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Cosplay thread
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Oh boy, here we go
What's the matter bub, don't like cosplay?
Who bitch is this?
Now thats what I call a decent amount of Thicc
yeah sure
Every time.
I jerk it to hentai on the reg but how can you not see how ridiculous that woman's body is. 10/10. Stop being a bitter lonely faggot.
The board-tans must be so ugly now
About that
I wonder how many women that wear that know it's from an incest doujin.
3D a mistake
I remember that girl in the middle. She was shitting on SJWs where were complaining about "unrealistic body types", saying that it was horribly sexist of them to imply that she didn't exist just because she was curvy. It was a hell of a good shutdown.
I never forget a pair of tits.
When I get a gf, I'm making sure it's not one from the cosplay community. I'll introduce a girl to it but most of the shit I've seen from it is always mental issues, drama and tons of angst.
user that's every girl at any con you go to, not just the costumed ones. That's why friends made at cons are the worst friends, I only hang out with the people I came with.
Damn right user. I made friends with some people at cons and it's like 50/50 if I'll actually keep talking to them after. This mentality of 'EVERYBODY IS FRIENDS AT CONS' really sucks sometimes. I've had people befriend me because of my cosplays then afterwards realizing we've got virtually nothing in common. My friends from home are somewhat into cosplay and cons but sparingly, I'm actually glad for that. They don't wrack their heads over their next cosplays and always come to me with the stupid/fun ideas.
Friend hits me up about our next con and just goes 'The con is a month away. You wanna do Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy?'
Too bad Mei is such a shit character.
Really easy to pick up at cons though. As long as you work on the fuck and release system.
At cons I usually don't try to get laid and just party. But to get laid at a con all you need to do is not sound like a sperg and know shit about what's the popular video game/anime/cartoon at the con.
fucking give it a rest idiot
user, I hope this is some ironic filenaming
I love cosplay threads
let me know when some gets posted, all I see itt is filth
I want more of that elena
it's a dude
2D remains superior, no end in sight to anime supremacy.
I don't believe you
Yeah, dudes never look like that
what is that costume called ?
She's giving me "I like being choked during sex" vibes.
"bandaid kitty anal exploration" starter kit
You have fine taste my friend
I would say the same, but that would be lying.
Man, look at all these high-quality sluts that probably have successful boyfriends.
100% of them are whores, yes.
So if I paid them $200, I could get my dick in there?
Maybe, but most of them are surrounded by people willing to pay way more than that. Many of the whores in this thread work at strip clubs, so you could probably get a dance or whatever. I don't know what that costs, since I have never been to a strip club.
Also gross.
Not as gross as those shitty proportions in that image.
There is literally no 3D whore that looks better than any of the beautiful 2D maidens I have posted in this thread. Stay thirsty though, protecting them here will surely get you the pussy you are craving so desperately, beta caveman.
You haven't posted any good examples but you're right, the best 3D girl will always be burning garbage compared to a high-tier 2D girl
No wonder you think that, seeing as you have so shit taste in games, girls and 3D whores. No 3D whore is worth the air she wastes in her filthy body. We should burn them all in a big pile and maybe the upcoming destruction of the human race would motivate scientist to create a 2D portal rather than the stupid shit they do now.
Take a stand brothers, let them know they aren't welcome.
They only exist to make my penis feel good. The game is just a cover, so people can pretend they like the game and not the girls.
You're a nigger.
And you are a whale for Jap-jews. No matter how cute the girls, the game is unbelievably shit. I don't call myself a kancoll fan or pretend to be a part of the fan base so I'm not a secondary.
The boatsluts only exist to please the penises of men, so they are sluts. But in the 2D world sluts can be pure and beautiful. I'm also not a nigger, but that should be obvious since I can use a computer.
You are why the jews are winning
No, I'm not god. I didn't make 3D whores disgusting. And I'm perfectly capable of lynching politicians, Muslims, niggers and Jews so fuck off.
So how many politicians, muslims, niggers, or jews have you lynched?
Sounds pretty gay. Maybe you should lynch yourself.
Rei is Wurst girl.
Normalfags are why the jews are winning.
they are winning because they are the masterrace.
Like I would admit to that on the internet, even if I had so. How many kids have you had and raised into successful adults?
Take that back, scumbag.
Like fleas are superior to humans? Take a hike, kike.
Doxx yourself fag, let's fight
You can rationalize it however you want. I actually haven't spent a dime (besides, what's wrong with that when they hire seiyuus and artists for our enjoyment) and it only stays afloat because of its fanbase which you mooch off of like a welfare nigger.
Your frilly waifu is pure though I'm sure but those Axis girls are just sluts.
Seriously nigger? You had to go to such impossibilities of having someone 23 years of age raise successful adults in hopes of making yourself look less pathetic?
Asuka is a 3D whore in 2D form. And not even cute or pure. Disgusting.
Trash. She is a whore.
So none then? Then why are you saying I'm causing the Jews to win when you have non for yourself? At least I'm not thirsty enough to defend them on the internet like a beta orbiter.
if they are fleas why arent they being exterminated? why do they control everything in the world? for a bunch of pirasites they are pretty powerful.
Just accept them as our lords and keep on moving, goy.
fuck no
I respectfully disagree
Are you trying to be funny, because it's not working. That thing is fucking gross.
Nice Winston cosplay
I met her before, she's beautiful and is a great person
Who, akarin? I don't believe you.
She's a nog, nogs all suck.
How does it feel to know 3dpd girls are real, but 2d's are just drawings?
So let's set this straight, you don't have kids but you are trying to shame us for not having kids? And us calling thirsty betas out on their pathetic whit knighting somehow makes us beta? Man, did all the senior officers at the JIDF take a vacation? Did they bring in a janitor or something?
silly user, 2D qts are real.
Jokes on you nerds, someday you will wish you were me.
Not for long, we are building a new world order.
No, I'm shaming you for not even trying.
And all the senior management are out making deals in Japan. They need to pump out that waifu bait to keep you passive as you get cucked like the good beta you are.
They are not real and furthermore will never be real. If we tried to replicate them in the real world we would just make 3dpds, or in this case robotic 3dpds.
Your best bet is transferring yourself into the 2d world. As far as I know, that is impossible.
I bet I have done more IRL NS activity than you, faggot. But keep believing a 3D whore will let you touch her and I'm sure the tooth fairy will make it happen.
You don't know the power of wizards.
any qt 3.4's here?
I'm pretty qt imo. Here's a selfie :3
Kamiya? is that you bby?
If your 2d waifus ever gained sentience and met you, they would be disgusted because you are 3dpd.
I will become a wizard in my lifetime.
What's with the Jew fetish?
Aren't you glad we have this new feature?
wew. got em
What's with the Jew fetish?
Fucking rekt lad
Becoming a wizard implies you transcend the desire to be touched by a woman, This includes waifus. Try again, baka.
No, that's not what it means at all. Now you are just grasping at straws. You become a wizard after saving your mana for 30 years, allowing you to cast spells.
Jews? What jews? In fact, you'd be a jew not to enjoy superior 2d!
What's with the Jew fetish?
What I don't get is why people who don't like 3D are in here.
I respect their preference but not them ruining a cosplay thread
This is how superior 2d looks like. What's wrong? You aren't posting glorious anime girls anymore.
I like 3d as much as the next normalfag but take that shit to /furry/ god damn.
What's with the Jew fetish?
Because normalfaggots are cancer.
Isn't that animal abuse, giving a monkey piercings and a tattoo?
Careful there, that's my Waifu you're talking about
You tell me. Waifu fags practically want jews to shove their circumcised dicks deep in their anus.
Just learn to buff yourself you nerd.
you need to go back
What's with the Jew fetish?
Holla Forums users are here, that's all.
Truth is, I honestly don't know why you have a jew fetish.
What's with the Jew fetish man?
The world need to know his faggotry
The Jew Fetish Man? Well he has 35 posts in this thread so far, might have autism, loves the jews, and prays to YHWH every night to thank him for his waifu.
That other guy isn't from Holla Forums, he is from Holla Forums.
Don't know why he is derailing this thread with his Jew fetish. You should just filter him like I did.
One day, user. One day.
What a sad nihilist you are. I will live in the 2D realm with my waifu and you can rot here.
Is that really where you want to take this?
You should just stop responding, I filtered him long ago, personally.
Might as well. Degenerates just can't accept they don't belong on Holla Forums.
Oh wow.
Who are your favorite cosplayers Holla Forums?
Gross, push it back underwater where it belongs.
epic fail
Learn to count, you inbred heeb.
AH! Legit spooked me.
I think I saw a samus aran cosplay that was pretty good, does anyone have that?
Leave, normalfag.
Don't you have somewhere else to be a nuisance?
No, I have several tabs open at once.
I'm glad to see that Holla Forums still lives of delusions.
Calling these cosplayers whores when your waifu that also dresses like a slut is probably a whore too. Or your would be happier with a better and succesful person instead of you, just like these cosplayers.
Well at the very least you're dedicated I'll give you that.
Fuck off. My waifu is pure and beautiful and not a whore. And these whores aren't whores because of their clothes but because all 3D "women" are whores. And you are more delusional than me, thinking defending them on the internet will make them finally acknowledge you, white knight faggot. Also, I take offense to the idea that I could ever be happy with 3D.
It's called having something one believes in. And also no life.
Well, if I'm blocked, I guess he won't mind if I post some cosplay. and other 3dpd
Zero suit or Varia?
Borderlands 2 is a shit game, but Mad Moxxi makes for some great cosplay.
I wish there were a vidya character who clothes herself entirely in just tiny bandaids for crazy sluts to cosplay as. Just the thought of helping her take them off one at a time, tenderly yet unavoidably painfully, then applying soothing creme to her now ravaged, adhesive-pocked body…
Overall a good thread
You are delusional.
Whats your point?
One of the many reasons 2D is Better than 3D, is that 3D can never be soft like 2D.
Also, no 3D whore has never had a vagina or anus (the most important parts of a female, alongside the breasts and legs) you could call "perfect" in 2D this is commonplace.
Is this shopped? Because I'm honestly having a hard time seeing where her internal organs and rib cage would fit in there.
First day on the internet? Of course it's shopped.
It's legit. is just ass mad.
This one actually looks human.
Of course they're airbrushed to hell and made to look like they have perfect skin and everything, but I don't see alien-tier thinning very often.
If you want perfect skin, 2D is the right way to go. 3D whores cannot compare. No image you ever see of a 3D "woman" ever shows her true appearance. Not to mention all the makeup. 2D is more real.
Women in general are gross anyway. Boys are infinitely better. Vaginas are fucking disgusting.
2D women are perfection. Fuck you faggot. I want to ejaculate inside a 2D girl.
Sorry, but 2D girls are only cute while they have clothes on. The second they're bare breasts or shitgoos are showing, they're ugly as fuck.
Meanwhile 2D boys are always cute.
There is nothing wrong with 2D vagoo. 2D girls are perfection, and loli pussy is the pinnacle of the universe. Shoot yourself, faggot.
That pic makes me fucking sick. How the hell can anyone find that shit attractive? "Pussy" is also literally the most unattractive word in the English language. Compare that disgusting void to a nice asshole and it's not contest.
Cunny then I guess?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with 2D vagina.
In 3D they're gross though.
are you trying to upset me?
This man knows the truth
They look worse in 2D than they do in 3D. Not saying 3D girlshit looks good either, but still.
Vagina is the only acceptable word. Every single slang word for vagina is just repulsive and reminds just makes me think of some ghetto nigger saying the word in his uneducated ape speak. Fucking disgusting.
You are objectivity wrong on more levels than I thought possible. Actually take your own life. If your life dream isn't to tear a loli's hymen before cumming deep in her CUNNY, you are living wrong.
You guys are killing this site
No, we are keeping it alive.
Only the same two serial faggots.
If your life goal isn't to have a loving relationship with a cute twink bf, then you haven't found your way yet.
There is no replacement for cunny. Men cannot compare, and are all gross.
truly 2D is the most degenerate of girls
All girls have problems, part of their charm. Showing them you can handle them and they aren't them is your job. Theirs is being venreble, more sensitive to pretty things. The crack between their legs has a purpose.
Psychology is cowards trying to have others worse than them, promote conformity. Like so much parasitism they take observation, act it while trying to destroy the source. Worthless. Any credit to it shows someone as worthless too. Attone for your cowardice. Parasites have no authority. Cages are not creation.
Females who want to be adored as the very hot characters they are dressed as should be. Girls need to be encoraged to be sexy. They are always innocent. Women on the other hand need some serious convincing they can be feindish if they want to and please want to. They can be whoever they want to, whatever, that body will be enjoyable to strip regardless of how little there is to strip off. Clothes on women are more for their confidance, so they can entice with their everything else, their features distracting anything otherwise from any logical appraisal.
Whimmen spelt correctly phonetically ignore the dictionary also serve as muses, keeping pleasurable things in the mind so complimentary things are erected. Like palaces.
The sexier women are the more utopian is civilisation. Things need to be sorted so they wont suffer by being sexy first. They can encorage that too, by being sexy.
Women should technically rule the world. Punishment would be ok. So would rewards. They could use punishment as reward. Not on top, but whips or something. Denial. Then whips then job done and dreamboat.
Should have wild immaginations in both sides of the sex war.
Shrinks and such try to boring up life, get the whip. After working, building up a sexual appetite an the physical futness to entertain it as well as having assisted in the construction if something beautiful they may lick a boot clean, when it is out of control ad they are struggling at the chains they may be whipped to death and presumably have better luck next time having been raised propperly into a world of fantasy.
Truly 3DPD is the most cancerous of interests.
accidentally posting the same pic twice.
dumping more oc.
I have a folder for that Samus
This stuff is just gross. You guys seriously fap to this? Have some respect for yourselves.