How do we deal with Trump's anti-semitism?

How do we deal with Trump's anti-semitism?

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and they wonder why anti-semitism exists

The Jews have nothing to worry about.

I gotta say this stuff really confuses me.

Trump really loves Jews, furthermore, he loves Israel. So what's the deal with all these Zionist Jews saying he's an anti-semite. I mean. Really. I don't get it.


Did the Jews just out themselves?

Actually I miswrote this and you can't delete posts on this chan?

We don't
We just be like The Beatles and let it be and watch the universe burn down tbh

Click the little arrow

Thanks friend.

Part of it is that Jews as whole aren't a single monolithic hivemind that think and work in unison. Even the Zionist Jews aren't all completely on the same page. Another part is that Jews lie to other Jews about things, especially when it comes to political or social issues concerning Jews.


And now you know for whom the laws on anti-Semitism were made.

He openly supports Israel you dumb fuck

For Jews, anyone who don't straight up suck their collective asses is an anti-Semite

Look how they say Obama is literally Hitler

everyone who doesnt bow down and suck jew cock like a good little goy slave is an anti-semite


He didn't say anything about Jews. It's the legacy media who are implying that and the lot who believe it. It's funny how you people that "arent" anti-Semitic jump to the conclusion that criticism of banking elites is equivalent to a criticism against Jews. It seems very hypocritical.

As for those of you who claim to be socialist I see no reason why you'd be against criticism of the global banking elite. Again it seems very hypocritical of you to be against that. Try to at least have some principles. Don't let this election rid up you of them. That is if you even had any to begin with.


I hope you leftypol fags are aware that

should killary, who is a mere pawn to her globalist overlords get elected, world war is a quite real possibility. She doesn't have America's interest in mind. She is "buyable" pay per favor politician. She also has problems distinguishing world politicians, as is evident from internal correspondence with her staff

At this point she is just a chess pawn to Soros.

"A long series of financial and ethical scandals has dogged Clinton, including recent allegations that her husband and their family foundation benefited financially from decisions she made as secretary of state. Her performance surrounding the 2012 terror attack on a State Department facility in Benghazi, Libya, has been catnip for conservative Republicans. And her presidential campaign has been marked by an unwillingness to engage journalists, instead meeting
with hand-picked groups of voters."
is what Soros and the Rothschilds want

they wanted it in the Ukraine and proved they could do it and they blamed Russia for the whole thing… we'll go to war again and blame Russia again for the whole thing

He has over 150 organizations in place in America causing civil disruptions.

why does Holla Forums always go full Holla Forums when it comes to jews?

he is against globalists

not Jews.

OP is confirmed for disinfo/retard


How much gap do you think there is between the average jew and the organizations that act on their behalf? The organizations see bogey men just about everywhere, they used to say the same about Occupy Wallstreet.

there isnt even a link between them


Or it could be because he caters to an antisemitic underclass and uses dog whistles to appeal to that group. But it's probably Jews lying to Jews.

Because Antisemitism is acceptable.

I meant in their world view. It would be interesting to know how small a bubble the SPLC etc live in.

>Because Antisemitism is acceptable.

You sound like a fucking Zionist.

What makes you think you need to?

You sound like an antisemitic White supremacist. What's your email address? I want to send you a pamphlet to help you reconsider your racist ideology.

What? I was calling out that Lenin-hat poster for conflating Jews with Zionism and the State of Israel.

Thanks for proving my point pal. Do you have infographics like that talking about how Trump is a racist and showing the black faces of the authors?

M8 Soros directly funded anti-communist organizations that motivated uprisings in the eastern bloc to desire western liberal democracy. Even if we think the Soviet Union was largely shit, we know how this works.

didn't B████ say something similar ?

bernie is jewish himself so it makes less sense to call him antisemtici altho zionist jews already did that because he did not support isreal hard enough

No shit?

It's also because he didn't propagate a "Stab in the back" narrative against a clearly Jewish stand-in.

I hate how people in this thread are pretending trump is criticizing the international banks from a socialist perspective when really he's just scapegoating a group for the failure of his campaign with a clearly antisemitic tone.

There's a clearly semetic element in banking.

So? There's clearly a black element in rap culture. If someone blamed rap culture for the decline in American standards of living, that would be racist scapegoating. This is also racist scapegoating.

No. Black advocacy organizations do not share a similar behaviour. If say; the media, federal goverment or education system is critizied, the NAACP and their sister organizations don't launch a smear campaign calling people racist. There is no parallell there.

What you mention should however be taken into consideration, given the leeway blacks give themselves in deeply triggering and problematic hatred.

pretty much this. Trump *is* the international elites, he's a fucking billionaire for god's sake. He's just using a well-established trope in politics to blame others for how shitty his campaign has become because he knows people either hate bankers or they hate jews and understand trump is dog whistling.


Marx was totes legit working class man, innit?

Trump himself isn't antisemitic. He's just baiting the radical right for votes and securing a future market for Trump TV.

All that glee is grotesque, but Bataclan was typical imperialist blowback.
Sad to say, but there are no goodies in that conflict.

Holy shit this is hilarious. How much further is Trump gonna push his baiting before he literally starting seig heiling?

There is dog whistling and there is putting words in other peoples mouths. Is the case against trump really this weak?

There is no such tone. You're hearing things that aren't there.

Tbh Holla Forums is right when they notice that a lot of porkies are Jews. The problem is that they hate them because they're Jews and not because they're porkies.

wew lad


What anti-semitism? He loves Jews.

Trump is just baiting the alt-right so that they'll tune in to Trump TV next year.