Who should play Pocahontas in the inevitable live action adaptation of Disney's classic animated movie?

Who should play Pocahontas in the inevitable live action adaptation of Disney's classic animated movie?


I don't get it.

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)'s nickname is Pocahontas because she's part native American.

Idris Elba

Shitposter in Chief

this was really cringy tbh


I saw the clip and he honestly wasn't funny. It was forced and he talked to those old guys like they were mentally handicapped. That hand on the shoulder was awkward imo, he set himself up for some blasting by the late night tv shows.

Leslie Jones

I can't even pretend to care anymore, so I'll take the time to let all of you know I have a dirty asshole and it sucks.

ok, and what's the shocking part

hrumf is making fun of the genocide of the six million native american indians that were gassed by the cowboys in the 1800s, same way he doesnt care about the six million mexicans that are executed every day at the border by his SS altright guard.

This is the only answer that is not racist and sexist.

Pretty much. It was poorly delivered, but the amount of salt made me happy he said it.

Nobody really cares about Pocahontas so it doesn't really matter. Are there any injun actresses out there?

she claimed native american heritage on her resume despite genealogy experts only confirming she's 1/32nd native at most, hence ironically called pocahontas

Jessica Alba

non-whites by and large are mentally handicapped
>muh (((late night tv shows)))

The only one with any significant Native blood is Hayley Atwell who is 1/4. I think it's her dad who is half Native.

circa 1999 maybe

Zarna Joshi who else?

Not one of the demon creatures.

idris elba


Is this pro Trump?

No. "You need to let uncontrolled immigration wipe out your culture and ethnicities because uncontrolled immigration of some of your ancestors wiped out cultures and ethnicities" is a viable argument to some people.

Leftards really can't see the irony in this, they can't meme for shit.
or is it some meta-meme?


She's not native american at all you fucking liar. Elizabeth Warren is white as fuck and when she applied to a job at Harvard she chose native american for her ethnicity.

You know why? She said that since she has high cheekbones that makes her native american.

Can't memoryhole this one shlomo. Warrens garbage and is a great representative of the modern democrat party.

She's zero Native American. She's one of those white liberals that pretends she's another race for her own advantage, and the media tries to willingly ignore it for their own purposes.

daaaamn, that is one fine-looking sistah. I want her to rub that hair thing on my gooch

Wrong Indian

I would love to see the butthurt if they hired a dot indian to play a red indian in a major film.
I wouldn't even expect it from the redmen, the fat hwite college girl/beta white knight tears would be ridiculous.


I seriously can't tell if this is pro or anti Trump as it could easily be interpreted both ways
I'm just going to pick the pro-wall side since i'd be very fine with the US of A never having existed

tl;dr for those who don't want to sit through 5 minutes of a fat armenian genocide denier gabbling on?

A blue eyed blonde lady