Wikileaks: Podesta Emails

What is Holla Forums thoughts on the current Wikileak revelations coming out of the Podesta emails? Has anyone here even been concerned with them? Has it swayed you at all. There's a lot of actual solid evidence of massive media collusion (CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Politico, all the MSM outlets), taking money from foreign donors (which is illegal), super PAC collusion (which is also illegal), knowledge of Saudi Arabia and Quatar funding ISIS while the Clinton's take money from them. This is all proven in these emails. It's no longer some crazy conspiracy theory, these are facts we're dealing with. I'll drop a few of the most important emails. And more if anyone wants me too. But it's a huge list of importsnt email links that add more and more evidence.

Can anyone even reasonably defend Clinton at this point? Give me you're thoughts Holla Forums. I'm very curious.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lurk moar faggot

Here are some important links that I encourage anyone to look over.

Proof of receiving money from foreign donors, which is illegal, but she does it in away to circumvent current laws-

Podesta Scheming to move the primaries out of Illinois to get more votes, because they lost there in 2012-

Colluding with Superpacs, which is illegal-

Ties between Russian Uranium One and Podesta+his brother (they got paid to lobby for it and Clinton got paid)/more on Uranium One-

Hillary took money from Saudis and the Quataris while knowing they fund ISIS-

Proof of Clinton taking money and favors from UAE Sheik Mohammed (who also likely funds terrorist organizations)-

Proof that colluding progressive media like CNN are designed only to push progressive views and to be an echo chamber+more proof of collusion -

Proof that the colluding elite "conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry"-

Proof of MSM Media outlets colluding with Clinton via off the record dinners-

it's disgusting that the corporate media isn't informing anyone on it
I don't even think fox is really capitalizing on it (probably because it shows her as not being a commie ultra leftist and goes counter to their narrative)

does anyone think its goofy that conservatives think the saudi arabians have literally any power in american politics. as if the kingdom of saud is "bribing" hillary clinton when in actuality they are just us imperialist pawns.

i think its hilarious how they see saudi arabia as anything but a backwards dictatorship monarchy desperately clinging to power in the middle east.

If media told people everything they knew, they would be shooting themselves in the foot. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg.

Wikileaks could reveal a conspiracy that the world is ruled by aliens, and nothing would come of it. The state is corrupt and does bad things; we get it. No one cares.

Swayed towards what exactly? We figured this kind of shit was going on all along, now we have hard evidence.

Saudi Arabia may be small, but they are certainly a very rich country that funds a very destructive and dangerous terrorist groups along with other terrorist groups.

Is it not something to notice she is taking money from them? Does that not signal a collide of interest in your head? She's taking money from people who sponsor ISIS, but she also claims she wants to defeat ISIS. Not to mention that it is ILLEGAL to take money from foreign donors for your campaign.

Holla Forums puts literally zero effort into understanding different viewpoints and assumes we are liberals

somehow it's only angering when they try to be polite about it

Conflict of inerests*

What makes you think the US actually wants ISIS gone?

It's their dream come true. Another excuse to maintain Middle East military presence.

This. Can't have a war on terror without terrorists. ISIS is just a brand name at this point.

you are an idiot with no real understanding of geopolitics

That is a very good point. Which likely explains it.

lol what, just because saudi arabia (like america) helped support fsa and some of those fsa factions became hardline does not mean saudi arabia is in a position of power in american politics or even remotely supports isis. it simply doesn't make sense. isis goes against everything saudi arabia stands for

Saudi arabia is rich af tho

If Saudi Arabia is so opposed to ISIS and that they are so against everything they stand for then why do the Saudis fund and arm them? I wouldn't even say they are very ideologically opposed to each other. The Saudi regime is a Islamist country governed by sharia law. They are fighting a proxy war with Iran in Syria and Iraq, but it wouldn't make sense to fund and arm someone so opposed to you that are so close to your home.

Exactly. It's obvious to anyone with a brain here that many of these so called leaks coming out of Wikileaks are probable fabrications. Wouldn't be surprised Russia has its imperialist hands in it. Trump just wants to create more borders and more classes of people for Russia's multi-polar vision. Hillary represents the choice for those who want to eliminate the classes.

Then why don't you enlighten me? I don't see what I'm missing. I'm not asserting that the Saudis are a powerhouse or anything. Absolutely not. They do have a decent amount of money and there is proof of them arming and funding radical Islamist groups. They also dump millions into the Clintons.

What I'm saying is that it is a clear conflict of interest and a large reason why Clinton should not be elected.

List of organizations funded by Soros

I encourage everyone to read this.
This is who will actually be in power should hrc get elected

You're uninformed. I suggest you don't waste any more of your time on this, it's clearly beyond what you are capable of understanding.

Soros is small time compared to the Koch Brothers. It's the Koch Brothers you should be worried about. And besides, Soros wants a classless world and is using his money towards the greater good.

they don't fund and arm them you fucking idiot. they are in a war with them because isis wants to overthrow the saudi royal family. i don't think you understand even entry level levantine/gulf politics.

just yelling "sharia law" doesn't equate to anything, people in the middle east have different political motivations, to think that every muslim on earth is just a giant hivemind truly shows just how stupid you are and just how little you know about the complexities of middle eastern geopolitics

t. Holla Forums falseflagging

Seriously, this is embarrassing.

Except they literally fucking are funding me and supporting them by Clinton's staff's own admission. She knows and they know. See item 3.

Not that user but really, faggot? Why don't you brag about your IQ before you leave? We'll all worship your amazing intellect and well-read understanding of politics.

Insulting a man for being mistaken as a parting shot while you scuttle away when asked to clarify your own opinion is reddit-tier.

Funding them*

Please tell me you are a troll.
No one, not even on Holla Forums can be this naive.

Why would Holla Forums shill with the truth on Holla Forums? They're the ones always pushing Soros this, and Soros that.

Please tell me you are a troll.
No one, not even on Holla Forums can be this naive.

Then present your argument and your sources. All your doing is saying I'm wrong with nothing behind it.

Once all of the races are mixed together, the classes will disappear and there won't be anymore wars. It's for the the greater good, and if you're against it, you are siding with the terrorists.

Terrorists are anyone who opposes world communism.




Btw I'm not just shouting sharia law. I'm just trying to show an example of how the Saudis and ISIS are releatively similar. Albeit it's a bad example. They are both Sunnis however and it's likely they fund fellow Sunnis in order to fight Shias in a proxy at with Iran.

Smartmatic voting machines controled by Soros:

(Mark Malloch-Brown) chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including …the Open Society Foundation… SOURCE OF THE ABOVE - - http://

1. saudi arabia is a monarch, a lot of people there support isis but those who are in power and those who have all the wealth and resources back the royal family. the royal family is a pawn of america thanks to outdated cold war politics. isis does not like the royal family of saudi arabia and wants to overthrow the saudi arabian government. When there was a rebellion against Assad during the arab spring saudis, americans, practically everyone backed the fsa with support and weaponry simply because they thought they were doing the right thing to fight against a shiaa "dictator". the fsa ultimately splintered into differing ideological groups, and a lot of the weapons and strictly anti-assadist members ended up becoming isis and al nusra. This does not mean isis is backed and funded by saudi arabia, saudi arabia is latched on to americas dick, they are an imperialist tool and do whatever america wants them to do because of oil and $. The royal family is fighting against isis pretty hard because they know isis will kill them all and create an actual caliphate, this is why you hear stories of suicide bombings that have been happening in saudi arabian police headquarters. The king of saudi arabia might have donated to hillary clintons campaign and he might not have, it was probably a money embezzling scheme or some anti trump (trump hates muslims we will support hillary) action by the saudi billionaire class. It does not mean Hillary is saudi arabias bitch. saudi arabia is americas bitch 110%.

correlation does not equal causation you Holla Forums retard. if you weren't a complete moron you would know this. "SPOOKY SAUDI MAN IN TURBAN IS CONTROLLING HILLARY BECAUSE HE GAVE HER MONEY AND SAUDI MAN LIKE ISIS" is complete nonsense.

don't think this means i'm saying hillary isn't trash, i'm just shitting on you and other right wing idiots who have not even the slightest understanding of the world who spread stupid misinformation like this

Then enjoy being on the wrong side of history, until you meet your untimely end.


This. It all comes done to money, doesn't matter how hard you try to shoehorn it into race.

Please read item 3 and explain to me how that makes sense then. The Clintons now that the Saudis do fund and support ISIS by their staff's own admission in the emails.

Any sources would also be appreciated p.

And that doesn't make it any less ok that the Clintons personally take money from the Saudis via their foundation.

Again read item 3:

And again I never said the Saudis control her like she's a puppet. I'm saying it presents a conflict of interest in handling certain problems that need to be dealt with. Money is nothing if not influential at the very least.

that doesn't make ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER. I am telling you there is a 0% chance the saudi arabian government and monarch supports isis. it completely goes against all common sense and political rationality.

it would be like if you tried to tell me the columbian government secretly supports FARC because they are both columbian. it goes against their own political interests. you are an idiot.

How does no race make classes disappear? Were there no classes in racially homogenous 18 century Britain for example?

It's probably just made up by some Putinist agent or Holla Forumsack who infiltrated Wikileaks.

fuck off and die

just understand that this accusation that the saudi arabian monarchy support isis is complete insane. muslims are not a hive mind, they have their own political motivations. class plays a huge part in it. Saudi arabia is shit for other reasons, not for your racist "HURRR DURR DEY WEAR TURBAN AND ARE ISLAMIST DAT MEANS DEY MUST SUPPORT ISIS LOOK HILLARY CLINTON SAID SO IN THESE EMAILS" bullshit. it goes against all common sense and completely against what the saudi royal family IS

this is the best you can come up with?

There's literally no reason to believe Wikileaks tampered with it. Wikileaks track record is spotless. And they have nothing to do with Russia. Clinton sounds like a Macarthist nut job blaming it on the Russians. Wikileaks dumps stuff about Russia also.

Now your just trying to discredit because you know you're wrong. But there's no evidence to prove its been tampered with. Hillary basically confirmed the emails are true at the 2nd debate as well with her not denying it and blaming the leaks on Russia.

killary = ww3
Trump = World Peace

Because the new man and woman of the new world will not have a individual identities ingrained with generational hatred for one another. They will not have a history that commands them to attack, destroy, or enslave one another or the architects of the new world government. They will unite together as true equals against the last dying vestiges of the old world, because their very existence will depend on it. As true comrades, they will endure through this final revolution and struggle and emerge as the rightful inheritors of the Earth.

Prove it. You can't.

Did you even read the email? The fact is right there staring you in the face. They do provide funds and logistical support to ISIS. This has been something suspected for a long time and well here's the evidence to support it.

Again you're mischarscterizing what I'm saying about the similarities between ISIS and other terror organizations and the Saudis. They are similar in some cases. They fight the west and Shias. i don't know they're exact motivations I'll admit to that. I don't think you do either I'm afraid, because they fucking do. And I think the Secritsry of State know more about the situation than you or I do.

Well why don't you provide an example of one of thier leaks that were incorrect? The fact that their leaks are usually suppressed and that their leader Assange is trapped in the equdorian embassy give them some creedance. If they were nonsense then surely he wouldn't be wanted by the US gov and Clinton wouldn't be unironically suggesting that we drone strike him.

I guess that would make equality easier. Still not a fan of the thought though. Seems a bit distopian and gray. But to each his own I guess.

It's not 3 it's 4. I'm really sorry about that. But just read the middle bit there. Or the whole thing. Have some context with it.

You're clearly a troll or one of the koolaid drinkers.

It'll be worth it in the end. Trust me.

Those who go against the tide will drown.

Btw I'm not even a Holla Forumsack or far right. I'm fairly left and down. I just feel the evidence coming out of the leaks are damning and revealing. It provides proof to corrupt and lies. It makes a Clinton presidency seem completely indefensible. She is proveabley the establishment candidate who lies through her teeth.

You're delusional from spending too much time trying to convince Holla Forumstards on the finer points of Marxist theory. It's rubbed off on you. You shouldn't waste your time looking any deeper into the leaks, it won't do you any good. Not everyone is cut out for the type of rigorous analysis required to handle leaks of this nature and scope. Leave it to the professionals.

I also see that the article you provided is dated this year and the email is older. Things could have changed. However she was the Sec of State when receiving money from the Saudis while they were proveabley funding and supporting ISIS.

The email still proves that at one point the Saudis were funding ISIS and Hillary knew full well and took money from the Saudis while holding a government office.

Regardless taking money from foreign donors is very shady and is illegal. But the way she funnels that money somewhat circumvents current laws and puts it in a gray area. It's still shady and deplorable and she should at least be barred from holding a public office.

Fucking newfags REEEEEE

u no understand, you just dont do

if you did you would accept the preconceptions whose validity is embedded in their self-referential definition

Newfags? Our policies are the ones currently being implemented at the UN. What have you accomplished other than posting on a mongolian cartoon image board?

I'm not delusional, that's a pretty low blow, last resort tactic. I'm looking at the facts. It's right there staring you in the face. This is bigger than watergate. These leaks are huge and there's only more to come unless Wikileaks gets .govd. And I don't believe in any Marxist theory.


"The point of philosophy is not to change the world, but to circlejerk over not doing so accompanied by images of anthromorphic amphibians"

t. garl "no one understands me but leftypol" barx

Only a means to an end, in order to subvert the present power structure. In time, our communist intentions and raceless, classless humanity will come to fruition.

Only low-IQ trash infected with toxic desires for class-based hierarchies or racial supremacy would be unable to see the end goals of our plan. What does that make you?

Thanks for correcting the record!

I encourage everyone to look into these leaks. You denying it changes nothing. It only helps to contain information that ought to be spread to as many as possible because the American people have a right to know. These are facts. Clinton only serves major money inerests that fuck the American people. Clinton is a corrupt cunt that should not be allowed to win this election. She's a fucking snake of a human being. These leaks only prove this. The Russians have nothing to do with this. Trump has nothing to with this. I fucking hate trump. But at least his is wrap up in the scandals of the Clinton cabal. It's absolutely fucking horrendous.

What is happening in this thread? CTR is actually here? Or is leftypol really full of posers?

But Soros is jewish and the protocols of zion were an anti-semetic forgery and we should learn from history as to not repeat so soros dindu nuffin.

something, something neoliberalism

Yeah CTR is here, trying to shit up and disrupt Holla Forums too

Reminder that it's illegal to read the leaks, Wikileaks is committing an act of terrorism under both EU and US law.

If you read them, your safety cannot be guaranteed.

i will repeat what i just said, as someone who has the utmost disdain for saudi arabia/turkey/israel… the saudi arabian government does not support/want to support isis because the interests of isis go completely against the interests of the saudi arabian monarchy and ruling class. Just because a lot of members of isis are from saudi arabia and just because saudi arabia has supported FSA and other islamic groups like the muslim brotherhood does not = saudi arabia's government want isis to succeed. Isis succeeding is saudi arabia's WORST nightmare and can easily spark a straight up a violent civil war in saudi arabia like we've seen in iraq/syria/egypt. saudi arabia's monarchy has the same goals as other bumfuck rich middle eastern ruling class people oppresses. it is flat out ignorant racism to think otherwise just because both groups are sunni. it shows just how fucking stupid the american people are. that hillary clinton email is 100% pure bs

what the fuck are you even talking about dude. saudi arabia has a strong alliance with america FOR A REASON. they are a monarchy and the ruling class who run the country are in power FOR A REASON. do not think with your small minded racist brain for 2 seconds and maybe you will understand that not everyone who is a sunni has the exact same political aspirations

hell yeah bro. real PROLETARIAT STRUGGLE hours

Soros has over 150 organizations in place in America causing civil disruptions.

I already conceded to you that the dates are different, things clearly changed since the email date. Youre evidence and sources seem to hold up and are dated more recently. They likely changed their positons and strategy. The email dates 2014 while these news stories are more recent.

I also conceded that I do not now their exact motivations. I never claimed to. I only brought up them both being Sunni as a possible explanation.

However, Islam is not a race you fucking moron. Islam is a religion, more an ideology if anything. You can't be racist against a commie or a Christian. How is it possible to be racist against Islam then? Islam is faceless. I do hate communism, Christanity, and Islam, admittedly. They all have very serious problems. But that's a discussion for another day. If you are seriously going to assume I'm racist for disliking Islam then fucking hang yourself. At that point your as bad as the average tumblrite.

Further, the fact still remains, that there is no evidence to discredit the email. There is no reason to believe it is incorrect. You saying it isn't so doesn't make the email factually incorrect. There is clearly evidence that the Clintons took Saudi money while she was Sec of State, while the Saudis were supporting ISIS. However that has clearly changed. Thank you for informing me on that.

I do concede that the Saudis likely don't support ISIS anymore. If your sources are correct, which there's no reason to believe that they are not, then that is clear.

You sound like racist Drumpf supporter.

Nah I'm just anti Clinton.

YES. Smash the bourgeoisie! Death to amalek! We shall be victorious.

The fall of ISIS is an inevitability and always has been. The saudi's know this and saw it convenient to use them as cannon fodder, it is exactly because the saudi's are opposed to them, that they're eager to assist them.

Islam is a religion that has originated in the Middle East. It's a religion that has resisted the the imperialism and racism of Western Christianity for millenia. If you attack Islam, you're obviously supporting the racist patriarchy… oh I give up…

*pulls out guillotine*

Off with your head!

You literally know nothing of history. Do you know how Islam spread? Through the sword.

Islamic civilizations are just as imperialistic as the west. The only reason why they are in the state that they are in today is because of western resistance, colonial exploration, and the advancement of western tech.

Oh my bad. Whatever xir says, tumblerina.

Here's a better one.

This just shows that the racist west violently opposed the religion of peace.

Anyways I did enjoy the debate. But the Wikileaks emails are discredited. They're real. Here's a dump of more of them. Feel free to look through it. They're real.

Proof that colluding progressive media like CNN are designed only to push progressive views and to be an echo chamber+more proof of collusion -

Proof that the colluding elite "conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry"-

3 of Hillary's paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs (see attachments). Several juicy stuff. including an admittance to the US purposely not wanting to unify Korea and Acknowledging that Saudi Arabia and Jordan ARM ISIS-

Conspiracy to destroy or conceal evidence from the committee-

More Media Collusion and Corruption: All 3 TV firms are being paid by the Clinton's to write scripts-

Proof of MSM Media outlets colluding with Clinton via off the record dinners-

Proof of more media collusion via private, off the record, dinners with reporters-

Proof That Numerous Reporters and News Agencies are Colluding with Clinton-

Proof that the "Trump is racist" card was manufactured by the Clinton campaign and pushed by the colluding media-

Proof that they know mass immigration is a bad idea and that it is causing harm in Europe, yet Hillary still advocates for open borders. She is not looking out for the American people-

Transcripts of a meeting with BLM activists in 2015. Proof that Clinton promises BLM that they will federally defund the police force and ban them from buying assault weapons and riot gear. That's not good enough for them though (see attachment)-

Brian Fallon controls Hillary's twitter and probably her entire social media presence and they coordinate this all with NBCs very own John Harwood-

Threatening Party Members for Not Supporting Clinton in The DNC-

Proof That The NYT is in Clinton's Pocket-

Chelsea Clinton is using CF funds - which includes taxpayer dollars - to fund her for-profit activities-

Chelsea Clinton's embezzling leading to a Clinton Foundation near suicide-

More evidence of cooperation between the Saudis and the Clintons-

Clinton team claiming that Obama rigged the primaries-

Univision Collusion-

Implications that they planned to circumvent voter laws from day one. See item 7-

Proof that Clinton's donations are primarily from big money/more evidence of corruption (see attachment)-

Ok you're trolling me you got me.

Proof of Huffington Post Collusion-

Collusion between Clinton and La Opinion (a Spanish newspaper in the US). They're literally editing articles in it to be pro-Clinton-

Clinton to push a Catholic Spring-

Proof of Media Collusion from Eryn Sepp-

Proof Podesta is Literally in Bed with the Banks-

CTR (Clinton's paid propaganda arm) and David Brock Collusion-

More proof of foreign donors-

Proof of Clinton aides discussing ways for Clinton to support minimum wage while not actually supporting it, she's a snake-

Proof That The Center of American Progress is in Clinton's Pocket-

Clinton Foundation wasted GSA funds (taxpayer $$) to rent an empty 8600 sq ft office for 3 years. They discuss that this was done to use circumvent an audit of the Clinton foundation-

Possible Proof That Clinton's Campaign Staff Knew the DNC was rigged against S█████ since March-

Clinton is Ultimately Going to Support the TPP-

Concerns over White House staff? "Bring a food taster and wear body amor that covers the back."-

Evidence of collusion with the Pritzker Group-

More Proof of connections between Soros and Podesta-

More evidence of collision with the media via press dinners-

Proof of CTR funding from Soros and Clinton-

Proof of Knowledge of Clinton's Money Issues/Corruption from Brent Budowsky-

What is with all the obvious falseflaggers in this thread? Is this how Holla Forums tries to convince us to vote for Trump?

More proof of "pay-to-play" and special favors for Clinton insiders-

Choosing Supreme Court Judges Based on Race-

Proof of CNBC collusion and telling CNBC what to ask her-

Steering CNN reporter Chris Frates-

Collusion between CNN, James Rubin, and Clinton Campaign-

Proof of the Clinton cabal conspiring against Fox News-

More evidence of collusion between the Clinton campaign and the NYT-

Clinton staff complaining about NYT doing a story on Priorities USA "whether we like it or not"/possible evidence of collusion-

Proof the Clinton campaign has foreknowledge of how media will present. More implications of media collusion-

Proof of CTR shills on Twitter (teddy)-

Proof that most of their shitty pop zingers at debates are scripted/possible knowledge of the debate questions before hand?-

Proof of Superpac collusion in 2013. Technically legal, since it was before she announced her campaign. It's still shady though and there's no reason to assume they aren't still colluding.-

Editing Clinton's speech to make her crimes seem less excellent. See #2-

More Evidence of Collusion Between the Media and the Clinton Campaign-

Proof of Clinton taking money and favors from UAE Sheik Mohammed (who also likely funds terrorist organizations)-

Meetings with many different ambassadors about the Clinton foundation-

Not false. Vote Gary Johnson.

Either Stein or Trump. Johnson is not worth wasting your vote on.

You are preaching to the choir, padre. We already know that Clinton is a corrupt kleptocrat and that laws do not actually apply to politicians. The only thing that will change that is revolution.

Why would Holla Forums getting its beliefs proved true change anything? Is the fact that there's no mention of ZOG Occupied Government collaboration or such thing like that changed yours?

In absence of power, reason is futile.

In possession of power, reason is redundant.

thanks. Capped.

nobody is trying to convince you in anything you dumbfuck.

This is the truth. You can either ignore it and stay dumb or create your own opinion if you choose to read it

but nobody is trying to convince of anything

Why is everyone talking about a pink wii u on the upper image

Can anyone give me a tl;dr of the significance of the leaks? I don't have time to read them at the moment but intend to later.


Did someone link to this thread on Holla Forums or what? There's an unusual amount of shit tier trolling here.



i see so many fucking right wing people pulling absolute shit out of their ass who know nothing about middle eastern politics… you must honestly be one of those people who think the saudi arabian government planned 9/11 as well huh. as if its so hard to understand that saudi citizens can be pissed at their pro-west monarch government… nooo this is impossible all muslims want sharia law and are just one giant hivemind who are motivated by nothing but making YOU follow sharia.

Thanks for correcting the record.

the email is either fake or hillary clinton is a fucking idiot who has no idea what she is talking about. literally a few weeks ago bombs went off in a saudi police station. Saudi arabia is really spooked when it comes to isis, they would absolutely never give them support since isis's main goal in the region is to decapitate the monarchy and get the citizens to see that saudi arabia is just an american lackey country where the royal family and ruling class/government pretend to be muslim.

here's a cool video that's somewhat related

There is no short tl;dr, because they contain so much different shit that it'd be a long list no matter what.

Here's the best tl;dr I've found so far, and even this one doesn't contain everything important:

btw the saudi kid who pledged allegiance to isis and killed his member of the army cousin died in a shootout with saudi cops a few hours after uploading that video to youtube

isis is a real problem for saudi arabia for a reason, all we can do is wait and see what ends up happening

" i swear allegiance to abu baker albaghdadi, in bad and good times, in hard and soft times, and he ordered us to kill the servants of "Al Saud Kingdom" the defenders of the crusaders, and he ordered us to kill this infidel who serves "Al Saulol"( a sort of flame insult to the royal family in saudi arabia)"

then the victim start begging for mercy from his cousin who then shot him in the head with ak-47.

This thread is from Holla Forums. It is interesting to see how they fail to wrap their heads around the concept of people hating Clinton yet not buying into obviously manufactured bullshit about her. To them logical processes are always inferior to ideology.

So what's with all the shitty falseflagging then, Holla Forums? Is that how you spread the "truth?"

Nation-states can hold more than a single goal, and sometimes these goals can conflict with one another, especially when multiple actors are involved. While espousing support for "democracy," for example, the United States also supports despotates like Saudi Arabia.

Similarly, although the Saudi geopolitical strategy is basically to maintain close relations with the West and particularly the U.S., the KSA also funds many extremist militant groups throughout the Middle East to advance Salafism, usually covertly.

Zero evidence (I can't believe you'd even consider that boneheaded Clinton meme) and highly unlikely. The Kurds, Iraqis and Syrian government were also pointing to funding and support of extremist groups from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.

Oh, that must mean Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11 after all since the U.S. had been funding them. I guess Holla Forums was right and it was actually the Jews.

do you think destabilizing their regional opponents and creating a free hand for military action against their neighbors is not enough of a reason for some in the saudi monarchy to clandestinely support isis?

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.

The U.S. was funding them in the 80s. The timeline matters.

Assad was not an immediate threat to Saudi Arabia the way that ISIL is. If Saudi Arabia had wanted to fund a specifically anti-Assad group, there are plenty to choose from that do not also want to destroy the royal family.

No it hasn't, that would imply the e-mails contained anything out of the ordinary prattling of a capitalist tool. If you had spent any time here at all you would realize that is a ludicrous question.

If your're here for honest engagement go through the catalogue to gain some understanding of the general position.

If not - fuck off aback to Holla Forums

You dumb cunt.

The Saudis are happy to work with ISIS to remove Assad, cause Assad is an ally of the Saudi's mortal enemy, Iran. Kill yourself.

Factions within the royal family also have some measure of power and influence, though, and that's not to mention the fact that a monarch, even with absolutely power, can't actually act with total impunity and without regard for any others. A king still has interests he has to please within the kingdom (in addition to family members) and factions that he has to control to some extent or else risk revolts, coups, or assassination attempts. It's almost as if you know nothing about history or how monarchies work.

The speech is only contending that KSA has been funding ISIS, not that they are currently. And it's still quite possible individuals within the royal family are currently funding ISIS to destabilize Iraq and Syria and, by extension, create problems for Iran because it does serve many of KSA's geopolitical goals.

Hey, did you hear that Batboy was recently spotted in Paraguay? Do you think he had an opportunity to meet with Hitler's preserved brain?

…are all royals who will die and have their family's power stripped from them if ISIL should be successful. There is absolutely no sense in any blue blood supporting ISIL. Add to the the fact that the royal family is in danger of being ousted by internal pressures, and you would have to be a fool to think that they would want to fund a group that destabilizes the region.

You're saying the Saudis aren't supporting ISIS directly?

thats not true at all though. saudi arabias government has no "mortal enemy". they are not on good terms with syria or iran but they would never go to war with them or fight them by funding a terrorist organization who's literal job is to take back mecca from the kingdom of saud heretics. this is a pro-west monarchy we are talking about. stop thinking they are some sort of "global power", they do only what america says and they do it when america says so. This was the deal that was made during the cold war. and this is why saudi arabia's royal family and government are so terrified of isis today (and saddam hussein back then) because they know the only real threat is sunni arabs decapitating the monarchy to instill either a caliphate or a socialist ba'athist socialist secular state.

once again, this is common sense shit. no one in saudi arabia would fund isis to "get rid of their number 1 enemy who obviously was about to go to war with them bashar al assad" thats nonsense

you fucking stupid idiot of course they aren't.

why the fuck would they support a group that poses a more realistic and bigger threat to their pro-western ruling class monarchy than any other entity in the middle east?

Tbh I don't think the relationship between the U.S. and SA is simply one of Washington giving orders and Riyadh following them. It seems to really be more of a two way relationship, the U.S. is the dominant partner for sure, but its dominance isn't complete and relies a great deal on Saudi co-operation. I mean look at Saudi involvement in 9/11 and tell me that the Saudis are no more than American lackeys. They clearly possess some degree of agency.

I don't think he's the fucking stupid idiot considering we have it straight from the horse's mouth that yes, they are funding ISIS, especially since toppling Assad means eliminating an Iran-friendly government.

Besides, you make it sound like if ISIS got within 100 miles of the Saudi border the Americans wouldn't carpet bomb everything from the border on up to keep the Sauds propped up.

saudi arabia has next to no power, they don't even control their own people (why do you think so many saudis were able to go fight for isis, why do you think instead of killing osama after he threatened the royal family all they could do was expell him from the country to avoid a flat out populist revolution).

its practically a puppet monarchy. they have next to no power and the entire country is a bunch of backwards poor peasants, then on top you have the ruling class and government and royal family who know that they will only be able to keep being rich as fuck and holding on to power as long as they stay on america's dick for the oil contracts.

as someone who has studied the living hell out of middle eastern politics (doing my masters) i honestly laugh out loud when i see right wingers trying to say that saudi arabia's government wanted 9/11 to happen or are funding ISIS. it's a complete fabrication of a racist right wing mentality that literally every sunni wants the exact same thing politically regardless of the circumstances or class.

i am telling you that its fake bullshit information. its not real. and hillary clinton is not "straight from the horses mouth"

isis is fighting a war with saudi arabia as well as egypt right now. you would know this if you even remotely kept up with the news. there are branches of isis in both countries fucking shit up. if you honestly believe saudi arabia is funding isis because "assad" when they could easily just fund fsa AND THEY HAVE then you are just a stupid fucking idiot hick. i'm honestly wasting my time even replying to you this is common sense shit

Take a breath. Have a beer.

I think you're the dumb cunt that doesn't know what you're talking about.

hillary clinton probably meant that saudi citizens are funding isil, not the saudi royal family.

either way what she said was either
a. faked
b. ignorant and proof she has no clue what she is talking about. she is obviously not an expert on this subject nor does she have even common sense understanding of the political situation saudi arabia's monarchy is in

i can literally gurantee you that you are a stupid faggot who has no clue what he is talking about.
there is a 0% chance the saudi arabian government are funding isis, it would go against their interests. them funding FSA and anti-assad groups that aren't isis make sense strategically. egypt and saudi arabia already have factions of isis fucking shit up in their own countries, its insane to think either one of those governments are giving money to isis. rogue citizens makes sense but def. not the governments

Literal Saudi shills. Topjej lads.

Will drop evidence for you ASAP.

Here's the thing: they won't, and the Saudis know the US will defend them before anything like that happens.

I've already given you reasons why they would. You're choosing to ignore them, much like you are the emails (I mean, faked, seriously?).

Destabilizing Iraq and Syria serves a purpose by itself since they're both connected to Iran. They have proven themselves willing to destabilize other countries if it serves their goals, even if the destabilization does start to cross over into KSA, as we can see in Yemen.

t. idiots

yeah dude thats it. i'm a saudi arabian shill for pointing out the complete insanity of "isis is funded by the saudi arabian monarchy because they are both sunni and we want to think that saudi arabia is a spooky huge boogeyman controlling american politicians and not just a failed coldwar american pawn that does whatever america says in order to keep the royal family rich from oil sales and from being overthrown by socialists/or jihadists"

yeah i just love saudi arabia lol, fuck realism

Just because the Saudi government is friendly with America doesn't mean that there aren't elements of the Saudi elite who are hostile to it. I don't think that they are funding ISIS, but that doesn't mean that they just do whatever America wants.

before spewing your opinion take 5 seconds to learn about the things you are talking about. learn about saudi arabia and the government relationship with assad, how it deteriarated during the death of arab nationalism and how the only thing keeping the royal family from losing power to arab nationalists was america. how funding fsa =/= funding isis because one would be suicide with absolutely no positive/strategic outcomes for the saudi ruling class and royal family.

take 2 seconds to read before spewing bs opinions

t. idiot

says the actual idiot, you deadass are a moron. read a fucking book or go back to Holla Forums

If you don't think Saudi Arabia are double dealing you're naive because everyone playing the game is.
Britain, America, Turkey, Russia, Israel, France, Iran, and Saudia Arabia too are all tricky.
The Cold War never ended.

The FSA is a complete and utter joke. The main rebel forces in Syria are ISIS and Ahrar Al-Sham/Al-Nusra. Why are you insulting everyone else about their knowledge of the Middle East when your own is clearly lacking?

double dealing?
by throwing money at a fucking group that is ideologically against them in every single way? when there are other groups like FSA that would accomplish the same "undermining of syrian interests" without the establishing of a viciously anti-saudi anti-monarchy narrative.

you are incredibly naive if you think saudis royal family are anything but american pawns blinded by oil money and hell bent on keeping their citizens under the boot in order to keep power, they are not "double dealing" anyone or anything you fucking idiot


"ISIL attacks against Saudi government[edit]
An August 2015 attack by an ISIL-related suicide bomber murdered fifteen people and injured nine more at a mosque inside a Saudi special forces headquarters. An Interior Ministry spokesman stated that the militant attacked the Asir area complex during the traditional noon prayers. Saudi political analyst Jamal Khashoggi remarked that the attack could be the largest anti-Saudi action done by ISIL yet, with Kashoggi remarking that "[t]his is shaking us to the ground."[2]

In July 2015, a police raid in the city of Taif ended in policeman being gunned down. According to Saudi authorities, three people were arrested while flags of the ISIL group were found. That same month, a car bomb attack upon a security checkpoint in Riyadh, the nation's capital city, wounded two policemen. The driver perished in the explosion. The attack is believed to be connected to ISIL…"

What do you say to the Saudi backing of the moderates of Jaish al-Fatah? Bullshit too?

You're the one who said "they could easily just fund fsa." Why you're going into a Saudi autism meltdown when I'm pointing out to you why you're wrong is beyond me.

I hope Assange stays safe.

You do know what caused multiple revolutions in Arab states several years back now, right?

Well this is disconcerting.


How exactly would the U.S. defend them from an insurgency? ISIL is not going to march an army across the border like some conventional military. Do you think that the U.S. is going to put soldiers in Mecca and Medina and cause the entire muslim world to lose its shit?

Anyone with any sense will ignore the absurd claim that a bunch of feudal nobles will risk their tenuous grip on power by funding an insurgency group that is operational in their own country and is dedicated to destroying them simply to get a little leverage with Iran.

They are digital documents that come to us fifth-hand probably by way of pro-Assad governmental organizations. On top of that, it reaks of pro-Assad propaganda. Why would you treat these as if they had any credibility?

There are dozens of groups that are not trying to create a caliphet that could accomplish the same goal. In fact, wouldn't it be better to curry favor with those other groups as a check on ISIL in case ISIL does manage to kill Assad?

Please explain the podesta emails about "the alien race working with god" then!
just because it's leaked it doesn't mean it's true, or that intelligent people wrote that emails

t. mega retard

I think the Chapo crew raised a very good argument in favour of Hillary, in that if Trump won, both liberals and leftists would be united in opposition to the sort of shit he's sure to pull year round. On the other hand, a Hillary presidency would only widen the split between actual leftists and progressive liberals, open the floor for left-wing criticisms of the liberal status quo on the American political scene and allow the possibility for a real left-wing opposition. Basically, I'm hoping that she'll be so fucking awful that socialists will do their best to distance themselves from the Democratic party and that young people will abandon liberalism entirely out of sheer disgust for her policies and politics.

Not only that, but if she wins, the next depression ought to fall right in the middle of her presidency, and it will ruin her.

Here's the thing: your end goals are not wrong. You are just too stupid to actually achieve them.

In reality we will just see an even more radicalized white underclass that's ready for a military coup. They will sit at home watching TrumpTV and become even more convinced that liberals and leftists are conspiring with the minorities, the Jews, the gays, the bankers, and so on to destroy Real America.

Oh, I forgot to list the Muslims.

That's a big one, since they accuse anyone that doesn't think all muzzies are bad people of muh taqiyya.

Both of these make some sense, but I still prefer Trump. I don't want to bet on another status quo candidate to accelerate the system to the breaking point, it's not going to happen even with Hillary.

You're only accelerating into fascism.

Voting for Hillary is not "accelerating into fascism", she's just going to make the current imperialist and neoliberal system more intense, which is what acceleration is - and accelerationists believe that this will somehow break the system, but that's incredibly naive.

They already have military bases across Saudi Arabia, including one next to Mecca. The US defending Saudi Arabia doesn't imply they'll be stationing Navy Seals in the Kaaba anyway.

A little? They've helped throw two countries within Iran's orbit into chaos, and they're bombing Yemen to install their own puppet rather than let the Houthis take over. They've proven themselves quite willing to risk attacks by an insurgency from nearby Yemen when it accomplishes a larger geopolitical goal. You're bizarrely incredulous about this.

Risible assertions with no evidence. Clinton has already implicitly confirmed the authenticity of the emails. Also, the campaign could easily disprove the documents if they were false, but they haven't. You're grasping at straws.

But none of the other groups poses as much danger to Iraq and Syria as ISIS does. As far as destabilizing Iranian allies goes, ISIS is the most effective funding target.


ISIS is still far more of a threat to Syria, and to a lesser extent Iran's ambitions, than it is to the Saudi royals.

The German government repatriated a revolutionary whose ideology explicitly entailed their eventual overthrow to undermine Imperial Russia, and ultimately created a state that would occupy half of theirs for a decade - foreign policy is rarely long-sighted

a state that would occupy half of theirs directly and indirectly for decades*

You mean, the "revolutions" that led to no meaningful (or negative) change and the rise of Daesh?