Would single payer healthcare be a good idea for the US? Healthcare is something that I don't think the free market works well with tbh.
Would single payer healthcare be a good idea for the US...
How about, instead of communism, you pay for the services you require? If you can't afford $200,000 worth of services, you don't get them.
This issue does not matter.
The survival of our people the defeat of marxism gaining political power is what matters.
The sad truth is that healthcare in general keeps too many weaklings alive. Without our meddling God and nature kill the weak and reward the strong. It's like how short sighted everyone is about infant mortality. Instead of letting nature weed out the weak babies we do everything we can to keep them alive and everyone pats themselves on their backs. But I guarantee that many of these babies go on to have lifelong problems and their pain and suffering is actually prolonged by "saving" them. The more we interfere with nature the weaker we become.
On the other hand perhaps when the biological revolution comes we will be able to do active gene manipulation, essentially fixing people on a DNA level. But if that doesn't happen all we are doing is making our species weaker and more dependent upon the state by allowing the weak to live and reproduce. Many modern diseases and conditions would have died out decades ago if we weren't propping them up with modern medicine.
I agree.
If we go single payer, I want this list of stuff outlawed:
For the common good, it's just common sense. It's one of the BIGGEST risk factors for HIV/AIDS, which is an extremely expensive condition.
Goes without saying, big risk factor for Cancer. Cancer's expensive yo.
Risk factors for HIV are too great for it to be allowed. Govt knows best.
Risk factors for Cardio issues and bowel cancer. Shit's expensive yo.
Why not? Babies are expensive.
Healthcare's fucked. If we ever want to get around to fixing it we have to start at the root, which is the outrageous costs. There's no reason for prescriptions and doctors visits to cost what they do, they're inflated in order to encourage people to buy health insurance. For example if your doctor charges $300.00 for a visit and you have insurance with a $50.00 copay your insurance isn't going to be paying anywhere near $250.00.
This is why doctors accept some insurance companies and not others, because they don't have a deal worked out between each other.
You are close to the truth.
Don't forget that healthcare Insurance. Liberals think they're the same damn thing.
T. Healthcare billing and fee specialist with stories
no, that typically works better for homogeneous societies, and under gibshits control it would make the VA look like Cadillac healthcare, by comparison.
I would make subsidized healthcare the equivalent of "gov't cheese" back before EBT. Make it as spartan as possible and ONLY available to citizens. While we're at it, restrict EBT to rations of beans and rice with a rotating schedule for "fresh" ingredients.
Welfare should NOT be comfortable and should definitely NOT be on par with paid services.
Storytime nao.
Seriously it'd probably do a lot of good, I feel that many Holla Forumsacks ignore the healthcare issue because they're young and feel they'll always be healthy.
no. we have enough low test males as it is. banning obesity would be more effective.
women need to have babies at younger ages not older. a woman's prime reproductive years are between 18-25, after 25 the risks for birth defects and other health factors start to increase exponentially. Defective babies are expensive. The myth of the (((mommy at any age))) is a feminist lie/fantasy and only weakens the white genepool.
dems would ban guns under the guise of "public health" too
it's just a horrible idea, made worse by the ebb and flow of US political parties. Way too much power
Nigger, it's called showing the extreme folly of the leftypol's bait for what it is. I'm concerned by your glee to legislate everything. Lolbertarian here, less laws is best laws.
Dis niggah gets it.
Alright, I'll start with the basics and move on from there. Your insurance company is privy to every charge and dollar you cost them a year; they also share this with your physicians. Thus, your doctor knows how much you cost a year, and this is averaged over 12 months, to find a PMPM (Per Member, Per Month) cost of a patient.
Additionally, depending on your conditions, we generate an average risk score. Basically, a metric on how healthy you are VS how much you cost us as a patient.
Can you see where this is going?
keep shoveling food down your throat piggy, fat fucks are not human and should be banned. I support any legislation that makes your disgusting gluttony illegal. Tax payers should not have to pay to keep non-human fats alive.
Trigger warning: Black pill incoming.
I'm going to go ahead and just say it. Fuck single payer healthcare.
Not because I think single payer health care is a bad idea or that I don't think we should help the poor but because of demographics.
America is currently 60% white. Many of these whites are baby boomers who are on their way out. This leaves a 40% population of spics, nogs and other shitskins who are growing in numbers by the day. This isn't even counting the flood of immigrants that are pouring through our borders.
I do not support a single payer healthcare that depends on the a dying breed of whites to pay for the health care of an army of low IQ mongrals. I do not support single payer healthcare that benefits single mothers who chose to marry the state over a husband. I do not support it at the rate we are going. I'll re-consider it in a white nation. But not in this timeline. Not now.
Let them all fucking rot.
Don't forget alcohol, and we'll also have to lower speed limits.
I'm running on an empty tank right now, but I assume they manage to calculate it just right for them to make a tidy profit off all paying members.
This is also not a good solution. One of the largest problems with hospitals is the lack of repayment. They are legally forced to give healthcare (not insurance). This is not China, there are rules here. I agree with this law.
BUT, due to that, and mainly (in the data I rock with), it's minorities mainly, simply do not pay. Only 30% of hospital bills are actually paid. So those inflated costs you see? You're covering for the other 7 people that never paid.
Now, everyone knows that if you TALK to your doctor / hospital / whatever, and ask for a cash selfpay rate, they're be more than happy to work with you, and generally for way less money than you'd think. That's just the nature of the beast, way easier to just get a little cash from you then write off the difference, than to bill someone for 2 years and deal with collections to just never get paid.
Because, there are two types of write offs. Your cash pay or people that simply can't afford the cost of care, can be written off as charity care. Super easy to do, great for tax time, and I generally comped chemo drugs all the time because Medicare would not pay for them ((I'll get to that later, but Tl;Dr: Medicare refusing shit and not having someone like me means you're going to die. Medicare is death panels IRL))
The other type of writeoff is bad debt, AKA what was supposed to be collected and wasn't. That's some bad ju-ju, because like you have to deal with collections and shit. Not fun news.
The best solution for this issue would be to ensure that ALL losses can be written off and tax deducted. That would help on the HOSPITAL end with having to charge rape prices to keep the lights on.
Exactly. You can calculate out the cost/risk matrix, and just act as a death panel in anything but name. Patient is supposedly healthy but costs too much money? Probably a hypochondriac. Drop them.
Patient is really sick and expensive? Fucking up your kickback from the government? You don't have to tell them to go away, but you definitely don't want to remind them that they haven't been to your in network doctor this year. I'm sure they've found someone else, don't worry about them.
I'm not obese, still working on the overweight part. Stop saying (((Your)))
Disagree heavily.
Hospitals actually write off some of their losses as charity so they have to pay fewer dollars in taxes. No matter what, the hospital jew finds a way to make exorbitant profits, and no system of insurance would fix this.
You didn't read long enough. That's only approximately 6% of most hospital budgets. They're still losing a lot of money.
That's not charity writeoffs though.
Which is why, I believe, we need to steer the conversation away from insurance and to cost instead.
We have insurance companies making enough to pay their employees and make fat profits, doctors who more often than not in my experience make enough to retire young, pharmaceutical with sky high profits, medical supply companies, and hospitals. All of these parties are sucking the wealth from us.
To add onto this every year we have a limited number of new doctors graduating, and more boomers needing increased amounts of medical care. This leads to doctors charging even more for their services, which allows them to retire even younger, and an excuse to import more shitskin "doctors".
I mean a completely separate system, including facilities and staff, when I say the "gov't cheese of healthcare". Think VA, but worse, just enough to keep the poor from dying in the gutter and keeping them from driving up costs at private, consumer facilities.
Now if charities want to pick up the slack, then liberals can bankroll it with their own cash (for a change).
I disagree. I also want personal medical bills to be tax deductible 100%.
Incorrect, doctors are people to, they do love their toys. They open practices and pay other people. Nothing wrong with employing more americans. The whole "Dr's retire young" is a meme. They never do. They buy toys and sheit.
This is what I'd prefer to see.
One great example of how fucked Medicare is, was when you'd bill chemo drugs.
One of our drugs had a cost TO US, of 1,200 a CC. We billed the patient 1,500 a CC and frequently lost money on that. The drug has to be handled securely, stored at a certain temp, and only had a shelf life of 20 days. If any of those factors broke, you had to throw it away.
Here's the fucked part. It only came in 30 CC vials. THAT WERE ONE TIME USE. So….
You push 31 CC on a patient?
You had to throw away the leftover 29 CC of drug. So, the total drug cost (TO THE DOCTOR) was 1,200 * 60, or $72,000.
You'd bill medicare the rate:
1,500 * 60, or $90,000
Then they'd only pay you for what you put in the patient, or 31 CC.
31 * 1,500 = $46,500
REMINDER: Cost to the Dr was $72,000. So, you just lost $23,500 giving a patient chemo.
The issue here is that every doctor they hire requires 8+ years of education, with medical schools only able to pump out so many a year. Then these doctors have plans of opening their own practices.
This also causes issues with staffing hospitals
I know several doctors, they're all buying houses and fast food franchisees for passive income with plans to retire and play with toys.
competition is good for prices and health care is not to be state provided. total freedom get off the gov't dole
Then you're working with dinosaurs. They should be working the nurse practitioner and PA game.
Interesting. All of mine are old and just scale back hours / practice.
Thirties to early forties.
As I understand it many patients are less than thrilled to deal with nurse practs.
I'm not in healthcare, no idea what this is.
Yeah, I've noticed the old guard are in it for the long haul. I wonder if it's generational differences, or if the ones looking to retire young in their age group did, leaving them.
It's insane to allow "people" crack smoking niggers for example to receive the exact same quality of care for "free" while responsible people are paying out the ass for their own care AND subsidizing said crackhead's "free" care.
It puts motives and incentives so completely out of sync with reality, not to mention it skews all sorts of market principles…because niggers aren't spending their own money, so they'll hit up the ER for a $1500 taxpayer-funded visit (instead of the urgent care clinic for $50) to get a RX of antibiotics or a bandaid. It's not their money, why care?
Not to mention the mess that is medicare "reimbursement" (like you referenced in the chemo example).
I'd relax standards so that wasted 29cc would be administered by a PA in the gov't cheese medical clinic. Civil immunity too, no niggers suing the gov't clinic.
I'm 72885b, my tor connection was fucking up and I HATE using the onion site
Physicians Assistant
White man's burden. Just literal this time.
Tax write off's for the service providers.
I actually like this idea, but the logistics are impossible.
That's why god gave us 99211's fam. 5 minute consult with an established patient.
PA is physician assistant, and is a step beneath Nurse practitioner.
Most of my docs are old guard spics. So they're in it for the money and giving back to their new country. But, they're in their late fifties, so it very well could be generational differences.
that still clogs up the ER's valuable services and write offs are just a side-handed subsidy in this instance. Nothing is really free.
still me…had to switch again. mods, make the onion site not suck dick, pls
I think it'd be better to raise packaging standards, requiring packaging to allow extraction of 1cc at a time. Something like this.
Codemonkey remove the tor IDs?
So, >doctor >nurse pract >PA
would >RN >nurses aid >orderly be a correct comparison?
I'm too far north for any spic doctors. My old guard is all white, with many of the younguns being foreign shitskins.
Way too complex, but I really like that idea. The problem is still multiple punctures, but if you made it double ended (1 tank for one patient, tank 2 for the other).
Basically, you have two rubber inputs for a needle and some release mechanism between the 1CC vials. Then, for patient one, you snap the dividers for their 14CC shot.
Then, for patient 2, you just snap all the other into the other side, and use that.
The middle dividing wall means sterility is kept.
Just use 3CC or whatever plastic vials, and that will minimize waste.
So, >doctor >nurse pract >PA
would >RN >nurses aid >orderly be a correct comparison?
I think so, yes
Maybe, but you have to provide a fucking argument for this before you come shitposting on Holla Forums like a dipshit.
Gas yourself christkike
Like a good capitalist, imagine yourself being one of them, and accept it as desirable.
That would be the simplest solution, but we both know they're purposely packaging this drug in 30cc units to maximize profit.
I have no issues with profit, the medical industry is needed and driven by profit, I take issue when profits are sky high at the expense of my people.>Just use 3CC or whatever plastic vials, and that will minimize waste.
There is literally nothing wrong with profits. That's what's currently finding and generating new drug discoveries. The fact that the USA is subsidizing drug research for the rest of the fucking world, is an entirely different discussion.
Kind of, the best use guide, is your supposed to use a pharmacy to separate out withdraws so it remains sterile. That works for larger businesses, but a mom & pop chemo shop, not so much. You might inject this drug rarely so it'll just go bad from being on the shelf too long.
You're battling convenience + waste + logistics.
The logistics of shipping 1 CC vials and always ensuring you have enough product on hand and it doesn't expire, would be YUGGEEEE.
The convenience of wasteful 30CC bottles is YUGGGEEEE. IF you've got two bottles on hand, you can serve 99% of patients that require this shit.
Start reading balance sheets and see where the money goes to. I'm a fledgling investor fag, and it was shocking to me for this drug company, was investing roughly 60% of profit (PROFIT, not income) into research.
Like fuck man, millions of dollars in chemo research. All subsidized by the american citizen. Because, the drugs they develop, then get sold in europe at basically cost. There's no money in Europe to fund research.