Just when you thought Spencer couldn't get dumber

He goes and says this. Why is this idiot seen as the "leader of the alt-right?" Why do so many otherwise respectable people take this faggot seriously?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didn't say anything. He shared a video by Varg with a characteristically risky title as per Varg.

Are you one of those university paid shills we wee reading about earlier? Is your attempt at D&C? I urge you quit while you're ahead, you're not good at this.

I found your error. No one here likes Implicit Dicky. He's seen as a "leader of the alt-right" because the media designated him as the controlled opposition whose big tent we should reside in.

Spencer believes whites shouldn't separate from one another based on ethnic lines.

Have you even watched the video, fag? Varg makes a solid point.


This. I still don't fucking understand how that shitty fucking label caught on.

Fuck Spencer, he's the definition of a government planted opposition leader. Anyone supporting this fucking tool is a spook or genuinely retarded.

Fuck the TRSodomites and jewtubers too. All talk, no action.



Implicit Dick belongs in the bog with Greg and Enuch tbh fam

100% this. Everyone with an IQ above room temperature realizes this.

I know Holla Forums isn't too fond of Richard because Holla Forums believes he's a faggot.
But is there any definitive proof he's gay because I'd love to see it.

No, there isn't. He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

This guys a clearly a fucking shill. He tweeted before that Holodomor never happened. Its beyond apparent that Spencer is a plant.

Because the alt-right is jewish controlled opposition and the more retards we keep corralled in there, instead of with us, the better

Who is "us"? Holla Forums? Holla Forums is not a political movement. It is an internet forum.

the dude said that homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity, if that doesn't make him a faggot then I don't know what will

Of course he's soft on gays. His alt-right inner circlejerk is fucking littered with them. Grindr Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, Ryan Faulk, and all the impressionable young men they're constantly reaching out to and giving reach-arounds to

Holla Forums is NatSoc

Ain't nobody got time for dat!

On a side note, we on the alt-rite really need to learn to stop eating our own. Spencer may be a posh aristocrat, but he's getting a lot of our ideas out there, just the same.

Nobody sees him as the leader of the alt right you dumbass.

Holy shit I am so done with Dicky "Implicit" Spencer.
If you're still defending him post that Holodomor shit, you're a fool.

Somebody make an infographic with "Dicky Spencer on the Holodomor" and that quote, then "Dicky Spencer on the Holohoax" with:

Fuck off

Where is that quote from?

I don't know if I Spencer's a deep state plant. But because Holla Forums's not alt-right, I fail to see the relevance of this thread.

Yes they do you fucking faggot. I listen to you alt-kike fags and your shitty media and you all suck his dick and call it ice cream - and the only ones amongst your sorry ilk who don't are the ones who are especially cancerous, whom you describe as 'alt-lite', and the only reason they don't do it is because 'muh racism' and shit.

Die in a fire.

We are not alt-right, and never will be - and you will never be welcomed here.

NKVD jews dindu nutin. It was just a series of mishaps that caused that outcome.

It doesn't matter whether he's gay, he's pro sodomite. The nonexistant hypothetical variety of faggot who keeps it to his shitstained bedroom, and doesn't try to bleed his aids all over everything around him, would hypothetically be much better than people like Dicky. In any event, we don't need to argue about Spencer one way or another, he's a fucking eceleb namefag, that's all that needs to be said.

I know I triggered you by daring to assume we should operate as a group and be fine with a few labels. People like you are the reason the most we can ever hope to achieve is online shitposting, doxxing and other small time faggery.

you mean the faggot who thinks that anybody who hates homosexuality is a jew?


Go jerk off to your anime pillow, autist

We don't care about "Richard Spencer". The fact this faggot OP openly came here trying to defame him for something right he actually said indicates this is a shill.

Yup, that's the one. GRIDS Greggy

Nice projecting you delusional kike. Go kill yourself with your kekistan flag




Oh wow, turns out he is even more of a massive faggot. Sorry for reporting you, but who cares about him anyway?

can you alt-lite fags just die pls? we'll never be a part of your faggy little circle, for we are not to sound like a "we r lejun" fag but anonymous

Actually, the points he makes are correct. But again, you can go follow him on twitter if you disagree…

Like who? This guy is a fucking goon and his WNcon is attended by faggots and freaks.

I'll admit, you've lost me.

Funny how you support us normies like me when we're bashing the heads of antifa faggots.

I'm done with this circular conversation. I'll be standing here with my head outside of my ass.

Hello Spencer.

I'd have some harsh words for you, but threatening a federal agent is a serious crime ;^)


Get out


Dude is such a faggot.

you're just as gay as antifa if not gayer tbh fam

give me one piece of evidence that the communists intentionally starved their people

the holodomor resulted from the kikes being too confident in communism as an economic system and not conceding how unprepared they were enough to warn their people and beg for aide

The heart of an Honest Man, Kek's playground,
The brain of an INT*, His office,
The dick of a wizard, his arsenal,
Arisen from the ashes to do good,
No other master shall we know,
So gather round all me chitlins,
If you remember nothing else, remember this,
That I'll be done on this earth before long,
And there's one master I never will have,
For I will never rally to Mike Enoch,
Or stand tall for Richard Slim.


Fuck off Holla Forums.


Stalin was pissed at the Ukranians. He had his troops confiscate grain during a famine to punish them.


shit, where did you read that


Verminous kike.

Is there one god damn organization/public group that isn't cucked or compromised to hell?

not that I've seen

other than of course 8/pol/ we are all 6'5 aryan ubermensch


user. It might sound unbelievable, but Holla Forums's Holla Forums is the only truly national socialist resource. Everything else got distorted in ideology because jews are everywhere, except anonymous imageboards.
P.S: no, the ones who are ready die for israel because potus ordered so are not one of us

I remember that some threads ago some lads were saying that the Holodomor didn't happen. How true is that? Is it just a Holla Forums meme? Can I get a quick rundown on what is and what is not Holla Forums? I'm somewhat naive…

Do your own research you meme-spouting HWNDU wretch.

The Holodomor was a genocide commited by Stalin and the Soviets using forced starving after Ukrainians protested Communism by burning crops and breaking equipment. I never really liked Dicky, but as a Ukrainian this makes my blood fucking boil. Fucking this gay piece of shit.

It does force you to never whine if you get your shit pushed by foreigners (aka current year burgers)
But that shouldn't stop you from kicking them out, as you said

Oh and his GF is a Russian Nationalist kike. Looks like a tranny.

I've been saying it for ages which has incurred a lot of salt from people I know, Spencer is controlled op.

Shit like this really puts the nail in the coffin, huh.

Here's a list of some major and minor groups, most are too small to matter and others are pozzed beyond belief. If someone wants to run down the list and mark off the bad ones be my guest. archive.fo/tmqvN

and TRS loves dick, really makes you think huh.

give me one piece of evidence that the Germans intentionally starved interned kikes and infected them with typhus

you don't even know what you're doing here, do you

I'm pretty sure TRS and Dick are connected financially.
I know they love Dicky, but if TRS was actually a real independent website, they would have dropped the alt-kike label or at least be willing to drop it.
I thought it was awfully funny, before the actual dox of TRS came down, that Ghoul was doing youtube videos where he went on a long tangent about how losing the Alt-Right label and thereby losing Dicky would be the worst thing in the world and it was important to keep using the alt-kike label at all costs.
Then the dox came down shortly after the moron started showing his face on youtube like a retard. In retrospect, showing his face was the correct thing to do, it just appeard that the idiot didn't realize this would get him doxed.

In my experience so far, all of the controlled opposition e-celeb faggots are loosely connected. Rebel, Sam Hyde, weev, anglin, sinead, TRS, it's a gigantic kike created circlejerk.

Weev and Anglin are definitely connected to TRS by more than just "shared common goals" and they're also tied into Dr. Duke. The Weev/Anglin/TRS/Duke ties are pretty strong.
Weev was quick to come to the rescue when TRS was getting ddos'd. And Duke does a podcast for Anglin or vice versa. They are all financially connected.
Don't know about Hyde, though. He just seems like a funny autist who doesn't even toe the line most of the time. What's his connection in all of this?

Of course. They're all connected financially. They work like the fucking mob, where you need to pay fealty to the boss and they'll grease your wheels.

Just look at how Anglin recently decided to start attacking everyone who disagreed with shacking up with TRS by acting like a screaming 4 year old. Anglin had literally no reason why he needed to start associating with TRS again. His site is bigger than theirs, and even if you accept the "they're good for the movement" angle, there's no reason why their broadcasts and articles need to be crossposted over to the Daily Stormer.

So obviously, there's something more to it than that. There was probably backdoor dealings. TRS struck a deal and told Anglin that they would finance him (perhaps helping with the lawsuit) if he bends the knee and pledges loyalty to the TRS empire.

They most assuredly are.

Muh Phalanx.

Another example is Murdoch Murdoch. They used to completely do their own thing, but now, every single one of their videos have pointless shoehorned shoutouts/advertisements for people like TRS and Mike Enoch. People don't just throw random bullshit like that in unless they're being told to. Quid pro quo.

Now, I'm not saying everyone who is in any way tied into this whole alt-right TRS web of bullshit is a bad person or a shill. But being caught up in this web is bad news and will mean either current or future subversion. Can't talk about anything that TRS doesn't want you to, goy!

lel, I almost forgot about that. I wonder what Natt is up to these days.

I think this is more about Anglin not being able to admit he was wrong, and convincing himself that the doxing was all a big conspiracy because ZOG saw the TRSodomites as such a threat.

But that's the thing. Anglin was one of the few e-celebs who 'didn't immediately rush to suck Enoch's cock. Sure, he didn't really give a true condemnation, but he at least said that he cannot support jews and racemixing, and just wanted to leave it at that. I was happy with him taking that stance.

There was absolutely no reason it needed to even be brought back up. Why does TRS suddenly need Anglin's endorsement? Everyone on DS already knows what TRS is anyway, it's like Anglin's endorsement helps them reach a larger audience and "redpill the normies, so good for the movement!" It's not like TRS will suddenly stop being able to do their own damn thing unless Anglin throws his support behind them. And yet, he reopened this wound mere days after the SPLC helped sue him. I think my conclusion is obvious.

I think people's reaction to his article about FTN was what sparked it all, and unless I'm mistaken, it was a few weeks before the SPLC lawsuit.

He's a kike pawn, just look into Paul Gottfried.


I'm not sure about that. He made the thread where he pretended to have an open discussion on the Enoch Question a few days after the SPLC lawsuit came about.

I'd say Hyde is most likely a genuine guy who just wishes he could make comedy stuff, but is to curious of a goy to let go of all the threads he keeps on finding.

All I'm going to say, for the benefit of anons who haven't been here for the past three years: There's a reason why we're still standing strong, but standing alone.

It's not that I love Hyde, but him taking a picture with Juif doesn't necessarily mean he's part of that circle. I mean, you can make the connection on the others just by looking at the content. I'm not saying he's not connected to Juif, but a single picture doesn't really prove that to me.

The strong is strongest alone. Remember that.


weev and anglin were behind that stupid printer thing, they were sockpuppeting here trying to promote it. Just (((cohencidentally))) it was promo for MDE.

Hmmm, if Sam Hyde is controlled OP too, that's pretty dissapointing. At this point the only genuine white nationalists seem to be Sinead and her husband, and that's kind of sad.


It's still shaky, considering from what I'm told, the original line was "Jews Rule!" and producers made him change it.
Thanks for the insight and you definitely shed a little light on why Hyde would be connected to Anglin and Juif. I don't doubt it, but I still like to be 100% sure.
I don't even watch his shit anymore since it's just autistic shit these days of him driving around. KickstarterTV was funny, but he doesn't do any real meaningful content anymore.

weev did it when Sam Hyde was holding a contest for whoever could bring the most attention to World Peace.

I think Heimbach is okay but I didn't follow the Sven Longshanks thing very well. And TWP is a little larp-y.
I think the best thing any of us can do is get involved locally and start your own thing. I've had a few ideas. Hear me out here…
Practically free and you can control it. Get as nerdy and techical and expensive as you wish.
I want to do this and have a shuttle to all or most of the boomercuck events. Riding on a bus for 8 hours to go fight antifa and road tripping with Holla Forums-tier guys would start something IRL. From that, who knows?

If you believe a personality instead of the facts, you deserve whatever you get. e-celebs are cancer.

It's pretty disheartening to think that fucking Sinead of all people was right about everything. I guess I better throw away my globe and stop spherecucking.

Heimbach is probably one of the few honest and amicable people among the e-celebs. Dude just seems very genuine. And of course all he gets is hate from faggots like TRS for no other reason than because he has black hair and is fat. Which is even funnier after Enoch got doxed and he was much more of a fat slob than Heimbach ever was.

As for a Holla Forums broadcast, some anons back during the TRS dox fallout were theorycrafting how that could work. The issue with this sort of thing is that everyone who makes these podcasts might start off being anonymous, but they develop and ego and forgo anonymous to be a namefag, which then usually turns cancerous. They were talking about having random anons on and discussing whatever each week. Of course, I think it's pointless. Podcasts are fucking bullshit anyway.

I think that the talking should be kept to like a radio station format. You do a couple hours in the morning of shit going on, but you play music and maybe have a rotation of guys. Have guys do it for a few weeks at a time and change them. Nobody stays on too long and nobody nobody gets a "personality."

Sam Hyde dindu nuffin.

I think in order to do an user radio broadcast right, there'd need to be some form of "open mic" format where anyone can go on and talk about the news. But then the issue arises of quality control, if any idiot can go on and do whatever. Not to mention shills could easily take control of the mic and shit out bluepills for a day.

I still stand by the fact that I think all these """alt-right""" or WN podcasts are bullshit. There are 6 trillion of them and they're all the same dumb bullshit. We need less of that crap.

You do realize that he has a kid and is a outspoken critic of Milo?

More than half of all gay men in America probably have kids and talk shit about faggots when they're not deepthroating cock. I mean… I'm not saying he's gay, but "he has a kid" doesn't mean shit.

Only after milo tried to take the alt-kike label from him. Before that dicky was parading milo around as an example of what the alt-kike should be

99% of faggots are critical of Milo. That means nothing.

This is an important point to make. GRIDS Greggy is an unabashed alt-right sodomite, and he vocally hates Milo as well. But it's important to look at the reasons and context they give as to why they hate him.

They don't hate him for being a degenerate faggot. They hate him because he's too flamboyant about it. In other words, they don't like him because he's making them and other faggots look bad.

Read the thread on the other board about RIDF, that's all they are. No one in the US is legit, its Russian shills vs like shills to get the result they want (lots of us dead)

*kike shills

I've never even heard Heimbach talk about Russia

alt right confirmed for Russian communist controlled opposition.