Which tier can become class conscious the easiest?
Which tier can become class conscious the easiest?
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The international proletariat have no nation or race
This thread is going to get over 300 replies isn't it?
Arabs are classcucks.
Africans are the builders of socialism.
Spooky as fuck
What is with all the SJWs and Holla Forumsacks posting right now?
Is this a false flag operation or are two groups raiding us at once?
What happened to Gaddafi anyway?
He looked like a fucking homeless crack addict that someone put in expensive clothing for a joke in his later years. He wasn't always that way.
he's like 90
Chomsky's also 90 and he didn't… devolve the way Gaddafi did.
Damn he looked fresh af.
Who aged better, Gaddafi or Tommy Lee Jones?
maintainer, absolutely
He was born in 1942
the middle east sure could use a doctor right now
too bad they killed him
PLEASE don't start with this dude
Maintainers and Inhabitants have been more class conscious since they're part of the productive process (colonialism, mercantilism,old school empire building) but have their power over it limited by being behind in cutting-edge military and regular technology.
Nasser was a god.
arabs are OG socdems
abbos had communism
nice idpol
gaddafi was a sexy motherfucker way back when, I think doing and seeing awful things will eventually manifest itself in your face, some famous author said that and its true, its why you can often tell if a nigga is actually dangerous or just a poser simply by looking at his face
Away from the poorer reservations, most of them are just bad nineteenth century historical reenactors who get way too into it.
Read books plz
I beg of you to kill yourself today
Tenochtitlan was larger than Barcelona and just as well organized. Then the conquistadors came, enslaved the people and held them under imperialism for several hundred years. Read open veins of Latin America.
shit yer right, thanks buddy
The ones that don't buy into racial shilling.
Alternately, the members of the upper class who engage in racially divisive rhetoric typically understand their advantage in doing so implicitly and know that pitting the working class and middle class + minorities against one another is a handy trick. It all depends on whether it matters if the bourgeoise is class conscious.
Thats the point, all reservations are either poor reservations or reservations that have been fucked by casino and tourist capitalism. Even then there is a huge amount of overlap and wealth disparity even in those relatively more wealthy towns which are still about the wealth level of a moderately impoverished average american town
source: science
kys copcuck. also, the middle class (petty bourgeois) was never our revolutionary base. some of them will support us, some will not.
Who's the cuck?
(meanwhile, in reality)