80s romance novels cover model : Don't ever give up your guns
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Who cares?
How sad this is.
Ive always knew he was a total bro. Remember in the 90s when someone would mention Fabio and some nigger would add "hes probably gay.."? I hated that nigger, obviously just jealous.
Because there arent many celebs that would be willing to say this, schlomo.
imagine all the lib women loosing their shit right now for masturbating to a fascist
Based Fabio.
They won't lose anything. You forget how open women are to beautiful strong men, compared to weak fat numales.
user, are you sure that's not hair dye? Look at the roots.
I prefer goose Fabio, but I get your drift.
Isn't this O.J.'s buddy? O.J. really was innocent, wasn't he?
Another subhuman. Remember Vom Kriege? Everything is important.
Actually, fuck it. I take my words back. His opinion still doesn't matter but I now see the meme potential.
Pablo is more than that.
Daily reminder to all Holla Forumsacks with the financial means: ALWAYS look your best and learn to dress properly. You will like it and the dumb masses will kneel at your feet, when you combine your honed argumentational skills with status symbols.
sure goyim, the bloody gloves with his dna just happened to be there
all the evidence just happened to point to him
it was all a coincidence
There should be a thread/infograph on how to have your clothes/suits fit properly. I like Reviewbrah, but you don't wanna drown in it. /fa/ fits are for twinks and gay nogs.
You know, most of the nicer stores will have sales women that will take your measurements for you. The trouble is they'll try to shill you everything in the store, I think they make commission, so take it all with a grain of salt.
There is nothing wrong with /fa/. Just don't start having tattos and piercings.
Pic semi related.
No shit user, aesthetics are critical to any successful movement. Most normies simply want to look god, get laid, and attain status. Make our side the fashionable one and they'll flock to our banner. I for my part have always been fond of button downs, dark jeans, pea coats, leather shoes, with short on the sides long on top hair.
Not dressing like a sperg has the added benefit of getting you laid on the regular.
/fa/ is like the opposite of being fashionable.
/fa/ are a bunch of skinny homosexuals with an edgy and autistic taste in clothing.
Pic related, this ancient /fit/ meme mocking /fa/ is based on an actual photo from /fa/ of one of their tripfags dressed in these exact pieces of clothing.
Polacks with the financial means should be buying American or European made clothing made by working class locals. Doesn't matter how expensive and "high status" your clothing is if it's made in some sweatshop by bangladeshi shitskins. Normies don't care about that sort of thing because they are thoughtless peons, but don't be like them.
I don't like gothninja, but it is a trend now. A bad trend though.
/fa/ comes off as autistic because they are ahead of time. Just like us.
Can anything beat undercut for men?
Also a good idea. If you have a huge disposable amount of cash and decent fashion taste, go to your local tailors. You will look good and save a lot of money and you won't be supporting ZOG and third world slave labor.
The pic to the left is very nice, the pic to the right is abominable. It's a very short step away from devolving into Southern Frat boy look.
Don't let the SAE chant deceive you, Southern frat boys are below the useless idiot.
didn't he get smacked by a bird on a rollercoaster few years back is this pic dat ?
CAN'T believe it's NOT BUTTER joke anyone ? im to pissed off to be making a joke While I'm defending FABIO on a anoymous Mongolian freedom simulator
Plz fabio, run for governor of Commieformia and fix this shit hole
I actually bumped into him in the late 90's fishing with my father. We stopped at a diner near the hamptons and fabio walked in with 5 or 6 orbitters, all 5" shorter than him at least. I dont remember what the conversations they were having we about but I remember being about 10 years old and thinking "holy fucking shit thats fucking gay what a bunch of faggots"
here's an old CNC wallpaper, requesting shoop of Hand of Mom
All good points. My rule of thumb is dress like my dad. Slacks, boots and button down. Every single day.
Suit and tie on Sunday.
Jesus… no, /fa/ is not ahead of time, user. They're just fucking retarded and gay. What they consider fashion will in fact never be fashion.
Just about everyhousewife that reads.
He's redpilling you fuckwit.
get the fuck off the board nigger
you all do realize that fabio is italian, RIGHT?
and italians are what makes 87% of the white population in brazil, which is a cucked country full of chimps, RIGHT?
Too much of a man-bear to dress like this. I would look ridiculous.
This is what's going to happen. How many American celebrities do you know that have stood up and were better off because of it?
fabio is squid approved
Lemme guess, you're one of the "*insert European country here* aren't white" D&C shills, right?
You can pull it off, in a working-class style. Leave the top two buttons undone, roll your sleeves up, wear dark solids (red is good; women find red attractive, and if you have blue eyes it makes them stand out more) or plaid (yes, flannel is your friend; if you already look like a lumberjack, make that look work for you), dark blue jeans (not faded), and leather work boots. Look like a man. If you can grow a beard, do it, but don't grow a hipster beard; learn to properly groom yourself. I can't grow hair on my jaw line for shit, so I wear a neatly groomed Van Dyke instead. Women like that shit.
Women also like men who smell like men. Take your Axe, Old Spice, and other trendy shit and throw it out. Wash your face with pine tar soap; it's great for the skin, great for the beard, and it makes you smell vaguely like a campfire, which subconsciously makes women think you're the manly outdoors type. Dr. Squatch and Grave Before Shave make excellent beard oils, invest in one. Go old-school with your aftershave; Mandom, Clubman, English Leather, etc. Women base their preferences in men on the males they encountered early in life (their fathers, grandfathers, etc.), and these are the scents associated with them. It also helps to smell like a man, not like a boy.
Really? No one is going to say it?
Safe to say he's /ourguy/. I don't care if he's a irrelevant ex-model because it's not often someone promotes Holla Forums-tier opinions publicly, so I'll take whatever good press we can get. He sounds pretty genuine in his beliefs, and probably attributes much of the decline to demographics though didn't want to say that explicitly.
I wouldn't say he's as far along as anyone here but then again noone is.
The point is that he's shifting things in our direction, which is good no matter what the shills say.
That isn't how /fa/ dresses.
low energy
Bad trend now gobbled up by retarded normies.
i second this.
This. His meme potential is off the charts. Almost up there with Trump.
so basically dress like you're at a fag power riot?
10/10 would purge globalists with
r/ing the pic of that tripfag
Based Fabio
But user… we have embraced our fucking social reject cheeto's snorthing mt dew chugging persona and owned the ever loving shit out of being 300lb basement dwellers. I mean, we are pushing ourselves to be /fit/, self reliant, confident, wise and armed enough to make /k/ blush. But that one… come the fuck on. We would be invaded by an normalfag horde looking to ride on our coat tails and peel off some of our mojo since women would be pestering us non stop to 'prove' they are able to hang. Women and beta chad thundercuck's are all cancer.
Do this one when we have won or something, after all the fucking jews are happy fun timed away for real this time. I don't see that one being all that helpful to us.
Shut the fuck up with this guns shit. Communists and all flavors of leftists shouldn't be allowed guns. There is no manner in which a communist gun ban can be implemented therefor most people should not be allowed guns.
Guns are an equalizer. They put the average powerless mongrel at equal footing with anyone else. Guns are the most communist shit in the world. Gun-tards would arm niggers slaves if they could.
This man will always get my respect for achieving such great aesthetics.
But we've already seen that we're up against a group of people even greasier, fatter, and uglier than ourselves.
Go suck a shotgun, retard.
No, that would be communist.
best get to running faggot, combat requires endurance
find /fit/, a bitch that does stretching exercises shouldn't be able to beat your ass.
You need to train yourself and learn to fight and gain confidence in oneself, Never should your hands ever be in a pocket.
Will last you years, but get something better, there is a reason nobody in the military wears those anymore. Steel toe, thicker leather, and tight cloth breathable weave will ensure longer duration in movement and operations.
WTF, stop, just stop. Loose but sturdy pants that can actually breath is a necessity. Workable cargo pockets are ok, whatever that pressed shit is, is not.
god bless your poor deluded soul, he will be seeing you if you get in an operation in that. pray you never square off against anyone whom bothered to train.
You sound scared.
We are fated
Become the Sexual Tyrannosaurs of Nationalism
and, as I'm sure you're aware, you cannot change your fate.
But you can rise to meet it if you choose.
I remember when Gary Oldman let his power level slip about the Jews. He lasted about 24 hours before he recanted everything.
This is the most jewish reaching I've ever seen. Reminder that Americans of Italian descent are easily the most racially aware demographic of white people in the country.
Sa me with Ted Nugent after posting who was trying to take guns away.
He was an ADL stooge in a day.
user, the "300lb basement dweller" thing is just a ruse we use to make anyone who freaks out about Holla Forums's growing influence seem ridiculous.
It's actually the same tactic the Eternal Jew uses to defuse investigation into the chosen race. They do the same thing by presenting themselves as a bunch of nebbish Woody Allen stereotypes who couldn't harm a fly. We learned from the best.
At the same time, Holla Forums also fucks with targets and makes them think we're some unstoppable force capable of the most extreme tasks. So in a way, we're schrodinger's cat. We're both omnipotent and ruthlessly efficient RWDS and at the same time we're just a bunch of retarded 400 lb NEETs. We are whatever image is the most convenient at the time.
Fucking kek, always pointing to truths.
Yes, I am scared of it, I consider women and the men whom chase them by trying to signal that they are some trend of the week shit to be cancer of the highest order. We have work to do and should focus on it. Women are a byproduct of our success. We shouldn't open the door for tryhards to emulate yet. It may undermine us and allow an opening for the yids to exploit by pushing out desirable panty moistening faces that they control laying claim to our 'positions' so to allow what we do to be undermined.
Whats more. If you can end up getting your dick wet because of the association of your powerlevel huge numbers of our men are going to do it. This opens up those men for subversion or elimination later since we are still in a precarious position with far too many of the enemy in places of power. It also garners a way for the yids to organize those of us whom chase the skirt since they can create various organizations that women will flock too searching for that meme, that will pull /ourguys/ in to the sirens call. Even if individually they are strong, in a weak group our men can be subverted still.
And yes, every one of us should be /fit/ and working to improve ourselves every day to face the fights yet to come. As each mans power increases their attractiveness to women will increase as well as an organic growth. Our men can retain their strength and power without the risk of being subverted while still being able to operate at any level needed and the kikes wouldn't know which face in the crowd is us.
I fear the siren. It was how the yids subverted our nations to begin with. I hope we win the war before we chase the spoils of it. This fight is about more than us and getting off.
Also how Holla Forums pushes memes that can't be countered by the media due to the way they're presented. For example, turning a cartoon frog into "le ebil natzi" and then mercilessly making fun of the media for even trying to take it seriously. Meanwhile, these memes have serious influence and kikes can't do anything about it.
Me saying this "out loud" means nothing of course, kikes already know all of this, they just can't do anything about it.
Forbidding them from owning guns is unnecessary, since in practice they don't. All you do by enacting gun control is take guns away from right-minded people.
And you know that, you fucking kike.
This is why I love chan culture so much. Casual manipulation of the media "for the lulz" like on Holla Forums (blaming 9fag, leddit, and ebaum's world for pranks) has evolved into hijacking the media and manipulating normies into pushing our agenda for us. It's amazing to watch. This is why the kikes are so upset about peepee the frog, they're losing control of the narrative and now their kvetching will be their undoing.
he collects bikes.
Gas the bikes, race war now.
>they made 200 in the world, and this is number 88
You do realize that Italians descended from the Latin tribes are Aryan, RIGHT?
Exactly. The kikes are right to fear the power of pepe, but they aren't able to complain about it without looking absolutely ridiculous, screaming about a cartoon frog. They know why it's bad for them, but they can't articulate to the goyim masses why it's bad without giving away the game.
He is wearing a dozen layers to make up for being a skinny weak hipster and he is still looks like a twig. Hit the gym and eat some steak and you wouldn't have to dress like a faggot
Except this one italian slut I know. She fucks literally everything that walks and has taken more dick in her first 2 years of high school, back when I knew her, than most college roasties do during their entire carousel ride.
Is that a sign from Kek?
the look on those people behind him sprayed with his blood is fucking hilarious.. (omg i have the fabio gay aids)
There has to be more behind those golden locks
I always knew instinctively that Fabio was based.
Go to American Eagle, you fucking philistine.
Kato Kaelin was OJ's buddy. Kato Kaelin was a horrible actor that leeched off of OJ. Afterward, Kato briefly had a stint in porn and now says he believes OJ did it.
And OJ obviously did do it.
In terms of the 2010s, OJ was found not guilty by a jury of niggers who basically acquitted him because they were niggers. This was after the 1992 riots and the justice system cucked because they didn't want another LA riot. This was a nigger's get out of jail free.
He spent everything he had on kike attorneys and they all said it was racist because Mark Fuhrman said the word "nigger" years before and they had it on tape.
user, Hugo Boss designed the uniforms.
Posting men from a generation who grew up with no electricity, lived through the depression, worked their hands and fought a war is not helping. Men from that generation were strong and fit, not skinnyfat twinks larping as men
The styles are timeless. Doesn't matter who created them.
Are you autistic? If you are strong and fit and have the time to dress nice, you will gain even more advantages.
Fuck off with your retarded, harmful boomer hippy mentality that created a generation of slobs.
>>has no beard
But is supportive of expanding open carry laws in California, so he's on the right side of history.
We don't see those things as mortals
Perhaps, but we will know of them, especially when the serpent seeks out its bane.
We're both, we're the alpha and the omega, we're wojack and pepe.
We're simultaneously the supposed black sludge black knights from the greasetrap of the internet and the only men who truly want to follow and uphold western civilization and it's virtues.
those are some big titties
And you do realize Italians are very racist, RIGHT? One of the most racist countries in Europe for sure.
The Whitening of Brazil was attempted by the empire long after niggers were introduced. If you want to blame someone, blame the Portuguese Crown for not knowing it'd be a problem in the future (with what you know it's easy to tell it'd become a problem, but for them it was just a land in the middle of nowhere, it didn't fucking matter if it was filled with niggers or other chimps).
Dressing nice is not dressing like a faggot.
White population in Brazil is portuguese, retard.
i can't believe it's not liberalism. as an over 30yr old i approve of Fabio's bantz
I remember calling into that faggots show, I can't remember if that nigger lover Neil Hamburger was there though.
I never thought I'd utter this sequence of words in my life, but… Based Fabio.
They often find people dead in the desert with water still left in their canteen. Don't be one of the people found dead with unused bullets.
Beards are for fags, and people with weak facial features. If you've got a good jawline and chin don't grow anything more than stubble.
That's a modern perception, due to jewish homosexual co-option. Throughout history, beards have pretty much always been considered manly until just lately with the flannel-and-skinny-jeans generation. And Thor was said to have one of the most glorious beards ever, to the point where people actually revered the beard almost as much as the god himself.
He was also stated to be a ginger, which the person you're quoting neglected to mention, and which Marvel totally fucked up (among other things, such as giving Sif, a goddess who was pretty much exclusively known for her supernaturally golden hair, black hair).
Uh excuse me user, Thor is a girl now, you bigot.
Reddit free comic book day in full force here on Holla Forums you ultrafaggot
Pic related.
Capped for posterity.
Here's a version for those anons who don't use relative timestamps because they can't stop sucking every cock they see. Polite sage for shitting up the thread with my autism.
Fabio is a huge male sex symbol and could get women on our side.
Beards can be alright, but I'd rather be able to fit a gas mask over my face.
This is supposed to portray Absorbing Man as some backwards bigot, and the woman as an equality-loving feminist? What a fucking joke.
I never want this timeline to end.
It's called sunlight. My hair does the same thing every summer.
His opinion matters because he is famous and normalizing sanity. Never forget we are fighting for the hearts and minds of the lemmings. If they can wake up to what a raw deal they are getting rwds won't be long after.
Mixing patterns and color schemes should be a gassible offense. Disgusting. I'm a professional artist I should know.
Don't even pick one.