Communist scum trying to "infiltrate the alt-right"

Looks like communtards from reddit are thinking of ways to "infiltrate" the alt right and spread their shitty terrible memes everywhere to try to "convert" people. Would be a real shame if this backfired somehow


>we must act like fascists to fight commies!
I'm pretty sure they're just going to push more people our way with that.

Nigger, the alt-right is a completely jewish invention.

Go away Spencer



Let them in, is how many of us started here to begin with.

They're crypto-lolbergs, which is just as bad.

the alt-kike is already heavily infiltrated. But we show be infiltrating antifa and leftists and Jewish websites back tbh.

The last thing in that graph should be "leftists are a puppet for world Jewry"

Let them come and defeat themselves. There are much more lefties that turn right than the other way around. Nationalism (tribalism) and racial identity are core concepts of humans. The abstract class concept and class identity is unnatural. You can see that clearly as soon as people are in crisis. What do they do? They turn to "their" people. Best example is prison. There are no mixed racial prison gangs that define themselves by class. While the left is trying to put something into you that isn't there, we're simply trying to wake up what's already present.

They have no real chance of infiltration because they lack the ability to think like the enemy in an analytical sense. To put another way, they can't avoid letting their emotions getting in the way. They find such ideas so abhorrent, that they'll be unable to mount any lasting subversion because their very understanding is flawed to begin with. All that's really going to happen is they'll slowly become more like Holla Forums the longer they expose themselves to it.

Besides the immediate flaw in their plan is the fact it's relying on a defensive strategy to bolster their ideology. Hardly what I'd consider infiltration (as they'll stand out like a sore thumb trying it), just the same bullshit as before but more of it.

Though I should add and warn that their actual strategy in the past has been straightforward: Infiltrate authority positions (moderation and administration) and subvert the community through arbitrary enforcement of policy. So while I said they stand no chance, I only meant that on a equal footing.

I doubt they'll be difficult to spot. Even so, their ideologies are so batshit crazy, I doubt they'll have much luck persuading anyone to their side. The only thing they could bait with is sex.

We will cause them to an hero with subliminals and steganography. Their suggestibility is the attack vector. Do not watch vid related.

It will backfire without our help. We know that the ill left can't meme and the (((alt-right))) just wants their bulls to be legal.


They haven't thought this out very well, They are operating under the assumption that we'll play nice or that they can simply ban or report the problem away like on reddit or any other commie shithole

They'll actually have to be exposed or response to Content that would normally be removed for it's "Naughtiness" if they want to actually make headway

They would rely on attracting those who lack a sense of identity. So their approach would likely be demoralization to break an existing identity, and then subversion to reshape it into a suggestible commodity.

They're a bunch of brokedick faggots.

Won't do shit. A few might come over. They'll just get converted or disgusted.

What I'd like to see more of is taking pol material and coaching it in leftwing rhetoric, then seeding their discussions with our views.

For example: commies hate bourgeois. The bourgeois are Jews. Don't have to be blunt about it, just point out the wonderful Jewish contribution to communism. Shout, "anti-semite" at anyone who argues against commie philosophy. At the same time have someone complain about the many rich capitalist Bourgeois running shit, and ruining their effort at "real communism"… and call that person an anti-semite.

Promote safe spaces for whites, so that it's easier to round up the whites – or some other commie shit. That's basically just white self determining who they want to live near. Voluntary segregation.

Not enough Holla Forums infiltrators in commieland, IMO. With a bit of effort we could keep them at eachother's throats.

Softening up lefties does not take much effort, you don't need special tactics for it. I remember how we raided some bernie dating site, and had a lot of them contemplating voting Trump within a day.

It's both the easiest and hardest thing imaginable at the same time. Pic related is mrw

Look up where the Lolbergs came from. They are commies that split off before the first world war from the Frankfurt School; just before the Frankfurt School went full Freudo-Marxist.

pic related is capcha

They actually belive this shit? They just cant leran something new no matter how often their shit fails because they keep doing the same fucking thing over and over.

Also is there something like an "ex-rightwinger" I mean there sure are a few, but how the fuck does taht work? Its not like people who get older (and by tha less liberal) would bounce back after being redpilled.

That is stupid. The alt right has done more for our people than you ever have.

Stop being autistic. They think EVERYONE is "alt-right." Including so-called moderate liberals and gamergaters.


this. I voted for king nigger faggot twice

hey OP, you don't have to break links anymore. and don't ever insert a "dot" ever again please.

Got some bad news for you both.

fuck off, I was raised by my mom that divorced my religious hard working dad and I never got to see him. she's a goddamn alcoholic feminist.

save the rope for niggers and feminists.

Too late, the autistic right was founded on communism.

these people are goddamn retarded. they can't even fathom why anyone isn't communist other than they haven't been taught about it. they are actually intellectually incapable of connecting the dots between current events and political theory and why people fucking hate communism.

Its almost like they've been brainwashed into becoming some kind of "useful idiot". But how crazy would that be, right?

the obvious lack of comprehension of anything, especially the political, economic, and social implications derived from the definitions of the words you use leads me to believe that you're a lefty shill.

the alt right may not be entirely redpilled, they might be useful idiots, and there might be some jewish infiltration, but they're useful idiots on our side against the left. jews are like rats they are in everything. its like the atf and more than 10 of your buddies get together to go shoot, one of em is atf. we can get rid of them later.

I'm beginning to think the hate of the alt right is just d&c in an effort to keep the right from having any cohesive structure or organization.

shit man that'd be insane. couldn't be.

Shit yeah it couldn't have anything to do with leaders like Milo "Homosexuality is the last bastion of white identity" Yidopolus and all those people. Definitely D&C.

yeah they still got remnants of the conditioning and milo was a puppet, but they're stepping in the right direction and shouldn't be pushed away. look at lauren, shes literally posting white power on her twitter and is redpilled on race now.

You're making it sound like they were the very first group to reject Communism, which also isn't true. In the end, though, the group you are referring to (Anarcho-Socialists) and the group still present in the modern day (Anarcho-Individualist) are virtually entirely untethered. The only reason the tag of Libertarianism was used as the mast-head was because "Liberalism" was already taken.
You can see the roots of Anarchist Individualism between the Enlightenment and Stirner (of muh spooks fame), while the derivatives of late German works go entirely off the Materialist deep-end.
For anyone who doesn't know how to sort through these groups (evidently it's hard to do):
Syndicalists, "Communists before it was cool", Communists claiming not to be Communists. Modern equivalents are (hilariously) Anarcho-Communists, "Anti-Fascists", and Hippies.
Stirner if you're illiterate, a ton of Russian writers who had their books burned and replaced with paperbacks writen by Marx, Batchelder Greene every once in awhile. Honestly, it's pretty tragic. A big part of why "muh ancomms" don't know they're adhering to Communism is because as soon as they get the chance Communists tend to murder the everliving fuck out of any actual anarchists/syndicalists they can find.
Anarcho-Capitalists, Give me economy or give me death, "The Austrian School before it was cool". Basically no one, though, really.
Locke, Rosseau, Novatore, and Wilde.
Modern-Day Libertarians, Minarchists, edgy teens who aren't quite edgy enough to buy into philosophies that have killed millions of people by their sheer inefficacy, nor to bite the bullet and go full right-wing.
Jay Nock, Wilder Lane, and Edward Read.
Hope this helps.

Fucking reddit.

these people are boring.

How fucking new are you?
Extremely fucking new.

Then come to us when they've gotten better. We all know of the alt-kike and those who care can always try to redpill them. Those of us who meet them in real life can interact with them. Doesn't mean we have to adore or accept the alt-kike here on Holla Forums until they reach the level of truth that we know. At best if we try to associate one another we'll just get fucked ourselves. I don't know how to explain it to you, but there's no reason, no gain to accept a group as fucking flawed and kiked as the autistic right.

Trot revisionism is a beautiful thing because the moment you pay any attention to the history of modernist philosophies it all falls apart.
All you're left with is a good show, a bunch of retards running in circles and essentially advocating their own eventual execution.

isn't this exactly how Hitler got into politics? trying to get enough money to get into another art school so took a job to infiltrate right wing political parties then got red pilled by them and rose to power?

sounds like a wonderful plan they have, going to stick out like sore thumbs where ever they go.

They treat ideologies like sports teams. They don't understand different philosophies. They're wearing blinders through life.

You can spot Holla Forums really easily. You have to be a retard to get caught off guard by then.

We have safe-spaces?


Whenever dicussions like this take place we get called kike shills and get "muh pr". It's whatever, but that attitude definitely makes me keep some of my shit to myself.

nah we dont have safe spaces
just this Colossal Amphitheatre of Hate


Hiel Hitler fellow facists. Dont you think we have been too hard on the african american community? Surely they deserve a nation of their own too.


No they aren't, they believe in the same things you believe in.

We’re a great riddle to you. An incomprehensible phenomenon.

Our words and deeds refute all your theories and arguments.

We live in the world you dreamt of, yet this world disgusts us.

Thanks to you, we could develop free from all social obligations and values; thanks to you we go lost and lonely through life.

You’ve destroyed everything that could have offered us identity and refuge, yet you’re shocked that we’re unhappy.

For deep in us lies a constant feeling of being alone, of being lost. We do everything to numb this feeling.

We throw the wildest parties and meet in glowing malls; we dance all night, take drugs, or hide behind our computers. Any means is justified in order to overcome this loneliness, but we are always still alone in the end.

You have taught us that we can buy anything. But where can we buy a remedy for loneliness?

Not that we didn’t try. With brand names, labels, and the latest clothing styles, we want to belong to a certain group. It may seem laughable to you, but for us, this is one of the last remaining possibilities to somehow find a place where we belong.

Sometimes we manage to convince ourselves in our despair that we are absolutely unique, that we don’t need to belong to anything. In this way we give ourselves strength when the loneliness overcomes us.

Even if, one day, we become part of a group, because our innermost selves long for identity and belonging, we still can’t enjoy it. We always hear your nagging voices in our heads, warning us about the dangers of peer pressure and the loss of our individuality. This inner conflict plunges us into yet deeper despair.


Is the idea that the jew moonrunes read that?

back to kekistani with you

Because fuck PR, this is the hate machine.

When commies spend time amoung real working class people they become facists. Think Mussolini, this is a good thing let them come.

trs, the center of the (((alt-right))) was started as a communist group on facebook.

Start talking about filthy niggers and kikes and use a bunch of racial slurs. The fake alt-righters won't use those words, or will stutter and sound obviously fake if they do choose to use words like that.

Why doe reddit only let you comment once per minute?

Don't let the retard discourage you, user.

None of us were born having read Mein Kampf in the womb. Coming here is long and winding path and one can't blame people for making mistakes along the way.

Holla Forums is a board of tolerance.

*10 minutes

user, why would you ever think such a thing? The alt-right is an initiative of the Knesset itself and Richard Spencer is Netinyahu's lover.

Just listen to this user's 100% true and accurate statement:

I remember that it was an ancap group and that they abandoned the ancap philosophy within a year due to disillusionment, but clearly I'm wrong.

they were commies before they were ancaps. or at least Enoch was. he said so himself in an older episode of the shoah.

Yes, when he was 16.

I was a philosemitic good goy back then too. Now, however, they're hard on the JQ and want to drive every last Jew out of the US.

Can you explain to me how that fits into the narrative that they're secret Communist agents?

enoch is a jew himself. why would a jew want to drive all jews out of the west and into israel? it doesn't make any sense, unless of course he was a zionist who wants to expand israels population and borders.

Nothing has changed, TRSodomite.

Assuming they can think, of course.

Sage because you didn't learn how to break links properly.

Hello Shlomo. No it has not. The Alt Kike has not achieved a single thing of worth so far. In fact it has only caused damage, just like its purpose always was.

Is there any proof of that, other than repeated assertions on Holla Forums?

"Peinovich" is a Slavic name, not a Jewish one.


There are people who claim to be ex-right-wingers, though they usually never understood their supposedly conservative/traditional views in the first place. Its exactly the same with the vast majority of ex-Christians; they consider themselves enlightened and that they've turned seen something that no other Christian ever has, but they never knew anything about the faith in the first place and were stumped over criticisms that were destroyed by Apologists 1.5k years ago.

If someone is truly a Holla Forumsack they can never go back. Sadly I know there are a fair few who just had bad experiences with niggers in school, and as soon as you meet a 'based coon' you will suddenly declare that all your right-wing views were wrong and you were misguided. Such people never understood anything about Nationalism in the first place.

looks like a jew
acts like a jew
admitted to being of mixed jewish descent

Why are you trying to start a religious D+C argument? Stop right now.

He was running an exclusively AnCap website in 2011/2012, when he was in his 30s.

TRS is not and never was the center of the alt right. Cut the bullshit.

It's the only "real" Alt-Right website that gets any traffic

I said that he was a Commie when he was 16. He was an Ancap in 2012, and since then, he's abandoned that too.

Now he's a "fashy" lolberg.


the fags are already here, it's called Holla Forums and the Norks are based Nazis faggots

Did you know? 4chan used to be left-leaning.

North Koreans are not National Socialists. If you think otherwise, then your understanding of National Socialism is paper thin.

No shit, I'm talking about the shills trying to use the best Korean meme to go after Trump on here after the Syria angle fell flat.

The most you can say is 4chan used to be socially liberal, in a "we're all degenerates posting degenerate shit because it's edgy" sort of way.

But when it began to dawn on us that degeneracy is the new mainstream, that all changed.

What, like support Israel? The alt right is a fucking fag fest of controlled opposition.

It was. Back in its early days when everyone was anti-Bush, everyone was obsessed with weed, and everyone's outlook was entirely degenerate and nihilistic. It was all about 'the lulz'. There was no purpose because back then we did not believe in such a concept as purpose; we were kids who'd swallowed the jew's lie of subjectivism whole.

… But then we woke up and realised there was objectivity to reality, that we had a duty to our ancestors and to the future of our race, to God and to ourselves. It kind of saddens me reading the one guy saying: "The edgy teens would end up mad at the right people, at least." - Sad because that's exactly how I feel about them. The difference being that our side is actually well versed in history, politics and philosophy - whereas they are just espousing the bullshit of their kike professors and have never read anything except their specially selected propaganda. … But yes, we should invade them because at the end of the day we are right. The truth shall set them free - and the truth shall land the kike in an oven.

Kill yourself, kike.

I wouldn't say we were "left wing". It was more just anti-establishment. It's not like you saw people unironically shitting out marxist rhetoric or any of that crap. People embraced drugs in a libertarian way, but you never saw people talking about checking privilege or that there are more than two genders or any of that bullshit. And we were still plenty racist in our memes, from nigga stole my bike to bix nood to shoop da whoop to double nigger, etc.

In fact, what redpilled us overall, I think, is that we started making edgier racist/antisemitic memes because we were tired of normalfags stealing our shit and sharing it outside 4chan. And so would would laugh about Hitler gassing kikes and such. Then we would look into it, because we were joking about it, and the realization dawned upon us.

At least that's how it happened with me and I'm sure plenty others.

Once you start joking about Hitler doing nothing wrong, the taboos around the man start to break down. And without those taboos, you free yourself to consider the truth.

Well, we at least called ourselves left-wing back then because that is what our teachers had told us was 'moral'. I remember believing that to be 'conservative' was a genuine negative. At the end of the day we were all a bunch of white kids without a purpose and looking for one; we thought we'd found it in 'libertarianism' and absolute individual freedom - and that is, more or less as you say, what had us looking at everything objectively and ending up as some variant of NatSoc, Fascist, Monarchist or Traditionalist.

I guess you are right, we were never truly 'left-wing'. It was certainly a hot-bed of degeneracy and 'tolerance' though - tolerance because we believed in nothing, and all the Left pretends to stand for today is tolerance. Bah I feel like this is going to descend into a 'what even is Left/Right', and that's a pointless subjective argument in and of itself. I'll just say I can understand why that guy thought 4chan used to be 'left-wing', but as you say it was certainly never politically correct or socialist.

Holla Forums is dead


Fuck you, you spot on motherfucking sack of ideological brotherhood.

When the banking system collapses, niggers are going to beat you to death and then make marrow soup from your bones, you low foresight ass pirate.

Go back to reddit.
Of course.

And in what way have the alt righters supported Israel?
Doubtless you have some inconsequential tweet from Spencer or some random person that *surely* outweighs the massive numbers of alt-righters who oppose Israel with every bone in their body.

Out of curiosity, were you born a Nazi or whatever you'd like to call yourself? If not, what "ideology" did you sport before coming to this position?

And what damage has that been? Did it stop the Holla Forums movement which encompasses 100 million people?

True, but that's because we were led to believe that conservatism was just dumb hillbilly patriotards cheering for the bombing of random countries. For a long time, there was no "conservatism" but "neoconservativsm"

It's ok user, I voted for the nigger as well. I was raised by a pair of ultra liberal Massachusetts upper middle class democrats (the worst fucking kind of white people in america) who pumped me full of commie jew bullshit as soon as I was old enough to comprehend it and then sent me to public schooling. It took years to undo the fucking programming. Not everyone is blessed to be red pilled from an early age. What matters is that you got here eventually.


I know discord is cointelpro, but it would be fun to fuck with some commies in a coordinated fashion.

also /ring caps of the bernouts getting infiltrated

Whenever they try it, it's a self inflicted brain drain. All the smart ones come here, and the dumb ones fuck off back.



Way to meme, reddit.
>jews did nothing wrong
The Game

they invented the echo-meme, thedailyshoah and morrakiu have done more for whites in that a line than 8pol will accomplish through out it's career

do you counter-signal weev and the dailystormer too?

wew, this thread is straight out of 4cuck
low res brain memes and everything, 8ch is kill tbh.

I bet you don't think nukes exist either. Nice reddit spacing TRShill faggot.

keep defending your based nationalist kikes and MAGAniggers

I don't think commies can be converted tbh, maybe a liberal, conservative, or libertarian but not a commie