Happening: Leafs protest M-103 an Islam Supremacist Bill

A bunch of leafs are going to their city hall in Toronto to protest Bill M-103, crowd size is going to be 100+. Its also going to be in a high pedestrian traffic zone next to a major mall, so it should get cozy.

Antifa might show up. Soldiers of Odin is allegedly going to defend rally.

Maybe someone will livestream for us.

Other urls found in this thread:


Starts at 11:30 am EST.

Twitter is showing a bit of movement. Maybe something happen. Its in Toronto, a place which gives birth to professional SJW.

I hate sounding blackpilled but even the protests here are beyond cucked. People are so terrified of being compared to right wingers in the U.S that they are probably going to disperse the moment Antifa fags show up instead of replicating Berkely and driving them out. Nothing will change here until Canadians become more violent.

Fuck Canada. You cunts deserve everything you have coming.

The Soldiers of Odin still exist? Do they still only use fucking facebook? Do the American groups do anything yet?

Also note, I'm betting a large number of Canadian SoO are legitimate biker gang types.

Vice did a hit piece on them.
https:// youtu .be /F9NdN4a6D_g

Guys antifa showed up early!

Bump for possible happenings.
Canadian sjw's are fuckin MENTAL.

Soldier's of Odin seems to be active here in Finland. They were organizing street patrols last year. It was all over the media


They are trying to improve their image, but leafs are the kind of people who make anonymous complaints and hide their faces. Canada is very afraid of the polite disapproval.

CDN SoO had to disassociate with Finland SoO because Canada is very communist.

They should. Most people here seem to associate Soldiers of Odin with white trash hicks.


New Livestream
Antifa is 2x larger than anti M103 crowd, it seems.

stream offline. also the streamer looks like a beta fag

New one

new 1

So the soldiers of cuckold who said they denounce their Finnish creators, The JDL will be their and from what I'm told Gavin Mcinnes brother is the head or heavily affiliated with them is there anyone I'm forgetting?

Movement confirmed


Im surprised they don't get arrested for that.


ya dont say, eh? Every 'redpilled' canadian ive talked to on a chatroom has turned out to be a massive cuck, and thats the ones that claim to be redpilled the rest of them are infinitely worse. Canada must be cleansed and then annexed

Same. It was gold though, this shit should be chanted at every rally anywhere to counter whatever the commies are chanting.

Sasuga Canada


Had to be webm'd. I hope this chant can somehow catch on world wide.

Here u go:


Oh shit someone got assaulted?

Not sure how big this will get with the weather. It's been rainy as fuck (less so today) and relatively cold this week.

Shit, most people here are pussies who somehow act surprised in mid-December when they have to shovel their driveway.

Not a source. Theyre a bunch of manlet kikes who outright lie to create stories they think are edgy. Everything they do is bullshit and degenerate.

Toronto may be the biggest city in Canada, and should logically have the highest amount of Canucks browsing Holla Forums, but is our shittiest city. Most pollacks are from quebec, alberta and rural Ontario.

Why the fuck aren't they just bashing in the skulls of the shits that throw them here?

Its a nice and warm 12 C out where I am, unfortunate its too far from the action.

C'mon. You're European descendants all the same! It would be worth discussing some of the reasons Canadians are so non-confrontational compared to Americans. There has to be some reasons. Also, I'm sure if you were to dig deep, you could find Canadian rage. I know in general people up there bow down to their lefty masters, but you guys still despise injuns don't you? I've heard this from multiple sources, including here.

How about you try and encourage instead of discourage then huh?

The Canucks have an odd antisocial politeness much like the danes. We must figure out how to find their hate. If we do, we can flip the switch on that polarity. Perhaps we could ruin the syrup supply? That would piss them off, right? Get the mudslimes to claim syrup is racist and convince them to attack the leaf syrup supply?

godspeed torontofags

California seems to be having no trouble with that.

Give a man a why and he can bear any how. They took the why away, work to bring it back.

JDF spotted.



don't know much about it
other than a blasphemy law


Day of the Rake when?


easy there shlomo

KEK I did not expect this at all

Holy fuck, is Trudeau actually in the pockets of Soros?

I never actively hated Canadians until last year. I was spending lots of time on cuckchan and the increase in cuckposting from Canadians between 2015 and 2016 was outrageous. At this point I have more respect for the Swedes than the Canadians.


what is the percentage now?

Hey we're not all bad, but like 80% of Canadians are virtue signalling faggots who buy into MSM bullshit without any questioning or critical thinking. Living among these fuckers is pain. Also,
You're not exactly going to find the best representations of good Canadians, let alone people, there.

With all the (((multiculturism))) worship, probably around 75%.


If an American told us to do something we would all get pissed off and do the opposite. Get Trump to tell Canada to let in more refugees, problem solved.

jesus fucking christ can Canada form its own identity?

This, only tell the Prime Cuck that he HAS to. Really bully the little fuck.

Fucking cucks. You'd be better off as our slaves.

Canadians are shit on any imageboard, even on Krautchan they're god awful

First they make the playoffs and now this
They just keep turning into the literal best team ever

Oh it gets worse

The Government of Canada is working directly with George Soros to push for more 'refugees' for every country

Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.

The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.

McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.

"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.



Nobody but identical twins are the same, that's the entire nature of evolution.
Americans and Australians are better than Brits, as an example, for similar reasons (as the British were selectively breeding themselves into a two-class system of complacent elites ruling over dim and gullible plebs they got rid of everyone capable of seeing the bullshit for what it was, with the criminal variant in AU and with the moral variant in the US.) Canadians are some kind of bastardized half-American-half-British abomination from a further effort to dispell the uncontrollable aspects of Humanity's individualism from the British population. White people in AU, US, CA, and UK might seem similar in appearance but that's about where the similarities end, the British population are the ultimate in cuckening while the Canadians are a cross between the pre-final-stage of UK and FR cuckening. They have a slim glimmer of Humanity on occassion, but overall the majority of Canadians are hopelessly cucked forever.

Do we just Abandon Ship?

My take would be to focus on saving the US and AU, Europe is mostly cucked beyond hope.

I think we should take a lesson from the Russians.

I say this in every Canada thread because it's true. This place is annoying as shit at this point. Half our identity is hockey and the other half is a mix between being contrarian with Americans, being tumblr-tier tolerant, poutine, Timmies and Anglo/French bickering - oh, and general apathy towards everything (except of course hockey).

Almost every Canadian I talk to online just pisses me off, too. Pretty ashamed to be one, honestly.

Now apologize.

I'm curious to what can even be done here to change what is happening. A political party of /ourguys/ would not fly. Canada has too many shitskins who already have the right to vote and the easily manipulated women and betas provide the rest of the votes needed to dominate federal politics.
Not saying a racewar would be a bad thing, but NatSoc is not genocidal. We shouldn't have to kill indiscriminately to attain our goals. What needs to happen is a trojan horse party gets seats and tries it's hand at passing Nuremberg laws.
One idea I have been thinking about is using the desire to end monarchy rule as an in. End the monarchy, stage a political coup before becoming a republic, enact Nuremberg type laws, declare (dominion of) Canada passports invalid, boot all the shitskins out. Minimal blood spilt. A pipe dream for me.

Of course. Even if you somehow got like 20% of the way to the end goal, the US would step in and free the fuck out of us anyway.

You know what we should meme? Trudeau banning hockey for being islamophobic. That would break Canada.

Yeah that is the biggest issue facing any Canadian NatSoc movement. Even more so then fellow "Canadians". It's pretty blackpilled to think about but that is the end game for us here unless things change down south.
Would that even work though? Staging a political coup at the moment monarchy rule is ended but before a republic is created?

Top kek. That'd be illegal now in Canada, you can't criticize islam there.
Have fun getting arrested and thrown in a cell with jamal and muhammad, leafcucks.

Who can shoop Turdo out of this picture for me?

I plan on printing out stickers and putting them where ever my day to day takes me.

What would be the best format? PNG?

We've talked about this in older threads, balkanization is our only hope, though stupid geopolitically in the long run.

it already exists


6million hours in paint.



Whatever is the final solution for us, I hope it comes soon.
2011 census showed us as having almost 24% non-whites after counting the natives they stick in the non-visible minority group. I don't know of I even want to see the stats in we get in October from 2016.


Canada is a pitiful excuse for a nation and should join the motherland for the Glory of the Empire.

Its too cold for fucks sake, wait for summer.

You still need a permit for that spoon, Jack?


Checking these Dubs - Nice OC

Its borderline communist throughout the country but its concentrated in major cities.

The narrative will change once the next conservative is elected. Once that happens the entire establishment will begin demonizing whites 24/7. That alone will push the average conservative further right.

I can tell you that the average Canadian is pretty normal but there's lots liberal idiots that would love to bring daddy govt hammer down on you or to virtuesignal to bring the horde of sheep down on you if they find out your are responsible of wrongthink

but underneath society's surface there's pockets of resistance and anger. I'm a youngfag but I would describe it as what you think it would be like living in a city with secret police that might report you for wrongthink. On the surface you nod your head along with the lemmings but underneath you hate them intensely and you only tell your 'wrong' opinions to people you trust or family.
Once you find someone who's redpilled though it's like a dam breaks because suddenly you can confide in someone. Had an experience at work where in the break room everyone agrees Trump is bad this clown that etc but outside the break room I hinted at supporting Trump while alone with 2 other coworkers and they jumped at the bit when they figured out I wasn't part of the sheep police. We talked about pizzagate and Clinton emails with me for a bit.

Then I guess we have our gameplan.
Use the absurdity and obvious anti Christian anti western policies of Trudeau to solidify a beach head movement that Canadian nationalists/conservatives/pol/acks can use as a outlet to put their energy and push into the mainstream as a true conservative/nationalist group. It wouldn't be able to be white nationalist from the get go but would set the frame work in people's mind and pave the way for white nationalism. It would normalize pro western ideology and would be our battering ram to shift or smash the overton window in our direction. After all this we storm the next Canadian election that will be extremely vulnerable to our memes.
That's not the point dipshit and don't bring it up.

In this way we could create a sort of Canadian version of the "alt right" identity. It could even have a subtle western nationalist/white nationalist symbol baked into its core such as the North Star which is memetically powerful. (Canadian symbol + symbol of direction/leading + sailing symbol + symbol of the North+arctic.) The only problem with that is it could accidentally be very close to the NATO flag.
I know that you kike but that's not the point. The point is using them as a tool.

Did a leaf steal your sheckel schlomo ?

George Grant is rolling in his grave by this lack of self-awareness

Even the indians are pissed off about islam


Rightfully so over half of those Finnish street patrollers were shitfaced to different degrees. Too spineless to stay sober or too degenerate.
I hope they weren't some posers employed by JIDF or some shit

You're honestly better off moving to the US and trying to cause a regime change down there. Canadian politics cannot be changed by themselves.

Okay? Protests don't amount to anything. You've got two kinds of protests: organic and artificial. The women's march, for example, is artificial, well funded, and meant to shift social consensus and further political agendas. Organic protests however, with positive agendas meant to help citizens and the like, amount to nothing because there's zero threat behind the ideals propagated by the protesters, and there's zero propagandist support in the media to sway social consensus. Legitimate, organic protests are worthless. Hell, the government probably prefers we stand around protesting with signs and whining on the internet, because it demotivates us from actually seeking change.

Super threatening. They looks like "transgenders" LARPing as ninjas. Pathetic, disgusting bodies. One looks malnourished, the other is overweight.

They do that with all of their "right-wing" affiliates.
Look at how they interviewed Varg Vikernes, then suddenly he is famous all over Youtube.
Pure coincidence of course.


Kathleen Wynne is a pizzagate-tier pedophile. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Indeed. In Lament for a Nation he astutely identifies what the whole point of Canada was, initially, and what the loyalists' beef with America was. If the mission of confederation was an outpost of pre-modern British conservatism, in which belief that a more authoritarian paternalistic State should enforce the belief in a shared, common good over the no-holds-barred individualism of the US, then we can only hope that some residual artifacts of this anti-individualism remains to push our agenda. Maybe Canada, deep down, is more receptive to moral absolutism - which is why socialism gained a greater hold here in the first place

You are right about that one, though I disagree on how you speculate it should be built here. While agree that it would be much easier to establish something, anything that is better then what we have going that route. I feel that it won't truly serve the ultimate goal of securing our peoples future.
I look to the Afrikaner and how they were able to develop a distinct identity for themselves. It does not seem exist here in Canada/North America. We just see ourselves as "whites". North American whites don't have an identity to attach to like South African whites. I can not count the number of times I have heard a leftist say they don't agree with white pride but say they can get behind Norwegian pride or Swiss pride or whatever.
We need a name and identity for ourselves as a people, the white Canadians/North Americans who descended from those who cultivated and farmed the land that built our countries.
What do we call ourselves? I have never heard a name for us, we refer to our ancestors as the pilgrims and pioneers but those words are not words for us as a people…….bread material?

You realize this is a self-fulfilling prophecy, right ?

The world is determined by will.

The point I think would be to lay the groundwork for a nationalist/nativist push during the next election. Trudeau's blatant anti white policies would make it easy to break the ice.
As for identity one thing I find is that I hear people talking shit about americans alot but at the same time I feel very american myself. Living in Vancouver almost right on the border my TV is more or less the same as America, I wear the same brands many americans do, the news talks about America all the fuckin time. While Canadians like to say they are not like america, they tend to follow american trends (example is with the rise of trump and the "alt right", there have been some more conservative/nationalist ideas floating around here) I believe many are in a little denial.
We do not feel our connection to Britain anymore, we've moved out of that house and frankly any attempt at a push to go back to the Red Ensign or whatever flag Britain gave us would be seen as cucking ourselves for nostalgia or larping as a Brit. Like a man moving back in with his parents, it would be shameful.

What would be excellent though would be to use the weight of our enemies memes against them.
firstly, Canada has nature, alot of it and alot of people identify with it as part of Canada.
Notice though that the Canadian symbol with these animals is not stylized, it is realistic and reflects the natural way a goose looks.
Any movement should take note of this. No recolored geometric German eagles to be geese. Instead use the symbol of something natural but significant.
As for what to call ourselves, not sure exactly

As for the anti Americanism like I said that's a kneejerk reaction because frankly Canada in the past wanted it's own identity a little bit and was somewhat scared of being conglomerated into America. Once upon a time there was a very real chance Canadians could have been basically annexed by Americanization.
We could use this to our advantage while creating Canadian nationalism. Talk all about how you don't want Canada to be Americanized meanwhile your actions are actually to prevent Canada becoming Islamisized. This is somewhat of a weak path though I gotta say, I don't think many younger Canadians care about Americanization too much anymore. Anti Americanism has switched a little from fear of America to a liberal smugness about being the "goody two shoes" kid rather than the "bad kid". If you want to win a propaganda war, smash that perception right there.

One more symbol that is important is the Mountie. Currently they are pozzed but in the past were commonly associated with being a goody two shoes (in the good way not the bad way) and at the same time a Canadian centric manly man. It might be worth looking into how to associate Canadian nationalists with some of these tropes of PAST mounties, not current mounties.