A New Street Drug Can Kill You By Touching Your Skin

The opioid epidemic is a real tragedy. It has been devastating states like West Virginia, Vermont, and Maine - among others - and it’s been the number one factor in a major incarceration shift that is still seldom discussed by the media.

But as soon as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new set of national standards for prescribing painkillers, yet another deadly drug threat is beginning to concern authorities in certain states.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu spoke at a press conference this week, warning that a drug that’s 10,000 times stronger than morphine has made its way into the state. As a result, many first responders have been left scrambling to find a way to handle this new threat.

Carfentanil, a powerful new opioid, has already claimed three lives.

Engineered to be used as an elephant tranquilizer, the drug’s lethal dosage is 20 micrograms. Since the product can cause deadly effects just by being sprinkled on someone’s skin, authorities are highly concerned.

The drug is so powerful that first responders are even having a hard time reversing overdoses when they arrive at emergency locations.

On one occasion, Hickey said, one of his men had to use six to eight doses of Narcan, an overdose reversal drug, to revive a victim - twice the dose used in most cases.

As doctors and first responders notice a pattern, they are also warning the public that Narcan isn’t going to be enough from now on. So what is next?
Fear, of course.

As state and local authorities find themselves panicking over this issue, many will ask for tougher laws. Federal agencies will then intervene, adding further restrictions to the already heavily regulated drug market in the United States. Adding fuel to the fire, the drug war will continue to target opioids like heroin and opium while Congress continues the process of imposing strict limits on some opioid prescriptions.

As more restrictions are applied, users will have a harder time gaining access to the substances they are already addicted to, forcing them to turn to the black market for their fix.

With this, incidents like the ones we’re seeing in New Hampshire will become even more common, prompting further government involvement. As this snowballs into further restrictions, the opioid epidemic will reach unimaginable levels, killing a record number of people, making orphans out of countless children, and creating another boom in U.S. incarceration rates.

While it’s easy to understand why locals in New Hampshire are afraid, the rhetoric and reality on the ground should not be used to push for more heavy-handed intervention from local and federal governments. Instead, it’s time to look deep into how the opioid crisis started, keeping in mind that the government’s own fruitless battle against drugs was the very root of what is now concerning New Hampshire authorities.

Like New Hampshire’s Drug Lab Director Tim Pifer, we agree that “this is certainly unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg.” But just like any iceberg, its base lies in dark, cold waters. Unless we’re ready to be honest with ourselves, finding the courage to dive deep to find where it begins, we will never know how huge this problem really is. And if we’re not willing to look at the root of the problem, we won’t be able to find a proper solution.

Other urls found in this thread:

citizenscales.com/pdf/Semi Micro Balance Oprating Manual.pdf

It's not new and this is hyped…

It is a very strong opioid, but it is speculated that it was used in the hostage situation in a theatre in Moscow in 2002 as a gas…


Shit ain't new


How widespread is the use of Carfentanil in the US?



I doubt much at all in general, but because so little is needed (literally micrograms) only getting in a few grams will affect the market a lot, especially if mixed in by stupid people who are not aware of the potency…

It is not used for humans normally….

Oh no.

Duterte route when?

Never, you shouldn't interfere with natural selection.

I wonder why states with such high percentages of white people are hit so hard. Hmm…


Who is even taking this shit?

CIA Jews pushing it on Americans, they want our people extinct.

That's all the SAME girl? Jesus… that's really, really sad/scary. She used to look so happy, and good god, she's (was) beautiful. Used to be a solid 8/10 and now she's JUST/10.


Yes, nature has no forgiveness, why should I? She's a degenerate whore and has found the perfect place for those of the same ilk.


Give them one chance to come clean, get support and try to stop. After that period is over, cut them all off. No more OD support. No more clean needles. Cut off all ER treatment for obvious opioid caused dysfunction and injuries. CUT OFF THEIR FREE SUPPLY OF LAXATIVES. That alone will significantly destabilize the situation and seriously dissuade use. Let it crash and burn, those on the borderline with the willpower and intelligence to kick the habit will, those who will not or can not will ultimately either learn or remove themselves from the genepool. Prescription accessibility is certainly one of the issues at hand, but making it common practice for ERs to give supportive care to non-paying self destructive junkies who will ultimately end up killing themselves with their drug of choice anyway is just as bad if not a greater contributor to the severity of the situation.

Why is that?

It should say it's new as a street drug in New Hampshire then and not a new opiod.

George Webb's investigative series on youtube reveals that the opiod/heroin epedemic is part of a soft Jihad on Whites. It's also being used on Russia.
Turkroach Gülen, CIAniggers and Pakistanis run the trade and the world wide ratlines. They also make money on the addiction treatment centers they run.
Where they get them hooked on opiod substitutes like subutex. Organ harvesting on the dead young white men and women is also a source of income. This whole epidemic is purposely created to destroy white communities and coutries. (((Globalists))) and Islamist elite is together on this. Our death and destruction is a business for them.

Also when they say "new" I think its safe to say its new in the context of designer drugs. Most street drugs started life as industrial chemicals or experimental drugs decades prior. Street drugs become a thing because niggers want to get high but they want to get high without risking prison time. In American law, a given substance is uncontrolled unless otherwise stated. A lot of experimental opioids are completely legal to purchase freely under the guise of "For Research" only.

Most street drugs nowadays come from Chemical suppliers in China because Chinese companies tend to sell industrial chemicals in bulk on the internet and its easy as fuck for anyone to get their hands on some potentially mind altering substances from there.


Hey CIA what are you doing

Stomach pain caused by constipation is a very common side effect of opiates.

You get constipation from opiates and the shit becomes compacted and the shit will be as big as a football. I did lots of opiates for real pain and even with responsible use it blocks u up bad. The pain is really bad like giving birth.


The Afghan poppy production is a CIA operation to destablise Russia and Iran by flooding those countries with cheap heroin. Right now world production of heroin is by an order of magnitude higher than it's ever been and the prices of it are dirt cheap. That's intentional. It's coming into America via Mexico because the customs there are corrupt and will let it slip by. Then it's smuggled over the border into America. Trump's plan of a wall would have drastically reduced the heroin supply in America but he decided not to include it in the budget.

The first thing that needs to be done is the poppy production in Afghanistan needs to be destroyed. Second, everybody that's responsible for making it all happen needs to be put to death so these people can be held to account instead of being rewarded with office. Then, all trade with Mexico needs to come to a halt and the border secured. After that start killing heroin dealers.

I was addicted to synthetic marijuana for a while in 2014. My life was shit when I was taking it. I'd constantly think about smoking it when I was sober even though I didn't like it that much. Whenever I used, I would hate myself for using it. I didn't even realize how bad my life was at that time until I thought back about it. Getting strung out daily and feeling pain in my chest as a result of the drug was just part of my daily schedule back then. I know it's nowhere near as dangerous as fentanyl, but if I didn't get clean, I probably would be dead.

My baby was in the NICU on a ventilator and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember after having severe MAS at birth. He was on a huge fentanyl for his size (7lbs) apparently, but I can't remember what it was now. I never thought anything of it at the time because I knew nothing about drugs. But holy crap the tiny overdose levels I see now scare the heck out of me now. It took 3 weeks to wean him off the drugs when he finally got better. Thank god for anesthesiologists.

Look up OIC. Opioid induced constipation is probably the most common and at a time most dangerous side effects of heavy opioid abuse. That's why most of the time if you have a major surgery and are prescribed percoset for example, you will also be given another drug that mitigates the effects of the opioid on your gut. If you ever happen to catch a pair of smack junkies chatting it's very likely they'll be talking about the quality and frequency of their shits. Long term abuse without laxatives to prevent blockages can cause serious GI dysfunction and even death. As a result many ERs and clinics offer homeless addicts laxatives free of charge figuring that giving them the laxative will be cheaper than the emergency care they'll have to administer if they can't get their hands on some and end up with a severely impacted colon.

Why can't Trump order the Army Corp of Engineers to build the wall? He should reveal the Soft Jihad by Gulen, the Awan brothers spy network to the wider public..
What stands in the way?

Is the northeast fucked?

The entire US is fucked m8.

Kikes threatening to kill Barron

What is this?
Heroin for ants?

The same reason that Trump doesn't just allocate the funding for the refugee program to something else. The same reason he doesn't just defund the visa program. He's useless.


They mix it with other shit and sell it as heroin to junkies. It's not like people are buying 500 scales and wearing rubber gloves to dose themselves for a high. It's watered down usually because it's cheaper to produce/easier to procure than a comparable amount of heroin.

500 dollar scales*


She was paid to play the "traditional girl" in the photo shoot, like all of the models who pose for them are.
Unless you believe that actors on the screen are portraying their true selves, then know that the women in these "trad women" pictures are just as likely to be degenerate whores as any dreadlocked skank in a Che t-shirt.
Cognitive dissonance my friend, that is the name for what you are feeling now.

5000 dollar scales*

Quit whining.
They can't "hook" you on it if you don't take it.

Stay away from the pharmaceutical Jew.

These idiots in the DEA shut down all the pill-mills down here (Florida) and then started crying when heroin OD's shot through the roof.
Now this shit has shown up and the county sheriff is issuing every deputy with Narcan in case they come in contact with it. The media is calling it the 'grey death'.

Dumbass, he doesn't have this power.
Congress controls budget allocations, and there are now laws that require the president to spend money where they tell him to.

Congress is the swamp that needs drained.

She was a pretty gril ruined by a subverted culture that values looks over character, and popularity over respect.

Yes user, those traditional women are probably degenerate whores anyway.



I guess you never broke your spine. Some of us "needed" it and now we're fucked.


Delete that image and then delete yourself

Trauma victim here. fractured the T12, L1, L2 I was airlifted by helicopter the a regional medical center with a trauma center. The first three day are unmemorable prior to surgery. After that it was 1 single injection of morphine and then Opioids such a Percocet. In reviewing my medical transcripts (the full file) I was injected with 2 doses of fentanyl.

I took 7 months to walk unassisted. I stopped using Percocet within two months (less than) of my accident. I was well aware of the dangers of Opioid addiction.

I wore the rubber wheels off of a wheeled walker and threw that off of my 8 floor balcony. I learned alot going through that, friends of mine, unknowing to me at the time, who enjoyed Opioids would come out of the woodwork and ask if I could spare a Percocet or two and I used to think to myself, what a fucking degenerate a person must be to take medicine away from a person who truly needed it. It furthered my resolve to NEVER become dependent upon that shit.

Take your six months or kill yourself.

People need to HAVE pride and self respect in themselves, not to want to get HIGH and turn into fucking junkies. That is all I ever thought, and how I always viewed MY situation. It's sad the electric jew, and media in general convinces people otherwise.

Why isn't this good?

Any anons good with it who can distribute this? Buy a ton, say it's heroin or whatever, sell it, druggies die having taken 9000x the lethal dose, streets are cleaned up. This is exactly what I prayed to Lord Kek for, and He has answered my prayer. Have faith in Kek and pray for dead druggies laying in gutters.

If this wipes out all the degenerate kikes and shabbos goy junkies, AND niggers, this stuff is great. I love carfentanil now.

so don't go out for OD calls? I say this a week after my childhood friend died from this shit…let them rot

We need a meme that will kill kikes and communists the second they gaze upon it.


This is why this place is going to shit. There is no reason you cant be out on goybook spreading hatefacts but asking plebs who arent ready to come check out our meeting place and fuck up discussions driving away oldfags.. I sincerely hope someone you love gets hurt and you remember that it was your fault.

hitler's mustache style

Dealers will occasionally spike a dose of heroin with stuff like this precisely because it's basically poison. Addicts are retards who think if someone died using a drug that means it's really strong, so lethal ODs are a dealer's way of advertising that his product is better. The reality is that every dealer is selling the same cheap diluted stuff 99% of the time.

Where do you buy this, and how do you slip it into the water supply in Detroit and Dearborn?

try the alphabet

With the exposure that this guy is giving this "TOPIC" on a daily basis…smells of a disinformation campaign. He might be talking about the players of the game but its as if he is nudging the reader to look over here and not over there.


And ^^^^^^^^^^^^ thats the most important thing.
As if it actually mattered if you knew TRUTH or not..
What can YOU do about it. Nothing is the clear answer.
If the Government and the FBI and THE CIA and insertnamehere
already knows this shit - they have done nothing about it and that
my friend tells you that they are in on it.
So that leads me back to this guy right here.

He is misdirecting you because the fact of the matter is
hes hasn't been killed for "exposing" the NWO.

He is working for them.

Sheeit aint nothing more anti-fascism than elephant tranks!

What the fuck does some chopped up nigger have to do with this? Nice clickbait faggot
No surprise OP is a faggot

now theres a bright idea. lets take fentanyl, which is already 100x stronger than morphine, and make it 100x more powerful than THAT. then we can ship it out to west virginia to help save all of those, uh, elephants that are out there.

seriously. this was the first redpill i ever swallowed, after swallowing thousands of little white ones and many other colored ones. why does the strongest opiate out there constantly need to be made stronger? why so rapidly? i remember the oxy craze. then they "abuse-proofed" them. while at the same time putting out opanas, which were VERY fucking abusable (and expensive), and like 3x stronger than OCs. rinse. repeat.

the "smart" junkies got wise to this little scheme and just switched over to dope. but after doing dope for a while, and getting to know the lay of that land i realized, "oh shit, its the fucking CIA thats bringing ALL of this shit over here from the middle east, thanks obama". seriously, the dope dealers used to jokingly refer to it, and brand it as "da bomb" with a little bomb logo and some arabic on it because it was straight from afghanistan.

the pharma industry is basically like a modern day eugenics plan against the people. they need to be stopped.

blue user
I see this shit every day it's always
>his boys are fiends so is he

This. is. every. fucking. day.
now nigs are purposely spiking bags of people they don't like, know have a huge tolerance, etc with carfet

the cycle continues until they all die of carfet, the word gets out that they've all been shooting carfet-laced fentanyl-laced herion, someone gets arrested on gun charges (no witnesses, of course), or they find the next best thing.

we need to move it to africa

west africa actually had to develop its own herbal alternative because no one could afford even the cheap generics over there. look up akuamma seeds (i forget what the drug they made from it was called) they are a legitimate alternative to mild painkillers. in the really bad slums in west africa, though, the CIA makes sure that there is still really cheap dope available. if anything, id say they tested this very idea out on them before redirecting it onto us.

Okay, so we have opensource deadly powder
Okay, so we have opensource drones with GPS hover
Okay, so we can create mass casualties from one drone sortie
And recover the drone so there's no forensic signature

Pic related


Alas they do not kill degenerates, they kill vulnerable whites in appalachia. Faggot.

there has been at least two suspicious deaths ruled car-fet OD related death but we know the guys were knocked out then injected
one guy had his face kicked in and flour thrown on him so we'd think OD immediately kek
the jungle is getting really active

According wikipedia the annual production quota in the US is 19 grams so i doubt some guy is just going to have a few grams in their possession

If the drugs leath dose is 20 micrograms as OP says you need a lot more than a $500 scale to mix this. I have a $1000 analytical balance for reloading ammunition and it is only accurate to 0.0002 grams and that is in ideal conditions. In a home with RF interference and on a normal table which will transmit the various vibrations in the environment it is even less accurate.


This will give you down to 0.00001 grams
(0.01 mg)

resolution is meaningless. if you read the manual they tell you it isnt that good. See repeatability and linearity. You also need calibration weights which themselves are expensive, the weight for mine was ~$150 and the more accurate you need the more expensive they get.

citizenscales.com/pdf/Semi Micro Balance Oprating Manual.pdf

Well, the possibilities are endless.

And for it to even register (with basically zero accuracy) the minimum of 1mg you would need to have 50 lethal doses of OP's drug

Dindus should have all the drugs they want.

Well there's always titration and evaporation.

So say someone mixed a bit of that into Protein powder being shipped to California? Would it kill the people taking it?

What are some ways to avoid this? Always wear long sleeves and wear wide brimmed hats?

And yet, is Trump instructing the DoD to napalm Afghanistan opium fields? Nope.

Nobody cares. Trump said he cared, but he doesn't. The elites have forsaken us.

That's going to be the demographic with the largest concentration of decent white males in CA.
We're angling for degenerates, lad.

This. We are on our own.

Anyone who buys protein powder is a retard. You can get all the protein you need from non-processed or synthesized foods.

Always wear nitrile gloves and p100 masks before leaving the house. Cops and asians at the airport have the right idea.

What a shocker.

It's a lot more convenient to use protein powder in certain situations, like when you're trying to reduce fat without losing muscle. Or when your lifestyle is extremely busy and you can't always cooks gourmet grass fed steaks for yourself.


Get a load of this normalfag.

just die already shekelstein

Just sprinkle some on peanut butter. Mmm mmm!

Fuck off.

You forgot your ASSES AND (((ECHOES))), faggot.

Just eat red meat you dumb nigger.

1. be more fucking discreet with your plans.
2. Pick a better fucking target. Protein powered? Really? That shit comes in a huge container, people don't fucking eat a whole thing at once meaning you'll have to use more than nessecery. An ideal target is a meal or single serving container of something, something guaranteed to be ingested entirely.
3. Pick a better poison. Ricin is easy to make, simulates natural causes, fuck there's an info graphic for it in pdfs.
4. Fuck off FBI. We are a board of peace and do not condone the use of violence in our eternal crusade against the greatest threat our race has ever faced. That would make us bad goyim and we deffinately don't want to be bad goyim…

Get a load of this genetic dead end.

This genetic dead end is enjoying some delicious grass fed steak normalfag. Go lick the boss's floor and beg for some more scraps.


>>>Holla Forums

Three huge faggots.

Nobody got 6 trillion dollars son

Akuammine is the primary constituent, though the seed is fine on its own and often simply ground up in encapsulated. An alcohol extraction is a far better route though, as it allows the dose to be standardized, which as a raw botanical, it is not.
Akuamma cannot be overdosed on though the resulting intoxication will become debilitating should too much be ingested, is physically non-addictive unlike opioids, and further COMPLETELY blocks said opioids. It works better than narcan for treating opiate overdoses, better than Suboxone and methadone for treating physical and mental addiction, removes withdrawl symptoms within minutes A man was literally dieing in the street of some of the worst withdrawl I've ever seen, I gave him one squirt of the tincture, and he was up and walking and talking in several minutes. and is incredibly cheap.
Even if you have no intent of helping addicts with this plant, it is an amazing painkiller to stock in your medicine kit, and could save your life if you are exposed to these Fentanyls. If you choose to purchase them, order only a small quantity until you have vetted the vendor. They should be a light brown in color, once dehusked, though the darker seeds are still viable, as long as they have no fungal growth. At least they're dirt cheap, even if half an order is shit, you still made out great.

Kek as soon as an user mentioned akkuama it was a countdown timer.

Something makes me think whoever sells Tyrone his drugs wont be capable of this.

How does that compare with Ibogaine? There are a lot of reports of Ibogaine being able to completely cure opioid addiction and there are "clinics" that administer it. There's a chance it can cause heart attacks but if you're a fentanyl addict you probably don't give much of a shit anyhow.

So we really are living in a shitty cyberpunk setting.

It's considered new in the fact that druggies are now really getting into it. I remember reading an article where some paramedics closed a ziplock back that had some residue in it after the druggie overdosed. They had to be hospitalized afterwards.

That's very small and very easy to get someone to OD.

Go home FBI.

Since journalists are stupid, those 20 micrograms are probably per kg of body mass. Unless you're rat, you should increase that to a milligram or more.

Hahaha, you got me. I was happy to find somebody already mentioned it thouh. It really means a lot to know that my words don't fall on deaf ears.

Completely different. Akuamma works primarily on the physical level, though it is also good for dehabituating people of their habits. Ibogaine though… that is a tool for psychotherapy. There's a reason that Iboga-tribes have kind, rational thinking negros. The shaman pulls the niggerchild into his hut when he as reached the age that he should become a man, damn near forcefed incredible doses of Iboga, and is forcefully led trough an introspective hell trip where the elder/shaman causes the subject to experience EVERY WRONGDOING they have ever committed against another in their lifetime, as if they were the victims of their own deeds. They psychologically beat the nigger out of them, and then the whole tribe comes together to welcome them as a human. I wish we could do that in the USA, it would be incredible. and fucking hilarious!

Hey I remember you, and your threads. god bless you.

Thanks for the support. Could use more input at

Take a normal measurable amount. Say, 0.1gr. Then dilute it in 10mL alcohol/water, make sure it has dissolved completely and weight whatever amount of water you need.

You can easily make 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000 dilutions and equivalent amount of active ingredient out of this.

But you didn't hear that from me ;)

I forgot.

WIth sinusoidal vibrations - scale may become even more accurate.

Remember to rest the scale empty and on flat surface, turned on for at least 30 min for scale to stabilize. Otherwise it drifts like crazy.

Is regular rat poison too cheap for you my dear son ? It causes internal bleeding which is fatal.


The niggers already cut everything with rat poison… Also, we need less poison literally on the streets. Does anyone here trust a junkie to not poison the town with this stuff, or even handle it?

lol wut

Why New Hampshire and Maine of all places? I don't understand why they have such a drug problem there?

For Maine I would speculate it's border with Canada is a part of the problem. When it comes to the drug market, things like this tend to be ordered from China and imported into Canada, which has laxer laws on the import of "research chemicals" and various designer drugs that are slightly modified forms of street drugs, and then smuggled into the USA to be used as a cut with street drugs. I've personally caught a number of people who were smuggling in NBOME variants and 2C knockoffs, and trying to sell them as LSD, which in my book is attempted murder. This is also a major problem in Seattle.
I'd blame the college scene to an extent. A lot of douchebag college kids think they can get rich quick, or be top shit, by trying to get into the drug scene, and think because they passed chem101 that they're qualified pharmacists. They get their random knockoffs and then distribute them as anything but what they are, inevitably seeding the product to the street dealers, who then try to quadruple their product by mixing these with the real thing. On the bright side, a lot of them wind up brutally murdered for their efforts and dishonesty. Even junkies have a few people they care about sometimes, and when they watch them die in their arms, they want revenge, and they don't give two shits about the consequences. That and the actual thugs are prone to just beating/stabbing them and running off with the product. Note, those thugs also have no idea how to dose these things, which further increases the death tolls.

People who distribute 25-NBOMe as LSD deserve to have their thumbs forcefully pressed in 25-NBOMe.


such a fucking meme, neither LSD nor NBOME are transdermal

More like the fucking Chinks own Hongcouver and can smuggle in as much of that shit as they want.


It's not even smuggled, it's shipped through the mail.

What if we cut dope with Krokodil and sold it to niggers to cut? What about that? The month long horrors of krok. withdrawal would be worth it alone.

Rumor is the alphabets created crack out of coke with that same kind of thinking… Let's not. Great idea, horrible fallout. Might as well just cut the drugs with the zombie virus.

found your problem


Translation: As the Alphabet Cartels and their little brothers, local and state law enforcement are finding less income coming in from the marijuana drug war with legalization in so many states, we have to double down on the opioids with more restrictive laws on the prescription stuff, so that our heroin keeps making us bank.

What, and pay taxes?

Easier to just have your cousin in China put it in a container, have your other cousin in Hongcouver load it into a truck and then re-package it as whatever you want.




i want to see what happened next



it should take a walk on a black/ muslim suburb

Post more pictures of niggers being killed.

Whey is the cheapest protein I can find other than lentils. It's just food.

Imagine if that pain never went away. I don't give a shit I'm allergic to all opiates anyway so let's just say having surgery was not nice.

Fucking ruined some dubs there, you fucking lolberg faggot.

This was on some normie cop show my mom was watching when I visited home. They test for it now, and monitor purchases related to ingredients needed for manufacture.

How is this new? It's almost annual that a batch of heroin with elephant tranquilizer makes it out and a few hundred junkies from Baltimore to the rust belt die not knowing it's not the weak shit they're used to.

What about autoinjected nicotine? You can make a simple device out of a tube and vetrenary syringe that forces poison inside a wound… Nicotine at the right concentrations is simple to obtain and kills instantly. Easy to kill rando niggers.
Moreover why not instead make a fuckton of intentionally cheapo garbage luty SMGs with extra ammo and communist logos stamped in the metal to mail to nigger project housing? Guns that kill niggers and sometimes their owners!

good. im glad i was able to summon the herbalwizard. take heed of this guys advice everyone. this is useful information that few know about. the answer to the opiod epidemic is easier than you think. just dont let yourself or anyone you know ever go on suboxone or methadone maintenance programs. they are worse than dope in a lot of ways

the toxicity of nicotine has been hugely overrated, and that's without even considering the fact that even light smokers develop a tolerance that allows them to process much larger doses than the supposed lethal ones
there are examples of random idiots, addicted to and very tolerant of nicotine, who survive sticking on them a whole box of heavy dose nicotine patches, for a trip made of 50 times the supposed "lethal amount"

Ah, greetings from Canada. You can probably blame that fentanyl on us. Well, the god damned Chinks, to be specific. It's not a controlled substance in China, so the gooks send it into Canada through Vancouver and other ports, stuffed into printer ink cartridges and shit. I read in the paper a little while ago that they actually filled the little corrugations on a cardboard box with the stuff and then filled the box full of junk.

For those of you that think this is new, it's really not. It's been sweeping Canadian streets for about a year now. We have like 20 OD deaths a day in Chinkouver. People OD, get revived and then OD again the next day. Do yourselves a favour. If you see someone ODing, just let them die.

Satisfying as fuck. Punches the strongest part of the head and still buckles her neck and sends her to the ground.


It's amusing to see so many people OD in Canada to the point where it's becoming a new media sensation, probably to crack down on drugs more by instituting more police state shit.
Then you look at the actual people who die from this fentanyl epidemic, and they're all thugs, chinks, would have OD'd on meth a day later anyways, or just dindu nuffins. Just let them die, it's not a problem.

I remember going to Vancouver and Seattle for the first time a few years back and seeing first hand the extent of the homeless/drug problem in the PNW cities. Holy hell, two blocks from downtown Vancouver and all of a sudden you're surrounded by zombies and people are shooting up on every corner. What the fuck, Canada.

Anyway, the mid-Atlantic states are seeing this firsthand, or well, it's been rising for years now, but pretty affluent areas are now being inundated with heroin-related crimes, ODs, etc. Sure took a while to ramp up opium production in Afghanistan and standardize the distribution routes, I'm sure the black budget projects are well-funded now, though.

It's basically the same dilemma with abortions. Those and drugs are clearly not good things, and they harm some whites; on the flip side, they overwhelmingly kill much more of the undesirables than they actually do white people, accomplishing the "tragic" things we can't yet commit to as a people. It's a double edged sword.

No kidding, I was at an event in Van and was supposed to stay at a hostel, I showed up and it was like I had walked into a previously undiscovered circle of hell and kept walking. Slept on a parkbench on the highway. What a shock coming from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere

Thanks for the support.
These if used regularly (as prescribed) are more addictive than heroin. Roxane Labs is who produces this garbage, and they're also the ones who make the opiates, amphetamines, benzos and so forth that flood the western world. They create the problem, and once people are addicted, they use the court system to force them into "rehab programs" that then get them permanently addicted to the (((solution))) for top dollar, which most NEVER get off of. Oh, and guess who theyre connected to? The Rockafellers

The commies get their grant money by pretending to look after the addicts. That misery is their food ticket to daily wine and daily hipster coffee. The CEO of Union Gospel Mission makes a six figure salary and his employees get full medical and dental, and the poor get pennies on the dollar. Christcucks getting scammed by Jews.