This kills the frog

After endless whining by the perpetually offended and the Southern Poverty Blackmail Center, Matt Furie finally killed off Pepe.

Why does everyone think a god can be killed?

Other urls found in this thread:

lurk moar

the impostor is dead

This faggot doesn't even know how to draw pepe

When you die, your lips turn blue, faggot.

Except Pepe still is very much alive on the picture next to the coffin.

Explain the portrait, then.

Now the true Pepe is free.

It's still surreal to see.

All thinks considered, I'm thankful for it. Shillary denouncing Pepe was comically stupid.

So do these retards not understand that Chan Pepe and Furie Pepe are two different things?

Have fun killing off an idea which has developed a mind of its own, faggot

okay, he's retarded, fair enough… but you don't need me to tell you that.

Very much a highlight of the election season. The speech and the hilarious rant on her website. I remember looking her website, thinking the user who pointed it out was just shitposting.

How typical of the kikes to think they can kill a god. Someone should make a resurrection pepe. It would be extremely antisemitic tbh.

Well fuck guys, I guess we can't use Pepe anymore now that some stoner drew a cartoon where he died.

Exactly. Matt Furie still thinks he has some sway over Pepe. He doesn't. Nobody gives a single fuck about Furie. Hell, nobody has even read any of his shitty comic except the one (1) page where Pepe pees with his pants down because it feels good, man. The fact that he "created" Pepe is utterly meaningless. It's best to think about it in Plato's theory of forms. Furie didn't create Pepe. He discovered Pepe.

We live in a very strange time, but I'm enjoying it.

I just realized

I'm seeing a pattern here.

In "killing" Pepe, Matt Furie has actually surrendered him to us. He's given up trying to "take back" Pepe and so he's just tried to get rid of him.
We haven't just taken Pepe back from the normies, we've taken Pepe back from his cucked creator.

I like how after Trump won, naysayers were still saying that Holla Forums had no effect on the election, despite us literally getting Hillary to go on a crusade against a cartoon frog





Pepe doesn't need anymore physical existence, tbh. Now he will turn into a real God, with much more power. Thanks, Matt Furie.

Furie mostly cribbed the idea from Jim Woodring in a stoned haze. He's a nobody who should be happy to be a part of something bigger than him, but instead tries to own and control something that was never his.


Criminally unchecked dub-dubs.

Holy shit.

He should stop blaming us and blame the (((((((((ADL)))))))))) who labelled his character as a hate symbol for a cheap political smear against Don Jr, they did it only because Matt Furie is a indie little guy with no resources and they can get away with it.

Notice how these rat-faced kikes never put Moonman (since it's owned by McDonald's and they can fight back) in their hate symbols database.

here we fucking go

Think of all the shekels this guy could have made by keeping his mouth shut and taking the Nazis money.


Imagine being so assmad over your character getting popular that you kill him?

That's actually a really good point. Moonman is far more racist than Pepe. The Moonman meme is overtly racist, whereas with Pepe, it's just that there happens to be some Pepes that are racist, because there are Pepes of everything.

Feels bad man? Hmmm nope don't care.

Rare Pepe thread?

Pepe is dead. Long live Moonman.


You cannot kill that which cannot die.

It's like poetry. It rhymes. Deus Vult.

Thinking he can kill that which thrives in the ashes of chaos and death.

Posting this gem cause I haven't seen it in a while.

It's so fucking surreal how the entire (((elite))) are so assmad about a frog. The kikes know the frog kills the globalist.

They're worried frogs were the first plague the jews are getting an ancient taste of their own medicine.

Holy shit dubs confirm!

I feel like we should probably meme the other characters into a fascist death squad so he has to "kill" them too.

We need a "Goy's Club" shoop with them all in SS uniforms

Isn't Pepe still a Hate Symbol? So they're handing out free comics with hate symbols to children now?

I like how you think, Satan.

Not much of a drawfag, shooped the name to say "goy's club". Any user want to add to it?

Always knew this frog was Hilary's offspring.


Here's some really nice pussy {

If you kill Pepe, he wins

what's the source of the Australian? kek

I never thought of that.


no hes not


he white now





thead theme:

Really activates my almonds

Could this be the source for memes that will make the elite crawl into a corner and hide?
Pepe/Kek is essentially one of the ten plagues of Egypt.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt:
-Water into blood
-Mixture of wild animals ("wild animals" (most likely scorpions, venomous snakes =Kauket/Snek=, and other venomous arthropods and reptiles))
-Diseased livestock
-Thunderstorm of hail
-Darkness for three days
-Death of firstborn

Here are some suggestions for memes to develop (pics related).

There weren't many for lice so I thought maybe crabs could stand in for lice. Maybe crabs can stand in for lice?
Here also are included some for grasshopper/locust.
For boils, shopping boils onto the faces of people we don't like may have great impact.
Diseased livestock could be done to great effect by taking pictures of Moloch or any other cow gods the kikes worship, and making them look frail and diseased. For added salt, add a Pepe or another plague on top.
Kauket, the female version of Kek is the goddess of darkness, so maybe the 3 day darkness one could fall under snek as well.

Does this moron actually think we follow his comics?

One of you faggots has to have photoshoop talents NatSoc quality, after all
We should adopt every other character now as well

What exactly are the other characters of? I take it that the yellow character is a dog? But I cannot figure out the rest.

Someone post the one where Pepe has the boy's club shot by firing squad.

Extremely rare Pepe coming through!

You’ve promised yourselves a utopia, a peaceful, multicultural society of prosperity and tolerance.

We are the heirs of this utopia, and our reality looks very different.

You buy your peace with ever-mounting debt.

Today, we’re watching your prosperity disappear throughout Europe.

For us, your multicultural society means nothing but hatred and violence.

In the name of your ‘tolerance’ you hunt down all who criticise you, and call those you hunt intolerant.

We’ve had enough!

Your utopias have lost all legitimacy for us.

Realise at last that we don’t live in a unified world or in a global village. Wars, the poor, and the oppressed will always be with us.

This world will never be a heaven on Earth.

Your delusions have only accomplished one thing: You have uprooted your children.

We are the lost, the homeless. ‘Who are we?’ we ask ourselves. ‘Where are we going?’

We’ve seen through your answers and understood that they are lies. We aren’t ‘humanity’ and we don’t want your paradise.

So we have come up with our own answer to these questions.

We turn to what you have demonised. To ourselves.

We search for our identity, and find it under the rubble of your destructive rage. We must dig deep to find ourselves again.

Our history, our homeland, and our culture give us what you have taken from us.

We don’t want to be citizens of the world. We are happier with our own countries.

We don’t want the end of history, for our history doesn’t give us cause to complain.

We don’t want a multicultural society where our own culture is left to burn in the melting pot.

We are less demanding than you, yet we want so much more!

While you’ve chased utopias your entire lives, we want real values.

What we demand actually exists; to possess it is our ancestral right. We desire nothing more than our inheritance, and won’t tolerate your withholding it any longer.

We are the answer to you and to the failure of your utopia.

For we are generation identity.

Change the retarded hairy thing's peace symbol into the black sun. Also fix Pepe's lips.

Uh oh, Furie has found the final solution to Pepe.

Sunglasses flare should be stylized SS too.

Thanks user!

I bet 90% of the people making rare Pepes don't even know who this faggot is.

So does that mean the cancerous kekistan fags will fuck off too?

TOPPITY KEK Matt was never in control.

This is now a rare pepe thread.


Someone please, tell me the name of the tune of that webm. Please.

really makes you ponder

also how interesting that (((someone))) who might have something to do with the birth of a meme thinks he can claim any sort of right over pepe, its just ridiculous


Now, lurk moar.

Literally kill yourself.

Moonman is also retired as far as I'm aware.

I dont get it, does he think drawing him dead will automagically stop the pepe memes and general use?
He needs to understand that pepe isn't his anymore.
He created him, but he damn sure didn't create 99.99% of the content that uses him.
I'm sure most people don't even know who this guy is or where pepe came from.


reported for assault gif :^)

Best i could muster on this piece of shit laptop.


That feel when no one cares about your post.

Thats pretty dank.

Good OC/10

B-but it was ironic!


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
kill yourself

Send this to Matt Furry.

Pepe is dead!



Lewis Spears

For a (1) you're pretty good.

Wouldn't this mean that pepe no longer has a physical form and can now ascend to become Kek?


momiji > pepe tbh



It's proof positive of just how fucking retarded normalfags are.

That cartoon needs a redraw, there's no reason Trumpepe's teeth should look so disgusting.

That's an incredibly common one, just with a bloom filter placed on it. It still has that murdoch murdoch faggot's shitty attempt at making Wojak look like he's speaking and everything.

Not bad, but Pepe's lips are still WRONG.

You don't design a meme like it's some sort of mascot designed for mass appeal.

A meme is borne from the waters of 8ch. Nobody can say what meme will take and what will not. You cannot force a meme.

Moonman was retired years before Holla Forums ever existed. McDonalds got into some sort of copyright trouble for using him.

we need to nazi up all his characters


Here you pernickety fag. I just liked the texture on the other version.

I'll be back…

Checked. Nailgun to the face in 3 2 1 ….

That's why I tried to do, and no result. That's why ask, please just somebody tell me the name of the tune, please.

sounds like xurious


So Holla Forums, are you hype for our resurrection saga? We shall bury kek in an arcade blocking the entrance with tendies. In three days time he shall rise again, the tendies having disappeared.


by the femurs of Sisyphus that's funny


Pepe killed them first. Where is the comic where nazi Pepe tells Wojack to have them shot?

scroll up

here's the sig as png for anyone who wants do a garrison.

Yes seriously. Since the webm appeared, I tried to search it (google, youtube, bandcamp) and to this day no one had given me an straight answer.

I'm listening to his soundcloud in order to find out



You fools, now you've finally freed him!

Silly artist. We are in control now.

Holy shit did you just time travel here from 2008?

That guy is some autist manchild and not once, not for once second under any circumstance was Pepe his.

If it wasnt for chan sites, that guys frog drawing would have remained a crayola scrawled chicken scratch magnetized to his sickly 80 year old mothers refrigerator.

STOP acknowledging nobodies and they will disappear.

i'll only spoonfeed you once had the track name in spoilers



Fucking hell, to fuck it up like that…

Don't associate Kek with the kike Rabbi Jesus.

Be clear the next time, impatient but still based user. Thank you very much.

You people never disappoint.


That's V you dumb nigger

Checking these dubs of absolute truth.


according to the prophesies

never really was a fan of pepe tbh, especially with the scat shit



Very nice

The memes have assumed direct control of this timeline.

Fuck you're such a flaming GRIDs magnet.
If you don't know C Y B E R N A Z I then you haven't lurked enough. In fact you're such a godforsaken AIDSriddled pozhole that you'll never be able to lurk enough. So just fucking lurk more and don't complain the next time anons give you the shit you deserve instead of spoonfeeding you.

Suiseiseki is better desu


Patience. An opportunity will arrive sooner or later. You'll know.




Pepe survived the normalfaggization and returned to us, why would he die in the hands of the creator cuck?

now that's some butthurt



Just wait until Tuesday, ye of little faith.



So which one of us is going to send this abomination to Pic Related?

I am sorry to go offtopic, but is he /ourguy/?
I have never seen that picture used outside of imageboards before.

Hey does anyone have that "Welcome to Holla Forums" video that starts off with this Barbara Spectre clip and ends with the theme from "Cheers"? It got deleted off YouTube, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

This is not pepe. It's the Grinch with a mask, newfag.


Unfortunately not. If anything, they'll claim they're responsible for this and do something extra faggy to celebrate, like 'shop Pepe into a victory parade or something.

I know you lurk and post here, Sargon. I can't say enough to hurt you, so I'll only remind you that you're paying to support another man's child and are a nigger.

Resurrection time!

Thanks for playing


You had one fucking job, user.






man this shit is great guys fucking love being in these live threads keep this shit COMNIG

Do those kekistani blasphemers have money? We could coopt kekistan and make them buy things and spend the money on RWDS.


Conductor, we don't have a problem.

Fuck Kekistan, I'm merely thinking of ways to make use of their resources.

Gee Whizz, wouldn't it be a shame if Matt has to kill ALL of his characters?

Sell t-shirts and shit to them? Knock yourself out fam. Personally I think those heretics need to burn. Encourage them to get "kekistani" tattoos so that we can identify them on the DOTR.


Advice for advertising to them? I don't use plebbit or twatter…

No dubs, suspicious reasoning, not sure whether materialist wn or christcuck.

pepe/kek is /ourdeity/

Just ignore the kekistan faggots, I know they're beyond annoying but giving them any attention at all will keep them relevant for just that much longer. Eventually it will die out and then all that will remain is what we created.

Kinda looks like moonman

This, it also applies to sargoy's kekistan garbage.

Thanks user, I didn't have that one in my collection.


big man tyrone is ahead of you
This is heresy.

Kek, I hope that nigger milks them for all they're worth.



1 bump = 1 prayer





When will he learn that he has no control over the memes anymore

This image just makes the frog look like a savior. Fucking idoits



Holy aryans. What's the sauce on the girl?


Charlie and Mac are on our side

That episode ended with them setting it all on fire.

Not all of it




The fact that nobody knew who Matt Furie was before pepe became so widespread gives you an idea how much sway he has. The creation has outshone the creator.



Think this one is covert enough for normalfags to pick up on without noticing what nation Kraftwerk's from?

The four frogmen of the AKeKalypse

I think we should turn the sunglasses hairy character into a NatSoc as well
for the keks

By virtue signalling what did Matt Furie hope to accomplish?

No longer being blackmailed by the Southern Poverty Law Center et. al., presumably.

his sunglasses are literally "ᛋᛋ"

Nothing. The faggot doesn't care. He's literally being paid by the SPLC/ADL (same thing) to shit out shitty Pepe comics to "take back" Pepe. He doesn't give a shit. If he cared, he would've said something years ago. But it only happened after the SPLC/ADL commissioned him.

The ADL / SPLC were probably threatening to crush his balls. Those kikes have no honor, they know he's innocent but wanted to use him to go after us.

Now Pepe literally becomes our messianic figure who rises from the dead. Great move SPLC.

What's funny is Matt Furie thought Pepe was his to do anything with anymore. His gay little cartoon is as meaningless and impotent as any other sjw faggot trying to "kill off" Pepe.

The more they fight, the more they show they have already lost.

He probably just wanted (((ADL))) to stop bothering him.


True, it has potential.


Choose one.

Single most underrated post of the year so far.


Get the SPLC and the ADL off his back, get some cash from their commissions, earn some brownie points and make his dumb frog cartoons in peace.


here's this


So, is this indicative of the "comedy" Matt Furie does with these characters? It fails at every level of wit and humor. He deserved to have his characters taken away.

Dunno, but if you unfurl those P's that nigger's rocking a swastika.

Another to add to the long list.

Fortunately, a cartoon cannot die & Hillary Clinton is a fucking retard.

here's my OC





Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Can someone make a meme of Matt Furie's face on a Roman soldier, holding a hammer and nails? For the lulz.


I think Longinus is fitting.



Pretty good tbh.

Is this the next avatar of the ogdoad?


Not dead




Pepe is OUR fucking cartoon now. He has nothing to do with it. We determine what Pepe does, not Matt Faggot.


Pepe died for your shitposts.


this didnt work when they tried it with hitler

I wish I could find the pictures from the last time we dug up the original Matt "White" Furie comics.





the last ties of leftist pepe are now destroyed. All Heil the Right Wing Amphibian Squads

People never learn.







All Matt did was kill off the remaining tether to Pepe's origins. Pepe is now truly free to serve as the avatar of Kek.

Still it's a smart move for Matt as it means it absolves him of responsibility for Pepe beyond this point. "See I killed him? And it didn't stop it, not my problem anymore ADL." I'm curious if that is the real reason.

The spirit cooking stuff could fulfill the water into blood thing

Pretty good.
And if they claim he's a shitskin:
Lips are pink.
Natsoc meme color is "brown".


So, do we mess with the rest of the boy's club now ?

What is that animal supposed to be?

Who gives a fuck? Is this reddit celebrating free comic book day? Fuck you lame cunts

Bear/Sasquatch/Monkey probably.


I think his name is Shady? wtf.

No, that's a reference to Eminem.
I think his name is Brett. Andy's the dog, right? And obviously he isn't Pepe or Landwolf.

This. The appropriation of corporate mascots to our own ends will be most profitable! Let's have a dig for Israeli national mascots and big brand memes and just work them over with the old meme magic. Wendy's Girl definitely has potential, but there are so many more…

He may have got inspiration for the lips from those but he took the character Pepe the frog from Analia Garcia (AKA Candela) who created him in 1988 in Argentina and whose daughters peform with Pepe now.

Shady? Shadylay?


Wew lads.

What are you some kind of faggot?

That's AnnaSophia Robb. She used to be an absolute goddess.

If /r9k/ couldn't, he can't too. Thread related: /r9k/ thread on 'killing pepe' from 2015.


What happened? She seems sweet. Saw the video and saw disney… oh. Seems like a subtle encouragement to go tripping on shrooms or dmt. Has her programming kicked in yet? Such a pity.

She's just not as hot anymore now she's 23. Like all girls.

That nose looks suspicious.

Who knows.

If you are in your mid 20's and find girls in their 20's unattractive I would worry. If you're in your early 20's and you grew up listening to her, I can understand where you are coming from. Still, disney does leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Sad what they do to these poor kids. Those who are still alive, etc.

Could very well be subtle surgery or very good photoshop (I doubt because it's not an airbrushed photo - see pores/marks) and yet her bridge is thinner. Then again, lighting is crazy. Still a pretty woman though. Conventional pretty, but let's hope she's still pure.

They only want you when you're 17
When you're 21 you're no fun

Zogs gotcha boy

Triangles are still the most underrated meme used by (((them))) and yet nobody talks about it. Good post though. Absolutely right.

I'm neither And I don't find girls in their 20s unnattractive, just less attractive than when they're in their prime attractiveness in their early teens. That's just nature and I refuse to bow to feminists' demands to reject that.


Losing the cornrows and a litle weight would make the Taylor on the left more attractive. I also don't like make-up.

Also, did you try to find the worst photo you could find of her?

So you're old and can't get hard without looking at girls under 20? Fuck man. Break the (((conditioning))). Feminism has nothing to do with trying to get with 13 year olds (assuming that's what an early teen is). They don't have the mental capacity at that age, no matter how mature the biology is. It's like shooting fish in a barrel and a little bit juvenile to take advantage of that. You should really evaluate yourself and life experiences… Not accusing you of anything and making a brash statement here… But hopefully the above assessment is wrong. The feminists do more harm against women than men. And since you're on Holla Forums i'd expect you to know better.

You're spewing feminist bullshit. People's raw intelligence peaks at 14 and at the start of puberty we are hypervigilant.

Okay Mohamed, I'm not here to argue with you.

I'm not a muslim and Muhammad was a paedophile. Being attracted to pre-pubescent children is paedophilia which is wrong. Being attracted to people of the opposite sex from puberty onwards is heterosexuality and natural. Making marriage and sex (and other non-sexual related things such as cinema-going) legal from puberty would free-up police resources to go after paedophiles. Especially VIP paedophiles such as politicians.

It would also prevent cultural marxism from convincing gullible normal people that they're paedophiles so that they can create more potential allies in their agenda to legalise paedophilia.

Wake up and see what's really going on.

So ages 11-13? Are you sure you're not a muslim?

So not age 6, so I'm positive I'm not a muslim.

I think it should be illegal for an 80 yo man to have sex with a 10 yo girl who just got her period. Kids having sex with each other should be okay as long as they are educated properly first.

In that case, I have no problem with you friend. My assumption was proved otherwise and for that, I apologize. Thank you for clarifying. However, I still believe that in an occidental society the age of consent should level between 16 and 18. This has nothing to do with biological occurrences but rather the culture we have built for ourselves. US girls are too mature, too early - and still you could meet a snarky 16 year old trying to jump you. She thinks she knows the world but has no clue. Before you know it, you are literally a cult leader or somebody who is taking advantage of somebody's naivety. It seems that society is so degenerate that people feed off others' weaknesses. I say these things because I ashamedly played the game for many years and slept with a lot of 19/20/21/22 year olds (even though I was their senior) and found that their levels of maturity didn't come close in comparison to mid 20's. If you are a man as you say, you would understand the joys of boyhood and growing up and to be taken advantage of at such a young age (as I was as well with a mature woman) kind of seems too… unnatural in our current environment… . There are many places you could move to if you wish to enjoy your hedonistic pleasures but I still hazard and argue that our current society does not support it (it's going there though). Fathers are no longer fathers. Children are no longer children and there is an obsession to sexualise young teens in a bit to turn them into whores by the time they're 20. It's rather sad and if you were to ever become a father, you would understand.

Go find me a 10 year old girl who is sexually attracted to an 80 year old man. Excuse me if I don't hold my breath.

So you believe that God/nature has created everyone in the world wrong and we require the government to set a much higher age of consent than nature's own? That sounds pretty crazy to me.

great song user

That is not what I have said. If you wish to bring God into the matter, then you, our of all people should know that a monogamous relationship is beneficial to a greater society. I simply said the age of consent could that high becuase in the west, children are children and unfortunately… the west has raised children as little adults. Which means you no longer get critical thinkers, but rather a host of arrested development due to bad parenting, (((media))) and societal degeneracy. If you were living in Africa or the middle East, it would be considered normal. But this is not considered normal in the west because the education, the system, the fish bowl you live in has been programmed to a different structure where the mental, emotional and psychological structure is different. This can be proven by simply speaking to anybody with a degree in a in the sciences of psychology. (unless they are leftists). I understand your viewpoints and respect it but do you not see where my argument is coming from? Do you realise how it could be detrimental to a person of that age? I ask you to humble yourself and understand how damaging a sexual act can be to a person with the psyche of a western 16 year old can possible be. It seems a lot of people who share your viewpoint disregard the ramifications of your actions. Go speak to multiple counselors and see the impacts of this and then we can talk. I am sick and tired of dealing with broken families, mentally ill young women and broken hearts because some old fuck blackmailed them into being whores for them in order to get through school because daddy blew his brains out and mommy sucked cock for coke. Those little girls (16) had no fucking idea about the real world as they were in school, minding their own business. Then a 50 year old comes along and promises her heaven and earth, an education, etc. etc. Once she graduates from high school, she ends up on the streets. That's feminism for you. That's the shit I've had to deal with. So if you still believe that you have a right to fuck a mentally unstable (all teens are mentally unstable in the west because it's a natural progression in our occidental society) 14 year old, then I would hope you live in Thailand or any other borderline 3rd world country. If you wish to live in society, be a valuable member of society and get with the program. Not for your sake, but for the health of others.

People can have monogomous reationships if they're under an artificially created age of consent. Do you honestly think that if it was lowered to puberty then the world would just be full of swinging 10 year olds and 80 years olds?

Not at all. But do you honestly believe if we set rules to fuck 13 year olds after school as a law we would still resemble a civilized nation? I think the east is calling. I hope i'm not talking to you, Jim. But if I am, I hope the Philippines are treating you well.

Which is created by cultural marxism and packing young adults (and obviously children before them) into indoctrination centers where their peak intelligence is squandered due to being totally brainwashed and they are encouraged to blibdly rebel against their parents and any other older adult who isn't a degenerate. A girl finding love with someone older (and of the same race but opposite sex) who she can learn more from is the last thing cultural marxists want.

I am not disagreeing with you there. But why are you then using it as an excuse to create honeytraps when you know you are taking advantage of it?

You do realise that the age of consent is only about a century old and that us humans, especially Europeans, have built civilisation without it? And that's completely without it, not even setting it at puberty which is what I propose.

And don't talk shit. These girls are so fucked up because there are so many people such as yourself who like to dabble in underage girls that by the time they turn 18 they're already doing nigger porn for the jews. So go fuck yourself if you are not trying to be wholesome. If anything, you should be ashamed of yourself for ruining a young woman's life. In fact, you are pushing the feminist ideals more than you realise and I would happily tie a milstone around your neck. I'm done conversing with you for this is more D&C and shilling. You know what you know. Deny it all that you wish. The heart is evil, the flesh is weak. But the soul knows the Truth.

Your argument ignores all emotional intelligence. But then again, you argue that cultural marxism has destroyed EQ. I agree because it's destroyed your EQ as well. You're a victim like all the rest.

Using what to creat honeytraps? The age of consent? I've always wanted a natural age of consent and it's not to trap anybody. The current ages of consent (having them different per country shows how retarded they are) are the traps.

I'm in the UK the age of consent is 16 and still too high. White girls wouldn't be fucking black guys who don't care about the law anyway if more decent white guys could be there for them. And my argument ignores nothing your argument ignores nature and obective science, facts and logic.

the UN human rights organization *wants* universal age of consent at 18

They're pressuring 3rd world countries to get into the program already. And Japan.

I agree with you but answer me this. What is wrong with a 30, 40, or 50 year old that he cannot find a long term relationship with a woman in his own age range? What was wrong with him, that he could not forge a long term bond with a woman in his own age range during the peak of his sexual maturity? Do not play coy and act as if you cannot play a younger woman into bed. We both know how easy that is to accomplish with the right wit. I want to know why older men are unable to settle down with a single woman? What is wrong with them? Why are they unable to have stable relationships that force them into subtly lure young and naive women into having sex with them? That makes you a loser in life and in most cultures and I pity the man who is not mental and thinks it is okay.

When was the last time you fucked a 16 year old and did you meet her dad? Or did she have no dad?


Yeah, the global elite want the people of the world to suffer under oppressive anti-heterosexual laws until the people cave-in and support legalising paedophilia. That isn't a surprise.

Because so many women are totally brainwashed and also girls are better looking at that younger age as I said before. We're biologically hardwired to try to find a mate from puberty whether we are that age ourselves or much older. Obviously it's ideal for both people to find true love at puberty and spend the rest of their lives together. But since the world is so fucked up it's much harder for people to do that right now.

And I haven't had sex with a 16 year old but I'd meet her dad if she wanted me to. I'm sure he'd be relieved that I'm white and not trying to get her or push her more into) alcohol, cigarettes or illegal drugs as I'm against them all.

Well good for you then. I hope you can understand the point that i'm coming from though. And if you agree with the things i've said, then I am most certain that you are not playing the devil's advocate and being sly in the manner you acquire your future wife. That is all. Be a real man and have values. (I hope you do). Your points are valid and you know what is up. But don't abuse your authority and mental superiority. That was the only point I was trying to make.

I don't want to abuse anybody (beyond wanting to punch politicians and SJWs in the face) and I don't have any authority beyond any ther average citizen. I just want my natural right to find a girl I can fall in love with, and who will love me back, regardless of age other than obviously not pre-pubescent and I'm not attracted to pre-pubescent children anyway. (And if I was I'm sure I would still have the same views and seek help for my mental illness and not act on it.)

Another thing to think about is that the current age of consent along with indoctination in schools and by the media has essentially created a degenerate bubble between puberty and 16 (or 18 etc depending where you live). Lowering the age of consent to puberty and generally having decent older adults have relationships (not just sexual, generally talking to and making friends) with younger adults might not burst that babble straight away but at least would make in-roads in which to help spread red pills so that at least some young adults can make better use of their intelligence.

Wasn't he killed by commie sandniggers?

The only issue with this post is that Pepe Trump is english by the look of those teeth.

In a traditional and good society there is no need for an aoc. The ideal is that the man interested goes and meets/knows the family and the parents of both parties have a say in it. Parents know best how mature a girl is. Also traditionally women would already have been prepared for motherhood and life as a housewife by that age.

My great grandmother wasn't abused when her dad decided it's okay that his apprentice (21) marries her (14). He worked in the workshop and took over her father's business keeping it in the family. Both fell in love, her father had noticed and gave them his blessing when he came to ask to make it official.

The only reason we need such things as age of consent is because this dynamic relation has been broken by 68er hippies with their sexual revolution where strangers fuck around and having sex has no consequences. The same ppl that then pushed for pedophilia ("everyone can have sex why not kids too? It's fun and no string attached!") in the 70s untill the rest of society catches up (Christian conservative boom if the 80s) and contained that.

Checked for hitler dubs of truth

The fucking MEME


He's just a hairy guy and that particular shade of brown hair isn't something you see outside of Whites

Our smug prophet will rise on 3rd day.
Kek wills it.

you know most pepes i see are for chronic shitposting on Holla Forums

Holla Forums barely ever posts Pepe.


First time seeing this. Wew lad.

Fucking 10/10 m8

fug :DD


"On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures"

New Trollface is now the official symbol of the alt-right!

Good. Now he can be reborn into his true form.

what happened to her?

When in doubt the answer is Jews



Man, what is that song?

Same thing that happened to Miley Cyrus. Jews.

Now when does the rest of the club turn NatSoc now that their friend was killed by a leftist?
Any drawfag takers here?

now that's the pepe i've been looking for. ultra antisemitic.

Too bad I can't spell. I'll go down in history as the guy that couldn't spell resurrection when kek needed me.

Of course, I didn't even post the high quality pepes from the pepelangelo etsy. You can probably ignore those ones from whatever.

can a twitter friend send this to Matt Furie:
Ein Volk!
Ein Pepe!
Ein Furie
and meme him as the leader of the alt-right?

Here's the rest as consolation.








A woman leeching off off other people's work and ideas? I'm shocked.




None of her shit is original and the fame of Pepe among normalfags is purely due to us.

wendy's girl is perfect. plus it promotes the idea of white FEMALE racism. white feminists have (((magically))) created the notion that women can't be racist and that all women are good little blue-haired degenerate leftists.

This is a great example of just how fucking retarded leftists are. By this same logic, I can draw some depiction of communism dying and communism will just cease to exist. This is mildly interesting I guess but not really thread worthy.

Are you literally retarded? Sorry user, we don't all dress like fucking bikers. Some of us don't like taking it in the ass.

They don't get it.

Pepe The Frog rose to popularity because of 4chan and Holla Forums, and not because he was a "stoner frog."

No, Pepe evolved, became a representation of everything sad at first, then smug, then a geopolitical tool that has the political sector shaking at their knees because they just don't understand it nor do they care to try to, because it's too chaotic, it's too much to process.

But the more you expose yourself to that chaos, the more you get used to it. You start to understand it, become one with it, and one day it just doesn't feel as painful as it does before.

You want to know what the secret of pain is? If you just stop feeling it, you can start using it. But this confusion they feel towards a cartoon frog and its various incarnations, they'll never stop feeling it, because they refuse to acclimate themselves to this emergent cultural force.

No, Matt Furie, despite creating Pepe, means jack shit in the grand scheme of things. Just as Johnny Cash found "Hurt" in Nine Inch Nails and took it to heights the original creators never could, 4chan found Pepe the Frog in Matt Furie and did the exact same thing. And it kills him.

So? What did he do? He "killed" Pepe the Frog, the careless stoner who lived for pot games and snacks, but the Pepe found here lives on, because unlike Matt's original creation, 4chan and Holla Forums gave Pepe something Matt never could.


thats a good song tbh. nice post i have heard it in years

Excellent song thanks user.

Underrated post.

Trips of truth, how are these not checked yet?

Pepe faked his death so those cucks at boys club will leave him to be with his real friends.

Great post user, godspeed.

Guess Rommel's an effeminate ponce too huh user? Literally gas yourself.

what are you doing user

user, perhaps you've forgotten that artist who meme'd Pepe into a Christ figure the other day. Three days from now, i'm anticipating some serious shit.

If dubs, find a bunker niggas, cuz shit is goin' down.


idk I think they're p dank
not sure who told her it was ok to posts pics online with her shirt on tho

The jews should have listened to Trudeau "If you kill your enemies they win"

Matt Furie is the law

lol he's gonna kill off all his characters

Matt Furie lost his mandate.

More like… Matt Fuhrer.

Goddamit, user. That's the stuff.

May 11th would be a dubs day.

Criminally unchecked dubs

Just when I thought Kek had abandoned us.


I can't wait.

capped for posterity

I can just imagine it now

can't deny those dubs

nice image, I'll give source



Too soon, man…


I strongly disagree. PEPE was no longer "his".

Shaitán approves this triplets.

I like it!
I added hats.

Rise from the dead, Pepe le Frog


You need to check your ego/thoughtforms. You're completely insane.

Does this make pepe the first non-human martyr?

Someone should add pepe to the wikipedia martyr page under political martyrs.

we should turn all his other dumb characters into memes as well



He thinks he's in charge

whenever i see this i remember

i remember my mom singing this song to me when o was little, here in argentina you can find pepe costumes, maybe one day i will buy one and larp AMIA 2.0 electic booglao

the reasons to keep fighting pile up even higher

as all leftys they seek attention and the only thing that he made in his entire life was "creating" a racist frog.
it hurt him to know that he created something that he was programmed to hate

mfw Furie actually dies as Kek's revenge in a couple days

Some of Pepe's songs are pretty catchy although I don't understand spanish. And I've got a crush on Sofi.

Imageboard NEET autism is no one's deity, shitskin.



There is always Space Moose.


the fuck is this abomination i'm looking at?

A literal faggot?

How about no.

Kek never abandons us. We just burned a ton of energy getting Trump elected. Same thing happens after every major meme magic usage it's just the amount of memetic energy is getting stronger each time. The frog hibernates in the Winter after all.

Looks like the Japanese Squid Ink burger.

Remember, too, the Egyptians believed in cycles, reflecting as well the cyclical flooding of the Nile and its importance to the kingdom before it was dammed up in the modern era.

Hey, since Walt Disney was anti-semetic, why don't we also take Mickey Mouse and all of his other characters. TBH fam it's what he would want.

Kek's going to wake up the whole Ogdoad. September is gonna be wild.

source on this?

Wendy-chan shall continue to be meme'd then.

Murdoch Murdoch?

Space Moose isn't gay. He's some sort of omnisexual, amoral creature of chaos and destruction. Whenever Space Moose fucks a man, it's almost always rape, and you're almost always left with the impression that this isn't about sex, but some perverse prison-style dominance.

Thanks for comfirming it's gay.