Learn This Mans Name

General Van Riper.

Made the Navy look like a bitch in war game exercisers circa 2002.

Used guerrilla tactics, low tech techniques(light signals, messengers) to launch a surprise attack on the navy, fucking their shit up. Van Riper crippled most of the fleet.

Pentagon cried like a bitch and reset the exercise limiting Van Riper, and tying his hands. Turning the exercise into a demonstration of high tech jew defense toys.

Discuss ways the US military could be fucked up in unforeseen ways.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bet he dreams of dying for Israel too.

A handful of commandos travelling alone in civilian clothes shooting up transformers outside of major cities. Particularly those with significant nigger populations.

Oh yeah, I remember this guy. Fucked shit up with classic tactics and basically showed how incompetent the average military person was



ZOG bot cristians with their whole 'muh chosen people' truly the blackest of cancers.

Van Riper gained notoriety after the Millennium Challenge 2002 wargame. He played the Red Team opposing force commander, and easily sank a whole carrier battle group in the simulation with an inferior Middle-Eastern "red" team in the first two days.

To do this, Van Riper adopted an asymmetric strategy. In particular, he used old methods to evade his opponent's sophisticated electronic surveillance network. Van Riper used motorcycle messengers to transmit orders to front-line troops and World War II light signals to launch airplanes without radio communications. Van Riper used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of the opponent's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, he launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of the opposing navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

After the simulation was restarted with different parameters, he claimed that the wargame had been fixed to falsely validate the current doctrine of the U.S. Navy.[1] He is also critical of post-war Iraq plans and implementation. On April 24, 2006, he joined several other retired generals in calling for Rumsfeld's resignation.


Weren't his communications (by motorcycle iirc) instant? Kinda a big deal.

Either way, loading up a ton of 'fishing' boats with missiles and zerging out on the navy was a pretty cool idea. Everyone was laughing at Iran a few years ago when they had a bunch of little run-and-gun boats, but it's pretty evident that they paid attention to this exercise.

They were Motorcycle couriers driving up to a land line phone and simply calling another courier.
Completely logical and practical for the defending power, which is what Red Team was acting as.

Interesting thread and a good idea OP, I was just talking about the cable guy cap today.

Almost everything the military pours its money into these days seems geared towards attacking civilians with little to no knowledge or experience. This is a good example of what happens when overpriced turkey tech is pit against the real deal. I was genuinely upset when the Comanche project was scrapped, that was a platform that would strike fear into another world power. But no, more shitty drone bullshit instead.


So the pentagon is fucking with our technique of not doing things by the book?

The Pentagon's current warfighting doctrine has significant issues dealing with insurgents and asymmetric warfare.
A dedicated ragtag group could launch a devastating surprise attack on the world's foremost naval power with nothing more than motorcycles, laser pointers, and motorboats.
This was essentially the Tribes:Ascend match between Holla Forums and reddit on a grand scale. The Pentagon's fancy equipment ultimately failed when faced with people who knew what they were doing.

I hope this guy's on Trump's radar. He's one of the few old school guys left that knows his shit.

This cap gets me every time. Its amazing how easy it would be to fuck up a major city. If i recall correctly one user expanded on this cap by saying something like, do everything in that post but if you were a genuine terrorist you could cripple a city that is only accesible via bridges by literally placing live explosives and cutting off transportation in and out. All they have then are ships and air support which is obviously slower and far more costly. Normies dont realize how easy it is to destroy modern life if some angry people wanted to.

We should teach godwads and biblethumpers about the Kenites.

/k/ hates this guy, so he's probably pretty good.

For what fucking reason? Being good at warfare?

Did you miss the yemen thread? Houthi militia sank us destroyers in the Persian gulf with shoulder launched missiles. Total blackout in media, and they are still at it fucking saudi Arabia's shit up.

Sauce needed

They think he cheated. The whole "instantaneous motorbikes" thing. But they also ride lockheed's dick whenever somebody criticizes the pace and expense of the F-35 project. They have serious pro-murica biases.

Kek, i havent been on /k/ for quite some time but if thats true theyre a bunch of fags for defending the f-35 project. Nothing has been a bigger screwup than that entire project and further proves that this defense budget needs to be cut. God ive managed to somehow open every thread on here that really rustles my jimmies tonight.

Which /k/? 8 or 4?

You're a liar and a fool. 8/k is some of the most redpilled and knowledgeable people on the internet, they would only ever defend the f35 in ironic shitposting. 4/k attracts a lot more of the same crowd, difference being they have grown enough to rate paid shills who bait with Lockmart flame wars. But that's a few shills on a fbi honeypot.

If anyone criticizes this general they do so out of autistic detail minding, but /k/ always is keen on asymmetric warfare and our monolithic jew tech army being vulnerable. Kys

Anything that interferes with our superior tech will probably cripple us

Russia specifically designed much of their military plans this way, also. They are completely justified in worrying about ZOG loose-cannon bullshit, obviously.

Combat priors worth anything will tell you the same, even on an individual scale–the warrior is more important than the gear or weapons systems. A real warrior IS a fucking weapons system. And underestimating anyone who ever was a jarhead or especially SOCOM is a great way to get very dead, very fast.

/k/ has some issues, for sure. There are a lot of autistic posers in there, or at least there were a few years ago when I looked. I never went back.

his strategies required a lot of impossible shit to happen and also were way out of accordance with what was supposed to be wargamed.

He basically did a "I'm goku I win forever" in a game of pretend.

Dont quote me in there nigger i said if its true than theyre fags. Im still waiting for some type of confirmation if they actually posted that bullshit.

Topic derailing aside, i really want to know if any anons have any information on vulnerable the electric grid is. I heard it was extremely easy to cause a cascading failure with power lines but have not looked much else into it

We've fought every war since korea with the same impossible set of conditions

"in a war game

Fucking what? How? By actually shooting people with live ammunition? You can't cheat at war, for fucks sake.

I usually use 4/k/ pls no bully, only 4 board I use because 8/k/ is too slow. But pro F-35 bias exists on both.

he probably means half/k/ not full/k/

Some shitposters in texas knocked out power with a sniper attack a few years ago. Just set up a few hundred yards away and blasted at the transformer station until shit fucked up. The power company's defense was to cover it up.

I figured I'd go out with some thermite and crash a major point on the grid one day. Take EBT out for a weekend. For teh lulz.
Any FBI want to sponsor me? Gas doesn't grow on trees you know.

reminder that termite is basically rust + aluminum

Shills all of them. If there exists 8k f35 posts I tell you it's shitposting, I live there. The f35 is a shitheap. Any slightly opinion to the contrary is usually based out of jealousy towards people who called it years ago. The hipster thing to do for k faglords is to be "edgy" by calling you a spreyfag, even though Pierre sorry has yet to be proven wrong

Hahahah holy fucking shit this story is so funny

how the literal fuck does no one NOT notice a god damn sniper shooting at a transformer for 52 fucking minutes.

27 days to repair some live action shitposting. Absolutely amazing


It seems that way because that's exactly what it is. The primary enemies of the jewish US military are White civilians in the US and Western Europe and bad goyim ragheads in territory Saudi Arabia doesn't administer.

Yes it was ca that sounds better. Also as far as I remember there were witnesses and they saw bullets sparking as they passed through a chain link fence. I guess the police just took that long to show up. Must have been a remote location, then by the time cops get there the troops melt away.

Suppose you are a power company worker. Something goes wrong, you drive out to investigate. You get within a few hundred meters and start hearing rifle fire. What do?

You're a glorified electrician, not a soldier. If I were in that situation, I wouldn't get anywhere near the place. The snipers probably were able to hang around that long because nobody had the inclination to stop them.

The power of insurgent snipers is truly frightening. It's also a largely memetic phenomena, the technology for insurgent sniping has existed for over a century but strategic and tactical elements of insurgent sniping have only been realized in the past two or three decades. The technology is simple, the real innovation is in the ideas. For instance using vehicles as sniping platforms was practically unheard of before the IRA started doing it. Iraqis picked up the technique and used it against Americans, and it was used in America by the Beltway Snipers. The technology is stupid simple, it's a disturbingly effective tactic, but few have done it yet because the trick is the idea. Another example, the German's tried insurgent sniping after WWII and failed abysmally. They had the idea but none of the tactics.

Man I just like the flamewars.


IIRC somebody called me an idiot on 8/k/ once for saying the F-35 is a gross fatty.

It was probably a leaf. Just disregard all leafposts and you'll be fine.

Yes thats a good point, most power stations ive driven past in my life are typically surrounded by chain link fences and are easily scalable. Im amazed we dont hear more about direct attacks to them. Perhaps its more complicated than i think it is. Then again, some dudes sat around sniping a station for 52 minutes so it cant be that hard

so one guy did it once and that means the whole board is sucking f35 dick?

Man I wish retards like you stayed on cuckchan

/k/ here, and no


Most people who actually know how this shit works and have personal experience with it are still white Americans. Mexicans might dig the hole but they have no fucking clue what's going on in there. Believe me.

Why did you quote me, was that ironic shitposting?

It's pretty fucking easy, if you have any idea of what to aim at. And for knowledge that basic, the internet pretty much has you covered. You won't find much telling you what to shoot, but information about what different pieces of equipment are for and the basics of how they work? That's all out there and you don't need a college degree to wrap your mind around it. Apply that knowledge and a little bit of IQ elbow grease and you know all you need to.

No they're saying that the motorbike communications shouldn't have been considered instant, and there's a case to be made there.

Still, it's grasping at straws, the bigger issue obviously being that even with realistic motorbike speeds you can destroy the strongest navy on the planet with a bunch of hajis and a dream.

Just google "4th Generation Warfare" and read the relevant book by William S Lind.

In short: the US military is incapable of fighting a bunch of niggers.

Lurk more, nigger

We've had other failures. The f22, trotted out all the time to show that were not possing away all our money, got whipped by Germans in previous gen fighters. I think the wargame was fought over the alaskan territory. Basically the raptor can't turn for shit and jerry just got lock after lock. I think the Germans were flying old merican models too, which would have been sprey work.

No u

It was more than just that.

What if (((certain people))) heading up the military actually want its tactical doctrines and preparedness to be unsuited to counteracting guerrilla warfare for some possible future intent?

said wargame required visual confirmation before any weapon usage. f22 designed to operate well outside of that range.

Why are you such a fucking cuck? Really can't be bothered to research if the liberal media jerking each other off over a story about the US losing in a wargame might not actually be truthful. It's like you get off on it.

I think I saw this in star trek, when Kurt beat takeshi's challenge, the jew leaders got pissy.

Admitted spreyfag it's true. But back to rigged games, the f35 also "won" war games with bvr locks that assume
1. Awacs support
2. 100 percent positive ids, ie no ff
3. Target planes could not evade missile

Why would you think doubting zogs grip on reality to be cucking?

Lind is right about the rise of 4GW, but wrong about what the response needs to be. The only sane response to 4GW is arming the public and going full on RWDS. 4GW against the muslims is an ethnic conflict and we can only win if we treat it as such.

Lind proposes the opposite. He suggests integrating our troops with the locals. He's trash tier in his proposed response to 4GW.

The resources that sit under Muslim feet are more valuable than you are to the jews that Lind works for. It's far easier and both more profitable/palatable to run up a huge bill for White taxpayers servicing an occupation and accepting the deaths of stupid White ZOGbots who still don't get it.

Objections like this really just prove the USN are being sore losers. They knew Van Riper's experience before the wargame began. They only bitched about it afterwards when they lost.

Hence why I say his proposed response to 4GW is trash tier.

His proposed response is the only way anyone in the US military is ever going to look at it, regardless of how trash it is to you or I.

Instead of giving ATGMs to muslims, they need to start giving them to Americans. But that will never happen because they're zogbots.

Take out email. You have no idea how much the military is full of faggots that wouldn't be able to function without excel spreadsheets, powerpoint presentations, and emails about every fucking single little thing.

US mil is full of yes men thought would be lost puppies without their micro managing chain of command telling them exactly what to do and how to do it.

My sides thats fucking retarded. Its like when you didnt put a gun on the Phantom becauae "lol who's ever going to need guns in current year"

I admit it was a good idea for the commanding officer to "refloat"/reset the exercise, given the logistical & monetary expenditure involved.

However, it should have been acknowledged that victory occurred under the scenario rules, and the "reset rules" should not have disallowed his legitimate asymmetric tactics but rather encouraged USN assets to expect this approach.

No. Deliberately exploiting the artificial and abstract limitations of a game entered into in good faith by the other parties is not a legitimate strategy when the intent of the exercise is to approximate real-world conditions.

If you kill your enemy, they win.



Well, in fairness, he couldn't control were he was deployed. Might as well say he dreams of dying for Japan and Egypt if that's your parameters for wanting to die for Israel.

Please post more and spoil it to not derail the thread.

The user you're replying to is not entirely wrong, his actions while being good would be equivalent to bending reality IRL.

Putting too much faith in military tech s always a mistake, WW2 is testament to that.

Winning by exploiting artificial limitations defeats the entire point of the exercise. If you would have to alter reality for your strategy in the simulation to become viable in the real world then you're simply playing to break the game and shit on everyone else, who entered the game in good faith.

and my personal favorite
that why some boxers/mma keep getting hit with the same strike/combo/feint for 5 fucking round straight?
Not everyone thinks clearly under attack

That would be like banging skinny pam on archer. I so want some.

Can you think of any better way to cover up funding of a black project, than pretending to blow it all on the F-35, every fucking year, saying it needs more money?

So is the F-35 a nigger project? It needs always mo' money for dem project and shieet nigguh and bix nooding the US tax payers away from their money for a unreliable plane, probably because it has all the time chimps out in its internal parts.

so, I teleport behind you and unleash my katana.
I win.
nothing persenel, kid

Airsoft fag detected. Some cuck-tier logic you got there. Obvious you've never been in a firefight. There is no such thing as cheating.

…especially when Van Riper never did anything that could have been considered "cheating" outside of "not following the prescribed script that dictates total USN victory".

The Japanese "cheated" at Pearl Harbor far beyond what Van Riper ever did. Protip: we never got those sunken ships at pearl harbor back as a "refloat".

The US power grid is divided into three networks. Just three, and they are woefully outdated considering their purposes. A terrorist cell could hit the Pacific or the Atlantic network and it would be guaranteed that over 100,000,000 would be without power for the foreseeable future. And if they took into consideration what time of the year it was, they could really rack up casualties. No hospitals, no shelters, no food stores, no nothing. Mid summer of mid winter would mean thousands dead with minimal effort.

Like many other things we've come to learn, it sounds crazy at first, but the more you look into it, the more you realize it's as real as can be short of slapping you across the face. I used to laugh or shake my head when I would hear people talking about "muh power grid failure" or "muh infrastructure," but I'll be God damned if it isn't a justifiable fear. The only difference between us and Mexico is we do small touch ups so that something looks pretty before it crumbles and fails miserably.

A foreign army would be overkill. 1,000 dedicated, talented extremists could lay low this entire nation inside a month

It let's you see what they're shilling easier. Plus a lot if shills post a thread on X on both at similar times.

One can perhaps argue that the simulation itself was flawed and thus allowed Riper to win.

However, that would imply that the US tech isn't so high tech.

Aircraft carriers are fundamental in naval warfare. Had any of the US aircraft carriers been docked & sunk at Pearl Harbor during the attack, the war in the Pacific would have most certainly played out much more in favour of the Japanese.

Think about it this way: If I'm using a computer model to design a bridge, and I rely on a bug that lets me ignore gravity, are the other engineers just being sore losers when they reject my design?


I dunno the QTDDTOT dude seems to be generally on the ball when it comes to stuff.

1. The US navy is not going to fire on pleasure boats without presidential approval unless they are attacked first. Their bureaucracy would slow them down.

2. Motorcycle couriers using payphones aren't undetectable. They are merely something the navy would not be looking for and not expecting so they would likely not notice them.

3. Foreknowledge is not hard when US navy movements are hardly a secret.

4. There are a lot of pissed off vets and some of them have enough military experience and knowledge to do something like this

I never said that he cheated, I said he exploited the rules in a way that made the exercise pointless. When the point of an exercise is to approximate a real-life scenario, exploiting the limits of the game to perform actions at odds with reality is self-defeating.

Wew. At any rate, the Japs didn't break the laws of physics when they attacked Pearl Harbor so I don't know what you're going on about.

Not really. Arbitrary rules and abstractions have to exist at some point or another and where those exist they will be exploited. Obviously any simulation could be better, but deliberately exploiting the rules when everyone else is acting in good faith generally does very little except waste time and money while opening tickets on whatever rules you exploited.

You mean the pleasure boats mounting four and a half ton tube-launched missiles the size of telephone poles?

They were undetectable in the simulation, which was the point of that statement.

Depends on the level of detail you're talking about; obviously things like fleet movements are no secret but the insight of someone who has spent their entire adult life studying the US brand of naval warfare is not something that's come by easily.

Where, in the Persian Gulf?

wow didn't know the sand niggers rocked the navy like that

There is nothing stopping the boats from using other weapons.

There is also no reason a vet needs combat experience to plan an attack like this

Finally, if the enemy is not looking for something and does not suspect it then it might as well be invisible.

Yes, weapons that would be an order of magnitude less effective than a $1,300,000 supersonic STS missile.

Again: which vets? All of the disgruntled ex-SEALs hanging out in Iran waiting for the chance to jump in a privately-owned speedboat and pull a ramjet the size of a small whale out of hammerspace like he was Bugs Bunny?

The possibility of them detecting it was literally zero. That's far beyond "may as well" because even if it they were directly informed of these communications (or hell, even the intent to use this means of communication) and allocated resources towards detecting and stopping them, they could still do nothing to those ends within the simulation.

Isn't this how we won the Revolutionary War against the strongest army in the war? Why is this seen as a bad thing?

Please crowdsource my next paper
t. Stratfor

The only group of people that doesn't have enough problems.

You mean the same half/k/ that bans discussion on gun control on the grounds of not having anything to do with guns? Yeah, I don't think you can exactly equate full/k/ to cuckchan



you vastly underestimate the time user

What is the benefit of this?

Just because technology has advanced doesn't mean that resorting to older methods and weaponry doesn't work in real life. If anything, it creates a niche just waiting to be taken advantage of. For example in Ukraine during the protests people used weapons used almost exclusively by peasantry from the Middle Ages due to how useful they were against shields.

So after watching an episode of codys lab where he makes a copper-aluminium pipe bomb, I was thinking of how easy it would be to blow up a whole line section of telephone poles. I wouldn't do it, ever, but it's surprising how easy it would be to, in a night blow or cut down a few and cut power off to a few sections of a small city. But now with the LPTs I'm very blown away. I drive around my area a bit to and from work, and I see the transformers and power supplies a lot. They're really open and easy to access. I'm just imagining how easy it would be to build some high explosives combined with some napalm to cripple the city.

Considering we house and provide entertainment for a sizeable military base, sometimes I'm tempted to cause a mini happening. I would never do it, burnt break power for a few weeks/months and starve out 80K plus people, would be interesting, especially considering, that because of big block stores, there arnt really any other options for food in the surrounding counties.

I should form a disaster preparedness group in town. In case any bad guys also plan to do what I would never do.

I would never commit an act of treason or terrorism against my Home Country.

he broke the laws of physics.

the navy was justly angry because he munchkined

But they did.

Van Riper gained notoriety after the Millennium Challenge 2002 wargame. He played the Red Team opposing force commander, and easily sank a whole carrier battle group in the simulation with an inferior Middle-Eastern "red" team in the first two days.

To do this, Van Riper adopted an asymmetric strategy. In particular, he used old methods to evade his opponent's sophisticated electronic surveillance network. Van Riper used motorcycle messengers to transmit orders to front-line troops and World War II light signals to launch airplanes without radio communications. Van Riper used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of the opponent's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, he launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of the opposing navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

After the simulation was restarted with different parameters, he claimed that the wargame had been fixed to falsely validate the current doctrine of the U.S. Navy. He is also critical of post-war Iraq plans and implementation. On April 24, 2006, he joined several other retired generals in calling for Rumsfeld's resignation.

They are quite capable of it they just can't napalm an entire country of sandniggers because people wouldn't like that.

It's the planes those "coffins" carry that make them so effective.

When you don't have a 600 billion dollar defense budget you have to be creative and efficient.

The same way as any conventional military : unconventional warfare. Look at Afghanistan. Pot shots, ambushes, roadside bombs, combatants dressing in plain clothes. guerilla tactics also take a psychological toll, the enemy doesn't know when you will strike which leads to extreme paranoia and when you can't remain calm you make mistakes. When the enemy has to follow rules and you don't you gain an advantage over them. Million dollar helicopters can still get fucked up by a 500 dollar RPG.

if you look at Syria you see that the US is using ISIS / (((moderate rebels))) as its guerrilla units. The problem is that they suck dick at fighting and at least ISIS doesn't even practice OPsec. They're extremely easy to spot and they also broadcast themselves. ISIS is made up of foreign mercs who've probably never shot a rifle. They also can't embed themselves into a population. ISIS usefulness isn't to take over though, they exist only to destabilize the region so that the US can come in later to wipe them out and (((stabilize))) the region aka put it under ZOG control. Im still on the fence about Trumps intentions in the region but I think he's our guy in terms of not wanting to franchise the Middle East.

It's like I'm reading about the election all over again.
It seems most of the U.S. military has forgotten that military history is full of supposedly impossible things that actually happened. Vid related.

The US military as basically just a brand that's boosted up by (((Hollywood))) and stupid ass "patriots". It hasn't fought against a non nigger tier IQ nation since WWII and without the world on its side.

In my country we have conscription. When I was in, we had two big exercises with US troops. One with the army, another with the marines. Both times they got their asses handed to them by conscripts with half the fancy gear. These so-called professional soldiers could not keep up in cold weather nor in the summer. It's sad really.

Your average exercise/war-game:

On one side: there's 1000 conscripts, who get paid basically nothing, except daily allowance of about $10 a day with half the fancy gear. They're in service for 6-7 months except the ones who get NCO training who're in longer. On the other side you have 1000 guys who get paid a salary, who've been in for years with all the toys they can think off. And they still get their asses handed to them.

With "pros" who've spent years in training, who have all the so-called gear they need. It should on paper not even be possible for this rag-tag group of 18 year old kids beating them. Yet they do. Even if they beat them 2 our of 5 times it would still be shit compared to how much the US spends on its military.

The military-industrial complex is sucking the US taxpayer dry, most generals are in on it, politicians are definitely in on it and the stupid ass "patriots" want more defence spending. The US could easily cut it's military spending with 50% and still have the same capabilities if it cut off the fat. Removed all nonsense stuff they think they need. Stopped wasting million on a single bomb who's job could be done by flying over with an A-10 and spraying it with good 'ol lead.

I don't know this General Val Riper, but he seems to have understood it and wanted to make a point. Instead of listening, instead of learning they shut him up. It's sad, real sad.

This is straight out of the fall of Rome. The US is dying as a nation and no Trump will save it. It's too far gone. I hope my fellow white brothers in the US start accepting this and prepare for it. Take care of your own, take care of your family and white neighbours. You'll need them soon.

damned phone autocorrect changes its to it's etc. Anyway.


A bunch of ayy rabs flayin a playn.

Who runs the Iranian coast guard? I have a pal that used to smuggle fuel from pakistan to iran and the op he was managing had collateral to pay off the "coast guard" as he put it. Never found out the full story.

Learn from the Southern African wars before 93. Also look into Executive Outcomes + Sandline in SL (read Executive outcomes by Eben Barlow) to give you an idea of how espionage, double agents and conventional vs. unconventional warfare actually works. You cannot fight an unconventional army/guerrilla force with tech/and or conventional warfare. The boer war proved this, and it has been proven time and time again. Another good example are the Selous Scouts (read Top Secret War by Peter Stiff & Col. Ron Reid Daly) to get the full picture.

Not the user you responded to but would love to get your opinion on EMP's. They really are being used… Just not in the western worldview atleast. I'd hazard and say that oldschool would still win based solely on lack of predictability and dynamic strategy - regardless of side.

What a porker.

Hello Justin. How's ramadan treating you?

Could give a full explanation as to why but pretty much, yes.

You have clearly never left Norway or whatever shit tier country you come from for a real fight in the middle east. The Taliban are not as stupid as you think kid. Some of the best fighters out there are in the middle east. Granted there are pockets of wanna be morons with bad commanders but the average Talib is pretty damn good.

Enjoy your larp'ing though.

Have a source for any further reading? The US has already planned for that contingency especially after the Cole and Iran threatening us with fast attack craft all the time.

Pretty hilarious to see retards try to justify this

Why are you arguing with somebody who agrees with you? Everything the user said is sound knowledge and true. The US army (including NATO) are really not making any impact on all 24 (((30))) hotspots around the world at this moment in time. I don't see how you add up your viewpoints and quesiton if you have any experiential knowledge at all? Have you thought of following the money?

Did you mistake my post for someone elses?

He was basically saying the US is a paper tiger which is not the case. People vastly underestimate our enemy and their intelligence and just how handicapped we are by political bullshit. If we had a total war with no hearts and minds non-shit it would be a thing of beauty.

The problem with the US military is its manpower is wildly inconsistent.
They have illiterate urban niggers alongside country boys and suburban whites with degrees.
The variation is so massive in its people that they have to plan and organise to the lowest common point. Which means everything is set up to accomodate the illiterate urban negro.
Training and roles are all planned with this lowest quality of their manpower in mind.
This is why the US military uses multiple people to cover technical roles that most other nations cover with a single person.
It's why troop discipline is piss poor.

But most importantly this annoys the fuck out of the more intelligent or capable members of the US military. They get bored, disillusioned and angry.
This is why morale among US troops is utterly atrocious. Why they're inclined to panic when faced with a real fight or unexpected situation.
The toys make up for a bit but not enough.

Though things in the US military improve dramatically when selection enters the equation. When they get an opportunity to be selective in who is brought into a particular part of it, the quality dramatically improves.
The only downside is that by this point a lot of damage is done, the basic training is still piss poor and there's only so much you can do to fix this.

Though this has had an unexpected side effect.
Because they have to do be so rigorous and thorough in how they organise everything to accomodate the retards that make up the majority of their manpower.
They've wound up being exceptional at organisational logistics.
The old gag is they'll have a McDonalds built anywhere on the planet within 24 hours. But it's not a joke, it's true. And it's really quite shocking when you see this well organised and designed logistical machine in action.

Nope. The US has literally become a paper tiger. You have the mother-loads, sure… But you are unable to adapt to an unconventional enemy. I agree with you on the fact that you are handicapped by political bullshit. It's that very fact that causes your nation to become the paper tiger. Politics always cucks military. I speak from research, personal experience and an understanding of how the world works. It is not meant to offend those in the fighting ranks, but it is, indeed… a sad reality. forgive my bad grammer.

Hahahaha you have no clue how easy it is, user… Over where I live? The wind gets so strong that it breaks the telephone poles in half.

My sides can't take statements like that. Just stop while you're ahead user.

If you knew anything about the American military you would know that a problem we are facing now is being TOO adapted to COIN. We need to start shifting out of that phase and back to conventional warfare because of the threats of NK, Iran, Russian etc.


God Bless You user… you're half right on the political BS. Now wake up and start serving the Lord Jesus Christ and yourself instead of a nation of degeneracy that refuses to change. Do not volunteer to die for an enemy. It was predicted and it has started. Our langley boys are fighting our US army. We have a civil war on foreign lands happening as we speak and yet the west wishes to deny so. Wake up.

None of those are threats to the USA.

North Korea has no interest or ability in attacking the USA. Only defending itself froman inevitable US invasion.
They've been under siege by the USA for roughly half a century now. A literal invasion force is camped on their border.

Iran is the same. They overthrew the US puppet government that was oppressing the shit out of them and are now determined to retain their independence no matter what.
Like the norks they're of the belief that a US invasion is a question of when not if and the USA has made no efforts to change this belief what with its constant forays into Iranian waters, support of attacks against Iran and the never ending stream of CIA spooks killing and sabotaging their merry way through Iran.

Well. Russia just doesn't like the global hegemonic power the USA is trying to be.
It wants a multipolar world to promote stability and put an end to the USA's foreign adventures.
The USA's ruling class don't like this.

In short pic related is you


You're one dumb nigger. Where did I say I was a US citizen? Sorry Shlomo, I forgot about those scary non-existent threats. Good Jaab. Good Jaab. Do you have a skype address I can send an applause to you wonderful jewish person? You're fucking disgusting and may God show his true nature to you anti-christical kikes who get paid to shitpost.


I know how much you love crosses. Jesus Loves You.

wow son

No where did I say you were a US citizen…

Find a sturdy rope and utilize it please.

pic not related

To follow without insult, please give me figures, and proven methodology in terms of COIN. #1. How does one get too adapted to COIN? Counter insurgency? You are suggesting that one becomes too immersed and too good in counter insurgency? How is that a bad thing? Are you suggesting that the US military are a bunch of Swedes converting to mohammedans? COIN = kills. Give me figures before you constructs an argument you nigger. Conventional warfare because muh NK, Iran, Russkies. Oh for fuck's sakes. Stop watching Pedowood series and understand the actual situation on the ground. If you're not getting paid to post this shit, I would sincerely wish for you to travel a little and understand the world outside of the (((USA))). Turn off the TV for fuck's sake.

That's an amazing argument bruv. You must be proud.



You best not be talking about rebellion warfare without operational security.

Both true. Specops in us is still class of the world, and they can actually take advantage of the toys. Think hardened sites… They can break any.

Also, logistics is a thing, and we have a doozy.

Jesus fucking Christ it's been 15 fucking years and you faggots are still spewing shit about this without knowing a fucking thing about it.

Alright I'll lay out point by why this exercise was bullshit assuming the charges against Riper and the record of the test are accurate

1) Riper utilizing instantaneous, impossible to intercept, and undetectable communication. This allowed a level of coordination which would be impossible for even a modern military with digital communications. This also means that his communications were immune to interference and did not give away the position of any of the forces "transmitting" when asked how this was possible he said it was motor bikes. Bikes that moved at the speed of light across any terrain including the sea.

2) Riper essentially teleported his forced into a position from which they could launch an attack. These "fishing boats" appeared out of nowhere to launch their antishipping missiles. When asked how they could not be detected by the pre-dawn sorties Riper said that the opposing force never sortied any aircraft despite the sortie schedules being included in the force organization charts of the opposing team and it being SOP to always have sorties in the air when at ready stations. He later said that even if they were seen by the sorties they would have been ignored due to their small profile. When told that no navy "ignores" craft in proximity to its warships, he claimed they would as actual existing small boats in the vicinity were being discounted for the purpose of the war game(confusing a rule imposed so that they could conduct a war game in a sea lane with SOP). So cloaked/teleporting fishing boats.

3) Riper deployed weapons on boats with a maximum displacement of 4 tons which themselves weighed in excess of 20 tons including missiles which even have a mass of 2 tons. Namely silkworm missile launchers. Also when fired these missiles would capsize the boats they were fired from, yet boats fired multiple missiles.

4) Several of the land forces which the enemy team claimed they destroyed were counted as "decoys" by Van Riper who then respawned similar units in the same location. So zombie cruisemissile launchers.

5) Riper insisted that any launched weapon would did and that countermeasures would not destroy a predetermined percentage of incoming fire as stipulated in the rules because of "the element of surprise". Because guns controlled by radar and computers can be surprised.

Riper's plan wouldn't work. So what was the motive? Well he'd been recently passed over for Commandant of the USMC, and due to the up or out policy that meant he had gone as far as he could go. It would appear wanted to embarrass and harass several people involved in the organization and conducting of the war game out of spite.

Why was this not brought up by the Navy as a means to retain any prestige they lost from the news coverage of this? Well the Navy got a budget increase the following year to "update their combat readiness". The Navy has used the "cruiser scare" in the 80s and numerous other scams to get more money allocated to them in the past. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

That being said. While US special forces are impressive they can't be labelled the best because the Brits compete quite easily with them due to their military having an innate knack for adaptation, improvisation and coming up with unexpected solutions to problems.
Other nations can also compete with or readily beat the USA in particular fields.

US special forces are capable of exploiting the rich array of gadgets available to them but they do have moments where they stumble quite seriously when said gadgets don't work or they don't have one for the task at hand and are forced to improvise.
It hits them the worst when they do have a gadget for the job, are trained to use said gadget but the aforementioned gadget is not at hand or otherwise unavailable.
Like the US military in general any situation where they're forced to improvise is their biggest weakness. But they're still much more capable of recovering in these situations than their comrades in other parts of the US military.

If anything the whole farce shows the weakness of the USA's entire concept of simulated wargames.

The A-10 is useful for slaughtering sandniggers. Which is what it is used for. Unfrotunately against modern air defense it is very vulnerable due to its slow speed. Most ground attack missions are done by aircraft. That expensive missile is used when for some reason aircraft can't do the job.

No it was won in line of battle using standard tactics and the fact that the French provided naval support combined with the threat of war in Europe so that the British dared not deploy too many forces to America. The contribution of irregulars during the Revolutionary War is vastly overstated. The Battle of Blair Mountain is the only victory of irregulars over british regulars. Irregulars hampered British logistics but their goal off taking the major ports could have been accomplished no matter what the irregulars did.

Why should 4/k/ allow shitty liberal bait threads? There is nothing to discuss about gun control. You may as well expect 8/pol/ to allow "are jews actually so bad?" threads.

Good Info.

Posted information of OP game from the intro of the book 7 deadly scenarios. The book did not detail your information. However, the context it was placed in was one comparing the Van Riper scenario relative to Pearl habor exercise training the in the 30s, and German Blitzkrieg training in the 30's. In both of those exercises the establishment was rocked. They tried to downplay the effectiveness of the surprise attacks. Well, we know what happened. Pearl Harbor and France both got their shit pushed in by the same tactics in those exercises.

Maybe Van Riper was pulling some bullshit. However, I think the point stands that surprise attacks by highly motivated and intelligent enemies can fuck your shit up, and that fancy defense toys.

From the Book 7 Deadly scenarios

to "refloat" the Blue fleet. But Van Riper continued to pose unpleasant
problems for the American forces. To "overcome" these problems, the
exercise umpires artificially constrained Van Riper's forces. They told
him not to use certain Red forces, or to use them in nonsensical ways.

For example, they ordered Van Riper to move his antiaircraft weapons
to locations where they could not engage Blue aircraft supporting Army
and Marine Corps landings. The Red air defense forces that could not
be moved were told to turn off their target-acquisition radars.

Why tie his hands?

Of course we allow such threads.
It's an opportunity to teach someone how terrible jews are and remind everyone else.


The point I was trying to make.

How advanced are EMP weapons at this point?

I know there is the nuclear option of detonating an EMP high in the atmosphere. That is the only far reaching option I know of.

Most wargames aren't meant to be some grand chess match. They are either designed to test the limits of specific platforms under circumstances they were not designed for such as pitting an F-22 with a kill ratio vs the Eurofighter at long range against Eurofighters at gun range or with the support of 3 AWACS which could illuminate the F-22 with so much radio waves that the small cross-section doesn't mean shit. Or using the Australians new diesel sub to attempt to attack a carrier group which during a combat situation would be actively pinging about but which has been ordered to rely on passive sonar only so as to simulate an attack on a carrier during peacetime.

And those are the more spectacular examples of wargames. Most wargames are just a boring exercise of logistical or force organization structures to determine relative readiness.

Riper fucking with the very rare example of a large strategic war game isn't really indicative of anything other than that a petulant asshole with a high rank can waste a lot of money and time if he feels like it.

They fucked with him afterwards because he had already fucked with them, it was just payback. I'd imagine at that point the war game was reduced to a mere exercise to determine of the command structure could organize a landing properly.

Anything with a battery, electronic device - fries.

Suspicions are that EMP's exist that *only* triggers the pulse without the thermonuclear explosion, but that it's being kept secret for various reasons

There are such a thing as 'hardened' electronics, but they're not perfect, and they generally take up a lot more space than ordinary electronics

Yes, and that is what? Less than the 1% of the average community?

EMP is pretty much just a fucking buzzword. There electrochemical devices which can emit an EMP of sufficient power at short range to destroy electronic circuits. But for the same cost you could just bomb them 5 times over. And most vital military equipment is enclosed in a farady cage unless it also must transmit. So its fine for knocking out unhardened communications but little else. If you want to fuck with a power grid without a ground presence or bombing you can just release tongs of aluminum filament which will short out high tension lines.

How will you get these guys to the targets without military vehicles with hardened ignition systems which can withstand the EMP? Do you have crank starters just lying around?


keep some spare sparkplugs in lead boxes

For an insurgent sniper, the benefits against using a car as your sniping platform are numerous.

1. It allows you to get out of dodge immediately after you take your shot. The spotter, sitting in the drivers seat, can drive away immediately after the shot is taken.
2. The vehicle provides mobile concealment. It allows the shooter and his rifle to remain concealed during the entire operation, from approach, during the shot, and during flight.
3. The vehicle itself acts as a large suppressor, muffling the sound of the shot. This effect can be boosted by lining the inside of the vehicle with sound absorbing materials, which is easy to do since it's mobile.
4. The vehicle contains all forensic evidence from the shooter. All fibers, spent brass, etc. Furthermore the shooter doesn't have to worry about leaving the rifle behind during his escape, fleeing with the rifle is effortless and low-risk.

You get the fuck out of there. Its just a job.

You don't need 30mm to kill sandniggers. They die just as well from 20mm, or even 50cal, and with smaller rounds you can carry more ammunition. The A-10 needs to be replaced with a dedicated COIN aircraft designed for the mission. the USAF should take cues from the Super Tucano when designing it.

Exactly. Snipers could operate with relative impunity in America. Even the police would be hard pressed to mount an effective counter-sniper effort. Sure lots of police are combat vets, but they can't exactly call in fire support can they?

Not that you'd want to stick around for very long, but you could…

Thinking about a Super Tacano as a COIN CAS role makes my undies wet.

It would be fucking glorious to attack a wing of those as a battalion asset. You need a shorter run way, less maintenance, faster response time, longer time on station. There are no negatives to the Tacano in that role.

It just gets so tiring after a while. I post on /k/ to argue about weapons, not laws about weapons. It's my comfy escape from politics.

the issue with the US military is the total neutering and deballing of the men,
the fact that the fitness standards are lowered for women, the fact that women are on the front lines or allowed to be
making cadets march in high heels and basically recruiting snowflakes that are afraid of hurt fweelings

They're also cheaper so you can have more of them. Cheaper to train the pilots too. You could have those filling the sky, with overlapping coverage for all ground forces. BRRRRTS at a moments notice for everybody.

But at the same time.. What can the Tacano do that rotary wing can't already do.

Gun control threads not only talk about liberal retardation but also laws that are still in development. And yes, "are jews actually so bad?" threads are perfectly fine to have on full/pol/

/k/ hates because 4chan Holla Forums retards like OP and you made him a thing.

He was sanctioned because he did some things that were impossible, like carrying Russian Anti-Capital Ship missiles on fisherman boats without some sort of radar acquisition (let alone the fact the missiles were bigger than the boats).

But a lot of what he did is technically doable and worst is actually exactly an extent of the soviet coastal defense doctrine.
His point would have been much more valid if he had been a bit more thorough, instead it gave a perfect opportunity to turn the whole thing into a "blue win, red loses" scenario and the USN did the ostrich and completely buried any attempts at reforming the Navy and just want it's big ass noisy 1980's hulls on schedule.
Which is a disaster in waiting.

Truly the model ZOG patriotard.

North Korea is only a threat to itself and South Korean degenerates, Iran is only a threat to kike interests in the region. Good job being a kike shill.

Also, while Russia IS technically a threat to the USA, it was the fault of kike spies who handed them out the intel to get the bomb fast.

The idea of Russia initiating a war with America is absurd. So long as America doesn't declare war on Russia first (which is infinitely more likely), Russia is only a threat to a handful of (ex-soviet) European nations. So fucking what. Not our problem, let the "EU" deal with it, since they think so highly of themselves.

So basically, the military sets up a war simulation, and then when they lose, they just complain about the simulation not being good enough.

In other words, they already have the a priori notion that the US Navy is the absolute best and cannot ever be matched, and any evidence to the contrary is de facto dismissed for not lining up with their preconceived assertions. Top kek, who cares if there are a few inaccuracies in the simulation? The point is that Van Riper ripped the shit out of them and pointed out glaring flaws that they just ignore.

Nigger what, Russia has for decades pointed their entire nuclear arsenal at the USA, how is that not a threat, even if it's not as likely as during the cold war?

Did you miss the Iran-Iraq war?
The Iranians in particular relied heavily on amphibious operations to avoid being detected by the Iraqis which had much better hardware and surveillance, also Iran was focused on using missile boats to prevent the Iraqis from exporting oil, missile boats very similar to those used in MC2002


Having a planned strategy and targets is not the same as initiating a war or actually making the first strike


And we have done the same.
Stop thinking like a retard.

That's like saying someone is provoking an attack by walking around with a self-defense sidearm on their hip.

Pretty funny that the US military is now reduced to begging Holla Forums to help them fix their shit. Here's the basic problem, pisspots - America has no idea what her strategic objectives are or how to secure them. Instead of exporting democracy to Syria why don't you defend the fucking borders? The biggest problem the US military faces is the ongoing preference cascade in US politics; white people no longer see themselves as Americans, white people see themselves as white people, and no longer consider the US political system or military as representative of their interests. The biggest threat to the US military is a collapse of the civilian government due to loss of legitimacy. That's when all the commies and all the NatSocs take their grievances to the streets and the military will be helpless to interfere. What are they going to do, open fire on the masses?

Are you legitimately retarded?

They should have known better than to run the simulation in apocalypse 40k

checked but the biggest problem is our government and media is infested with kikes and our population that aren't niggers or spics are juiced up degenerate retards chasing the next high.

trips of truth

I've fantasized about taking over Cape Cod like this. There are only two old bridges…all escapist dreams though. It would definitely not work. It'd be nice to

If /k/ hates him then he is good.

That's why it's so important to spark the race war. Once people awaken and actually have the spirit to fight, the shitskins and their kikes/urbanite friends in the cities will all get slaughtered like fish in a barrel.

They are such a paper tiger, I get why the numbers are daunting, but to get black-pilled about your chances because there are more niggers than whites is such a dumb viewpoint, they only have power over us because our current system gives it to them. If that system collapses, niggers/leftists are useless in nearly every way.

The problem is how do you start a race war when you have a media which is deliberately attempting to normalize racial violence and neuter white anger by giving us controlled opposition like Richard Spencer.

Everything appears to be fine when the lights are on and you seem to be moving forward, if you turn off the power, people will get off the ride.

So who's going to start the fire?

Exactly. And that's not even accounting for the fact that the majority of the military, in all likelihood, would be on our side. Even if the military were directly fighting against whites, we'd still crush them. And as far as the niggers and urbanites, we wouldn't even need to lay a finger on them. All we'd need to do is blockade the cities and watch as they tear each other apart. Hell, these people will riot and burn down their neighborhoods just because some little dindu got shot a thousand miles away. Imagine what would happen if they were trapped without food, water, or electricity.

He doesn't know it yet himself, today he is just a normie but his name is "John Connor" and the fire rises.

>mfw underageb& spaincuck
S-should I do it lads?

In case SHTF you'll likely die in clashes with all the terrorist groups that decide to re-activate in your area before your government will fall. Also I don't recall any military in Europe actively recruiting. They generally want you to be good at everything so that you can be a shit eating recruit until you retire. That is, unless you know higher ups or have family in the army, in which case it's breeze through the ranks. It's not even close to US army, as nigger filled as it is, it has some semblance of an army.

Nigger, I said I ain't taking gay ass recruit shit. I can enter as an official or sub official if I study shit. Learn to read.

It's really tough to tell special forces of white countries apart because they haven't fought each other much since Ww2, at least not officially. I wouldn't discount sas, gign, delta, whatever the german version is etc versus any of their peers. And while us has been fighting mountain goat fuckers, sas likes to hang their hat on similar shit. I believe they are still happy about defeating a bunch of amerindians in the falklands?

The real special forces crux is The same as.the army, it's logistics. The reason we made jsoc was to bring logistics under one roof for specops. And with their own supply chain and the latest gadgets, the specops guys here really can do some funny level shit. A kid I knew from my hometown led a ranger detachment of some special variety, they did a lot of b&e training. Let's just say fort knox is not impregnable, has had its cherry popped and I think for a while now.

I guess it really is important because as mentioned elsewhere, our infrastructure is vulnerable to a few armed and motivated men. And specops is brimming with wn sentiment like many armies in europe…

Get over to and help us fuck with the meme rock, you lazy siestanigger

I couldngive a shit about some wargame against ragheads. The carriers are still targets, just to moderatelyncheap things like fast attack missile boats.

It's bad for the US because we are the strongest now. They're worried that insurgent forces can now therefore win like that against us. It makes sense.

I have an idea. Summer is coming and with it, more riots by Blacks. We should help a brotha out. If you know what I'm saying…

Logistics is a big issue for Americans.
SAS on the other hand are quite happy to source what they need locally unless its something very specialised. And by source that usually means steal.
Also worth noting that the SAS have been very active in Iraq, Afghanistan and pretty much did most of the legwork in Libya (unfortunately)
But then logistics is where the USA truly shines.

There is one other area the USA shines though.

Fighters. More specifically fighter pilots.
The USA consistently pumps out high quality fast jet fighter pilots. The training regimen and systems they've created for the purpose are widely accepted as some of if not the best going.
The main problem their fighter fleet and its people have is the senior USAF officers and politicians in charge of aircraft and equipment procurement. Who love any opportunity to get massively onboard with any retarded idea that comes their way.
Such as the USAFs frequent dabbling and support for "beyond visual range air war" which has been consistently proven a retarded pipe dream. Or stealth technology which every developed nation is now capable of circumventing.

So while their equipment and aircraft often have glaring flaws. The manpower quality is still very high.

The point they made is that the first or second boat would make it in. Everything after that would be destroyed, because no commander is just going to wait for Washington to respond while they're actively being attacked. It's like assuming some base commander is going to set there while the hajis are at his gates.


What is the War of 1812? The British had far bigger things to worry about than the US at the time.

The police will more than likely be on the front lines, with the military supporting them should things deteriorate quickly. This is already happening to a large degree with the commies leading the charge. The left have lost their collective minds since Trump's victory. I don't see the left capable of being as subversive anymore. The commies and socialists in their ranks are already riled up and won't stop until they get their shit pushed in or they take over. Just look at the Weather Underground back in the 70s. They were performing bombings until the 80s, when they all got pardoned because the FBI fucked up. A lot of them have ties to the democrats and public education as well.

You're going to get a lot of gullible and generally pleasant people killed, you dumb nog.

Go larp back on Reddit.

What RPG costs 500 dollars?

We need to prepare and preposition ourselves to destroy the infrastructure and communications.
Also, in a race war, military units will side with their ethnic comrades. The problem we need to watch out for is (((generals))) coming over to our side and maintaining the status quo. We need to counteract this very likely possibility.

He'll what attack helo costs one million

Mein sprey-nigger

Make your own with blackpowder and a fencepost pipe. The explosive and detonator is the hard part to get. Or alternatively make an efp explosive formed penetrator with explosives and a copper liner, itll fuck up tanks. You can use it as a standoff weapon against buildings and electric substations too.

From what I remember from a San Jose sniper attack, the place where the sniper was perched was right next to a gun range. Possible that the two were conflated.

Once I have a permanent address, I will start building an arsenal.

If you lern2physics, you see that any non-nuclear EMP weapon is necessarily not very powerful and has drastically shorter range. You can build a weapon that'll get good EMP effects ~100 feet away by yourself. I do believe devices of roughly similar power are in military inventories, but don't know much about them beyond that.

If you want to get strong EMP effects thousands of feet around, you'd have to scale up your garage-made weapon up by a factor of thousands (assume cubic scaling). It might be possible, but may not be practical. The power requirements are inherently huge.

Nukes give enough power to take out entire cities and regions. They can do more than just fuck up radios and very long power transmission runs - they can actually cause arcing that fries unshielded electronics. And they can do it on areas miles across - big enough weapon deployed in the right way gives an affected region up to scores or even hundreds of miles across.

So many fucking idiots in this thread who don't know shit about mil ops. Or worse yet, know just enough to get everything wrong and convince other people that their idiocy is sage advice.

Yeah, you're not saying 2+2=10million, but that doesn't mean 2+2=5 is correct either. Whether you're off by a huge amount or a small amount, you're still wrong.

They are soldiers not scientists. They have been sipping the patriotism ZOG koolaid for so long that they can't think for themselves let alone apply the scientific method in an unbiased fashion.

Let this be a cautionary tale to you Holla Forums about disregarding information that doesn't fit a narrative.

This would have been an excellent exercise if they simply redid the whole thing. But with more realistic requirements for Mr. Riper. But I'm guessing they lost their nerve and don't want to risk losing a single ship. So they pulled a super saiyan.

It's not doomsday bad, but still pretty bad.

FBI honeypot thread.

It's funny you mention Norway because their Telemark Bataljon is the only force that had any success in the middle east fighting terrorists.

Take a look at any US infantry battalion. They slaughter a good bit of hadjis.


Norm posting

To a point he was pulling bullshit, to a point not. The blue team stuck to the script rather than try to adapt, and it cost them dearly. If they adapted and tried to defeat the low tech swarms, then the game would have been a real learning experience rather than a bunch of horseshit. He exposed something far more critical than how to overcome high tech bots - he exposed the US Military leaderships inability and unwillingness to adapt. This is a HUGE weakness.

Usually when there are "wargames" they routinely use red team to play a specific role in a specific way so that the blue team leadership/troops can get experience performing a specific mission role they may have to perform later.

Going "off script", while awesome and shows the blue team how their toys can be fucked with, isn't the point.

For reference, imagine you have a bunch of shiny new Heat-seeking MANPADS and you, the general, need to show your men (blue team) how to properly integrate and implement that equipment into their units. To that end, you get 'red team' to try and fly jets and 'destroy' the FOB/base/etc of the blue team — in order to show blue team how to properly use their equipment.

Now imagine that the red team leader says 'fuck it' and doesn't use jets at all, he simply uses an armored brigade, javelins, and artillery barrages to "win" the scenario.

The result is that your 'blue team' leadership and men didn't get what you wanted them to get out of the exercise. All that time, money, and other supplies are "wasted" because some General decided to "win" when that wasn't really the whole point of the exercise.

I mean, I GET IT. I really do. I was a Marine and that's how we think. You "win" at all costs. No matter what it takes. "If you're not cheating you're not trying hard enough.". I understand that the General was given a mission and instead of playing the role he was supposed to play, he went off-script and decided to not do what he was tasked to do.

So yeah, of course there was a re-do. I've done the same thing myself when being OPFOR against Rangers and "won". The refs get pissed because you're supposed to perform a specific function in a specific way so that the blue team can get what THEY need out of the exercise.

Ur focking stupid kid

when did canada bypass australia as the shitposting country? I understand how australias culture promotes shitposting, but shitposting in no way connects to the conceptions I have of canadian culture.

okay what

its like you're new to the internet

What the fuck did you say to me, you little bitch?

We outnumber niggers in this country 5 to 1; it's spics that are the problem.

Couple months ago I'd wager, the quality of aussie shitposts has really reclined in recent times. I think all the good ones left.


Too bad can't find the whole presentation.

Because it's not like adversaries of the United States Navy might have well-ready enemies backed by intelligence networks that work to extract exactly that sort of information.

"Everything is cool in the real world our enemies will always be totally retarded!"

War college is not a uber top secret school full of hidden military knowledge. It's simply a doctrinal series of classes. Each individual commander is their own animal. Some obviously better than others.

If it was as simple as reading a few books, watching some powerpoints, and participating in some pracapp sessions — then anyone could be a General. Doctrine is a crutch for the untalented. Far more effort is useful when looking at the capabilities of enemy weapon systems than trying to glean a "template" for how an opposing force will attack. And anyone who follows that template is a moron and likely wouldn't have stars on their shoulders in the first place (unless they're some non-combat useless turd back in the rear with the gear).

Fucking anime has warped y'alls brains.

Neither did van Riper; your specious retort is specious.

Current US Generals tend to be doctrine-based dicksucking politicians. The ones actually fit to command were purged in the Obama and Bush years, or lost confidence and left during that timeframe.

If you want to find a worthy commander in the US military right now, don't bother looking at anyone above a Colonel, and even there you'll be lucky to find a handful.

Pretty much anything. If you are hiding your secret projects under some excuse so thin that everybody is calling it out, it's probably time to find another excuse.

Well, you're not wrong. I will point out that Mattis and this Riper are old salt dogs that have been through MANY POTUS administrations. There are a lot of useless generals filling the halls of the pentagon right now, but there are also some downright warfighting killing machines within their ranks. "Peacetime", like we are in now (yes, this BS 'war' with the goatfuckers isn't a real war – and I was in it) tends to well the ranks with asskissers and dicksuckers. Next time a real war comes around, they'll fall by the wayside and the performers will rise to the top, as they always do.

Just as in the beginning of WWII, a lot of shitbag generals got the axe real fucking quick and the star-quarterbacks got off the bench as the nation needed its "A-team" to field the military.

To summarize: A lot of the current Generals are dicksucking no-talent hacks because right now our nation has no need for steely-eyed killing machines right now. And that's honestly the only way you're going to separate out the men from the boys —- actual combat. I've many a shittalking self-appointed bad-ass become a flustered and confused shitbird unable to make a decision once the rounds start snapping overhead.

Not really. Riper launched 2500+ missiles to sink that carrier group. More than any military currently has stockpiled, though the US, Russia, and China could hypothetically create such a force. Also That launcher is a massive apparatus. You'll want it on a vessel with a displacement of 3,000 tons or more. So what we'd consider a missile destroyer today. And the carrier can operate aircraft beyond the range of the missiles or the vessels which carry them. The carrier plays the role of long range artillery in the current navel warfare, don't go to war without part of your artillery unless you have to.

Also the missiles have to get past the anti-missile systems(both guns and missiles) on the 30 or so ships in the carrier group. You need an overwhelming volume of fire to hit a modern fleet, with or without that carrier.

You except for the parts where he did?

Please note this technology can be used against refugee boats, too.
Please don't ban me for jestposting, hotpockets


We are seeing a lot of shilling for the US navy and shitty, failed aircrafts…

The Good Goyim navy and airforce are incompetent at actual military stuff but they are real good at bullshit excuses and snake oil.

But that IS the point. I wish I had a concise term for this, but there's a psychological phenomenon where if everyone keeps pushing forward with a certain idea because it's what they're "supposed to do" and no one ever stops and points out how this is bullshit, and the echo chamber is just pushing the group further and further towards something retarded, it ends up with disastrous results. I think it's just a form of Groupthink

If the US ever faced a competent enemy they would get their shit shoved in.

Hello FBI

any kind of military vessel outside of a speedboat would not be harmed by this at all due to ballists and bulkheads and what not

Most of the time it is not. I've been OPFOR on many occasions and the entire show its about you. Its about training the blue team on whatever objective the command staff wants.

There are TONS of exercises where there are the opportunities to highlight the failings of modern tech vs the tried and true old school methodology. However if you're trying to teach your kid how to use a modern bassboat……you're not going to start off by having him row a canoe.

Except the Millennium Challenge 2002 was supposed to be an open, free playtest. And even after they rebooted it with all the restrictions, they still claimed it was a free playtest.

Of all the claims you could make about the US milotary this one is the most bullshit

It wasn't though…..

This is the nature of every OPFOR exercise I have been on. Vs the Army Rangers or vs a SEAL team. They ALL have mission tasking that everyone receives well-before the undertaking of the event.

When we defeated the Rangers and kept them from their objective (it was a time-based objective), the Refs "killed us" and said that "well, the enemy would never behave like this so we know the Rangers would have won". When we massacred a contingent from SEAL 4 we were told that locking them in a room and throwing our entire platoon's grenades into a window of the 10x10' room wasn't "fair", so we were limited to CQB only.

So YES, I get it. I understand what Van Riper did and why he did it. Because teaching the Navy that all their fancy whiz-bang bullshit won't amount to a hill of beans against a more intelligent opponent SHOULD be a more profound learning opportunity.

I'm just saying that as a former Officer, I can tell you that the reason higher elements had kittens for Van Riper going off-script had nothing to do with sour grapes. During their write-up of the learning objectives for MC02, I can guarantee you that "learning that low-tech beats high tech if your OPFOR has a higher IQ than you" wasn't on the white paper.

In all, what Van Riper did was arguably much more worthwhile for the Navy in the grand scheme of things, however for the Admiralty and other erudite dick-suckers that never fired a shot in anger during their entire careers, that wasn't the point.

Personally, what Van Riper did was giving the Navy more value for it's dollar — but being the detestable cunts that Brass has been known for since Moses wore short pants, they don't recognize brilliance when they see it, and as such, cannot appreciate the gift they are handed.

Nice try, fbi.

How the fuck did you miss the part where Van Riper "mounted" anti-capital ship weapons on boats that were both smaller and lighter than the weapons themselves? It'd be the equivalent of mounting heavy arty on a Beetle or Prius, it simply isn't physically possible, the boats would sink.

But that isn't what he did see

If the record is true he made up impossible bullshit. This wasn't the case of him hiding shittons of cruise-missiles and some subs with supercavitating torpedoes in a strategic location and giving the navy a bloody nose. This was completely impossible, it cannot happen, in the sense that physics precludes such a thing from happening.

No we don't.

I am interested, any good books/articles on this?

See the brits rarely do this in the context of wargames.
When they're testing or training new gear they will explicitly state it is training/testing.

A wargame though is a wargame and if you're not doing something unexpected to try and win then you're doing it wrong. Both sides are expected to do anything they can to win

The closest the U.S. was to knowing about Pearl Harbor before the attack was the stack of coded messages that they hadn't decrypted, some of which had orders for fuel ships to be in certain locations. It could be determined in hindisght that those ships were used to refuel the strike fleet.

All this shit about "they knew but kept it quiet because muh war motivation" came from one guy who wrote a book saying that a UK surveillance station in Singapore intercepted orders to attack Pearl Harbor, and sent it to Churchill, who withheld it so the U.S. would enter the war. Except
1. The author never had access to any data from the surveillance station
2. No records of any such orders from any nation
3. The Japanese Navy used the JD25 code for their messages, and as of December 8th the "a" variant was only partially decrypted and barely understood, and the "b" variant was not even cracked.
4. All based on the recollections of one old Australian who said he was stationed there.

That and they knew the Japanese knew the USA was going to join the war on the allies side.

Good info. Thanks for that.

did the Navy and brass not learn anything from Van Riper's apparent shenanigans?

Join the FFL, faggoto.

Conventional miltary would simply win if they just went balls-deep and genocided everything on sight.
I don't know why it's not an option nowadays.

There is literally no such thing as a "wargame" in military speak. No one ever said such a thing during all my time inside the Zogbot. They're all "training exercises" for larger units or "training evolutions" for smaller units. Cobra Gold, CAX, Steel Knight, etc. The word 'wargame' is a catch-all civilian term picked up by the clueless media and one that people apparently think is real. If anyone in the military ever used the word 'wargame', they'd be looked at like the stupidest idiot that needs to have their bars/stripes removed for incredulous and unbelievable amateur hour shit.

Kind of like how shills get on here and use certain words that out them for what they really are. Same concept.

I saw your criticism and think it's somewhat on-point. However, I think you're not thinking outside the box enough. Not saying that what he did was/wasn't possible………..just that formal General-staff officer AAR write-ups aren't open to public consumption. So things like "motorbikes" are probably fabrications. I've been on exercises and then saw the official write-ups later, and laughed at how ridiculous they were vs what actually happened.

And I completely disagree regarding what you think his intentions were. The CMC is a ceremonial position, and is basically a career-ender. For that matter, Generals are immune from the "up and out" policy. Especially 3 stars. And there are plenty of 4 star positions available. CENTOM, CJCOS, etc etc etc.

As an aside, the highest rank an INDIVIDUAL can achieve is 2 star General (Major General). 3 and 4 stars are BILLET ranks and are conferred upon appointment to an existing role. If a 4 star were to lose command of, say, CENTCOM, and were placed in the Pentagon library to reorganize the dewey decimal system, then he would be reverted back to the 2-star rank without ANY punitive action needing to take place.

Likely they did. At least the people that were paying attention. Pretty sure the stupid Admiratly was enraged because they are blinded by new toys and keeping their MIC contacts happy.

The smart people payed attention (and likely our enemies too), but the people who truly would benefit from reexamining our doctrinal stances and deployment tactics probably didn't.

If the next war pops off, we're more than likely going to lose a carrier and some of her escorts in the opening phases. Just like the last time we went full-war. History keeps on repeating and rhyming.

why not both?
I bet you're a fucking leaf

He took advantage of some quirks in the rules in order to do impossible shit. These simulations mostly weren't live, but computer simulated.

I repeat I aint into recruit stuff, I'm planning on studying a university military career.

Because that's not humanitarian user :^)