Cryptocurrency Shill Thread

Loyal lads, I come here to shill Cryptocurrency (and Litecoin in particular today) to you. In some threads where Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency has been mentioned recently, I made the suggestion to buy Litecoin as SegWit was looking to be accepted (more on this later). It has since been accepted and the value has increased from ~$4USD (March) up to ~$26USD as of today.

I know some people here are very skeptical of Cryptocurrency (many others are shills), so I'd like to give a quick brief on how it works.

Most cryptocurrencies are of finite supply and those that are not are usually on a rate of fixed inflation. In Bitcoin's case, there will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins in existence. In the year 2140, all 21,000,000 will have been mined. At present, around 16,000,000 are in supply. Note that, in Bitcoin's case, speed of mining is exponentially reduced as time goes by. Litecoin will have 84,000,000 in 2140. And some of the other cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Monero) have fixed inflation rates.

Now, a brief explanation on how exactly Cryptocurrency works: In Mathematics and Computer Sciences, there is a thing called a hash function. A Hash Function is a one way mathematical operation meaning that it cannot be reversed. For example, if I had the string "hitlerdidnothingwrong" and ran it through a hash function, the result might be something like:
From this resulting "hash", there is no way that anyone can guess what the original string ("hitlerdidnothingwrong") was UNLESS they try every possible string until they receive that same result. They have to "brute force" it. This is how Bitcoin's POW (Proof-Of-Work) functions. Basically, it is fed completely random inputs until the resulting "hash" matches a certain pattern (In Bitcoin's case, less than a certain number when converted to Binary). And each time a "miner" (the people who are expending electricity to try these hashes) finds one that matches that pattern, a "block" is created and transactions in the "Mem Pool" (think of this as temporary storage) are put into this block - which is appended on top of the previous block. This is why it is called a "Block-Chain" (Block -> Block -> Block -> Block) and why Bitcoin transactions take a while to become spendable. Transactions are not considered legitimate until the they have moved from the temporary "Mem Pool" into the permanent "Blockchain" itself. Every node on the Network holds a copy of this blockchain - meaning they store every transaction that has ever been done in Bitcoin. However, tracing who actually made this transactions is incredibly difficult because anyone can generate a Bitcoin Wallet in seconds without ever attaching their name to it. Basically, a nameless Swiss Bank Account.

Please note that this explanation isn't 100% accurate, but it describes vaguely how Blockchains work. But here's where "SegWit" comes into it…

At the moment, Bitcoin Blocks are limited to 1MB - meaning that they can only store 1MB worth of transactions each time a block is found (through miner trial/error, this statistically averages to about one block every ten minutes). This means that the network has limited transaction capacity - estimated to be between 3 to 7 TPS (Transactions Per Second). And this limit is currently being hit. The solution to decide whose transactions get included in a "Block" is to create a fee market. Basically, you "bid" your position in a Block by associating a fee to your transaction which incentivizes whoever mined the block to include you in it (this fee goes back to the miner who mined the block). But, the fees are running high at the moment at up to $1USD/transaction.

Other urls found in this thread:

itcoin Core (the team that develops it) had a partial solution to this called "SegWit" which stands for Segregated Witness. I won't go into the technicalities of this, but basically what it does is allows a new tech dubbed "Lightning Network" which can transfer your funds to a "secondary layer", perform many many transactions with absolutely miniscule fees, and then consolidate all of those transactions back onto the blockchain at a later time. Basically like how a bank does not send every other bank every transaction that it makes, but rather sends them checks and balances at the end of each day. This is what Lightning Network will allow.

However, Bitcoin Core is presently struggling to get this SegWit soft-fork to land as it needs 95% of the miners to approve. Many will not do this as they would have rathered the "Blocksize" was instead increased to something like 8MB and then SegWit/Lightning Network could come later. Frankly, I sympathize with them as the Blocksize should have been increased long ago, but the fighting over this is severely damaging Bitcoin's utility and I'd rather anything over the current stalemate.

Litecoin, on the other hand, managed to get SegWit to pass, setting activation at 75% of miner's agreement around a week and a half ago. It already had four times the Transaction Capacity of Bitcoin and, after SegWit is activated in less than a week's time, it will be able to support the Lightning Network. Note that the Lightning Network is still "alpha" tech, but once matured it should be able to handle several thousand TPS, making it very feasible for proper commercial adoption. Visa/Mastercard won't have shit on it.

My prediction here is that the Litecoin price will continue to go up UNTIL Bitcoin manages to solve their scaling problem. At that point, provided it isn't too late and other crypto's have not taken over completely, Litecoin will probably drop slightly as Bitcoin surges. It will, in my opinion, still be worth far more than it is now.

This is all speculation on my part, but I think it would be very wise for you faggots to start investing in crypto generally. All the efforts to shutdown the Fed, etc, are great but it's hard to get normalfags on-board as there's not much incentive for them. But we can bypass the Fed completely with Cryptocurrency and the reward is in the value reaped against the USD and other currency (it being a very profitable investment).

And that is why I wish Hitler was my dad.


Useful link to view how crypto is performing:

Shit I was gonna buy litecoin with my le pen winnings. When should I buy next?

IMO, Litecoin is probably still good to rise a bit more. There is a waiting period before SegWit officially activates (less than a week away now) to give miners time to upgrade and Lightning Network is still Alpha so that's probably still a month or so away. And then there's (hopefully) commercial adoption which will send the value through the roof - if it happens.

Otherwise, I'd probably stick my dick in Monero. It offers VERY VERY GOOD anonymity (for all practical purposes, impossible to deanonymize) which is a feature that most other Crypto's don't offer yet. It's relatively cheap at around $30USD/coin and has very slow fixed inflation after the initial 20,000,000 or so are mined.

Talk to me about something I can buy and get some sweet fiat shekels from. I'm more of a lead and steel type of prepper.

Early adopters get big gains and recruit new people to increase the size of participation pool then cash out. Definition of a ponzi scheme and if you get sucked in then you fucking deserve it.


Thanks for the thread, I just sold.



Rest of the book:

I've explained my reasoning why Litecoin. I couldn't care less if you choose to invest or not.

The basic fact of the matter is:

Also, 0.00000001LTC have been deposited to your account.

You're selling a ponzi scheme as a currency. Get fucked. If you want anons to profit off a ponzi, then call it what it is, a ponzi. Get out before the crash so you aren't holding the fucking bag.

I actually agree with you here. If you can possess precious metal physically, then it is almost guaranteed to maintain it's worth in a SHTF (if internet goes, so does crypto).
But, where I am for example, you rarely get physical possession, just a paper-token entitlement to it. Which I doubt would actually be redeemable in such a scenario.
Gold and silver are still very good investments if you can actually hold them.


When your shoeshine boy is telling you to buy bitcoin, kick that nigger in the skull.

oh god fellow finance anons exist
I thought I was the only one.

How do you do? Gold, silver, lead. Bic lighters and toilet paper as the Happening starts. Stay out of the (((markets,))) unless you have insider information you are the sucker in every trade.

Just do the opposite of what goldman says and make out like a fucking bandit.

I'm keeping myself free of kikery for my waifu.

Shit should have saged at this point.

Please ignore the shills and read my technical explanation as to how crypto actually works. The fact that it is anonymous and uncontrollable (uninflatable, permissionless) is why (((they))) don't like it. Gold and silver arguments are fine - crypto will be useless if internet ceases to exist. But make sure you hold it physically.

Actually here's what's gonna happen. The jews are going to announce Etherium as a crypto-currency officially supported by a bunch of banks; bitcoin will crash like a rock; and the jews will pocket all the cash coming and going.

I'm buying some Etherium right now tbh.

A lot of Chaim and Moshe in this thread. Have a bump OP.

It's preferable to have locally owned income property if you can get it.


So once they're capped, assuming nobody hoards them and they're distributed fairly, does that mean that Litecoin will be worth 1/4th as much as BTC?

Look I hate crypto-currencies. I really hate them because they are posited as something they are not, and their adopters are fanatical and willing shills for another system that is still Jew controlled.

However, crypto has a different purpose than Metals. Metals will hold value, and are good in case of societal collapse. Silver especially given that it's undervalued, and so you can use them as near guaranteed investments for wealth storage. On the other hand, crypto-currency is not for wealth storage, but for short-term gain of wealth through trading and waiting. It is a big risk though, and bitcoin shills are an example of how you will find plenty of people desperate to justify their purchase. Mostly just watch out for shills, every bitcoin user claims to be rich off bitcoin.

Value is determined by the market - which is determined by utility. At the moment, Bitcoin's utility is limited due to the limited transaction capacity and this is what Litecoin solves at present (hopefully Bitcoin will get this in future too). If Bitcoin does get SegWit/Lightning Network, then I'd say that it'll probably be worth less than 1/4 of Bitcoin, just because other cryptos do exist and I think they will have utility also (Monero/Dash/ZCash all provide better anonymity than Bitcoin/Litecoin, for example).

Also, there is no guarantee that Bitcoin will be the "Gold Standard" of crypto ultimately. It just has "first movers" advantage. I'd still recommend investing in 1 if you can afford it though as I doubt it's value will go down from where it is long-term and will probably still increase significantly.

Explain this please? Monopolization of Bitcoin is probably the only way I can see it as being ((())). Most miners are centralized in China (cheap electricity) and though they're cunts in their own right, I don't think they're Chinajews.

Cryptocurrency is fine but I still prefer physical gold. If all the machines and drives with the blocks in the world go Y2K then it's over but gold was born in the sun itself. It'll still be there and the Amish will definitely take it in exchange for their fresh creamy milk.
Still, decentralised currency is a good aspiration. Not hard to wonder why.


it's not actually worth anything

It will be worth something when a hundred thousand jew bankers kick in a couple million to get it kick-started and all the goyim buying.

Ethereum though not bitcoin

Jews and Chinks are the reason bitcoin is worth anything at all. Bitcoin is backed by artificial scarcity and so is inherently worthless in its own right, but the fact that bitcoin allows the Chinese to funnel money out of their shitty economy has formed an alliance between chinks and kikes who are causing the massive over-valuation and fluctuation to launder money. Add to the fact that Bitcoin is the single most traceable currency on the planet, and why wouldn't they want to promote it?
Its the same reason Modern Art exists. Money out of thin air.

Just like every fiat currency?

Buddy where do you think you are where anybody is approving of fiat currencies?
At the very least fiat has the advantage of having physical units.

USD is the fiat of a government.

Bitcoin is the fiat of ancaps

Like monero, natsoc leaning in the community, not afraid to fork to keep the shitcoin jews out.


Why would banks back Eth when Ripple was created specifically for banks to back? My PC earns more by mining then it costs in electricity so this is play money, just swapped out my Monero for Siacoin, what the fuck is going on with Stellar?

30 large tech companies already announced a consortium to make it spendable by consumers.

BTC will never be able to solve their scaling problems. Neither will any other existing coin, for that matter…

SegWit in reality is no better than doubling block size. All proposed solutions are "wrong" (but it is possible to create a 100% scalable currency with low fees, very low transaction times). Just saying.

I own BTC + some other alts myself, so I'm not saying it's a waste of money and the future is no doubt crypto. For now BTC serves as a "vault" for keepers and something to trade for traders, plus a way to transfer money in an anonymous way for those who have that need…

Who knows how much of it they control?

It seems to me like you may be onto something here, but I still have some ETH…


I just dropped $900 on it. However, I am not a licensed financial advisor I am literally an anonymous idiot on Holla Forums. If you take financial advice from me then may God have mercy on your soul.

How the fuck do you even buy crypto, and what's a wallet that isn't complete garbage?

coinbase you subhuman.

You guys wanna know some crazy shit? The IRS stopped me from investing in Litecoins and I would have millions of dollars by now. This happen to any other anons?

So can anyone explain the absurd rise in bitcoins price over the past three or four months? How the fuck has it risen almost 50% in such a short time? Has some law in China regarding bitcoin changed again? What exactly is the new normal now? Because the last time I checked, it was about 900 to a 1000.

Money laundering

>my limit went DOWN


Good API otherwise though.


is it even worth the hassle to cpu mine any coin now adays?
what if I have 20 recent i5 processors and free power?
i see these usb bootable miners but what would be the actual USD/day


Several banks are backing Ripple. They're both jew coins.

I believe you may be brain damaged.

This. Same holds for all the other anti-crypto shills. Even in a "monopoly" type situation, crypto is still a lot better than what we've got because (((they))) cannot print infinite coin out of thin air. (((Their))) propaganda will actually cost them something that they only have finite supply of.

I don't like Ripple at all and hope it dies a horrible, horrible death by Zycoin B.

Any idea what the fuck is going on with Stellar lumens right now? I can't figure it out.

fellow finance anons, highly recommend watching billions (if you still watch the jew box at all).

just put a bid in for my first condo

How'd they stop you?


Not really. CPU mining was not practicable years ago, GPUs were replaces years ago, it is all poorly designed ASICs now.

If they were profitable they wouldnt be selling them, they would be using them themselves.

A laundromat, not a condo.

If you've got 20 CPUs and free power then I'll buy you the fucking GPUs to mine with.

I'm guessing Stellar Lumens might be (((their))) cryptocurrency.

Anyone able to TLDR on what it offers, exactly? Seems like a CorporateCoin.

Coinbase is the worst. Use bitstamp or another exchange, but avoid coinbase at all costs.

I'm a computer science major and you just confused the shit out of me OP.

In truth, I probably could've explained it better.

What crypto should I buy into right now? Please don't meme me. I'm white so it benefits you to benefit me.

I had a bitstamp account for years. Then they kicked everyone off from my particular state for some vague reason last year.

My suggestion is Litecoin. Have explained why in the OP. But, to summarize:

If you have spare cash, dip a little bit into all the big ones:

So, I have 10 coin of ETH I bought back when it was $12 dollars. I'm doing pretty good so far, but I want to get into other coins too. So I was wondering

1) How high will ETH go? Will there be a crash soon or should I buy one or two more coins now?
2)I've been looking at XMR and Ripple. XMR seems promising, but I'm more interested in rapid gains right now. Ripple seems interesting too. If I only buy one, which one should it be?

I had a few bitcoins when they were worthless and were basically free stuff given out.
So the trade game I got myself into in the exchanges weren't from paying real cash.
But don't fiat-crypto exchanges ask for some kind of identification (SSN, real name, etc)?
crypto transactions aren't really anonymous. All the transactions can be traced.

I recently actually got in to crypto. I'd say be wary of coins that had a premine period.
Additionally, yesterday the exchange Poloniex was attacked and had crypto's stolen from the users, and their only response to angry users was to mute the chatboxes. So don't use that one.

Where I am, they do. But you can easily disassociate yourself from the crypto you buy by either:

Stay out of the (((markets,))) unless you have insider information you are the sucker in every trade.

If you don't play the game, you won't win it. It's up to your retarded ass if you think the game is rigged, but rigged is how every complex game looks to an idiot.

It isn't hard to read the news and come up with plays that these investors are going to make.

Explain this crypto shit like if I was 5
What can you do with crypto? Invest in it? Swing trade it? Day trade it?
What are the best wallets for cryptos?
What cryptos are the best to buy right now? I've heard of Litecoin and ethereum

Buy drugs and other illegal shit on alphabay, buy stuff on Amazon at a discount through
Sure, though if you're unaccustomed to trading you'll probably just lose your money.
Private wallets unique to each coin.
I'm no financial advisor.

Holly shit it's 1,4k eu now??? Why the fuck didn't I buy it last year when it was arround 180eu. What makes it grow I don't understand who regulates the price

mods deleted the last cryptocurrency thread we had here


I doubt that very much; cryptocurrencies are the biggest form of kikery yet devised.

I hate niggers like you.

Great argument, moishe.

Only stupid niggers incapable of reading a white paper think crypto is more jewish than the current system.

Shlomo Shekelstein writes the number 100 on a piece of paper. He says that this is the largest number in existence and that no larger number can ever exist. He then hands out pieces of paper, little by little, that say anything from 0.0001 to 1 and charges you for them. Eventually he’ll hand out all the pieces of paper, but not all at once. “Scarcity is the source of its value, goyim!” he says. But the piece of paper with the number 100 can have an extra zero (or six million zeroes) written on it at any time.

It’s literally the perfect fiat currency, because there’s NO physical representation of it in ANY capacity for the kikes to have to worry about “backing.”

Moishe, you can’t fool us.

Crypto is far superior to fiat and if you weren't a braindead nigger you'd understand this instead of making bullshit up and thinking that's how it works.

Try harder.

But that was already explained. You're either retarded or pretending to be, so filtered

wew lad


You really are fucking retarded user. The hard cap on emission is enforced by the game theory dynamics of the system itself. The miners are incentives to maintain the cap out of economic self-interest. Try educating yourself once in a while, you low-information nigger.

Trying to teach niggers is wasted effort.


I'd be happy to answer any specific questions that I can, people who think they're knowledgeable when they obviously don't have a clue just piss me off though.

True, but you can introduce more bitcoins into the system by slapping on an additional minor transaction fee, which are then distributed to the people running the block chain operation in lieu of generating new coins. Such a cost would still be cheaper than existing bank and international cash transfer services.

Here's a summary of Ethereum, which has potential to become p big imo
it's from reddit though
All cryptocurrencies are basically the same as far as how to trade them if they're on an exchange though, so it's also useful to read even if you think ETH is gay


Food, guns and bottled water will have far more value than gold in a real emergency.

Explanation is rape.

Kikes, everyone.

Gee, exactly like the entire fucking monetary supply today… which is increased at the whim of the federal reserve any time they want. Oops! Only this time, it’s even easier because all they have to do is TYPE SOME NUMBERS IN A FUCKING COMPUTER WITH NO OVERSIGHT WHATSOEVER. OOPS!

You’re five fucking years old.

You’re five fucking years old. I already told people what the system is. You were wrong and your kike scheme was exposed.

Blockchains are public you triple nigger. Manipulation of any of them will be witnessed by whoever cares enough to pay attention to it, viz., the public you absolute mong. Do you think oversight can only be provided by the kikes who pay you to shitpost so poorly?
Look at the lucrative markets forming around this emerging tech, mang. imo it would take especial stupidity to preclude yourself from profiting on cryptocurrency, even if you don't trust their foundation and think they're a forced meme.

bump because I'm retarded

ayy lmao

Posting from mobile, you fucking faggot. I don’t give a shit about your filter.
Yeah, and who votes on changes to them?

filtered again you kike lelelelel

Either the miners in a PoW or whoever has enough coins to stake in a PoS. There's obviously manipulation of both systems, PoW by ASICs and both PoW and PoS by having enough cash to buy a large vote, but there's still much more control by the public in either system than in fiat, considering the open source of the currency and that fags can pool their hashing power into mining pools that can get a vote.

Five fucking years old.
Huh. Sounds awfully like ✡who✡ gets to control another system, doesn’t it…
Except this is also fiat.

no you stupid faggot i'm not saying that crypto is perfect. I'm saying that its better than fiat and if you have savings you should either buy commodities and tools or buy crypto which will have an almost certain appreciation in value.
lel youre a fucking kike changing definitions willy-nilly to suit whatever stupid point you're trying to shill
Remember, kiddos. This fag was probably paid by Soros to convince you to not keep some savings in a currency that isn't 100% controlled by ZOG

No, you're severely retarded and not worth arguing with. You haven't uttered a single factual thing instead just throwing random bullshit out there as if its true.

The situations where using a credit card is a hassle is a niche problem. In the situations where it is impossible
- like sending money to friends where a traditional bank transfer is impossible? No one cares. Technology and innovation succeeds by how it can change YOUR life. If you woke up tomorrow and Bitcoin was 100% adopted, how would the world change? How would your life be bettered by it? For it to be a currency, and not a commodity, you would have to admit it is just another payment method. Any crazy innovative integration schemes that have been
proposed in this thread either already exist and are being integrated at the snails pace the retail world works in. Retail establishments still have computers running Windows XP for their point of sale. A few stores here still have their electronic payments processed via a dial up connection. So you are trying to avoid fees in very limited situations. Cool. It's nice being able to send money to a relative without fees. Well the fees were never that much (unless you are cheap), and if sending them money traditionally is impossible (ie no banks) then them turning the Bitcoin into their local currency is another hurdle. What was the price of this convenience? This life changing opportunity that a handful of people will use to the fullest extent? Security. Your money is compromised with no insurance. If your wallet is hijacked by Spyware you lost all your money. If a merchant never ships you a product and you want to get your money back? Can't. You want to convert your balance into cash? Well for some reason no one is buying so you have to sell it for less.
–Now we are back into the whole commodity nature of cryptocurrencies - the territory where it all falls apart. If your entire currency is based on the concept of selling it immediately to ensure price fluctuation doesn't destroy your margins, it puts little faith in the currency, and would be a reason not to adopt it. And then this whole thing requires your store, or your brick and mortar store or online web cart, to have an up to the minute exchange rate on the bitcoin exchange of your choice, which adds even more infrastructure and complication to the system when it should be dirt simple. The reality is any reasonable commerce integration is a decade away. And really, if the retailers have no faith holding onto bitcoins why would a consumer? If their buying power could be substantially decreased because another exchange blew up they have no reason to hold onto it for purchases. Everyone is using Bitcoin to try and get rich. The goal is not to use Bitcoin as currency, it's to sell it for money. I also haven't even gone into the colossal hassle that is face to face / brick and mortar purchases, having to wait for your transaction to verify before you could leave with your merchandise.

It's no surprise. They'll call you crazy for even suggesting to make their ASS-coin of choice plentiful for many, and using it to chop away the FED's debt; pruning it to irreverence.
Look at how widely ETH is being accepted as currency in retail stores in japen, how you can pay ETH to charge ur electric car in doucheland, the huge support for ethereum by (((corporations))) in the eth alliance. The utility of ethereum goes beyond currency too. check out dapps, mang.
You're probably right that bitcoin won't become an actual currency check out their huge unconfirmed transaction queue but other cryptos like ETH can process hundreds of transactions faster even that a traditional banking system, and there's been a huge surge of support for being able to use ETH as cash only very recently.

You are saying e-currencies are a scam, which it is not. There isn't anyone sitting at the top who creates money out of nothing. The miners have a vested interest, The developers who are fractured have a vested interest, the investors have a interest and the user base. There are 20 million or so coins mine able for BTC, when those are gone a soft work will be done to double or more the available mineable coins. These coins don't suddenly enter the economy or get created out of nothing; they still have to be mined.

In retrospect, the entire economy we use everyday whether is a Euro or Dollar are also massive ponzi scheme's. You work 40hrs a week while the jews create money out of nothing. Every year that passes by the value of your work remains the same or increases in productivity, the currency you get paid in inflates and becomes more useless.

I've already exited the fiat economy, this is going to replace banks one way or the other. The governments / banks will create their own e-currency in the upcoming decades in order to try to catch up. Money creation out of nothing is going away one way or the other. Governments will have to appeal to people to pay taxes for something they find useful.

Yes people who jumped first into a e-currency profited the most. Plenty of people checked out when the price hit 100$ per bitcoin, failing to realize that it's going to go to 10.000 and possibly higher and they hit themselves over the head for being so stupid, this upward trend will continue as FIAT makes itself obsolete. It is currently still less then 3% of the world economy, it's going to become worth a hell of allot more.

IF you buy a 20 dollar bill worth of bitcoin it might be 1000x it's value to $2000 by the time you hit retirement age. Try doing that in a investment fund.

Sure it might come crashing down if that what you are suggesting. But who are you going to trust more? A government? bankers? We've seen what they've done to our parents and grandparents. Sold them into debt and stole their retirement money.

I have ZERO interest in partaking in kike usury.


I have like 30k in metal and i kinda wanna liquidate like 5-10k to buy crypto. Thoughts? Im thinking of doing it when the next bubble pops but ive never seen such steady, high growth. I did buy 3 litecoin @ 22 which im happy about but idk if i should buy more now or wait

Jesus Christ, user, you sound like you're doing a fucking promotion sale; it's all there:
-relativise counterarguments "all money is a ponzi scheme, goy"
-mention how you yourself are already using [product] and having a grand time ("I've already exited the fiat economy, this is going to replace banks one way or the other.")
-hook potential customers with "opportunity of a lifetime" ("20 dollar bill worth of bitcoin it might be 1000x it's value to $2000 by the time you hit retirement age. Try doing that in a investment fund.")
-imply misfortune if customer doesn't buy [product] ("But who are you going to trust more? A government? bankers? We've seen what they've done to our parents and grandparents. Sold them into debt and stole their retirement money.")
-claim moral highground ("I have ZERO interest in partaking in kike usury."

Have you tried a career in judaism? You seem to have a talent for merchantry.

This is why I switched to Zclassic so I can enjoy that sweet Zen cash that's coming soon (you basically get your equivalent in Zen for each Zcl you own, look it up.)

Also, I really do not believe in Crypto. Heck, I started mining some shit coin since it somehow went up by 100% (still cheap as hell, thus worthless) for some fucking reason. I got into it just to cash in later on, but it seems people really like crypto and now they are working on releasing debit cards (based on Ethereum, I think). The first project that got added on Bittrex is TokenCard TKN. I could be wrong, probably Crypto really is the future. Only time will tell.

Step up your game.

silver is near bottom - hold on to it.
gold is chinese reserve currency - hold on to it
bitcoin is all time high - add small amounts or withdraw.
litecoin is just after all time high- add small amounts, or wait 4-7 days and check price.
That will be 10 dollars worth of advice:
Bitcoin : 1EFaw5Eg3X5UEz1WfJPHdGBZUfV8STyDKs

so what's going to stop pluto's kiss from wiping out your bitshekels?

Litecoin begging thread? Awesome.


nothing to see here, just magic internet money.

Oh right Pluto's Kiss! Hmmm….
It was later discovered that the virus creator was a ten-year-old elementary school student, living in Los Angeles, California.

New Hitler will be a commiefornian!

Ethereum's cool because you can use it to build your own Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) that exist on its blockchain. The DAO can then create and vote to issue its own cryptocurrency. Almost like a sovereign wealth fund.

Fuck it, I'll spend a few cents worth of ETH to create one just for this thread if there's anybody else lurking right now.

The first step is downloading an Ethereum wallet. Go to and scroll down and choose. I'd recommend downloading Mist because its also a web browser.

Once you load Mist or the Wallet app, create an account and post your address. I'll add your address as members of the DAO and we'll vote on who to send the $0.50 worth of ETH that I'm willing to donate to.

Also, as a side note, I'm browsing 8ch right now on a Mist browser.

imkampfy did nothing wrong.