Trump excluding McMaster from meetings
It's cernokike so take this with a grain of salt.

But I fucking hope that this is true, Neocon cunt should be fired.

So Fucking moist if true.
But the fucks up with the catalog? I'm not seeing any threads about Trump and Putin's talks over the phone, or Duterte's talk with Trump or Xi.

Shills have been sliding a lot, and the french election has taken up most of the attention.
Sage for thernolispth.

People too busy raging over Colbert I guess. Almost impossible to find any kind of decent coverage the Trump & Putin call.

This means they will go back to focusing on Ivanka. Trump cannot say no to her, and she isn't nearly as smart as her father and is a woman, thus susceptible to propaganda. See Syria.

It's cernokike so I'm not taking it at all.

we had threads about those topics, but I guess good news doesn't get as much attention as bad news

even if you dont like him, he did manage to weasel his way into the white house at least once; he must have at least some connections

One job.

Why the fuck did he let him in at all? If Trump has allowed him run the show and now feels the hate he is getting from non retarded members of his base, then it's frustrating that he fucking even did it in the first place.

That's not very impressive.

Friendly reminder. Neo-Cohens go in the chopper first.


No, they'll be joining "fashy lolbergs" like you in the ovens.

Low effort shilling, Schlomo.

Great if true, OP. Trump definitely isn't the kind of guy to support the "die for Israel" foreign policy, so if his base has broken through to him on the Syria issue(and, given the fact that they managed to get a hashtag trending and force the entire shitlib press to defend Kushner, I wouldn't be surprised if we did), things are likely to get better on that front. That being said, Cerno has just made shit up before. Same as with the NYT or any other outlet that uses "anonymous sources" - don't place any bets.

Why do conservative retards in this country continue to worship the military despite the obvious role they have in the MIC, foreign policy, and domestic multicultural and warmongering propaganda? For whatever reason, it's like pulling teeth to get this subset of the population to figure out that the military is not to be blindly trusted just because it's the military.

Cernokike sucks I think he's an install cut out

Kike Cernobitch is a known LARPer, too dumb to be a hired shill, but absolutely opportunist.
Gorilla miiiiiiiiiiiind

Does it really need a thread then? I'd piss myself with joy if true, but until something more credible shows up it's just mental masturbation.

He's credible enough for a source I'd say.

His name is Thernokike.

Why does this man look like a video game character creator monstrosity where you turn the eye size control down to the lowest possible value?
