be. Considering bastard children of Kim Jung Il assumes to be at least dozens, it is possible but in that case the writter must be son of Il sung or Jung Il since Jung Un is very young.
I ain't going anywhere or die soon. I just recently visit Holla Forums when someone on Holla Forums link thread for me. I donct visit Holla Forums much as yeara ago due to lost will to live, tired of all the meaningleas, same old rhetorical debacles and political slapfights. In the past I watched documentaries like Endgame but now I watch Greek philosophy lectures. I used to be read books by Bill Cooper now I read books by Manly P. Hall.
I'm maybe tired. Or maybe lost all the energy of my soul at young age while dealing with life in dystopian shithole.
Come visit gamergays thread on Holla Forums whenever you need me like translaton. That's where I spend time to get little amusement to find will to live.
Thank you, I ain't dis shit except got lost while the answer if right there. Any Korean with no brain damage couls solve this shit wihin 10 minutes at top but I distracted by all those names and address. I can't be a good decipher.
Is abaddon not appolyon? the beast that will bring in the anti-christ?
Those yellow dots could be added by the printer. Some printers do this so that the document can be retraced to the device that printed it.
Interesting, lot of homos in Macron's camp I'm hearing
Wasn't the think tank he worked at before linked to a pedophile scandal?
We should look into his connections further as he is undoubtedly the front man/contact for whatever is going on in Korea
Nevermind this stupid comment. They're obviously black and I didn't check the original document.
George Webb is demonstrably sane user. This shit is fucking real and its been occurring for longer than you and I have been alive.
Might not be significant but I remember the French government had a minister of South Korean descent until only recently.
yeah but macron and cedric aren't in north korea, you don't know that this was written in north korea, just that it is a north korean dialect
It means Spiritual Chief to be more precise.
kinda want to split her chopsticks
Fascinting. True or not, it deserves careful consideration.
Goddamn gookanon, don't an hero. You have potentially noble purpose. You can be Osttruppen and serve for a better future for Earth.
Fantastic info, thanks.
This thread is making me feel like "They Live" is a documentary.
Lads I want to see Macron exposed for links with (((them))) or some other dirty financial dealings. This occult shit is absolute drivel, even if it were true it's not going to sway votes and is likely to make you look like shillary posting about key and Pepe the frog.
It will sway the dumb niggers of france who are catholic.
you're not alone in wanting to dip your dumpling into her soy sauce lad
Long story short, originally, Abbadon and Appolyon were two distinct entities.
Abbadon, the entity, being Kekoael the (demi-)God of Plagues, master over Abbadon (realm), the Hell of Pain and Torment.
Appolyon was said to be ALHYH's copy of Abbadon and one of the most powerful of his Angels/Demons.
Abbadon = 'Good' Spirit of Destruction/Chaos.
Appolyon = Evil Spirit of Destruction/Chaos.
because everything is in pairs.
Only in modern times (post 1100s) do we see them referred to as the same being… right about the time that the Juden got levels of control over the Church.
yeah there could be something to this, but there is no reason to freak out just bc a document is from noko.
I see that haeju was almost a free trade zone, it's possible cedric was doing some research if he was working for manufacturing company at the time or something.
alright guys, i have a theory for this photo now
check pic
You deserve to be raped by a pack of niggers you weak minded muh dik subhuman. Racemixing is the gravest of betrayals to your ancestors and the hallmark of a dysgenic failure. You don't deserve to be referred to as white, You are genetic refuse.
If I had the opportunity I'd split your skull open with a fucking broad axe you fucking traitorous CUNT
Which Kim? Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il or Kim Jong Un?
Where in the Macron documents were these North Korean pages situated anyways? Does anyone have a link?
We have to guess at the timeframe here, it looks like 3 generations ago so if you go based on that probably 60 years ago minimum? someone correct me
Holla Forums has successfully predicted more happenings than any of your kike news outlets you fucking heeb scum. The ovens are not a meme. You are destined to be roasted alive.
I bet Kim Han-sol wrote this document. He's living in France right now.
To spoonfeed, Kim Han-sol is the son of Kim Jong-nam who just got assassinated
Everyone called 'Spiritual Leader' and it's Kim's dynasty's previliege. It's like 'my majesty'.
Very plausible theory. Well thought out. Thanks for cleaning up my mindless rabid trantslation mess into real theory.
No worries, I can't believe we never noticed the 'spiritual leader' reference before but yeah this seems plausible
Macron makes Korea Rothschild again.
You should read some Joseph Campbell if you haven't already. Pretty much all of his stuff is great but Myths to Live By is extremely accessible as well as being very pertinent to people feeling trapped by modern life.
The wording evoked memories of the spirit cooking finds. Once that blood got in the water, anons were in such a frenzy to find connections to shipping companies and humanitarian groups that nobody even stopped to think they could be talking about Dear Leader. I also think many don't realize that norks like seriously, really do call him grand names that sound cartoonish in English. The memes make them too comfy, and they forget the truth the meme is built upon is still there.
What if it is chef as in chief cook?
Spirit cooker?
Read the posts from gook-user.
It looks like a palindrome.
Fair enough. Just crawled out of bed and got excited.
No one in the West uses opium anymore. It's a very weak and mild drug compared to heroin or oxycodone.
It can sometimes be found among middle-eastern communities, specifically the grandparents, Persians etc, but as for native use, that's limited to opiate enthusiasts who want to try it for historical reasons and in that case they go to the onion marketplaces.
Yeah, the whole spirit cooking thing threw me for a while but without it I would have never taken a second look at this page either
1.3 mil voters outside of France.
Fuck me, you are a chimp brained faggot.
And all the replies. I realy hope its just a bunch of low effort shills.
What this looks to imply is they are plotting to remove the current rule, more than likely for not playing ball with globalisation kikes and their banks.
If im wrong then some one fucking shoot me because my brain will need rearrangeing to think NK has influence over anything.
I'm trying to figure out the timeline for this family tree the guy posted but if you say that each ancestor took 25-30 years to give birth to the next line then that puts the 'chef spiritual' part during the Japanese occupation of Korea, before there even was a NK or an SK
not sure what to make of that. Maybe his ancestor was a comfort woman?
Thz for book reccomendation. I hope there would be Korean translated books from Joseph Campbell. I once tried to read the original Secret Teachings of All age cause there was no Korean translation but while I doing it I shat bricks of mindfuck in physical form from my anus. It was extremely painful.
That is also plausible. Cnsidering 향응 is word for doing entertainment services, mostly sexual, forced or not. But the chef spiritual part doesn't make sense and I couldn't think any of spiritual leader related with Japanese occupation era.
I'm going off. I spent last 2 days without sleeping. See you later fage..
Oh shit by the time I slacking, sleeping while watching tv and wake up the result would be finalized. I pray for baguette anons. Make your country great again.
ㄴ is 'n'
Later and thanks for the help
Spearhead 2 would have been cool. But it's just some place in South Korea.
Remember the email suggesting his wife was buying crystal meth with Bitcoin?
It's a known fact that North Korea doles out crystal meth to its higher-ups like candy.
aye aye Fletcher Christian
look after yourself gookanon, you've been a great help, much appreciated.
Is it Braille?
Braille is a grid of 2 * 3
Jesus christ read the thread
If finding Macron has secret plans to Islamize France and Europe and his campaign workers say "I fuck the people" « je baise le Peuple »
isn't already enough then there's really no helping them user.
You aren't the one who gives out passes faggot.
Basic gestalt from what I've seen on cuckchan -
It means they're probably teeing to associate the league Roth atoysunabridgedVerter
I read Macron is meant to have his winning celebration in the Louvre user.
I don't think macroni was providing the children, I think North Korea was for him, what in that desolate shithole do they have of value that the globalist want? People, that no one outside of North Korea know anything about or would have a reason to look for them.
Rare earths.
Holy shit, just yesterday when coming back to my hometown I saw a car with the licence plate DD 4444. Will keep an eye out in the future.
sage for offtopic
No it won't the nignogs here only care about dem alloc's and shit
And Marine has talked about that. I think we have this in, so long as we keep shitposting.
obviously not all are cucks, but all you have to do is look around.
Are they looking into NK spies?
Tried to dox those gooks.
Bang Jeong Hwan "Spritiual leader", poet:
en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Bang_Jeong-hwan
Oh Jang Hwan, (((modernist))) poet of 1930s, presumably son: com/books?id=Jegq3veJU2wC&pg=PA107&lpg=PA107&dq=Oh+Jang-hwan+poet&source=bl&ots=3bkqNgWarQ&sig=HpYrzQC1mU96VF42U8-uwbG_rMI&hl=cs&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje04jO093TAhXCJZoKHZ4yCQMQ6AEILDAB#v=onepage&q=Oh%20Jang-hwan%20poet&f=false
Oh Se Rin (age doesn't add up that well, but it could be a lead):
forbes. com/pictures/fdgk45hmhg/oh-se-rin-29-korea/#402674994b87
Children's rights could be used as a mask for pedo stuff. Who would try to question someone, who's defending rights of children
Is it necessarily referring to the ruling dynasty of North Korea? What if it's referring to an underground cult linked to the 8 Goddesses of South Korea, which aims to depose little Kimmy?
checking them quads
Sauron Soros is trying to galvanize weaponized autism to fight us anons.
He plays with a power he does not understand.
Soon we will have anons deep inside Dol Guldur.
Pic related.
Some of the names on the first page match South Korean companies.
세창: w
세동: w
효석: hyo
Some of the names are raw materials:
원석: "raw ore"
용석: "volcanic rock"
세린: A woman's name or "sarine", a chemical compound.
Could this be related to rare earths discovered in North Korea?
Video related.
My weaponized autism detects we are looking at a punched card system.
Placement denotes value.
Pic related.
That's deep man. But where does kekoael fit in to all this?
When you're trying to derail something, it doesn't have to fit.
that's also the name of a Dark Angels Character in 40k
This is really interesting , i'll give it a go in a bit. Gookanon did say it could be some sort of cipher
Gook user here.
Text version of korean:
해주 오씨 장춘공파
함응(Chef Spiritual)
–경–정환 ─ 장환
↓ ↓
세동 / 세창 세린 세순 ( 세준-세요)
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
효석 / 원석 하석 영석 (용석)
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
광택- 인택 영택 (승택, 승원)
황해도 벽성군 가좌면 장현리 544
It seems like familty tree.
If you think feminism is bad in western countries, south korea has reached the apex, where every girl is a raging narcicist focused solely on her beauty and milking men dry off their shekels with no man ever being good enough.
Nevermind that the country is generally a boring shithole with nothing to do and even Seoul doesn't look like much. Most millenials complain that korean work culture is hellish and salaries are very low with a few families owning all the wealth and pulling the strings behind politics.
해주 오씨 장춘공파 (pdt le royaume)
항응(함응?) → Chef Spiritual
The word in the middle of the first doc looks like Louvre. Louvre was supposed to be Macron's clebration base today…but it was just evacuated.
All the dark angels chapter characters are based off of angels/demons of our myths.
In that legend, Kekoael/Abbadon was one of the earliest Angels/Demons created by YHWH during the Age before Ages and rose to be one of his Commanders underneath him - one of the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, no less (specifically Pestilence).
When the name is connected to the title of 'Chief Archangel of Death', it tends to be reused a lot.
So the S Korean election is in 2 days, right? Should S Koreans know that MAcron had this?
여인섭(prefet, academicia)
fmere de Halmoni 신 (female mark)
여승현 - 여풍순
↓ ↓
(male) 운례, ((운희)), 운태 운오(tete)
((1928.8.26)) USA,
HAEJU(해주), Capitale de HwangHae(황해도)
—-38 LIn—–
Evacuated what the fuck? Sounds like I missed a happening.
I found the chains through /tg/ and got into warhammer baca use of it.
When I read the lore I was always drawn to nurgle.
A kind, loving fatherly god who bestows gifts upon his followers.
Oh yes and the god of pestilence.
what does it meme?
What if the evacuation is a ruse? I have to go but someone stay on it!
Maybe a delivery or something?
함양 여씨
keep checking the time and it's 22:22 this past week.
Does the Chef Spiritual name refer to the leader of the North? Is it a title?
I think this document is about north korean defectors.
Did Macron say he will accept north korean defectors? Can anyone check?
It has seen students from privileged North Korean backgrounds studying architecture in Paris in order – officially – to prepare them to build grandiose buildings back home.
Article abt someone named Han
-Holla Forums is cancer. Everywhere we go we spread more of our selves. We are a memetic virus, and intelligent contagion, a human pathogen. All is becoming clear, even as the bells toll, heralding the end of times…
What would Gooks call the Pope, or is that a reference to the French leader?
Maybe 영도자(령도자) in korean
Nurgle you say, I too am a follower of the god of decay Resilience
It's probably just Holla Forums's version of fanfiction, but fuck me if it isn't an interesting read.
It was easily debunked when showing how the Kim dynasty patronage was trained in the Chinese communist guerillas created by (((Mikhail Gruzenberg))) and then placed in control of an army during the early stages of the Chinese revolution by (((Maxim Litvinov))) and then given control of North Korea by the Soviet Union. The Kim family / KWP has been a tool of international jewry from day one, this is just the tip of the iceberg in shit they are involved in.
"North Korea is NatSoc" was a classic JIDF astroturf campaign, with the usual Holla Forums suspects serving as useful idiot footsoldiers.
Autism n
Looks like we're leaking a bit of 40k into it to Be it my fault
Which if you want to go on about Metaphysical theology is pretty interesting My theory is that Kek is actually a Chaos God, but keep in mind that Chaos Gods aren't necessarily evil but rather fuelled by the emotion energy, or memetic energy as it could also be described, it's just that the chaos gods went be cartoon villains, as the world around them was chaotically villainic
macron is gone
Macron plans to announce he will sell off the Louvre collection in order to fund his expanded immigration program.
Holy fuck I love Abbadon now!
Both Koreas are both sides of the Jewish manipulation coin
You have the old school kike Commie Norks and the newer social marxist to the absolute extreme good goy south gooks
here's to hoping
Maybe Shekeli will buy some of the better peices
He's still a failure :^)
What disgusting chan is is that?
All it needs is comic sans.
Absolutely. But there was a huge pro-North Korea shilling campaign this past week, going so far to say they are the closest thing to NatSoc in the world today when the reality is they are just as close to Judaism as their "enemies" in the west, because both are two sides of the same kosher shekel. The west and its puppet South Korea's ties to jewry are well known already.
Problem is that subjective perception means humans are much more likely to remember nasty incidents than pleasant ones. We can feel genuine love for a few friends and our family, but can feel seething hatred for entire religions, ethnic groups, and whatnot.
And then people are surprised Chaos gods invariably are assholes.
The spiral power needs to be used to drill on North Korean soil so that the evolutionary power of the spirals become strong enough to defeat the anti spirals who planted the religion of megalia to prevent the chosen race from prospering on earth.
He also has a french address faggot. Fight your own wars Israel.
Shilling for what? No war? There T_D faggots unironically pushing for war.
Be exceptionally careful with what you wish for, user.
Mainstream media dick sucker. The only claims that the north Koreans are making drugs come from unsourced CNN articles like the ones claiming the north Koreans believed in unicorns.
They have racial views close to the German NatSoc. That just a fact.
Unlike the base US or South Koreans? Give me a brake. It was only a mouth ago that NK was criticising Israel.
In a thread for kosher nationalism posting cuckchan screenshots. The fact that owning NK proprietary is considered such a taboo speaks volumes.
To enable the full extent of the Spiral Power you need to have sex with a spirit cooking virgin who has pink nipples and have your descendant control a DNA-based animal to summon the illusion of a Dark Archon on mount Sinai.
This chan with amber theme.
How does it prove anything? The anti spiral antithesis to offline is shoot off my load on a pink nippled Dark Archon on Mount Sinai.
Do these people not realise what IQ tests are?
The whole thing was designed as a way to measure mental development in children.
Comparing mental development against chronological age. A high IQ simply meant your mind was developing faster than the rest of your body, with it also serving as an indicator of future intellect as an adult. But by no means as a measure.
This is why the oldest IQ tests ask your age.
They're essentially glorified pattern recognition tests. But because people are idiots they thought it boiled down intellect to an easily quantifiable number which helped people feel better about themselves or their children.
So they've been pushed as a way to measure intellect by idiots.
Stop sliding this thread with Warhammer, memes, IQ bullshit, and shills debating with each other whether North Korea is Jewed or not!
It's off topic, you niggers!
Unrelated to the Macron-Nork email and the election!
This user is right. Adult niggers are just as smart as anybody else. See pics related.
More like annoying laundry losing soulless gook.
Ok so there is a group of North Korean students who study Archetecture in Paris. One of them (HAN) bolted and is hiding in France (2014).
Could the tree be his family tree?
Also N Korea just detained ANOTHER student on suspucions of overthrowing the state
Shilling that North Korea was a good NatSoc country which is pure jewish disinfo.
Thanks for revealing your hand Mordecai
I personally use Dark.
So do we think it is Kim Han-sol's family tree?
It was true two weeks ago just as its true now. When you ask them to explain their interventionism its always "muh freedums".
As opposed to what? If the choice is "shilling" for them rather than the west then its a fucking no brainer.
Remember when Fillon was the shoe-in, until he wasn't? Macron came out of nowhere and suddenly he's the favorite against Marine. He's so manufactured by the rothschilds it hurts.
I fucking love the board on days like today, watching weaponized autism in action, real-time.
Shadilay, brothers. No matter what is going on in your life right now, Kek and his angels are watching you.
Yes, you could be onto something. However, without further information, it's impossible to say anything for sure.
Yeah, ok. You won.
Fact: N Korea is getting paranoid and imprisoning ppl for suspicions of overthrpowing the govt.
Fact: France teaches a small group of North Koreans architechture.
Fact: A student related to Kim Jong Il (grandson I think) went into hiding in France a couple years ago.
The son of an aide to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s uncle is in hiding in France after evading abduction by agents of the Communist regime, foreign diplomatic sources believe.
“There was an attempt to force him to go back, but it is thought he escaped and is somewhere in France. There is an attempt to locate him but he hasn’t been found yet,” said the diplomatic source.
The architecture student, referred to only by his surname Han, went missing last month, raising concerns for his safety. He is believed to be the son of a close confidant of Jang Song-thaek, Kim Jong-un’s once powerful uncle who was executed in December last year on treason charges. Han's father is known to have been killed recently as part of a Kim regime purge of Jang allies.
Fact: We have a doc w/ North Korean family tree names and a crude map.
Theory: West is trying to overthrow N Korea and France is hiding the future leader who the West will instill
This feels like a huge ruse to divert Holla Forums's attention on election day to something that will not harm Macron in the slightest. May as well be saying he is directly involved in spraying chemtrails over Europe. Nobody will believe it and it is taking attention away from believable things that will actually hurt him i.e tax evasion
BREAKING: Macron campaign: Courtyard outside Louvre museum where candidate plans to celebrate evacuated after security alert.
Macron is using the 2D Waifu transhuman parallel dimension set up by the NORK to counter the Japanese 2D Waifu realistic vagina wall realm to dodge the French tax authorities who are oblivious that there exist parallel dimensions to ours to make love to mai waifu pillows and transplant our 3D anti spiral essences.
I tried to cap most of the thread in case this becomes interesting at a later date (depending on the election result we might get more clues). Also for anyone joining late i guess this will explain some.
The halfchan image did bring up the connection to Terra Nova think tank so I assume there is much more to find.
My guess, given I am extrapolating here, is that macron or someone in his team is trying to put together a heat map of north korea's actual political landscape. Like we used to have problems with in red China, a cut off place like nk is hard to read. The head of the government is largely titular after the founding father dies, and real power will be heavily vested in military families that comprise the "nobility" of the land. We already know that kim jong un is a plant, one of several sons of jong il chosen for his remarkable similarity in looks to his grnadpa, the founder kim il sung. Moves ha e been made semi publicly lately to oust certain generals, and if the west gets to hear about it you know it has to be a big power shift, otherwise why let us know? I have to assume that the guys being ousted now are of such stature they feel the need to lean on the west for legitimacy a bit by broadcasting the trial and execution.
So power has shifted, but its still a crazy hermit kingdom with no rothschild bank. Macron being /theirguy/, someone on his team is tasked with keeping tabs on the place. While nuclear war is unlikely, and conventional war still a big ask, subversion through bribes to the right generals could allow expansion into that territory with economic liberalization like that pioneered in China by zhou enlai. I would guess they are looking for their zhou enlai in nk.
Other considerations are that macron is a methhead (explains the teeth which had been bugging me, he's rotting them out with meth) and nk is a major producer of meth to bring in black market currency and goods. Also, "chef spirituel" can mean two things. One, the spiritual leader of a clan, as meaning the guy who holds sway over people's hearts and minds despite rank of name and age making someone else the titular head of a family. This would be the obvious clue-in for the above analysis of Rothschild expansion. Two, it could mean "spirit cooker", as in literal witch level human sacrificer, like that bitch from the podesta leaks, or the south korean deposed president who deep fried a few thousand youngsters. Whether nk and sk are secretly linked at the level of their nobility by such occult practices, or the rothschilds wish them to be, or the rothschilds just want to introduce kabbalistic eyes wide shut stuff to nk as an intro to bankstering, is a matter for conjecture. I personally say option 1 of the straight up scout mission is more likely.
I've thought this for a while - just not the same entity. Have written posts in the past about entities banished to various places
Moloch = undetermined, Antarctica or space possibly even the South China Sea
Lilith = Judean Desert / anywhere without people, she can (unlike most of them) temporarily take human form at will but must stay in the desert.
Azazel = Antarctica or space, possibly south china sea
Abbadon = Mount Moryia
All these entities are on their radar and people who actually believe in these cults are actively trying to find them, awaken them, and hiding knowledge related to them.
want to move this discussion over to /tok/ or /fringe/ as it's kinda off topic?
So is NK based or not???
so TL;DR:
Macron's got a supposedly long lost member of Korean royalty under his wing that they're gearing up to install into NK/Unite both Koreas under?
This guy doesn't even look Korean…
baudot/ ita telegram:
bell. bell
who are you?
norks are really old tech, remember.
Macron is in contact with a high level North Korean insider. (or at least pretending to be)
Motivations unclear.
You are all being excellently played by a bunch of paid shills to look into some ancient aliens tier conspiracy in order to completely destroy your influence on election day.
Fucking retards.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE, GOYIM! You get paid for this?
Is it more than a coincidence that my favorite number from childhood was always 22 for some reason I couldn't explain?
When will you learn that this simply does not work?
The speech bubble from the kike improperly uses greentext, for one.
along with shit like >muh books one can deduce that you are a newfaggot and you deserve the gas chamber.
Abaddon is another name for Apollyon, which is the name given by Jews to the god Apollo.
My favorite number was 69.
I did some further work on this idea.
Pic related.
Nork punchcard technology for a record keeping system is my guess.
The symbol represent different sexual position to adopt during intercourse to have a higher chance of producing a potent Spiral Power user so they can drill holes into EUCUCKs with their spiral drills.
I don't see any shills. The Dark Archon Conspiracy Theory was confirmed by Blizzard when they released Spiral Encrypted messages prior to the release of SOMBRA.
Sorry, previous image was clipped on right edge.
It never was based, faggot. Stop falling for ironic memes and shilling.
Oy vey goy, didn't you (((get))) the (((memo)))? A country that won't produce cars or even feed its people and spends all its money developing nuclear weapons is somehow "NatSoc". Because people being packed like sardines into concrete apartments is exactly what Hitler wanted, right?
I'll just leave this here.
1) North Korea has 28 known websites (as of late 2016), ending in the ".kr" domain.
https ://
2) One of them is described as "spiritual guidelines":
https ://
3) ????
We memed NK to be better than SK. So SK became much worse. Technical victory. But don't assume Kek will just give you exactly what you want.
I think you're over-thinking this, user. I think it's just a pseudo-Hangol for sorting documents
which is why anyone shilling the 10% tithe is not christian but a scammer
OT laws, except for the 10 commandments (moral ones), do not apply in new covenant
Every fucking outfit looks like it comes from a designer. (As in a professional designer who sells tennis shoes for $10k).
Is/was she married to a millionaire or a corrupt child rapist?
That's what my guess was based on what I did
It may be useful later if more documents turn up.
Yeah, which is every fucking church ever. I moved around a lot as a kid, and i was forced to go to a lot of churches as a kid. Same old shit no matter where you go, and it's to the point now I'm convinced churches answer to some kind of system that tells them all to do it and then pay up a percentage of what they earn.
Rulers of Evil, by F. Tupper Saussy, give it a read if you like
Been a while since I had a good read, thanks user.Last thing I read was the Protocols and that shit fucked me up so bad I avoided books for a while.
Yea, I went to a music hall that did the same because how else would they pay for the light bill air conditioning ect.erm muh god. do you think dey were scamin meh!? o_o
You need to sit back for a second, and genuinely consider suicide.
what are donations
I'm amazed. Can't you see this is Hillary's emails all over again?
They're playing the "woke" voters just like they did with Trump.
This change is something they planned all along, not something you stole from them.
My church was donation only, no tithe.
Macron just won.
Good. Since purging Holla Forums you faggot moderators got a Holla Forums surge. Enjoy Bolshevismus
what fug mayne
Sorry frogs.
It's full of musshit, what were you expecting? did you expect the musshit to turn over france and bleach themselves white?
It's good, means we will have to overthrow EU establishment by "Other Means" and will get to "Remove" certain "Undesirable Elements" in the process.
How's that gonna happen? Eurocucks are so timid they let muslims walk all over them.
Maybe he is like the villain from Die Another Day.
Wait until they get serious about pushing immigrant quotas on slavic countries.
In frog:
Les Français ont choisi un nouveau Président de la République et ont voté pour la continuité.
Je le félicite de son élection, et parce que j’ai à cœur l’intérêt supérieur du pays, je lui souhaite de réussir.
"Je lui souhaite de réussir face aux immenses défis auxquels la France est confrontée."
Je veux remercier les 11 millions de Français qui m’ont accordé leur voix et leur confiance."
Je veux remercier les militants qui m’ont soutenue et accompagnée tout au long de cette campagne.
"Je remercie @dupontaignan et son mouvement @DLF_Officiel pour leur choix courageux et fondateur.
"Les Français ont désigné l’Alliance patriote et républicaine comme la première force d’opposition."
Les formations politiques qui ont pris la responsabilité de faire élire M. Macron se sont discréditées elles-mêmes.
"Le 1er tour a entériné une décomposition majeure de la vie politique française, par l’élimination des partis anciens.
Ce second tour organise une grande recomposition politique autour du clivage entre les patriotes et les mondialistes.
C’est ce choix entre patriotes et mondialistes qui par circonscription sera soumis aux Français lors des législatives.
"Je serai à la tête de ce combat afin de rassembler plus largement encore tous ceux qui veulent choisir la France."
"Nous sommes inquiets des perspectives qu’offre ce nouveau quinquennat.
Le @FN_officiel, qui s’est engagé dans une stratégie d’alliance, doit lui aussi profondément se renouveler."
"Le @FN_officiel doit se renouveler pour être à la hauteur de cette opportunité historique et des attentes des Français"
"Je proposerai d’engager une transformation de notre mouvement afin de constituer une nouvelle force politique.
J’appelle tous les patriotes à nous rejoindre pour participer au combat politique décisif qui commence dès ce soir."
Plus que jamais dans les mois qui viennent, la France aura besoin de vous. Vive la République ! Et vive la France !"
In English:
Turn off instant translation
The French chose a new President of the Republic and voted for continuity.
I congratulate him on his election, and because I care about the best interests of the country, I wish him success.
"I wish him success in the face of the immense challenges facing France."
I want to thank the 11 million French people who gave me their voice and their confidence. "
I want to thank the activists who supported and supported me throughout this campaign.
"I thank @dupontaignan and his movement @DLF_Officiel for their courageous and founding choice.
"The French have designated the Patriotic and Republican Alliance as the first opposition force."
The political parties that took the responsibility of electing Mr. Macron discredited themselves.
"The first round endorsed a major breakdown of French political life, by the elimination of the old parties.
This second round organizes a great political recomposition around the cleavage between the patriots and the globalists.
It is this choice between patriots and globalists who by circumscription will be submitted to the French during the legislative elections.
"I will be at the head of this fight in order to gather even more widely all those who want to choose France."
"We are worried about the prospects for this new five-year term.
The official @FN, which has embarked on an alliance strategy, must also be deeply renewed. "
"The @FN_officiel must be renewed to live up to this historic opportunity and the expectations of the French"
"I will propose to initiate a transformation of our movement in order to constitute a new political force.
I call on all patriots to join us to participate in the decisive political battle that begins this evening. "
More than ever in the coming months, France will need you. Long live the Republic ! And live France! "
This was our Dunkirk anons, not our Normandy landing
But Normandy was a disaster for the Reich.
The Reich didn't land on Normandy retard.
The four horsemen?
Punch hole computer! They started as census instruments & could use statistics and segmentation to find different groups. Railroad usage was common and organizes efficient timing (like an empty gas chamber ready and waiting upon train arrival).Each customer of such systems would work with the system maker to create whatever they wanted so they could be unique. The machines were fragile in the '40s and required monthly servicing by technicians. If meaning isn't know. A period of observing the holes input versus output effect is required. IBM was big on these and ALWAYS leased them. I have no idea who or what NK would use but guess some form of IBM rip off at best. Very useful for logistics, NK would've needed to coordinate segmentation movements whenever they first got this. If that's what it is.
This is going to make for some insane protests. The French people love to protest, and now they have a good reason for l'émeutes blancs!
Good idea.
I wish I could say I got this out of a book, but really I got it from my dreams. It was the common thread running through everything I had been taught, and I realized I had been shown these things since childhood for this reason.
Learn to read between the lines in everything you know. Everything you read, everyone you talk to, in all your memories and beliefs. They are truths hiding another.
The star will gorge itself on clay. I know I'm not the only golem here, that's why I keep pointing out the spiral on the P.E.P.E. record. We have a destiny, and if we recognize that, we can take it into our own hands to purify the world.
I can't be sure what it means, but you should trust it will become clear.
go to the nearest mirror, open your eyes wide and spit in your fucking face.
WTF is going on with this timeline.
Speaking of timelines, that's another psyop. Remember Berenstein Bears? You remember correctly. They gave you special copies that were different from everyone else's specifically to fuck with us and to plant the idea for later that our timeline is getting fucked with by other timelines.
My boy, you can stop pretending you've never wanted to fuck a non white. It is only natural to want to conquest other races by taking their women.
These dumb ass frogs are going to love tolerating Sharia Law in less than 10 years when Muslims are ~20% of the population.
If that's what it takes for EVROPA to awaken, so be it, but let us not forget the coming sacrifice of innocent whites and the monuments of their greatness in France.
SO ANYWAY I went looking for similar punch styles in a lazy way. Max Plank institute apparently knows how to get this data since their calculating Korean demographics back to the 1800s.
I agree, Rodger. Brown nipples are disgusting. PINK NIPPLES MASTER RACE.
I never considered that aspect of it
You must go back.
The original document has the staples on both sides..perhaps it was output from a ticker tape that was attached to the paper?
This would mean the page is the correct way up originally, and the first 180° rotation was not required.
but muh based gook commies
That's a long running shitposting account, you idiots.
What, can't stand the reality that your commie-founded gookland isn't the second coming of the third reich?
I have literally never seen a bimbo paired up with a thug. It doesn't happen. Most of the Black guys dating White women are the type in suits with jobs.
I don't know where you came from but you have to go back. Coal burners will fuck any nigger in order to get back at daddy.
You must be a cuck who likes to have sex in the dark with your eyes closed, or someone who enjoy biting his pillow while daddy humps his ass.
I see hot blondes like these ones with black men all the time. My neighbors tyrone beat his black gf up so bad she left him and I see white women come inside his apartment and screaming like pigs in heat.
These Jewified women have no allegiance and fuck 60 dicks or more during their lifetime. What makes you think they will starve themselves off big dicks and live the life of a conservative women on their own accord. You see a lot of White losers dating Asian women, because Asian men are cucker than these Whites nerds. What makes you think White nerds aren't getting cucked by niggers?
I don't consider nipple color to be an important factor in whether a girl is attractive or not
What makes you think I am White? Why would I be a cuck for saying the truth about White women?
I am white and it is true. I avoid blonde women, natural or otherwise, because they are all whores. Anons can post that dating website pic as proof of otherwise, but all that shows is that white women prefer to marry white men, not that they don't fuck other races.
Live around here for a while. Your eyes will not deceive you. There is nothing to shill.
222^2=49,284 bro.
They marry Whites after having tasted many dicks, at least 1% of these dicks will be Black nigger dicks. That's how things are. Most attractive women have fucked more than 10 cocks before they settle down. Stop lying to yourself. I can guarantee you at least 50% of those 10 xbox dick achievement women have tasted black dicks.
It's interesting how shills are trying to derail threads and sage by distracting with white women and racemixing discussions
Fuck off so we can continue going through the leaks
This guy gets it. He must be FELLOW MGTOW. Praise the sun.
seems like a local problem to me bud. Natural blondes are usually no different from other girls except for that niggers fetishize them in particular. It is not a blonde problem.
Hi reddit.
Macron won, you cucks.There's nothing left to be done.
This TV show is an allegory of what's happening to Western civilization. It's going down and no matter what you do, no matter to what extremes you are willing to go to save it, it will fall and be reduced to ash.
Somebody suggested somewhere on /pol that how do we know that the news we get allegedly from North Korean sources is actually from them and not from Tel Aviv or something. This tweet suggests that user might have been onto something.
You are an idiot
These leaks contain a lot of very valuable information on the EU and their plans. It's interesting seeing a concerted campaign to get people to not look into them further
And what will the people do about it? Nothing.
Sorry, user. That guy probably is a shill based on how he's going on, but I just wanted to interject on that one point.
Possibly, but something about blondes make them act differently. I don't know what it is, but I've noticed it with all of them. They tend to be far more rebellious and "independent" than others, so they go after strange dicks more often.
Sorry to derail. Won't comment further on that topic.
Don't mind this uppity faggot.
It will cripple the presidency and it's clear you are pushing a narrative right now to keep people from continuing to look into things
Keep pushing
I highly doubt he'll get very far, if the french know one thing, it's how to follow americans, so i'm sure he's either going to get murdered by a slime or just shot at some point
keep hope, brothers
Most muzzies are too dumb to understand anything and they vote based on their skin color and instead of opposing the elites, they see everything in terms of race, because of their tribal didn du nuthin mentality. It is the simple truth.
The way you control the world is make people fight each other so that the majority can't take any relevant action regardless of what they do. They understand that racial divide and the concentration of power to the state will enable to milk the people while taking the wealth all for themselves.
Well shit I see 666 and 11 everywhere how fucked am I?
jewish propoganda used by the porn industry to make whites think that
People will keep looking into it no matter what I say. People cling to hope or are simply curious about how the elites want to run things.
I don't think anyone think Macron is a honest guy and everyone is pretty much aware of the corruption that's been going on. It's just that in the end of the day, they have all the power and they can do as they please.
holy shit pol is really short for interpol
The only thing that can save the White race is the legalization of designer babies. That's the only thing that can end this senseless muh dick TYRONEBRO dysgenic madness.
just zog things.
Something reads those holes. Need to know what machine specifically. It's mechanical if this theory is true and knowing what machine would help. Old computer fag thought maybe the huge tape roll computer things punched that. Back when storage was a wheel of rolled paper. Maybe it locates a roll? Idk need machine identity.
The people who run the DPRK News Service twitter account have publicly gone on record that it's a parody. They have fucking interviews about it, multiple ones, but every year or two some major paper reports on it like it's legit and the shitstorm happens again.
So no it's totally fake. Just google it.
To sum / wrap up:
Lol yes, I had to try character recognition first because it started from a vertical flipped image of some dots:
Because the brain has the tendency to 'see' patterns (sometimes where they are not), character recognition had to be done. With varied results (which were language dependent)
The more paths to dig, the better.
The hivemind tested combinations as the thread developed, and then it reached the korean characters stage, adding parts from other paths:
The square meant nothing, was not the correct character:
And some false trailings:
The hiveming reached this location:
You are too focused on material things and it is putting you out of balance. Seek out the higher things, the spiritual.
It probably means that this is a false flag by the (((Intelligence community))) to discredit the legitimate leaks about his offshore accounts.
Seriously, this is like "MACRON WAS MARRIED TO PUTIN'S SISTER!!!!" tier Infowars garbage.
Do you have any sauce on that? Sounds like some Warcraft lore.
So what does this mean?
well this is part of the leaks.
Depending who you ask (Stew Webb/Tom Heneghan) North Korea is the primary globalist center for counterfeiting U.S. and Japanese currency. China's currency manipulation cabal wasn't just limited to printing their OWN currency. Every time NK fires a missile, that's a signal to buy or sell. Right in plain sight.
Incredible summary, user
So is kimmy good or bad I'm so confused in all of this because some cult in norkland is giving kids to some freaks in frog land and other states. They have no kike bank but all this stuff is just very confusing. So is it to destablize the Koreas and place some Hapa as a king of the peninsula with a kike bank or are kimmy and the sorks in on it together? Can somebody please explain this who is good, who is bad, what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is gonna happen next? Please somebody explain to me like I'm a kid because I don't get any of this stuff from reading it!!!!
North Korea is a shithole, but that doesn't mean the west should be interfering on such a level as wanting to overthrow and replace him. It's not our problem to deal with, those people need to solve it themselves
this.. this is fucked
Ur amazing user
Except Korea isn't in SE Asia, retard.
They brought this on them selves, now let them bask in WWIII when German elects their next president in September.
It's OK, user. France's password isn't actually password, it's [email protected]/* */
i post here like once a fucking year tbh, so please no "fuck off shill" shit, but although they're globalists, what if the leaking of this information actually closes off information access from NK? I really haven't looked into this at all, although i will now.
Mr. an Snowden!!!!???? It's an honor to watch you hax!?
I don't know…maybe. I still curious to rule out:
hearing it looks like 70s era computational paper roll punch, PIRATE TREASURE plausible'
Forgot something, Mr. Sessions; additionally:
#lunchbagPH (photo type social webs & twitter) also has ice creams ph that does live streaming according to it. Unusual. Reminder:
The hashtag finds all! Start with the NGO twitter if not.
unrelated: Soros society's fund has a freaking Pepe knock off teaching bullying….SUE THAT SHIT ITS IN OUR LAND!!
Ever heard of Second Vatican Council?
tl;dr - they brought the tithe system back, as well as every single criticism anti-catholics have made are real.
a little beter
Also what is a macro?
It's when you get ai to do a repetitive job.
If you saw him practicing his speech and the way they place him with the capstone of the louvre above his head you should be in no doubt. This is serious. If you get anything terminal, make sure you take as many out as you can.
NK is no different to any other government.
Why do you think jews have been getting cocky? They run every government and bank. Every bit of media you watch has their slime dripping off it.
Yeah I remember well those heady days when Gods son returned and gave us the updated version.
Bump for important thread