Wew lad

Poor girl, her dad is so racist. Gofund me campaign in 3… 2… 1…

dailymail.co .uk/femail/article-4478232/Dad-s-racist-rant-daughter-took-black-friend-prom.html

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?t=i&q=fat white women

I'm putting $50 down that is her pet name for the nigger and this is staged for gibs me dat.

Putting $100 dollars she's pregnant and single within 2 years.

Daddy didn't fuck her so she fucked a nigger to get his attention, but it backfired. Girls with daddy issues, man.

Single mother parenting at it again!

It is random debris, I found it in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat

Will they ever learn?

No. Because they will never get attention if they just got a white bf.

It's an obvious "hey rabbi watchu doin" but if it were true I wouldn't mind a gofundme for the father.

Real or fake, you have to admit that this has a nice ring to it.

holy shit nigger

does the dad even exist?
some sleuthing to see if he's dead, or disappeared, or never had a presence on the intarwebs would be welcome

my bet is that if he's alive, he will never learn what a gofundme is


arkansas is the best state

Another one of these coalburning trash false flags for gibs?

She'll blow through the money in a year or two. But the damage she's done to her life will last forever.

mississippi still does best job of keeping their niggers in line. Once you get outside the shitty college area of "ole Miss," the niggers know their place. Even the wealthy there (few though they are) aren't into "virtue signaling."

Kek, can't wait for her life in a trailer park.

You're giving them far too much credit.


Dad should've raised her right. It's his fuckin' fault.

I expect to see a lot more of this as long as the gofundmes keep bringing in thousands of dollars. Some coalburner got tens of thousands of dollars after her parents disowned her now here's a string of them.

If you want to make some money set up a very convincing fake identity, set up a gofundme then fabricate your "father" raging at you for being a coalburner. For added bonus split the profit for someone to send a fake voicemail screaming racial tirades the media will love that and be sure to broadcast your gofundme.

It's no joke how much money this is paying out. If you hit the right buttons you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

More like $2,000/mo apartment payed for by white man's tax dollars.

Each time they try it, they'll get less and less return. Not to mention tens of thousands isn't much in the long run, that money will be gone in a year at most.

Charity fatigue / donor fatigue.


Holy shit I didnt even see that until I turned the screen sideways a bit!

So far the only ones have been text messages, letters. If you get audio that will be taking it to the next level.

Bitch is gonna live in the hood, where all the sheboons will kick her ass til she is dead. Good riddance.

no because they like it until the part where they're literally bleeding to death

Harder to fake. And they'd need to be recording if it were real.

It is fucking fake and normalfags and sjws will eat it. Almost makes me think it would be so easy to set up a scheme and make dough myself.

If you can do an old voice you can do it entirely by yourself otherwise get someone that can and agree to split some of the profit.

maybe he learned about public schools too late user

she's fucked for life. No self respecting white man who is worth marrying will have her. Everybody googles their significant other and the first results will be about her going to prom with a nigger. Shes stuck with niggers, arabs or extreme cuckboi white hipsters.

I love having the same name as a professional sportsball player. Googling me is nigh impossible.

so whats the best way to avoid this. All I hear is that you can't force the red pill on them to hard or they rebel. Is it better to have the mom redpill on niggers while the dad is casual but not forceful about hating niggers? My wife and I are trying for our first child right now and the prospect of having a daughter freaks me out in the modern pozzed world. Fortunately my wife hates niggers, really hates arabs and also hated jews long before I did.

If you're in Burgerland there is nothing you can do about it.

I pissed my father off once and he drove me all the way to the middle of Fuller Park (If you've ever lived in Chicago you'll know how bad it was there) and made me walk home from there. At the time, we lived near the Lincoln Park Zoo. Best redpilling experience of my life; although, I wouldn't recommend this for a daughter.

what a coward, he should had invited the nigger for dinner and off the both of them.

I don't know ios devices well, but don't the little tails on the bottom left of the chat bubbles only pop up on the final message from one person? That and the irregular spacing between the bubbles makes me think that third screenshot was edited.

Fucking good. The bitch will probably be dead in a ditch somewhere.

Dailymail are such pieces of trash. This father may or may not have been good, we don't know. He acted like a hero here. I really hope this is not fake, it should encourage other fathers to have the talk.

Live in an area that's 95-100% white. Miscegenation rates are higher the more diversity there is. It will also just be a better life generally because you won't have to deal with non whites.

I think you are right user, upon closer inspection it appears shopped.

That's a damned good father. Waiting on the domestic abuse pictures from the nigger too.

I hate the fucking cucks at Ole Miss and their pet niggers so they can virtue signal about the past, it used to be a great school.

Easy, live somewhere where there aren't niggers, and when your kids are old enough, take a drive through what the other races live like and be prepared to answer questions about why they live like they do

The father just wants what's best for his daughter.


I believe domestic abuse rates are significantly higher among mixed race couples (with black males).

make sure the government doesn't know she exists until shes 18 and homeschool her until then, then have her get a GED and never let her out of the house except to get the GED
make sure you and your wife are generally disliked by your daughter and seem almost completely apolitical to her but have her uncle come over every now and espouse right-wing values while letting her do stuff that she likes except for going outside of the house
also be sure to deprive her of absolutely all media and of all knowledge of what happens outside of the house if possible except for maybe letting her see the characters on cereal boxes and to absolutely dominate EVERY aspect of her life that doesn't involve the bathroom, and to dominate some parts of her life that involve that too, but not others; you don't want her to discover masturbation, sex, or even pregnancy and you'd have a wife helping you raise her, who by the way you wouldn't be sleeping with until shes 18… having another kid would raise complications in raising the girl you'd already have
presumably, during her rebellious phase she'll hate her dad and like her uncle, but not if he comes over too often including before the rebellious phase
if she likes her racist right-wing uncle, she may also become a racist right-winger herself

if it'd work, you might ACTUALLY have an 18 year-old virgin daughter who isn't a would-be slut that touched a guy's bare thingy for the first time when she was 12(maybe 10 these days)

alternatively, just skip the uncle part and lock her in the house 24/7 while hiding her existence from the government, making sure that she knows basic math, reading, and social skills

you'd better make that 100% white, and even then it's likely she'll still be brainwashed by leftists who have the false appearance of being the majority, which they aren't
in fact, that for all I know may be all that it takes to turn a woman leftist, that the leftists are according to her the majority of the people


i should've put that in a new sentence, thats what you don't want

He did the right thing

whore, mate, pls.


Is that normal? Doesn't that mean the texts were just in quick succession?

I have an Ijew. It depends, if the texts were sent right after another only the bottom one gets a tail. If a certain amount of time was taken inbetween, they all can have tails.

utterly amoral

oh one more thing
make sure to use CORPORAL PUNISHMENT, but don't spank her

how come nobody is speculating that she is faking this for attention? text messages are extremely easy to fake

Because this story fits the narrative of le evil white racist southerns :^)


My bad then. Like I said, I don't know ishits. I was hoping for blatant evidence of fuckery.



I mean I don't blame the dad for his reaction, it's not like this is outrageous and unrealistic. I do believe she would milk it though.

I am starting to understand why the mudshits have honor killings. There is no salvaging her after this.

Good on dad. I'd do the same thing, stupid little nigger lover gonna learn today.

Just wait, 2 years tops she's gonna be pregnant with with a little mongrel shitskin baby, and her pet nigger nowhere to be found.

Nigga is not even unlocked yet and he is still fucking this guy's daughter. Goddamn.



A coon comes with many names

We need to start gofundme for the Dads in these stories.

Well those quads say make it be!

And #AnnaApologizeToYourDad

Filthy bootlips got every race beat with the amount of names they have.

wew dem digits

omg that's a beautiful town. beautiful nature too. ooohhhhh, but they have a peace march for diversity. 96% white but the jew is trying to hit them hard. ffs man.


Now those are some gifs I havn't seen in a long long time.

She edited it so she won't look like a bitch. She must said something rude enough to make her real father angry or fake dad pretending to be angry.

I'm nearly 30, and didn't know Alec Guinness was in Star Wars (never seen them)

And another one bites the dust

She went out with a nigger.

That's just weird.

Star Wars is for cucks and niggers.

I guess in your world your daughter going out with a filthy bluegums rape ape isnt enough to piss you off. Your cuck is showing faggot

But you have seen it?

I miss youtube poops guys

Unfortunately. It's part of the modern indoctrination ritual after all.

Fucking based dad.

I'm sure I saw about 20 minutes of the one with Harrrson Ford and went outside to play. Never seen Star Trek either or read or seen Lord of The Rings. I was always into grim reality type stuff. I watched my first Anime when I was 28 lel, and that was with a decade on 4chan. I was there despite the nerd culture. I also hate Holla Forums with a passion.

Dubs of truth. Plus, the dad sounds exactly how a liberal pretending to be an unabashed racist would sound. I think it's safe to call bullshit on this.

I pity the man that was forced to say this to his daughter.
I hope that ungrateful little slut ends up in section 8 housing by year's end.

You just know the mother is loving it. Encouraging the coal burning for social virtue points and to crush the dad.

the only good thing about this is the rate of white female black male couples that work out long term is tiny and she will end up an overweight single mother rotting away with her halfbreed kid

If you like this, check out the series, from the beginning.

I am going to suggest something not often said, but have a good relationship with your daughter. The trick to being a good father (or just a good authority figure for that matter) is to:

1. Reward your children for doing what you want them to. Not only does this entrain the proper behaviors you want in your children, but gives them an outlet to seek positive attention from you. Daddy's little princess isn't going to date a nigger when she get Daddy's attention by doing her homework and completing her chores around the house,
2. Punish her for behavior you don't want and be consistent. Discipline is how we develop the ability to manage our emotions and behaviors. Children develop self-discipline through the discipline the parents enforces on the child. I emphasize consistency here because this is where you really mold the future personality of your children. If you have a clearly defined code of acceptable behavior, your children will learn it quickly and will develop a sense of security from it because they will always know what to expect.

Once your children get older, assuming you've followed the above to guidelines, this stuff will have been ingrained in them on a subconscious level. They will just "feel good" when they do the sort of stuff your rewarded them for growing up and will just "feel bad" for doing stuff they think/know you wouldn't like.

Women were a mistake. It's real fucking hard not to go full blackpill when looking at the shit they'll do just to spite a man that gave them bad feelings.
The coalburner's cunt of a mother encouraged this man's assumed only child to throw away her genetic legacy just to twist the knife in her ex-husband's heart that much further.

That is not what I am trying to say. She edited her texts out of context so the people will feel sorry for her. I am sorry if my post give you the impression that I am a cuck.

Can we agree that the girl is trash and her dad had a very appropriate response IF this real?

They obviously had a bad relationship. If you have sons or daughters, work your ass off on that relationship because that relationship matters.

I totally agree with him if he exists in her life.

Another one? Of course Jews did this all the time but you'll never heard about that.


trash father is trash. gril tries to find a less trash man. makes a mistake thinking niggers won't be trash. trash father gets mad. moral of the story: trash people make trash children.

No user, they were sent as batches, so to speak on the last screenshot. Whenever there is a break on the messages it leave a small gap between texts, I have an iGoy because of work and noticed it after about a month.

I've never quite gotten that second pic. The idea of liking some music that seems a bit laid back has never seemed that reprehensible.

Is it just me or does she look jewish to anyone else?

Why don't you bugger off and listen to your nigger music, wigger

What a based fucking dad if true. Although I would be skeptical and wonder if the dad really exists or if this just some shekel grabbing story with no evidence behind it. But if true, i can only say i wish there were more fathers like hers in this world. Fuck niggers.

Just wait for the 2019 film adaptation of this starring Chloe Moretz (assuming she's not playing in the NFL by then) and Jaden Smith. Final scene of the movie will be the MFF threesome that involves the mom (played by Charlize Theron).

where's the man? Trannies definitely aren't women but they don't really count as men either.

My sides


even if your eyes are not real?
you know what is worse, is that some redpilled cucks still worship television and movies and have netflix shit.


And a right wing death squad.

Yeah, if it was a white boy she had gone with, I'm sure he'd be able to provide for her.

Kids do stupid shit. The answer isn't to throw them to the curb when they do.

kys kike

Race mixing is one of the most heinous acts someone can commit. It's genocide they're committing.

No mercy.



trips confirm this

She's a shitskin

Fake you and your wife's death. Move to a secluded area with some other "dead" people.

We heat hamburgers.


The whole thing sounds fake as shit.

Putting words in other people's mouths now, are we?

Right, just like smoking is like committing suicide.

What he should have done is talk to her in private and redpill her. Instead he yelled at her, made a scene and alienated her, cementing her as a future coal burner. When you have kids (and you better have some if you're going to cry genocide when whites have kids with non-whites), I hope you have the brains to talk to them about that shit instead of throwing a tantrum in public.




If you look closely, there is a jew alongside the browns helping to oppress the White Man.

Yes, before-hand, just like I'm sure he did and she went ahead and did it anyway. Women more than anything are afraid of being ostracized, disowning her is the proper punishment. If she knows the consequences and does it anyway then she absolutely deserves what she gets.




can someone post the BUUUGS version
"You ding-dong ditched the wrong neighborhood"
What ever happened to robot jones buuugs user and travis user?

Yuuka has a very nice body.

She is a child.

user, I think you have a great many excellent films left to view in your life.

She is a nigger lover

It's always a fake if there's a gofundme involved.

She is at least 17. Fuck off.

Even as a child in grade school I knew that Jews were bad news.
Back in my day jews were made fun of in school, with people throwing up the roman salute for shits just to mock the jews in school.
Kids these days are cucked as fuck and will never truly grow up as kids, but as insulated zog-bots.

These days that could mean she and her buck living next to her father, all paid for by the state to promote integration.

Nobody fucking talks like this. This is as real as Patton Oswalt's wife is anymore.

IF this is real The mother very well could have blocked him, and his influence, in the daughter's life.

Except for clintons fucking it up with their degenerate ways.

Oh, would it not be most terrible if she lost her life to that nigger and all the virtue signalers had a little more explaining to do.

Alec Guinness is one of the most known British actors of all time, he was in Lawrence of Arabia and Bridge over River Kwai, was surprised he was in Star Wars tbh.

thots are fucking NPCs

The best part is he was like you know well you cunt. She wrote that knowing she'd be going public.

seems legit

She deserves the rope.

She's a whore. Her father should shoot her.


A muzzie dad would throw acid in her face.

The new version of the GED is POZZED with common core fuckery.

A Jew would save shekels on acid and just wait a while for the nog to do it

Time to call Dr. Nagarwala.

Daddy issues!
==Here actually her whole family would disown her, shun her like jehova's witnesses. Some stupid aunt or something, would try to be a middleman/traitor.
not acceptable, I support the parents
I'd likely kill the niglet, if it was one of my sisters, me or my brother

Yes Yes, before you scream honor killing, we do this too, not only the shitskins, but it's more common with shunning. Kike media can kike all they want, they will never take the norse out of the norseman, we were occupied over 400 years, liberated by russia in 1814.
There is a reason why the danes call us, mountain apes
Stubbornness is in our genes, like fishing, whale gassing and baby sell stomping.
Not social acceptable AT ALL, this dishonor would affect and humiliate the family as bad as it can get, most would prefer that she was killed by the niglet

It's only a matter of time before the nigger genetics make it so.

I'd be willing to bet this was staged because of a few things:

1) This wouldn't be the first time some cunt tried to slander her father or family to get gibs
2) if the dad didn't know they were going to prom, then the father is absent from the home. No parent misses their child's prom. So if the father is removed from the situation, that means the parents must be divorced, and if they are divorced, and the father is still unaware, then the girl must live with her mother. As anyone who has read "The Garbage Generation" can tell you, that's about the worst thing you can do is leave a child solely in the care of the mother.
3) Notice how little she says and how much her father says.
Meanwhile the father goes on a tirade. Havent we seen that old meme that says that's the basis of all political cartoons? Display your side as either the victim of a wrongdoing or as the calm, cool, and collected side (if not both) while portraying your opposition as the oppressors and the hotheads of the bunch. This hits that right on the head.

tl;dr I don't buy it, but even if it did happen, I side with the father. She deserves it

What you have inherited from your ancestors(Odel), you must earn before you can own.
Long live the German people, Long live the German Reich, Hail the Victory

Man, I feel another Hitler & Göbbels round is coming, what a speaker. 10/10 when you workout, part if you shoot testo or testo eth, my damn that kicks. Without any doubt the best speaker in modern times, maybe since Óðinn him self.

I didn't read the OP, so I didn't see that they admit the father was absent from the home. I've seen this shit on faceberg all day, and that's how I know about it
I don't take pleasure in knowing I was right

Severely underrated posts

It's not the same cunt that dishonored her parents on twitter last year or before? It's another one right?

isnt arkansas crawling with niggers?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Looks like Tyrone will move on to the next mark now that this one has no more pocketmoney for chickenwings.

oh yeah Soros

Why do faggots on here always assume its staged when whites act in their own self interest?
If anything I'm surprised we don't see more shit like this. Not wanting your daughter blacked is the minimum requirement to not being considered totally cucked.
Either way she is proving him right by sharing the text online.

There is no discussion, you fucking autist.

Look the funny thing though, she went to the media with this. The nigger will run away in what a year? 3 months.

Then she becomes cat lady, no human male will touch her

You want to make a movie about lesbians?

I was bored and watched After Earth last month. As faggy as he looks in your pic, he was an even bigger sissy in that movie.

>isnt arkansas earth crawling with niggers?


Get in the oven pedo. If you even think about looking at a child a day under 17 you will be gassed.

That seems like a good way to raise daddy issues.
What, are you going to lock her in a chastity belt or something?

What do you want then? Beating her with a closed fist? Choking her? Whipping her like a nigger?

That's a very low energy photoshop job on the text messages. Lazy nigger.

This is probably a money-making scam tbh.

I thought we lived in a country where the president wanted to fry the gays and gas the niggers

The writing style is almost as distinctive as the hook nose.

Because it always is, newfag? Here's a better question: when has it NOT been staged? It's a fucking meme for crying out loud.

I think most kids would freak out a little if they hear they're about to be cut off from their parents

Posting it online for it to go viral = 99% of the time staged

Someone start a gofundme for the dad. Poor guy

user, if you're still here, I've just googled and started reading the garbage generation and it's amazing. Many thanks for the name drop.

Are you people some kind of bluepilled cucks or something? Why would this be fake? This is exactly how anyone from here would react in this scenario, disowning your daughter and telling them to never show their face around you anymore.
What about this would make you think it's fake? Unless, you are some kind of T_D redditor cuckold who thinks race mixing is not the most evil crime in existence?

this is what I plan to do

What the fuck is going on here? Why is the thread full of retards claiming it's fake because it doesn't make sense for the father to be angry that his daughter is a RACE MIXING RACE TRAITOR WHORE?
Are you fucking braindead? The father should be exterminating his daughter, he's a very patient man to just disown her.

You're right, the answer to race mixing is to kill them and free this world of their evil. Disowning is too soft of a punishment for the supreme crime.

I bet the Jew boy came up with the idea of manipulating the shitskins into beating up the kid and taking this photo too.


this this is fake ass whore shit.

You're the one who will be gassed and the crime is being as colossally stupid as you are.
17 years old is not a child you retard. Neither is a 15 year old. There is nothing wrong with say, a 25 year old man marrying a 15 year old woman and having children with her. The age for marriage is determined by if the woman is old enough to be able to have children. Not by some number. Different people go through puberty at a different age.

This stinks of false flag…

Fits the stereotype of the "dumb evil racist".

Now, a word of caution to newer Holla Forumsacks, I've seen my fair share of false flags where they take something seemingly innocent like this and blow it up over the media.

If you're going to disown you're thot of a daughter, at least explain why she's contributing to the demographic displacement of their own people and as a father, tell her why you're concerned for their own fucking safety..

This shit is what the media loves! It gives the stereotype of us lot as foolish racists who are just racist for the edgyness.

I refuse to aknowledge people who are racist without actually knowing why. Just because they're "superior". No that's not an argument, we know it's true but it's the worst thing to say, taking a defensive stance and being agianst white genocide is far more effective than saying something like "Fucking niggers!" as far as normies are concerned…

This really fucking stinks of false flag… If it was true, the media will have their fun regardless, they won't tell people about when the thot gets raped and then perhaps beaten/killed… That will be memoryholed for sure!



Fuck off you retarded cucks. The father was in a state of anger, if this happened to you, you would not be able to calmly explain to your daughter why they did wrong and why they need to be disowned.
This is clearly not a false flag, and the father is 100% right.

It's an obvious crowdfunding scam, if the dad even exists I bet he's in on this.

No one gets to old enough to go to prom without knowing their dad is that racist, I call bullshit.

Fuckin oath only a retard would fall for this shit

Well said. I can see why you got dubs.

I smell fake too, but this can be a teachable point. We can use this father's incoherent and probably fake ranting as an entryway to explaining displacement and white genocide. It's also a good way to raise white girls' awareness of what happens when you go black.

We all have a hard road ahead of us within our own families. Something like this is going to have to become normal, as our ancestors cast out the fallen girls among their families who "went native" and started fucking the slaves and Indians. It's heartbreaking, but so is a mulatto grandchild and a daughter who has to move back in with you because she's not married.

Of course, if Based Dad here had actually explained all the problems with miscegenation, it would have made sense and the story wouldn't have gone viral.

Text/SMS messages are so easy to fake. And what kind of girl would air her family's dirty laundry out in public, assuming this is true?

Yes, but most people here are teenagers and socially awkward young adults larping as older men. Parents in their forties rarely text like angry internet manchildren. They have their own brand of retardation.

The same type of girl that fucks niggers, dude. That's the only part of this story that isn't fishy. The fishy part is how insanely stereotypical everything out of daddo's mouth is. "You're a racist" "Yeah I am". Nobody, absolutely fucking nobody, talks like that to their kids.

t. faggot with kids that's as racist as a human can get

Exactly. Make more children and avoid cultural marxist education… If possible…

Notice how the girl's only argument was "racist much?" as if it's wrong to protect your daughter…

OK so riddle me this, if the father was not to rage like he did, would the girl be able to post such screenshots and get lots of shekels for a crowdfunding scam? I still hold what I say, she's going to get raped and possibly beaten and the father will still be called a racist, if this is even real, she'll likely say "Why didn't you warn me?" and regret everything… Women shouldn't be able to ruin themselves like this. It's sickening.

Exactly my point. This is the type of shit they have strawman villains and bad guys in fucking talmundvision programs, the "edgy evil racist"… No one I've met ever speaks like that, and I know a lot of /ourguys/

She has already committed the greatest crime, she deserves to be raped and murdered by nogs now. It would be tragic if she gets off without justice being enacted.

"U R racist, lol" is not an argument. When the dominant cultural narrative is that whites have no race, and that any racial identity talk from whites is as wrong as can be, the people who support it don't have to think at all.

Father: "I don't want you to lower yourself to sleep with niggers."
Daughter: "Dad! OMG! That's so racist!!!!"
Father: "Maybe so, but niggers have much higher STD rates than whites, and domestic violence is far higher when you're living with them. Also, he won't marry you, and he won't wear a condom, so you're almost certain to get stuck with a kid you can't support. While we're at it, I'll remind you that we're white, and that miscegenation threatens to further reduce our numbers. Our fine civilization is in decline worldwide, and when you were born I dreamed of the beautiful white family you would someday bring into the world."
Daughter: "OMG, Dad! Like, SOOOOOOOO racist!!!!!"
Jew: Jewing intensifies

You're right. We should all be advocating black-on-white rape. Thanks a bunch, Rabbi!


Where's the story?

One of the worst strawman arguments I have seen you kikes use. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see I said race mixers deserve to be raped by niggers. Which is true. We should advocate for that. We DO advocate for that. Race mixers deserve to suffer and to have their lives utterly destroyed.

Mystery meat hidden behind makeup.
And yes, tis a false flag by my reckoning.
She wrote both sides of the conversation.

Honestly, your post is so incredibly unintelligent I have to respond to it twice. How were you able to become so stupid that you have this level of trouble understanding a sentence? There is no other explanations than either you are sub 70 IQ or you are a Jew who frequents Holla Forums in order to call everyone else a Jew.


Feminist infiltrator or one of their save-a-hoe drones.

You're right, the poster I replied to is in fact somewhat likely Sinead the Whore of Satan herself.

Controlling language is so important and its as simple as using easy words. Switching 'prejudiced' to 'wacist' gives the blacks and cucked whites a stick to beat us with.

Its good to be highly prejudiced against blacks. We really need to resegrate and whites vacate Atlanta and Alabama (black belt) in exchange for no blacks in the rest of the nation.

This was the top story on yahoo news got redirected there, dont judge. Coincidentally every single crime/negative story there was about whites.

I call bullshit on this story, it seems every time these go fund me things are a con to steal gullible idiot's money.

It has been my experience that 100% of the posters who advocate for niggers raping whites – under any circumstances at all – are either kikes or cryptos who think they can post here and move the needle toward acceptance of the act.

So, let's get this straight as an arrow, Moses: Black dick does not belong in white pussy. Ever. I do not care if the white woman is a murderer or an arsonist. I don't care if she's Muslim. I don't care if she's a big, sloppy-fat SJW whore who's actively undermining our future for virtue points. It is literally never acceptable for a nigger to put his hands on her.

You fucking got that, you goddamn yid? Hang on, I'll translate it into your native Hebrew for you:

גברים שחורים אולי לא אונס נשים לבנות.

And in your second language, Yiddish, just so there's no misunderstanding:

Shvarts mentshn zal nit shendung vays veyber.

Got that, Rabbi? Now go away and tell the rest of your synagogue that Holla Forums is harder to infiltrate than you thought.

Normally when women do this kind of shit the only reason they pull through is from daddies money. With a father like this there's a real chance she'll learn a lesson.

Unfortunately cucks world wide are trying to stop this lesson from being learned with gofundme, but unless it nets her millions, I've seen how fast niggers blow through money.

Fuck I even expect some domestic abuse when she tries to keep her pet nigger from bankrupting them.

I once knew a man who caught his daughter with a nigger in his own house. He killed them both. He was doing life without parole, but said he'd do it again in a heartbeat.
People called him Fig Newton, because he reminded them of the guy in the Fig Newton commercial. They didn't call him that to his face, however. He'd have killed them.

I don't have time to read the ramblings of a delirious Rabbi who is trying to trick Aryans into thinking that race mixing whores do not deserve to suffer in any and every way possible.
There exists zero value in race traitors. Involve yourself with subhumans, and you are no longer a white person, and the rules applied to whites by white society do not apply to you. You getting raped by niggers is irrelevant, because you are no longer one of us.

What's that phrase again where if you let multiple men cum in you their seed will slightly affect any offspring you may have?

Of course there is a financial aspect in those few texts, to make the credulous morons more likely to shell out money. Dollars to donuts this is fake as shit.

Mississippi is like niggertopia In 10 years, Blacks will control every institution.


i don't know if she's pure white or not but she is certainly fat as fuck, the pictures are fat angles and the makeup tries and fails to hide it.

makeup can't hide fat.


Entertaining but all this is going to do is entrench her in coal burning, especially with the media validation. Never rant and rave without a purpose anons, if you want really make someone hurt/correct their course, you express quiet but pointed disappointment. Insert the knife slowly and twist it until the pain becomes overwhelming and they break. Let this guy serve as a cautionary tale, if he had been a proper father she wouldn't be fucking apes in the first place.

I bet the bitch put a heart on top JUST BEFORE taking pics of the text message.
either thator what user said

The child is a single mother result. He didn't raise her because the woman got the custody.

We used to burn them at the stake, but we've gone soft.

you overestimate liberals

Doesn't excuse his inability to keep his daughter from degenerating.

While I completely agree he is negligent, the true and bigger culprit is probably the single mother letting her be a complete slut and giving no good parental figure of how to be a lady.
Also, probably her school/liberal media.

Christcucks used to burn Aryan women who refused to worship a Jew at the stake.
Not comparable. Though I do agree that race mixers should be burned at the stake. It would actually be moral, unlike burning Europas most loyal women at the stake like Christcucks did.


I don't think these faggots realize how many millions agree with the dad on this one. More manufactured kosher outrage from a really suspicious story.

Her father must think there's a chance she'll learn a lesson. Otherwise he would have just gone ghost. Let her figure out on her own why her credit card and other stuff stopped working.

Prob gonna be preggo in 6 months, gain 30 pounds, have no job, milk off the government's tit for the rest of her life, pop out another 6 nignog kids all from diff tyrone's. she is gonna cost us at least a million by the time she od's when she is 45.

well she will be pregnant soon enough, raising a disgusting half breed on social security, the nog will have left quickly after insemination.

, I remember the picture of a family with three couples and their parents, 2 white couples one black and white, the black dude left next year. The pain in dads eyes says enough.

Is nigger semen nigger colored with nigger taste?


Go fuck a hose and die when your guts poop out your ass instead.

Based reaction from the dad, though i have to wonder how she ended up going to prom with a nigger. There must have been some fault in her upbringing.

One of my high school teachers was an obese jewess who stopped the entire class to yell at all of us because she heard someone (possibly not even in our class) make a joke about jews. Yelling, almost in tears, she wasted our classtime to guilt-trip and indoctrinate us because she heard a mean joke and SHE'S JEWISH so the joke was about HER! Public schools are in the toilet.

If they can fake a rape, surely they can fake a text message.

you are wrong


How fucked up do you have to be to share with the entire world text chains of your dad disowning you for being a coalburning whore?

Even putting the racemixing aside, I'd be fuckign embarassed to let anyone know that I'd been disowned by my own family. Nothing is more shameful than that. Purposefully making that public is utterly baffling to me.

This is probably fake to be honest, vertue signaling stunt to get sjw points and a fat check from gofundme.

The coalburning whore probably isn't fake. Nor is actual disgust from her father. But the shown text chains probably are fake.

1) If you were truly being disowned by your family, why would you share this with national news?
2) Notice how the "dad" specifically mentions cutting off her phone and insurance. Isn't that a bit strange to mention in the heat of the moment like that? Not that the act itself would be strange, but to state it in such a way. Especially when the "dad" doesn't even seem to talk like an adult, and instead texts like a teenager.

Conclusion: she's a coalburning whore who's pissed off at daddy, and decided to seek national attention by faking some text conversations. She specifically mentions losing access to daddy's wallet in order to garner overt sympathy and get lots of money from beta white knights. It's Anita all over again, more or less. boohoo I'm a victim pls gibe monies :^)


Good idea. Start with the hate-statistics. The higher rate of rape, getting beaten, STDs and AIDS, rate of poverty, statistics involving lack of poverty for mixed children. Follow with how they'll be kicked out of the white social group, lose all their friends, and be alone, the only white girl in the hood. Nobody's teaching young girls any sense right now, and it would be wise to teach the future women of our race a bit of common sense.

It would be nice if there were some way to prevent this from occurring in the first place.

Probably a divorce case if real

Sure, I'm willing to believe that. The father probably disowned her on a phonecall in reality but they weren't able to fake that so they manufactured some fake text messages.

Go back to sleep, Andrew Gleason.

what Jew?

Exactly. The father would have discussed this in person or over the phone. Not via text, for sure. And if it was via text, he wouldn't have texted using such adolescent mannerisms or talking about cutting off her insurance.

That's a non-sequiter, kike, but well done on showing your hand. Someone else is going in the oven soon enough.

Jesus? That is why those women were burned. "Being a witch" was just an excuse by Jew worshippers that they used to call anyone who still practiced native European religions.

Nice WEBM of yourself. All Christcucks are going in the oven soon enough. There will be no Jew worship in future Europa.

Jesus, a Jew…

I see nothing wrong with what the father did and I still think its fake.

Videos are also effective. But they have to be recordings of real people.
My father wanted to prevent me from ever trying hard drugs, so he showed me a documentary which was just a reel of clips from the most disgusting ghetto and the most disgusting crackhouses I've ever seen. It included clips of the most hideous, disgusting sheboons I've ever seen sucking dick for crack. That left a lasting impression on me. I don't remember what area it took place in though.

He would have fucking shouted down the phone at her, it would have been the same. When you are that angry making the better philosophical points doesn't happen. You literally just want to call them subhuman. It's not a public debate.

Definitely this. Tyrone was fucking the shit out of this dumb whore on the first "date". Whats fake is the dad outrage part.

You… you do realize he was a Jew? Literally the entire population of the kingdom he was born in were Jews, both genetically and mentally… They even called the kingdom Judaea… Just because he created a new religion of his own does not make him any less a kike, he most definitely had a big ugly hook nose, black soulless eyes, curly greasy hair and an evil sadistic mind hellbent on destroying Roman civilization by subverting them with a cult that promotes weakness, Christcuckoldry.


Yes, he would've been screaming on the phone at her. Not texting and talking about canceling insurance. No one would discuss this over text like this.

has to be fake. If this dad was this based, he would take her away from the nigger at the prom as soon as he found out. or take her as soon as her home and try to talk some sense into her, not have a text war with her so she can paint herself a victim and get loads of attention from white knights and nigger lovers.

fake and gay

Oh fuck right off Chaim, yes miscegenators may be lost but ANY nigger that touches a white woman for ANY reason must be put down. is right and you know it.

And furthermore, the holocaust is a damn hoax. There were deaths in the prison/labor camps, but they were caused by an epidemic of Typhus exacerbated by starvation and allied destruction of supply routes. Typhus is spread by lice, and Zyklon B is a de-lousing agent. At the concentration required to kill a person, the gas chambers by design would not have even been able to contain the gas successfully. Ovens were used to destroy the clothing, sheets, etc of Typhus victims in an effort to halt the epidemic, and possibly to cremate those who died from the disease. The ovens could not possibly have been used in a mass extermination. Even modern ovens running 24/7 can't reach anywhere near the supposed rate of cremation that supposedly occurred at Auschwitz. No mass graves were ever discovered. Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials showed signs of torture, and the Jewish man who 'interrogated' the head of Auschwitz later admitted in his published book that he tortured a confession from him. Germans kept no details whatsoever of any plan to get rid of Jews, and much of their documentation of the prison camps contradicts the myth of the holocaust. The only evidence for the holocaust is testimonies from supposed survivors of supposed death camps. Several other hoaxes (like Jew soap and skin lampshades) were just recently proven to be false. Likewise, the showers and gas chambers are simply products of equal parts hysteria and propaganda. In the past century, elite Jews have profited enormously from the myth of the holocaust, and holocaust denial is illegal in several European countries. Truth does not fear investigation. The holocaust is a lie.

The National Alliance used to disseminate flyers about the problems with miscegenation. We should be doing the same. Prevention of an illness is worth more than the cure.


Yes, and? At no point have I said anything contradicting that. The niggers can be allowed to rape and kill race mixing whores, and after that the niggers will be executed for their deeds and general niggery.
You really are UNINTELLIGENT, huh? Like, remarkably so? You seem to just invent things nobody has said and pretend that others said them, just so you could have your moment of impotent rage at others. Really pathetic, you're no different from a nigger really.

That's how the latest tactic of WN groups disseminating college campus flyers started, actually. It started when some user put up a bunch of statistics on niggers regarding crime rates, rape statistics, divorce rates, IQ stats, etc etc etc. And all the pictures were plastered with smug pepe. It caused a huge shitstorm on whatever campus that happened on. I think it was Wisconsin.

Can you pos that twitter in this thread, Im banned and can't do it.boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/124348569#p124351113

Yes rabbi, that's exactly what I would do. She makes the dumb mistake to racemix and be a coalburner, not me.

'Allowing' them to do it clearly implies they don't get executed for it. Did you perhaps think we wouldn't notice? The way you type is fucking grating too, the image of a kike getting flustered and defensive is impossible to miss.



No, it does not. Not to a sane person it doesn't. A sane Holla Forumsack would realize all negroes will get purged no matter what they have done or not done. But to you, with your condition and all… yeah, I see why you get so confused all the time. It's a real tragedy, what your brain is suffering from. I'm afraid there's no cure for lack of intelligence.

She totally has daddy issues.

lol this trash wants to fuck daddy

She did date White men but now she seems to be another brainwashed zog drone.

found the niggers instagram


Saw this on 4cuck. So here bf let her go to prom with this nigger beast?

Jesus christ I fucking hate niggers' sense of "fashion". They always wear the tackiest shit and try to out-loud each other with increasingly bizarre and clownish colors. You fucking never see white people doing this shit with gawdy bright red/green/purple dress clothes.

check and see if he is the military, getting black snake moan vibes from this bitch

Oh stop cucking you easily biased moralfags. Think more meta.

1. This seems like a simple (fake) story.
2. Posted here, where people will side with the "good guy."
3. This "good guy" uses no arguments.
4. This "good guy" is not in his daughter's life.
5. This "good guy" buys his daughter's love by paying for rebellious things like unlimited cellphone use.
6. This "good guy" updates himself on her life over facebook, and not even a face to face conversation.
8. I doubt the purity of either of the parents, kid looks hapa.

7. This man is the definition of wigger. This child is what a "I don't't want to give up the freedom of life (to smoke pot, sleep around) to like raise a kid, man" breeds.

8. Everyone involved in this situation either needs a hypnotically induced good childhood, or to be cast out of our communities.
How can you support this guy he didn't raise his own kid and then provides no substantive argument against mixing, proving that he's a fixed midset wigger who probably spends his days pretending he's still 25.

Nobody needs to lock their kid inside.

To avoid this happening to you:
1. Cultivate a growth mindset.
2. Express how good values are enacted to your kids.
3. Watch them realise that a very specific subspecies of humanity maintains such a mindset and values. Don't push it.
4. Expose them to a little bit of research why the rare "based black" is still not a good life companion.
5. Go hiking with grandkids. Explain process to kid when they are old enough to apply it to their own kids.

where's the bunker

Excellent advise. It's also simply important to teach your kids about race (not talking about getting autistic about genetics and stats, obviously) but just make sure they know how niggers act and why it's important to be proud of your race.

I believe that the cases of "racist parent gets pissed off because daughter turns into a coalburner" is obviously a symptom of bad parenting. But more specifically than that, these parents were probably fooled by society into keeping their mouths shut about race and never discussing it with their kids. So naturally, 16 years later when their kids start racemixing, they lose their shit, but the kids were never taught why they shouldn't do it. They only ever got half the story from ZOG media and good goy school. They never had their fathers actually talk to them about why they don't want them associating with niggers.

I havent seen any military evidence but the lad is a bible thumping football player.


Where did the father go?

Maybe the mudslimes are on to something with the whole honor killing thing?

hahaha "brokenhearted" huh, she is gonna have that little present from tyrone to keep her company though.

her in 5 years,
related jewgle search: lmgtfy.com/?t=i&q=fat white women

That's the point, max you teach them about is to be proud of their family history.

You don't touch race, because if you've taught them good morals and how to think right, it's obvious.
the truth is obvious for people who know how to think
but if you only express these values in proportion to the child's expression of them as a method of reinforcement, the zog indoctrination rebellion is never triggered.

Teenage rebellion only occurs in societies that treat teenagers like big children, not when teenagers are treated like slightly stupid adults.
You teach them to be moral, to love themselves and their people, and to be not-stupid and they'll become racist themselves. Most importantly you have to be there, because a child's love for their people comes from their love of their family's stability.

Unless you can't into basic psychology in which case I presume you are not racist based on fact, but based on ingroup mentality, and I have to say that you're the third against the wall on the day of the rope, because eugenics works.

You might be right in the sense that they didn't reward it when their child expressed it.

Also I got my sayings mixed up.

90% sure it's fake, she and Jamal just found an easy way to scam SJWs. If her father actually gave a shit about her, she wouldn't be living seperately. Good chance that the mother also helped set this up in order to win child support / custody.

Prison, most likely, or shot by another nog.

I disagree. It's easy even for smart people with good parents to fall for the egalitarianism meme. It's simply because they never were taught our POV growing up. And these kids end up thinking ridiculous shit like "hurr durr our parents and grandparents had this completely arbitrary and irrational hatred of black people just because they had dark skin and nappy hair!". This is legitimately what is taught in schools and in society. They're never taught WHY people didn't like shitskins.

And I think it's important to teach your children these things. Otherwise they'll just see you as irrationally "racist" like some stereotype that just hates shitskins for no reason. They need to know why. And personally, I'd rather they be taught rather than having to naively find out for themselves upon going to some nigger-infested school. I know I wish I knew niggers were as bad as they were before I ended up going to a middle school that was 50% black.

Absolutely agreed. And the meme of "don't put your foot down or be assertive with your children or else they'll just do the exact opposite of what you want" if just kike propaganda designed to prevent you from ever speaking out.

Do your part as a parent: raise a troll.

You're lucky if your daughter isn't fucking niggers. Her parents are Axl Rose and Madonna. You can't compete with that kind of bombardment.

In the 80's and 90's this would be true, grandpa

I see where you're coming from, user, but I still say that to avoid auto-triggered rebellion, it's best to reinforce it when the child expresses it and not express it yourself when they don't.

"Wow, T stole my toy he's such a nog"
"Well, yes, and stats are on your side buddy, but we're not allowed to say it."

Most of the egaltarians I know never looked at the data, and neither did their parents. They've simply been prohibited from thinking about it before they thought about it.

If you really want to expose your child to a source of racism, namedrop a rightwing site as as "somewhere your son should never go", or accidentally leave out a book your daughter's "not old enough to read."

This is what my parents did with me and television. They'd dissect each show and advertisement, pointing out the ways the television was being manipulative. At the time I hated it, but hating it didn't stop me from learning from it.


Based as fuck, that guy deserves so much respect. If this had happened a century earlier he might have been able to kill the nigger and get away with it but sadly we live in the current era.

Duh, thanks for the correctiongrandpa

how does this prove that its fake?


The texts don't seem genuine, they just so happen to mention finances being cut off, and she pins a tweet begging for shekels. It's a fucking ruse.

I do that to my girlfriend every fucking day lel

what in that picture even provides circumstantial evidence? i'm not seeing it.

parents just dont understand

I don't understand why we aren't writing our own comedies like this, Curb Your Enthusiasm for White Nationalists. Breakthrough into the consciousness.


Just want to add, just mock, laugh and shame her for lowering herself to an ugly nignog. Make her feel bad that she picked the lowest of the low. That's the only thing that will incite reaction and make her feel a tinge of remorse. Mocking and jokes are the best tool of the right.

Do you have a copy of the flyer? We should do this more often. Holla Forums's problem is short attention spans. We need to keep up the pressure on all fronts.

lets get sam hyde on it. Ive actually thought about this too. Just the crazy hyjinks Ive gotten myself into dating, work relationships, family bs, and redpilling my friends over some boxed wine has been fucking hilarious, honestly. Its gotten crazy, ive been thrown out of a bar for being a "nazi", gotten in a couple fights over it but its mostly been positive things and even women are ok with white nationalism if spoon fed correctly. A tv show about this would be amazing.

That might work with your children or if we controlled the mass media. However we do not at this time. So we should instead be brainstorming on how best to change the zeitgeist so that the normies will do our shaming for us.


Freud was a rape victim and a incestuous rapist and pedophile.

What a waste of dubs, but I bet she's giddy as a fucking schoolgirl that people are saying because of her father they'll help pay her college. It's only going to perpetuate the lie even more until it's either confirmed that the Dad did send that it or's all a scam.

what a vile disgusting wench.

Come come giant Asteroid.

sorry I don't speak nigger


It doesn't matter whether the texts were invented. All asking for shekels to combat racism is a scam.

He had already failed at raising her by then, any resulting mulatto children are his fault.

I mean assuming it isn't fake, though.

Hi 7chan

The only one who did nothing wrong was Hitler.


It took me a moment to notice what was going on. But I think it's worth pointing out that this is the endpoint of American hedonism, braindead degenerates seeking out "thicc thots" and "big shit dick" It's the Big Mac culture, they're brainwashed into poisoning themselves through marketing. From a detached perspective it's morbidly hilarious.

It must've hit him real hard when he realized this.
It's interesting that if you mix White races (who are of course much closer genetically) the kids still look like the parents, but with a nigger it always results in a brown nigger.

Oy vey! It's the white man's fault, goyim. If only he was just a nicer guy to her she would have seen definitely avoided those pesky negroes.

This is what happens when your wife divorces you and raises your kid with a black. Young girls look up to their moms to see how they behave. From her she learned that white authority figures, like her dad, must be cucked and that she must look up to black men as leaders. Imagine being cucked by your wife and then having your daughter run off and get blacked. His anger is very, very tame actually. UNTIL OUR WOMEN ARE PUT IN THEIR PLACE THERE WILL BE NO CHANCE AT TAKING BACK OUR LANDS.


hi alex

No, having daughters in this climate is a mistake, unless you live in an all white area, you should only be having boys.

Do you know something we don't? What spells are you casting that make all your children be boys and none girls?

im a little ashamed it took me a minute to realize that it was "whore" they were censoring

Sex-seletive abortion maybe ?

Depending on the day there's a higher chance of the baby being a boy. There's no certainty though.

What the fuck is with this latest fad?

That's no fair wager when odds are 100 to null

that's a filter that you can use on snapchat. I don't know why people like it.

Yeah I know that, I see it fucking everywhere on social media and all I can think of is what children these people are. I only see it on fucking adults too.

that's the one, thx


Excellent. Subvert any rebellious instinct they might have and use it for positive purposes. Use the kikes' tools against them.

Vid related

Be the best person you can. Others will admire and look to you and seek your approvement. Lead by example!

Welcome to current year.

Didn't this happen months ago? Or is this a copycat of something that happened months ago? I KNOW there was another coalburner that did this exact same thing, and surprise surprise got a gibsmeshekels campaign that gave her thousands of dollars.

Remove yourself, cuck. There is nothing good about a white person racemixing. Ever.

Just like those 30 year old somalis, right cuckkold?

Stop using nigger terms.

It's the current year, anons. There are people who broadcast their entire lives and family's lives on youtube because they get ad revenue shekels from it and get to be just like those "reality tv" "stars" that Shekelbergstein produced.


Oh fuck off shekelberg, you can't do shit when you're forcibly divorced, most of your money and the house you bought with only your own money are sent off to some whore because she's got two X chromosomes and no other qualifier, and she gets to keep and raise the kid. You're delusional.

Is there a version that doesn't blur out the names like some redditfag made it?



Holy fuck, race mixing was a mistake
Why do this to yourself?

This poster is obviously a woman who fucked a nigger in her teenage years and is trying to rationalise it as a silly childhood mistake in hopes she will be forgiven.

Does anyone have that National Alliance flyer about the dangers of miscegenation?

Father is a failure as a parent, she got to that age not being race aware, then reacts after the fact; too fucking late dipshit.

Kim Kardashian or one of her whore sisters or whatever like to use it since it makes you look "cute" so now every good goy has to use it.

Fantastic OC, user.

The attitude of this disgusting, entitled little whore in talking to her father is fucking incredible.

Deserves a fucking slap.

More like in a casket.

She is nothing.

Why would you think she wrote both sides of the conversation?

also, would fugg


Best way to spread Red Pills to people incapable of rational reasoning is "passive red pilling". This is basically what globalist propaganda was until went all out on killing white people and fucking niggers for that matter.

It's simple. Especially with kids. You don't tell them "niggers are bad", but tech them the mental tools so they automatically come to this conclusion by themselves. This is most power because people feel it was their own decision.

You can do this with kids using a wide array of topics. Take social and financial security. By teaching them how to accomplish things like that, thet will automatically perceive not only niggers but also idiots als bad choices for relationships and marriages.

Earlier or later, their mental world will collide with propaganda in schools and college. If you didn't teach them well enough, so their motivation and moral compass isn't attached to their emotions, they will eventually flip and become sjw.

There is a reason why poor people are more racist. Not only because they are dumb, but because they learn shit the hard way. This kind of experiences will last life long the more greave they are.

But the most important thing when it comes to kids is a stable family. Kids pick up sublime behavioral things the mother and do with each other and with other people. A father who is not caring (not the pussy way) will always mold children towards shallow relationships. This is the reason why kikes are attacking families.

To underline my superior knowledge, I will atach a generic video.

Sorry about that Psyjewlogy degree mate.


This works. My parents who already had 2 boys used this technique to have a girl.


The fact that her father didn't perform an honor killing shows how boomers are the biggest god damn cuckold traitors under the sun.

The car ride through the ghetto is a rite of passage every self-respecting white father and their children has to go through.

I didn't make it.

They really need to quit advertising their power level. Any place that takes a public stand will be beat into submission by the jew and flooded with subhuman garbage.
I want to live there someday, or someplace like it.

You can almost pinpoint the moment when the old man completely breaks. Fucking jews stole his son, and with it goes all of his purpose, his dreams and his life's work.

Based Dad.

I'll buy him a gift on Father's Day.

fixed that for you.
spot the jew with their disgusting fan fiction about getting revenge on christ and his yet again.

Only a kike could ever call himself god. Christcucks are the poison used to cripple Europe.

This is heartbreaking.

Holy fuck that's savage.
Just like the nigger she chose to burn coal with.

I guess she's going to pay the toll in several installments.


Maximum toll

just letting you know that deniro is a kike. it's completely fine if he ruins his lineage with monkeys

The face of a soulless animal

This user got it. But not so mystery. Pic related. Her father is hapa, mother Injun. She is spic, simple as that.
whole fucking thing is fake propaganda
t. classifier

This is to spread to normies, they will get it at a gut level. Saying that would just confuse them.

If we gave any land up at all, why not just tell them to resettle in the the spicland southwest, and we don't care what happens?

I like that. If you use White Power by GLR or something like that it would already be extra taboo.

Niggers call each other dawg all the time sooo….

you know that is ACDC from Jojo, right?

Oh you're right anons, thanks for correcting me. I didn't realize that sending a bunch of ranting, pointless texts that the media will then turn into a piece of propaganda was the wisest course of action. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

You're fucking retarded if you think he accomplished anything other than to give the media a hammer to beat him with and his daughter all the fucked up validation from everyone else she craved.

Anyone noticing the red dress?

What a whore.

He disowed his daughter, thta was all that was needed. She was ruined.



So are the ducklings that fail to learn to swim.
You know what happens to them?
They drown.

He failed big time. Tomboys tend to be far more faithful…strangely.

I bet you call pic related "wamoo", faggot

The father is a retard and he's gonna pay for it. There are numerous women doing this out of spite for their racis daddies.
Just take her on a quick tour of the ghetto and the local mall with a conceal carry permit and you make your daughter nog proof.

I bet you call Abdul "Avdol"


YTP's are still getting made. Even the older spadinner style is still incredibly popular.

Only if you go into the cities. Jonesboro and Little Rock are full of them. Live in small towns or stay out of urban areas, and you won't see them much.

dumping facebook profiles
facebook.com/anna.hayes.3517 (girl)
facebook.com/annette.b.hunnicutt (mother)
facebook.com/floyd.hunnicutt.9 (father)
facebook.com/phillip.freeman.9210 (negro)

Also Northeast Arkansas is getting fucked by flooding. My hometown pretty much got turned into a water park.


get out

>"Of the neighbors of the Bujja, Maqdisi had heard that "there is no marriage among them; the child does not know his father, and they eat people – but God knows best. As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."[4]

Al-Muqaddasi (fl. 966), Kitab al-Bad' wah-tarikh, vol.4

In case the above isn't clear, that's a quote from 966 AD.

There is though, you pretentious sperg. To most people, there is nothing wrong with miscegenation. In fact, it's actively encouraged. So when this girl burns the coal, she -her supporters included- are making an argument, a statement. Her father is also making a statement. One side is "lol, legalize love XD" and the other side is "You're dead to me"

Activate those almonds, my man.

Any time user. I know you can get the pdf off google, and there's also a copy floating around /pdf/ somewhere. Glad you enjoy, and I'm glad to have turned you on to it. Use it


lel. what was the context

o, i'm laffin

Yeah, I have to agree with other anons' assessment, this text shit is fake as fuck and it's the coalburner trying to get attention. What kind of adult speaks like that? Let alone texts their daughter? If you're pissed at your daughter for coalburning, your response is to text her, ranting like some drama queen with pithy fit-throwing? No. The dad would be pissed, but an adult male with a daughter who coalburns would show his anger in much more direct and frightening ways, that text chain sounds like a child stomping his feet.

Another thing to note is that the "dad" doesn't ever even mention is passing why what she did is wrong. That would certainly come up in the rant. But after the daughter says "I didn't do anything wrong" the reply the "dad" gives is just "shut the fuck up" and a string of insults, crafted to garner sympathy for the stupid whore.

Not like anything was lost to begin with, the instant I saw her face I knew she was trash. At some point in your life you gain the ability to instantly peg a useless bitch for exactly that, and that's all she'll ever be.

Poor Chilchak.

There's nothing unbelievable about this.

what a cuck…


He's the ultimate cuck, tbh.


kys. Race mixing is literally the worst crime any white woman can commit

First all high and mighty with "racist much" and "k" but the moment he mentions to cut the money flow she is all "din du nuffin"

Gota love that, that just proves dad right her being a whore.

But who cares its a fake ticks way too many SJW points of in a cliche way a typical rabbit whatch ya doin/badly drawn swastika story.

if these people could exploit their own kind they would do it without hesitation, they aren't racist they are sociopaths

Still enough cucks that will, they will bost her wallet and ego an she will move on to the next nigger.

She is used to this edgy shit "working" on the internete and she is used to getting attention from her echo chamber for being edgy.
Dad counters with "no more money" and she is right back in reality, like all lefties she cant put her mouth around a black dick but not where her money is.

Nothing wrong with supporting your child, but if your child inst doing anything worth while she didnt, dad took the money.

Maybe it was the upbringing maybe the electrical jew, she propably used him as an accessoire to virtue signal on FB.
Well that backfired.

This. The original meaning of "adultery" meant to procreate with a lower race, and it was so frowned upon that it was included in the 10 Commandments.

I do this, too. She's started to be unable to look past the deception. She'll even go out of her way to point it out to me when she's watching.

burn the coal pay the toll bitch


Because parents don't react that way, they usually talk in person when it comes to stuff like this and don't reply like a Holla Forums user to their children lel.