Whats the point of having a gf if she doesnt want kids?

What reason is there to have a gf or marry if the girl does not want kids? At that point you might as well wait for artificial wombs to become a reality.
Am i MGTOW for thinking like this?

What reason is there to have a gf or marry if the girl does not want kids?
Maybe tax evasion but at that point you might aswell kys

because you love her and she loves you …??? damn you're fucking autistic

What's the point of this thread if you don't want to put in the effort?

What reason is there to have a thread or discussion if the OP does not want to put in any effort? At that point you might as well wait for artificial OP's to become a reality.
Am i a shill for thinking like this?

Relationhips in which the woman doesn't want to procreate are absolutely useless, OP. Completely useless. The same goes for flings and all that shit where it's just about fucking. There's no long-term fulfillment coming from it.

get one that wants kids


that only lasts so long you virgin. eventually love just means being able to tolerate living together and working together to deal with life, preferably while propagating the white race. Love comes from that shared struggle, any thing else is fleeting and will leave you hollow.

neo/pol/ everyone
as in 4cuck, so here.

Find a GF.

Women are maleable if you get them away from the ZOG.

Demonstrate your ability to provide for a family – but don't give her your shit. In this climate she might also have to work, but at least she should see that she can take time off for kids.

If you have the means to provide for a kid, a GF who wants kids is easy to find. Also a GF who says she doesn't want kids will usually start wanting kids inexplicably. They hit 30 and can't stop thinking about wanting more kids.

Really, when they're babies they're playing with dolls pretending to have kids. It's only ZOG that brainwashes impressionable young females not to want kids, to hop on the cock carousel, and makes life harder for women who want kids.

tldr: Fuck a bitch good in a nice big bed. Say having kids would be nice, point out some nice family and kids, esp. if its her friends, and she'll wanna make babies like crazy.

There is no reason, her entire existence is useless. Sage for slide thread number 349384948 today.

Convert or leave. It'll be easy to convert her once she trusts you, women are gullible and will do literally anything for approval.

gf, idk not being alone like my ass? on the other hand if there isn't that long term goal then you're both going along with the knowledge it's probably a temporary thing. as lauren put it in her most recent video all you're doing it making it so you're both less likely to be successful in future relationships.

there is absolutely no fucking reason to get married if you're not having kids. you'd have to be fucking insane.
yeah until you lose all your shit that you saved the money for over those tax easy years. you'd have to be a goddamn moron.

me, I'm just waiting for the rules of the game to not change the second I figure them out so I can get to a point where I can provide for a woman like lauren southern.

when is this meme going to die? it's the most beta cuck bullshit I've ever heard. the whole thing about fleshlights is you get to have something that kinda feels like a vagina without kinda getting a baby, and those are fucking degenerate as hell.

Did we get a shoutout from 9gag today? What is it with all the retards

Tits or GTFO


Actually there was a retard shilling his 9gag picture here last night, so we probably did get a mention over there.

Whats the purpose of love if you don't procreate? Love is meant to keep a pair together so they raise offspring, not to be hedonistic degenerates who don't have children.

there is none…but it's a judgement call you have to make on whether she is just saying that or if she really means it and will never change.

Women view language like men view weapons; they don' care about truth. Does she want to play coy with you because she sees you as high value? She MIGHT us the tactic of "I don't want kids blah blah blah" in this context to drive you away a little bit, hopefully reigniting you chasing her; it CAN be a chess move.

Also many women don't want kids…until they meet someone they want to have kids WITH. If your relationship doesn't bloom into wanting kids together after around 3-4 years I'd say dump her.


30 is way too late

actually rethinking this if she hasn't come around by the two year mark I'd say dump; don't waste your time and money on bitches who aren't going to give you spawn.

But remember it's better to waste your money than your time on a bitch.


Kids are annoying. I could produce more white children for the white race by applying propaganda and arguments to convince others to breed pure white than I could ever push out of my cunt. Shit, maybe write a few romance novels with them having a bunch of kids. Wham, new generation of baby-happy moron white girls.

As men, why marry if your goal is children? There's no guarantee she won't divorce you and take your kids. Just poke holes in condoms or cum in it. Make sure to be using a fake name and a hotel room.

If she doesn't want kids, move along.

Always test a woman by seeing how she reacts to children. If she is engaged, she's a keeper. If she is aloof, toss her.

It's up to you to test her, faggot. It's not their fault you don't have higher standards.

Don't be a nigger. Look for obvious flags. TEST HER FUCKING LOYALTY.

Because those with low IQ's just want to vomit out their poorly conceived ideas. Thinking is hard for them.

Often girls in their late teens and early twenties will say they don't want kids. They usually change their minds by mid-late twenties. There's a reason we don't take teenagers seriously.

Fixed that for you.

I think you misunderstood my position, but that's okay.

As for women, if her bff comes and tells her she ought to dump you, she'll dump you, 40 years into marriage or not. If I were a man, I wouldn't trust women. They can change their minds on the spot and ruin you, and other women encourage it. Usually their friends who suggest such things are bitter and miserable themselves and want to destroy the happiness of another, but women regardless fall for it. If you want a woman, you need to keep her in line. Otherwise women will start testing you and pushing you, or try to swap upwards and get a better man if they think they can.

Anyway, like I said, this childfree thing is mostly a result of propaganda, and it can be countered with propaganda. We have the advantage that the message to breed white has biological roots of origin that we merely need to wake up. What kikes convince women of, to substitute kids with a bunch of stinking cats and little purse-dogs and other disgusting crap as a baby proxy, that's unnatural and can be destroyed.

Might be valid, but I hated kids when I was a kid. I have as much mothering instinct as a snake. I don't even like pets. Honestly there are women that legitimately don't want kids, but most who say that are just under brainwashing. They see "childfree" with images of lounging on a beach or wealthy, well traveled elites. But most plebs will always, always remain wageslaves living in a shitty house in a shitty town. And all these bitches do with that "free time" is watch netflix. Just another case of advertising.

You provide a woman with a service, doing errands, making her feel safe, providing financial support and generally taking over the role of her father.
This should make you feel proud and like a "real man", allowing you to sneer and hold an air of superiority when amongst men who refuse to act as wallets for barren women.
Men who tolerate women who have no intention of giving them an heir are vital tools in the feminist dream, Isn't that enough?

Um… because you love each other? I know it is hard for many people here to understand but if you find someone (and you probably will someday) that you love you want to be together.

If a white woman refuses to have kids then she should be chained up and bred by force. It doesn't matter what women want or think they want, only that the race lives.

If chaining her up and forcibly breeding her is not an option then yes keep looking until you find one that will consent to being bred.


This thread is ass cancer.

What are you on about? No woman worth a spit will dump you because a "bff" tells her to. In fact, no woman worth a shit will have bffs that fucking retarded. Be a little more discriminating in what hoes you associate with.

This is my fetish.

You don't know women, user. 99% of them are normie scum. Even high-IQ normies still manage to be unfathomably dumb.

Someday you will understand.

They can't surely be that bad? 40 years of marriage dead because of her best friend going "DUNT LIKE HIIIMM!!!!!!!!"

What reason is there to have a thread or post if the op does not want to put in any effort? At that point you might as well wait for exodus to become a reality.

Am i a fag for thinking like this?

There is someone this whitepilled on Holla Forums. Hoooly shit. There are pastas of wymn online posting about schemes to rip men off for alimony or steal the kids, or upgrade their man, other things. Even in large magazines (women mainly only read magazines because they have the IQ of a roast beef sandwich.) Women also enjoy destroying each other in shadenfreude, but they're too dumb to realize this is what they're doing, so they say they're "concerned" for their friend because the guy is [accusation] or "not good enough for them." Women love hearing that. Then they dump mr. loser or just act like a bitch until it falls apart, and they go shopping but find no one wants them. This is a daily, normal occurrance. Most marriages fall apart, and usually it's because the woman is a disgusting piece of shit.

Women are always looking to upgrade, and a friend saying that their man isn't good enough for them, they take it as a compliment and sign of true friendship. Women are very gullible and they listen to shit like that. They will destroy your life if they say, find a pair of panties of theirs that they forgot they own, and their brains start inventing stories how you're cheating. Women have been brainwashed their whole lives that: they are princesses, and men are cheating dog trash perverts.

Do you understand female mentality a little more now?

It's the other way around, user. I know women well enough to know that if her friends are retarded, chances are good that she is too.

He's talking about very low quality hoes. If he goes for those skanks, he deserves whatever he gets from her.

Oh, at risk of asspain for being demotivational, I will add that women are easy to control if you know how. Fuck her good, for one. Especially rough, dominatorial ways. If she says no anal, for example, hold her down and give it to her, but do it in a way that makes her cum buckets. She will become attached to you. Of course, if it sucks/hurts she'll just get mad. Get her addicted to your cock, and that means having good bed skills.

You can't beat the dick.

Also, always make her feel dumb, but in positive ways. For example, one day come out and say you put some money in the stock market and made 20% that year. This will get her wet. Every year or two come out with something like that. Obviously it has to be true. Just make sure she knows you're smarter than her and that you're a capable provider. If women sense another man can provide better, she wants to jump ships. So make sure you are the alpha dog on the prairie. Always surprise her; that keeps her interested. That, of course, also takes effort on your part.

Feminism in a nutshell.

The majority of girls I see around look like whores searching for dick to be honest, skanks are mostly everywhere.

You are operating under the very delusional belief that all women are equal. Just like men have a hierarchy, so do women. High quality women hang out with other high quality women. They don't associate with low class skanks. Why do you think they microaggress each other so much? You've been convinced by feminism that there is some sort of "sisterhood" and there isn't and never will be.

And if all you can get are dumb hoes, maybe you are yourself low quality. That's why they shit on you.

OY VEY! You missed the first post do you get paid less now?

Of course skanks are everywhere. They are the low grade plebs of pussy. Just fuck those bitches and toss them. Quality women are more difficult to find, obviously. Don't worry about the skanks.


Also sage because OP's general anti-white women shilling is retarded.