In another thread user mentioned there were mom's holding up "I love Holla Forums" signs at a recent Berkely Rally. With mother's day coming up I wanted to create a place to celebrate Holla Forums moms! How many moms are cozy af posting cute memes Holla Forums tonight?
Ladies please use this thread to discuss how you can do your part to stop white genocide and restore the patriarchy.
/mom/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Spread your legs, take white dick, give birth to more white children, shut up and make a sandwich.
Also, we dont care to hear your opinions on pretty much anything. Those opinions are usually wrong. Just shut the fuck up.
somebody has mommy issues. i'm sorry your mom is a degenerate whore user.
Great thread guys
Okay I'm outing myself as a true, honest to goodness, born female.
My boyfriend and I have been getting very serious, talking of marriage, and him joining the Natl. Guard in order to help pay off his student loans ans help us buy a house with some land. That's a step in the right direction. If we ever have kids, I'm home schooling the fuck out of them. They will be a beautiful Slavic/Germanic/Nordic mix. He's not too keen on having kids because he helped raise his sister's kids as she went through a divorce and he feels he's already "done the father thing." I'm a bit scared to have kids in the future, to be honest. But I know our genetics would make beautiful white children and we'd teach them all the right things.
thank you for your bravery ma'am. just make sure to have children earlier than later, the longer you wait the more your chances for autism and birth defects will increase. and bravo for homeschooling, the current school systems are nothing more than marxist indoctrination centers
Tits or gtfo
seriously though, good luck. user is right, earlier is better.
can we please make "shut up" be #1?
Jodie West is best mom
Mom had me at 39 and I turned out nearly okay. I'm posting on 8pol so I must be on the spectrum somewhere. Heh. I just turned 26. By the time the whole marriage, house, national guard thing works out, I'd probably be around 30. Hope and pray my eggs are still good.
you better have your first kid before you turn 30 if you have any
its better for the kid's genetics that way
Oh yeah, if anyone has any advice for me, I'd appreciate it. Talks of marriage are a new thing, so I haven't looked up all the financial details, but I assume being married first would garner the best benefits from my future husband joining the natl guard and buying a house, right?
this is the sad truth. feminism has spread the lie of mommy at any age. in reality we need to return to a time where women get married and start having babies at 18. 18 year old woman married off to a 28 year old man would be more ideal than our current situation where women waste their best years getting useless college degrees and wasting their maternal instincts on cat "children".
I bet you are genuinely enthralled by what women are blathering on about too.
More or less this way
ara ara milf threads belong on boards that are not Holla Forums.
Be sure to make your prayers to Yahweh often good goy
first off have a cheap wedding. starting off your life with a huge debt from a one night party is not smart and could lead to divorce. have a nice small wedding, the people there are what is important not the money spent on materialistic bullshit
My advice is don't ever take the pill.
It might make you infertile like quite a few women I know who are now very sad.
Also see if you can get married in vegas by a hitler impersonator.
Post pics.
Earlier than 25 or so and you risk serious birth complications nearly as bad as birth at 40.
How about returning to a time where women fell in love and got married to nice, sensible folk, first? One step at a time.
Pretty sure she means her boyo signing up, not herself.
if you can't find all the info you need on the web, consult a financial counselor
the 50 to 100 $ you will throw at him may be a wise investment
He's joining, not me. He's into the idea of defending state turf and providing disaster relief aid, as well as the financial benefits and weapon training he'd receive.
I don't care about a big fancy wedding. A visit to the courthouse and a small party hosted at our family's house is fine with me. Honey moon would probably be a road trip and car camping. I honestly hate big gatherings.
I'm nervous because my mom had me get the HPV shot at age 13 or so, I currently am on the pill (exploring different options like IUD or natural family planning methods), and in the past I miscarried once. I'm scared I fucked up my body already. Luckily I garden, eat healthy, and I'm alllll about blood and soil.
Will consider
Good job shitting up and then anchoring a pro-woman thread, faggots. The only good thing about this is knowing you won't reproduce.
t. Normal Man
This board isn't for Holla Forumslack anymore. It's a weird Russian kosher nationalist board that still has to talk about Jews in joking to keep it's vibe
Why are you scared user?
Daily reminder women can do much more for the cause than just reproducing
If she were alive today /pol would salute this one:
Almost saved Hitler's life, if he would only have listened to her
And what have we now in Germany? A land of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders. I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power … Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share – that we lost
New research in epigenetics and nutrigenomics are starting to show we can effect which genes are expressed. Check out the work of Claudia Spahr and Dave Asprey. You can do a lot to make your child healthy during pregnancy by getting certain nutrients at specific times.
Go back to Holla Forums.
(((dave asprey))) is a conartist autist, be very critical of anything he says. now granted, not everything he says is a straight up lie but just take everything he says with a grain of salt. i admire his hustle but i wouldn't trust that faggot's advice without doing additional research
Sally Fallon's work on traditional diets is much more balanced.
Diet isn't everything though. Low frequency electromagnetic radiation from laptops and phone use can cause spontaneous loss of pregnancy. There is also research being done investigating its relationship to autism.