State Authority Buildings Are Degenerate Orgy Houses
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Las Vegas is New Sodom.
Why sage
las vegas has always been sodom incarnate. hello it's moniker is Sin City. however tht is public. i would wager that New York ha a larger web of similar activity both public and inside the inner elite circles.
Firemen are in the top tier of female stud fantasy material.
Are you gay or just a prude?
Quick, look for a man to pin the blame for ill female morality on, it can't be that your precious goddesses are spreading their legs at the drop of a hat.
Bonus: a large % of firemen are Black.
I mean… to be a firefighter you have to be ripped and fit as fuck and then you're bored until something is in danger and you go save lives.
Let them fuck.
Kek. Nuffin personnel luv :^)
fuck off kike
Astroturfing a bit, there? I have been to loads of fire stations throughout the country and not yet met one single black firefighter. Thankfully.
t. former firefighter
Don't want to fuck trannies you're not a prude are you goy? Get the fuck out of here with this shit, retard. Go fuck some fat sack of aids garbage.
is that a guy in the second pic?
I can't believe people actually believe this shit. How often do you go outside honestly. The average fire fighter is a fat "white" mongrel with cuck physiognomy. Just look at the retard in the OP. He looks like he cross dresses when his wife isn't home.
I think he is a tranny in the second picture.
The truth is in between.
Why are you talking about trannies? Do you often think about trannies?
human sexuality is dirty, it says so in the bible
Has this thread revealed Holla Forumss true nature?
You can tell you're all insecure skinny weirdos attaching yourself to some mythical masculinity about fire fighters.
Literally nobody in this thread is defending child prostitution.
That's a really ugly trap.
Fire Trap?
The thread is about firefighters having sex in general, only once instance involved a child and none of those comments defend child prostitution.
Womyn actually kick on anything in uniform, that stuff is not a meme.
Soldier, cop, firefighter…. Part first one
Truth. Though, it's not ALL women, but there is a significant quantity of that 'type' which go crazy for uniformed dudes, even if they're faggoty looking.
What a nasty whore
She's proud of it
Call the safety aquad
If I had a pussy it would be wet just by looking at these MEN
Pretty sure you responded to the wrong post.
I like how everyone is ignoring this and some Jews are even encouraging it in this thread. How fucking disgusting.
Have you ever lived in Las Vegas? All the degeneracy happens on this strip and is acted out by tourists. There's a reason that despite it being the main source of income the locals HATE the tourism industry. Las Vegas is huge and the further you get from the strip the nicer it is. There is plenty to do outdoors all within an hour drive away and despite it being a metro city becoming more and more infested with fleeing Commiefornians the people are actually okay.
That being said I had to call these chucklefucks a few months ago, wonder if I inadvertently gave any of them blue balls.