
So what's the name of the establishment? Would be a crying shame if they received some bad reviews about their anti-American business.

Are you fucking blind, man?

O' Malley's Leprechaun hideout.

This is the most genius thing I've ever seen

I'm struggling to figure out who this is making fun of but it's a funny dig none the less and I like that.

Spics ffs


fucking irish

Is there a single based Irishman living? Or all they all closet homos who were molested by their priests?

And yet, user, climbing the wall and getting a green card is a very spic-centeric idea.
Not knowing the owners of this bar, It could be a dig at the ease of getting into the country and Trump by extension.
Futher research into the owners is required. Nothing should be taken at face value.

I can't fathom being this stupid

Found the salty Englishman

Found the free-riding alcoholic hobbit.

very nice kek

That's a god damn patriot is what he his


The bar makes spics climb a giant wall to drink there, and they must first obtain a literal "green card" that lists their country of origin as Mexico and entitles them to a free drink on 5/5 only.

The owner has top tier bants. You're delusional if you think this isn't a blatant mockery of spic border-hoppers.

today you failed life

You didn't read the fine print.

you're autistic

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the hell's wrong with ya?

We saved civilization and we'll do it again. Just fuck off. Alright?

There there lad.


Take a fucking hike ulster fuck

name one thing the irish cathalcoholic did in recent years which benefited Europe

Lel, can someone make a cap?

Not inviting in millions of fucking pakis.


stay mad patrick

The Eternal Anglo speaks a few last dusty breaths of words on his Israeli made keyboard before his final and forever demise…

Why would we be mad? You're going to cuck yourself into oblivion and we'll still be preserving knowledge like we always have. We can save civilization for a third time if you really need it, you stupid blarmy fucks.

How's that empire doing?

I'm an Irishman and I see right through you.


Sucks what happened to the empire me ol' m8…
But hey! The kikes that ran your rainy little isle for centuries decided to upgrade with TheGoyishEmpire.exe 2.0

So don't feel too bad, you may be obsolete but your dream of Jewish world domination lives on.

Absolutely savage.










Stay ass-shattered, English-fag. The Irish got away from that cloudy little Island under the shadow of England. They went to America, interbred with a german and went to the moon. They be imperialists now…

yerr gerd damm right!


Once again my fellow Irishmen prove to be an embarrassment to the nation.
The only hope I have anymore is that NP gets popular and deports all the welfare sponges.

Yes, webm related.

When britbongs and potato niggers squabble it always reminds me of "A Modest Proposal".

Moonlanding never happened. Reminder that all "astronauts" are masonic fucks.

i actually read it as beaner the first time

This is totally going on r/Holla Forums.

Stay terrible ireland and maybe germany will give you your money back.

I apologize.

I read this as "allows the BEANER one free drink" and not bearer, and did not understand if trolling or not… Well, this is illegal. Aiding and abettinf a criminal, though incredibly frivolous and will likely go nowhere due to waste of time.

Why the fuck are idiots falling formthe irish thing? The name of the bar owner is Jose. That's fucking mexican. The owner is a mexican.

The free drink should be Jim Jones Kool-Aid.


Its mocking the spics clearly. Fucks sake people are your humour settings at max dense?

Who are you even responding to?

Except that America was created by the Englishman. Inbred taigs just jumped on the bandwagon in the 19th century when they ran out of potatoes.

The Irish were America's 19th-Century Mexicans.

Are you guys fucking retarded? OP too. The bar very clearly IS anti-Trump and anti-wall. They are supporting the idea of climbing over the wall. How stupid are you guys, they're making fun of the wall, not making fun of spics.

" A Hessian captain wrote in 1778, “Call this war by whatever name you may, only call it not an American rebellion; it is nothing more or less than a Scotch Irish Presbyterian rebellion.” King George was reported to have characterized the Revolution as “a Presbyterian war,” and Horace Walpole told Parliament that “there is no use crying about it. Cousin America has run off with a Presbyterian parson, and that is the end of it.” A representative of Lord Dartmouth wrote from New York in 1776 that “Presbyterianism is really at the Bottom of this whole Conspiracy, has supplied it with Vigour, and will never rest, till something is decided upon it.” Such testimony to enthusiasm for the American cause was not given to any other group of immigrants."

t.scots-irish dixiefag

Except of course that the colonist revolutionary leaders asserted their rights as Englishmen.

Their words, not mine.

I like that guy.



this is like something out of its always sunny.



Scots-Irish were the best shots in the revolution.

hmmm, good question.

The angry pissed off spics on my kike book would beg to differ.

Is this the part where the English make fun of their white neighbours after Ahmed is finished fucking their daughters?

Why aren't the potato niggers going out in the streets and beating up those pakis? Thought potato niggers liked to fight after having some alcohol in them?

Please tell me that I'm not the only one that sees Pepe's colors in this inflatable wall..

Green is a very prevalent color on planet earth.

t. someone who doesn't have autism


Then why are you here, faggot?

why the fuck would you ask that?


You're on an image board. Nigger.

Torch that place.

Your point?




Me too. This card entitles the BEANER to one free drink. Kek.

That man might just save Ireland and the western world.

No they just invite in Africans.

you fags are the purest cancer. life without laughter - only bitterness and warfare.


Now there is an idea.


Fuck off, you scumbag.

Based. Proud to be of Potato blood.

At least half the people in this thread are fucking illiterate retards. This bar is clearly making fun of illegals by celebrating Cinco de Mayo (basically an excuse for burgers to drink, like St Patrick's Day) by putting up one of those inflatable walls and giving out coupons themed like immigration cards. It's one big un-PC joke at the expense of the Mexicans that raises awareness of illegal immigration. You should SUPPORT the bar not get offended.


what about his post made you think he was offended? i got the impression OP thought it was hilarious ragging on the mexis

Holy shit that place is like a few miles from my house this is weird. Where muh Muskegonbros at and when do we get together to clear out the Heights?

Fucking seriously if I saw this thread a few days ago we could have had boots on the ground in minutes.



It's Moloch.



oh i am laffin

Bar owner did it because he thinks the wall is stupid and pointless.
Literally like two seconds in Google, guys.

Found the patriotic American

…did we just swap audiences trying to infiltrate each other's camps?

Duh, this place is in a commifornia beach town. An ultra hippy one at that


Nice try, Kike. We know what your (((freemasonry))) really is.

Jew. You defeated Hitler. You brits are the reason the world is what it is today.