They aren´t even trying to hide it anymore.
They aren´t even trying to hide it anymore.
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This is old but have a bump. Holla Forums needs to talk about the Rothschilds and Protocols of Zion more.
Absolutely. With the influx of the_donald newfags, the terms "ZOG" and "kikes" have been used in a much more vague sense then a year ago. The Rothschilds are at the core of evil and they should be at the core of our discussions, too.
They have been admitting alot since decades. But if you show a normie a video of these demons, they will automatically dismiss you.
Demoralization at it's best.
They have run the UK for 300 years and control the Federal Reserve. That is how they bought up all the influential media and got the USA into WW I and II.
From ZIONISM AND WORLD WAR I, since deleted from the internet.
By 1916, the Germans, Austrians, and Ottoman Turks had seemingly won the war. Russia was in turmoil and about to be swallowed up by communist revolution. France had suffered horrible losses, and Britain was under a German U-boat blockade. Germany made an offer to Britain to end the war under conditions favorable to Britain. But the British, and the international Zionists, had one more card to play!
The British government and the Zionist leaders struck a dirty deal. The Zionists were led by Chaim Weizmann, the man who one day become the first President of the State of Israel. The idea was for the Zionists to use their influence to drag the mighty USA into the war on Britain's side, so that Germany and it's Ottoman allies could be crushed. In exchange for helping to bring the USA into the war, the British would reward the Zionists by taking over Palestine from the conquered Ottomans after the war was over. The British had originally wanted to give the Zionists a jewish homeland in an African territory. But the Zionists were fixated on claiming Palestine as their land. Once under British control, the jews of Europe would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine in great numbers.
Zionists powerbrokers such as Bernard Baruch (father of the MIC), Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg (father of the US Federal Reserve), Jacob Schiff (funder of the Bolshevik Revolution and NAACP), and others immediately went to work to put the screws to President Woodrow Wilson. Overnight the Zionist influenced press transformed the German Kaiser and his people into bloodthirsty “Huns”, determined to destroy western civilization. In 1916, the US, with the help of the previous year’s Lusitania “incident”, entered the war on Britain's side under the ridiculous pretext of “making the world safe for democracy”.
“Beat Back the Hun!” declared Fred Strothman’s famous propaganda poster, - a slogan which became a rallying cry of “patriotic” Americans. Woodrow Wilson was caught up in a sinister force beyond his control - a force which he himself described years earlier in his 1913 book “The New Freedom”,
Just a reminder of what's at the root of their actions (other than their genetics), since a lot of people still like to claim that the Rothschilds "aren't really jews".
Please get an mp4 version I can save.
My, aren't they getting brazen.
Here is what the Rothschild banking system has done to western countries' debt since its implementation.
The red circles are the years that new (((banking laws))) were implemented, forcing countries to fund their debt on the financial markets instead of creating money for themselves.
The conditioning about 'God's Chosen People' starts at an early age.
checked the truth
If Hitler never got in power would the Balfour deceleration still go through?
Here's a democracy the daughter released about themselves a while ago. Figure I'll post it.
>democracy documentary*
"Oy vey! We are not British aristocracy, we are jewish, so we will always be outsiders."
Incredible, billionaires and trillionaires playing the victim card.
Quads confirm, absolutely
Fuckers have a lot to answer for. Blood Money.
This dude Michael Rivero has been getting shoa'd hard for putting out that video.
it's never really been a secret.
yes. if nothing else they start complaining that stalin is purging too many jews
have another bump.
bump for all the shills sliding threads
yep. everyone in this thread should look into the balfour agreement.
B-but guys lets let Israel destroy Iran and Syria. They are all shitskins anyway. We'll deal with Israel at some non specified date!
It is quite a cohencidence that right after the Federal Reserve and ADL was founded in 1913 we were pulled into WW I via the Balfour Declaration.
Henry Ford was right in 1920.
These fuckers aren't just something to lament about; they're something to learn from. I'd like to sit down and with that man and learn everything he knows just as much as I'd like to gut him/
I can't handle this Holla Forums.
Bump, this thread should be stickied.
I feel the exact same way. These are the top of the kike chain, as far as we know at least, so we have to pick their brains before smashing them.
Relevant watching as well.
Killed kennedy for trying to subvert the (((Federal Reserve))) and not allowing Israel nukes.
JFK was also in the process of establishing better relations with Germany. He was almost as popular as Hitler there. jews could not have that.
Nice video, I always wondered how the devil's voice sounded, I bet this is very close to that
That was a good watch, thanks for sharing user
9/11 = Catalyst to remove obstacles for rothschild central banks banks, gain oil reserves, and create greater israel.
Iran is next.
H-Henry apologized? First I heard of this.
Definatally, shit was front and centre when I came here
But these newfags aren't getting the full picture now the kikes and their banks havn't been exposed like they used to
There was a great video where a Jew was interviewing two nogs about whether or not a nog would attack a jew because he's an easier target, to which they basically said
But one of them later mentioned the Protocols, which the Jew immediately claimed was a hoax, and the nog very quickly answered, "It all lines up with the current news." The jew then tries changing the subject, and the other nog says, "Dere you go tryin to manipulate the conversation."
Found it
good summary of the kikery
I remember that
Didn't the Kikes have a thing about being in groups as well
The kike has a point at the end.
Now the USA and UK are being stabbed in the back by world jewry.
That's from the movie, Defamation. Major redpill of a film.
If you guys maintain this attitude and combine it with sheer willpower to climb above your social station, you will go far.
To not learn from our enemies is a terrible sin.
Maybe I'm just too blackpilled, but I feel the best thing I can hope for is to own a plot of land and grow food for myself. I don't see how any of us, unless of course some of you are already rather well off, can rise the ranks in this world.
Rothschild funded the bolsheviks and created communism. Funneling millions to Lenin and Trotsky. Human misery and suffering. Blood money.
Marx was family:
Did not the Rothschilds believe that the Dead Sea
contained trillions of dollars worth of minerals?
Rothschild backstabbed chiang kai shek at the end of ww2. 64 million wong choongs dead.
Only way is to extricate yourself from our banking system, bitcoin is a start but it doesn't cut it.
Millions dead in Yugoslavia, more Rothchild fuckery + bill clinton blowjob coverup.
How the Rothschild owned Federal Reserve Scam works:
The Federal Reserve 1913, woodrow wilson was bought and paid to destroy America.
He didn't even sign the apology himself, and went on to fund people like William Dudley Pelley and Elizabeth Dilling.
The Pritzker family is equally as relevant, yet never discussed.
no they don't.
Holla Forums needs to establish all elite figures period, and reverse engineer their findings.
understand structure to the founding creation and expansion.
understand marketing metrics and sales.
understand philosophy direction and teams.
should we become rothchilds?
you can not
THE SHIT that gets me thinking about my christmas list, is like when its december 20th.. and you still have those folks you haven't bought shit for, because they suck and you don't care. but its like your budget might be strained since this was an expense you didn't include that extends a budget that is actually already considered.. fractional banking my good man.
on sunday at 7pm. i can buy 100 thousand dollars in s&p futures for you.
that may be beyond your reach, but the banking system allows it.
do you see how your chart, doesn't show QE, or the artificial change in interest rates, backed by 1000 to 1 margins in the fractional banking concept?
this chart is litterally a nigger in a white neighborhood. its complete bullshit and doesnt fucking matter.
banking has evolved to high frequency trading with fractional reserve holdings..
its litterally matrix money.
but if you don't know anybody, go fuck yourself and work at walmart.
his apology was a ruse.
Fug, I meant to reply to
Notice Juncker at 3:50
He was pressured into it, he complied just to get the kikes off his back and continued to work against them.
Implying he'd ever tell a goy the truth.
You can go to University right now.
Wtf are you talking about? Those were the exact moments in time when governments had to start financing their debt by selling bonds and creating interest on them instead of just making the money themselves. Obviously before that they barely had any external debt, so how is this not related? You can also see that in Europe this happened in a lot of countries around the same time. There was a fierce discussion about this in France in the 70's and the opponents of the new law even called it the Rothschild law.
My point is countries had almost no debt before this new system was implemented, and then because of compound interest the debt just kept increasing until it was impossible to pay back. These days countries just pay interest ad infinitum never even trying to repay the debt because no economy can keep growing so fast every year to pay it all back.
LOL @ This Rothschilds Twitter account. Pure gold in here.
- Pissed off at Andrew Jackson who threw his great great grandfathers bank the fuck out of the USA. twit ter.com/DavMicRot/status/859406066890809344
- Rothschild debunks pizzagate. Pack it up - stop researching plebs. - twitt er.com/DavMicRot/status/860878281083695106
- Rothschild honest tweet about his uncle forming a new axis of evil - twitter.com
- Dear Press - can u plz ask Rothschild about Debt Slavery? Is he happy that we are all debt slaves? twitter.c om/DavMicRot/status/859070358107959296
- apparently Trump is anti-holocaust . twitt er.com/DavMicRot/status/856612230535815168
- MMuhh russia - twitt er.com/DavMicRot/status/852577435979833345
- retweets a dumb goy - twitter.com
- Rothschild reluctantly endorses trumps bombing of Syria: twitter.com
Never post again.
Find charts for global derivatives if you want to see the debt bubble.
I'm not talking about derivatives here, i'm ONLY talking about national debt and how most countries switched to the Rothschild system meaning they have to endebt themselves to private players instead of creating debt free money themselves, derivatives are something else entirely
We should become the elites, yes, if that's what you're asking.
Please kill yourself.
if you look up many of the major companies in the world, they are mostly owned by individual investment groups and finding information on them is not easy.
Quads never lie
Yah lets hear about the runners up to the Rothschilds. That would be an interesting thread.