Well, 36th consecutive year with no signs of improvement. Farewell Japan.
Well, 36th consecutive year with no signs of improvement. Farewell Japan.
Other urls found in this thread:
Japan is a country with about 1/3 the population of the United States, in an area the size of california. It should be of no surprise and no real concern that the population will decrease. It is only an issue because of pension obligations and the potential desire to import non Japanese to meet them.
So what? In an industrialized and automated nation you don't need as many people. Japan will be fine.
You're a fucking retard.
Shilling for population is homgenous areas is utter kikery. Japan is grossly overpopulated. They are the one country that doesn't need to replace one for one as they can use technology and not have a massive unemployment crisis over it, and not have to bring in trash to replace the workers.
I remember talking to my now-deceased grandfather as a young child about how he could keep on paying the bills after he stopped working. I don't think he came up with an adequate response when I immediately called it out as untenable, as much as much 6-7 year old mind could muster.
The only concerns Nippon has are the groidjin invading to find their animu brides because they were rejected by their own country's women. That then create little pitter pattering nutjobs advocating for more diversity and racemixing, causing a snowball effect.
This is a good thing, as long as it doesn't cause importation of foreigners to "compensate". Fortunately, the Japanese are appropriately nationalistic.
Pick one and only one. Infinite growth is not an option.
It's the Yakuza-esque business practices that riddle their fucking industry. If you don't work overtime in Japan you're considered a slacker. Women in Japan don't have time for relationships and men have even less. Unfortunately the retarded Nips are Jewing themselves, but it may be necessary considering the size of their landmass.
Trump and Abe need to come to a deal to have all the groidjin subapes from Europe and America deported to Guam or Saipan.
More groidjin
For now maybe but if this trend keeps going, they will soon die out completely. People don't understand how fast demographics can go.
This is not a fucking problem. The only way this could kill Japan is if their government panics and opens up immigration. As long as immigration is kept very low, birthrates will correct themselves over time. Birthrates only become something to worry about when you're sharing land with another population whose birthrates are higher than yours, and even then the answer is almost always to expel the other population, not to try to outbreed them.
Japan is disgustingly over-populated. It imports 60% of its food since there are literally too many people to feed given the population size. Prices in Japan (mores the urban areas) are also exceedingly high for things like housing simply due to the population density. A reduce in population is actually the best thing that could happen to that country.
Of course kikes want you to believe that the population just HAS to continuously grow in order to sustain their infinite-debt ponzi schemes, but this is only true if you want to maintain the system of control by which the yids enslave you. The economic system should only exist to serve the people, never the other way around.
….soooooooooo they want Tokyo to be a giant 80miilion pile of humans standing on top of each other???
I'm white and even this makes me angry.
Give me one fucking example of a country that has ever died out completely due to not breeding enough. You can't, it's simply impossible to find. You know why? Because it's impossible for an entire people to die from not breeding enough. You will always have people who don't have kids, and people who have lots of kids. To assume that the former is somehow the norm because some shitty "fertility per capita" statistic says people have less children than the so called "replacement amount" is fucking retarded, and completely not based on reality. The population always, ALWAYS balances out in the end.
Even the few Asians in there are probably gooks, not nips.
If that's as many niggers as are in Tokyo I'd say they're winning.
There is 126 million people all living in a country roughly the size of the US State of Montana.
I need you people to really think deeply about this shit
This is a ploy to get the Japanese government to adopt diversity bullshit to hire niggers to replace the workforce. Its just more globalist nonesense
Fixed that for ya, fam
Secular Stagnation? The Effect of Aging on Economic Growth in the Age of Automation
Having lived and traveled in Japan, here's my take on it: Japan's problem is too much urbanization. Living in cities the size of Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka are not healthy for human beings. People need to be able to get away from each other, and not just during bathroom breaks. It's my theory that such tight knit living is what's causing all the "weird shit" that Japan is known for.
this is the future the elites have planned for the entire world. japan is the testing ground.
liberals assume more automation means a free lunch for everyone, but what it really means is that the elites will have no use for us and depopulate the planet. after all, why have so many over-populating, polluting, costly humans around if they create nothing and just take a paycheck for being alive/breeding?
Japense """Problems""" are exaggerated by shills and wacky Japan blogs and vice documentaries to undermine the view of that Homogeneous country. I'd rather work 18 hours a day than get robbed by an enricher heading to work like people do here.
Agenda 21/2030 in a nutshell.
It's not really a problem. Low fertility is the result of economic strain from population density. Job pressure forces couples to both work to afford a home in the city. One force that can help bring the Lost Decades to a close is a population dip - real wages should rise as real estate prices fall. At that point, provided they're still resisting the anti-tradition (((influences))) from the west, you should see some turnaround.
The article also mentions automation. Contra the economically illiterate panic mongers, this means more wealth for the same amount of labor and alleviate the strain on finances. You could also choose the same wealth but less labor and ease the woes of the salaryman.
Japan is trying to retroactively reject the bugman mentality. After everyone left the country for metropolitan areas, the government has gone all out trying to kick them back there. Hopefully technology and infrastructure improvements in the future will make the sticks feel as comfy as the city or even moreso.
When you create 'independent womyn' you create a self destruction nation.
Lower birthrate so we can import more niggers so we can do the same to them but they won't care and just keep breeding anyway.
You also don't realize how much of a bunch of gold-digging bitches that Japanese women are.
This. Notice that the only entities truly concerned about falling population levels are all (((international financial institutions))) for reasons that should be dead obvious to any Holla Forumsock.
Lynch yourself, chink.
you'd think the highest IQ people in the world wouldn't post the same 3 images over and over.
You're fucking retarded. They have more children that Finns exist in all the world and you worry about them instead of us who make your dank memes?
All the problems affecting their birthrate come to roost right here - find a way to put a woman in the home and raise 2+ children and you find a way to fix the demographic decline. Culture and economics are a sort of push-pull that keeps the birthrate located, ideally, in the slight positive area. Culture is much trickier to address than economics, and seems to be heading the wrong way as opposed to economics heading the right way.
One major step that could be taken is the severing of American dependence. I'm no expert but I can't imagine that strength comes from sitting in the bitch seat when deciding your own national destiny. America has thoroughly declawed their culture. Hopefully this can be turned around if Trump grants them complete independence. Maybe that can spark something in their hearts.
For now at least, Japanese as a whole do not feel any compulsion to let anyone in. On the whole, they would rather choose death by demographic suicide than murder. What worries me is how much sway these financial institutions carry in reversing such things, as the west succumbed to their lure fairly easily.
They cheat on tests and/or have severe autism.
I checked the other day, they exactly have the same population as Mexico (127 mill); their population not growing is not a fucking problem, the kikes are only trying to force this to get in some refugees and immigrants so they can destabilize them.
I'm white and you're a triggered gooklover, what does that make you? A failed or loser white who can't get a white girl. #truthhurts
While I agree with you, you need your face smashed in for using a fucking hashtag.
For fucks sake
I'm white and I've been angry since I took the red pill.
HAHAHA. They were here in Aus for ages until leftist infighting tore them apart. They were always at the front of the university orientation stalls, now replaced with the toga party stall.
i'm doing my part. I only fuck white women. azn women are not attractive unless of course you have unresolved homosexual tendencies. aka azn women have no tits and ass.
Good luck doing that in a 95% urban society with eternal recession. Literally the moment Nips stopped having arranged marriages, they stopped breeding. Good luck having arranged marriages in a pricy, metropolitan shithole like Tokyo, which by the way sports the lowest Japanese birth rates. And good luck stopping people from migrating even more to the big cities when (((Keynesian))) economics causes the big banks to buy up everything, big businesses get bailouts while small ones fail, centralizing the entire nation's economy in the large corporate cities which might as well be called work ant colonies at this point. The (((bankers))) reap 2 trillion each year in interest because people in Japan accept being exploited and wagecucked to death, with the most radical ones only dropping out of society at worst.
Japanese are a strange people, but I sincerely hope they don't (((Westernize))) and accept mass immigration.
lol no, I've just gone to Tokyo and it's nothing but Japs, I tell you it's amazing. The ones in the picture are probably just visiting college students. Seriously, Japan's immigration policy is limited to marriage and people of Japanese descent
They helped an old friend in need, I would return the favor if we ever figure our shit out.
The most beautiful passing of a nation. Using technology to meet working needs without resorting to immigration. Staying pure to the end. Dying with great honor.
Fuck off and die Holla Forums scum.
the japanese will go out smiling
And I remember learning in school that japs aren't allowed to have more than children cause of over population.
what's going on here ???
F you magnificent people
Wave after crushing wave…
Holla Forums is a natsoc board
deal with it Milo
Yes and under National Socialism Whites will have capitalism as the economic system since that is what we work best under and socialism/communism is Jewish as fuck.
I wonder who could be behind this post. NatSoc socialism literally did nothing wrong.
Lollll de j000 feerz da zamurai rite :DDDDddddd
Grorius nippon :-DDDDDddddsdd
Capitalism allows for the exploitation of the working people by foreign interests.
Free market should be used as a tool for economic growth, but not as an ideology itself.
All Japan has to do is create robot meidos to take care of the old foljs so that they don't import fucking service workers from the Philippines.
You think Whites would work better under Socialism or Communism? It has failed everywhere it has been and as I said it's Jewish to the core.
You /leftyniggers/ are obvious.
Is this your first day here? This is like the easiest redpill to take
Of course they say infinite growth is required. That's what they exploit you idiot.
I believe they can work under National Socialism, yes.
The condition of being Japanese causes all the weird shit Japan is known for. Why do you think white/jap halfbreeds are always so fucked up? It's in the genes fam.
Only a minority of Japs care about anime. The average Japanese look down on otaku and see them as a shame to their families. The population decline is due to women setting impossible standards men can't meet along with many choosing to be career women. Also Japanese men don't want to end up like their fathers working themselves to death to take care of a family he barely ever sees and the wife that controls the family bank account that only gives him an allowance of his own hard earned money.
I know the difference nigger but socialism, the economic system, is complete garbage just like communism. /leftycucks/ like yourself are criticizing capitalism even though the Third Reich was capitalist. Anyone have that one letter where a German civilian talked about how great it was to live in Germany at the time? I remember them specially saying something like "No one is restricted, anyone can open up a business if they want". If that's not capitalism, I don't know what is.
What do
Name one country that is better off under socialism than capitalism.
toppest kek
No you don't know what capitalism is. What you're thinking of, and what that German is describing, is a free market. The difference between a free market and capitalism, is the capitalist economy is entirely undirected, whereas a natsoc/fascist economy is directed. E.g., if the German started his own business (which he claims he could do) and started producing something unbeneficial for the state, the state would require him to produce something else, or go into a different profession. How this is applied varies, but it's best detailed by Oswald Mosely.
Third Reich Germany as opposed to Weimar Germany
Name a white country my dude. Rootless international capitalism squeezed our race dry and continues to writhe our dry corpse out for even one more penny as their hegemonic system continues to abuse and deride us.
i can think of a few (((people))) for whom national socialism makes them worse off
lol k
This. Not as badly as China, India or Africa, but still.
Tell me why you hate the Jap?
Unless youre a jew, they wont accept you, cuck. Do you get it? No matter how much you dream about sucking their dick, for little financial dick cheese.
I don't hate them, I just find it hypocritical that Holla Forums tries to excuse Japs from other minorities just because they're weaboos. For a board that praises white and western culture, the amount of weebs sickens me.
You can't hate everybody, and you shouldn't if you don't have to. Japs are generally decent people who have honor. Why nitpick?
The anime will be fine, thank's for your concern user.
Niggers become niggers when they come to your neighbourhood, start dealing drugs, shooting people and demanding free goods. As long as they stay in Japan masturbating to shitty cartoons or fighting monkeys for bananas in Africa I don't give a shit.
Whites are in danger because of cohabitation with non-whites, not because of low birth rates. The total amount of whites today is higher than medieval times, but we're worse off than then because of the cohabitation. If a country is homogeneous with a low birthrate the worst that can happen is that the population drops and the economy suffers. There's no genocide by replacement by a foreign race if there's no foreign race to replace the native population with.
I dont get why this is such a big deal. Sure, Japan's population will plummet and then they'll go through some economic hardship, but after awhile, the population is bound to stable out. It'll bottom out somewhere and then it'll rise back up again. It's better than letting a bunch of niggers into your country.
That's 処女 shojo, 'virgin', not 'shoujo', which means 'young girl'.
Yeah, must be anime, because anime is the only thing Japan has in common with all those other highly developed first world countries that have the exact same fucked up birth rates without anime.
Good. Japs aren't honorary Aryans, and they never will be. What matters is our birthrates not theirs.
You realize National Socialism was opposed to finance capitalism yes?
fuck the chinks, zipper heads and gooks
There are azns with big boobs and round asses, but they are hard to find. I know many people who were stunned by the photos they saw at Tokyotopless.
I always worry about what will happen in Japan, because I work in the auto repair business. I would want to see cars that were consistently as good and as affordable as the Toyota Corolla.
Spike their water supplies with birth control pills. The result is that only the people smart enough to afford high quality water filters can reproduce.
this is the most sensible post here.
a stable population caps (((bankers))) abilities to continue adding on debt by issuing loans.
this is one of the core driving forces that demand mass immigration.
These things come in ebbs and flows and those that dont reproduce are survived by those that do.
what we are seeing is the wheat rise from the chaff in Japan. just like in the West.