The first good thing Jim's done all year

the first good thing Jim's done all year

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Seeing all the people triggered in the comments and on his twitter, he's doing something right.

it's upsetting the drones can't even see how retarded they are even when another eceleb points it out. Petersonfags are upsetting.

This video has highly improved my opinion of Jim.

Why did he stop going by IA? Why do we have to call him Jim?

Did he go nuts like the Kony guy?

he sounds salty as fuck that Peterson makes more patreonbux than him. He doesn't address his ideology or arguments at all, just that he's found more lucrative ways of scamming people than he has.

not Holla Forums related

Well at least Jim isn't *as* cucked as I initially thought.

Jim gets butthurt whenever he's held to any kind of standard. He's a self confessed nihilist who believes in nothing, and just wants to sit back, laugh, and fuck his asain girlfriend, while the world crumbles.

POWER WORD: James Stahely
Location: Tallahassee Florida
Children: Mulatto bastards
ASS: Blasted

lmao, you got conned by a hack professor who plagiarizes Joseph Campbell, own it, fag

because 'Mister Metokur' is a retarded name. I preferred IA too.

he wasn't jealous but if you're retarded enough to donate to a guy pulling over $1million a year that's your business. Jim's finally calling someone out that isn't obvious.

his ideology is being a self-important cult leader. This guy's worse than Stefan Molyneux, at least Stefan is funny in how narcissistic he is.


if he's not jealous why does he spend 5 minutes ranting angrily about how he makes more money than him?

This is why people can't stand you Peterson fags. Not everyone wants to watch a two-hour lecture by some psychologist on why you should clean your room. Some of us work and want to spend our time more productively, like by calling people niggers on xbox live.


I mostly listen to his talks on psychology and mythology, because I find them interesting. This is entertainment to me. I am getting a little tired of him lately. He seems more concerned with building his brand and circlejerking the sceptic community right now.




An inferior product.

hating on peterson is a Holla Forums campaign that started like 2 weeks ago. some e-celeb personalities like metokur and others took the bait. saged for the divide and conquer tactics

fuggg : D D D

>>>Holla Forums and stay there

Based troll Jim actually knows this and was baiting the autistic fanbase into reacting so he can make a video about it.

Telling an obvious truth is exactly how you get a big reaction from people who are drawn to try and contradict you. The negative of Jim's fairly moderate claims is that Jordan Peterson is a genius and a saint, which is extremely easy to knock down by bringing up the very basic advice he gives and how much he charges for it.

Jim is trying to make you look dumb defending Peterson by not saying anything which is particularly contentious while appearing to be exaggerating and contrarian. People are encouraged to ignore what he is saying and focus on his attitude, which is an endless source of frustration since there isn't much to argue with in what he is actually saying.

Paying $10 for a personality test IS dumb and people look really dumb trying to justify it. Even if it were worth the money, they are not capable of explaining how because they aren't really sure themselves. A past example would be baiting Destiny into claiming we should devote our entire economy to destroying and rebuilding Mexico. He actually holds the much more basic view that "if improve our neighbor's economy, we'll benefit too," but he doesn't actually know enough about the subject to defend it rationally. Jim baited him into elaborating on this relatively mild viewpoint, which turned into a complete shitshow when Destiny took it to its logical extreme without realizing how dumb he looked.

The real explanation for Peteron's business model is that it's a business, and ten dollars really isn't that much money. That's lunch and a half. Instead people will defend it by claiming the test is special and worth the money, and that Peterson is an authority who you NEED to take advice from.

Holla Forums also hates on Mike Thernovich and Milo Kikelopolous. Your logic is retarded.

peterson is a neocon cuck you dumb faggot, if you think you're on our side when you're a capicuck, you've got a noose waiting for you.


No, I listened to the whole stream this was pulled from. Jim was being asked about different youtube channels and if he watched them, he was just saying no to all but one (which I'll mention in a while, and will probably massively downgrade the praise in this thread) no to Sargon, no to Ben Shapiro, no to Vinesauce (Vsauce? whatever the difference is.)

He isn't really saying anything negative about Peterson, he's just saying "Fuck that, I don't need a therapist. Nothing wrong with me. I don't need any help. You're stupid if you need someone to tell you to make the bed."

He's missing the point of Peterson. Peterson is talking to disaffected millenials who literally don't know how to be adults. You can't expect fat soyboys to just "man up" and be normal, they have to be told step by fucking step because they didn't have DADS.

And the one youtube he said he does watch? "Oh, RedLetterMedia? Yeah, I watch them. I love their content. I watch all of it. I guess I'm a normie."

Jim's a fucking nihilist. He also said he doesn't listen to anything political anymore, that it's all boring and annoying to him. He just wants to eat his popcorn and fuck his fat moonface asian waifu.

confirmed for cuck, bet he loves hearing fat ugly numales gushing about diversity pozzing his neghole


the lady doth protest to much I think, peterson probably nailed him exactly and he hates it

he's got yellow fever and only dates asians, no wonder he loves those racemixing cucks.

He could have said it to trigger you guys.

is that why he donates to the RLM patreon as well?

Jordon Pederestson sucks ass.

cuck vs cuck


Jeb, it's past your bedtime

SHUT UP mom. if I was president you wouldn't say that I HATE YOU

Jeb come home. We're worried about you.


i remember this… shitty way to die. before i heard about this i had no idea certain turtles could poison you

What a slight improvement.

This guy is cribbing Molly's style. Will we see a battle of the Internet Cult Leaders soon?

Wait, what happened to the guy? What is that turtle?

Haha that is no turtle at all simpleton. Watch yourself at night

wew, Jimbo is essentially a hipster troll

that's not Jim you dumb nigger, this is

that guy is cancer

I never liked Peterson because of his NEET-shaming and avoiding the Jewish quesion.

Jim took a long time to sell out, but honestly. He deserves the dosh, just for his past contributions to goymergate alone. Someones got to feed the memes and lolcows to the Jewtube kids I suppose. Its hilarious. Some Youtube comments sections are starting to look like the bastard stepchild of 4chan.

and before long itll be hip to be square again

He's funny and slick enough to get through debating an autist like Destiny without coming off as an idiot. I also think he's slightly hiding his powerlevel. While I respect not having a patreon on principle, you might as well have one if people with disposable income want to throw money at you. People like Chris Cantwell is unabashed about it and I don't find it distracting, while people like maddox try to act like virgin angels who would never sell out and put ads on their site, then turn around and sue a guy for 10 million shekels because he made fun of him on the internet.

Jim is pretty witty and has a good head, but he needs to get EmptyHero on already.

Its just funny because Jim said for the longest longest time he was a pure user, in it for the thrill and fun, pure, and would never ever never sell out!


Jim as always missing a point, what a faggot.
Yeah lets tottaly ignore the issue of modern life that masses are washed out of identity and people dont know who they are anymory. Lets tottaly ignore that, everything is fine

I don't think Peterson is doing bad by telling people to get their shit together, but from what I can tell Jim's argument is "have your shit together". It's nice to give the retards a hand and to help them cure their own autism, but Jim wouldn't go on a tangent about how Peterson is great and we should really be helping these pissbottle retards get their shit together.
My take on Jim is that he's internet-savvy and has dealt with the drama-obsessed culture of the internet for years. His internet personality is drenched with it, and if he started talking about how we just need to charge these diaperfags and incels a 10 dollar processing fee to get them out of their awkward phase, you'd say he was inauthentic. Jim might not be smart, or wise, or even talented at anything, but one thing he knows is internet drama.

I agree 100% he's been terrible the last year. But here he's straying a bit and actually calling out something.

the whole 'nihilism is reddit' thing is an extension of Peterson's influence on places like 4chan. The same with the 'post-modernism' meme. As for Jim liking RedLetterMedia he's said that before like 2 years ago on a stream one time, who gives a fuck? All that means is he has shit taste in movies to me, the only reason I don't like rlm is their reviews are absolutely retarded. Jim sounds like one of those Holla Forumsfags that doesn't even watch movies anyway, just gets his opinions from online.

Peterson praises anyone with any inkling of success who isn't a liberal. Peterson isn't some 'epic callout' youtuber he's a faggot who has a moderately interesting opinion he got from reading literally 2-3 philosophers and Jung andall he does it repeat his opinions over and over.

are you seriously saying it's still funny to you laughing at the same retarded liberals that now 95% of the internet is already 'redpilled' on? It's only interesting if new. The SJW fad died out in 2014 grow the fuck up or embrace your retardation and watch Sargon of Akkad.

I hated Peterson the moment he started getting spammed on every goddamn board on 4chan from /lit/ to /r9k/.

but he calls out sjws :D :D

Holy shit. I hate Jim, but every now and then he truly delivers an absolute fucking gem. This comment section is a dump truck full of autistic NEET salt. Bravo Jimbo.
Boohoo people make money, are smarter than you and sometimes are Canadian. kek. Go back to anime and videogames, the men are talking.

Jim: anonymously did some videos mocking spergs and furrys, plays video games.'Nuff said

Jim has a lot of retarded fans too by the sound of it. Desperately needs a culling.

Oh wow. This got embarrassing for you real quick.


I'm almost positive Peterson had tenure, these people are delusional.

even then it was clearly a good career move from the start, instantly generated a cult-like following for being the "intellectual" of "classical liberal" faggots like the skeptic community.


He just said that on the most recent stream though lmao.

Peterson's fans are getting tiresome since they feel like they're becoming more enlightened individuals while spouting the most simplistic bullshit.

The "clean your room" crap is common sense. You don't need to pay someone a small fortune like what Peterson is getting in order to get that kind of advice.

I will say that Jim is particularly bad about jumping on the bandwagon to hate on people for little reason. Like in this video he's not doing much to complain about what Peterson generally does or says, but just on the memes about him like "clean your room". I'd find the criticisms more reasonable if Jim was complaining about Peterson deriding collectivism as a reaction to other groups' collectivism. It's a weird stance Peterson has taken where he ignores how many groups engage in collectivism and that acting as an individual doesn't work too great in reaction to that.

Cooperative beats Collective when the collective become the problem for every individual.

sure thing bud. just get a job and build a gaming PC already

god damnit

Oh my dear god, are you some leftypol sociopath or something? How can you retards keep saying this?


How many times does it have to be drilled into your head? Millenials are stupid as fuck. They have never had a strong male influence or role model. They grew up fatherless. "Make your bed" seems obvious to you because you fucking do it. I'm sure there's a lot of other common sense shit in his videos. Probably mentions the golden rule, being good to animals, why marriage is important, the importance of a good diet, etc. Now think retard, if not Peterson, who would have first taught Millenials these things? A responsible parent?

You have utterly no conception of how horrifically stupid the people who make up groups like antifa are. They don't see the irony of screeching about capitalism in clothes and with electronics none of the lower class could afford. You've never MET these people?

Do you know how many people, slightly younger than me or even my age in some cases, people in their fucking 20's who have never brushed their teeth, don't see the point in making their bed, and pile plates and empty fast food containers all over the side of their bed they don't use? Do you know how many have complained about having a problem with someone, and I've just said "Why don't you try talking to them about it?" and they react LIKE IT NEVER FUCKING OCCURRED TO THEM?

Look at the Rat Park experiment, we're in the last generation of it. In the second to last generation the mothers stopped caring for their young. They're abusive, they're angry, they kill or eat some of their children and the rest are pushed out of the nest with no training whatsoever. The resulting generation aimlessly wanders through the nest with no idea how to do anything, no idea how to interact with the other rats, and outright afraid of the other gender.

You say "It's stupid to tell people fire will burn them!" but if they've never been told, how in the fuck do you expect them to learn? You sound like the feminists whining games be changed to cater to them. YOU'RE NOT THE TARGET AUDIENCE IF YOU KNOW THIS SHIT YOU WHINY FUCKWIT.

Anything that gets those people somewhere near approaching functioning members of society is good.



what a great man…

Not going too watch but I have a prediction Jim goes on a self masturbatory rant about the over-rated Peterson. (Not that I specifically like or dislike either of them)

Anybody stop me if that is not the TL;DR

Fixing your car, talking to girls, skinning animals, doing your tax, being a general productive human bean is common sense TBH FAM. You don' t have to rant about it

Fuck off, grampa, it was your generation that fucked everything up. Now go suck off Peterson and never read Joseph Campbell, you dumb lemming.

Kill yourself, meatcuck.

Jeez Louis.

After you

I agree with him and I am generation Z if anything you are the Grandpa

We warned you redditors that he was a cuck, you should have listened.

You agree that those evil anti-semites are just a bunch of dummies who don't know how to make their beds? So is Generation Z the new Boomers?

I agree that a lot of shit we get shit on for that seems like common sense to you all, is not so common for us.


Should be, but the point is after a generation of single moms, participation trophies, social constructs, "you can be anything you want to be without any effort just because you say you are", affirmative action, Obama Phones, and a million other stupid things, it isn't.

I'm 32. Hell I think technically that makes me a millenial. The point is most of this generation truly is that stupid.

Do you really think Peterson would have any of the traction he's currently experiencing if he endorsed white supremacy? I think he's acknowledged there are very real IQ differences, and that unchecked immigration and islam are destroying the west, that's more than enough for me.


Hahahah, oh my god, you fucks are pathetic.


Anyone that loves kikes so much is obviously going to be a complete race traitor.

holy Christ this is autistic. This is what Jim is referring to, your post and your mindset. Complete isolated nu/pol/ at its core and no wonder these faggots flock around someone like Peterson. The only surprise here is it took Jim this long to realize how spergy someone has to be to watch mainstream nu/pol/ ecelebs. Gavin McInnes is a goldmine for these retards.

pic related is the kind of people who watch Jordan Peterson and feel smart about themselves

These people are pathetic. They have enough sense to see the problem and where we're heading, but still too pozzed to admit the problem is racial.

mods are cucks, first Jim thread they've ever pruned and it's trashing a nu/pol/ eceleb.

tbh should probably start learning an eastern european language and get an in demand occupation and savings if you want live in a mostly all white country, Eastern Europe is the last best hope

they might let you in if you have all that going for you

never mind, this is the work of based BO. I recognise his work.

That whole internet handle thing is old and lame, people just use their real names now since Internet has converged with irl.

Kek, I don't care much for Peterson but Jim is in no position of bitching about someone making patreon money over shitty videos.

You think they're shitty.

pretty sure this was anchored because it devolved into a shitfit for no reason whatsoever and the people involved are less than desirable anyway.

You can hear this advice easily just by going online onto sites like this, it's common advice, or in other words it is "common sense".

Everyone has retarded fans, it's not really unique to any particular celebrity. So it doesn't make as much sense to lambast someone for their fans as much as the individual being retarded like Peterson and his shtick about acting as an individual makes someone morally superior to those that feel they need to act as a group when being oppressed by other groups.