Gamers today

Gamers today.

I have no idea what game he is talking about.

The game is shit, isn't it?

Dark Souls III


Is it Stranger in Sword City?


Guess the review thread?

What game is this, user?

That shit is unspecific as shit how would you ever guess that.

Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny

Don't post incredibly fucking ambiguous descriptions that any old game on Steam could fit if you want anyone to guess it you retarded fucking faggot

Nice resolution cuck.

Could be fucking anything. I'll guess Morrowind.



Are steam reviews generally this preachy/SJW-esque?
I'd love to think most people aren't this gay

The most helpful negative reviews tend to be pretty good, I just capped this one because it was so fucking odd.
The game's Krosmaster Arena if anyone's wondering

Jesus fuck, all that text.

you can get banned from pretty much any Steam community page for saying something like "Anita lied" so yes.

I don't tend to look at steam reviews that often, but majority that I've seen were neutral and objective, just pointing out the pros and cons - or making a joke about the game.
Actually I haven't seen an SJW triggering like this yet so it can't be that common

Negative reviews tend to be better than positive reviews, on the whole. They'll point out the flaws of the game and give you a more honest opinion.

Positive reviews are inevitably filled with fanboys who fellate the developers like they're paid to do it.

Red Faction

Alright, let's get this show started then

Wiz 8?

I don't know. Either its a troll, or this person got assblasted from going to a chan as it mentioned and hates this game for the same reason.

stalker soc

Man, that's like a million of these games out now

General Failure indeed.


Someone once had a webm of the trailer, it's eye gouging worthy

Here's another.

this scene is from the trailer

was this made by Biebersoft?

ding ding ding

dark souls?

Fallout 4

The last two may be a bit obvious, but I don't care. This is why steam needs to be wiped out.

Dude Sex?

Close, but not quite.

Ultimate Doom


Free weekends are just too confusing for some people.

I'm guessing Kotor 1.

Mass Effect 2

3rd is watch dogs, 4th gone homo, 5th myst or sequel?

The fuck is 99chan?

Nobody mentions that site, whats so special about it?

Is it full of reddit or tumblr?

Theif 1/2?

System Shock 2

Gone Home or Life is Strange
Either way, it all has to burn

Pony Island or maybe superhot

woops forgot to reply

2nd one has got to be Life is Stranage

4th is Everyone goes to Rapture

5th is Jonathan "Blow me" Blow's Myst knockoff

Must be special for that one person, it looks pretty dead to me.

He was clearly baiting user r-right?


First one is Life is Strange.

Third is Pony Island

And right on the money. Perhaps those were too obvious, but holy fuck were they too awful to ignore.

Here's more reviews for the second piece of shit, since nobody's gotten it yet.

1st one is fallout 4?

Does this shit drive anyone else up the wall?

Another dead chan then?


Nope, though you'll find similar reviews for that one

are they all Gone Homo

1st: gone home
2nd: some many fucking shitty games
3rd: Fallout 4
4th: I think theres some sort of reference im missing here
5th: Depression Quest
wait they're all for the same gmae
Its probably depression quest or gone home

Pretty much.

Last two are probably a Bethesda game.

Never mind, I agree with and those people only play it for a few hours, it has to be a short game.

What this user said, that or they're a bunch of equally over-inflated walking simulators

Yeah, those point'n click games in the 80-90s sure didnt tell a story i just played them because i loved to point and click at things!

It's like it's not a story unless it caters to their shitty propaganda and you can finish it in hour or 2 at most without any points where you might actually have to use your brain.


Interestingly enough I hated the first 2 hours of Dark Souls 2, even though is not as good as the first in my opinion it grew on me… I still hate the constant ambushes.

user they don't actually think this, they're just mimmicking what they're fed by everyone else in their echochamber, nevermind if they actually like the game or not, all these "respectable" gaming publications are raving about how great it is and how its bringing gaming forward, so why would they lie?

Xcom Enemy Unknown?

Xcom EU?

I thought this game was supposed to be super EZ for casuals?


Witcher 1? Nah, can't be…

Yeah i know, literally cattle unable to think with their own brains so others must do it for them.

I didn't even think of that, I think you're right user

Its a lot older than those games, posting a review for the same game.


second UFO game is terror from the deep, which is even more brutal

you fucked it up. fallout 1.

It can't be Fallout 1 cause it's the same damn game as the second one. I'm stumped.

It had the name of the game in the review, fixed the image

He only played it for fucking 6 hours. Thats barely enough to get through to the raiders.

The sequel to the new Xcom is Xcom 2, which is ez casual mode, but apparently thats not right anyway

Well I mean, shit user, you fucked it up

It is indeed a walking sim, but not Gone Homo.
It's The Beginner's Guide.

Dumping more reviews from there because holy fuck are these people fucking retarded.

Its a review, people can think whichever way they please. Thats the hardest part about guessing.

Im starting to get the feeling these people are making these lowest common denominator games with a liberal mindset in mind so that they can sell it to pseudo-intellectuals that want to feel smart

I've not paid much attention to this shit for a while. When did it evolve into a whole genre?
Only two I ever played were Gone Homo and the first game by the rapture guys.

I fucked up, new game

Most "gamers" of today don't even have the patience to finish a game. They're constantly distracted by social media.

At least this guy played for 12 hours.


he probably had it idling in the background while doing something else.

Deadly Premonition?

I didn't start beating games until I was ten. Before that, I mostly fucked around in game accomplishing little or dieing to the first few bosses.

First image is possibly Fallout New Vegas or Wasteland 2.

Yeah, i thinks thats deadly premonition. but i cant really blame him on the technical front

It's New Vegas.

No, its similar in that it is a niche pc Japanese game with a somewhat bad port.

One of the Tales games, maybe?

All from the same game.

I'll guess it's age of empires II.

Marlow Biggs?

It's Crusader Kings 2



Yeah their african kingdoms expansion

Too obvious.
-t. Alberto Barabossa

Forgot to Crop it and make it readable

Mountain Blade ?

I don't recall the Portuguese being negroes in Crusader Kings 2? Were they? Those reviews make it sound like its a game from Egypt where the revisionist devs made Egyptian rulers into nig nogs

Vikings and knights games (i dont know the names of them) the ones that play like m&b's combat.

Winrar, have another

There have always been idiot faggots, they just have a public venue now that has some credibility beyond shitty forums and friends you want to slap.

Every generic weeb game?

tits simulator disguised as a fighting game

Senran Kagura?

Well yes, but its a very SPECIFIC generic weeb game

Senran Kagura or something

100% Orange Juice?

Guessing kotor



Found it, it is Senran Kagura

Looks like Exanima to me

Is it that one ecchi card game that got uncencored for the pc release?

Steam should just change the "reviews" into a general comment section, because that's about all it is at this point. These are some YouTube tier shitposts and it's pretty disheartening.

just further proof Holla Forums consists largely of normal fags leaking everything to facebook and twitter


Ding Ding, have a bit more challenging one

Thats just cheating user


Its absolutely bad, even more leakage to the sea of normalfags so the original point and message slowly erodes only leaving meaningless RANDUMB XdddddDDD PENGU OF DOOM1111111!!1!1

Bioshock Infinite

Yep, shit I need to step up my game

Its not cheating if I guessed then looked it up

You just don't get it. We aren't "normalfags leaking everything to the outside" we are intentionally spreading the memes outside, because it influences world politics. Just look at how leftists are now commonly called cucks around the world, that originated from 8ch Holla Forums from 2015. It's a valid strategy of shifting the Overton window.

What is though? Does anyone know?

And yeah, it was a pretty easy guess when the review started out with that whole "art" bit, and when I skipped down to "she supports you in and out of combat"

Oh god, please dont turn this thread into a Holla Forums debate. Spare this one please.

The point of the original message is to redpill normalfags into nationalism. What the fuck would be the point of staying on Holla Forums and watching the world burn while we stay within our own community? We actually want to save western civilization you know.

Why are you saying that to me then, and not the guy who started it? The anti-Holla Forums fag was the first to bring this topic up because he doesn't understand the reason it's spread outside.

Which will be accomplished with mindless normal fag memes and obviously retarded propaganda?

Old Holla Forums is ded, the only thing that remains are is nu/pol/ which is still riding the coattails of the old Holla Forums while proclaiming itself a natsoc board banning any dissenting opinion?

Fucking clueless unaware faggots.

Replying to it makes him reply back, then it just spirals into madness after that. I understand that you wanted to tell him why.

First one has to be Undertale

I'll give you that, the term cuckservative sure did spread quickly, but 99% has nothing to do with Holla Forums everything to do with people living under the policies Obama has passed.

You could tell the average American Obama is a faggot Muslim and most will agree after seeing the increase in their Obamacare premiums.

You don't want Holla Forums shit showing up go somewhere else, you soft bellied fuck.

Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /int/, fuck off this thread isn't about you faggots

now have one that might be a little bit harder


How is "WE WUZ KANGZ" a normalfag meme? What? It sure as fuck wasn't come up with by normalfags, but nationalists on imageboards.

And as I said, yes, Holla Forums memes actually have had a significant effect on world politics recently.

8ch Holla Forums is better than Holla Forums has ever before been. You'd have to be completely fucking retarded to think old halfchan Holla Forums was better, it was a cesspit of degeneracy and shitposting.

Fullchan Holla Forums at least achieves things.

Doesn't happen though. You're welcome to come to Holla Forums and give us your absolutely fucking retarded leftist view on the world, and you won't get banned for it, but you sure as fuck will get triggered by a mountain of evidence proving that we are right and you are wrong.

It spread exactly because of us. Because we made it spread. We raided SJWs on Twitter for months, calling them cucks for enjoying watching foreigners fuck their country in the ass, and it stuck. Soon even the media started reporting that everyone is calling them "cuckservatives" for pretending to be conservatives but not supporting Trump. We had a significant part in this.

You were literally raped by another user being on the same webpage as you that you disagree with. Oh no. Maybe' you faggots should stop taking the bait wherever it shows up and sit quietly aside while nothing tragic happens until some uppity cunt like you shits their salt.


what does Karen have to do with vidya user?

Serious sam bfe

It's like complaining about a car being slower than a Ferrari Testarossa.

Serious Sam 3?

Doom 4? It was a great game though, fuck cover shooters. This guy is a huge faggot for wanting a cover shooter.

wtf happened? i didn't post that

How is this wrong? Why would you pay for something that plays worse than if you had just emulated it?

Get out of this thread faggot.

No, I'll correct you on that part, that word that's being used as an insult instead of a fetish is all moot.

That right there is moot's legacy right next to 4chan. If it wasn't for him the word cuck would not be a popular as it is now.



Close enough

No and you should fuck on outta here if you thought Doom 4 was a "great game"

What is every shitty game played for 1,000

Moot was the source of the meme, but not its widespread distribution

Do you think The Dark Knight Rises intuitively popularized baneposting? no, Holla Forums did.

It was. Did you even play it, or are you just one of those circlejerkers who are whining because it's not 2D and you can look up or down which was not possible in the first Doom?

The gameplay is amazing, world looks great and the story is ok.

It was always dead. And probably run on someone's fucking phone, it's so slow. It was consumed by normalfags who don't know how to post in proper English, much like most of 7.

This is a shitty thread anyhow, not really much of discussion going on. I might as well start posting bulges and have you guess where they were shooped from.

Nigger what the fuck do you think youre doing shilling this shit on Holla Forums.

Hahah, no. That is not at all it. The insult cuck was popularized by Holla Forums Holla Forums calling neocons "cuckservatives". This only became a worldwide phenomenon during the Trump campaign as we called all the Israel shills pretending to be Republicans cuckservatives and cucks for putting Israel before USA.

This is what newfaggots actually believe

You mean nat soc larpers? Nationalist is being proud of your country and understanding the politics behind it.

Holla Forums faggots want to turn a republic into a nat soc despite republics running for 500+ years while nat-soc didn't even last 30.
I'm sure that's what you convince yourself off while you piss away your life on a chinese imageboard.


Holla Forums has never been weaker, many of you can barely argue before backing up to insults, ad hominem and accusations of juden.

HAHAHAHAHA Hold on bud.

Fucking christ, are you still in high school?

Do you morons have even a single valid argument for why you think Doom 4 is bad? Everyone who ever criticizes it on Holla Forums only keeps repeating that it's bad but never has any examples why.

The game was fucking great.

I'm not suprised

wow how nu are you?
4chaims Holla Forums was changed into /cuck. for a month while Moot went on a temper tantrum, most of Holla Forums has no clue about this because most of Holla Forums are newfriends from stormfront and Germany.

nice hitler dubs but you are wrong, sorry

Jesus fucking christ you two are retarded. I might as well bring up now that cuckold is a hundreds of years old word so discredit your argument.

I never said we invented the word. I am saying it became a popular insult around the world entirely thanks to fullchan Holla Forums. Because that is the truth.

The only reason people are now commonly calling neocons cuckservatives and leftists cucks is because Holla Forums repeated it so many times to them that it spread to outside the internet.

Not only that, you're probably a second exodus user.

Except it's obviously you two with a shit taste in games.

I played the demo, and felt nothing. I really wanted to like it.

Well the demo is from early game. Every area progressively gets better than the previous one. From mid to late game every room is pretty insane.

Cuckoldry didn't start here, but it was a famous dish.

Yeah which was originally only regarding married couples where a woman would have a child out of wedlock behind the husbands back or have a lover the husband knew about.

Keep telling yourself that, a lie that is told a million times will eventually be true.

Weapon models are fuckhueg, gameplay is crippled by the glory kills, few enemies at a time (a dozen max), slower than I'd like it to be, annoying upgrade system, weapons feel weak, combat takes place in arenas, cut scenes, terrible music.

There's so much wrong with it.

Fucking shills i swear to god. If you really want proof that the game is bad ill give you it. mark please delete this thread, its turning into Holla Forums plus nudoom shilling
-having 4 different progressions systems, why.
-the upgraded running and gloty kills speed not default
-12 enemies at a time. Dont give me that "3d cant have alot of enemies on screen" bullshit. Go play SS1 and tell me that again
-glory kills out the ass
-chainsaw is 1 click viseral comabat with ammo. And gives a shit ton of ammo making placed ammo pointless
-glorykills give health making plqced health packs kinda pointless
-levels have barely as much depth as doom 93. Corridors into painkiller esque kill rooms into more corridors
-fucking cutscenes
-55 fucking gigabytes of space
-multiplayer is ass
-no mod support
-denuvo making the game unplayable in 10-15 years
The only ok thing was the boss fights. Thats is. Stop fucking shilling his garbage.

You can see a lot of youtubers and whatnot rolling with cuck and trying to "take its power away" and all that.

The fuck are you doing on this site.

Somebody post the Revenant snapmap webm

Lets see:

please lurk more, or get better taste in vidya, the only reedeemable quality of Doom 4 is that it makes fun of Doom 3, which even then is not all that impressive, thats like a welfare recipient mocking a homless person, they are both failures.

Then they should have used one of the later levels for the demo, because the existing one utterly failed in it's job to make me want to buy the game. Maybe I'll give it another try when the price is reduced to single digits, or when I can pirate it, but not before then.

Have this instead. Not exactly relating to the shittiness of nudoom, but its somthing.

Should start a proud to be a cuck tag somewhere. There children will ever question them.

There children, look children.

No you're absolutely wrong. This was before we migrated to Holla Forums. it was only until moot changed halfchan Holla Forums into cuck did they word went full popular.

Then it was a shitty demo. It should have demonstrated how good the game could be by giving me a taste of various bits of the game.
Instead, it gave a poor first impression, and left me not wanting to buy the full game, even at a discount.

Not only are you linking to posts of two different users while acting like you are talking to one person, no, I am not. In fact, I was smarter than you fucks and left 4chan BEFORE the first exodus, because I could see it was turning to shit.

I only got back to imageboards when full/pol/ was born.

National Socialists are nationalists you retard.

Umm, no? You do realize Holla Forums has an absurd amount of European posters, they are the ones mainly who are national socialists. Americans tend to be nationalists in the sense of the Founding Fathers.

Wow, could that be because the Jewry never wanted to crash those republics since they were in full control of them? Could it have something to do with them manipulating half the world into ganging up on Germany for defying Jewish rule? :O
It's almost like you don't know anything about history.

Holla Forums has never been stronger and more influential when it comes to influencing IRL politics

Looks like you got banned from Holla Forums for repeatedly shitposting. Exactly how is that a problem? As I said, you don't get banned from Holla Forums for disagreeing with nationalism. You would know this if you regularly visited, because we have some extremely leftist regulars like Rachposter, who has never been banned despite over a year of leftist avatarfagging.

Holla Forums getting a bit butthurt huh? Are you really THIS fucking retarded? Are you really this jealous that we are better than you in every way? When the fuck did I say we made Trump? Cool strawman argument. Maybe go back and read what I said. I said we popularized the cuck insult and made it common IRL. Because we did. That is literally entirely us.

Fucking christ, are you still in elementary school?

HypeNep Re;Birth 1

You're in the schtick coma.

This thread was good, now it's fags acting like retards to bait out Holla Forums shitters

You got it wrong, everyone was using CUCK before moot got butthurt.
Everyone was calling moot a cuck for being the baggage boy of that jewess which is WHY he changed Holla Forums and added wordfilters to cuck to show how not butthurt he was.

ahh okay, makes sense now

Why would I have to keep telling myself something I know to be true? It's a fact. Holla Forums invented the cuckservative insult and made it popular around the world. Cry more Holla Forums, you're getting really pathetic these days.

Kikes like to "pretend" a lot.

Did you read that? Reread that again.

Mark pls.

Yep, that and some fag who thinks Doom 4 is a good game, shame this thread started out pretty fun

Should we remake the thread or let it die peacefully?


Some bambi screams Holla Forums and then it is a Holla Forums thread.

Keep suckling yourself in the corner. Go tot he 4AM thread, you abslute vitcim.

Morrowind, right?

Anons need to stop taking the bait. I browse Holla Forums but I like to go to Holla Forums for games. Its not like the bait is ever going to stop once you engage with them.

Stop using shill in the wrong context. Not everyone has to dislike the games you dislike you fucking autist. Do you really not understand how severe your aspergers is if you think this way?

Then don't do them lel. Or, you can make the animation many times faster.
Felt pretty fast imo. It's definitely way faster than the first DOOM so don't know how old fans can think the new one is slow.

Didn't mind the upgrade systems myself.
I agree some of them were useless, I only used about half of the weapons you get
Sometimes, not always
Like a few in the entire game but ok
It was fine to me

I liked it, you don't have to get a seizure because someone liked a game you didn't. The multiplayer is shit I agree.

Look just like I predicted you are now posting das juden images as if that quantifies an argument.


Fucking christ why are you faggots so ignorant on everything?
National socialism is a government type, nationalism is only loyalty to that government.

Which will get you banned, the ban I posted was for pointing out U.S.A will should never become nat-soc.

Where the fuck did you come from nigger?
Its certainly not from here

Holy fuck


Yeah nigger, and probably anyone pointing out Falling Down shits on Nat Soc larpers is Holla Forums
Anyone pointing out Future of nations also predicts the worship of failed states is also Holla Forums
Anyone referencing Thomas Sowell must also be Holla Forums

You could of been our successors instead you decided to be a bunch of inbred retards screaming memes at each other and convincing yourself you are being productive.

There's been far too much bait fish recently.

oh god this thread has totally derailed, hasn't it?

I guess this is facebook.Like the decline of LiveLeak.

Go play ut 99 then say that to my face, faggot.

Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect

Nope. I am absolutely right. Cuck was only something people were using on imageboards until Holla Forums popularized it elsewhere and IRL by calling neocons cuckservatives and leftists as cucks.

It wasn't worldwide until 2015 Trump campaign happenings.

No, that can't be.




That's what I meant "full" popular. you know like going full retard.

It started before until he made it popular, but it was him that made it.

But the thread was entirely ruined by the Holla Forums retard who came to subvert this by starting anti-Holla Forums shit.

way of the samurai

What out about the kikes, they may think they're above other Holla Forums anons. is the worst place.

I'm not getting a seizure. I'm giving you what you requested, reasons why I think it's a bad game.
Yes, there IS worse shit on the market but Doom 4 dies a death of a thousand cuts with all the annoying little shitty things it has.

And it's in no way faster than Doom. Not even remotely as fast. You should maybe try playing it eventually.

Bully Mark one day, you get shadowbaned.

I agree with this, however it would of never been of so wide spread across boards if it wasn't for moot.

I've already posted proof.
It was a month long ban where I dared argued with someone who though Nat Soc was the guiding light and answer to everything.

When I pointed out he is calling people frustrated virgins on a imageboard where you were considered a Wizard for staying celibate till 30 I got banned.

I imagine that they aren't used to people who have been around longer then 2 years.

Look at this passive aggressive faggot.
He's talking about me, calling me Holla Forums when I never did anything but disagree with him.

How the fuck is Nat Soc the answer when its faggots to scared to even respond back because they realized they aren't talking to someone fresh off the boat.

I don't think you are shadowbanned if thats what you are implying.

I don't think you know how shitty this site is.
Its better then 4chins when it started but not by much

again no shit, they never disputed thats where it all started, they were disputing when it hit maximum meme velocity

go back to reddit

And I'm calling bullshit.
People don't get banned for a single shitpost, the "proof" clearly says you are banned for chronic shitposting and even though mods are a bunch of faggots, they are pretty damn slow banning shitposters and you must have had quite a long history of shitposts to even be targetted in the first place.

Holy shit you are RETARDED. How can you be so ignorant?

Yes, no shit? I know that, and never said anything opposite to that. Are you really this fucking retarded? I said National Socialists are nationalists. Because every single one of them is a nationalist. It was you who was implying that Nat Socs are somehow separate from nationalists - but that's just because you're a delusional faggot.

I really doubt that, tons of Americans say that all the time and never get banned. Until you provide evidence that is what you were banned for, it's bullshit. You were probably banned for posting porn or some other retarded shit, you seem like that kind of person.

Holy shit you have the biggest case of autism I have ever seen anyone here have

Falling Down has nothing to do with Nat Soc. You really need some help, jesus christ man. Not once is anything even implied in that movie of being related to national socialism.

Third Reich wasn't a failed state though? It literally worked perfectly, I suggest reading some history.

Pretty much, he's a colossal open borders retard

We are better than Holla Forums ever was before. You're a perfect example of why cuckchan Holla Forums was so fucking shit and worthless, because it was full of unintelligent morons like you, libertarian cuckolds and neocons.
And, as you've seen, fullchan Holla Forums is a thousand times more productive than cuckchan Holla Forums ever was. As we've already managed to greatly influence shifting the Overton window towards nationalism, while you never did anything of value, you're just a shitposter and circlejerker.

That faggot doesn't count for all Holla Forums.

But its not UT, its DOOM. It's faster than old DOOM was so what's the problem?

Yeah he's a fucking liar. Almost every single American on Holla Forums thinks USA should go back to how the Founding Fathers meant it to be. You sure as fuck do not get banned for thinking USA shouldn't be NatSoc, almost everyone on Holla Forums thinks that way. We only want Germany and a few other European nations to become NatSoc.

Nigga what do I have to do? Archive every thread I posted in, Just in case a mod decides to ban me and delete my posts?
This is what I need to prove to you?
I have been posting on Holla Forums back when it was /new/
To see the site degrade into the circle jerk it is now.

Also no I don't shitpost, I find very little reward in shitposting, I like to argue and debate, which is why Holla Forums was a godsend, everywhere on the internet I could and would be censored but here was my little slice of heaven where I could argue everything and anything.

Now its step out of line get banned.
I don't expect you to believe me if that isn't enough to convince you but all I was doing was arguing against current marriage laws, government interference in marriage, and the value of a Pre-nup or at least dating instead of marriage.

I remember in his goodbye speech Moot said he didn't even know the deff of the word, which was an obvious lie because a week before he changed Holla Forums to /cuck and had cuck dairies playing over the audio, which can only be done by the board owner.

You have dementia if you think first DOOM was faster than new DOOM. You fucking what mate. It's slow as shit in comparison.

This is just b8 at this point.

I assume you ignore the cutscenes and kill scenes from NuDoom when considering which is faster, right?

I step out of line all the fucking time and have never gotten banned for it, maybe you just stepped in some mod's panties or something but claiming "OMG POL IS CENSORING ME" is massive bullshit you only see serial shitposters pulling.

You still don't get it. YThe shit you are saying is lies and nonsense.
You never got banned for thinking USA shouldn't be Nat Soc. Either you're a liar or you're a very confused individual. There's rodo reason to assume you're from Holla Forums or Holla Forums considering you make up lies like that.

Never seen anyone say every white country should be Nat Soc. Not a single person on Holla Forums thinks that way. It's the answer for Germany for sure.

But you are fresh off the boat, you're doing a really bad job at pretending to be a nationalist. Just making up lies about full/pol/ and then trying to convince Holla Forums that your lies are true, did you ever really believe that was going to work?

It's time to stop posting. Maybe go compare gameplay of Doom 1 to Doom 4. You move faster in Doom 4. End of discussion. There's plenty of things the game could have done better, but the speed it did better than original Doom - and all around the game was enjoyable.

Nah, you should go back, and take your shit taste in vidya with you.

I don't know what I expected would come of this thread but this wasn't it..

We were talking about movement speed nigger. And I was using the faster glory kills and longer glory kill range upgrades, which made the game even significantly faster.

Someone who owns kek doom 4 and has doom 1, please make a webm for this poor, poor user.

I actually own it since my dad's a oldfag fan who also games, and neither of touched the fucking thing for months after the first couple of hours.

It's nothing special and it isn't the doom we want. I stick to rpgs, action games, strategy and fightan games, but dad makes a point to ace this shit on the hardest difficulty every time he gets a new FPS. It's pretty much all he gets since he's a vet and had such a shitty childhood that his army buddies were his effective family.

He dropped it. And so did I after about 3 hours. It's boring. Even COD Advanced Warfare had better guns, better feel, better extra power shit, etc.

What cinches it for me isn't that DOOM 4 is bad, it's just mediocre. And that's the sad part. There's nothing to complain about other then boredom.

Well, it is a fact that 8/pol/ is responsible for popularizing the insult.
Secondly, I never said we go to Facebook. We absolutely fucking do not. Ever. The only place Holla Forums raids is Twitter.

Yes, it is a good thing to go and spread the propaganda elsewhere. Do you not understand how retarded it would be to just stay on Holla Forums and talk to each other forever? The goal is to change things, to make nationalism come back.

You should go back to cuckchan Holla Forums tbh.

Spoken like a true newfag, I remember when we debated for days whether we should put the swastika on the board and banners because we didn't want to attract you faggots, but decided that it would be better because it deters normalfags.

Only if we knew it was possible to be a normalfag AND a natsoc.

The offending post is always included in the ban, if it was that it would been shown how nu r u?

Because you post this?
Why not XD
If you were posting for any amount of time other then your contaminate board you would know this is outing yourself.

Everything on that board is related to Nat soc because the BO made it that way.

The only reason CERTAIN clips of Falling down is shown because CERTAIN clips outright shit on Nat Soc

Except where Hitler didn't listen to his generals and pushed a two front war based on rumors that were never substantiated.

Yea sums up nu-Holla Forums perfectly

And, as you've seen, fullchan Holla Forums is a thousand times more productive than cuckchan Holla Forums ever was. As we've already managed to greatly influence shifting the Overton window towards nationalism, while you never did anything of value, you're just a shitposter and circlejerker.
Yeah which is why you are half the number and can barely get threads past 100+ unless stickied or chainposted.
I'm going to wrap this up as its summer.

How long have you've been posting?
I've slowly seen it happen, occasionally someone disagrees and his post dissapears, slowly over time it spreads to be anything dissenting, I literally show proof, with the offending post.

You are booty bothered because its irrefutable and now running to save the only thing that keeps you entertained over the summer.

Along with reddit, I have never stepped foot in any one of those but I still get accused of it when I dare disagree with other faggors precious opinion.

Says the nigger that posts

Meanwhile you haven't shown a lick of proof, meanwhile the other user posted a screencap of it being used way before the massive exodus that led you shitposters from 4chaims Holla Forums to 8chaims Holla Forums which was glorious for the month or two of its untainted existence.

Is it your mum?

Why would I? Why don't you make the webm since it makes you so butthurt to hear this?

You really shouldn't think you know what the game is like if you only played 3 hours of an approximately 20 hours long campaign. It keeps getting better every new area. Yeah, it starts slow with weak and few enemies in the early areas, and then ramps up.

I agree it would be boring if it was like that the entire game, but it gets really damn challenging which makes it exciting.

They all say this, you know.

Just asking a question. Is this game actually worth playing since it cannot be pirated?


Nigga look at your own post, it's nothing but massive sperging butthurt, this is solid proof of why you got banned, you're a massive butthurt shitposting autist as expected.

I think I can see why you were banned. They did the right thing.

What cinches it for me isn't that DOOM 4 is bad, it's just mediocre. And that's the sad part. There's nothing to complain about other then boredom.
Sounds just like Doom 3.

That's what I was told about Final Fantasy XIII, it's what I was told about Bioshock Infinite, it's what I was told about The Last of Us and Uncharted, and it's what I was told about the entire Memelands series. And none of them got any better.
If a game is shit from the start, perhaps it's a sign of garbage design. What kind of piece of shit should start like trash and only after playing it for a few hours start to resemble a good game?

Undeniable proof right there, autists of that level should be IP banned from the internet for life.

I blame the modern "spawn a shitton of enemy in a room one after another" rather than the "every room aproached as puzzle as every enemy is already here ready to fuck you up" approach of modern "retro" shooters.

If the original Doom took 3 hours to get good, no one would even remember it.

This reminds me a lot of pre-exodus 4chaim.
Obvious documented bias and hot pocketing and endless justifications of why it's okay.

It really must be summer, nat soc larpers, defending doom and using :o
What's next summer gags posting XDDD unironically?

Because none of us own that shitty game,

Spoken like a true cuck. The fact that you put your oldfag medal above being a real nationalist shows what a pathetic piece of shit you really are. Nobody is impressed because you were on 4chan Holla Forums when it was created, that place was worse than Holla Forums Holla Forums in every way. You never achieved even a fraction of what we've achieved in the past year alone.

Oh shit, a populist movement that appeals to what vast majority of the people want appeals to normal people, who are the majority?

Again, the goal is to make everyone a nationalist, you fucking colossal autist. The fact that you want only some obscure minority on an imageboard to be nationalists shows how out of touch with reality you are. Your circlejerk is more important to you than the fate of your race and the world.

I've been on imageboards since 2006 on 4chan though. You're the one outing yourself. You're exactly what we talk of when we say cuckservative. You're pathetic.

Perhaps the most retarded accusation I have ever heard. NatSocs are the largest demographic on Holla Forums, which makes sense since it's the most logical ideology, but in total over 50% of the visitors consist of libertarian nationalists, capitalist nationalists, all kinds. You're fucking stupid and a liar if you think you're not allowed to be another type of nationalist on Holla Forums. Nobody there has anything against that, you only got banned because you're an insufferable cunt who is ANTI national socialism and aggressively against fellow nationalists. It's clearly your disgusting personality that got you banned, not your ideology.

What the fuck are you even talking about at this point. Again, there are no parts on Falling Down that "shit on Nat Soc". There is NOTHING in that movie that even remotely has anything to do with Nat Soc. It's just a movie about a man who is sick of the anti white male society.

How does that make National Socialism a failed ideology? The ideology still works perfectly. What you are saying is exactly like saying that old fashioned American nationalism is a failed ideology because George Washington lost almost every battle he ever fought in the war.

Except nobody agrees with Sowell 99% on everything he says. A HUGE amount of what he says is objectively false. He is fucking retarded, as are you. I bet you also think whites and blacks should live in the same country like Sowell does.

That's odd because barely any threads ever stay below 100 replies. In fact, almost all threads go to 200-300 and any election related threads to 750, always.

You are the most colossal autist that has ever come here, you absolutely have not been banned for thinking USA should not become Nat Soc. Practically everyone there thinks that way. Obviously YOU are the only booty bothered moron here. Sounds like you got banned because you deserved to got banned and are now shilling and lying.

It's not just time for you to stop posting, but it's time for you to fucking kill yourself. Really, you're the kind of person that does not belong on fullchan. Go back to 4chan, seems like it suits you better.

What proof? Why should I show proof? It's a commonly known fact that we popularized the insult, and invented the cuckservative variant of it.

The screencaps that fucking retard posted have NOTHING to do with the subject we were talking about. NOBODY even once claimed that Holla Forums invented the insult in 2015. We said we popularized it outside of the imageboards. That is a FACT.

faggots saying 4chaims or 8chaims apparently

Exactly. He has the most severe case of autism I've seen. It is now clear as day why he got banned. He must have been one of those guys posting daily D&C rants about religion and different types of nationalistic governments, trying to divide the posters.

I had to pull over to respond to this.

You are the fucking cancer with this board.
You have no clue about culture, terms of how this board works and it shows.

But all thos games are actually garbage, unlike the new Doom which is really fun.

Also, did you play it on Nightmare? Because anything lower than that is easy mode.

Your not even on Holla Forums yet you circleerk

This shit writes itself

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?

Deus Ex?

It if wasn't for moot it would not have caught on, hell as far as US imageboards are concerned he Is the original cuck, if it wasn't for him you'll wouldn't be piggybacking the word cuck as a left wing insult, I still remember people using that word as it meant something else and throwing their own meaning on it. And also the second person to even be declared a full cuck was Anthony Burch.

Except I am this board, I've been a regular on imageboards for 10 years. You should probably just kill yourself now since you're defending the austistic rant faggot who LARPs like he's a nationalist but clearly hates national socialists. He is the person who subverted and derailed this thread anyway, and here you are, defending that retard.

You are the fucking cancer with this board.
You have no clue about culture, terms of how this board works and it shows.

He's new.
The signs are there

It's time to stop posting Holla Forums

Summer and it's lack of understanding of the difference between you're and your as usual.

that's pretty trick

Again, what the fuck does that have to do with this at all? Nothing. Are you really this delusional? You don't get to claim responsibility for making the insult popular, because you were calling moot a cuck on an imageboard. What is that compared to Holla Forums taking that insult, and making millions of normalfags IRL call leftists that to their faces? On television? On the news? You didn't do that, Holla Forums did that.

A nat doc larper accusing someone else of larping

Odds are you are newer. Especially considering that you're a leftist faggot who got triggered like this. I recommend trying 4chan Holla Forums, maybe more for your taste.

I don't know, I think Anthony takes the crown of the original cuck. Pic related, even the fags on Tumblr knows how pathetic he is.

You don't seem to understand the concept of how a game should be fun from the start, or within the first hour or so. Does Mario Galaxy take 5 hours to start being fun? Does the original Serious Sam take 4 hours? How about Strange Journey, do I have to get to the third sector before I start having fun? How long do you play Snake Eater before it gets fun?

This thread is a train wreck.

Really, everyone here is still waiting for you to go back to cuckchan. Being against national socialism is a clear sign of you being an outsider.

Grammatical correction that's your rebuttal?
What's next calling me racist?


Summer never ends

That's not an argument

No I do agree with that. When did I say I don't? But as it is, I played through the slower start of Doom 4, and after a while it got extremely challenging on Nightmare, and I really started enjoying the game. The atmosphere was great too, especially in the indoors locations of the facilities. I just love a challenging shooter game with no lame cover mechanics etc.

It is in many ways loyal to old school shooters, which is why it was so fun.

Daily reminder that an unseen, outside force [likely goons] are trying to bring the website apart by dividing the boards.

It is though. You're a fucking illiterate retard who can't type. You seem to typo in every single sentence. Are you posting from Bolivia or something?

Anti nationalist faggots like you aren't welcome on 8ch Holla Forums, get out. Try 4chan Holla Forums.

Thanks to Holla Forums pretending to be "le nationalist oldfags" again and starting arguments.

is 4 memefail?

Not an argument. We destroyed every single one of your earlier arguments, and now you behave like a salty faggot. Grow up.

So Holla Forums are you ok with vidya threads becoming a political fuckfeast ?

Wake up Holla Forums and reclaim your bored from the hand of Holla Forumsniggers left and right ,/a/ porn goons , Holla Forums /vp/ etc…

And btw stormfags
>>>Holla Forums
Holla Forums is for vidya we do not welcome refugees like you here

Ok, assuming all of that is true, whats the point. Why spend 60 fucking dollars on a 20 hour campaign when i can get doom 1 and 2 for free with a ton of custom wads and mods that will last me 10-20x longer? Why not spent 10 dollars on ss tfe and tse or painkiller and get a better experience than nudoom?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here comes the statueposter avatarfag. Right on time, to shill and divide.

Gamers don't want your leftist propaganda in our games, thanks very much. We'll continue talking about subversive leftist propaganda ruining western games. Now fuck off back to Holla Forums you anti-white.

You are appealing to grammar which is the poor and rhetoric someone uses when they have no rebuttal

When did I do that?
I only pointed out Holla Forums was never a nat soc board

When did you do that?
When you started circle jerking?
You should go back to defending Nu-doom it's more your element

Then why the fuck are you defending this shit then. If the official demo is shit, if the first few levels are shit, if it's only fun on the hardest difficulty, and it's boring as fuck for a long time, then why would any rational person continue to play the game? There's a reason why Steam Refunds expire at 2 hours, and that's because anyone with a brain should be able to judge whether or not a game is good by that time. The game should show its strengths within that time, and if it doesn't, why the hell should I continue playing it if there's a 95% chance I'll be wasting my time and money?

You're not much better, considering how you started your shtick because people didn't like some shit game.

Nigger, get out if you don't like National Socialism

also see pic related

What do you mean? I never said you should buy Doom 4. You don't have to, keep playing Doom 1 if you prefer that.
But I like Doom 4 single player, and I was merely responsing to autists who got triggered by me liking a game.

You say 8/pol/ made the word popular, no, you are wrong. It was moot IT was halfchan Holla Forums that made it popular. The fact is after the second fucking exodus that fucking word got imprinted on every on cancerous cells that inhibit that fucking place, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /sp/, you name it. And you know that userbase dwarfs us, but I may have to agree that 8/pol/ did have a hand in it since after the second exodus retards have been using the word wrong. It makes sense calling 4chan cuckchan because we saw 4chan get fucked by a gawker bitch, and like the submissive cuck that moot was he was alright with it. Do you realize how many people been using that word wrong? I blame halfchan for it since it has always been meme spouting redditors regurgitating whatever the new meme word is, which happen to come here after the second exodus.

Yes, I blame everysingle problem with this site on the second exodus, which was moot's fault, again. 4chon's /new/ was better than this.

We don't want you casual shit either faggot.
Keep on exposing yourself you've already bitches about oldfags like they are the problem
Still can't believe you posted this shit and are still posting at least back in 2007 newfriends had awareness to stop posting once they outed the self.

Moot was right.

Youre defending that shitty game really hard, almost like youre a fat autist who is trying desperatly to fit into a website thats not entirely filled with normalfags. You like the game and you defend it to the core while everyone around you tells you its shit.


That's cute, but isn't it you who has no rebuttal? We rebuked every one of your arguments. We utterly destroyed your arguments. So much that you stopped having arguments, and strated shitposting and crying. You completely embarrassed yourself, and everyone here saw why you got banned from Holla Forums. You really deserved it, you seem like a really shitty person. The kind who makes D&C rant threads on Holla Forums.

Well technically it always was, since the majority was always nat soc. But National Socialists don't have anything against other types of nationalist governments. It seems that it's just faggots like you who aren't real nationalists who hate national socialism when there is only reasons to love it for all the good it tried to do.

Really go to sleep already, you've embarrassed yourself enough for one night.

I don't want to dived
I want Holla Forums to free independent bored that rules itself
Think of it is "bored nationalism " i want Holla Forums culture to be protected from niggers like Holla Forums , /a/ Holla Forums etc…


Glad someone else sees this shit.
Wait until you see his post where he calls me some retarded old fag.
No self awareness.

I don't care about spelling
I will get banned in no time

Wasn't that after Anthony Burch
I mean Anthony is the cuck

I should've never had a worthless son of a bitch like you, all you've done is shitpost and waste your life away like a peasant.

We are talking chicken and the egg here.

No it was never nat doc board you faggot it was about discussing politics regardless of morality or PC.
It's Holla Forums not /natsoc/

Oh look it's the other new at who doesn't understand the circumstance but believes himself an authority on it.

Sorry for demanding a better independent Holla Forums for us all
Sorry for asking why things are so shitty right now
Sorry to speak against it

Moot's cuckoldery is still post exodus and post Anthony Burch

It's not boring as fuck for a long time though? Only the first few hours are easy, and I didn't personally find those terribly boring. It was a great game.

Still trying to push your version huh? Well, your version is a lie. 8/pol/ did make the insult popular, that is 100% the truth.

It was only an insult on imageboards, indeed related to moot and his cuckoldry at first. But 8/pol/ popularized it and made it an IRL insult for leftists and neocons. cuckchan Holla Forums did not help one bit with that, it was all fullchan Holla Forums.

No, the second exodus had nothing to do with it at all. It was entirely the Trump campaign that made us come up with the cuckservative version and then start to spread it elsewhere, mainly on Twitter.

I was here since the first exodus, you don't have to explain to me that moot was called a cuck for a long time, I know it very well because I saw it. But it was exclusively here on imageboards until 8/pol/ spread it outside of imageboards, turning it into a mainstream insult. It's even on TV nowadays, Jews and their neocons whining in interviews on CNN and MSNBC that everyone is calling them cucks for putting Israel first.

Look in a time where we are getting less and less actual video games to talk about but we are also in a time where games are getting more and more politics injected into them to the stage now where there is more politics injected in games then actual fun in the games themselves so doesn't it make sense to mock the politics in a game when the actual game content just isn't there any more

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this thread is +300
Now before i get banned i will ask you to do something
Make good and original vidya thread
just do it and this place will be much much better

see you later cowboys

Independent for you, you mean. Baby go waah because someone has a different opinion.

This is better entertainment than all tv, movies, most anime, and nudoom.

I sure do speak for a vastly larger percentage of the regulars here than you D&C cucks do. Holy shit you two are the most pathetic fags Holla Forums has ever seen.
Not once have I "bitched about oldfags", I am an oldfag. You two are not, you two are outsiders.



There aren't games to talk about that's the problem you gaping faggot

No, I'm not though? I literally only said that it's a good game, because it's a good game. And you and a few other persons with a severe case of aspergers were so triggered that you just couldn't let it be, and had to start a pointless argument about it for no reason.

I would have never brought the game up again if you hadn't been such colossal fucking autistic retards. Nowhere near "everyone" here is saying the game is shit. Plenty of people like it.

This is some serious fucking bait.

If you wanted to taken serious you Should of lurked more

oh shit
now it's

You can't even type proper English, maybe you should worry about passing elementary school first.

And again, Holla Forums Holla Forums WANTS to talk about political propaganda ruining western games. YOU are not part of Holla Forums, you are an Holla Forums shill trying to subvert Holla Forums. Leftist propaganda ruining games is literally related to games. Fuck off with your D&C.

Holla Forums too
there shouldn't be politics in games

Exactly. Every single person telling Holla Forums to never talk about politics is a shill trying to subvert this board. Of fucking course we are going to talk about political propaganda in videogames, since 99% of western videogames have that. It's getting really hard to find games that don't have an agenda nowadays. So how could we avoid talking about such a subject, a thing that is ruining our hobby?

Keep your story straight. The beginning is shit, you even admitted it. So again, why should I continue wasting my time, money, and hard drive space on game that's boring as fuck for a few hours and doesn't seem like it will get better?


I think he lost it.

Fucking this.

But it's you two nobody here is taking seriously. You literally ruined this otherwise fine thread by once again bringing anti-Holla Forums subversion tactics into the topic. You could have stayed on topic like Holla Forums posters always do when we come here. But no, like a good little Holla Forums shill you had to start the arguments about boards.

I hope you enjoy the cents deposited to your account.

He's so mad


Look harder you will find something to talk about

I don't care about "opinions" i care how vidya related these "opinions" are

While what you are saying is well and good, the fact you've posted 48 times means what you cay only hurts your meaning unfortuantally

No, I never said the beginning is shit. I said if the entire game remained the same way, THEN the game would be boring. But it is constantly getting more and more challenging every room, at a good pace. It's pretty much on a logarithmic scale.

New games aren't fun and we can only talk about old games so much

Calling people shills whe defending Nu doom


Shit, sorry man didn't pay enough attention.

Lost what? I won the argument. You never even had any real argument.

Why would I be mad about winning? Oh Holla Forums, you and your ever failing attempts at subversion. Btw, don't you think it's a bit pathetic to bring up post count when your ID already changed - otherwise it would show your real post count, which is quite high.

Why do you always ignore this

Because you're a shill. Your only purpose is to subvert Holla Forums into becoming like cuckchan Holla Forums. You want Holla Forums to be a place where talking about leftist propaganda ruining videogames is a bannable offense.

This guy is fucking funny.


No one gave a shit who anthony burch was or is after GamerGate.

Do you remember how Holla Forums was before he mentioned on a livestream on Holla Forums that one of his top favorite boards was Holla Forums? It was sometime before 2011 if I can remember correctly. Anyways, a whole ton of Holla Forumstards flooding Holla Forums making it the second best popular board until it got to the point that it was the most visited. Thats how much people take moots word for. Now imagine what else happened when he renamed Holla Forums into cuckold.

My point being is that people flock to whatever moot does, so therefore it happened with the word "cuck" he is the original cuck that is his legacy. If you can't see it then I don't know how I can make you see. It was only halfchanners putting that word into everything like how Holla Forums did to fag.

I wont denie that 8/pol/ did some awesome shit, like gex and ebolachan. but that word has been around before and been use unironically by redditors pretending to be imageboard users

Please stop, you've posted so much people don't even look at what you say just your post number, I think I can handle this

To be fair Bethesda has a large astroturfing department and really as there isn't a way to pirate it yet there is no reason to get it

Please I'm begging you, just stop, you're only making your point look bad by all the posting you do

Not really. Why would it? I was responding to a lot of different people, not just one.

No shit, because they are shills. You really need to end your pathetic life if you don't understand this person is a shill whose purpose is to destroy fullchan Holla Forums

Doom 4 is still more fun than old Doom, deal with it.


Anthony Burch popularised the word cuck by being such a cuck

Because they don't care what you say, I can do this by my self

What? I do like this thread. Why do you make up lies all the time? Is it because you're a shill? Why yes, that must be it.

Also, you really have no proof at all to your claim that I am butthurt either. What do I have to be butthurt about? Can you explain in detail? Because I've been having fun wrecking a few D&C shills retarded arguments, and now I see you're switching to the "butthurt" tactic even though I won.

you want to talk politics ? that is fine just remember the golden rule
VIDYA > politics
and you need to talk both sides vidya and politics in the same length

>>>Holla Forums

Nobody cares what you think. Post number doesn't matter, you really need some help for your autism.


Holy fuck stop posting anytime, you are getting associated with the star citizen fag, but I doubt you've been on this board long enough to understand that reference.

You are a shill you fucking moron. Every day you avatarfag like the dumbass you are, telling Holla Forums to never talk about politics even when it's related to political subversion of games.

Is this guy gonna be the next

Holy fuck please keep going nigger.
This is going to be made into a screencap.

I hope so and it was (215)

You still havn't addressed the post I made here

I think that post more than adequedtly destroys any pathetic attempt you're making, they don't care you don't want politics in games they'll just do it and as the games themselves become less of a game and more politics then doesn't it make sense to mock the politics in those games
Get over yourself as mocking the crap these AAAs do is more fun then the games they make by a country mile

Anything more, lying shill? Just because your shill friends come up with lies and claim those lies are true, doesn't make it so.

You two kikes really are making an embarrassment of yourselves. I also hope this is made into a screencap, holy shit. You've done a great job of outing yourselves as shills.

You say that but half the people here aren't caring about what you say but instead the amount of posting you've done
You're helping the rabbi right now


Thanks for letting me know about that so I could unhide the post, fucking hilarious.

Here's a little something

When did they add that in?

It deepens in your discussion priority
You want to talk about the politics of that video game with out talking ABOUT THE GAME ITSELF ?
Then make the thread on Holla Forums or Holla Forums

If you want to address the game gamepaly> story> setting> politics then it is ok to post this thread on Holla Forums

forgot pic

updated it


Why would the amount I've posted matter? I am right, they are wrong. Obviously that is what matters. I've outed four subversive outsiders already, who have basically by now admitted they intend to subvert this board.

Clearly you don't fucking know what shill or echoes mean. Considering that I've been on imageboards for 10 years, and on Holla Forums since day one, I know very well, thank you.

You really should try 4chan, you'll have more success at subverting over there.

Like 2 weeks ago. All codemonkey.

Shhh its okay friend.
You've made all, of us smile.
To commemorate this achievement I made you something.
Do u rike it?

When did I say it's the best Doom? Brutal Doom is the best imo. I only ever said Doom 4 is a good game, and the most autistic of the autists of Holla Forums had a shitfit for no reason.

Also, I never said anyone should buy it and play past the steam refund point. I suggest torrenting it, I don't think a 20 hour single player campaign with bad multiplayer is worth the full price of a game.

But you retards sure love making up total lies about me, just strawman arguments after another, claiming I said things that I never said.

Oh wow, thats unreadable.

You've done a great job giving us giggles you deserve more, let me fix that.

Anyone else hear a cricket chirping?

Nice, pretty dang useful.

No, fuck off. Talking about political propaganda in games is literally Holla Forums related. Just fuck off already.

Yes, very good job leaving out your incredibly autistic sperging that the entire thread laughed at. Very impressive. There was quite a lot of people laughing at your colossal rants and saying you deserved your ban.

Wanna make one of that too? Oh, no? Well that's odd. That's exactly something a shill would do.


What? What the fuck are you whining about now? Are you not too tired of embarrassing yourself yet?


Yes, so fucking wait until there is a crack. Holy shit you stupid nigger I literally NEVER said anyone should buy or get the game. I ONLY said its a fun game. Stop putting words in my mouth that I never said. You Doom autists are some of the saltiest asperger fucks on this entire board.

Complete bullshit, just like when you paid off Pausanias to murder me. You wish for nothing but to damn "your people" you worthless shitstain.


Games these days all have the same gameplay the same story and the same sort of setting, the politics is what stands out the most
Watch_Dogs_2 for example, the only thing of note is that emote guy, and them trying to stump Trump
Battlefield 1 looks like every other shooter despite being world war 1, what stands out are the historical inaccuracies
And FIFA 17 is like all other FIFA except it has a story mode and guys the skin colour of the guy
But in seriousness I bet that mr 50 something is actually a jewish shill trying to goad Holla Forums into a civil war against Holla Forums and you're part of it too, and honestly I'm going to do what both of you two should of done a while ago and just stop but what what is stopping, I'll show you, stopping is not posting and after this post I won't shall not and will not post any more
I tried to be civil but you keep acting like a retard who think videogames have actual content these days when they don't, I think you should honestly stop and you're going to go and say that I'm doing this just to annoy you and I guess so as I'm not stopping this post until it's done but once it's done I'm done and honestly I'm laughing at how retarded all you faggots are right now so how about we all just stop posting right now and go I dunno celebrate Brexit or play W40K or I dunno take a small break from what we're doing
Have a good day and stop posting because I will

Please, do keep going. This is comedy gold.


Well I think this is golden.
Tell me user, does the bring you joy like you've brought to all of us?

Maybe you should
>>>Holla Forums

really, as much as this nigger screeches about Holla Forums and Holla Forums he really does not like dissenting opinions like them.

I think that would be more his speed.
Excellent suggestion.

If you are reading this (66), take this as a learning experience, maybe lurk before coming to play with the big faggots.

Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and streams you are used too.

My One last post before actually stopping like we should
I bet he's an Holla Forums shill to D&C, they play both sides remember

You defeated your point by yourself alone
k I am a shill that work for Holla Forums and Holla Forums alone
my last post

Oh yes I'm so embarrassed

Holy fuck nigger.

I mean, it was pretty obvious from


I think is the irony. You could have any game for free or emulate them and he still use steam to pay for them

Wew. Do you really have nothing better to do with your lives than try to subvert a board about videogames?
Yes, you should be embarrassed. You've made yourselves into laughing stock of this board with how blatant your attempts are.

*tips fedora

Your rant is so big it doesn't even fit into a single screen cap. WEW. Now that's embarrassing!




You might have better luck D&C over on halfchan.

You can actually see this thread devolve from video games to Holla Forums infiltration. There is literally no other way to look at this.


It's a pretty good example of how this shit happens in every fucking thread.

3rd is hatred?
[hands rubbing in the distance]

its the faggots that ruined Holla Forums
Redditors, and co that come to larp and fail to understand how to post without constantly revealing themselves.

As you were told earlier, try your subversion tactics in 4chan

It was ruined by Holla Forums subversives though, pretending to be oldfags even though plenty of oldfags told them they aren't fooling anybody

It wouldn't, if you weren't in every fucking thread.

Really, there is no such thing as Holla Forums infiltration. You would know this if you ever came to Holla Forums. Holla Forums doesn't raid other boards. Ever. You will never see a thread there suggesting that such a thing should be done.

You are the faggot that ruined old Holla Forums as you were already taught earlier in this thread. You are the anti nationalist cancer that pozzed the place up. And here you are, whining that you got banned from Holla Forums for being a D&C shill.

I think you're a masochist :O

That's because you where born causal. When I was 7 I had completed oddworld 1-2 crash bandicoot, jak and Dexter.

You should go back in time and git gud

Maybe you should try to subvert Holla Forums. Seems like it would be easier for you.

What the fuck are you talking about? There was never an "old" Holla Forums.

It was /new/ It has always been /new/. /new/ has always been NS. It started when moot deleted /new/ and they fled to 4chon then that faggot STI gave up on the site. Basically held the damn place for ransom. Fucking hell man, I used to cross post from 4chons /new/ to Holla Forums especially during the Michoacan problems with the Templar Cartels in Mexico

is the thread ded

Yes and no.

ISIS Defense didn't come out in November did it

Nobody has guessed it so far, but it's Carmageddon Max Pack. In short, the "reviewer" is a retard. The game runs in Dosbox, and it's also disposable. You know how Win10 has bad backwards compatibility with that old software.
It probably would be true in case of many other games, though.



Ackually they are going to flings shit at each other calling themselves cucks, Holla Forums, faggot, Reddit and not one of those will ever have a vidya related hint. You know how we should actually discuss vidya on Holla Forums

I guess, I should bully you for wanting to talk vidya on our political board

is it good?