Literally arming jihadis

more like
he's literally being DP'd by saudi and israeli cock

Post to Twitter and point out Saudi atrocities. The way to counter this is to show public not approving of it. The media will struggle to justify arming the Sauds.
American soldiers will commit mutiny if they were made to fight for the interests of the Saudis.

The sauds are israelis ya dingus

israel is a nation not a race nor religion, ya dingus.

saudi royals are kikes

Yeah this is fucked up. Maybe Trump is stupid. Maybe it was Jared driving the board during the election. It sucks to be duped. Let's destroy his marriage as revenge.

trump made it clear that he knows the roles of the saudis before election, but now he's done another flip for some reason.

(((They))) really did get to him. He was baller up until a week before the Syria strike.

I don't think it's dirt on him personally that they have. If they did, they would've thrown it at him during the election cycle to get The Cunt elected. Remember, if the Mafia's most effective means was blackmail then the NSA undoubtedly now have the monopoly on it.

Who'd (((they))) get to that's close to him?

Waiting for the shills from reddit to defend him again.

And? Look the problem isn't that we sell weapons to muds and kikes. The problem is that we give them fucking money or weapons for free. We need to cut all aid to Israel and Saudi Arabia. Those faggots get 15 billion a year, you could give every white family 60 grand(I wouldn't because I'm not a socialist) for the same price tag. It's bullshit. Put pressure on Trump to gut the foreign aid system rather than wasting time opposing arms sales. This doesn't fucking matter. I'd be happy if we we cut off all food aid to the muds of the world and billions starved while we sold weapons to fuel their civil wars. Nothing would make me happier other than an actual holocaust.

D&C shill thread

Dividing who to conquer whom?

Why is the truth strictly verboten from here lately?

All I see these days on Holla Forums is non-stop campaigning for every jewish controlled opposition kosher nationalist in world politics now.

The reason I liked Holla Forums all those years ago was because polacks saw through all that jewish bullshit, the fact it now is acting like the unofficial cheerleading squad for international neocon kikes tells us everything we need to know about jewish co-opting of the movement.

You shills are desperately grasping for straws.

That something is lots and lots of guns and gun accessories. Who cares lol. He's a business man, he's supposed to sell stuff.

That's because Americans have always been taught to worship a few people as paragons of all that is virtuous. So they build cults of personality rather quickly. You are surrounded by people who are actively washing their own brains.

Godda mossad Assad in the ass with a knife like we did to gaddafi for greater israel and a oil pipeline fam.

Did you ever think that the deal was well in place before he got there? Also this is a major part of the american economy so what is he supposed to do? Yea fuck the sand kikes but we are talking realpolitik here.


Arrest kikes and seize their shit

theyre a cabal


Do we really still have people this delusional on the board?

Would love to see those real headlines on papers nowadays.

you didnt take into account the filtering of such content and media blackouts, did you?

Here they are.

It's 4d chess.
Stop doubting Trump. Every time you doubt him, he always pulls through.

>who will desert the moment the oil shekels dry up and with america drilling again, they will
Sweet thread tbh op.

I don't think you're likely to take to the streets with fucking torches and pitchforks.

It could be as simple as threatening to kill Barron if he doesn't go along with their agenda. Trump's presidency actually got off to a really promising start. On the first holohoax memorial day he didn't mention jews once and said next time he'd "make sure to forces of evil never triumph again". He said the jcc bomb hoaxes were probably a false flag, and was moving fast with his immigration bans and wall plans. Now all he talks about is the holohoax and "stamping out anti-semitism everywhere that it exists". I think Trump was legit during the election and has been compromised/blackmailed/bribed/etc to become what he is not. I'm not excusing him and we have to adjust our strategy now that we no longer have an ally in the White House, but something has changed Trump.

Real anons were chased away by mods about a year ago the user base is mostly redditors now

I'm putting money on (((them))) being able to kill him or any member of his family at a moments notice and this being made aware to him tbh.

I think everyone here needs to remember that Trump is not, and never was, /ourguy/. It's cool if he does something based, but he's still a 90's democrat at best. Any change we want to see for the US is something we need to make ourselves.

Tell me about it. WTF does "ban evasion" mean anyway?

That one can easily be understood to mean, "Fascists will never gain power again," because they were triumphant for a while. The rest, yes, I agree with you. He showed good signs until Syria.

im not american. im just waching your circlejerk form over the seas and cynically laughing at it

why isnt hillary in jail?

So i jest went through lots of European nationwide newspapers during NAZI rule.

April 11 1938
- Austria had a main vote where it Austria joined Germany in the large Germanic Reich. The daily telegraph calls this a illegal annexation and mocks the democratic vote as nonsense. Dutch newspapers call him a dictator but recognize the democratic vote.

- England Ambassador lord perth and Italian Count Ciano, minister of foreign affiars have reached a accord regarding Palistina, middleterian sea, Suez canal neutrality etc etc.

- Hitler welcomes Franco's victory and sees it as a push towards the French. The Germans consider the Spaniards their allies and will send aid to strengthen their coastal defenses and arm their border security. Spanish independence will be insured to defend against the bolshiviks. Mussolini considers the rise of Franco as not of their concern nor will Mussolini intervene so long as Franco respects Italian sovereignty

- England seizes Mexican petroleum

- Spain Franco meets extreme resistance by Catalonia Nationalists, push towards the sea halted for now.

- Economic Depression in the US.
- Found a correct spot to place the monument to Thomas Jefferson in the cemetery.

- In Rio De J. Brazil, During a film theater 30 children died and hundred were injured during a panic induced stampede when someone yelled 'fire'

Pretty sure when i go dig the other dates, it's also gonna be a bunch of bullshit made up by kikes.

Love to see none French/English/US papers stating this blatent cancer.

We, the USA sold plenty of weapons to Saddam to fight the Iranians and destabilize the region. When we, the USA invaded Iraq during desert storm, we initiated the killswitches we installed in all of the hardware we sold to them, for top dollar mind you. Even their Xerox printers were printing out insults and demanding that they surrender, until they expended all of their ink, toner, and paper… that we sold them. Learn anything from this, OP?

a must watch for saddam