
How many poos would a poo in a loo poo (in a loo) if a poo in a loo could poo in a loo?

none he would worship it

fuck U any negative comment on India U will not be able to survive…

Skip to exactly 3:00 and you're gonna see some shit.



how do we stop the eternal pajeet they're slowly taking over everywhere you go


They got a lot poos there im told however.

right guys, I'm really fucking angry. I'm fucking pissed off about you guys making fun of Indians! INDIANS are a fucking Great Civilisation, HUGE buildings, RACIST SOCIETY - I am sooo fucking jealous of their racist society - where only nig-poos at the bottom do all the dirty work, and HAVE YOU SEEN the upper caste of India? Some of them look pretty white - many Northern Bramhans have ROMAN NOSES!!! They have the perfect racist system. Let's look at what happened when black niggers invade a white country through immigration. White women get raped! If india accepted 100,000 black niggers invaders tomorrow, not one indian women would get raped, only the lowest caste people, cause they don't count. India is fucking ace. AND ANOTHER THING - before you reply with 'Poo in a loo' or >greentext >dark skinned person detected
let me tell you about my fucking daily walk to work, to an office job in a top Western European city, in the city centre, and almost every week I have to walk past turds left by WHITE BUMS white homeless people. They are literally stree-shitters. Just like in India, where the lowest class shits in the road. So FUCK YOU! I'm, white by the way. And all your India baiting caused that pissed off Indian kid to crash 8ch last month. He was trying to contribute to Securing The Existance of Our (White) Race, And A Future For Our Children.

India = big buildings, libraries, high civilisation, high philosophy +resisting Islamic Mudslimes for 800 years

Based Gooks/Chinese etc = big buildings, libraries, high civilisation, high philosophy

Fucking niggers = living in huts made of animal poo for a million years. In all that time they have achieved NOTHING.

The niggers are morally and intellectually inferior and must be put back in their place AT THE BOTTOM, where they belong. The kikes are dangerous and must be removed to their choosen homeland of Israel. Indians and Gooks are our based allies, even if it is a shitty reddit meme.

The difference between the highest race and the lowest race is greater than the difference between the lowest race and the highest ape
- adolf hitler

Are you guys shills or just ignorant or both?




As their supply of Aryans dwindle they'll loose more and more of what was taught to them and before long they'll loose their "human" veneer as well. Also they will find no altruism in the Jewish replacements.

mother fucker U fucking bitch talking shit about INDIA fucking ,, I…..! how U talk the shit when U have never been there. FUCK U and FUCK DESIGNATED MEME !!!!

holy fuck my sides are in delhi

I work in immigration. Indians represent 80% of all H1b visas. As high as 90% I'd say even. They make $60,000 minimum with the highest I've seen at $140,000. Those American jobs. They get shitty degrees in India and then come to the US and get a Master's (on taxpayer funding) and then work here, steal income and send it home. Absolute parasites.

This is pol
Pol needs a philosophy
Atheist is spiritually barren
Cuckianity is not hard enough on foreigners, and actually it has nothing on 1488
Some people believe Christianity was given to white roman empire by the ruling class jews in order to pacify us, and the fact that romans got Joseph of Arimathia aka Josefus a kike to help write the New Testament, says a lot about this.
Some of us go back to paganism, seeking a pure, unpolluted white people's faith. I do promote the TAROT, which is 'the only book of the Druids' and it's a a picture book, with no words. I believe the first part of the bible: in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God…etc this refers to the Jewish system conquering and replacing the Druidic system, but as the Jews/atonists destroyed almost everything I look to India for the old Aryan system of religion. In India they remember the great Druids of the West they talk about an island in the North West (British Isles) where there are many wise and learned philosophers.

Anyway, the last closest living religion to the ancient Aryans is the Indian national religion, that we call 'Hinduism'. Sanatana Dharma. = The Eternal Truth. And if you are white I would recommend the tarot cards, that is the only book of our Aryan religion that has survived the ages intact. Michael Tsarion has the best tarot information. The word Tarot means both 'Throat' and 'Truth'. This youber is known as 'The Aryan' and he promotes hiinduism for Westerners. He is white fam.


Agreed. We must flush our souls clean and wipe the moral decay from our lives.

Holla Forums is a philosophy, faggot.

Pick one, shit-paver.
You couldn't pay me an amount big enough to convince me to visit India, that literal shithole.

Indians are a much bigger threat than Mexicans. I would even say more dangerous than Chinese. Indians do not ban together as tightly as Chinese and they don't fuck up the environment but they are the largest cultural threat behind blacks. Indians don't stand out because they are unnoticeable but they bleed industries dry, even their own countries. They are far more dangerous, as Mexicans stick to themselves, usually breed with each other and Mexicans target blue collar workers but they know they're not working. Pakistanis are muslims and thus already a disgusting target. Pakistanis are like shittier more dodgier Indians, but Indians will take all your money through efficient labor. The biggest problem with Indians is that they do not integrate like Europeans; Italians, Irish, Russians, etc. Indians demand you cater to their needs and refuse to learn the language or acclimate. They practically never commit crime but they are sleazy as fuck.

In reply the OP re: Indians come over, take a $60K job and send money home to India (before going back there to settle down)
How is that bad? USA is supposed to be a capitalist country, let the best cheapest solution to a hiring problem be the solution. Indias don't settle in USA because they don't want to be fighting niggers. They make money and go back to Bharat (hindu India Perfect Racist System of Righteousness). And If I were them, I would do the same thing. Fuck your left unions and commy bullshit, competing with better educated Indians makes you stronger.

But they do. They are the slowest and most dangerous venom out there.

Case in point, you're an Indian. Defending Indians.

You're not fooling anybody, Pudoo.

And Hinduism and paganism is?

Indian food is delicious and the best food in US . Would you rather eat fast food burgerfats ? 1000 cows ground into your mc donalds burger ? you say shit is bad you eat fast food all day every day you get fatter than any cow . India is much cleaner than your mc donalds fat american fucks

You kikes…you filthy fucking kikes
How to counter bait kikes? Anyone got and good kike-baits?
Indians still have foreskins, they are better than kikes, more trustworthy by far!

Always remember, the job of a kike shill is to sow discord between natural allies. People of equal IQ and equal moral development are natural allies, eg: Gooks, Indians, Russias, White people. The only enemies of the white race are kikes, not even niggers, but niggers being niggers so stupid and low 75-85 IQ borderline retarded niggers are easily turned into a weapon against whites by the wormtongue jew-kike shills.

Guys I'm not Indian, I'm white Irish from UK. Every week in Manchester, England, poor white homeless are shitting in the street. I nearly stepping on an actual human turd this week on the way to work. This is in the city centre, I blame our communist city council.

I'm trying to ignore the kike bastards who want to wormtongue meme their way into getting all races except 'God's Choosen People'TM from killing each other.

Post pics of based India nationalists inspired by Hitler

I want to deport this motherfucking pajeet I work with so hard.
He said he'd move back if the Indian economy got better, admitting that he gives no fucks about our country.
Even after I told him that the Finnish were performing at near top of the world by simply having better education instead of obscene homework he shook his head in disbelief saying he wants his children to learn everything by route with tonnes of homework.

They're not better educated. They get hired on visa programs. Over 50% of Indians that get hired in tech positions have no clue how to code at all. Quit bending over for the kikes.

I will concede that probably there are too many Indians in USA, that's a problem, too many strangers in any country causes resentment, but they are not 'the enemy'. (((The true enemy))) that abolished quotas for visa programs and created the system to make it legal for so many Indians to come over is the problem.
My hatred for niggers goes up and down, it fluctuates. It's ultimately not their fault, as they are just a population of 80% idiots low IQ easily pushed into 'kill whitey' by evil jewish leaders, and up to 20% black similar intellience to white people. But the children of those 20% magic smart black are still gonna be 80% idiots.

I remember hitchiking through Europe, and I had food poisoning from eating a bad sausage in Badenbaden-wurst-berg (see what I did there?) and I went into an irish bar to 'drown my sorrows in Guinness' and there was a black man at the bar. When I found out he was from UK, I was delighted to talk with him, as he reminded me of home UK, that weird country. He was a middle class 20% high IQ magic black man, who was determined to be as middle class British as he possibly could, and he told me about his kids whom he had named the poshest, most english middle class names you could ever imagine: one of then was called Tristan, I kid you not.

Did you know in the UK we have a black boxer who retired before he got brain damage, and married a white women, and dresses like an english gentleman and even wears a monocle! Chris Eubank is clearly over-compensating for not having white high IQ genes, in his desperate attempt to become a posh White British guy.

Nevertheless, in spite of all this magic black man's efforts, I got the impression that 80% of his children were headed for trouble. He told me all his concerns for them, and they listen to gangster rap and swear, even though he has tried to bring them up not to do those things.

Race is real, it's in the genes!


Why is this a thread? This is not Holla Forums

this got to be bait

Indians are the fucking kikes of South Asia. There tentacles reaches till Africa, a few nations in South America and Portugal. Dig some information about South Africa and those other african nation where indians settled, and you will find out.


So is all the asshurt because you're a dravidian abbo mongrel or because you must poo and there is no loo.



Threadly reminder that the Indus Valley Civilization had indoor plumbing in 1000 BCE and Poos haven't managed to rediscover the secrets of it yet.

Remember to report slide threads!

I don't see anything in the catalog worth sliding though.