First off: I hate all Muslims and regard Arabs as an inferior people. Moreover...

First off: I hate all Muslims and regard Arabs as an inferior people. Moreover, I want all Muslims in Europe to be slaughtered, as a blood sacrifice to reinvigorate the savagery of our people.

That said: I think there is room for cooperation between us and certain elements of the Muslim world.
Consider the stances of mainstream Islam:

These tenets could've come straight from Mein Kampf. I'm not proposing that we align ourselves with the associal trash that's marauding on our streets, but rather a rapprochement with certain intellectual segments of the Muslim world.

Our current conflict with Islam is due to two works of the Jew: first, the importation of the trash of the Muslim world into our cities and their confinement into ghettoes where there's no chance of socialization, and second, the countless US-led interventions in the Middle East at the behest of Israel. Islamic radicalism has certainly a lot to do with the violent propensity inherent in Islam, but that fuse would've never been lit, had the British not established Israel, and had the Americans not toppled the governments of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Lybia, and Syria. These were formerly secular, socialist countries, and now they're in the hands of Sunni gutter trash.

Muslims are already Jew-wise, they're just blind to the forces that manipulate them. Wouldn't it be nice to turn the sword of Jewry against its master and forge an alliance with Muslim leadership, with the understanding that everybody stays on his own turf? Many of them have outright said that they'd return to their homelands if only (((NATO))) would stop fucking up their countries.

If not, then just post Memri TV quotes.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.


There's a reason muslim countries had SS batallions in WWII

Fuck off ahmed

There are no good Muslims.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

Reddit-tier thread, reported.

The enemy of my enemy can be a useful ally to help destroy my enemy, which is the kike.

The jews are the plague upon all nations, there is no reason to be enemies with any gorup that actively targets the jew.

sage this shit thread
OP is trying too hard to fit in, therefore can't be trusted

Ebola can do the same job with less in the way of horrific unforeseen consequences.

If you truly don't know why Mudslimes are not our ally, read up on taqiyya and tawriya and the non-existent ability of Arabs for warfare.

Stopped reading.

When the European war breaks out, I'm going to dip my bullets in pigs blood. That way, shit-skins like you will go straight to hell.

Arab leaders are busy sucking jew dick for delicious shekels. The whole 'muslims hate jews and must fight' is just another excuse for them to rape and plunder white nations.

Is that like the equivalent of your kol nidre?

The jews has been in an undeclared war with all goyim for thousands of years, they are liars and sneaky deviant filth who act as our friends while stabbing us in the back (force mass immigration) the last 200 has seen the massive exponential decline in numbers of the white race.

If the muslim wants war, they will openly declare it, every 3rd world invader in Europe was brought in by the juwes since WWII and only now do they jews allow the discussion of immigration, as long as its controlled and focused solely on "da moozlim".
While niggers, pakis and all kinds of 3rd world invaders run rampant on our shores.

You counter-jihad kosher clown kikes are using your last chance throw of the dice to destroy Europe with one massive misplaced war against another of the jews enemies, in their clash of the civilisations on the jews behalf, killing off both arabs and their equally hated European goy enemy.

I've been saying this for years, the moment the two golems stop fighting each other and ally against the puppet master, is the moment we've won.
We keep the west, they keep shitskinia, and we stop bombing each other for Israel.

Muslims want to take over the world. Their book commands them to.

but can they ever? jews can, it's that simple.

yep, especially their treatment of women

Read Submission by Houellebecq. If the west is going to die, at least we can just convert to Islam and get the women under control

Ever read the Talmud?
Rhetorical question, it is your book after all.

The Protocols are simply a distilled adaptation of your Talmud.

they can't take shit. they want to attack western world because jews teach them to

Fuck off kike. Geopolitics isn't black and white. I don't want Muslims in America or Europe but I could give two fucks if they exist in their own land so long as they don't fuck with Christians. Kikes on the other hand have no right to exist period. Muslims aren't the problem so much as semites are the problem.

Shi'a here.
There's no Quranic teaching that says Muslims should rule the world. That is a Jewish "goyim should be subservient to us and G-d made the world for us" mentality.

Muslims should live in their nations but if you keep bombing them and killing their rulers and arming terrorists in their countries, they will keep leaving their destabilized nations and enter yours.

It's like setting fire to an anthill. The ants relocate.
I've been redpilled on Jews all my life. I know of their usury and control of governments and their weapons selling.
Ironically, the battle that Muslims had with Jews while the prophet was alive was because they sold weapons to the enemy after making a peace treaty with the Muslims.

The migrant push into Europe is population replacement. 90% of them aren't running away from Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghan and other states destroyed by the Jew owned western armies. Most migrants are niggers but the occasional sandnigger is there so that the Jew can divide the population and rule over all of them.

A war between Muslims and Europeans will destroy two of the Jews ancient enemies simultaneously.

The Jews have animosity towards

All these groups fighting each other will result in the Jews' victory since they won't be divided like us.
If you want peace, stop fucking with the middle east/NK and fix your own countries.

Holla Forums support Assad and Iran because they are/were some of the few stable places in the ME and it's better to have a dictator at the top who fucks over any wannabe jihadis before they turn full ALLAH ACKBAR, nothing more.

Reported for taqiyya.

Moozlime fact dump so this thread isn't totally worthless.

No point other than showing people why they shouldn't post on this board anymore
erry time

Yes, we should let them come into our countries and help us defend against the trickery of the Jew right ra- I mean fellow Holla Forumsard. What could possibly go wrong. Hehehe.


Yet you're still posting D&C here because that's where your salary comes from.

Except I wasn't responding to OP you crippledick kike.

Nobody suggested that, the jews made it possible and ensured all our homelands were flooded by every form of 3rd world invader,

The ONLY reason we have any blacks, indians, ragheads from any alien culture of any sort is because of you juwes.
You may control the narrative on all our boards now, but you'll never totally control the narrative for all anons.


No shit. And why do you hate Muslims. Jews literally framed them for 9/11 and a bunch of other crimes. If theres one people who can emphasize with our hatred of the Jews its them. All that "I hate Muslims they are just as bad as Jews is literally Jidf".

In my day, the average Holla Forumsack wasn't an uninformed retard.
Look at the differences between Shiism and Sunnism and the behavior of Assad and the Iranians who are Shi'a and compare with Sunnis.

Either everyone here is underage or JIDF or nupol. Anyone who disagrees with at least allying with Iran/Syria/Lebanon instead of Saudi/Qatar is a Jew shill or a bluepilled shill.

You could always say it simply that it's Wahhabism. Literally no issues from Arabs for a good long while until it showed up

That's because the Turkroaches had overrun them.

A year ago every shill pushing the muh based mudslimes and muh based anti zionist jews narrative was getting banned. No we are overrun by shitskins and ironlarpers

A year ago, we were full of "Murica fuck yeah we deserve to kill all shitskins and take their resources" shills.

It's like you don't understand why people resent you. There are many different types of Muslims just as there are many types of Christians and they do not interpret their holy book the same way.
Iran and Lebanon will forever be better than Saudi and Dubai.

2 years ago you'd have been gassed in an instant for any of your jewish trickery, now you're the majority on every thread insisting we fight all of isreal's wars and keep voting for all their carefully selected politicians while insisting mods delete any thread promoting of any of the many true nationalist groups out there or other positive moves for white nationalists.

Now it's just zog central championing every zionist politician in world politics and even going so far to defending Bannon and other neocon Fox TV presenters getting the sack etc.

Yes, "we" sure like to go into the ME.

I hate the Muslims that are here in the West. They're gangs of marauding rapists, robbers, thieves, murderers, and terrorists. There's no place of them other than the gas chamber. The Muslims how immigrate to the West are generally the lowest rung of their societies.

However, that doesn't exclude the possibility of cooperation with Muslims in Muslim countries. Our current conflict with Islam is due to two things:
1. The presence of Muslim trash in the West (diversity + proximity = conflict), and
2. The Neocon-led fucking with the Muslim world that's been going on for a hundred years and which has radicalized it.

Getting rid of the Muslims in our countries can be spun as an internal matter; an act of criminal justice. People in Turkey and Pakistan won't give a shit, nor do they have the force projection to do anything about it, even if they did.

The Neocon influence in our countries is the fault of the Jew, and here we can find common ground. Highlighting that it's not the ordinary people who want to bomb the ME and that our governments are controlled by the hook-noses can be a basis for cooperation.

mmmkay yeah I agre-
aaaaaaaaaand gas yourself filthy kike.
