
How will she ever recover?

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too long, didn't watch

If this is actually a John Oliver segment attacking Jill Stein like the ops image suggests I'm gunna puke.

Probably for the best.

You better get your bucket.

reminder that john oliver has links to the clinton campaign

Lemme guess. She's an anti-vaxxer even though she is not, because it's okay to tell a few white lies if it helps Madame Secretary get her rightful coronation.

can someone tl;dr this for us? I don't really want to watch le 2016 man shit on lefties.

It's Her Turn

being in a bad 90s alternative rock band = disqualification

being a two faced neoliberal piece of shit with a penchant for war and backing foreign coups = I'm With Her

I thought Stein wanted to eliminate student debt by cutting the military budged, not with quantitative easing.

In fact, all Stein said in the clip was that banks had been saved with quantitative easing, which is true, since it's just a nice and somewhat obfuscated way of saying "give banks free money"


I can't believe these liberals fucking think quantitative easing works
Fuck John Oliver

first barnie and now this. truly le current year man cannot be stopped

Why is he such a bully.

Why does he want to split the left even more.

My sister actually sent me this video when I told her to vote for stein. Aaaah

Destroy him point by point and send it back. Make here too ashamed to every watch that filth ever again.


Jill Stein made the career-ending mistake of backing Donald Trump recently, because she's bought into the lies that Hillary wants to start WW3 and that keeps her "up at night." Jill has gone completely tinfoil.

Hillary does want WW3, are you slow?

I meant refute the video you gaf.

Thank you for correcting the record.

Is he right about quantitative easing?
Anyone know?

Nigga have you been keeping up with Wikileaks?

Wikileaks isn't a credible source.

10 cents have been deposed to your bank account.

but the HRC pr department is..



Mirror please?


go home CNN

John oliver is the proof that we have to exterminate liberals fisrt before facing the real porkys

yet another reason to not vote tbh. That being said, it's hard to get any more "bottom of the barrel" than John Oliver in terms of journalistic integrity. He's not a news source. His only job is to remind liberals that they are the least of all evils

how do we undermine Liberals without paving the way for rightists?

This. Can someone explain it?

Last I checked she caught up to Johnson at 12%. A little slow with your disinformation Oliver.

Wait wait, 12% among independents.

This guy turned in to one incredible fucking cocksucker after Stewart let him off the leash.

Can't watch the vid. Can someone tell us what he says about QE so I can answer?

Opinion disqualified.


Maybe he should explain how quantitative easing actually works if he wants to attack someone else for oversimplifying it.


I like Jill's vocals and her lyrics are good.

She and B████ should record an album together after the election.


Basically he says that the president doesn't have the authority to do QE, the federal reserve does.
Then he goes on to say that her interpretation that it canceled banks debts is false. It just sounds like hearsay, really.

she said it's a magic trick and the govt should do more QE to pay off student debt
he said it's not, it's very complicated and paying off SD would not be possible via QE as the fed is in charge of that and the fed must remain independent.

Holy shit, I need to listen to the whole thing

Her understanding of QE is non existent, his is only slightly better.

I'm pretty sure I've seen her specifically say this was her plan when she was interviewed on fox news

John Oliver is a known shill.

What is the American prog obsession with being lectured about how shit their country is from Brits, anyway?


In most of what I've seen, she seemed to indicate that she'd pay for most of her shit by cutting the military budget. I distinctly remember her campaign showing that half the federal discretionary budget was all military, with the implication that it was large enough to pay for most of her plans if most of it was cut.

are you too feckless to go on youtube and search for it yourself? he gave you all the pointers you need.

We like their funny accents


Has he never attacked Hillary?

not really.
Far from as harshly as he attacks other peoples

he just do the standard "she is an establishment candidate bla bla but she isn't as crazy as this guy atleast XD"

That's why I'm voting Jerry White

He did in youtube.com/watch?v=h1Lfd1aB9YI but he was desparate to make it clear "she's not as bad as he is guise!"

Notice how this 'John Oliver' didn't use an actual video of her performing because he knew people would be able to see her genuine love, talent, and dedication.


Does op know that the video isn't available in all territories?

You can't embed youtube videos on Holla Forums retard.


just what I'd expect from a primmie

Exactly embedding into the site.

whatever you have to tell yourself, bucko

This is just low. How blatant does this piece of shit need to get before people start noticing?




The bourgeoisie wants more money and more markets, he doesn't care about the world. The bourgeoisie is acting as if capitalism is going to continue after humanity is destroyed. Read Žižek.

J. Oliver is just tabloid shit. People read tabloids.

Not going to lie Jill is just your typical lib, but this critique by John is pretty cringe.

That's pretty much his entire schtick, comparing things to non-sequiturs and speaking loudly

I'm in love.

are you insane?

She compares to a magic trick using the magic of allegory. You know I think this is one of the most dishonest things I've seen him make.

that's incredibly accurate, actually.

It warms my heart that even you fags hate le current year man

Why wouldn't we hate right-wing reactionary liberals like him?

A flaming tire around his smug, rotten toothed neck would.


We probably hate liberals even more than you Holla Forumstards do


Right and left has to do with economics, familam.



If you are pro-capitalist you are right-wing. Mutualism, Social Democracy, and many other ideologies are not communist in the slightest but nonetheless fall under the umbrella of leftism.

I actually like Oliver's program. Sure, he's a neolib supporting the neolib status quo, but if you take that into consideration, the man's actually fun to watch, even if he often goes overboard with silly comparisons. His critiques concerning non-political issues and issues to his right are mostly on point, even if still pro-status quo, and he actually does dig pretty deep into the topics he presents, and the man has shown himself to be fully capable of applying analytical approach to politics — in his coverage of RNC, he exposed the idealistic core rightist philosophy; he actually went so far to the left there I was getting uneasy.
Still, that part with Stein saying it's a magic trick was so obviously taken out of context (her bloody intonation was perfect indication that she was mocking explanations for QE in regards to the bail out!), I can't believe that he actually reviewed the thing and still gave it green light. I hope he's paid enough to quench his conscience.

That part is obviously the conclusion or the opening to the segment in which he explained point by point what exactly was wrong with Trump. Sure, it's unfunny, but you're doing him a favour by quoting it out of context.

For all that I love the word, you're misusing it here. He's a conservative, not a reactionary.

The left can be both for and against guns, and you should see that interview with Barnie about open borders policy being a Koch brothers proposal.

le current year man is now hated by both the far left and the far right? great!


Reposting from the elections general:
This is not surprising sine last time, he undermined the potential corruption that was going on in the primaries, which was going to (and did) harm and assault on B████ ██████'s campaign and just used one article to say Oh, there no corruption going on because this one random news article clam that there no corruption without going any further in to detail and just stereotype B████ supporters as anger people, that gets mad when you disagree with them or tell them maybe there no corruption.
After this, i kinda lost trust in him; We are talking about the male baby for tim kaine, this shit wasn't, if was going to do it but when, and he did just that yesterday.

Also after when that video was posted, anons where referring to Hailley as Shilley, i kind of wanted to post and say/type goddamnit anons, stop encouraging him.

Are you pepe from the dubtrack? If so stop.

What a surprise.

Whoa bro come on now I feel like we can have some common ground here and you're just calling me a tard

I can see your point though. The current stock of basic bitch liberals are a fucking disgrace to their ideology.

This definitely happens but if you honestly think there's no ideological/factual basis in our beliefs you're doing yourself a disservice by strawmanning us

I can't believe that an actual fucking Nazi just said that.



Comrades, Gulag or just straight up execution?

Yes, your charts are facts.

Your conclusions drawn from those are not.

Literally the "triggered" reaction. Are you autismal or just funposting?

You're HOPING he's paid so much for smearing the Green party candidate that he no longer feels bad about it? That's the porkiest thing I've heard in my life!

I'm fresh from /liberty/ and I see that the difference in the level of intellectual development between the boards is minimal.

you need to go back

Minimal difference indeed.


Here a good response to his video .

Weakest bullshit ever from current year man.
If there was a sloppier hackjob done, I haven't seen it.

Wew lad.

she deserves it tbh, she's another weak candidate. all four are awful