Hitler and the "Nazis" were Occultists debunked in under 3 minutes
Hermetics,Esoterics, and /fringe/ GTFO.
We are Naturalists and live in reality.
Hitler and the "Nazis" were Occultists debunked in under 3 minutes
Hermetics,Esoterics, and /fringe/ GTFO.
We are Naturalists and live in reality.
Other urls found in this thread:
Alestor Crowley's child raping faggot druggy ass also mentioned.
Have a bump, seen a lot of /fringe/ shilling these past few days
Everyone larps NatSoc. Few of them know it.
Considering what Himmler was up to, I wonder if it wasn't really 'muh occult' that they were angry about, more that they were determined to not let Freemasonry etc. continue to operate in any shape and that they were fine with /fringe/-y type stuff so long as it was under the strict supervision of the party. They were trying a more subtle approach with Christianity what with the whole 'Positive' movement that ultimately failed.
Reminder that there's nothing wrong with Masonry.
tbh even if hitler was into all that esoteric stuff it would still be in his best interest to shut down all those old and outdated organizations that were simply leeching off of his movement instead of coming about on their own merrit; they would only hold things back. he was trying to start new and fresh. that type of thing is something that takes many many years to develop and must be done gradually and from the ground up, without the taint of the pre-hitler world or anything else
They took down more than Freemasonry. Watch the video.
Also "what Himmler was up to" why don't you read a fucking book
They were researching the human history and white civilizations that existed prior to known history. The jews obviously don't want that coming out.
He wasn't into it. It's degenerate. It's not proper research. It's just degenerate shit and a Jewish trick. Read a book
No you 14yr old chan historian. REAL academics in those days researched Aryan history. It wasn't outlawed back then.
Esoterics were just degenerate lies
Solutreans didn't just go to North America. Whites had multiple bronze age civilizations that were murdered by the kikes.
Christcucks can't stop lying. Perhaps worshipping a Jew turns you into a Jew spiritually. It is a known fact Esoterics, Hermetics and in general Aryan beliefs were well tolerated in the Third Reich. For fucks sake, many top Nazis wrote books about the subjects and about how they are superior to Christcuckoldry.
The organizations on the ban list were Jew organizations, no different from Jew run fake pagan cults of today for the sake of corrupting the real ones.
yes, they were in the process of learning and creating so much that if there were to be anything esoteric coming about, it would be from/integrating the stuff that was from the new discoveries of the nation, and they wouldnt want those natural truths to have competition with things that could be deemed irrelevant and likely not even beneficial to the country.
i think we may have different interpretations of what the word "esoteric" means, at least in this context. i do agree that he shouldnt have had allowed much focus on deliberate "esotericism", as the nation would move best without that focus. i'll definitely give that book a read though; it seems interesting
It is an objective truth that NSDAP intended to eradicate Christcuckoldry from German society over time.
Nothing esoteric here goy.
Nothing enrages the Christcuck more than the fact that National Socialism almost managed to save Europa from their Semitic cult (and other Semitic powers).
Almost the whole of those groups were Freemasons just packaged differently. Rosicrucians, Order of Saturn, and all of the ____ Rites for example.
Also, a book written by an enthusiastic Thule Society member doesn't exactly help your cause you retarded fuck. While although Hitler may have dissolved ties with the organization, the NSDAP was filled with many Thule members like Goering, Himmler, and Feder who shaped the party as much as the big man himself did. This thread is probably a slide anyways, unless you are just mad that someone from /fringe/ tricked your retarded ass into making a fool of yourself. Trying to pigeonhole anything esoteric into 'muh homosexual freemasons' just makes you look even more like an idiot.
Nothing spiritually ascending here goyim. The SS was just a paramilitary group, nothing like a knightly order.
Watch as this thread is shilled by the Freemason police and Jews who make the "nazi occult" TV shows.
This has nothing to do with it. It's about realism vs. degenerate esotercism and freemasonry and Hermetics
Youtube has a great video on it.
fake news
pagan tradition /=/ spiritually ascending
Spiritual-ism is a kike meme
Here's some really nice pussy youtu.be
They still shut down: Esoterics/Freemason/Hermetics………..NATIONAL SOCIALISM IS NATURALISM – NOT SUPERNATURAL
They still shut down: Esoterics/Freemason/Hermetics………..NATIONAL SOCIALISM IS NATURALISM – NOT SUPERNATURAL
You're a very confused man. You associate Esotericism and Hermetics with Freemasonry or Jewish propaganda lies about what they think is "Nazi Occultism".
Stop misusing the word Esoterics. National Socialists were Esotericists.
No you fucking retard, they did not "shut down Estoerics" because they were Esotericists. Esoterics is Naturalism also.
What they did was shut down Jewish black magic organizations.
You dont need to sperg so hard fam.
They shut down all the Esoteric degenerates.
National Socialism is Naturalism (and traditional German cultural memes) not Esoteric DEGENERATE Supernaturalism
When you get done shrieking like a redditor, why don't you take a break and read a book? I dunno, maybe The Culture of the Teutons by Vilhelm Gronbech so you understand what the big boys in this thread are talking about.
Fuck off, jew.
Not sure what the hell is going on in this thread but it sure smells like some kind of attempted consensus cracking.
Don't do that.
Natural reality is full of fringe strange and hidden (occult) aspects.
Listen anime nerd. You're a little boy. And the Reich symbols are not esoteric. they are traditional. Hence that book you couldn't understand.
Go back to /toys/ /cartoons/ /lolis/
National Socialism is Naturalism (and traditional German cultural memes) not Esoteric DEGENERATE Supernaturalism
Are you gay? You will be…
Get back to Holla Forums you utter faggot. Who put you up to this shilling. You can't even use the fucking word "esoteric" right. You're only here to dissuade people who aren't knowledgeable yet.
What rubbish. Why the esoteric symbols on the uniforms then, doofus?
That would be like saying:
Hitler and the "Nazis" were Scientists, debunked!
Of course Hitler believed in science. He also researched the occult, or he wouldn't have picked the Swastika as a symbol for his movement.
Research into the occult (hidden / forbidden knowledge) led Himmler and Hitler to unlock the hidden secrets of the Aryan Race.
Study of the occult isn't evil, it's just the study of that which has been hidden. Occult literally means "to hide". The Occult == The Hidden.
If you're a holocaust denier then you are an occultist by definition. Just because you study forbidden knowledge doesn't mean you keep it hidden and suppress others with it. Being a shitty elitist is not the same as being an occultist. Hitler believed that the ancient secrets of the occult should be made available to all.
Hitler was an occultist because he realized the history taught the world over is bullshit. A lie fabricated to suppress us:
He realized the rulers of Christianity were occultists who had hidden our past, but the true ancient Christianity was related to Aryans and "Pagans". The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal Christian fertility festivals honoring celestial events.
Hitler ordered Masonic Temples opened to the public so that the secrets could be revealed to the people. Such as these Aryan roots of Christian Symbolism:
Study of such is study of the occult. Himmler saw how study of the hidden truth of our world would empower the Aryan race which ruled the past ancient advanced civilizations, which absolutely did exist. It's not even questionable at this point.
Realists who want to live in reality must study the occult because modern history is bullshit, and doesn't even explain cities carved in stone, such as Malta's Star Forts, or the massive construction efforts that are now undersea:
The Occult Does.
OP is a consensus cracking masonic jew
Not only was the Third Reich esoteric,
it was also
a e s t h e t i c
This is true. Here's probably the most convincing compilation I've seen to suggest this. It would have been glorious, and may one day become so. NS was in alignment with the evolution and laws of life on this planet, and Christianity battles against it for its own ideal.
That third picture is pretty cringy to be honest.
What is this jewry?
Literally all of those organizations were part Jewish freemasonry.
OP's a faggot
Do you even know what "occult" means? It doesn't mean whatever new age faggotry you're accustomed to. It simple means hidden before the satanic homos turned it into something it isn't.
Congrats OP, this is the dumbest thread I have seen in a long while.
The existence of this thread infuriated a bunch of worthless faggots, so have a bump and a webm.
Interesting way of saying "shit, looks like we got proven wrong and had our argument destroyed by facts".
…have archaelogical evidence.
You forgot -
An excerpt from his speech at the cultural days in Nürnberg on the 6th of September 1938
A Sharp Refusal of Cultic Aberrations
>National Socialism is a cool and highly-reasoned approach to reality based upon the greatest of scientific knowledge and its spiritual expression. As we have opened the Volk’s heart to these teachings, and as we continue to do so at present, we have no desire of instilling in the Volk a mysticism that transcends the purpose and goals of our teachings.
>Above all, National Socialism is a Volk Movement in essence and under no circumstances a cult movement! Insofar as the enlightenment and registration of our Volk demands the use of certain methods, which by now have become part of its traditions, these methods are rooted in experience and realizations that were arrived at by exclusively pragmatic considerations. Hence it will be useful to make these methods part of our heritage at a later date. They have nothing to do with other borrowed methods or expressions derived from other viewpoints which have to this date constituted the essence of cults. For the National Socialist Movement is not a cult movement; rather, it is a volkisch and political teaching which grew exclusively out of the knowledge of race.
>This philosophy does not advocate mystic cults, but rather aims to cultivate and lead a Volk determined by its blood. [-] Therefore we do not have halls for cults, but halls for the Volk. Nor do we have places for worship, but places for assembly and squares for marches. We do not have cult sites, but sports arenas and play areas. And it is because of this that our assembly halls are not bathed in the mystical twilight of cult sites but rather are places of brightness and light of a beautiful and practical nature. In these halls, no cult rituals take place, they are exclusively the site of Volk rallies of the type which we conducted in the years of our struggle, which we have become accustomed to, and which we shall preserve in this manner.
>Hence the National Socialist Movement will not tolerate subversion by occult mystics in search of an afterlife. They are not National Socialists but something different, and in any event, they represent something that has nothing to do with us. Das Einschleichen mystisch veranlagter, okkulter Jenseitsforscher darf daher in der Bewegung nicht geduldet werden. Sie sind nicht Nationalsozialisten, sondern irgend etwas anderes, auf jeden Fall aber etwas, was mit uns nichts zu tun hat. At the heart of our program you will not find any mysterious presentiments, rather you will find succinct realization and hence open avowal. Since we place the sustenance and securing of a creature created by God at the center of this realization and avowal, we sustain God’s creation, and it is in this manner that we serve this will. We do not do so at a new cult site bathed in mysterious twilight, but rather, in the open, for the Lord to see.
>There were ages when twilight was the prerequisite for the propagation of certain teachings. In this day and age, however, light is the prerequisite if our work is to succeed. God have mercy on him who attempts to subvert our Movement and our State by insisting upon convoluted orders or introducing vague mystical elements to them. It suffices for this lack in clarity to be contained in words only.
Full speech in German
TL;DR: National Socialism is a doctrine of adherence to the truth of the natural world and its spiritual form in the mind of man. It stands firmly in the open, facing the shining sun, and is as such as a polar opposite of that which dwells in the secluded shadows. It is a doctrine of this world and not any mystic netherworld. If what you do can not be done out in the open sunlight for the world to see then get the fuck out.
I am /fringe/ though I maybe visit those boards four times a year. I completely agree with what Hitler did in shutting down those orders. They attract sociopaths and nurture degeneracy in those socipaths' followers. It says nothing of the value of personal study and training in the esoteric, but I accept the hardline stance of Hitler. Simple messages for simple people who as much the bedrock of NatSoc society as anyone else.
The unfortunate truth is that there are far more predators looking to take advantage of seekers than there are adepts willing to shepherd neophytes through all the deceptions, pitfalls and dangers of esoteric training.
To any others who feel some urge to defend /fringe/, I suggest you allow OP's message to be the dominant one. You should be telling the uninitiated that it all fake! This stuff is hidden from sight for much deeper reasons than historical religious or political persecution. If you don't understand this then you still have a long way to go.
No wonder nazi germany ended up having to persecute christcucks, you guys literaly can't stop lying and having cognitive dissonance to protect your religious jewish brainwashing. Your spirit is rotten to the very core, and your abrahamic view of the world is testament to that. Our race is far older than any of your semitic desert cults, and if you don't abandon them you will end up getting killed on behalf of a jew and his jew god yaweh. Make your choice.
Jesus Christ literaly means cuckold in gematria, btw. Every time a white bows down to their dead jew to pray, a semite has to hold his laugh, for he understands you are simply giving your spiritual power to yaweh so he can further the jews, at your expense.
Oy vey, goy
Anyways, if you had done any real research youd understand that modern white nations ARE Israelites of old, and those that call themselves, "jews" are just turkic-asian khazar punks who infiltrated the tribe of judah and mingled with the Babylonian/Assyrian pharisiacs.
Jesus, who was an actual Judean, wouldve been white. He also spoke truth about the so called Jews.
You are an ignorant, uneducated swine, sir.
Also, Jews HATE Christians and Jesus. Why would you think that they would constantly be trying to kill them if these same Christians are giving them power?
Fuck that, there are very real dangers out there which our folk can encounter unwittingly about which our ancestral religions used to warn people. Our folk must know of the true nature of reality once more, or else how can we expect them to reject the false paradigm that has been laid out over the past few thousand years?
Bullshit, if the Judeans were remnants of the Europoids who conquered Canaan, they'd have spoken an Indo-Aryan language instead of a Semitic language. Yeshua is just another Semitic deceiver and the cults surrounding him represent globalist cuckoldry in theory and Semitic domination in actuality.
Why are the Jews destroying the European nations that are giving them power? There is no logic to the actions of those subhumans, they are nothing more than evil incarnations.
Whatever dull retard came up with these argues like a genuine jude
Euro languages DESCEND from ancient aramaic and hebrew. Besides, migratory routes prove this. Unless you think its totally coincedental that modern euros descended from the caucus mountains around the same time the Assyrian empire was conquered by Babylon and the gimirans were pushed north.
This isnt to say that ALL whites are israelites, but all Israelites are white.
I know you dont understand. There is logic to their madness, it is essentially parasitism. They have a blood fued against whites/christians, which is why they want a one world order with a satanic religion and mixed race mongrel slaves. Christian whites are the only people that can stop them, and this fued is ancient running back to the days of Esau. These, "jews" are Edom.
Fuck no. The deranged, cowardly, backstabbing refuse described in the old testament is not white. The bible describes disgusting kikes and not aryans.
You got me intrigued, what is the "Oath of the Sword"?
This level of denial is utterly atrocious.
Now I know that you dont know jack.
It could have ONLY been white people doing that stuff. Scripture interprets the israelites as being white.
I dont know why you are adamant on white people being cave dwelling and fire dancing pagan weirdos when its obvious we just arent.
This is your brain on Cucktian Identity
Prove it wrong
Hebrew - Hibernian /Iberian. Modern Gaelic has undeniable Hebrew roots.
Sorry, I know youd rather be some blood drinking savage but we are children of the Living God.
Show me these "undeniable" word roots, and explain where the Basques fit in this schizophrenic made up timeline you are churning out here too.
Prove it true
sometimes Holla Forums makes me sad
Like I said, not all whites are israelites. However, look up the migratory routes. Modern Europe is derived from these tribes migrating into the continent. Funny how Europe was full of nomadic tribes and yet civilization really flourishes after these other tribes pop up.
Post the migratory routes, and post your undeniable roots too, and explain the Basques and also post a pic of your nose if you can even fit it in one picture you fucking yid.
You mean like gathering the foreskins of killed hosts up into piles to revel? Like pretending to be friendly travelers and then when a town welcomes you slit the throats of the people who let you in, once they turn their backs, instead of coming flying your flags and defeating them in upright combat?
Yeah, sounds exactly like aryians and not filthy kikes. Get the fuck out and take your kikery with you. You need to be fucking deranged to think anything in the old testament is in any way admirable.
top kek
Since when did Holla Forums become an individualist hub?
"It's not happening it's not true it's not happening – ignore all facts keep posting!"
Esoterics are no better than christcucks. No arguments. Just random occult pictures and pretending everything traditional is now esoteric.
Pure faggots.
If esoterics and occultists weren't low IQ mentally ill plebs, they would be STEM
nice webm, thanks.
Esoterics are the lower IQs here. They need a good excuse for avoiding reality so they don't have to confront themselves. That's why Evola died in his mom's basement with no children.
So then what do you believe to be reality? Are you a materialist?
Oh look the faggot OP came back
What is tradition? What is culture? None of this is esoteric
Masturbating to anime children and reading Evola in your sad depressive little world does not make you NatSoc…………………… Accusing 'Nazis' and TRADITIONAL GERMANIC SYMBOLISM of being aliens, occult, magical, or underground morlocks is THE TRICK OF THE JEW
This is not a Christcuck thread stop with the strawmans. It's just the fucking TRUTH!
==Become the Overman. And read a book:==
Stop creating a Strawman in the OP, user.
Material-ism doesn't exist. Like most -isms you have to be REALLY aware of the language manipulation.There is no duality in life. There is just life. And it's ending one minute at a time. Until you realize that someday you are going to die – truly realize – YOU ARE USELESS.
Cute way to dodge around the question, while talking about the manipulation of language.
It's magical thinking so it's hard for me to answer. I would have to deprogram you with like 5 more threads. If you had been lurking before this place changed, it would have been easy. Stay off /fringe/. And don't worry about MY beliefs. I'm not an e-celeb
All esoteric post-nazism is a Jewish trick. Magical thinking destroys the mind and character of a man.
S-stop using magic, goy!
oooooooooooh, edgy. Calm down there Jason Bateman, I'm so scared now.
All esoteric post-nazism is a Jewish trick. Magical thinking destroys the mind and character of a man.
You're trying to attack an user and avoid your own magical thinking
Why shouldn't I attack you? You bring nothing to the discussion.
Assuming that's an autopsy why take her eye out and put it in her mouth? Medical student humor?
I brought the entire discussion. It's my thread you stupid nigger. The video was made by the guy who made "The Greatest Story Never Told".
Real NatSoc isn't posting gore and anime and trying to create strawmen out of those they disagree with.
You're life is ending, user. This is it.
It's time to be afraid now, Shlomo. In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God.
Logos is from Heraclitus. That sentence you wrote was in Aramaic and means god speaking, not the LOGOS.
The Gospels misused the term but they were also written in Aramaic.
Old 4chan pics. If I remember right it was a Holla Forumstard who took them.
Ok which one of you niggers is being a goon?
It's hilarious that you would talk about strawmen as well, considering how you are treating the occult traditions which underlie the National Socialist ideology. Manipulating language and creating strawmen so you can denounce a certain viewpoint which doesn't even apply to the ideologies of which you speak.
All of you keep thinking like a Millennial faggots, that everything Academia did back then matches today, and the topics "esoteric hitlerists" use for their magical thinking and misdirection was always hidden in little group-think clubs.
It was REAL academic research back then. The esoterics just dumbed it down and made it undigested. That was the goal.
If that shit were real they would be killed and the books would be hidden in the Vatican somewhere.
Nope. It's not the way it use to be. Esoteric Hitlerism is a jewish trick to keep you smoking pot, meditating, and away from real high-level Academic research
he thinks he knows what "reality" is
Anyone who denies the existence of the arational; transrational; or irrational is a judeo-materialist fool.
lost causes
The white man is spiritual and memetic.
Don't know the specifics and I doubt there is much info online.
But short version is that it was based off of some kind of old pagan German ceremony.
We have two distinct systems in the brain that process information: the classical neuroaxonal network and the quantum-level microtubular network. The neuroaxonal network gives us the "perceptual-cognitive-symbolic" mode of perceiving the world , and the microtubular network offers a "direct-intuituve-nonlocal" mode. The perceptual-cognitive-symbolic mode dominates consciousness in the modern world ; information processed in the direct-intuitive-nonlocal mode is mostly filtered out.
So what are these two parts of the brain interacting with? You may ask. The information that we receive in the dimension of our senses (perceptual-cognitive-symbolic) is in the form of wave propagations in the electromagnetic spectrum and in the air. The information we receive in the underlying dimension (which is more fundamental) are propagations from the quantum level.
Have you ever been standing in a window hidden far above someone watching them as they are walking along the road and they suddenly look up at you after possibly feeling a chill? Or have you been the one looking up? You were interacting with the direct-intuitive-nonlocal dimension at the quantum level.
So what am I? You can say : I, a conscious human being, am not limited to my body. I am a matter-like system in the manifest dimension of the world, and a mind-like system in the deeper dimension. As a matter-like system I am my body, and I am ephemeral. But as a mind-like system I am my consciousness, and am part of the world's deep dimension. I am omnipresent and immortal, a nonlocal part of the infinite wholeness of the cosmos.
Now that you know this you can be more aware of reality, you will be able to explore the world in a new light and unlock 'meme magic' potential. In a sense Kek was indeed awakened as a huge group of people began to tap into this deeper dimension, no longer limiting themselves to the "perceptual-cognitive-symbolic" as if it were a prison of their own creation, for their consciousness.
Do you wonder why no one takes you seriously?
You're trying to talk down to your betters as if you had any substance to your ranting.
And the best way to understand that is through high level research with Academic training.
Not youtube
Not /fringe/
Not esoteric losers
STEM and real academic level HISTORY
Remember when you faggot thought Ancient Aryans were Ancient Aliens? Demoralization 101
Knowledge is a hierarchy, son. Fall back in line and lurk more.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you know
Keep living in a fantasy kids
Do you know who you're talking to right now? I've broken hundreds of smarter men than you.
You should read pic related.
I don't understand your purpose anyway. What are you trying to achieve here? You are frantically trying to get us to stop spiritual exploration?
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out you were a jewish rabbi
anally I'm sure
And there you go… Joe Rogan and his wee bros
Let's get down to brass tacks, then. Define "consciousness" for me, so we can agree on terms and begin a reasoned debate.
What are you even trying convey you stupid nigger?
* weed bros
Whites have always been superior to your race in sorcery, and I think that's at the core of why you hate us.
That even my smug posts are better than yours?
You brought up ancient aryans, not me
I sometimes have a hard time figuring out if we're dealing with dumb normal shills or moderately intelligent reverse-psychologists. Either way, the result is the same.
Get out you goon.
Yeah it's called science. Nice drawing faggot, lol!
lurk more. Don't post Graham he's the biggest joke on the planet, weed bro
I think he was trying to shame people for believing in ancient aliens instead of the Theosophical idea of the Aryan root race, you know, creating a strawman to attack.
Oh wait, he's just a true retard.
Itch with divine fire, heretic.
Aryan "root race". Another of Blavasky's scams. The same woman who invented the Table Reading for stupid rich people.
Arya actually means something historic – not magical thinking
Goy magic is the thing you fear most, isn't it Shlomo? When you're all alone, awake at nights, staring into the darkness… what you fear most is that the goyim are more powerful than you. That all the Kosher in the world can't out-match their drunken, sausage-eating heathenism. You know you're going to fail again just like your father did, just like your grandfather did, just like your great-grandfather did - and you're going into the oven just like him.
According to whom? Or rather, feel free to disprove any of the points Hancock discusses.
It's been done, user. Fuck catch up already.
So, I actually called you out into a reasoned debate, you might have coincidentally missed that. To begin a philosophical debate, we have to agree on terms. I'd like you to define "consciousness" although I may rebut so that we can begin a logical and intelligent conversation.
So, you can't post ANYTHING of substance?
I didn't save that shit. You want me to disprove the Zietguised film too?
The most he's said so far is
I think he's closer to atheist redditor than subversive jew
I can't even keep up with you shills at the moment. What was your question, Harry?
"Make your choice, adventrous stranger
strike the bell and bide the danger.
Or wonder til it drives you mad
what would have followed if you had."
Joe Rogan as said it was fake too. He got sucked up in it.
No, I asked you to back up your assertion that Hancock is a joke. Just that, which you can't seem to do.
Why even bother posting?
I honestly think he is to stupid to that.
Now is the time for fear.
I fucking know, my man. Shills are useless for mental sparring. I've realized that pleb posters can do two and only two things: insult and demand. I'm not even going to go look through this thread, but aren't those the (((shills))) only two modes of communication?
I also noticed he's declined to even attempt to define consciousness, kek. I think he knows the uppercut's coming.
Just define an English word. Consciousness. Ignore the rest of the shills, I'm your opponent now.
Read Miguel Serrano, evola, savitri devi.
New shill technique — ask off topic questions and then demand you prove it in 15 seconds or less
Greatest Story Never Told is shill now too I guess
I can smell the desperation on you. This didn't go how you thought it was going to, did it?
Desperation? Being asked 20 different questions and demanding instant answers is the reason you have ADHD.
Products of the public school system
Your smug a shit.
You can only be a kike. No one else goes full circle quite the way you oven dodgers do.
I specifically said that it was the OLD GERMAN Academics pre-WW2 when this research wasn't outlawed. And I said this because you think it was all hidden in cocksucking little esoteric clubs. They weren't the researchers. They were the low IQ weirdos taking it too far
If you can't read
You can't think for yourself.
Go play Nintendo
Dude you can barely compose a sentence. You sound incoherent as shit.
You faggots are arguing about Magic, holy fuck if 8ch mods aren't corrupt and all the newfags aren't dick suckers. Go read a shit load of books, take a walk in nature, get to know your ancestors and your country folk, get off the computer for awhile, go work out, go practice a relevant skill, go read more books, go work out some more, go do anything else then lurk on the click bait shit stain that has become 8ch Holla Forums.
Have a nice day.
It's called ADHD and you got it bad. Learn to read slower and stay off youtube/fringe/wikipedia/blogs for awhile. Stop demanding instant gratification or your life will always suck as bad as your smugs
Why don't you just respond to one? Your premise seemed to me to be that as a naturalist you are only concerned with material reality etc and nothing else matters beyond that. So an user asked you to define consciousness in an effort to get to some sort of substance and you can't or won't
You have yet to provide a single answer to questions directly related to the content of your posts. You're doing nothing but shitposting now that your original assertions have been challenged.
You not only don't know what I'm talking about, you don't even know what you're talking about at this point. You're just yelling a string of gibberish in hopes of intimidating me and making me back down. You have completely lost any intention of making sense, and are just trying to overwhelm me with grammar.
But guess what fucko? We Aryans have always been more powerful than you. Always.
Back to endchan.
We call that autism now
I already told you that the "materalist" meme isn't real language. It's propaganda and you ignored that
There is nothing Un-natural in nature. NOTHING
You don't have to believe that, but that is my answer without creating a whole new thread.
You're totally off topic
You're not Aryan Turkroach. And you're correct.
When you shitpost animes and go way off topic then you kill all discussion
I did my thesis on the philosophy of language. Guess what? Everyone understands what is meant when we talk about materialists, so it is "real" language, whatever kikery you mean by that. Is there such thing as fake language? What would we communicate with fake language do you think?
Ahha you fucking goon, reported.
Lurker coming in here. Please just define consciousness for everyone.
I am from betterthenyouchan
Keep up kike.
bullshit right there. This propaganda meme came from deconstructionist kikes and NeoPlatonist Freemasons who live in fantasy forms and take DMT.
It's deconstructionist language
If you want to call it that, then you're trapping yourself in their language.
Be warying of googling definitions and defining life that way
So endcuck?
You've already trapped yourself in my language, kike. That's what happened the moment you started posting on my board.
Is there a worldview more innately jewish than materialism or OP's "naturalism"
What could he possibly have to add to any human endeavor above milling shekels around?
Anything is better then kikechan, aka Holla Forums.
Consciousness is ego (self reflection)
Unconsciousness is anima/animus (parental gender genetics and social conditioning)
Subconscious instinct is ID
Higher consciousness is Superego (Patriarch culture, ethics, norms, langauge, science…)
Worthless endcuck.
Tell us more about how you don't understand our culture and don't belong here. I will literally troll you all night.
Stop being jealous that my smugs are better
Thinking that there's nothing more to the world than a collection of atoms in various formations and that the logical goal of life is collecting and controlling atoms is jewish yeah
Keep telling yourself that kike, your site is dying and the bots can only do so much.
I see "smug" is in your training handbook. Christ don't you realize you're arguing with someone who was a Holla Forumstard in 2005? I was posting "Hitler did nothing wrong" while your mother picked you up from elementary school because you shat your pants after eating too much glue. I am very nearly a god in comparison to you.
It's also Stoic
It's also Atomistic which is Pythagorean
I could go on, but you're already lost. Smoke your weed I dont care
It tried to banepost! It thinks it's people!
Tell me, what do you think of Tom Campbell's 'virtual reality' model of reality? I think it's really quite interesting, and it even solves a whole host of apparent physics paradoxes. It would totally suck if a bunch of genocidal National Socialists understood all that, am I right? All these obviously smarter-than-you Aryans would probably just reprogram a virtual reality, wouldn't you think? You would probably just be deleted, for all the right reasons. Also, do you have any interest in why all those high-ranking officials have been visiting the South Pole? Any at all? I could probably come up with a few reasons, right after I defined consciousness to you. But I doubt you'd understand, anyway. The only place this is going to go from here is bad to worse, my shillfriend. UUUU
Epistemology here, never stop postan
I can't call that in
Don't tell your friends.
Are you going to freak out and smug post before watch it and scream
2D will never be this subtle smug
It obviously can't help but to fail and be humiliated by it's obvious incompetence. Pretty sad all in all. Failing at infiltrating a hivemind, it doesn't sound particularly safe to the psyche.
*before I watch it
You seem more mad than smug m8
I mean, I'd be interested in the reasons you'd come up with for South Pole shenanigans to compare against my own laundry list.
You seem a little sad. Here's a REAL smug
It came here thinking that, of all the shills we have ever churned through, HE would be the hero who finally proved Holla Forums wrong and BTFOed us. How arrogant can you get? How many times must this fucking faggot have been called special growing up to think he could pick a fight with the Last Boss of the Internet and win?
Freemasonry = Jew
Oh this is still Holla Forums? I didn't recognize it with all the /fringe/
Nice digits, user
The swastika is the sign of Aryan spirituality, not judeo-materialism.
Coming back here to check those and drop off a real smug
You're not really this stupid are you? Why oh why would Hitler want to use the old patriotic Red/White/Black over the Weimar Gold/Red/Black? Man, can't think of any reason. Must be Freemasons.
it's "overthrow" you shitskin halfchanner, and he got preferential treatment because the judge was a patriot and Hitler gave an impassioned patriotic defense in the courtroom. All of this is well-documented and you are obviously a nigger.
Dunkirk was a mistake and he should have listened to von Manstein near the end, but you are implying he intended to ruin Germany, which is retarded.
I posted anime. Here have a double strawberry blond. no fap though you brave NatSoc warrior you. Uncle Crowely is watching!
Actually it's a perfect circle at all right angles indicting perfect and rotational order. Faggot
Just fuck off already you fucking goon.
Let me be the one retard to ask, but why keep or perpetuate the meme if you don't want what the memes bring? It seems that this would leave the door open to people saying "quit picking and choosing the parts you like"
Leftism requires a certain kind of self-hating narcissism. And not the useful kind
The idea of transforming the world into symbols is inherently meta-rational. Reason only plays a partial role in the emanation of the Aryan spiritual world. Some of it is pure ennoia - creative expression.
Where? Is that disgusting thing supposed to be anime?
Hes a goon, he fears it.
Jealous of my 3D smugs?
No it's perfectly rational
Because you're being unreasonable. It's the sign of a plebeian mind.
Now you sound like some artist hippie faggot. Creative expression is reasonable. It's just over your head maybe?
beauty is truth and truth is beauty
Behold the logos of a curse. Absorb it into yourself by reading. Since you came to hell a voluntary victim, let me show you the true powers of hell and brand them across your soul.
Half of what you post isn't even smug. Here's a reference for you.
I'm not going to do it here, but this has been my topic of research for the past couple of weeks.
Not smug at all. Here this is better. No fapping though le wizard
The video. I can see the timestamp, you clearly haven't watched it to completion.
I hope you're planning to report your findings, tease. Have you dug up anything "new" or narrowed the field from all the stuff attributed to the area? It just seems to me that we aren't going to get the truth until someone hikes out there with a livestream.
now you got to retake them all!!
Are you asking for more Dawson's Creek smugs?
Pure, unadulterated normalfag. You don't actually realize our memes have meaning and that we are a culture.
she doesn't even look smug, just that she has down syndrome
That is one ugly woman. What the fuck is with her face? How is that smug? Why are her eyes so downturned?
Goons fear the Dawson Creek smugs
Yeah mang, but this isn't the place for it. There's a lot of substance there and if I spend a fuckload of time explaining shit and/or fishing for sources, my autism will kick in. Let's agree to boast in the next thread that deals with the subject, and if it doesn't just appear I'll make one in a week or two.
Would you think contracts are more binding than oaths?
Her face is melting off to the sides, obviously
Sorry GOON.
Your oaths are eternally restored
You're not from here, go back to where you came from.
I don't think I have a smug smug enough for this smug feeling I'm feeling.
Are you sure you're not UCLA? You smell like someone who's taken an entire semester of classes before being let out to be traumatized by the guardian demons of the internet.
You're using language that you don't even understand.
Whatever they're paying you, it's too much.
Good luck getting a living wage with that resume.
Oh I do, goon. Have a little of mine.
Would a Gen Z post Dawson's Creek smugs?
You're laughing now, but you'll see these while you lie awake tonight trying to sleep.
Are you triggered, goon?
I'm still not getting that smug aura. 2d is just so much better at it. It's probably the simple lines able to distill the smug down to its essence.
And did you just learn the word
in this thread after everyone pointed out how much of a goon you are? You're throwing it around a bit much.
It's like a small child that learned its fifth word and won't stop repeating it. I wonder if they learned what "sage" means in training. even vintage western 2d can do smug in some cases
I agree with you. This thing has no idea what it's doing. It knows it's failed, the whole conversation just revolves around making fun of it, but this thing is just too dumb to admit defeat. It knows it's humiliated and that we're feeding off its energy, but it's too proud to admit an ancient culture defeated it on the culture's own turf.
You couldn't be more triggered and asshurt and trying to play it off as cool than Lowtax himself after he got OWNED by Uwe fucking Boll.
What the fuck is that first picture?
National Socialist celebrate beauty – not degenerate Holla Forums scare tactics.
I'll look forward to it since I've been wondering if there are "ayy lmao crashes," Aryan ruins, geomagnetic anomalies, or all of the above there. So much info which isn't even explicitly conflicting and such difficult location to send investigators.
National Socialists is plural, kike.
However, you are correct to be afraid.
Like is it his head with the helmet or what?
sound like you don't know smug about smug
Have some beauty, degenerate
Whatever you are trying to do you are terrible at it. You got completely BTFO on the subject that you tried to bring to Holla Forums and now are trying to save your ego on an imageboard
Putting "smug" in your filenames doesn't make your pictures smug.
It sure does, huh.
This shill is put off by gore. Post your silliest gore.
By all means, allow me to larp
I never do this, forgive me senpai onigai shimas
Sure about that? With your tired strategy of shitposting a great thread?
smug at sunset goon
The CIAniggers have been butthurt ever since we turned the "fake news" slur around on them. It was supposed to be the new conspiracy theory.
keep virtue signalling. I've out smugged all of you
It can't even talk without referencing stale memes.
That's pretty good tbh, I chuckled
what the fuck is wrong with the shape of her eyes?
That's every meme you've counter with
You're not on the cutting edge of smugness, goon
nigga, you just went full dodechahydro retard
saved. thanks user
I thought that quote came from a Sunday Express article published on September 28, not December.
You are so BTFO you can't perceive how BTFO you are.
You prefer blondes goon?
Tell me what time was this photo posted?
From a telemudvision show at that.
Would you prefer Brit/pol/ smug?
smug /britpol/ addition to trigger the goons
Truly the end is near.
Sorry I was too busy being SMUG as FUCK MATE
You know that we have a culture here, right? That we can actually tell when someone sticks out like a sore thumb? That your memes have no foundation in our local context, that your work is entirely falling on deaf ears, and that the only reason I'm engaging with you at all is to laugh at how badly socialized you are. You get that right?
Not smug enough
Yeah totally trying to blend in with you mu/pol/ beta males. hahahahahahaha
Feeling smug yet LAD?
fuck off, nigger.
I think this is the new shills tbh. They seem like people who got a semester of training and thought that made them memelords. They've never actually faced action before and they have no idea how or why we've developed the culture we have. Once again, their jewish owners have sent babes into memetic artillery fire with no thought given to the mental or physical health of their golems.
Don't give them so much credit Holla Forums fag.
Most of you have contributed nothing to the culture here over the years. Now I'm just smugging you out, Boyo
Whom do you think will really shoot first? It won't be you, you effeminate retard.
Fuck off you worthless shill.
Smug you, Lad
You still think anyone but you thinks you're winning. Like antifa, you don't understand that you're chewing on your own testicles until you actually taste them.
haha, loser
YFW you will never be this smug with your dad. It must hurt, user… to hate Patriarchy this much.
Shit thread tbh fam.
just a few dozen more and I can have a good laff
Someone archive this.
Freemasons and /fringe/ fear Dawson's Creek smugs
Jesus do you not belong.
No one belongs here, kid.
No, just you.
I didn't actually imply that at all.
Now you just went mega retard. Sun worship is not Satan worship. Sun worship is Aryan as fuck. And the war was lost not on purpose, but due to some mistakes and overwhelming amount of enemies.
They tolerated and promoted Esoterics and the occult that focused on making our earthly lives better. Just not the kind of retarded mysticism focused on the afterlife, this includes Christcuckoldry where you must act like a cuckold your entire life on earth so that you can get to "Heaven".
Holy shit you're actually retarded lol.
Our languages are far older than Semitic languages. Absolutely nothing of ours descends from them.
This is your brain on Christcuckoldry
Yup, clear case of a fake NatSoc.
watch video in OP.
checkmate motherfucker
Anyone who is not a material nihilist is not a true natsoc!
Anyone who isn't a spiritual esoteric who faps to weeb porn isn't natsoc!
I've seen it years ago, it's nothing new, everyone on Holla Forums has seen it years ago when it was first released.
It in no way proves OPs D&C lie that the Nazis were against Esoterics or Mysticism. The list of banned organizations are merely kike controlled organizations, not actual Druidic rings and what not. Druids and all that were perfectly tolerated in the Third Reich.
Druids were specifically banned and it said so. You never watched it. You're just a creepy drug addict
Now I know who you are
This. It's laughable that the Jewish OP and his fellow shills think they can trick us into becoming purely materialist capitalists. Such a way of thinking is entirely opposite to the spirituality of National Socialism.
I already said I've seen it years ago and so has everyone else here. It's not some kind of fucking new discovery OP made, in fact OP proved himself a newfag by posting the video and thinking people here have not seen it. And no the list does not say druids were banned. It says kike organizations pretending to be druids were banned.
Your jig is up Shlomo.
Christianity has been hijacked by the Jew for 800 years. Don't call modern Christianity the kind Jesus taught.
This thread needs to be taken out back.
More delusions? You need a little smug in your life, clear that right up.
And you lied
Christcuckoldry was invented by a group of Jews, you realize that? Jesus and all of his disciples were literally kikes, genetically and mentally. The most likely explanation for Christcuckoldry is that even in the first place it was invented by a group of Jews for the purpose of subverting Roman (white) civilization and weakening it from within with the cuck teachings like "turn your other cheek".
Well would you look at that, it worked. It made Rome weak against foreign threats and made the empire crumble.
Modern Christcuckoldry is in fact 100% the kind that Jesus taught: the greatest Jewish psy-op of all time.
Cucktianity has been about Jews since its founder, the Semite Yeshua, started preaching in the tradition of Semitic tribal monotheism. Cucktianity can never be anything other than "hijacked by the Jew."
Tell me more about your New Age, Oprah.
It's been some months since I triggered a Jewish shill this bad. This is fun!
It's more than fun, Spiritual New Age fag, it's smuggly.
Here have a Dawson's Creek smug
I can confirm, the fatty is the biggest faggot ever.
Is this the esoteric hitlerism thread? Why do I see people replying to shills? I thought Serranoites could identify shills easily.
Do you not see that OP himself is a shill, then? He's trying to denounce Esoteric Hitlerism.
Which came after Hitler and he would of shut the fuck down like he did to all of you sick little twerps. All that aliens and occult shit comes from the Jews and degenerates feeding off of National Socialism like Evola's pathetic neet childless mom's basement dwelling ass.
Smug posting never felt soooooooo good, mate.
You need more smug obivously
Incorrect, Nazis practiced Esoterics
They didn't shut it down though lol you fucking retard.
*would have
What are you, an elementary school drop out?
Aliens have nothing to do with Esoterics. What a pathetic strawman argument from you Jews! Trying to associate "muh aliens" with Esoterics so that you can trick Aryans into becoming materialists
Yup, you're a Jew all right. 100% confirmed finally.
Your Semitic nature is radiating so strongly
This is a legitimate question to whomever is reading this. Forgive my poor reading comprehension but can somebody spoonfeed me about the National Socialists and their beliefs in terms of the following. I do not know what to believe anymore. All the sources are either skewed, biased or point to nothing of any value. I specifically wish to understand the following. (Before you tell me to lurk more, I became a 8ch refugee with the first exodus and was hoping guys from the old times when Holla Forums had a good discourse of information and brotherly bants with sufficient info. Forgive the personal blog or being asked to be spoonfed like a faggot but would really really appreciate clarity on the following.
Were they or were they not occult in nature? You see, in many cases, the source says Hitler was a Christian Catholic, in others they say he was a spiritualist that took the greenpill. Honestly don't know what to believe and OP's post does nothing but add more confusion to everything. Not trying be a shill… Just trying to genuinely learn things from an objective point of view.
Actually, user, Aryans worshiped the stars and solar worship was a later, Semitic (probably) influence
That's a Roman gesture for drawing attention, and has also been used in Christian iconography as a sign of benediction.
Anime is not inherently a Holla Forums attribute.
Holla Forums is for the discussion of politics, anime discussion can happen elsewhere
this argument only applied to cuckchan. 8ch was not created specifically for anime; besides, again, /a/ was not Holla Forums
one hell of a forced consensus. began with the whole supposed Holla Forums raids shit (which were mostly just simple trolling ala stormweenies and the like), but got escalated into this massive conspiracy against the board which somehow involved SA and a host of other shit. it almost seems like the whole thing was shilled
wonders it has done for its people. the men are becoming ultra-betaNEETS, the country is in economic hell, etc.
not to mention the fact that most of the people who watch the shit in the west are into some retardedly degenerate shit (/d/, for instance)
tl;dr anime/waifuposting/"smugging" has gotten almost as cancerous as furfagging used to be before the Exodus. zero content, just trash shitposting. this kills the board.
On a side note
t. lurker
State monopoly, simple.
I can try to answer some, but not all, with what little I know on the topics.
Absolutely 110% in favor. The entire idea was to build a "new man", both physically and psychologically. This "new man" would thus be the Ubermensch, not only Aryan but something wholly beyond it.
The Roman salute was actually an adoption from Mussolini. Mussolini was noted for being somewhat of a germophobe and hating physical contact with people, and he chose the most stylistically and historically best way to do so. Let it be noted that Metaxas of Greece and various other European fascist movements likewise used the Roman salute.
Officially disbanded and superseded by its more successful political arm, the DAP. Opinions here were mixed, because many within the Party were ex-Thule members. I have no doubt in my mind that Hitler picked some things up from them, but also that he ultimately did not much care for their general approach and proclivity for ridiculous mysticism and the like. Which leads me to
Nonetheless, the Thule people got a lot of their wishes with scientific expeditions hosted by the Ahnenerbe. These, however, proved largely useless (if you want to trust mainstream facts on the matter). From what I know, the expeditions to Tibet basically raped their budget and from that point on it played second fiddle to arms expenditures and infra projects. Kind of like NASA today.
Depends on who you ask. Even during the 30's, people gave him shit for being named Schiklgruber. It's possible, to be sure. But I don't think there's any good evidence on the matter outside some David Icke tier stuff. Generally, ancestry that deep into his family line becomes muddy. Could be a mischling, but so was Emil Maurice and he was not only in the SS, but also Hitler's personal chauffeur.
Hitler put on a Christian face for the plebs, but hated it from a doctrinal perspective - much as most Holla Forumsacks do. It's a useful tool of social control and it often correlates to (admittedly, basic bitch) conservatism, but he recognized the need for its eventual elimination with the faith of his people (namely, Germanic paganism). That said, as mentioned previously, he held deep disdain for many Thule-era pagans for being impotent and more concerned about spiritual mysticism than fixing the country. He would have disliked Evola. Goebbels, on the other hand…
No he shut them down – see video
Check mate mother fucker!
Triggered much by my fucking SMUG!?
Here is some more.
Dawson Creek smugs triggers goons, user
It was going on for 100yrs before Thule.
Study of the occult (hidden knowledge / secreted away artifacts) led Himmler to the truth about the ancient Aryan Kings of a prior advanced civilization.
Through legend, local explorations, and excursions around Europe it became apparent that the ancients were more technologically advanced than academic history admits.
Revisiting existing old structures with modern or "medieval" construction revealed much was built atop far older ruins. Technical advancement was evident when examining the engineering required to create the catacombs and "minotaur" labyrinths, or massive 20+ story under ground complexes were built. Inexplicable stone carved ruins indicated some mechanical means no one knew of, or perhaps an energy device melted / soften stone. Such processes were used to build entire cities, as seen all over Europe, e.g. in the Star Shaped forts of Malta:
Other construction indicated the ability pour stone into forms. It seems the ancients could use basalt and granite like we do concrete. Some of the ancient legends, having been given more legitimacy through such discoveries, were reexamined and gave plausibility to the existence of ancient technology being energy weapons.
The official story is that the expeditions did not discover any ancient super weapon technologies, with which Hitler may have won the war. However, we can't really be sure.
At the very least we can see that it wasn't crazy for Hitler to allocate funds for such expeditions as they may have yielded practical results. The municipal benefit alone would be huge even if they had only discovered the ancient Aryan methods for shaping cities from stone as if it were clay. Imagine being able to create bunkers anywhere by burrowing through bedrock like butter, or build fortifications from something like cement that becomes granite.
The occult is a blanket term for all extraordinary knowledge that's not mainstream and which is shrouded in mystery. Many mystical pursuits were frowned upon, but the occult is not only concerned with mystics. Hitler disbanded secret orders, opened Freemasonic lodges to the public, and publicly shamed them in propaganda as Jewish conspirators (after a period of amnesty to leave / drop masonic ties). Masonic rites were performed publicly in demonstrations to inform the public what was going on in lodges, and the relics and ancient manuscripts were confiscated. Some masonic artifacts were put on public display. Hitler didn't outlaw the occult, he outlawed secrecy, and it was once again publicly acceptable to practice ancient pagan mystic ceremonies.
Propaganda would have you believe that Hitler chose the swastika by chance, but that's not true. He picked an ancient symbol known to occultists as a universal symbol of peace and good luck which had the potential to unite each nation under the banner of fighting against the parasitic scourge who suppresses us and has stolen the birthright of all the world's peoples.
Goons fear the Dawson's Creek Smug – must keep goons out of conversation! Must protect Holla Forums culture!
This had been going on for 100yrs before Himmler. You got this from youtube.
Again false. It was a symbol in his church, it was popular in German art. He was an artist.
False… More (((History))) channel propaganda.
no… DNA guy said no and Alex Jones types said yes, so he had to come out and say NO again – long story short.
This is refuting the claim that Nazis are a cult. And admits the use and cultivation of practical magical traditions:
Ah, but it's allowed to have nonsubversive occult (hidden) practices made public which aid in search of transcending the self, such as by the aforementioned "enlightenment". What is frowned on most is occulting (hiding) the practices, and elitist cults of mysticism.
I can almost hear it: "But user, mysticism is bullshit and not pragmatic or scientific!" Much of it is woo, but not all of it. Some is incredibly powerful, pragmatic and has a scientifically verifiable basis for existence. Himmler realized this.
The mystical side of the occult was researched extensively by the Nazis as much of lesser magic is concerned with propaganda and influencing the subconscious of others. It's masked in mystical rituals and fantasy, but there is much truth to some mystic and esoteric tradition. One example: The psychology of shape, color, contrast, symbolism and repetition are ancient parts of the occult.
Another example: Everyone dreams. A student of certain magics can harness the power of dreams. It seems that traditional pagan volk and ancient Aryans did partake of psychoactive substances, and engage in dream related magics. A hallucination is merely a waking dream. Those who have sleep paralysis dream while waking:
The adept practitioner can summon this state at will. This offers a direct gateway for the conscious mind to interface with the subconscious. Those who suffer from hallucinations could be taught to dispel them and cast protective wards against their demons through use of certain magical rituals. Do you see how this language is coached in mysticism but refers to real phenomena and practical endeavors?
An adept can summon adrenalin for strength or endurance through endorphins or increase production of regenerative growth hormones at will. You need not know what a growth hormone or endorphin or adrenalin is in order to gain superhuman abilities through harnessing the full potential of your subconscious. That is what some esoteric and mystical rituals do, they are the science of the mind, masked in symbolism geared for the subconscious. Such was indeed researched by the Nazis, as its use could more than create super soldiers. Unfortunately it takes many years to train up adepts, so the practice would have to be slowly normalized into society and taught in schools or religious institutions as a legitimate subject before being reliably useful militarily.
Who is it that reminds you, out of the blue sometimes hours later, of the thing that was on the tip of your tongue and you had forgot? Your mind was working that whole time…but you had not told it to. What if your brain is idle the rest of the time? A magician can put their idle mind to work. A master can invoke their own essence and summon a spirit, literally the stuff of dreams, and task it with a chore, such as: Find the TV remote; Or, identify a face out of a pile of pictures; Or remind you after a time has passed; Or alert you if it hears something.
You know the face, but can't remember it. You know where you left the remote, but can't remember it. Your subconscious can be hyper vigilant while your conscious mind is calm and focused on another task. The spectral entity allows you to bypass the barrier between your conscious and subconscious, and is then dispelled once the spell is complete. The sorcerer must be careful to properly banish the spirit lest it haunt them. For most people such magic actually works better if they don't think of the specifics of how it really works.
Such magic can be very useful and practical, but can also be very dangerous and many wizards are driven mad. There are other dangerous forces that attack careless practitioners… However, there's really nothing anti-scientific about such mystical or esoteric practices. The occult encompasses much depth which science has not plumbed. Your rulers would not risk empowering you thereby, they'd rather magic remain secret / occulted. They attract powerful minds through controlling access to ancient wisdoms. Rulers want you dumb and powerless, and thus feed you a false history and lies about magic. Himmler realized this. If Nazis had won the war, we may already have had practical magical skills taught in school.
Mathematics was before Hitler! Hitler didn't practice Mathematics!
This is what you sound like. Fuck off shill.
(((History Channel))) propaganda. Ignore the science, ignore the historical research, ignore everything and talk about "subconscious, adepts, shapes and colors and psychoactive blah blah blah blah" What a FUCKING LOSER. All your knowledge comes from the Jewtube.
Aryan research isn't "esoteric" and wasn't started with Thule or Himmler, lol, you pathetic loser neet.
Go ride your tiger.
You're an idiotic shill trying to redefine the word "esoteric".
es·o·ter·ic - adjective
intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
"esoteric philosophical debates"
synonyms: abstruse, obscure, arcane, recherché, rarefied, recondite, abstract; enigmatic, inscrutable, cryptic, Delphic; complex, complicated, incomprehensible, opaque, impenetrable, mysterious
"in attendance were more than 50 antiques dealers brimming with esoteric knowledge"
I never said they started it.
Hitler didn't invent painting, but he studied art and made paintings. If I had said that Nazis used art, would your bullshit argument be "Nazis didn't start art!"
Fuck off kike, you've revealed yourself already.
Hitler having closed masonic lodges and other occultist organizations doesn't mean he didn't form his own occult circles, which he not only tolerated but encouraged (see: Thule Group, Black Sun symbolism etc). A new power, its standing having been so weak in the world until then, must not only destroy its enemies' cohesion but must also invent an ideological standpoint by which it will attract its former enemies and turn them to allies.
That's the same reason the newfound Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich) of the past had an intellectual and ideological justification richer than the Byzantine empire's, since the latter simply didn't need one; they already were established masters of their lands for centuries.
So what about the Vril society?
This is legitimately the weirdest case of avatarfag shilling I have seen. But at least you are courteous enough to admit you are a Semite and a shill, because no one from here would avatarfag.
Yes, obviously this is the truth, but the kikes like 10d41c are panicking and not thinking their shill strategies through very clearly. He thinks he has been able to fool even a single Holla Forumsack with this ridiculous attempt at redefining words.
No it means very specifically loser neets like you and freemason degenerates. Maybe if we lived in Galileo's time it would be different, but now it's called Science.
What idiot? There is NOTHING ESOTERIC OR OBSCURE ABOUT ARYAN RESEARCH IN THE 18-1900s. You're too stupid to get that or are you too attached to your voo doo anime doll/pillow?
That's exactly what it means. Thule didn't invent or bring in ANY OF THAT. NO MORE JEWTUBE FOR YOU!
And that's why you should read books BY THEM, not post-Hitler larping esoterics. Those books are in this thread but you just decided to comment instead because you're sooo wise with your blog-asphere youtube wikipedia education, lol.
shut down and ran out of town.
Don't be rude. You might hurt my feelings, goon.
Sounds like you need to do that reading part, bud. Your 'knowledge' is trash. Here, have what's basically an audiobook because I can't expect your monkeybrain to handle an actual book.
I really wish these memes would stop, why pretend to be a natsoc when you havent even read any books on the subject?
Why are you here? Because its what the mainstream media paints as bad these days so you came here to live out some edgy larping?
I'm the one who posted that in this thread you fucking idiot. You just skipped around looking for an argument?
That ENTIRE BOOK speaks out against esoterics.
Can you read or do you just get high and keep youtube videos while you facebook your wizard gaming friends?
Because they're attacking it. I remember Hitler was a Satanist and had Alien tech for decades being spewed by TV and books. This is just the chan version
Sure it does. It scorns subhuman Etruscan and kike esoterics but praises Germanic ones instead.
No… It praises tradition – not hidden obscured occultists – but ancestral worship and naturalism which lead to modern science – a love of life not delusions (druggy Etruscan cults).
So close, user… so close
Can you? I didnt respond to you. I posted as a reminder in hopes that the people here who obviously havent read anything by actual natsocs of the time or other good books shouldnt really talk about what is and what is not.
I didn't mean you… That's why I answered your post here
Tbh we agree but used different meanings for 'esoteric'.
I think the kike finally lost his mind.
Funny how not a single person in this thread is claiming those things you lie that they claim. How much are you getting paid for this garbage tier shilling? Your boss must be mad at you.
In other words, Esoterics. That is literally what Esoterics is you retard.
Yes, because 10d41c is a Jew who is trying to gaslight everyone in this thread into believing Esoterics means something else than what it actually means. He is trying to brainwash everyone into thinking it means "hurrr aliens", because he is getting paid to do this.
You've already seen enough proof that he is a shill, he keeps avatarfagging.
That's not what it means in any respects. You just use it to mean like "the dao" or something abstract you can attach to anything you think is cool.
I bet you hang out in comic book stores and define stories as "esoteric in meaning" to strangers walking in until the manager tells you to fuck off
I was only doing that because of the smug mod who tries to derail shit you cry baby.
Why don't you just say science or philosophy and stop trying to fit in with weebs and /fringe/ neets? Say you "do esoteric research" to a normal person and they will think you're being a wiccan.
Yes let's drag all the esoterics and hermetics into the mix of the freemasons. That way they'll never understand how jews condition the world!
You're a fucking shill.
Watch the video. They shut down all the Hermetic orders you lazy bitch
I'm not going to bother, because you specifically D&C between natsocs and people who think esoterically/hermetically about things.
They shut down illicit shadow government organisations. Not hermetics. But of course you just had to call them "hermetics" like the projecting fucking kike you are.
Then fuck right off. End of discussion.
yes "hermetic orders"
Lastly, science does not fucking explain shit.
How dare you say to people here "in order to be natsoc, you must ignore god."
>>>Holla Forums
Go be a pinball wizard some place else.
Of course you won't understand what this means because you are a blind communist fedora tipper.
Hermeticism in itself is not by default locked into orders and secret societies. In all honesty it doesn't really sound like you know what you are talking about
"shadow societies"
Hermetic orders are ALL philosophical societies, religions, even science and math.
Use the correct definition then you fucking retard.
He's a fucking avatar faggot.
Clearly a fucking shill.
Esotericism can be turned into science. It isn't a science by itself. It definitely is philosophy, but naming it like that gives little information about its nature. It's philosophy that is banned and rejected by the kike establishment, preserved by the few (usually a closely-knit group deemed as a cultural 'elite' among their peers).
If I did I wouldn't be here discussing with you right now. I've also been to /fringe/ only twice in my life.
Say you "believe your people deserve the nation they fought for" to a normal person and they will think you're a Nazifascistbigotwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Who gives a fuck about either. Your PR-cucking can suck my dick.
I wrote this meme for you sad pathetic lost hermetic plebs:
Watch the video or fuck right off
You are so fucking dumb that I feel dumber actually looking through this thread
Then I've proved my point, user. It wasn't banned. Aryan research was NOT banned in Germany at the time. It was not esoteric.
does you pussy hurt?
reminder that christcucks are dog fucking mongrels
European languages originate from Sanskrit
It was explained you dumb fuck
Aryan research and esotericism predated NatSoc Germany, it wasn't created out of the latter. Now, the thing is that the Weimar republic didn't allow or encourage this kind of talk, it therefore being reduced to esoteric.
You are making me laugh now please continue
Aryan research and philosophy* for argument's sake.
I said that like 50 times.
False. It was mainstream all over the world. FACT. You really just made that up. Aryan history and Nietzscheian like philosophy was not banned. It is not esoteric. What was banned was violent political parties.
I said that like 50 times.
False. It was mainstream all over the world. FACT. You really just made that up. Aryan history and Nietzscheian like philosophy was not banned. It is not esoteric. What was banned was violent political parties.
therefor NOT esoteric
Yeah, totally my man. I also didn't speak of the entire globe but specifically Weimar, which pertains to our discussion.
If you did a minimum amount of research you would see that Jews actually love what you are saying. Why? it favours the destruction of the real enemy of the jews: Christ.
So you are basically allied with the Jews. Congratz.
However, the point is that Jesus did not follow the Jewish God Yahew. He followed El Elyon, the All High God. The God with power over good and evil. Yahew is the same as Baal, and all his names. That's why Jesus called them Jews the followers of your father (not "my" father.. but your father) the devil, and then started conscecrating their temple and they fled like bats in a cave.
In other words, he was so fucking powerful they had to kill him. Like anyone in history that stands up agaisnt them.
No. Even the jews know it and in their fucking books Jesus appears as the "Man who follos the God of Melchezedek, the All High God" aka, not Yahew.
But enough basic theology today. Watch out who you shill for, you might actually be pariticipaiting in the destruction of Europe in process of desecrating the Temple.
And by the way, most real christians that know the truth of Jesus, are more based than you, because, they fucking hate the jews that killed God.
And meanwhile, you are debasing them. Good for Jew. I mean, good for you… Which, is the same.
Good Job Scholmo. Take the sword of truth and start casting jews away. Or stay a Scholomo.
Science i a mechanical philosophy. A way of thinking about the world around us.
In the past a "potion" would be a "magical elixir" of sorts.
Now we've just relabled that same elixir as "hydrogen chloride" or whatever.
Basically, science is the modern form and interpretation of old esoteric "magic".
The memes still develop the same way generally, but the development is far more in-depth and has a far larger library of knowledge behind it.
To ignore the possible occult is to ignore potential real useful knowledge that can be a proper tool in this universe.
It might be a misrepresentation of a more macroscopic nature of the universe at work.
This is why communism is cancer. It makes you deaf, dumb, blind and a slave to the machine with no individuality. It ignores the chaotic and largely unknown nature of the universe. The pages cover the ceiling user.
Open your fucking eyes and stop being an autistic blind puppy.
Science is a mere scratch on the surface. A library of charms that is highly influential in our universe and creates pragmatic, observable changes to our environment.
Science is simply the best "magic" we have yet. The most powerful. The most effective.
But there are never-ending possibilities. Or curious misrepresentations of a phenomena that can be better explained in another way.
It's a matter of perspective.
So when you attack esoterics, you attack the very thing that separates us from fucking ants.
It is user. It cannot stray from esoteric thought.
It is literally esotericism.
You don't understand how all encompassing that term is. The esoteric practice is in everything we do today.
So you're saying 100+ years of research that was all over the Western world and was done in Academic Institutions is esoteric because the Weimar banned something? That's not esoteric. That's grasping at straws
It's science now. Esoteric now is for druggies and pathetic neets and anti-NatSoc propaganda by Jews and weirdos attaching their stupid shit opinions to it like Evola
You're an idiot. Watch the video I posted:
It explains how the basis of modern historical narrative – Scalegerian's history which does did not question Christian dogma – is bogus. An, alternate history of the Aryan and other races was considered esoteric then and is still considered esoteric today.
This embed goes into more detail about the rewriting of history during the Reformation.
Any other history, while scientific, is indeed considered esoteric – being understood by a small group.
Such esoteric studies formed the basis for Hitler and Himmler's realization that an Aryan race once ruled many lands, having brought them civilization. This hatred of rulers is the basis for the Jewish desire to destroy the Aryan bloodline.
It doesn't get any more esoteric than that.
Yah-Ha-Vey , or "Yahew" = "I am that I am". It's the name Moses was told by the burning bush. It's not "only for Jews and Jesus is for whites!".
Are you consciously trying to be retarded? I'm talking specifically about how that knowledge was deemed as in Weimar, not the whole world. I know which state it was at in the world, but I'm trying to argue over your meaning of esotericism here, that's why I picked Weimar as an example. If you don't want to discuss that, fine. Getting tired of this shit.
I'm not watching your pathetic youtube education you sad low IQ neet. The fucking research was being done publicly for a century.
Bullshit it was common knowledge being studied in Universities and only banned after WW2. THEREFOR NOT ESOTERIC
I know because you argue like a woman. You know you're wrong and need to fit in some abstraction and hold onto it for dear life in order to be right. It's just not true. It wasn't esoteric at all. Weimar was a short time and not the center of the world
That is just the wording of the translation, which I find is a bit misleading which is why I included the German.
Hitler said
which more literally means
Researcher is the literal translation of Forscher but in English the most accurate word in this context is probably explorer.
Jenseit simple means beyond, across, on the other/far side. When used as a noun as in this case it best translates to The Beyond becasue it's equally as multifaceted as the English word and can refer to otherworld, netherworld, afterlife, the next world, etc, be it spiritual or demonic. It can also refer to the future (as in saying the world beyond tomorrow) but that's of course not what he meant.
Basically Hitler says that the bulk of /fringe/ goes in the garbage as anything that is outside the natural world does not belong in movement. I would say nearly all of /fringe/ but one can make the argument that Hitler loved mystically inclined occult explorers of the present in his movement, or occult explorers of the beyond who are not mystically inclined and so on. I find those kinds of arguments silly but I can't point anyone to any text that explicitly rules that notion out with the limited knowledge I have.
Splitting the post because the shit settings on this board.
Post continued.
So where do we end up? I'm going to go on a tangent from now on so I'm not implying this is a counterargument to anything you said or anything.
Where we end up from my point of view is in an argument of semantics. Strictly speaking the colour bands on a transistor is esoteric for anyone who is vaguely familiar with electrical components but cant read them. If someone has never reflected on the fact that the resistors have bands on them that knowledge to them is truly occult. If you want to go further and completely disassemble language and make it useless everything esoteric is occult as it is in some way hidden, and everything a person doesn't know is occult.
So what did the National Socialists think and what would they do today? Did they for example intend everyone should be forced to learn every sort of marking of every sort of goods or component? Probably not. Does that mean they supported the establishing of occult knowledge? If you want to be a faggot about it the answer is yes, but then you have gone to a point where language is meaningless. As such they hyper-literal interpretation is pointless to even debate as basically everything becomes occult to most people.
That then leaves us with a (within reason) verbatim meanings of the words and they ways they are used in daily language. What did Hitler mean when he said occult? Did he mean every little bit of knowledge a person doesn't know or did he mean it in the colloquial sense where it basically refers to all things /fringe/? It's pretty clear he meant the latter and was talking about people preoccupied with the realms of spirits and demons. That then takes care of the National Socialist view on witchcraft, superstitious practices and everything "new age".
That then leaves us with the more verbatim meanings of occult and esoteric, as many people in the thread seem to want to used, and how they exist in the natural world. What of them?
The National Socialists acted in every instance drag everything they could reach out into the sunlight and exposing it to the world, be it what went on in jewish brothels, jewish art houses or jewish lodges. In their writings they make countless allusions to science, fact, truth, nature, light and the sight of the creator. They made frequent use of symbolism , yes, but for example Hitler clearly explains in Mein Kampf that the swastika in the flag signifies the struggle of the Aryan man and his creative force, a writing that was readily distributed among the German people. It was not, as would be the case among the freemasons, a hidden meaning only given to those who have traveled deeply enough into the secluded shadows because the National Socialists wanted people to know the meaning of the symbols to strengthen their spirits. There is power in understanding the meaning of things and the National Socialists wanted power for their beloved people, not a secluded circle of initiates.
As such I can only conclude that the National Socialists in their practice were in firm opposition to things that are in their nature occult and esoteric. There was indeed a great interest in things occult, but it only went so far as to learn what things existed that had yet to be brought out into the light of day, or in other words what things needed to be made to SEIZE to be occult. National Socialism in its being is opposed to hidden meanings, hidden rites, hidden truths, hidden history and hidden societies becasue it stands out in the open and weds its followers to the light of the creator and ask them to pick up symbols not of hidden meaning but of his divine light.
Himmler was definetly a neo pagan
Fucking this!
Hidden knowledge is only hidden until you ponder it.
You're saying "ignore it".
You're making it hidden.
I don't even. Is this a new shill tactic?
Oh it is.
Sage this fucking thread you retards.
This is like that other thread where the guy was literally:
Might just be an autist.
None of them do
Not descended from, but there may be slight Phoenician influence.
No language is completely distinct from another. There will always be memetic residue from a neighboring language to the point that all world's languages have some form of residue that is common.
AAYdolf HitLMAOr
forgot to sage woops
Prove this. You can't because it's bullshit.
There was not and is not now a University course which teaches that ancient Aryans built the Star Forts of Malta, or laid the megalithic foundations of temples in South America.
That is esoteric knowledge then as it is today.
Nazis researched every avenue of creating the New Man.
Here is a scientific explanation of how some "mysticism" works.
That is /fringe/ as fuck, but it is practical and is not new-age. It has to do with learning how to harness the natural abilities of the human mind and body.
Basically National Socialists would have applied science to mysticism. Separated the woo from the useful bits.
This is in fact esoteric wisdom and occult and mysticism, and it was studied.
However, Hitler did not believe such knowledge should remain mystical and useless, secreted away in elite cults.
If you're going to create Superman (ubermensch) you can't neglect the mind. And if you begin researching powers of the mind – which Nazis did – then you're going to be reinventing the wheel for thousands of years, or else you're going to read a few books on practical magic that already exist…
Given that National Socialism is "efficient socialism" according to Hitler. It doesn't make much sense to ignore the ancient historical records even if they are shrouded in mysticism.
In truth, Hitler would not have gave the green light for excursions to discover relics if National Socialists were not researching the occult.
The occult is relative, as you've so painstakingly reasoned out. That which is hidden today can become widely known tomorrow. That which is widely known today can become occulted (hidden) tomorrow.
Esoteric is that which is arcane, not necessarily mystic. However,
The problem I have with people like you is that they haven't the foggiest idea of what they're talking about when they say "everything /fringe/".
You're saying that learning how to control heart rate, and produce on demand adrenalin, dopamine, endorphins, and etc. natural chemicals is something Nazis would not have researched? That's bullshit.
The mind is concerned with signal processing. Symbolism is the key to the subconscious. If I take a jagged high contrast low saturation shape and put it in the corner of your vision and move it slightly but quickly you will look at that shit real fast, and you'll get a tiny bump of adrenalin. If I instead used a lower contrast image that has rounded edges and move it slowly you'll ignore it. This is part of the occult. It depends on signals that are processed subconsciously by the primitive mind.
Nazis ate that shit up, and if you don't know that then you haven't researched enough. The proof is in the pudding.
Note that the training on how to bring conscious control over that adrenalin production is considered a "mystical ritual", because you don't just sit down and read a scientific book on it. Science is censored. And the mystical method plays into the imagination which is an essential component of interfacing with the subconscious mind.
There is not a single government which publishes 100% of its policy openly. Nazis are no different. The books they published are not 100% complete policy stance of the National Socialists. They researched anything they thought could give them a leg up in the war – even weird shit like the possibility that ancient technology may exist. As embed related demonstrates is the possibility anyone with eyeballs will admit, and which this post mentions:
Research of such alternative history is indeed esoteric, and is found in the occult. We know that Nazis researched such sites. It would be foolish for a military to publish a public book talking about secret weapon's research. It would also be foolish for the conquerers to reveal any such research. It is esoteric and /fringe/ as fuck to study the ancient history and technology of the world, which left civilization's mark on the bottom of the fucking oceans:
If National Socialists dismissed "all things /fringe/" the Nazis wouldn't have spent so much researching /fringe/ subject matter.
TL;DR: You're just being ignorant. Overly selective in some definitions, and overly selective in others. Some of what you're labeling "mystical" is really just the science of the mind, which has been around since before science was called alchemy.
they also build UFOs and were hollow earthers.
Pic 1are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
Admiral Byrd, who led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole". I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread
the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?
Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot
(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found
Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
Even entire cities saw them
Some of them even simply deactivated our nukes
The question is who is in those UFOs? I will come to this a bit later.
The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.
Pic 2is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:
forgot the link of the transcript of the interview with wilhelm landig
So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.
The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.
Pic Related
The plans were recovered by allied forces
There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting into the inner earth. Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative
I'm just joking. It's obvious that OP is either severely autistic, or a shill.
There's still room to turn this into an esoteric hitlerist thread, however.
Why did OP make a (shill) thread, just to try and shut it down?
There is the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) which tries to find out wether there is a hole on the north pole or not. I didnt look into this much yet, but there are rumors about it being canceled twice due to sudden deaths of the leading expeditioner. This is what i could find so far
so if you plan an expedition, its probably better to not announce it bigly
pic 2 and 3 are made from a submarine in 1971 in arctic waters
The whole point of my argument was to identify how much water your worthless definition held. No, scratch that, your whole stream of thought is pathetic beyond reason.
Only one of those three is a sect (allegedly infiltrated and turned into crypto-Synagogues during the centuries), the others two are metaphysical research and knowledge.
Wrong, the both are opposite practices. The first being the "hiding" of knowledge from either good and evil purposes, and the second being the insightful study of all things natural (leading inevitably to metaphysical knowledge hence knowledge of all that is natural).
Once again, OP is a humongous, titanic, colossal, illiterate faggot.
That is the title of the speech. The speech itself deals with far more topics that in the end serve to support that argument.
There is nothing magical about it. They are derived from what best serves to act on the instincts of man and unify the movement. Hitler discusses the topic in depth in Mein Kampf and does so in psychological terms, not magical ones.
Subversion is not mentioned in the German. He really says sneaking in or stealing in. That is also a very dishonest way of reasoning; Hitler says he doesn't like filthy murderers so that means he likes cleanly ones.
I don't think anyone has any problem with this. That is essentially science which is the act of destroying the occult. When the National Socialists open the lodges and dragged their filth into light they ceased to be occult.
What you are doing is essentially like confusing disease with medicine. Since the practice of medicine nearly always involves disease and the National Socialists embraced medicine you are making the mistake of thinking they embraced disease. They didn't, its just that their pursuit of a healthy people meant they constantly had to deal with them.
If jewish masons have taken a historically important artifact and hidden it in their lodge the act of retrieving it from there does not mean you are embracing lodges, just becasue you explored the lodge and embrace what was found in the lodge. In the same way you can seek to retrieve the factual truth that is the underlying cause of a an occult superstition while at the same time rejecting the occult. Frankly it demands it since you by your action will have destroyed the justification for the occult belief.
No. That is like calling a brew containing urine and dead rats scientific because it also contains an actually active ingredient. Only when you deconstruct it and remove everything that does not contains a curing agent can it be called scientific.
It is not magic and people calling it such are precisely those that Hitler warned against in this speech; those who will not strip out the fact to be measured under the cold hard light of science but prefer it remain occult in a draping of magicks.
There is, becasue it attributes effects to the wrong causes and settles as a tradition to pass these falsehoods on becasue of the appeal of their suggestive aesthetics instead of seeking the actual truth beneath them. It is as such the very opposite of science.
No, becasue they would not be considered magical but physiological and treated in the same way you use medicine as the foundation for how to properly temper your muscles, bones and ligaments.
I'm saying it's an umbrella term for bad researh and anti-NatoSoc propaganda that creates false history and social retards
Ugly fag posters like this just drop into a thread, ignore all the contents and think they're saying something that hasn't already been argued. Really shitty fucking people here these days.
Let's just never read their books and talk about this stupid fucking (((History channel))) nonesense
Nice to see you made it to this thread, agartha user. Wouldnt surprise me if the mods lock this thread after your posts.
Heres a gif of the ice cloud formations over Antarctica for your troubles. Remind you of anything?
I didn't think of that connection, color me surprised.
Yes; destructive interference of propagating radio waves.
Guess the shape of them is pure coincidence, right?
Are you going against /fringe/ and /asatru/? Because they share the same board owner. There is no difference between LARPagans and esoteric gnostic cucks. They are united to one cause: oppose Christianity.
Of course not. If you have waves radiating out from a central point of course you are going to see patterns of circles, spirals and vectors if you have interference and resonance phenomena.
These alphabetniggers are really trying hard, aren't they?
What if they just want to make friends at this point?
Getting real sick of this shitty thread still being up. Here, now the mods will delete it out of fear.
well, i now moved to /bant/ where there is hardly anyone interested.
made a discord about this. so far only me in it. but hopefully we can get some researchgroup going and can put pieces together. was usually against it, but now that they basically (((shut it down))) i had no other option
password is
Holla Forumsisalwaysright
These runes are meaningless, used wrongly too
Lona thiore voman vinuth lonath
baked spelling can occur.. ugh why did I do this, oh shit steak
Do they think they have his eye, the one he gave for his wisdom to Mímir?
Holy fuck this whole post reads so incredibly shilly and illiterate.
This is your mind on cognitive dissonance
So, optical illusions. I don't see how this couldn't have been incorporated into scientific thought (and it probably is already). I don't see what the big deal..
Oh no, it's retarded.
P.S. to board vols: implement some kind of post editing. This shit is atrocious.
Did you all know that great Patton was actually a closet heathen? He rightfully believed in that the valkyries chose from the best to come and fight in Valhalla til Ragnarök.
So when his men got shell shocked, he always smacked wits into them and sent them back out there to see what faith the norns 3 had decided for him. Sadly he died in 45 in a car accident in Berlin, but still there are exception for entry, and he surely must qualify. The great man. The warrior. The redpilled. The heathen.
patton was based. some people rumored trump would be his reincarnation
Cheers I lost my patton folder.
Yeah he was based as it could get, we just learned here that he believed in the old norse religion, and my damn he acted on it, something which explains and tells me a lot of his character unknown to me.
He was utter fearless, that is absolutely no fear. He believed it was decided for him when to fall, and war drew him
not so unfamiliar
So many other things, but my damn what a great man
How would the physics of a planet with holes at the poles work?
I may disagree with /fringe/fags, but I will take them over a literal Jew religion any day.
i imagine it to be like pic related. now it would usually collapse under its own mass and gravity, however there is something called the hutchison effect.
This is effecting matter, from what i got from it, through electro magnetic vibrations, and deforms metal, and lets objects levitate, even ones that arent magnetic or metallic. the inner sun, said to exist inside the earth, could cause this effect naturally and kind of lock the earths crust in its position around it. inside the earth an user mentioned the gravitational force would be uniform into all directions and thus basically nonexistant. however that hutchison effect might as well effect humans and hold them on the inner side of the surface
Now according to mainstream science the inner sun would be far too small to get the fusion started. however what if stars, or at least our sun isnt what we are told it is
when it really is some giant ball of plasma, what is that UFO doing there? i doubt the plasma it can take would be hot long enough to be usefull as energysource or for heating, so what is it doing there? this could hint towards the nature of our sun being something else than we are told.
furthermore faking the physics behind it wouldnt be too difficult. You give the scientist the assumption that our planet as well as the others are just solid balls, and our sun is a giant ball of plasma, and they figure out the (((physics))) behind it out themselves and formulate wrong laws based on wrong assumptions.
who gives the information about all the star and planets and what they are? its NASA and a handfull of other spaceagencies which all are shady as fuck. they would just have to give some wrong sourceinformation while everyone who works on different assumptions will be called a lunatic even though their assumptions are just as baseless.
here is one example of how (((scientist))) react to a new discovery falsefying the previous model
There's a whole lot of other space agencies that can corroborate their findings
Interesting. Why would the space agencies of two nations that dislike each other (NK and US, PRC and US, Iran and US, USSR and US, etc.) all suddenly be in on this conspiracy? It's easy political points to claim that the opposing team didn't have their shit right (as the KGB tried to do in the 70's with shilling the moon landings being a hoax)
maybe they arent as opposed to each other as we thought. russia is kissing jew ass, china, which basically supported hillary which is a jewshill thus also seems to kiss jew ass, as does the US, europe, and about every other country. now if they controll about everything already, then why would they need so many conflicts still if they could just silently merge and basically noone would care as everyone is just too distracted with their reality TV. maybe because there is an outside force whichs technology is far more superior than theirs and thus they need some conflict to have some excuse to put a lot of money into the development of weapons in hopes of catching up one day with the others, with the nazis
I really can't accept this explanation. Humanity has shown again and again to care more about retarded petty squabbles than being at this ubermeta level you describe. Consider the Byzantine Empire in its death throes before the Ottoman takeover. Not for one minute did they seriously band together against the Turks, they would rather have their endless civil wars and hope to use the growing Turk threat as attack dogs in petty squabbles.
Furthermore, MIC spending would become a lot easier to justify if they revealed the existence of super-advanced enemies, wouldn't it?
Shit just doesn't stand up to Occam's Razor to me.
but also panic would break out when the "evil nazis" are suddenly back with technology decades if not centuries ahead of ours.
also they said they destroyed the nazis 70 years ago. how would they explain that they are still there without losing all credibillitiy? and i didnt mean to say they banded together because of this, but rather the jews already did controll them, but now acts as if they were opposed to each other to justify that spending.
they probably currently cant do anything right now either. In general with UFO sighting people often report their technology stuff malfuncteioning. cameras dont work suddenly, cars break down, watches stop etc. I read about them just disabling weaponssystem from fighting jets, and there is this about just disabling nukes.
some account even stated a UFO hovered over the silos where the nuclear missiles stored, suddenly all the system fire up, silos open, and just when they were ready to launch all the nukes they turned off everything again. So if you wonder why there are never good pictures or footage of them, this is probably the reason
so if they can just disable the weaponssystem of basically everything known to us, what much could (((they))) do against the nazis.
if you ask why the nazis would be so advanced, a lot of the myths regarding hollow earth state that there are already civilizations inside the earth, those possibly were the ones mentioned in , and thus had a bit more time to develope than we had.
this is from what allegedly is admiral byrds diary. havent looked too much into it so cant say for sure its real, but many people do believe it is:
If they are that advanced, why would they not just come back and finish World War II?
what are they supposed to do? come here, attack the governments of all worlds to then be seen as aggressor and attacked by the very people they want to help having to fight those too?
unless people get redpilled about the state of the world, realize that the rulers are the evil right now and decide this has to stop there is nothing really they can do i guess except for waiting that one day people realize that indeed hitler did nothing wrong
look at what was done to trump. he was out there in the open, talked directly to the people, and yet (((they))) twisted him to be some evil menace in the peoples eyes. also how do you know they arent trying to redpill people in the shadows. maybe they shill on Holla Forums even redpilling us. look at the alternative media talking about the widespread corruption but are always seen as fake news, or racist or whatever. now imagine you try to tell some guy "hey, the nazis are actually nice guys" when they completely swallowed the WW2 propaganda on your own. now try to do that when every statement you make gets (((debunked))) by a mass of media in return enforcing the old worldview. thats pretty much an impossible task. same would happen when the nazis come and try to BTFO the kikes. they could shut down the media, but then it would just seem as they want to silence it so noone learns the truth about them. the only way i see we can safe the world is redpilling people, wether there are nazis in antarctica or not.
If, from what you say, they can effectively EMP all relevant military electronics, then it wouldn't be much of a fight at all. They'd roll in, disable all of our fancy toys, and the "war" would largely be over.
but still they would have to opress the people who would com with pitchforks and torches if needed. and why save someone who doesnt even want to be saved?
I've given a detailed example of a magic that is what people practice as magic, but which you're saying is non magical.
You're mincing words, trying to pigeonhole magic into only fake and gay woo shit, when magic contains expanded forms of the scientific method, and all science descends from magic. Science, Philosophy, Psychology, and Propaganda, are all merely small subsets of a greater and older thing called Magic.
Let's take the ancient Magical art of Alchemy from which Chemistry is derived. Both these share the root word Chem or Khem. Khem being the black land – Egypt, named such for its fertile soil, Notably, rich in the ingredients alchemists and chemists require, not just for agriculture. Alchemy contains the magic of transmutation – transforming the leaden lower self into the golden higher self, yielding conscious control over the lower mind. Alchemy also teaches how to transmute the minds of others from one state into another. It also uses chemistry as an allegory and mnemonic for many of these principals, and teaches useful chemical processes in the process, kek.
Did you know that Newton was first and foremost an Alchemist and only dabbled in Science comparatively? Newton's Laws of Motion are actually just a rephrasing of the ancient Alchemical Law of Equivalent Exchange – which is a holy trinity: A Physical Law upon which thermodynamics and motion laws are based, A Spiritual Law describing the energy consumed in creating change, and a Philosophical axiom applicable to epistemology and ethics.
When you use the Laws of Motion in physics, conservation of energy or angular velocity, etc. you're still using the Magic of Alchemy whether you realize it or not. You are aware that it was Aryans who brought Alchemy to Egypt, aren't you? Just because you don't choose to categorize such science as Magic does not mean it is not Magic. Being descended from Magical thought, rigorous scientific study only serves to flesh out and verify subsets of the magical tradition – not refute it. Magic and Science are only at odds in the minds of those enchanted by a spell which blinds them to such truths.
There is much hidden knowledge in Magic that science remains ignorant of. How long did the masses wait before an occultist and alchemist named Isaac Newton came along and gave them the Laws of Motion which existed in Alchemy since time immemorial? If you knew how much more "science" exists in the Magical arts waiting to be brought out of the occult – a potential Himmler clearly realized – then you would understand my argument.
Another fallacious false equivalence. The scientific method allows for crude approximations to be called science. Anyway, you're concentrating on the bullshit Hollywood version of magic, even though I have explained in detail one practical application of magic.
You fail to understand that it has been empirically proven that some "science of the mind" magics are better applied when a fantasy is embraced. Imagination is a hell of a tool. For example: An acolyte may at first be told that a certain sharp high contrast sigil will invoke fear, this may help them believe it is so during the ritualistic application of the sigil to the borders of their sight in a spoopy setting – this is designed to maximize their potential for learning the skill. Having mastered the production of adrenalin and invocation of hyper vigilance in this way, the initiate will be graduated to the next level: They will be told in detail how it is that these things work. They will realize then that it was right not to explain this in full before hand, and understand why certain things remain occulted, locked behind a key of allegory or riddle. There is a science of the mind in Magic that you are failing to grasp, and thus you wrongly characterize Magic using memes that were purposefully created to disguise the truth and misinform you.
Wrong. I've given an example where a science of mind would prescribe occultism and mysticism / ritual / fantasy. Occultism is itself a science. Heard of Cryptography? Again pigeonholing a term: occultist to mean only that small understanding which you imagine it as.
Occultists are not only ones who hide knowledge, but also merely those immersed in study of hidden knowledge. One may be schooled in the esoteric art of identifying resistor color codes without delving into the occult. But when one researches the occult one becomes an occultist because occultism includes not only the practice of hiding knowledge but also how to reveal what is hidden. One can only discover certain incredibly esoteric truths by understanding and practicing occultism.
The occult also teaches how to reveal that which is hidden in nature by Gods. Some methods of revelation are considered Magical, e.g., the Trivium. This science of the mind anchors education to logical analysis, and is a key to unlock the Quadrivium and higher schools of magic. The synthesis of the Trivium relies an Alchemical Magic Holy Trinity. E.g., Past present future, ghost father sun, grammar logic grammar rhetoric, input processing output, etc.
The method constructing such systems, and the universal truth behind their workings is detailed in Alchemy. You can try to call it something other than Magic – maybe Cybernetics – But that doesn't make it non magical, and magical principals will still apply. Indeed, emergent processes in cybernetics were predicted in ancient antiquity by the known generative energy of such a holy trinity. Such "science" is a Magical gift to you from practicing sorcerers.
Hitler practiced such occulted magic in the 3rd Reich to make the Reich's socialism efficient. It was how he was able to rejuvenate the economy so quickly (cybernetics being part of the magic of organizations and organisms). Any adept of such Magic will plainly recognize its fingerprints. Later, this ancient wisdom would be dumbed down and doled out to the masses by Norbert Wiener in 1948 when he dubbed Cybernetics as "the scientific study of control and communication in the animal and the machine." That is precisely what what a great deal of Magic is all about. Ceremonial rituals being an example thereof. Indeed, the Magic of ceremony and ritual was applied extensively in the 3rd Reich.
It's silly to let Hollywood define your terms. It seems you're trying portray all magic as Disney's "magic", a fantasy. It would be like trying to debunk my description of functional aircrafts or submarines by claiming that '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' and 'Around the World in 80 Days' are fictional bullshit /fringe/ crap. Imagine that these fictional works are all you ever knew about regarding the [spell] craft of water and air – Imagine you had never heard of a real submarine or aircraft before. And so you would say, "Hitler had nothing to do with undersea vessels and dirigibles because that's /fringe/ shit."
Now, you know damn well that aircraft and submarines exist, it's not fringe. There are working practical examples of such things. I am saying that there are also real, working, practical examples of Aryan Folk Magic, and a vast amount exists in the occult. You're continuing to say that "National Socialists didn't study such magic!" Well, I'm sorry, but submarines and airplanes and magic do exist – as easy as it may be for you to believe otherwise without foreknowledge of them yourself, this is really the truth.
I'm agreeing with your surface level premise, but expanding understanding of it by providing greater context, and thus explaining the truth of the expanded view. Some Magic which was very clearly applied to the 3rd Reich by Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, et. al. was still occulted at the time. I'm making the case that it's foolish at best to imagine that Himmler and Hitler did not research such things when it was readily available to them, and these magics are indeed the heritage and birthright of the Germanic / Aryan volk.
During the reformation era such practices had gone underground and were thus hidden – occulted. Not openly practiced or understood in full publicly. And indeed, the useful application of some magics requires it to remain occulted. Hitler and Goebbels did not point out the persuasive methods they were using in speeches and propaganda to influence the populace – or the spells would not work. They are thus occultists, plain and simple.
You're the one being disingenuous here. Clearly the German understanding of those acts is similar to what we call subversive practices.
I wholly agree that the 3rd Reich didn't employ Captain Nemo to build glowing electric submarines. I wholly agree that the 3rd Reich didn't try to reenact Walt Disney's 'The Sorcer's Apprentice', however they did practice an occulted form of Magic which we can trace through the Heliopolis school to its Aryan roots. The sun symbolism, man, for fuck's sake…
How much have you researched about how the Pharaohs of Egypt prescribed an efficient regimen of work ethic and rich schedule of cultural observances, which embedded cultural values into the minds of the masses and taught basic wisdom and morals at both superficial and subconscious levels in their ceremonies? This is an enchantment. It is magical because that's a large part of what magic is. Get the Disney crap out of your head. Linking work lives to the celestial cycles is another magical tradition the Germanic peoples shared with the Ancient Egyptians and their older Aryan ancestors.
Such magics are still correctly called magic whether you want to call them something else or not. Magic is what the ancients called it, and that is what occultists and practitioners call it. Bits of magic were given names like "holidays", "propaganda", "public service announcements", "cybernetics", "laws of motion", etc. in modern times so that those who are enchanted by the illusion do not see the Magic as it is being used – for the small minded would balk at their being charmed by sorcery. Do you understand yet? The web of cognitive dissonance you're fighting against is due to the fact that such magic itself depends on its practitioners not openly calling it magic. Kek!
No, what I'm doing is initiating the readers here into a certain magical Natsoc school of the occult…
*grammar logic rhetoric…
Magic is not Fantasy. You're talking about fantasy. Fantasy is that which doesn't exist. Certain magics are real, but the fantasy ones are not.
Blood Flag existed for a reason cunts
What magic are real?
OP is a fucking retard triggered by things he doesn't understand.
That which affects or influences your mind or others. 'Magic' in the renaissance was comparable to what we class under modern propaganda and advertising.
Yes, we NatSoc do oppose Christianity. Why wouldn't we? It is a Semitic religion after all.
Nazi books with orange covers. Orange equals 33 in gematria, a known Mason sign
Hitler making the masonic 'M' hand sign with his left hand in an official painting.
Mega spoiler: All the top Nazis were transgender, along with the other WW2 leaders. It's all a Mason puppet show.
I've said it so many fucing times.
Catholicisim could be understood as semetic, but
"Christ"ianity, no.
Now go research Melchezedek and Jesus the Priest of Melchezedek, El Elyon and Yahew.
Yahew = God Of Jews
El Elyon = God of Jesus
Therefore, by fucking defenition, their faiths are different, even the yews say so in their fucking AC books. Now stop spreading the jew agenda by trying to say they are the same. Before the second council no one would dare to say so, now everyone says so. Why?
Because the masons (spoiler, the yews) infiltrated the Catholic church and therefore, started spreading there Jewish agenda.
Now I go back to hiding, but stop being such a cock sucking fag and do your research before spreading such platitudes about christianity, when Jesus, in the end, was agains't this abhorrant shit religion we have nowadays.
you're not from around here
go back to endchan you fucking schizo retard
Everything about Christcuckoldry is Semitic, every single form and sect of it.
Not everything in Table Talks is fake, they included some real quotes in order to make the fake ones seem real as well. It is an objective truth that Hitler despised the Semitic cult called Christcuckoldry.
Nothing enrages pagan faggots more than knowing that you were conquered by Christians and your faggot books only survived because Christians allowed them to and reprinted them. Also, Der Fuhrer was Catholic.
Really makes me laugh that all these faggoty pagans call Christians christcucks that worship a kike on a stick, when the term kike comes from Jews hatred of the cross, and how they'd use a circle instead of an x on documents to sign their names.
But keep pagan-larping. You serve the Jews you claim to hate, which fighting against the only ideology ever to defeat the enemy of all mankind.>>9863901
Yes everything is matter goy, you're nothing but idiot particles whirling in chaos. You have no spiritual destiny, everything is meaningless why don't you just kill yourself now?
Why would that enrage us? It makes me feel nothing because it happened so long ago. Don't be ridiculous.
I am against Christcuckoldry for purely logical reasons, it is a Semitic anti-Aryan cult after all.
People are baptized before they are old enough to choose whether they want to or not. Hitler as an adult was anti-Christian and pro-Aryan religions.
Who cares where the word comes from. You're confusing low tier pleb Jews and their hatred of Christcuckoldry with the elite Jews that rule over our lands. The plebeian Jews legitimately believe in the holohoax too, they've been brainwashed to. Similarily to how the elite Jews know the holohoax is a lie, they also have nothing against Christcuckoldry because they know it was created to be a Jewish tool of population control, and has acted as such through times.
No Christcuck, YOU serve the Jews you claim to hate.
Christcuckoldry has never managed to defeat a single enemy of Aryans. What fantasy are you Christcucks living in?
What fantasy are you living in? What have pagans ever done, besides being conquered by Christians? You are at best a non-entity to Jews.
Created Western civilization.
Unlike Abrahamics who simply leech off of its glory.
So Graeco-Roman polytheism gets a bit of a pass. But even then it was surpassed by Christian society. The others did fuck all.
Germanic pagans did a million times more for European civilization than Christcucks ever did
I know that feel too fucking well. Agnostic, but still.
It's alright. I've had a spell of atheism in the past, though I think my belief in God was still there. The fear of God is for me I think, an inalienable murmuring in the back of my mind.
That's part of why I am sometimes on the fence like this. I want something more concrete.
Such as?
Based on everything that was untainted by post-war publishing (remember that Solzhenitsyn's master work on Russian communism and it's origins is still unpublished) there is no evidence to suggest that Hitler wanted to get rid of Christianity. Everything from the man himself really only paints at worst an even attitude towards Christianity.
I get the religious Christ haters will make a ton of claims and attacks without depth ranging from rambling venom to single lines of empty boasting, but Hitler was a man. A great man, someone to be admired and emulated, but still just a man. There's a reason he won in Germany and we need to take that and use it, truth will win. You can't just have knowledge and sit on it, that's why the freemasons are bad. Don't be dried up either. Spread what needs to be known with passion and don't give up. That's why he accomplished so much.
A lot of this esoteric stuff is just a distraction, focus on the wrong things. Our people should reap the fruits of their labors, the jew must be called out, and the foreigner expelled. It's bizarre that people get caught up on occultist stuff or neopagan (something Hitler specifically spoke out against) anti-zen but I suppose this task is so monumental that people want to get stuck on tiny bits and pieces shoveled at us by jews. Realistically, why would anyone assume that these sorts of weird "sun worshiper" tidbits would be any different from the claim Hitler had one testicle, was gay, or liked being pooped on?
Don't fall for stupid crap just because it's up your alley.
We don't discuss what they shouldn't know.
If one actually reads history, you will understand why i wrote: look into the history of those and many orders that became them, some of their offspring is in quasi-masonry. Read books, read different opinions and interpretations, eventually you'll realize the truth.
If you can not come to terms with this truth, you can certainly become a high ranking military man within Nationalism as a god fearing person but you won't understand the grounding foundations of our race as Aryans. This reality is something the national socialists wanted to ween into society slowly by having newer generations follow it, but ultimately failed due to losing the war.
The war, which back then was a basics numbers game. 40 million allied/commie deaths vs 8 million~ Germans, the advanced state of Germanic power scared all of them and many were taken back by this reality. Had the war continued for roughly 6 more months the nuclear bomb would have been created and a long distance ramjet to nuke New York. The world would have been allot different. Without defeating Germany, the US who took most if not all of it's technology and scientists the US would not have won the numbers game from Japan who had over 1 billion people. Japan failed it's Ally by not intervening in Europe with ground forces when the US launched it's invasion. The Japanese could have decimated them, instead they choose to fight over silly islands which kept them occupied and fearful of a naval attack.
He was a niecephile, one brit even created his own religion for less and luther married a nun.
I find the absence of God to be scarier than if there was one.
Jews believe there was a holocaust so will say any shit in order to D&C whites - no matter any costs to perceived ideas of 'universal human integrity/dignity' - the very concept of which means to the Jew "I am all of the virtue and you've given me opportunity now to take advantage of you through appeal to your 'values' which must apply to me because otherwise you would see me as unfavorable and that would make you my enemy."
*citation needed*
Also Hitler Youth were BUSSED to churches until the near end of the war according to a german youth during that time.
But yes the evil nazis were "occultist" satanist even faggots that hated Christianity.
Wtf is going on with this thread.
Multiple images ars such a hinderance and I don't see any real discussion. Just shills, shill witch hunting, and shitposting
And yet people claim half chan is worse than this.
Finally a decent reply.
Paganism really is just socially degenerate demon worship, but not in the way you would think.
The difference between God and pagan gods is that he is eternal, he describes himself as "I am who I am". Whereas pagan gods are normally prideful about their accomplishments (literally the definition of euheremism).
Christianity does not belief these pagan gods did not exist, they did and are explained fairly well as the nephilium, but ((they)) don't want to keep that knowledge occult so they said it was not true in the Christian canon.
Consider ancient masonry accomplishments and technology found all over the world. The Aryan World Conquest theory is viable but doesn't explain the knowledge or capability required to make the pyramids all over the world, and that ancient city in South America. Their gods built their cities and their gods were/descended from the fallen angels who obviously have power.
Paganism is degenerate, their festivities consisted of saturnalia and other ideologies. From Hitler's perspective he wanted to free himself of the corrupted church and reclaim the German people's cultural autonomy, however pagan practices go against a stable society with nuclear families.
Finally consider how Rome's religion broke down and how it fell before Constantinople did.
Nigger, you know nothing.
In paganism even the PEOPLE are eternal.
Hell, even memories (elves), that's why we still talk about people like Luther, Hitler Yeshua Bar Yoseph (Jewsuses real name) and not about John smith from Sheboigan Wisconsin.
You can be in "heaven" all you want, you will still be dead in the eyes of the population if nobody remembers you, if you left nothing behind your next of kin can pick up, possibly look up to you and therefore, in a way, become you again.
But you're a burger and you're the most recent golem victim, being removed from Europe only makes it worse.
No hard feelings, though. 100 years ago I would have hated you, now I know that you just don't know any better.
Magic and science are not similar.
If I had to guess what you're attempting to say it would be.
Science is the squareroot of 1
Magic is the squareroot of -1
Foremost calculus is the basis for physics, and although science itself has become a religion today, most inventions can be explained with real existing numbers.
Magic would be something we could understand but not logically calculate.
Also alchemy was a huge failure, chemistry/physics which stemed from it showed that anything could become gold based off of the number of protons and electrons.
Magic would be the process of bypassing these laws.
You got it the other way around.
If christianity had conquered paganism then it wouldn't have as many denominations.
We wouldn't have christians doing mental gymnastics at christmas (yule with a little crucified jew on the wall)
Pagan god named weekdays.
People worshiping fire.
People eating the flesh and drinking the blood of someone.
And all ther other things you don't see in the bible.
It's like saying the aluminium conquered the mold because it filled it up (a lot of people are christian) but the mold was paganism.
The more "original" aka jewish a denomination the less acceptance it has in Europe.
Also, you still have pagans around today.
Which you make yourself look extra bad around by calling them merely larping.
You'd be much better off regarding them as genuine, since you lose against them every time.
Yes I know it's his real name but I also know the nature of this board and don't want to be called Jewish. I embrace Yashua and Yahweh's name.
You did not refute my evidence. I used to be like you but after looking at history and graphs about premarital sex and marriage stability I know the answer.
You did catch me with the eternal part I misphrased that sorry. I meant to say he is unique. Not one pagan god describes themselves as God does, and the theory that God is derived from a pagan god is debunked by several reasons. The most obvious is the flood narrative where God gives Noah the dimensions of the ark which were tested to be sea worthy for a drifting vessel. Although all other pagan religions have a flood narrative none go into the detail that is said in the Bible.
The attempts to paganize YHWH is laughable, where scholars agree that Allah is El and different from YHWH, but then claim YHWH and El are the same. Meanwhile the sources they use are blatant lies.
I do understand where you're coming from and I've been there. But frankly paganism is a cancer worshipping the same regional nephilium/fallen angels and degenerate activities.
Also the Bible invented Germ theory. And the concept of π with the tabernacle tent.
You're absolutely right, the Jews became pagan like with the creation of the Talmud and traditions created around the time of Yeshua. Finally a christian that understands.
Not necessarily, but the christmas tree and consumerist gluttany is. Byzantium saw this and moved their celebration over a few weeks to avoid this.
Byzanthium is dead.
And every as-less-pagan-as-possible denomination is fringe at best.
I'm speaking of Europe, of course.
America could lift off into space thanks to their many kangs and their warp drives, and Christian history would remain 100% minty fresh intact.
Esoterics were widespread in the party. Devi and Serrano being prominent examples of those strains of thought. Himmler mentioning "Waralda" (as his term for God) is from the Oera Linda. The SS were not strictly Christian in their rituals, there was definitely a blending in those recesses of the party elite, while the rest of Germany was officially Christian. It's a little bizarre that anyone still fights over this, as if the party wasn't heterogeneous in its spirituality
Sounds like divide and conquer bait when you phrase it that way.
Praise Wr.Alda the ancient one!
Don't misunderstand, but you're both a textbook example why abrahamic religion thought traps works so well even today. Flying in the face of ignorance, belief in an abrahamic religion is deemed a safer bet than not believing/following it:
> Literally a whole fucking article on wikipedia: archive.is
Essentially, abrahamic religions relies on fear tactics to acquire and keep followers. It's why even famous thinkers who criticized the religion like Voltaire repented and requested last rites before dying - you know, just in case. Because at least with jesus he's flexible like that. Better safe than sorry, right?
We can never know that for sure because of the centuries of catholic propaganda against pagan societies.
Funny, Rome broke down around the time it accepted christianity and even in those times christians were majority jewish, and converting to christianity during its final days gave you many benefits in roman society. Kinda like how judaism opens doors to the higher society today. Funny how that works. Also funny how all previous white civilizations fell apart once jews got greater influence in white societies. It's just not a pattern at all, right?
Well they have to. Jews keep trying to convince whites that christianity is a white religion and that means retro-actively applying theological gymnastics. This has taken place all they back to the days of Thomas Aquinas. Like a piece of cobbled together software, he retroactively applied greek philosophical tennets to christianity to increase its compatiblity, made it sound more sophisticated than it really is. That's the magic of (((interpretation))) and ignorance, you can apply all kinds of ideas that were never there and insist that they were. It's also a way of how christian shills claim ownership of past white religions by pushing the idea that all white religions were just inexplicably leading towards christianity and cite Thomas Aquinas and other theologians. Worse when they retroactively apply christian ideas to greek myths. Can't find a decent read on Hades without a christian interjecting and saying it's totally the prototype for hell and you're basically not allowed to read what the real greeks thought.
>You're absolutely right, the Jews became pagan like with the creation of the Talmud and traditions created around the time of Yeshua.
That's not at all what he said.
> Jews became pagan
Also do not mix general meanings with actual definitions.
Did that guy actually mention he was christian, or were you just hoping to pin that label on another poster?
I'm glad someone brings this up because it's absolutely absurd and hilarious when christians criticize pagans for LARPing when in a way it always was, but it was a very good LARP. Basically everyone participated in it and held no penalties for not participating. What we know for sure about paganism apart from centuries old catholic disinformation is that it was the result of collaborative storytelling and the most popular characters became regarded as deities, or always were.
This is why trying to make paganism and past white religions seen in the same lens as abrahamic relgions is inherently flawed. As stated in my last post, abrahamic religions feature a range and specific parameters to help define outliers and people leaving the religion(s) - heretics. Paganism was always a LARP, but it was very popular one. All white religions are basically that. This also helps explain why whites as seen through their religions were not wholly concerned with vague afterlife penalties or rewards. Abrahamic religions sell you the ultimate scam, that if you follow them you are guaranteed some prize in the afterlife - you have no way of verifying if you win until it's all over and you're dead. 10/10 scam. Paganism by default places much higher emphasis on living by paradoxically (in relation to abrahamic religions) being non-intrusive: No penalties for leaving, No entrance ceremony, No religious contract of any kind. Just festivals, LARPing, encouragement to enjoy nature. It almost doesn't sound like a religion if you define religion by the parameters set by jewish standards. And when you present that in the face of a christian, they have no way of processing it; How can a religion just be about having fun, sharing stories, and carry no compulsory worship? When you pick a religion, pick white.
Not only is this a lie, it destroys the credibility of National Socialism.
"Pagan" looks like the same manipulative umbrella term as "burgeous" or "reactionary" or "nativist".
The trick is to call something that is mainstream as if it was something marginalized and then call something marginal like chrisitianity, communism or multiculturalism - a mainstream.
You're right to point out that paganism has become a catch-all phrase in the same vein as other false-labels. It also speaks volumes to the fact that whites didn't have a specific name for their religion(s). Thus the name comes from the christian subverters: Paganism, Heathenism, etc. I remember at one point (((christian theologians))) discussed applying the pagan label to even ancient religions starting with Greco-roman mythology and before that.
That's a very interesting reading, thank you user.
I have one question though, about the necessity of religion. As we are seeing it today in Europe, the demise of Christianity is followed by the rise of Islam. I wondered about it and discussed it with folks quite some time and came to the simple conclusion that people need a form of spirituality, an out-of-this-world grand scheme of things in which their role, which is also the path to bliss, is to act the most accordingly to its frame sorry for the English I'm a frog The reasoning was mostly the result of opposition between spiritualism and materialism, that we were more than a complex aggregate of organized cells.
From this conclusion, and considering paganism is merely larping, what was its necessity ? Which leads to two questions : Did pagans reach a level of spirituality where they didn't need the belief in e.g. afterlife, repealing religion to a simple fantasy ? How couldn't they feel the despair most of us today feel when confronted with the materialistic view of life, that there's basically nothing before or after us, so there's no need to work for the common good since death means just eternal void ?
The Jews push the pink-triangle.org narrative, and then get the special gay police (facebook.com/policeglbti) to wear the Waffen SS symbol marking them for death camp extermination. Dr Gregory John Tillet of leadbeater.org who got his thesis in OTOAustralia.org.au members getting away with child rape protected by the NSW police. Yes they have thesis's in boy rape cover-ups now.
More info:
Look for the Waffen Nazi SS Pink-Traingle.org logo to designate gays who must be killed - worn with pride by NSW FAGGOT GAY CHILD SEXXER PROTECTOR POLICE. At least they are proud they are marked for death.
I meant to say Dr Gregory John Tillet founded the special gay police, and he's into the precursor to the thule society. See the johnsunol link.
Harry's a kike. He looks almost identical to the jew meme.
Look up "Gnostics" and "Gnosis".
It's an attack on the esoteric nature of the board.
A d&c thread.
The esoteric nature is it's attraction and people want to get rid of that trait.
The rise of Islam is technically it's second attempt to rise. Islam was created by the jesuit order early in the history of the catholic church. Its origin was kept a secret until an ex-jesuit exposed it and was assassinated in the turn of the last century. Islam's rise this time is technically incidental, but (((coincidental))) because it was meant to be the sword of the semites. Islam was supposed to take over the christians. Muslims get along well with jews despite the ones that die in the streets. Jews ride the backs of muslims who do the killing and the kidnapping.
To preface; you or I will never know for sure every aspect of what true pagans - the varying span of european belief that predates christian subversion - truly believed. It's buried under centuries of catholic propaganda and we're lucky to have anything that survived. The afterlife question is simply answered by studying the myths in each specific religion. They had an explanation; e.g. hades for the greeks, but there was no fixation on it. Abrahamic religions specifically fixate on it; e.g. "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy." - The Fatima Prayer incorporated into the Rosary.
In other words the reason why such a despair/materialism/existentialism/afterlife is a prevalent fixture of religion/theology is because the most prevalent and influential branch of religion is (((abrahamic.))) Jews created it but whites spread it. Therefore, whites are left with the burden of hashing out a jewish lie that absorbs much of their thoughts and attention. It only appears to be extremely important because it's been purported as important a couple thousand years. One particular christian philosopher who is basically the face of this problem is Søren Kierkegaard. Leaving whites absorbed in pessimistic existentialism is exactly one way to control them and guys like Kierkegaard were so hopelessly drawn to the subject that it consumed their life and left them with a love-hate relationship with the religion. The religion became all they had even though it's the one thing eating away their life.
As for paganism and the LARPing that it is, it's as close to being spiritually free as you can get. Especially relative to jew religions, the pagan LARP is downright healthy for the mind and body and spirit; spend time in nature, discuss favorite deities, invent new stories, aim to be like your favorite deity, celebrate festivals based around your favorite deity which gives you another reason to hang out and meet other girls. I personally don't believe actual pagans viewed their "religion" as religion. It was just part of their culture, but it needed to be defined so it could be attacked. And it's still being attacked even though it's supposedly "dead."
ITT: a bunch of edgy atheists arguing with semi-fringe Holla Forumsacks
Nah, regardless of what religion or strain of atheism shitposter you are, this is a good bulwark against the occultist faggotry that is apparently rampant in the west.
They're literally accusing their enemies of being what they are and this is a good refutation.
First off, North Crusades were a mistake. Second, not many supported a nuclear family, literally the key for a successful soceity.
I don't even know what to say to this implication. I will adress it though, multiculturalism destroyed Rome. It was not nationalistic enough. As well as sexual promiscuity.
Before that they were scapegoats for not worshipping their gods. Your point? Rome shifted its religion during its time of crisis, yet it never changed it's religion when it fell, not even again in Byzantium.
Yeah haha, kinda like how so many Jews are in Christianity and you get benefits for being a christian. Yet the Jews attack you as atheists for being christian.
Maybe something to do with the worlds superpower collapsing, but that's just my guess for the Dark Ages.
Notice how we didn't really care about Jews until after the Talmud. Records of them being kicked out surged after the creation the Talmud. The initial christians just wanted to spread the word of God and were outcast to MAINSTREAM JEW SOCIETY. Also I never said it was a white religion, it's a religion for literally anyone. I like how the church is now, europeans having their own culture in the church. You can tell the difference between an African and Russian church. Your watered down bible belt christianity is not all there is in this world.
Also if christianity is used for control then so are pagan ones or any religion. Especially since pagan gods typically share the SAME pantheon. I see more of an argument for religion used for control than I can for "paganism is liberation, christianity is slavery".
Newsflash, most are in some way. They don't care about the archeologically proven existence of the nephilium (aka the beings which inspired euhermisms of pagan gods). Nor can they shut their fucking mouths for more than a few minutes.
Try rereading his post. The most important part is where it says its not found in the bible.
That's what you call it when Talmudic Jews do rituals for other gods basically.
What about shared pantheons?
But you just said Jews were the first christians and therefore the first missionaries.
Why were so many of the Jewish expulsions done by christians?
Finally I have one more thing to say before I go to sleep.
Don't you think there's a coincidence that no one gave a fuck about Jews until they created the Talmud?
Isn't it a coincidence that Jesus came onto this Earth around the time the Jews were fucking up their own laws and being supremecists?
Isn't it a coincidence christian nations didn't really like jews until WWI when Europe was weakened and ((they)) had America under their belt?
I have the personal feeling that it's abrahamic therefore it's controlled by the jews is too easy. Jesus was a remarkable individual, in the words of pretty much everyone of his contemporaries. Christianity, as in Jesus' message, while being heavily poisoned from inside now, could have been natsoc-compatible and even today gospels can be interpretated in a strong ethno-centered way, IMO. But it's more a gut feel than an educated statement, I'll give you that.
That said, didn't Hades appear after Greek culture became invaded by the Levant ? I have read somewhere (could have been Rosenberg works) that Greek mythology was, in its original form, only incarnated by Zeus, Hermes and Athena. It was stated that other deities appeared after semitic "integration", accompanied by demons, death, gruesome pain, fear, torments and the like.
Occult means hidden/secret. No doubt Himmler was intent on creating an exclusive and secretive group that drew on ancient knowledge through the SS, but whether that was Satanic or evil, which is what most people mean when they say occult now, is up to you.
Occult/Esoteric doesn't always mean bad, though by it's hidden nature, tends to be shadowy. Sometimes it's necessary to stay on the down low and out of sight.
All he and his followers want is a steady supply of twink assholes, nothing more.
Masonry before it was judaized was entirely different from the shabbos goy club it has become now.
Agreed, also, people converted to get away from the Roman degeneracy, sort of a spiritual life raft. Muslims gave Rome the killing blow by contesting the Med, probably a good thing too, Romans by that time were lazy, greedy degenerates. That is the result of a "might makes right" spiritual philosophy.
Present day jews aren't even the same ones as Judeans in the bible, though their religion is an outgrowth of the Pharisees. God came down because the Word had been corrupted in my understanding. The corrupted works are what jews follow.
That might be true but I have yet to see any proof of that. Though I'd like to believe America wasn't founded by bizarre occultists.
Reminder that Miguel Serrano is a weirdo from Chili, with nothing to do with the 3rd Reich.
When are you going to finally accept the Nag Hammadi gospels as true ?
Except the Eucharist is directly from the Gospels.
We could've been fucking magicians by now if Germany won.
Thats bullshit, they created a "new christianity" before doing that, if you dont believe me ask La Inquisicion or Martin Luther. From your post i can notice that you arent an ignorant, so you have serious mental issues or you are just another paid shill.
Oh good, another thread I get to post this in.
Forgot link
Yet another thread where christians can't accept that their religion is jewish.
So in one instance you accept the northern crusades as what it is but still ascribe to the catholic propaganda tidbit about alleged pagan family structure.
You could try actually confronting the fact that incorporating christianity into roman society lead to its downfall. But shifting the blame is more revealing.
You probably believe in martyr propaganda too. It's basically the litmus test for jew tricks to use victim narratives to stir support and advertise for funds. Early Christians were inventing the Roman persecution story the same way jews did to previous societies to gain favor and sympathy.
I don't think you either understood that part or are trying to avoid directly addressing it.
World superpowers don't just collapse. Don't tell me you're one of those people who think civilization falls apart like a superstitious cycle. Also what does that have to do with the "Dark Ages?"
Problem, kike?
That really says a lot about how finalizing their oral tradition made their mission that much more focused and active.
Hilariously dishonest. Jews held no positions of influence then and were competing against christianity as a rival jewish sect. Christianity is essentially still a jewish sect but followed by whites.
You and others before. Christianity is an adaptable virus, incorporating the targeted culture and adapting to it so as better to appeal to it. It speaks nothing to a redeemable quality, moreso reveals how far it goes to adapt like a parasite.
There is a complete breakdown in logic here. Christianity and its abrahamic cousin religions are most similar, not paganism. Unless you literally mean paganism and other religions are the same as christianity, which would be insane.
Paganism has no heresy doctrine or did you miss that? How does having a vaguely similar pantheon to past white religions equate to control, or are you feeling confused and desperate?
What's your obsession with them? Who cares.
What. Are you just droning on at this point?
So reading the bible instantly makes you a christian. Suprising.
That would make them heretics within their own religion. The talmud specifically cites the torah's definition which includes almost dozen classifications for heresy.
You realize that that isn't a contradiction?
Is there a problem, moshe?
Christians were for a time almost nothing but jews so for a while it was jew on jew warfare. Then those christians gained political power and were able to call for other jews to be kicked out. Then later when christians were majority white, they kicked out jews because it's a good idea whether you are christian or not, and the new testament says to do it anyway, left behind by the jew-christians. Was that so hard to figure out?
You do sound like you need sleep.
I already answered that.
It is and it isn't. Jews fucking up isn't an out of the ordinary thing. Yeshua was just the jew that post-humously accomplished what other jews wanted at the time, to be worshipped as the messiah. Messiah hype was all the rage 2000+ years ago. He was just a jew that got bored at age 30 and decided to compete against other messiah cults in the same fashion as john the baptist, but whereas john gets an honorary mention for, yeshua roamed.
That's an issue with subversion, particularly communism. The frankfurt school and its predecessors worked hard to invent the myth of racism and gave jews extra special priority by crafting the anti-semitism label.
So christians during the cult-era saying he was a pretty cool guy makes him a remarkable individual. Wonderful.
>Christianity, as in Jesus' message, while being heavily poisoned from inside now, could have been natsoc-compatible and even today gospels can be interpretated in a strong ethno-centered way, IMO. But it's more a gut feel than an educated statement, I'll give you that.
At least you recognize it as a gut feeling. Interpretation does not make the work change its true meaning. Otherwise all the subjectivists in (((college))) should have their interpretations of historical works validated. Think of it this way, christianity is a jew religion but whites persisted in spite of it. That's a testament to white capability rather than a need for a religious backbone.
That sounds interesting and worth looking into.
Christianity didn't offer a moral or spiritual "life raft." That's a myth spread by christians insisting their jew religion inspires and possesses moral superiority, and spread by inference alone. Jews and jew-christians were taking over rome at the same time degeneracy was becoming widespread.
They are the same as the ones in the bible, all the way back to babylon jews were practicing one thing and comitting blood rituals behind closed doors. When babylon rescued them and put them to work as indentured servants as payment for being rescued, jews kvetched but slowly started subverting the kingdom until society fell apart. At least you recognize that the pharisees won in the end. Few christians admit that even though it's obvious. Also, you can't corrupt a work that was always about how to spread corruption.
Masonic infiltration by the jews coincided with the founding of america. Look up Ben Franklin's activities as ambassador to france and you'll find your answers.
Holla Forums deserves max post length.
Here are three facts that trigger the average christian
1. There are far more gospels than contained in the Bible, except for the fact that christians called the gospels "heresy" and ordered them all to be burned them despite the fact that some of them were actually written earlier than the New Testament gospels
2. Mithraism, the eastern religion that very prevalent at the time, had very similar ritualts to christianity. They ate wine and bread on Sundays. The reason why christianity was more popular is because the christians marketed their stuff to women and slaves with muh equality shit while the Mithraists were mostly male
3. The first followers of christianity were women, who were easy to convert, and slaves, because of the muh brothership doctrines. The main christian populations were to be found in the multicultural cities and the christians openly scorned the rural believers for being too conservative in their beliefs. the word "paganus" literally means countryside-dweller. Christiansw are just as cosmopolitan as their jewish friends
Yea? What was different, and when did this change occur?
Your bait looks tasty, I'll bite.
Your unspoken bias is showing. I'm aware of mine. Are you aware of yours?
Imagine 1,000 years from now someone starts excavating old ruins from the radioactive wastelands caused by the nuclear hellfire of WWJew: Atomic Bugaboo. They find caches of printed documents that were stashed away for safe keeping… Not all of their contents are preserved. Some pages are missing, others torn in half… Bugs have eaten holes in a lot of the pages. However there are legible documents relating to the removal of illegal immigrants following the military takeover of the former People's Republic of Californistan.
The mostly intact documents relating to this are
Your shitposting talks about how over 6 million Mexicans were systematically suffocated to death in sealed, abandoned mines that were flooded with bovine flatulance because the democrats wouldn't shut up about how it was destroying the ozone. The mines were then set on fire to dispose of the remains, almost like it were some sort of giant oven.
On the other hand the blog post contains no pictures, but attests that those who resisted were subdued using the kind of sonic weapons that the Navy uses on Somali pirates. Mexicans were rounded up into holding camps and then bused back across the old southern border. It was fairly bloodless by comparison.
Your shitposting was published a day or two after the overthrow. The guy's blog post however was published a few weeks after the Empire finished deporting the invaders. It's very clear to the researchers studying these fragments that your post came much earlier. As funny as it would be for history students in the future to be taught about how millions of Mexicans were genocided to death with cow farts in the terrible event known as the Holoklaniá, something tells me that's probably not the most accurate way to do archeology. By the same token, read the gnostic gospels and you'll understand why they were excluded.
Also consider the testimony of a second century Christian scholar, Origen Adamantius.
http:// www.textexcavation.com/fourgospels.html#origen "Homilies on Luke"
Most of the excluded "gospels" were written a few centuries too late. The earlier ones were plainly rejected by most contemporaneous Christian writers that bother to make mention of them.
Do tell. Which Christians where? What year was it? Are you going to bring up the First Council of Nicaea yet? https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea#Biblical_canon
Or maybe it was the Second Council of Nicaea? The First Council of Constantinople? Maybe Hitler realized that he was running out of fuel for the Jew ovens and decided to burn over 6 million gnostic gospels to keep them lit during the Holocaust!
http:// www.tertullian.org/rpearse/mithras/display.php?page=mithras_and_christianity
Ephesians 5:22-24
Ephesians 6:5
Most populations are in cities too. It's almost as if Christians were going from city to city so that they could reach the widest audience or something.
Why are you passing off all of this nigger-tier rhetoric as credible? Are you really so incompetent that you're unable to crossreference information that you get out of a BBC documentary or could it be that you're shilling D&C? Does the thought of white pagans, white atheists, and white Christians working together cause you emotional discomfort? :^)
Jesus that's why I don't use 8ch anymore. The mods attacked the shit out of this thread.
It's their board alone now boys.
Hermetic philosophy is the only proper way to view the world.
Everyone has their own opinion of progression. None of what you believe is valuable or has any value if the world is completely materialistic, because it only temporarily matters.
The world is full of stuff to manipulate how we see fit. The bubbling and frothing chao's of the world we live in is the casting and re-casting process of alchemy and we the humans the alchemist. STEM are merely the building blocks we play with for amusements.
It is therefore unnecessary to aspire to whatever higher ideals you believe humanity to strive for since all I'd be accomplishing is jerking your materialistic cock off.
Hitler actually had a state before he tried to teach the youth to give up spirituality maybe you should start there.