Wait for the next post. I fucking broke her.
Also I'm not used to this 75 character bullshit
Wait for the next post. I fucking broke her.
Also I'm not used to this 75 character bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
Shouldn't they LIKE paying for viagra because it's helping some poor old man with ED?
She doesn't seem broken. She still lives in mental hugbox in which everyone must take care of her under penalty of imprisonment.
lurk more
Got banned for two weeks from real/pol/ for making a thread about #FireColbert.
This place is my methodone clinic
So you're not gonna post the BTFO part? She's still living in her own imaginary world, you haven't even made her attempt to think yet.
Read the first image in the second post
If that isn't a broken mind I don't know what is
holy shit
She has no argument.
You saw her change her stance
Well I, and millions of others wouldn't
also this
What the fuck are you on about? You didn't cause that, that's just her natural """""logic""""".
The double think always gets me.
Reported & Saged
You didn't break her mind, you've proven her wrong. Here's the kicker though, she doesn't care since all she really cares about is whether she's looking cute and whether the guy she's interested in is cute and in high demand.
reset your router and go back you cancerous faggot.
Shit don't work nigga
Hang yourself. At least you're a cuckchan faggot that lurks just long enough to know you can put more than one image per post on superiorchan, but you forget that as soon as your 2-part OP finishes.
Are you really such a colossal faggot that you can't go two weeks without posting twitter arguments with some whore? You should be banned here for a year just so you're forced to LURK MORE.
Abortion should be a state provided service for feminists.
Kill yourself.
personally i wouldn't mind a tax increase if it meant more aborted niggers & spics.
OP, based on your arguments for capitalism and retweet of PJW (agreeing with David Fucking Rotshchild no less) you appear to be a basic conservatard faggot. That's ok, we were all somewhere like that once. You were done a favor by being banned from 4/pol/. Shut up and lurk a little though ok?
what a shitfest
So, dox the OP? He's a milo supporting fag enabler who could use a lesson and some pizza.
Here's a picture of OP to get started with. Twitter profile says he's in Bakersfield.
We'll I mean…she was a bit character in a marvel film so idk man
Oh it's Holla Forums 2.0 over here sweet!
Fuck I forgot about that shirt. Waste of $20
Grant Roe
Bakersfield California
Went to Frontier High School
What else do you want to know?
Well this was easy.
For you to either lurk until you pull the cock out of your asshole or fuck off back to Reddit.
Lynch yourself, retard.
Got me ;^)
You have to go back.
Yeah, and I think your boss at Sherman Williams is going to find you posting on a neo-nazi form full of racist frogs quite concerning.
Where do you think you are?
Our logo is literally a metaphor for globalism hahaha
Socialism is bad when we have niggers and kikes in our country, it's fine in all white nations.
OP, can you please kill yourself? You're a disgrace to the white race.
Or we can ruin his life the old fashioned way.
There's three Sherwin Williams stores in Bakersfield that I can find.
The managers for two of them look quite diverse and female from their names. Local ANTIFA will probably appreciate his dox as well, if anyone has those channels.
What a horrific choice. "Pay for my abortion or pay to raise my child for me". Neither one is keeping the government out of your vagina
this tweet deserves to be a banner
I think OP has learned a valuable lesson.
You're fooling no one, retard.
No, he hasn't had his life ruined yet.
I doubt it
Not yet, the faggot is still posting in this thread, acting like he's 100% unconcerned about being doxed.
Granty boy, if you want us not to wreck you, post a picture of yourself holding a sign saying "I will stay on 4chan" and a timestamp.
OP in panic mode
let's see where this goes.
Such an ugly motherfucker.
What gives you that idea?
My shit is all public.
Second one would be great in a gay craigslist ad, if we find his phone number.
Pretty sure OP did this on purpose to get autists to dox some guy he doesn't like. This was a common tactic on Holla Forums >5 years ago so that people wouldn't decline their personal army request.
The entire gay community.
That's probably the case, but these 85 IQ autists won't listen.
Maybe, but that would require someone familiar with chan culture. It is suspicious how OP doesn't seem to care, but he also might just be a gigantic fucking faggot, so.
I'm getting a serious vibe of Holla Forums from five years ago right now.
You can't really call them celebs if no one's heard of them before.
Or he's familiar enough with chan culture that he knows what to say to "false-flag" autists into fulfilling his personal army request.
Also, please sage.
You too.
Well, look at it this way - either someone set up a twitter from 2013, with all of the information publicly available, a linked facebook, etc, to try to screw over some guy who works at Sherwin Williams, or the alt-kike has pulled enough massive faggots in that we're dealing with a massive faggot. It seems much more like the second to me.
Or OP doesn't actually own that account/he gained access of it somehow and all he did was point out the faggotry to you. Either way, if you want to waste your time doxxing some random faggot instead of antifa, go ahead.
You seriously think this place isn't full of "normies"?
posting in legendary thread
You should be happy that there are actual people willing to put a face to things you yourself agree with.
You don't disagree with anything I was arguing with that bitch about. You're lashing out at me for having cringey "normie" shit like what? A job and friends and embarrassing photos?
I'm not out there "praising kek". I'm actually putting my ideas to practice.
You little proxy hopping coward.
There is literally nothing wrong with proxy hopping.
Good job faggot. Looks like I was right.
What the fuck are you smoking dude?
If my id changed it's because I left work and my phone went from a cellular ip to my home wifi.
You're seriously unhinged.
Is that what you took from that post?
Actually, fuck this thread and fuck these Holla Forums-friendly fuckers doxing this Kekistani bootlicker Meninist faggot.
You both are cancer. I hope you all die beheaded by both muslims and communists. Fucker was wrong to engage in twitterfights and Holla Forums as usual fucks over him for being a fucktard instead of fucking doing something useful like fucking spamming the cunt with actual socialism statistics.
But fuck this, I'm grabbing my popcorn and watch from here this weak as hell OP get doxxed and lose his job.
Again, you have two options. Post a picture of you saying you will stay on 4chan in your containment zone, or face the autism.
You literally said you were OP.
You already outed yourself. We aren't your personal army. Fuck off.
There is when it's to D/C a thread or defend yourself.
And you "accidentally" started defending yourself by agreeing with Anons that that would remove focus from you.
Good on ya, faggot.
Replied to myself, fucking pathetic. was meant for
Looks like he lives with his dad, Brian K Roe
How the fuck you btfoing anyone when she's saying she would pay for your dick tests
You didn't break shit 4cuck. This thread was a fucking waste of time.
Knock knock, faggot.
You realize instead of fucking with people like antifa you're wasting your time on someone who probably agrees with you on 90+% of the issues
You have an incredibly easy out. All I want is for you to have learned a lesson from this experience. A picture with "I will stay on 4chan" and a timestamp is all it takes for this to go no further.
Ignore the faggots in this thread OP. At least you're actually doing something. The fact that they would rather dox you instead of the feminist says they're Holla Forums cancer.
because the bitch is arguing in favor of making everyone else pay for her slutty behavior while attempting to paint herself as some kind of generous saint. But this faggot shill is doing his damnedest to scare people into not doing anything at all.
You're absolute cancer. Kill yourself.
Wrong house, that was his neighbor. Here he is.
You're just as much of a failure than OP.
lol they're going to think I'm "proxy hopping" and samefagging
No, I'm trying to scare people into not self-promoting over stupid bullshit on Holla Forums, you idiot. Do you want every thread on here to be "HAHA I BTFO'ED A FEMINIST WITH TWEETS."
Quality samefagging here.
Yeah you're right. That was pretty dumb. I get your point.
But you're being kind of weird about it.
Nice try, commie.
Is what makes me believe OP is actually a false flag fag, making this thin-veiled personal army here so spastic idiots dox him. The way he is confrontational and all the baiting, truly makes me believe OP just want that Grant normalfag doxed. OP might even be antifa or one of the e-celeb bitch's followers, imageboard savvy enough, seeking revenge. We all know antifa browses this board and shills here.
This. OP switched tactics to "no please don't dox me :^)))" after it was pointed out how suspicious it was that he didn't even care.
So just post the picture saying you'll stay on 4chan with a timestamp and my 'tism will be satisfied.
No, you're wasting your time doxing some random faggot over a tweet rather than doxing the feminist herself. Your priorities are pretty fucked.
You mean like this faggot?: While I agree you should have blurred out your name and made a better effort of your OP, at least you're willing to attach your identity to your twitter instead of hiding behind a troll account.
>>>/reddit/ is more your speed faggot.
Or maybe.
Just maybe.
There are people who agree and/or disagree with different outtakes in varying degrees of intensity.
And just maybe, ID-hoppers are actually different people talking. But that doesn't fit your mind's view, and hence you need to go back to your confortable point of view that everyone is OP and everyone sucks cocks =)
This is how I know you don't belong here.
Sorry OP, shills do this all the time and we're used to it. Nice try.
Also I'd like to point out that this guy who is clearly OP (413511), said .
All that's left is to discern by the context of his posts whether or not he actually wants this person doxxed, and then to do the exact opposite of what he wants.
That's okay buddy, everyone that conforms to a grammatical structure and talks remotely close to the people you hate are the people you hate.
I'm a shill for saying OP is a faggot who does stupid shit and for saying that socialism is a much bigger cancer than stupid twitter drama. That's fine.
Btw, how are your lemons doing? Did the $50 price hike on lemonades already happened in southern california yet?
Holy shit kid. Is this your first day on the internet? Certainly your first time to a chan.
Yeah actually nevermind, pretty sure OP is the guy who owns that twitter account. Antifa does not care enough about some cuckchan cuckservative faggot to go through all this effort to have US dox him.
Please, continue.
Please don't make me keep going, I don't want to wreck your life, I just want to know you got the message.
413511 isn't OP I don't think. I think OP is just a stupid normalfag who switched from PC to phone.
I want you to fuck your ass with a broomstick and go to your commie paradise where you fucking belong, scum. Dox whoever the fuck you want, I'm not going to rest until every single one of you bastards either go to your "BEST KOREA MUH NATSOC FAT KIM IS BEST LEADER OMG" or to fucking Venezuela to get your daily dose of marble-filled shotgun blasts.
Fucking lmao, looks like I struck a nerve.
Still think that isn't him?
it's getting juicy
It's easy to find a picture on the internet. What really scares the shit out of people is when you go there and take a picture in their house.
Yeah I do still think it isn't him. Just some dude with an obsessive hatred of communism, which is pretty normal.
Like I keep saying, I don't want to drive this poor bastard to suicide, I just want this to be a learning experience for him and the lurkers of why people used to feel scared posting on chans.
Why the fuck not?
I have 0 sympathy.
He's pretty fucking assmad though, and he's using typical kike deflection tactics. Plus he randomly switched from "Lol let's dox this faggot" to "FUCKING COMMIES REEEEEEE FUCK YOUR ASSHOLE WITH A BROOMSTICK FOR DOXXING THIS GUY".
How would you feel if your granny saw you dressed like this?
I agree OP gave up too much, but you terrified little faggots that always have to hide behind a proxy to post perfectly legal shit are never going to participate in any happening.
Okay, OP.
How about mandatory abortions for non-whites?
Nothing, just stop acting like an "intellectual".
The mods here are huge faggots but you need to fucking go.
I just want to make hatechan feared again. Also, OP has no reason to link all of his personal stuff to that twitter unless he wants to paint a target on his back. ANTIFA has a long history of home invasion attacks and such on people like him - more in Europe than here, but it's coming. Better some autist shoops his face onto gay porn and mails it to his grandma than ANTIFA cracks his skull with a hammer.
still whining about e-celebs? jesus christ. what happened to my board.
All valid points and noted, m8
is there anything more autistic than sage? who gives a damn fuck.
stop nigging up my board.
Factory reset, not power cycle, tardo
Yes. We have 44 UIDs here in this thread. 40 UIDs are OP switching proxies and the saviours of the white race are bragging about how they're so great they doxed a fucking normie who made a stupid thread. You can't get more autistic than that.
Pick one. It would help if you would stop BUMPING THE THREAD THAT YOU KEEP CALLING STUPID.
Make me.
I want you to go full autistic for as long as possible so everyone can see how fucking cancerous a socialist-friendly faggot can be.
I want you to keep outing yourself as a full fucking stupid retard who still thinks everyone is OP because you can't even give the shred of goodness in this retarded thread that this is a fucking normie bashing a nobody-celeb-with-retards-as-followers for being a fucking socialist.
You can't know good from bad. You're a liability. You need to go back.
are there any Holla Forumsacks left on Holla Forums? did they all go back to where they came from?
Still waiting for your proof that I'm OP, you fucking lefty faggot.
You're using obvious shill tactics. That's all the proof I need, you know, besides bumping this fucking slide thread repeatedly. Calling me a "socialist-friendly faggot" and doubleposting isn't going to distract from you getting doxxed.
You can't get more schizophrenic than this.
schizo here. tell me anything.
Oh geez, oh man.
No. Deportations instead.
Nigger listen to yourself talk, it's obvious you aren't from around here. Just apologize and fuck off, remember what happened to TRS.
The entitlement
I love it
Posting in epic bread
Who gave women the idea that their opinion matters?
bunkers now and forever or at least until those are niggered too
No its a mark of stupidity, I have zero respect for anyone using their real identity on social media.
Since I guess OP isn't interested in owning up to his mistake, we have to go forward.
Here's his mother.
Well, we are finally going forward now. Let's go, drop more.
I found a pic of OP on vacation
GJ btw. How much do you have to pay for insurance that is good over there?
It has become normal here too, I've had it my last two work places. Our health care system is prolly worse than in a struggling former Soviet republic or a war zone.
These send you to germany or the us if shit hits the fan, and you get to go to one of those few private clinics here, they can only do so much, but fix you up for minor shit in 1-2-3.
The company pays for it, so I dunno the cost
Fuck off cancerous cuck.
Oh and his mothers' maiden name is Christianson, if that's useful to anyone.
Fucking this was OP, again then fuck off to where you came from or reddit
Didn't check OP for fagottery, just … go!
I'm not sure you belong here either.
but seriously, always check the OP for faggotry, especially when the board is this slow
Has he found TRS yet?
Btfo. Nice job there
That's an odd way to name their facebergs, did they create them at the same time?
It's faceberg's default naming scheme if they don't pick a special name.
Is that new? I remember it being a number string, but then again it's been near a decade since I did anything with it.
It was about 6-8 years ago as I recall that they allowed custom names. Sorry for not saging my last reply.
Cucks and kikes
WHen she said the OTHER gender
Should have been like I thought there are more than two genders
Nigga, I only have two.
Well done for working out how to use google search you fucking quadraspaz
You're not BTFOing anybody. You've been on Twitter for 5 years and have 116 followers. I get >500 within a day of being banned from name recognition alone. And if you're account has lasted for 5 years you definitely aren't making waves.
This is true. A lot of fags talk about changing shit but don't post anywhere besides here. If you want to have an impact you have to go post on websites like Twitter.
The Gay Community?
You can't. Any impact that can be had, has been had. Anyone who's going to choose a side, has chosen a side. Nothing good will come of any of it. Watch what happens.
Ashes and Echoes