Future of politics in the West?

Is politics in the west slowly moving towards ethnonationalism vs SJW/colords/cucks/fags?

I think so. I'm seeing an explosion of White rcial consciousness that seems to be sweeping in as a wild west out-of-control subculture.

What's the endgame?
The west=Europe, America, AUS, CAN

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The end result will be civil wars and the collapse of the post ww2 order. It might be redrawn into a new geopolitical alignment where some are still cucked, some are ultra fash, and others have been consumed by the Islamic/ 3rd world civ

Western politics is moving towards a collapse. What comes after is what is important.

What you're seeing is the result of where you're looking. Certain parts of the Internet are becoming increasingly WN, as well as some RL neighborhoods that are already heavily tradcon to begin with.

In reality, social justice horseshit is on the rise, getting more and more powerful all the time, and is infesting even places we thought it would never reach. So yeah, imageboards are ours, some social media sites are… annoying cucks, but technically on our side, but the real world is slipping further and further out of our hands.

I think we're a real and growing subculture Yea, socjus shit is rising, too, but totally in parallel with more of our people waking up

People are losing faith in Amerikwa, which is good for us.

"When people lose everything, and having nothing to lose, they lose it." – Gerald Celente

They say history is cyclical, but I think we're in uncharted territory here. The economic situation, degeneracy, and rise in nationalism/populism mirror what happened in the 1930s. However, the one MAJOR difference between then and now is the demographic displacement that's occurred. We have all the same problems as in the past, except our countries are also full of shitskins and becoming increasingly nonwhite. Throws a huge wrench into the mix.

I'm going to give a pessimistic defeatest perspective, as a worst case scenario. We're going to end up like Brazil or India, where a pseudo-racial caste system evolves. Everyone is miscegenation to hell, but those with a higher percentage of white blood end up being smarter, more talented, more successful, and form the higher caste. Those with majority shitskin blood end up forming the lower castes.

That's our fate unless people start waking up quickly and SOON.

It's the same sort of divide you saw in the early 20th century, with the political center quickly eroding away and people either becoming nationalists or marxists.

unless we re-group in pure White areas and purge the multicultistans like hell.

I think we need to have Europe only for Europeans by the year 2100. It's something that could appeal to enough of us

There are still 700 fucking million of us on earth That's enough of a pool to draw on We are rising.

It's just a last, dying gasp before total demographic takeover. I wouldn't like to be so blackpilled, but the complete lack of real, violent, anti-jewish paramilitary action aimed at all cogs at all levels of the state when the population has all the tools available at its disposal to do so, isn't something that can be spun positively. If anything, military and cop worship has exploded.

we Weimar now

Yes, this will be our last chance to bounce back. Your worst case scenario will be the result if we don't sort things out properly this time around.

Demographic realities still haven't totally sunk into people's minds though, user

Seriously, once people realize what's up, shit changes. Shit is already changing.

This rape train has no breaks. There is no going backwards, only forwards from here on out. So in short, yes, from here on out it's Ethno-Nationalism vs The World. It was happening slowly prior to Trump, post Trump its actually sped up. Once the next financial collapse happens like 2008, which we're overdue for a correction already, then all hell will break loose. The (((elites))) knew this from the beginning and they're cleverly race baiting for the last 3 years anticipating it. Don't fall for it, but use it to your advantage by constantly pushing and attacking on all fronts.

Expose the jew puppets and their traitorous whores to let them know you know who did all of this while you're slaying the mongrel D&C hordes built over the past 60 years.

It'll be a great relief and reward when we reach them leading this chaos from the rear and have their heads on pikes.

No quarter asked, no quarter given.

There will be no "surrender".

Yeah, Europe is still more than 95% white, and the population is already getting aware. Political parties are already being formd based on migration and border control.

Last dying breath my ass. Defeatist cunt.

I don't know how many anons here are new but what we are seeing with a European racial awakening across the globe was unthinkable 5 - 10 years ago.

molenjew must have a good laugh each night as he goes to bed counting his shekels from the brainless scum stupid enough to fall for his fucking act and give him shekels. I wouldn't piss on his terribly jewish face if he were on fire.

I think it's closer to 90% European and that's not including Russia. The percentage though really isn't Europe's problem, it's the goddamn low birth rates that is going to have a huge effect if this doesn't go down in the next 20 years. War is a young mans game. They don't even have a race mixing problem nearly on the scale of the entire America's. It's literally just 40 years of below replacement rate births.

The positive thing about Europe is that it'll be far more fluid if things break out due to proximity and population density. In America you're not going to get backup nearly as quickly because of the spread. Everything depends on owning a vehicle.

Dxactly, which is fucking exciting. Most Europeans are still not really aware of what demographics means. They will be, in no time.

Shit is changing fast, and we need to lead our people and re-take our land.

No D&C BS among Whites.

If it hasn't sunk in yet, it will likely be over by the time it does.

East of the Rhine, you mean. Which is fine, when talking about the existential continuation of the White race itself in a general sense. In countries like the United States, where I and most of us on this board live, younger generations are like 10-15% shy of literally South Africa. In Sweden, 18 and younger the White males have already been totally matched and displaced by non-Whites. France has massive swaths of its territory that can't even be governed. Canada is catching up to the US demographically at a rate that seems to be almost unrivaled in all of world history. Maybe the Arab invasion of Persia was worse.

Most of that population is over the hill or past parenting age.

The problem is miscegenation. It's becoming increasingly common, especially in Euorpe where there's never been a stigma against racemixing because they haven't had to live alongside niggers for hundreds of years. And don't even get me started on gooks. For fucks sake, even on Holla Forums, how many degenerates are still arguing in favor of "muh traditional qt3.14 moonface gook waifu"? I don't fear us getting wiped out by shitskins. I fear so many people embracing racemixing that the distinction between white and nonwhite continues getting blurrier and blurrier. And the problem with racemixing is exponential, because a mulatto is more likely to racemix than a pureblood nigger, for example, because he ends up being "white enough" to be more socially/physically acceptable. That shit cannot stand.

Well user, I feel much more comfortable shutting them down now then I did in 2012 when I was a Cassandra. Welcome to the real world.

And yes, you can shut them down. They just go off and whine to themselves but they they are dwindling. The ones that (((make their money))) off the it will scream the loudest.

The real problem seems to be how do we get Europeans to fuck and raise Children imo.

It will be a form of natsoc vs global weimar republic style government once the euro crisis intensifies ( it will there are no long term solutions from the EU or ECB for southern Europe )

Well what we need to do is have a triumphant revival of racism. Make racism about being the underdog and sticking up for your people.

This is how you win normies over to being anti-racemixing. I've done it wit some of my friends. "Muh master race" meme never worjs. They have to think that racemixing nonwhites and racemixing whites are BAD people.

Reconquista baby. Even just 100,000 Europeans who fight like hell for Europe can turn the tide.

Even if Molyjew is mostly just putting on an act for (you)s and shekels, he's still at least reaching out to lolbergs and making them turn towards white nationalism. But yes, it's clearly mostly being played up. The dude used to be a literal actor. And you can clearly tell when he's acting during his monologues. Especially those cringy videos where he pretends to give a fuck about various singrs/actors who died of AIDS.

Honestly, I think Kike Enoch and the TRS faggots are far worse, because unlikely Molyneux, they pretend they're hardcore WNs. At least Moly isn't claiming to be anything he's not.

Move to areas that are most homogenous. You want Zylkon Ben as a neighbour.

we act tribally and raise kids communally, everyone helps offset each others' costs

A community to help cover your ss is why Mexishits and Araboscum pop out so many babies. Atomization = low birth rate

Get people together communally.

Another reason why the declining economy is a good thing that everyone should embrace. Living is going to be shit for a little while, but when people are forced to pay attention to whats going on around them it wakes them up pretty fucking quick.

I look at Greece and how far its forced the establishment to contain them. Hitler predicted in his time it would snap in 10 years and it did so in 8. Greece is going to explode and nothing can stop that. Every nation will follow a similar path. Once the next financial crisis hits I give it 10 years before every single country effected explodes, max.

Molykike and even (((TRS))) are just kike shekelgrabbers, but they're still helping to awaken the sleeping beast that is the white race.

They won't know WTF happened once it's totally awake.

That's not really a solution. People have been doing that since the 1950s, fleeing the cities when niggers started flooding in. It doesn't help. All it does is cede ground to the shitskins, as we continue withdrawing further and further outside our turf. We can't keep running away forever.


what bother's me even more about molenjew is his fucking ego and how blatant his shilling is. some of my favorites I noticed recently are "dear French women.." and the fuck proceeds to do video in english. He'd fuck his own mother for a nickel and drop all his pretense if the Jews had given him a shitty acting role on a d-level sitcom.

Molykike is a narcissistic shekelgrabber, but he is still putting out content that wakes up some White normies to racial reality

He propbably thinks he's cashing in on "ignorant racists" and laughing all the way to the bank. But nothing the enemy can do helps, our people keep on waking up and we are rising! They can't stop us, no matter how much they want to

Molykike will probably start preaching against being "too racist" in the future, and that "the way to support the white race isn't to turn to identity politics u guyzzz"

lol I fucking can see it now.

Do you know why our cities are such shitholes? Because all the white people moved out. Rather than putting their foot down and saying "enough is enough" and fighting for the land of their forefathers, they took the path of least resistance and just moved to the outlying areas of the cities. And when these areas also started getting taken over by shitskins, they moved into the suburbs, because it was once again the path of least resistance. And when HUD started purposefully breaking up white neighborhoods with diversity housing, whites moved to even further-away areas. And on, and on, and on.

You need to fight for what's yours. I understand why people leave. It's like a prisoners' dilemma, where everyone acting in their individual best interests ends up being an overall terrible outcome. But we NEED people to stand their ground and to stop giving up ground and running away forever and ever. All that does it delay any clash. Any the longer we delay the race war, the less white people there are and the more shitskins there will be.


10/10 This guy really gets it. My body is reaadyy!!!

You do realize that cities will turn into meat grinders of starvation and disease when the race war starts? Who's going to pick up the garbage? Who's going to supply the food? What are they going to do if people stop water going in? You're essentially complaining about the enemy advancing straight in to a minefield. The shitskins taking over the cities is the best case scenario, if they were spreading to the countryside i'd be far more worried. There's no tactical advantage in bitterly holding on to your shitty commie block.

T: Europoor

Sorry for the blogpost, but this is an issue I have been thinking about a lot and this thread is fairly relevant:

Frankly, most political disputes are dependent on demographics (something you already know quite well I presume). For the sake of this post, I will be dividing the populace among 4 main categories. Though obviously things are more complicated than this, I still find these generalizations fairly useful:
My analysis assumes good intentions on all sides.

I'll begin by talking about the class divide:
The upper and middle classes tend to think in a very cerebral manner, using logic with a principled moral foundation (however flawed it may be). They don't feel the effects of decreased wages. They are unscathed after huge demographic shifts. They don't need to deal with illegal immigrants. Terrorist attacks are mere numbers to them. No matter what they vote for, there will almost always be a guarantee that they'll be safe and have food on the table. Any decrement to their posh lifestyle will simply be a nuisance. Even in the worst case scenario, them losing half of their income simply means they go down to the next class below them.
In contrast, it's commonly said, rather pompously, that the lower classes are quick to respond to fear. In a sense, they're right. The lower classes are the ones most affected by legislation. They have something to fear when wages go down, prices go up, and new people move in. They're the ones who need to compete for low-skill labor with illegal immigrants. They get blown up when a terrorist attack happens. When massive demographic shifts occur, it happens to the lower classes first. They're the ones who have the most to gain from legislation, while simultaneously are at the the most risk of receiving negative effects of legislation.
In short:
The upper/middle classes are guided primarily by ideology. The lower classes are guided by self interest.

Now for the left and the right within the lower class:
The lower class left consists largely of minority groups. They live primarily in the inner cities where wages are low and cost of living is high. Now, I'm going to disregard the intrinsic properties of race and talk simply about circumstance though we all know genetics plays a role when I say it is in their best interest to increase welfare and combat racism. They live in shit holes that act like a cage of sorts. They're packed in large numbers and all the jobs they can get are minimum wage panel banging jobs. This along with the high cost of living and households too cramped to utilize the space for a profitable hobby means they need to rely on government programs to keep food on the table. They can't even start a garden because of their cramped conditions. They fear the specter of "systemic racism" because when they look around, all they see is people living in the same conditions all with brown skin. It's easy to see why they conclude it's because dey wyte bois keepen dem down. They don't worry much about increased crime rates because most of them have a long list of crimes themselves. Individualism basically goes out the window because the nature of the city is to deprive one of their individuality.
The lower class right, however, lives out in the country. To go anecdotally, around where I live you can rent a shitty apartment in the suburbs for $1200 a month. That same amount will give you a giant, 3 story house with a massive garage and an even bigger yard both front and back in the woodsy town nearby. Self sufficiency is prized among the residents of towns like this. You can work a pretty low end job and live better than some of the wealthiest city folk (presuming you don't mind a long commute or you work from home). They don't want to live on welfare. They prefer to give to food banks than to take from them. They like the fact that they know everyone who wants to be known around town and that those who don't want to be known are minding their own business. Demographic shifts are the death of such communities. As are increased competition for jobs and decreased demand for labor.
In short:
The lower class left are attracted to anything that can help them out of their shitty situation. The lower class right just wants to be left alone.

Finally, the upper class left and right:
the upper class left politically consists of moral busy-bodies, virtue signalers and elitists. They identify what they perceive as injustices and demonstrate/vote to put a stop to them. They are often globalist based on the principal that people should be allowed to live where they please. They are environmentalist because they don't want to infringe on the natural beauty of the world. They are socialist because they think it's unfair that the lower classes have such a poor standard of living. And they are quick to assume that those who disagree are either brainwashed, ignorant, selfish, or bigoted.they honestly believe they know what's best for everyone in the world and are quick to strictly enforce their (albeit, reasonable) dogma. Everything they propose is for some greater good at the expense of the individual.
The upper class right are your devout capitalists. They pray to the church of numbers and calculate their stances based on what increases GDP, employment, wages, etc. while lowering inflation, crime, taxes, etc. These are also "greater good" type thinkers who would sacrifice individualism if it is justified by the results. People are numbers and they see capitalism and law enforcement as the best way to increase the aggregate standard of living.
in short:
The upper class left follows predetermined moral principles and seeks to maximize these by any means necessary. The upper class right are data table junkies who seek ways of increasing "good" numbers while decreasing "bad" ones.

The future of politics in America is this. The collapse of the two party is imminent. Especially for the Republicans, who have proven time and again that the party is just corrupt and filled with useless old white men who just want to maintain power and a decaying status quo. After some form of econ-collapse expect the Republicans to split between moderates and conservatives. The moderates forming one party and conservatives forming another.

The Democrats have their own problems as well. They are patchwork of disparate groups of minorities who all want to have absolute power over the countries political and social structure. On the another side is the socialist and communists who want a revolution. And finally the old Democrats who are patriots and still believe in the America of old. If the leadership cannot hold these groups together expect a splintering of parties filled with aged hippies and violent, squabbling 20 somethings.

The biggest problem America has right now is crippling debt and it lose of power and authority on the world stage. After the coming calamity, we will see what truly comes from the ashes.


Gooklovers are an actual example of a release valve of pent up rage. Beta white men who either can't find a good white woman or who can't get a white woman at all, pathetically fly across the planet to get a midget bride. Large numbers of single men has always been grounds for a revolution throughout history, but nowadays a man who can't reproduce will just fly to Asia instead of making change in his society.

Similar issue with porn. People are only able to do this bluepilled MGTOW bullshit because they can release their sexual urges by fapping to porn. It keeps them complacent with their shitty situation in life. They become nothing but good goyim cattle

Remember Operation Pandemonium? We need to be pushing this hard.

What you're witnessing is the destruction of the white race and the subsequent collapse of civilisation. Whether that can be averted remains to be seen. Awareness of the problem isn't enough.

Western civilization will collapse, whites will decivilize and in our rage we will kill everyone.

1. Jews win, get they're technocratic, corporatist, Communist hell mix with the mixed race slave caste of goyim
2. The West wakes up and rises stronger than ever and more united than ever before in our entire history
3. The West is FUBAR from civil war and interference from other nations

Barbarian power.

Why not both?

Molyneux is a bit of a narcissist, but he is doing absolutely great things for our people. I truly doubt that he is working against our cause. His videos have helped redpill millions. He is not one of us and probably never will be, but he has done great things for getting people to think about race.

As for him being a Jewish enemy, I just don't see much evidence for it. A tiny amount of Jewish ancestry doesn't make him an agent of the enemy. Even Hitler associated with Jews and half Jews and quarter Jews and 16th Jews and blah blah blah.

Don't just sit idly under the hope that *someday* Whites will decivilize. Get active in ensuring this happens.

The rise of a new Reich of course!
Dr.Pierce needs a statue in his honor when and if a white ethno-state rises from the ashes of the ol' USA.



it's gonna end up being pure white interests (along with truth and all things beautiful and orderly) vs everything else. things will gradually get more black and white


Jared Taylor is not a Jew. Stop being retarded. Calm down.

I just feel like a lot of the so called prowhites are really Jew controlled agents. Jared Taylor, TRS, etc.

Not that everyone who likes TRS or Taylor is the enemy, but we need to be 100% natsoc and not tolerate leaders who are even slightly (((moderate)))

I hope so. However I am very concerned that the Jews will come up with something to muddy the waters. We must all be very active in pushing Whites to start fighting for our self interests. And by active I mean more than just raging on the internet. We need to be doing things IRL.

If your goal is perfection, you will fail every time.

Every time Taylor or TRS tries to make normies feel welcome and "mainstream our movement" = it just means watering down our message and weakness. We don't need people who are scared by radical extreme ideology or third reich symbols.

Most people are cattle who must be led by a vanguard.

This is right. We need as much people as possible on our side, division is what killed the white army in Russia.

I agree, more and more white people are becoming uncomfortable with the status quo, but all the real nexuses of power are falling into the hands of socjus and shitskins. See the thread about struggle sessions being used against high school students in California. That is going to fast become the norm everywhere.

Push our NatSoc message further. They either will agree or fall back.

Wait, I'm ignorant, was the white army literally a pro-white racial army? Orr was that just anti-red commies?

If you would rather play around with Swastikas than secure the existence of our race, then you aren't actually one of us. I have many issues with Taylor but this rabid devotion to perfection is exactly the kind of thing that makes movements irrelevant. You will never accomplish anything by purity spiraling so hard that there are only 6 people who agree with you.

Do you really want to work with normiecucks who believe in Jesus and MLK????

I think only a vanguard of totally devoted radicals can change things. Only. 99.9% of mankind is just cattle to be moved by master morality.

Shit's going to full on Weimar, far-right and far-left parties are forming and degeneracy is on an all out scale.
We should study the Spanish Civil War. Another Franco could be crucial for the security of the white race.

It was the imperial army. They might as well be pro-white. They went on pogroms (literal jew killings) and were nationalists.

where can I get Holla Forums tier lit?

What are some books about Spain that aren't just by commie cucks?

There has never in the history of life on earth, been a species that willing allowed itself to be exterminated. We're heading into uncharted historical waters where a large population of whites is actively trying to exterminate themselves and every other white as well. Meanwhile another population of whites is returning to the historical norm of survival at any cost.

There's a dfference. Taylor mafically think he's going to go mainstream so long as he doeesn't ever, ever name the Jew. either that or whatever shekels he got from his kike father is tied up in judengeld. Either way he's just pissing his time away. It's like trying to sure sypholous while refusing to consider the main pathogen responsible for the disease. And I refuses to believe he somehow just manages not to notice the kike name behind every anti-White article for the past 30 years.

If they "can't get" White women spot the cunt desperately clinging to the 'they just aren't good enough to win a White Goddess' meme, why do you care what they do?
They're out of the breeding game anyway, according to you.
woman learning a language so that she can be a better housewife, hahaha, give us a break.

I am not a fan of Christianity. However if I had to choose between a non-White future and tolerating Christians, I'd tolerate them so fast that they'd think I had converted.

Most prominent Evangelical Christians will go to their deaths defending Israel. However there are many people who are "Christian" but are concerned with things beyond effacing themselves and worshipping Jews. In fact, the latter variety represents the great majority of Christians.

Radicals lead, but if you're willing to accuse everyone who even slightly disagrees with YOU and YOUR personal opinions, then very few people will fight for you. Many more will fight against you.

A tiny band of radically devoted and ideologically pure radicals will accomplish a lot less than tens of thousands of people with common interests.

And that is how history works. Radicals have never once taken anything over.
Not in Germany, not in Russia, not in the Middle East. Neither National Socialists, nor Communists, nor Muslims. All made broad appeals to many people who disagreed on many small issues but were united in a shared goal.

Unfortunately, a lot of books about NatSoc Spain are by commies. It was literally the only fascist European country to gas reds and exist after WWII so it's a tender spot for commies to cover.

That is my issue with Taylor. One of several issues I have with him. However he has done more for our cause than any of us so far.

Y'know there's a lot of good research on the FACT that racial, ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity directly contribute to the instability of liberal democracy(particularly in poorer countries). I'd back this up with citations, but I don't feel like breaking out my PolySci books.

You'd think the Jews would have foreseen this. Maybe they did?! What's their endgame?

I'm so fucking sick of seeing this argument used, verbatim, everytime someone points out how e-celebs aren't our allies and are either opportunists (at best) or controlled opposition (at worst) who want to gain influence for the sole purpose of cucking us. EVERY SINGLE TIME the response from their defenders is "Y-yeah, b-but, they're at least redpilling people on what's going on, or kinda light-not-really redpilling them". It's like it's a fucking pre-scripted line in a shill handbook to respond with when anyone questions your "muh based-ecelebs" narrative pushing. Fuck off, you kikes. They're not trying to redpill anyone, they want to PACIFY anyone who is already aware through cucked centrist argumentation, to warp our message to appeal to blue-pilled normies, while trying to excise us as being too "extreme" (e.g. naming the jew is bad, goyim, diversity is good!). They want people who see what's going on already to be too goddamn pussified to do anything about it. "Muh moral-highground, muh based negros, muh right-wing sjws" are arguments they will use to do this.

But you already know this, you fucking kikes. Get the fuck off this board.

I'd argue that people shitposting pepe memes and getting linton to give it a national audience did more than he did in 30 years with his yale degree and japanese-speaking bullshit.

This. Self-sustaining off-grid communities are worth more than gold in a SHTF scenario. In any SHTF scenario cities are absolutely fucked, while rural folk can rely on their own local resources and leverage the blockading of food/supplies to gain power. Culturally and economically ceding cities to shitskins is a tragedy, strategically it is just leading them to the slaughter. Ideally we should be doing both though, have whites gain power through municipal office and business while also buying up as much fertile land as possible.

Hmm. Maybe so. After all, us shitposting Pepe memes everywhere has had a discernable effect upon the zeitgeist. However as a fascist I crave leadership. And unfortunately the scarce few public speakers like Taylor are all we have.

In the near future, we need to get someone less afraid to name the Jew like Richard Spencer or Taylor. We need a new William Pierce or GLR. There is a vacuum to the right of Richard Spencer. It must be filled.

Too, we must create a Golden Dawn in America. An organized political movement that engages in politics as a means to a greater end.

Taylors also probably bringing in jew money I'm sure. There's no way operations like NPI/Amren aren't bringing in income from places we'd find "sketchy". They wouldn't have been around as long as they have if they weren't.

Income has always been the major issue for us and continues to be so. I'm surprised people like TRS/DS even tried bothering in the beginning. They shut that down on the internet in the late 90's even.

And here's a shill openly arguing for us to support the controlled op golems.

I think a distinction needs to be made here. We can't let perfection be the enemy of the good. If that were the case, then we'd have to sit around only listening to William Luther Pierce and George Lincoln Rockwell broadcasts.

There are people less far to the right than us. This is okay, with a few stipulations. I don't mind people like Alex Jones, laura southern, molyjew, and the other "alt lite" fags doing their own separate thing. They're still working toward moving the overton window to the right, and so long as they focus on attacking those to the left of them, I have no problem.
That last part is VERY important. It's why I don't mind the people I mentioned earlier, but I absolutely fucking cannot stand (((RamZPaul))) and (((TRS))). RamZPaul spends more time attacking the """1488ers""" than he does trying to convert normalfags or conservatives. TRS are a bunch of larping faggots, jews, and race-mixers who pretend to be white nationalists while constantly attacking everyone further to the right, and while simultaneously complaining about anyone "countersignaling" them.

Being more moderate in your beliefs is fine as long as you don't act like a fucking faggot doing the leftists' work for them by attacking the people to your right.

TRS are degenerates addicted to being degenerate who think that memeing about fascism and gassing Jews makes up for them BEING PIECES OF SHIT!!

It doesn't. The only good thing about TRS is that deep down most of them know they're scum. However, they ruin everything by punching right

Fuck em.

heres my saved links on the topic. tl;dr your right diversity sucks and it destroys communities when you don't know the values your neighbor might hold.
and lastly how a diverse culture usually ends.

Here's shorter one. Just look up Dr. William Luther PIerce on Youtube.

You would know about falling acts wouldn't you?

I see these are the new arguments being used:

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?

yes. yes I would.

America is fucked. We're never going back to ~90% white majority. The only question is how violent the collapse is, when it will be, and what will come after. Europe has a chance to save itself because their non-white minorities are still below 20% mostly, except maybe britbongs but its window of time when it can save itself without mass chaos is basically 10-20 years, if that.

I predict E. Europe gets steadily more authoritarian, allies w/ Russia, and isolates itself while W. Europe collapses into depression/civil war when EU fails. How that chaotic time is resolved will show fate of the European peoples.

USA basically has 3 options:
this is most likely
>Balkanization into various states/countries best case scenario

Who are you quoting? I'm not saying to be more moderate or to follow jonestein and molyjew. I'm saying they're not a problem so long as they're only focusing on attacking the left and not the right.

Not necessarily true. Ethnic cleansing is easy and has happened all throughout history. The only thing stopping us from doing it now is our society's morality. We are the one stopping ourselves. Hell, just look at how the borders have changed in Europe over the past 100 years. We absolutely can boot people off our clay. Look at how Poland used to be one of the most "multicultural" areas of Europe and is now the most ethnically homogeneous.

I think the situation is doomed, and even the most deluded will be forced to realize this when the great Boomer die off begins to pick up speed. The most powerful "white" nation is only about 60-65% white, and of that a large percentage are old. The youth is brown. The youth has been and will continue to be attacked via subversive media. The young whites still aren't having children of their own. Communities are increasingly eroding as people wall themselves off for their Playstations and Netflix. The white youth is pussified beyond belief and no wonder why every brown person views them as cucks; being babied and coddled by obtuse single mothers will do that, never getting a scrape pr getting in a fight will do that, (whites) being told to act more like women will do that - and it'll push women more towards those who don't act like that. Colleges, your local news, the TV that your adorable little niece watches teaches them to hate white, themselves and the west; and chances are that that little girl is being "raised" by her single mother who works forty hours a week and regards Hamburger Helper as some fine home cookin'.

Then there are the Boomers. I don't need to go too in depth here since I think we all know that they've fucked us, they've fucked you, they've fucked your children, and they've got no problem continuing it since Juan, Ahmed and Ranjeet are "going to pay for their retirement". And the best part is - as I said earlier - is that once they die off, their votes (as if that really even matters) do too so prepare yourselves for some unprecedented cuckoldry from all of the political parties. Oh, and once those parties get in power, you're out of your damn mind if you think they're not going to enact policies to further "distribute the wealth" to brown people people who need it. You'll for sure see escalation in anti-white rhetoric, more and more blatant pushes for miscegenation (targeted mostly at blonde women, of course) and female supremacy empowerment.

Lastly, and this may be a little off topic, but I think the Trump win is a long term win for those who want you dead. I'm glad that he won since the other options are horrible, but I think those in charge are banking on demographics which are rather easy to make assessments from. Our laughter at the salt is great, but it also created more anti-white hatred that won't suddenly go away in 4-8 years when the country is browner and the younger people (who are brown) have had much of their lives poisoned by the message of "White people: they hate you and are evil."

I wouldn't be surprised. Even Hitler accepted money from places that we'd find "sketchy." Not to quote a communist but I think Lenin once said something like "Let the capitalist sell us the rope we will hang him with"

Taylor is a moderately good speaker and has provided many young nationalists a respectable figure to point to and a pathway to understand the JQ. I know many an Amren fan who is wise to the JQ. I myself write for a publication that talks about race but does not name the Jew. Yet I know that virtually all of our readers are wise to the JQ. Many normies are so hypnotized by the religion of Jew worship that their brains just shut down the moment someone starts telling the truth about Jews. I'd rather subtly point people down the path than try to force them to understand. People are much more open to the truth is they find it on their own. And the single most effective way to get them going down the right path is to get them to first realize that they are White and that Whites have racial interests and (((someone))) is trying to suppress those interests.

This. The west, the US in particular is very similar to Weimer Republic Germany. Trump isn't /ourguy/ but he wrested some control back from the communists. Now if the ANTIFA faggots really want to call someone a Nazi then by all means lets give them real Fascism.

The kind of Fascism that drags them out of their beds at 4am and summarily executes them in their dining rooms.

And remember these people are cowards so once the few figureheads are dealtt with the rest will cower into submission or leave.

This has also happened before. The uncharted territory has to do with technology

When? The combination of degeneracy and mass immigration only makes me think of Rome. But with Rome, at least the immigrants were GERMANICS. A lot different than the importation of shitskins

If we do fail and we get bred out of existence and turned into Brazil, future archeologists are going to find their excavations of America and Europe very strange. They'll probably assume we were suddenly conquered based on all the evidence they find, but they'll also find it strange that they can't find any weapons being used by the white natives to defend against the invasion force. They probably won't even know that we fucking let them all in ourselves. (with the help of our hook-nosed friends, of course)

I am eagerly awaiting the Boomer die off!

Good! The more pressure that is forced upon our people the better. That will help wake people up. Also, the more "diverse" our nation is, the sooner it will collapse.

We don't need to get into a breeding war with the brown masses. That's a hopeless battle. We need to wake them up instead. That will solve all problems.

Then why is nationalism so popular among the youth?

GOOD! Let them take away our wealth and give it to themselves. That will really piss off the spoiled brats! That will help awaken our racial identity.

WUNDERBAR! HURRAY HURRAY! The more obvious the better!

Don't you get it? This is a good thing! Ask me why if you don't understand. But your post made me very happy. This isn't a black pill. This is the best possible scenario!

True. Trump is only here to hopefully buy us some time. He is NOT our Hitler. If anything, he's our Hindenburg, a moderate trying to hold the nation together as best he can (with moderatism and civic nationalism) while the political center crumbles beneath him and people either align with the marxists or the national socialists. This also means we need to find /ourhitler/ soon, or it's too late. And this could be anyone. Hitler was just a failed painter in Vienna, after all.

Yeah, America's doomed. best we can hope for is either balkanization or total collapse.

I still have hope for Europe.

This guy gets it. The fact of the matter is that people, as a whole, lack foresight. We are the rare few who actually see where the tide is taking us. But people as a whole will NOT react to an impending situation until it's smacking them in the face. Things need to get worse before they get better. The current system is still able to exist because our people can still live relatively comfortable lives in this degenerate society.

Sure, but the best case scenario is balkanization of US. Democracy has doomed us to a long slow death or a short fiery rebirth into separate nation states.

No, it's not a best case scenario. Here are the scenarios, ranging from worst to best:

Balkanization is an acceptable compromise. Not best case scenario. Best case scenario is we WIN.

You're the future, history repeats. Just like it did during the 60s.

This. Trump bought us some time. Under king nigger the political spectrum was so far left, but now that Trump who is a common sense moderate (IE enforcing our borders) is being labeled as a Nazi. This works in our favor because the faggot communists will scream and cry Fascist! and Nazi over everything he does to the point that when /ourguy/ finally galvanizes us and we start to really show those faggots what Fascism is, the regular person will just think "oh more exaggerations from the left."

So let them scream and cry because it honestly works in our favor for the time being.

I think you are right, but I have a theory about the pacific coast of North America. From the sierra mts up to Alaska and Northern Canada there are enough natural resources to quite literally lay the foundation of a new Nation. Not to mention the proximity of Japan and eastern russia and the new natural resources being discovered in the Arctic there is more opportunity in these areas than anywhere else.

the momentum will eventually have to manifest itself in reality. you dont just go from feeling timid when the topic of race comes up to openly discussing that dotr needs to come asap; it is a gradual process. most whites are on the road of that process though, you just need to command the wave of this movement and keep pushing towards the ideal. allow it to manifest inside of you so that, at a minimum, IRL you are displaying the characteristics of that which needs to be purveyed, shining a light among everyone around you and illuminating with the spirit the white ideal, so when people have an encounter with you they will be more white than they were before, and it will all sort of snowball at least slightly.
hopefully this makes sense and isnt just bs and/or word salad. maybe this is just a more complicated way of saying "be more white and a leader / set a good example" or "what would hitler do" or something

Yeah, true, but I'm pretty blackpilled that'll ever happen.

Okay, but that's a separate issue. You realize what the term "best case scenario" means, right?

I have to disagree to be quite honest. I think what made the NDASP so powerful was their boldness. Hitler tried to overthrow the gov't and was imprisoned. They took the fight to the hotbed cities that were infested with communists.

(And btw, when we talk to normies lets leave out the "jews" part for now. We all know its them, but like a small plant too much water will drown it. Normies are similar in that, if we just refer to them as communists and talk about how even the FBI was created to fight internal communist terrorists in the post ww1 era we can gradually lead them to the ultimate redpill.)

And they ended up retaking those cities. So the thought that these cocksuckers have even infested the south, to the point where they're tearing down statues of Robert E Lee leave me almost speechless.

We should be out taking the fight to the enemy. And that what they are, they are our enemy. NOT adversary, NOT opponent. Enemy.

No that is correct. Another thing that we should all be doing is disseminating posters, flyers, anything that promote a CONSISTENT pro-White message. I will say one more time *consistent* because many people think they need to be unique. No. Be consistent. Find good Mantra posters and post them en masse. I will repeat one more time

Anyway, we need to disseminate our memes everywhere so that normies see them everywhere. The goal must always be to saturate the public with a simple consistent message until it begins to sink in.

We must get active. My street is plastered with pro-White propaganda. Is yours?

Exactly. It's a classic case of boy-who-cried-wolf. All their constant screams of racism/antisemitism/fascism over the years have done is completely neuter these words. Nobody gives a fuck anymore. Nobody takes these cries seriously. And they're starting to realize they have nothing left (because screaming racist/fascist/antisemite was their only tactic) so now they have to resort to violence, like it's Weimar all over again.

care to give examples? BTW I live in commiefornia. However I think that if we are to win we have to take CA. We have to show the world, that even hotbeds of degeneracy and marxism can be defeated.

Whites can't just hide away in rural areas and leave the urban areas to the shitskins though, it doesn't work that way.

• Upper-middle class whites all start settling in a rural area, nothing but farmland and little Amish-owned shops around for miles.
• Kikes become aware that the whites have started populating this small town and begin buying up all the land from the Amos, who have no love for the "English" anyway.
• Kikes start turning land into strip malls and low-income housing, and build major four-to-eight lane highways on it.
• Thus the small rural town in the middle of BFE has turned into another urban shithole, and shitskins begin flooding in.
• All the whites move away to another rural area and the cycle begins again.

I've seen it happen many times within my own life. Rural areas don't STAY rural.

This user is correct. SJW's dont stay in one place, they infect other areas. Our constant retreat to the coutnryside only emboldens them. The first step towards victor is confronting them in their cesspool cities. Just look at the Berkely riots, as soon as we take the offensive they collapse like a house of cards. Demonstrating in cities, ESPECIALLY their safe-space cities like NYC, LA, SF and others is the first step. It'll be difficult but it's the difference between complete cuckoldry and retaking our country.

And most of the pathetic masses can't think for themselves. The only reason SJWism is so popular is cause its the winning team, for the moment anyway.

The second we are seen as a force that is capable of victory the masses will jump ship.

Exactly, that's what I was trying to say. You CANNOT just run away from diversity, because it always follows. When our parents and grandparents first moved out of the cities in the 50s and 60s, they thought that was it. They didn't realize the diversity would follow them out. And since then, it's only kept happening.

You NEED to stand your ground and fight for your clay. I refuse to budget and let my town be taken over by shitskins.

This is the idea behind William Luther Pierce's concept of "Lemmings". Only a fraction of the population is actually truly invested in politics and follows things closely. Most people, the normalfags, are apolitical. They might superficially have some knowledge or opinions on politics, but they don't actually think and are more or less just trained to rehearse whatever garbage they heard on TV without digesting any of it. They are the NPCs of IRL. They're not bad people, but they just go with the flow, one way or another. They're not the enemy, they'll always just embrace whatever the zeitgeist is and what they're told to believe. Once enough people get redpilled - which actually isn't that large a fraction - it becomes a positive feedback loop, because the more people are vocal in their redpilled beliefs, the more social acceptable it becomes. When it becomes the zeitgeist, all those normalfag lemmings will end up adopting these views anyway.

That's also why it's important to have quality over quantity.

It's not even worth posting the Dr. Pierce roadcast links here, because the ANTIFa kikes here will just get them taken down. Have to see if Strom will host them on his new site since I think he has the ADV copyright still.

Hmm. California may very well be where the fighting first breaks out of control. It is either that or Texas.

Post these. The rationel behind the layout and wording is as follows;
1. A simple, consistent message repeated over and over is how to change the zeitgeist. This is how the Jews memed "diversity is our strength" into existence. They never use arguments or logic or even any defense at all to back up this idiotic lie. They simply repeat it over and over and over until the lemmings start parroting it in their sleep. And it is a lie! An idiotic lie. Every White man deep down recognizes that every time the "anti-racists" shriek "RAY-sist!" they really only have a problem with his Whiteness and he resents this. But he is afraid and confused because those nice Jews on CNN keep telling him that "diversity is your strength"
He needs to see that "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White over and over and over for him to overcome his programming and recognize the truth. "Diversity" is a code word for White Genocide. "Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White. Etcetera.

Thus, the way to fight the Jewish narrative is to simply point out the obvious over and over again.

2. Some people here complain that these posters are too simple. they say "we should add graphs or explain a bit more" To them I say, no. Lemmings do not want graphs. Graphs are confusing to them. Graphs distract from the simple truth of the message. The simpler the message, the more effective it is. A single sentence arranged in an aesthetic way is most effective. If this is seen everywhere, the lemmings will start parroting it in their sleep.

3. Anti-White, White genocide, and White self hatred are words or phrases that need to saturate the public conversation. Anti-Whites have effectively shut down billions of conversations by shrieking their one liner; RAY-sist!
It is effective because it is simple and repeated over and over. It is effective because it requires no explanation. It is effective because it (used to) always put the victim of this anti-White slur on the defensive. But a man who knows that anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White will not be put on the defensive. He will recognize the agent of our destruction for what he is; an anti-White. And if our man actually responds; "You're only saying that because I'm White, anti-Racist is a code word for anti-White" the pathetic vermin has no recourse. He can whine and cry, but he will from that point onwards be on the defensive. He must now *explain* why he is not anti-White. He has now lost the initiative, the argument, and any chance of winning over anyone.

4. Some people tell me, "yeah but we should name the Jews instead!"
To them I say, no. The JQ is the last pill to swallow. It cannot be digested until you accept that races exist, and that Whites have racial interests, that (((someone))) is trying to destroy us. No one goes directly from "diversity is our strength" to "the Jews are our great misfortune"
Too, explaining the JQ cannot be done in one effective sentence. Thus, it is not effective propaganda. Furthermore, the *religion* Jew worship is so engrained in our culture that any mention of Jews will shut down their mind's ability to think. The JQ can never be explained to someone, they must discover that themselves.

Anyway, I have dozens of posters like this. Would you like them?

I will explain how best to disseminate these posters in my next post.

excellent post. My only issue is that the term "anti-racist" is never seen outside the catchphrase you posted, and thus has less impact. What about "diversity is a code word for anti-white" instead?

A more accurate version of the phrase would be "'Racist' is a code word for 'white,'" though this can have two very different interpretations, whereas "'Anti-racist' is a code word for 'anti-white'" is very clear in its message. That said, this whole "anti-racist means anti-white" victim complex thing has always felt very TRS to me.

Simplicity and repetition can be effective tools, but remember that memes are born and die all the time. Repeat a forced meme for long enough and you'll just be beating a dead horse.

I sort of agree, sort of disagree. Normies don't want hard facts and figures, they want talking points, because they're retarded sheep who will go along with whatever message they hear being regurgitated the most. But how you keep the normies from later following (((someone else's))) message is by giving them the option to look up the facts, and incentivize them to do so by making them feel important. So like… You'd have the poster you included in your post, and at the bottom, in small text, you'd have some links to relevant information, maybe even QR codes, and a message saying something like "Learn all you can to protect yourself and your loved ones. YOU have the power to make a difference."

They have prepared responses for this. Things along the lines of "Prejudice Plus Power." Anyone just getting into this won't be able to effectively counter such insane logic.

No counterpoint here, I whole-heartedly agree with you. Holla Forums is so obsessed with naming the jew, that they push away anyone and everyone who might otherwise become someone who would name the jew. Play the moderate around normies, guide them toward discovering the eternal enemy on their own, but don't go screeching it at them or you'll alienate them. The goal is still the ultimate destruction of our enemy, but we have to employ at least a modicum of tact if we ever wish to achieve victory.

What I'm saying is that I don't believe in the people. I think the pressure will make them crack like an egg falling from an airplane. They've (for the most part) been born and bred into a safe space. Other people largely haven't; they're used harder situations, unlike little Billy who begins to have a panic attack if he's told that he can't play Minecraft this week. I think whites have become too passive and feminized and I don't think one can recover at this point, especially with the media (I don't care what anyone says here - most people are sheep who will never stop listening to talking heads just because they're on a TV/news site/celeb talk show) only doubling down with their berating of white (men specifically), promotion of blacks (specifically) as sexual and cultural kings kangz, and the female worship and need to have conflict with men.

It is? I keep seeing this said but I don't believe that it really is. Maybe civic nationalism at best, and we all know that with the demographic factors that's nothing more than a slight delay to takeover.

Don't get me wrong, I HOPE I'm wrong about everything but I don't think I'm blackpilling, just being realistic.

Haven't you heard of "Anti-racist Action?"

In any case, this achieved that. If antiracist = anti-White, it follows that "racist" is an ethnic slur for Whites.

Never underestimate repetition. As I stated before, "Diversity is our strength" only is effective because it is repeated shamelessly.

Links and QR codes are always good to provide. Any messages aside from the main message of the poster are superfluous.

That is a defensive action and one that requires explaining. Try using this on an anti-white and keep pointing out that they're anti-White. Before surrendering, they will try to cucksplain. Cucksplaining their position is losing the argument.

Oh yeah, and Here are some posters for that.

Poor little triggered gooklover. How do you live being an embarassment to your parents? Run away as far as you can, you'll always be an overgrown child who never grew his balls, bumming around in asia, weirdo. Sad!

Don't forget the aborted attempts of communism that no doubt will occur.

Trump kind of serves as an emergency wall to hold back the tide. He's only got to hold out until the next crisis. Not even one term. Not even one year necessarily.

Ideally trump lasts until 2019 because by then we will be undeniably dominating the internet.

I disagree. It's basic marketing, people are more likely to join a cause/buy a product/really do whatever you want them to if you convince them they're important and needed.

Ideally, you could work it into the main message of the poster, but failing that, putting it in the small text is not an uncommon or ineffective marketing strategy by any means.


explain this graph to me

yeah, i definitely dont think people should hide their power levels
protip: "not hiding your power level" is different from "being retarded"
