
well Holla Forums answer him…

>>>Holla Forums


nice arguments you guys got

It wasn't an argument, telling you to leave and never come back doesn't need one. Fuck off back to cuckchan and stop shitting up our board.

You know, I don't drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or do any other narcotics.
I eat a balanced diet, avoid excess, and even have a white gf and I'm looking on wifeing her.
I excersize every day and lift squats and oats style.
Forgive me if I smoke weed on occasion and drink coffee.
It's legal here in Alaska, and honestly it's a non-issue in my life.
Up here the vast majority partake and it has resulted in decreased incidence of public intoxication.
I do not support criminal Enterprise and grow only the plants I am allowed.
I also take extreme care that children do not have access to it.
Call me whatever you want, but I'm going to continue to use cannabis on occasion.


make me fgt

wow what a worthless fucking degenerate


sick post

holy fucking shit


who cares? It's fucking weed.

The slide, it does NOTHING.

A thread died for this.

what a great thread op, amazing effort

Just finished browsing the catalog, there so many better, way more important threads, buried under lots of shit threads like this. What's happening?


thanks, you too :)

it removes executive judgment from the brain, making you make stupid fucking decisions



hahaha it's fuckin' WEED man! Yeah!

Just lock it CIA. Don't hide your power level.

Get the fuck out of here, you fucking degenerate scum.

Cannabis is a foreign antagonist to native Europeans. Instead of being a filthy degenerate drink ergot beer.




Fuck off back to

Have fun with your ban, faggot

Moderate use of cannabis might be fine, just like alcohol. A stoner is the equivalent of an alcoholic, he overindulges to the point where the drug becomes a huge part of his life. Furthermore, he glorifies Rastafari "culture", i.e. useless niggers lying around, smoking pot and rambling with their mumbling voices all day.

Weed doesn't do that. Leftism does.

This is like a movie trope and not real life.

I will say this once more. The problem with cannabis is not the plant, but the pre-existing degeneracy, and lack of maturity in the culture and the people using it. The same exact issues are apparent when comparing drinking of alcohol at a frat party to the social drinking over a meal by mature adults.


Taken at face value, there is nothing inherently evil about cannabis. I'm convinced that the stoner phenomenon is in large part a result of Hollywood mind programming. They keep shoving nigger culture into people's faces and the least steadfast become virulent leftists / stoners.

Every single stoner I have ever met has met this qualification. They all have that dumb nigger Bob Marley as a role model.
Mind you, I am not talking about those who use cannabis responsibly.