has this been posted on here yet?
we need to id these fucks
Other urls found in this thread:
nice webmd
He might be a journalist but he didn't deserve what those commies did to him.
The guy filming sure was ballsy getting all up in their faces like that. Just goes to show how violent these commie fucks actually are.
I don't get it, another fuck wit gets rolled by AntiFa and we just cry about it.
Stop being fucking victims!
embed or webum, niggers
Well it was a Journalist. They might get smart about it.
Why just fight them at the rallies? Find out where they live and nail them when they're not in their group and you're not surrounded by cops…
Nah, it's a Holla Forumsack (or /r/thedonald). he walked out of the right-wing protest and directly to the black bloc and jammed cameras in their faces while they were pissed off and paranoid about doxing. He clearly wanted to get hit, and posted his vid for more views to get youtube dollars and celebrity.
Which is just dumb: you're never going to earn more adsense than getting your jaw wired will cost, and that's if you manage to avoid getting demonetized.
Remember: if you want to get sympathy as a journalist ask for an interview BEFORE you get your camera out.
reported and filtered
your* wew
Still, reported.
still no webmd
look at the time stamp spacing of the replies
I can see how triggered you are, you should pat this comfort dog.
antifa everyone. exactly like the niggers they love so much.
didn't see any proof he got stabbed either.
lmao once again antifa proves to be more brave and ready for the fight than right-niggers. More than a year of right-niggers crying about journalists and none of you had the nuts to go fuck one up.
Cuckservatives like you need to fucking burn. I literally hope antifa decapitates your sister, you mom and your daughter.
That's right nigger. These are the real deaths squads. This is what a real day of the rope looks like.
*gets bitch slapped*
This is the face of right-niggers. You're the people talking about le right-wing death squads but at the first sign of violence you call hax or say "violence is for niggers anyway". I hope your house gets fucking burned down.
Hey, Holla Forums is a board of peace.
Absolutely EPIC meme XD
The tune is about removing Muslims from Spain circa the 1490s.
I sincerely wish you would try to burn my house down. but no, we don't attack unarmed journos that aren't acting in a threatening manner you disgusting nigger
They're colossal edgelords with vile kike poison in their heads.
Furthermore, they're entirely unaware that the more they push this "kill or be killed" situation on the populace the closer they are to being purged. No on likes them, most humorously it's middle class workers who especially loathe them.
But was he stabbed?
This guy should have known that shit was about to go down the second he stepped into that group, or should have at least picked up some cues from the unmasked people.
This is your brain on jewish cultism, this is gonna be the kind of shit that causes normies to wipe you faggots out. Like the other user said, I wish you'd try to attack a few of us actual fascists, not just unprepared normie Trump supporters, and see what happens.
Custom here is
These parasites they zerge, no honor, like mudshits. zerge is all they can, because they are weak cunts
LMAO, this commie bitch is triggered AF!
gonna check your trips, but I gotta say, this used to be my rule but if some antifa bitch attacks me I'll show her what gender equality means.
Equal rights and equal lefts.
Double dubs don't lie fam. We here at Holla Forums are extremely pro equality, especially when it comes to ANTIFA. Everyone gets a rope
op here what do people use to make webm's? some sites takes ages
here's an edited clip
they grab his phone then mob him
jab him with a flagpole kick him in the head probably stomp him on the ground as well
enough clear shots here to id for assault if we can get other shots unmasked from the event
and stop the infighting and slide shit the issue is to possibly id them
Good, alt-right supporting "journalist" got stabbed. We should show our support for antifa over this.
I should been clear, the fucking bird wake me up, late night. Fucking CIANIGGERS!
A bitchslap when she acts up, palm to cheek, it's enough it just sends the signal.
Another exempt is when in a crowd(antifa) and they are assaulting officers and shit like that. By that I mean when it's impossible to just grab em.
Fucking nigger bird, I'm going to kill it. 2h sleep… hit the sack, fucking awesome weather too
Yes he did, he was alt-right symphatizer.
who the fuck are you? and whats you political ideology?
we getting shilled by antifa so we slide and dont id these faggots ?
avconv, prolly satirical anyways…
I see no knife, but that's a lot of blood fast.
They are such cowards and shit like this makes me want to get the facial reeeee sw up fast, text and voice rec too, last is easy as pie 1d simplest, I have some stuff ready for that
-never walk alone into these antifa crowds, even if it's broad day and police is near
-the one who will do the actual attack won't be the one you're filming/facing
-he will come from inside the crowd and try to quickly disappear again
It's hyena tactics and you should do the same, having your sworn in pack keep an eye out for attackers and grab them and fling them away from their crowd towards your own crowd.
You don't have to stomp them right away, unmasking and identifying individuals and using that information to gain more information about the identities of other individuals in their group will be much more useful in the long run.
Make communist college students scared again.
You can hear the three concussion grenades that freemason cops in antifa threw.
*punches girl*
Oh, well then he didn't deserve it. Anyone Right of Mao or Stalin these days is a minority in journalism, and as such should be protected. Now had it been a Leftie journalist, then sure, kill them.
Nig nog on the sidelines did it! AROUND FUCKING BLACKS MAN!
a horses ass is easier to look at than this.
was he from a liberal media? That's good then
A slut or a whore is not in the same category as a woman. Perhaps, your mother was never told this.
Are you blind? Look at the shadow.
They don't understand the hell that's coming their way.
Consequences will never be the same.
XMedia Recode
FlashgotAll extension for downloading directly from youtube.
Face of the stabber from cuckchan
Yvette Felarca, the school teacher
Ok yeah sounds good.