What is Holla Forums's go to movie food? i personally like having a jar of pickles with me...

what is Holla Forums's go to movie food? i personally like having a jar of pickles with me, usually bread and butter chips but some times i mix it up and get dill spears or spicy dill spears. theyre great because they have a great taste and have plenty of electrolytes, which are necessary to keep your mind focused during even the longest of movies. and, they count as a drink too because if you get thirsty, just take a swig from the jar.



what do you mean by this?

popcorn. Fuck the microwavable shit though, I have pic related in my garage except mines a bit bigger and on wheels. It's fucking great, tastes better than the movie theater stuff tbh.

God, I love pickle juice

no you don't

Do people really drink pickle juice straight from the jar? Wouldn't you get sick from that shit?

Also I like to coordinate my dinner meals with movie times, so I'll make a small pizza and when I dish up I start the movie.

why would you? it's literally just water, salt and trace amounts of cucumber.


I personally like having crab with me, usually crab's legs but some times i mix it up and get crab cakes or crab rangoon. theyre great because they have a great taste and have plenty of chromium, which are necessary to keep your insulin regulated during even the longest of movies.

you'd get diarrhea though you'd get it first from the pickles due to the high salt content

Degenerate. Claussen's or nothing.

it's vinegar

Ha ha diabetic asshole

my man

cheez its

>pic very relate tbh

You mean cucumbers?

Crab man myself

a giant bowl of Polish style pierogis is normally what i make if i plan on watching a few movies on the same night.

This is the kino snack of the gods.